The Complete, Unabridged Timeline of Tales of Phantasia

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for almost the past 30 years the tales of franchise has managed to carve out its own Avid fan base amongst jrpg fans the series has seen its own fair share of ups and downs successes and failures with varying qualities of titles throughout the years but to go through those phases a franchise must first have a beginning Tales of Fantasia may not be the most popular title or hold up as well compared to its future successors but as the one that started it all it deserves respect for delivering a fantasy game that was unlike those that came before it while there was no shortage of jrpgs on the super famicom Tales of Fantasia really managed to stand out due to just how hard they pushed the console to its limits not only were the graphics incredibly detailed for the time but the game also had voice acting which wasn't a common feature for most titles the characters would speak allowed their special moves and important cutscenes would be narrated throughout the story on top of that the game had an opening lyrical theme song which really added to the feeling of a fully realized product but probably the thing that made it stand Head and Shoulders above other jrpgs was its linear motion battle system you weren't restricted to turn-based combat you took control of one of the characters and could act freely in real time while all the others were acting independently as well Tales of Fantasia was the first game in history to introduce this battle system and every other Tales title since has used it the game has definitely left its mark on the gaming world and undeniably on Tales fans while the tales of series is popular in its own respect part of the reason Fantasia may not have gotten as popular as it could have was due to not actually having gotten an official release at the right time the Super famicom version was never translated outside of Japan and even when it got a remake for the PlayStation that version was also Japanese exclusive it wasn't until 2006 11 years later after the success of Symphonia in the west that a port for the Game Boy Advance was made so American audiences were able to experience this title and unfortunately it wasn't great not only were the graphics and performance worse than all iterations that came before it but there was also a ton of translation errors that really dragged down the experience and showed that a proper localization wasn't what you were getting when you played it fortunately there have been tons of fan efforts and fan translations that have allowed this game to be given the opportunity to stand on its own two legs since Symphonia was the title which initially got me into the franchise and the one that I first made a timeline video on it's only fitting that for my second Tales of timeline I go back to the title which started it all and also serves as a sequel to the Symphonia story tales of Fantasia foreign I should preface things by saying while it's not necessary I would recommend checking out the Tales of Symphonia timeline I made before watching this one as it is technically a prequel while the majority of the story is not needed to understand Fantasia's timeline at the very least the beginning part of that video that cover the origin of the world's history might be helpful going into this so if it seems like I'm just jumping straight into the story without much World building before it then know that the information does exist for you to check out also I need to say this because a true localization of Fantasia hadn't been made there were tons of names and locations that aren't perfectly translated as they should be in the iteration that I'm playing the fan translations have done an amazing job at translating the story in the plot it's just the names that get iffy Cress was known as kless Klaus was clarth and so on but in the sub years their official names have been cemented so most of the footage you'll see in this video is using the translated names but I will be speaking their official names so don't be caught off guard if the name I say doesn't match the word on screen anyway with that out of the way I present to you the complete unabridged timeline of tales of Fantasia to start off this video there's a few things that need to be set up that don't directly correlate to the story for example the planet of Azalea itself it didn't go through many drastic changes after the events of Symphonia for the most part it is the exact same world from where that game left off with some slight changes first off a handful of the more Uncommon races seem to have more or less become extinct these include the likes of the dwarves who are the best blacksmiths as well as the fairies even though we never really saw any fairies they did exist but no longer for the most part as for the half elves genus and Reign's journey to end discrimination against their kind was a success half elves are widely accepted amongst the humans of the world I say humans because the elves didn't change their mind pure blooded elves still remain incredibly prejudiced towards the half elves and see them as Abominations for mingling with humans because of this as well as a few other factors the elves who had ventured out and mingled around the world retreated back to their Village there were many elves who didn't agree with their philosophy and wanted to stay part of the outside world but everyone was forced back into seclusion so pure-blooded elves have hidden away from the world once again while half elves are still spread everywhere aside from these few things there's only really one major event that transpired and that was the Ragnarok War as a Celia flourished the people went through an industrial revolution they mastered machines built skyscrapers had TVs and bars it was very much akin to our modern world but much more advanced when it came to their technology they even had super computers and were working on methods of time traveling there were three major countries involved in this story fenrir Odin and Thor the three countries lived in relative peace for some time but eventually Odin and fenrir began engaging in open conflict with each other Thor tried its best to maintain a neutral party and keep peace amongst the clashes but realistically Thor had its own problems a comet was spotted in the sky and possibly heading directly towards Azalea scientists denied that it would reach them claiming their super computers deduced that the comet's tale May graze the planet but there is a zero probability of a direct hit it is unknown whether or not this was simply a lie to calm the people down or whether the scientists calculations were wrong but regardless the comet did hit the planet directly impacting Thor in fact and sinking it to the Bottom of the Sea despite what you may think the people did survive due to a powerful force field surrounding the kingdom but at the bottom of the ocean they had no resources and eventually everyone succane to starvation as for the war that was going on three mysterious individuals appeared during it we don't know who they were or why they were even there but each of them hailed from one of the three countries each wielding one of the three pieces of the Eternal sword the blade origin had crafted that could manipulate space and time the blade was back into three pieces and these three mysterious individuals used it to slaughter their remaining parties of Odin and fenrir putting an end to the war after that they disappeared and the story practically became Legend Fantasia's timeline truly begins a few thousand years after the events of Symphonia on Daris Carlin the last time we saw it Kratos had taken the planet and its people away from Azalea and into space to atone for his and crucius's sins since then life on Darris Carlon had flourished as any Planet would the people reproduced kingdoms and countries arose it became its own planet in every way in modern day everyone we know is now dead so we can forget about them as we get introduced to some new characters most importantly is a man named douse he's the leader and Prince of one of dariscarlon's largest and most fruitful countries fortunately for its people he was a very benevolent Prince he believed in a vision of peace and prosperity for everyone and valued diplomacy and dialogue as his main primary means of resolving conflict he did not do this alone however by his side was his girlfriend Aryan and his Council of sorcerers who all helped Aid him on the right path fortunately by being the leader of such a large country with power and influence it deterred many of these smaller countries from Waging War against one another but it didn't stop all of them a war between Palace gudora and Palace sedumu raged on Dao sent a message to both sides telling them to stop the war due to all of the casualties however his words fell on death ears his message was ignored and the war continued fortunately in his eyes there was a silver lining Palace godora was slowly losing and it was obvious that their loss was inevitable douse wouldn't have to intervene and thus wouldn't have to cause any more unnecessary Bloodshed but what he didn't know was what was happening behind the scenes in Ghidorah their army was led by a man simply known as general bandi and two of his most loyal and trustworthy soldiers were his adoptive children melsha and dios melsha had been secretly working on a weapon of mass destruction a magic powered Mana Cannon I didn't mention this in the video but if you're familiar with the lore then you'd know that Darris Carlon also had its own world tree which supplied its world with Mana in the Symphonia timeline I said the elves had initially transplanted part of their tree and put it on Azalea to supply it with life however I think I had that part incorrect when in reality they transplanted their entire world tree to the new planet it was they who then cut off a part of the original and planted it back on dariscarlon to grow a new world tree so the planet wouldn't die but since it was already stable with Mana it would be safer to grow and it did it had its own tree spirit in the way of norn anyway all of that was to say Darris Carlon was a planet that was thriving and was reliant on the use of mana and a Mana Cannon is just about one of the worst things that can exist for this harmony it absorbs as much Mana as is available and weaponizes it even Mythos and his companions fought to stop the use of Magi technology being used for Weaponry in order to preserve the Mana of Azalea but if history doesn't learn from its past mistakes it only repeats itself with an egotistical General on the losing side of a war he throws all caution to the wind after 80 percent of the country's people and Military are lost he sees no future for their country since they have lost and before dying orders dios to fire the Mana cannon that melsha had been working on by the time he makes it to her she tells him that it's not safe to fire yet but dios believes that there's no time and so fires It Anyway the consequences are devastating 150 000 people are instantly killed in the surrounding area including the likes of dios and melsha but more importantly than that Darris carlon's world tree is also killed the blast consumed so much of the tree's Mana that it began to wither since Manna is their life Source without it Darris Carlon began living on borrowed time the people would only last so long as it took for the tree to fully die due to the lack and ever decreasing amount of Mana after this event the people were forced into an era of famine and death whole countries and populations fell and it was obvious that the whole world would follow suit if action wasn't taken there was really only one solution if they wanted to save everyone's life they had to restore Manna to the planet and the only way to do that was through a world tree if they could obtain a Mana scene from an already existing and healthy tree then it could be used to restore their planet's Mana flow and fortunately for the people of Darris Carlon they had recently discovered another planet that had its own world tree Azalea to be clear they are not looking to steal Azalea's world tree a healthy world tree is capable of producing a Mana seed naturally which can then be planted it's in the natural life cycle of a healthy world tree the current problem however was that douse didn't want to do anything after the incident he blamed himself for the planet situation as it was his lack of intervening that allowed this outcome he had hoped to avoid Bloodshed he had hoped things would resolve themselves it was his inaction of definitively stomping out the problem which led to this outcome and caused him to feel like he deserved to die with the planet he failed it was only thanks to the encouragement of his girlfriend believing that there was still hope that he eventually agreed to help but there was one more problem as it stood there wasn't enough Mana to transport daus to Azalea so carrion along with his counsel sacrificed their own personal Manna for the sake of Hope douse entered a transportation capsule and without his knowing all of them supplemented their Manna so he could travel through space and time a limited number of times so he has more than one chance if need be he is forced to watch all of them give their lives before he is transported to Azalea the story that follows douse's Journey afterwards is detailed in a novel which unfortunately hasn't been given an official English translation and doesn't have the most artwork to accompany it so you'll have to forgive me if the details are a bit sparse and I don't exactly go the most in-depth when it comes to recapping the story in terms of its details but the larger bullet points important to the story are all here so after Decades of traveling through space daus finally arrives on Azalea successfully due to the lengthy period of travel time upon his arrival he is very weak and too exhausted to care for himself due to Mana deprivation fortunately he is found by a young woman named Winona Pickford she's an Archer part of a traveling circus Troupe of magicians she's an excellent Sharpshooter and uses her collection of bows to show off her Talent after finding his nearly catatonic body in the middle of the woods close to her home Winona was kind enough to bring him into her house and nurse him back to health she even introduced him to her friend Edward D Morrison who was a researcher of Mana he's very interested in how the state of Mana seems to affect douse's physical health which doesn't leave a good impression on douse due to his experiences at some point daus told Edward that if there is evil in this world it lies in the hearts of men a quote that was impactful enough for Edward to write it down in his journal during his recovery douse's resolve only strengthens as he is plagued with images of his dying wife and followers no matter what he feels like he has no option but to obtain the Mana seed to honor their sacrifice once his strength is regained it isn't too long before quickly making his way to assalia's world tree but a problem quickly presents itself for the tree to germinate and produce a Mana seed it requires a large amount of Mana to do so in an ideal and healthy world this would theoretically be no problem but Azalea was suffering from the same ignorance that Darris Carlon already had Magi technology an industrial revolution was currently inhibiting the world tree's Mana flow and draining it faster than it could produce it so Not only was douse's plan to obtain a manaseed halted but yugracial's life and the Very existence of Mana was at risk of Extinction as well douse became determined to stop the development of Magi technology in the world and traveled to the kingdom of midgards acting as an emissary of Peace in hopes to have an open-minded dialogue while he tries to warn the king and his court of the dangers Magi technology presents one of the king's closest advisors ryzen who has been working on Magi technology and created Azalea's Mana Cannon chooses to be a skeptic of daus and his intentions sensing his unique Aura he believes douse to be a demon in Disguise or perhaps simply just an enemy of midgards looking to weaken the Kingdom's defenses due to Horizon's intervention douses please fall on deaf ears and he is unable to convince anyone to stop in fact the situation only worsened because of this interaction ryzen uses douses supposedly suspicious nature to further Advance his own Magi technology funding and research now they believe there is a demon seeking to stop its production which only further reinforces the idea in their head that a Mana Cannon is needed ryzen even goes so far to label him a demon king to tarnish his name and reputation but not only that because he believes him to be an actual demon he launches several attacks on his life which results in Winona who has continued to be acquainted with Dao since she saved him losing her arm there was a dark Injustice not only to him but now innocent people that he cared about so douse decided to depart from the kingdom and sever his ties with Winona so she wouldn't have to walk the path that he knew he had to it became more than evident that a peaceful approach was now impossible in Saving the world's Mana while peace is always douse's first option and the option he would normally choose to stick to it was exactly because of this Darris Carlin is in the position it is now if you wanted to change Azalea he had to force mid guards to submit no matter the cost no matter the lives he had to take to do so if he didn't stop the Mana Cannon then his Planet would die so he decided to fulfill the role that ryzen had already declared he was and become the Demon King to fight an army he needed an army of his own and so made a contract with the Demons of ammonium or as it was referred to in Symphonia nifelheim it's the world in which demons originated but was subsequently sealed away so life could flourish on Azalea ever since then they've always been seeking to return to the world and in very small portions they have been under the leadership of daos the demons are able to organize and strengthen their influence so they assist him it should be obvious that the demons don't actually care about helping daus achieve his goal they're in it for themselves they just both have the same enemy regardless with their assistance douse was able to instill fear into the people of the world and would launch calculated attacks on cities and Villages where Magi technology was being studied and developed one such location was the village of Hamel it's a relatively small and simple town but it was the location of the Scarlet family they are relatively famous when it comes to being researchers of Magi technology the father mother of the family was a powerful Mage who moved to the Village a few years ago and taught various residents the art of Magic One such individual was a man named demetel he's a half elf who upon doused his rise and conflict with midgards began had been recruited and joined his cause by that I mean the demons possessed him into being his subject it's not uncommon that douse will have a few humans possessed if it means furthering his cause often times it's actually a preemptive action to keep things from worsening for example the prince of alvinista one of the other major kingdoms of the world was similarly possessed however he only ever used him to Blackmail the king into taking no action if a war ever broke out as there is no Magi technology being developed alvinista had no reason to be destroyed he also had a few ninjas from the ninja Village possessed and used their expertise in stealth to keep eyes on developing situations without drawing attention the village of Hamel was a different story because the Scarlet family was continuing their research the family had to be dealt with demetel was given the order to assassinate the Scarlets while he did so and no one in the village suspected anything he was confronted by their daughter Reya who knew the truth and sought revenge for his actions which caused the spell he was under to lose control which led him to killing both her and destroying the entire Village undoubtedly there were many innocent lives caught in the crossfire of douse's mission however he found these casualties necessary and unavoidable if he truly wished to save his world ultimately things only escalated between daus and midgards daus gave them an ultimatum they were to stop all research and production on Magi technology immediately or he would launch an all-out assault on the kingdom ryzen completely ignores his demands instead taking the opportunity to show him the fruits of his labor as such War inevitably broke out in what would later be known as the Valhalla War once daos and his demon forces took to the sky ryzen readied the Mana Cannon while he was warned of the dangers it would have on the world's Mana he ignored These Warnings and fired it twice while it was extremely damaging to many of the Demonic forces caught in the blast it was ultimately more damaging to the world tree as it died because of it yugracial lost all of its Manna and withered away both the world tree and all of the spirits connected to it died eliminating Magic from the world but thanks to the events of Tales the Symphonia 2 Mana unlike Darris Carlon is no longer needed to sustain life on Azalea it was needed for the spirits in Magic but asalia's people unlike douses can survive without it following this event douse's physical state deteriorates due to the lack of mana and his mental state shatters as he has failed his entire planet and has nothing to fight for anymore the best he can do is continue what he was already doing he continues to fight in this war with midguards believing that they must pay for what they have done unfortunately the Mana Cannon wiped out a significant portion of his demonic forces But ultimately he did have the edge in the war now it wasn't a significant Takeover in actuality it was more of a war of attrition both sides fought with increasing casualties for over five years daus only grew increasingly maddened by his failures he was a completely different person from when he started something had to be done the war had lost its meaning it was senseless killing with no signs of stopping so four Warriors rose up to the task a Wandering swordsman named Alan Alban a cleric named Carol adenade who had rediscovered Healing Arts after the Ragnarok War along with two figures daus was already familiar with Edward Morrison who was responsible for Gathering everyone and Winona Pickford Winona has since grown in the years since she last Saw daus and is saddened to see him in the state he is now so has offered up her bow skills to help put a stop to him together the four stormed his castle and confronted him clearly having put up quite the fight it is Morrison who puts an end to everything by casting the powerful spell indignation which manages to defeat douse to save his own life he travels 87 years into the future where they will no longer be while he does get away at the very least it puts an end to the Valhalla war in the present it was definitely a great success for the four Heroes but it was clear that their mission wasn't over just yet knowing that daus was destined to return one day the four strove to ensure the future Generations were ready Alan albain perfected his sword style and passed it down his family line thanks to Carol rediscovering Healing Arts allowing both half elves and humans to utilize them without Mana the order of clerics were founded the Unicorn became its symbol as it was the creature who aided Carol in creating these Arts meanwhile Edward and the Morrison lineage took responsibility for keeping an eye on douse and planning for his return as for Winona neither her or her future descendants are documented after these events leaving them a mystery but all of that leads to 87 years in the future in the year 4294 of the assalian calendar as douse reappears sensing his return the descendants of those Heroes trinicus D Morrison Miguel albain along with his wife Maria albane who is taking the place of Winona's descendant and Meryl adenade gathered together to stop him since magic was the only way of defeating douse and it is gone in this time period the four knew that they couldn't actually kill him so they instead devised a plan that was going to eternally seal him away instead using two pendants daus was incarcerated within a coffin for the rest of Eternity their plan was successful and douse was sealed away the Morrison family took responsibility to continue looking over him while each pendant was put in the care of the others for protection the Alban family took one half while Merrill had the other since douse is fully conscious during his incarceration what little sanity he may have had during this time is completely lost and that leads us to the present timeline ten years have passed since douse was sealed away but that hasn't stopped him from Making Moves Miguel Alban was initially the captain of yusolid's order of knights but had since passed that role over to a man named Mars uldol his skills with a blade were comparable to Miguel's own hence why he was held in such high esteem to become the new captain but the key distinction lies in Mars's desire for power deep within his heart was an evil that was able to be exploited by douse who from his containment whispered Promises of power if he released him these mental nudges were enough to push Mars into acting in his favor where he was able to be manipulated and controlled he began Excavating the catacombs to find the supposed Demon King and learned that to release him he must obtain the pendants that were used to seal him so he sought out those responsible for House's imprisonment and enacted Revenge this involved killing many of the friends and family of trinicus D Morrison as he wasn't able to find him himself but the more important part was seeking out the pendants held by the adamade and Alban family Mars had successfully captured and tortured Meryl in the sewers of usulin obtaining her pendant in the process he then led a force of knights to attack the village of toltas where Miguel and Maria currently resided he slaughtered all of its citizens leaving no one alive including the likes of Miguel and Maria the reason Miguel doesn't defeat Mars himself is because Mars takes Maria hostage forcing him to give up his blade but wasn't able to find the pendant as they no longer had it that was because they entrusted it to their son Cress Cress at this time is 17 years old and like his father and great-grandfather before him has been practicing the albane sword style since he was a little boy Miguel had been training him so he could one day bury the burden of protecting the amulet even though Cress doesn't know that yet unfortunately that day seemed to have come much sooner than anticipated on one unsuspecting day Cress and his best friend Chester Burke light had gone to the nearby Forest to hunt Chester is an expert Archer who has been making his living as a hunter he has a sharp tongue but a good heart the forest they're hunting in is the same in fact where yiggracial is located the decayed version of course Cress does hear the voice of Martel call out to him asking that the tree not be defiled however he doesn't have time to think much about it because The Village's alarm goes off and of course this was because Mars had come through and slaughtered everyone in his search for the amulet by the time the two arrive Mars's soldiers are gone and everyone is already dead that is with the exception of Chris's mom who has been Gravely wounded and only has enough strength to tell her son that thereafter his amulet and he should flee to use lid and seek safety with his uncle she then dies in his arms as for Chester he too is devastated over these events as his little sister Ami was also killed their parents had died when they were little and the two have been living alone this entire time with chester looking after her but now she was murdered in Cold Blood while he didn't even have the opportunity to protect her so he wants Vengeance on the man responsible but he doesn't join Cress on his journey to use lid immediately he can't bear to leave the villagers like this and so takes on the responsibility to give them all a proper burial himself the two promised to get their Vengeance together and crests heads off to you slid alone Cress eventually makes it to his uncle Olsen and Aunt Joanne's house where they seem more than kind enough having heard word of what befel told this and so offer him a place to stay but when nighttime comes around and Cress is asleep Mars's Knights come in and apprehend him Mars has blackmailed Olsen into giving up Cress less useless suffer the same fate as toltis after Cress is taken away the knights kill Olson Cress is taken directly to Mars who takes his amulet immediately and throws him in a dungeon to rot with both halves of the amulet Mars can finally free douse from his confinement and so he heads off to do so but of course we follow things from the perspective of cress with his equipment and items taken from him there is nothing he can do from inside his cell but that's when he hears a voice calling them from the other side of the wall she tells him to reach out his hand which he does and in it she gives him one of her earrings she tells him to press it against the wall to escape and asks that he saved her daughter Cress obliges and is shocked to see that the woman he was talking to already dead and chained to the wall this was in fact Meryl adenade who possessed the other half of the pendant that sealed douse away unfortunately she was already tortured to death and mortally wounded by a blade but her spirit lived on and was able to at least help out crests in the way that she just did to honor her dying wish Cress retrieves the sword from her body and rescues her daughter mint who is being held in the nearby cell mint is a very reserved but kind-hearted girl like her mother she has devoted herself to The Healing Arts while mint wishes to see her mother as she heard her calling out to her Crest Shields her from the truth and grief of seeing her mother's corpse and so instead lies to her saying that no one was there and that they need to escape quickly the urgency of the situation is enough to pull min's attention away to escaping the two navigate through the underground Aqueduct and manage to make it outside mint is then unexpectedly ambushed by an enemy but Cress pushes her out of the way and takes the attack instead falling unconscious when he wakes up he is in the house of trinicus D Morrison he was initially pursuing Mars but always seemed to be one step behind his actions he caught wind that he was after the pendants and made his way to toltis but by the time he arrived every everything was already in ruin in fact that's when he ran into Chester who re-enters the story while Chester was burying the villagers trinicus showed up in hopes to save Miguel and Maria but after seeing the whole village slaughtered he helped bury everyone as well after that the two went to Euclid where they ran into mint who was carrying cress's unconscious body which leads them all here to be honest trinicus was hoping Cress was still in possession of his pendant but when he tells him that Mars took it he knew that he was set on releasing douse in hopes of honoring his now deceased companions he refuses to take crests and the others along with him and tells everyone to stay at the house as they are not strong enough and so heads to the catacombs alone while the group is confused as trinicus didn't really explain what was going on our characters have no choice but to strengthen their resolve as they swore Vengeance on Mars for destroying their Village and killing their families it is all all they feel like they can do and so the group makes for the catacombs as well by the time they arrive it is already too late Morrison goes on to explain that it is pretty much their fate that they're all here and explains their history with sealing douse Chester honestly doesn't care all too much as all he seeks is Revenge but while they're talking douse is finally released from his confinement Mars immediately tries to command him and use his power for himself but that was all just a lie he was a puppet being used and now he has outlived his usefulness and so douse first Slaughters his men and then kills Mars as well he then turns his attention to our group being the descendant of the people who sealed him away they must pay for the actions of their ancestors since magic is the only way of harming douse our characters have no chance as is so Morrison utilizes his clerical Arts to time travel level unfortunately while he's casting the spell douse is getting ever closer so Chester jumps in to buy them more time ultimately trinicus succeeds but he is only able to send Cress and mint 100 years into the past trinicus and Chester are then killed since we are now going back to the past a lot of events that I've already explained are going to wind up repeating just now with our characters getting involved and perhaps changing things as stated crests and mint are sent 100 years into the past where douse's influence and strength is at its strongest against magitek trinicus had hoped that they could find some way to defeat him and that way is through magic this is a time where the world tree has yet to be destroyed in the Valhalla War so magic and Mana is still a thing after reading trinicus's journal and fully comprehending the connection between their parents and douse it feels like it's their fate to stop him so Crescent mint vowed to put an end to his Terror so first they make their way to the nearby Village toltis in the past is now belladum Village after speaking with the Elder and explaining their situation he has to break the unfortunate news that only elves and half elves can use magic and they have since retreated back into their own village and stay out of human Affairs so their journey is pretty much frivolous but he does tell them of a famous teacher who has been studying magic in hopes to one day find a way for humans to wield it as well his name is Klaus F Lester and he lives in Euclid he graduated the top of his class from the Royal Science Academy while brilliant he can be stubborn and arrogant his thesis about summoning was rejected by the academy but he continues his research on his own the body pain he wears is related to his summoning Arts so after spending the night in the Elder's House Crescent mint make their way to meet him he certainly is an eccentric type who is quite blunt he initially believes that the two are there trying to get free Magic lessons out of him and so becomes quite hard-headed as a result not listening to their pleas it's not until his assistant morald comes in to ease the confusion in the room she's klaus's childhood friend who's been helping him with his research thanks to her everyone sits down and Cress is able to explain their situation and hopes of defeating douse with magic while it's certainly a wild story for anyone to believe thanks to the encouragement of marald Klaus instead uses the opportunity to potentially Advance his research whether or not what Cress and mint say is true at the very least if it's not then he can get something out of it so he agrees to help of course he can't use magic either as he is a human but what he has been studying is the Lost Art of summoning by utilizing the summon Spirits a human can obtain a power equal to that of sorcery it's not a common practice as summon Spirits often reside in places where humans cannot easily tread but that's where Crescent mint come in if they truly seek his assistance and the use of magic then they will help him on his goal which they ecstatically agree to the first summon spirit they seek is Silph the spirit of wind in the lone Valley they stop off at a man named Bart's house who's living nearby who provides Klaus with the ring that he needs to form a pact with the spirit but in return he asks that they search for his daughter who has recently gone missing arche as he believes she may have wandered into the valley to check on zylf he would go himself but poisonous gas from the Demonic realm known as miasma has been seeping out in the area causing her to go berserk making it incredibly dangerous he asks that the party search for his daughter which they agree to because of the aforementioned miasma Silph is out of control and thus a pact cannot be formed so the characters work to plug the seeping gas in the area and calm them all down as a thanks Silph gladly forms a pact with Klaus but warns him of the Mana disappearing from the world she doesn't know why but asks that they visit the world tree and speak with the spirit Martell for answers as for RJ she is nowhere to be found the characters then make their way to yugracial where Martel also says something is consuming large amounts of Mana of course referring to the Mana Cannon and asks that they help her before she and all of the spirits die while Klaus is skeptical at first Cress and mint confirmed that the world tree in their time is dead and Mana is no longer a thing considering douse is directly connected to everything going on the characters come to the conclusion that if they stop douse that will in turn save the world tree thus killing two birds with one stone so Klaus figures he needs the aid of the strongest summon spirit in this universe Luna the spirit of the moon but like all Spirits he needs the ring to form a pact which is said to be in an old Dwarven mine but it's currently under the control of the kingdom of alvinista so they need their permission on their path towards the kingdom our characters wind up passing through the village of Hamel following the wake of demitel's Massacre as previously covered he assassinated the Scarlets due to their connection to Magi technology but he was confronted by their daughter Reya Scarlett where the magic he was under went crazy resulting in this as they make their way through the rubble our characters run into Reya Scarlet or at least a girl claiming to be her I'm not going to hold on to this mystery as long as the game does but Reya Scarlett is already dead in actuality this is RJ Klein Bart's daughter that he asked us to look for RJ and Raya were friends but after the destruction of Hamel RJ used her skills in Magic to allow the spirit of Reya to possess her body and get revenge on demetel so our characters are currently talking to the spirit of Reya in the body of RJ though they don't know that she tells them that demitel was responsible for this and he killed her parents and without any hesitation Crest says that if she's looking to avenge them then he will help her and mint agrees the two relate heavily to the loss of their parents to some madman and so they can't just leave someone in need like this when they see them Klaus eventually gives in and they all agree to get more information on demetel to figure out where he is located after heading to the nearby City and speaking to a few of the locals who used to know him they say how about one year ago his personality completely changed and he moved to an isolated island to the West after hiring a captain of a ship to take them there Cress Min and Klaus accompanied by Raya all make their way through his Mansion where they confront him in his main Chambers demitel is relatively calm all things considered perhaps because he believes he can simply lie his way out of this situation saying how it was all an accident that he had nothing to do with but after learning the girl with our characters is claiming to be Reya he turns that information back on them as he is fully aware that the real Reya died alongside everyone else he claims that the girl is an imposter and advises everyone to leave Reya stays completely silent during this whole back and forth but Crest still chooses to believe the girl and the veil behind demetel's facade Slips Away he's revealed to be one of douse's minions and so our characters engage him in combat Demi me tell is inevitably killed and reya's parents along with all of the villagers of Hamel have been Avenged now having closure to her life reya's Spirit thanks Cress and the others before finally moving on and finding Eternal peace as for RJ she has regained control of her body and our characters are shocked to learn that she is Bart's daughter that went missing due to this happy coincidence they all meet back at his place where he's happy to see his daughter alive and safe but RJ is no longer the little girl that he has to worry about anymore she's shown a desire to help others in whatever way she can and that's exactly what she does rj decides to join our party and lend her magical Aid in whatever way possible RJ is a half elf and thus is able to use true magic her naivety often leads her to express herself in Blunt terms but she does possess a more thoughtful side with our four main party members collected their sights are once again set to the kingdom of alvinista they Charter yet another ship for their Journey but while on board they meet a Wandering swordsman named mayor he initially says that he's looking to gain access to the Moria mines but after getting a little too drunk he accidentally Reveals His true intentions turns out he discovered that alvinista is already under the control of douse as the prince is being controlled by one of his minions and he intends to sell this information to the adventurer's guild unfortunately our characters are also a bit under the weather having joined him in the festivities of drinking and eating too much so no one really bats an eye when he says this the problem is this information is very valuable to douse and he doesn't need anyone spreading this rumor so he has one of his minions seize control over mayor's body and use it to try and assassinate our characters after the death of demitel cress and the others kind of made their presence known and put themselves on his radar which is why in the middle of the night mayor's body tries to kill everyone but Klaus wakes up from his drunken stupor to fend him off just long enough to protect Cress and tell him that he's being controlled Cress chases him down and tries to get him to get a grip but he is forced to act in self-defense as he is attacked unfortunately mayor is killed and they are unable to save him having now learned of what's become of the prince are characters yet again insist on helping out the problem is they simply can't walk up and say anything about it they'd be arrested on the spot so instead Klaus proposes the idea of raiding the castle stealthily and finding douse's minion themselves they use arche's broom to ascend the castle walls and sneak through the hallways without any guards noticing once in the prince's room he immediately calls for the guards forcing everyone to think quickly they notice a strange parakeet nearby who reveals themselves as Jamir the demon who's been controlling him with her cover blown she immediately tries to kill our characters but is unsuccessful the demon is killed and the prince is saved unfortunately he's a bit groggy after the whole ordeal and doesn't quite know what's been happening leading to the guards coming in and arresting everyone our characters are a little worried but it isn't too long until they are some in front of the king of course they already knew their son was possessed but lacked the resolve to take action lest risk his life after explaining their situation to everyone the king comes to understand their intentions to fight back against daus and so offers to lend their aid in the upcoming War I mean the whole point of what daus was doing possessing the prince in the first place was to keep alvinista out of it both for their safety and his convenience but now he has lost that Leverage The King agrees to help out if a war breaks out and gives our characters access to the mine as they initially wanted the king's court magician lundgrom also gives Crest the legendary Spear of gangnir which Jamir had on her body after heading to the adventurer's guild to obtain the pass to access the mind everyone makes it to the bottom where they encounter a slate written in the ancient language of the elves arche translates what appears to be some sort of riddle which implies they need the four card Elemental summon Spirits Earth Wind Fire and Water our characters already have self the spirit of wind so they need to obtain the other three they ask around and gather information on where they are located and one by one Klaus makes a pact with gnome ifri and undini it may seem like I'm skipping over a story that would have taken place during their journey to collect these three spirits but there honestly is no story that happens other than making a pact with them so with the Cardinal Spirits obtained our characters return to the Slate only to be met by Maxwell the lord of the four elements while it is an unexpected encounter they need his help so they can obtain The Pact ring needed for Luna like all the others our characters need to prove themselves to him in battle they do and unexpectedly Maxwell offers his Aid as a summon spirit as well which Klaus gladly accepts past the Slate is where everyone is rewarded with a treasure Trove of items but most importantly they get both halves of the ring needed for Luna unfortunately the ring is broken and thus cannot be used so they need a way to fix it they return back to alvinista and tell lundgrom of their problems and he points them in the direction of Edward Morrison one of the four who originally helped defeat douse but of course that has yet to happen in fact that's what he's doing now he's gone out in search of Warriors to stand against him in an inevitable battle his wife tells our characters where he's gone off to and so they track him down to Olive Village he's in search of Basilisk scales for medicinal purposes and he's not easy to get a hold of so our characters collect the scales for him so they can lure him to them which works he thanks our characters for collecting the scales and throws Cress and mint a bit off guard when he mentions that he is a Morrison of course Force his future descendant is who saved them Edward mentions that how since the Rings were a collaborative effort between the dwarves and the elves that elves would likely know how to fix it so they should go to the yamir forest unfortunately that's all he can help them with and thanks them for their effort he asks that they assist in the upcoming War before heading off Chris however cannot sit idly by the fact that he's trying to kiss his ancestor is making him antsy and so he runs off to tell him that they're from the future Crest tells him about the time travel that he has yet to develop before Edward stops him in his tracks he doesn't want to know the future and what he's already been told is enough but he understands crests and his desire to change the future for the better and he believes his heart is true he promises to work hard on his own time travel research so he can send Cress and the others back to their time meanwhile Cress promises to be at midgard When The War breaks out with that they part ways after returning back to alvinista and telling lundgrom of Edward's idea of the yamir forest he says how it is a bit out there but possible he gives our characters an emblem which will grant access however warns that half elves are strictly forbidden I.E RJ cannot enter so our characters agree to leave her behind for now and come back when they finish their business but RJ has other ideas she doesn't want to be left behind and so she sneaks out and follows them without their knowledge after traversing the forest and making their way to the hidden village they are greeted by brambert the Lord Of The Elves Klaus jumps straight to the chat case and asks if there's a way for them to fix the packed Rings brambert says there is and brings them to Origins slate as the spirit of all things his power is able to be manifested to return things to how they once were and that's exactly what he does brambert fixes the packed ring needed for Luna and returns to the Village but when our characters return there's a little commotion RJ who had been tailing everyone has been caught and is set to be executed it is law that half elf trespassers are to be put to death without exception but unexpectedly it is a mysterious woman who comes out and pleads with brambert to let her go even offering to take her place the woman in actuality is RJ's mother luche she and Bart once experienced a loving relationship that was generally smiled upon by both races at the time however as history went the elves soon developed a great animosity towards humans and chose to isolate themselves once again not all elves agreed with this isolation but it eventually became mandatory the elves forcefully ended luche and Bart's Union by taking her away luche requested that Bart hide the truth of their separation so Bart LED RJ to believe that her mother had passed away brambert recognizes what's happening and so lets RJ go luche desperately apologizes to her daughter and RJ realizes that she is her mother but the elves take her away before they can speak the revelation of this fact hit arche a bit too late as she is held outside the village boundaries unable to see her mother again foreign with the packed rings in hand our characters make their way to the Tower of the zodiac where Luna resides unexpectedly she does not desire a fight like all the others in fact she would prefer not to take part in any battle and under different circumstances she would have refused a pact but she understands that if she does not fight against daus then the world will be destroyed so she lends her Aid to Klaus as a summon spirit with Luna at their aid our characters feel comfortable enough to stand against douse and his forces and so make their way to where everything stems midgard Morrison is happy to see that we have shown up and introduces us to ryzen the captain of the guard and the man responsible for the Mana Cannon together everyone stands in front of the king who is happy to welcome any willing and able soldiers to fight alongside them as they are allies ryzen shows our characters the research facility where they've been working on ways for humans to use magic an appealing idea on the surface but of course this is what led to the creation of the Mana Cannon while it definitely sounds very attractive to the likes of Klaus RJ has second thoughts about everything that's happening she's the only one really questioning douse's motivations and reasons for acting against only midgard Cress doesn't see things so complex he holds quite a grudge against him for the death of his parents but RJ suggests they return to her house so they can see if her dad knows anything about this and she has her own problems to confront him on first things first RJ talks about the whole situation with her mom forcing BART to come clean about how they were torn apart giving her a better understanding secondly they ask him about why Hamel was destroyed and if there was any connection to midgard he mentions the Scarlet family and how they were originally from there and how they were involved in some secret project which we already know was Magi technology while it doesn't change our character's motivations it does instill doubt into their heads when the party returns to midgard a situation is unfolding douse's minion Justina is holding a child hostage at the castle as a welcoming to the war Edward manages to teleport behind the demon and free the child but is stabbed in the process Edward then uses the last of his strength to cast a spell resulting both of them disappearing from history as Edward is no longer around to defeat daus the party must take his place with that the war plans begin unfolding even Klaus is made captain of a Special Forces Unit consisting of our characters and with that the stage is once again set for the Valhalla War but now history has changed Edward is gone and our characters stand in their ancestors stead everyone contributes in their own special way Cress is on the front lines putting his swordsmanship to the test Klaus and Archie are using their respective magical abilities to fend off the hordes from a distance and mint is healing the injured with her clerical Arts they successfully push back the demon hordes which inevitably leads to an offensive aerial Push by daus this is what triggers the use of the Mana Cannon by midgard as history goes ryzen is warned of the dangers but ignores them in the original history the Mana Cannon was fired twice which led to the destruction of the world tree but this time the Canon only goes off once before it breaks down thanks to Cress and the others lending their aid as well as an unexpected plot line where a character named Valkyrie shows up because Cress has the Gung near and she wants it back so lends him the aid of Pegasus so he can fight off the enemies in the sky as well likely resulted in the Mana Cannon only being operable once ygdracial doesn't die it's greatly wounded but it's not killed either way because Crest slew their leader the Demonic forces lost their leadership and had to retreat leaving douse's Castle wide open so Cress mint RJ and Klaus all storm his castle and confront him directly of course since douse hasn't lost his mind in this timeline he has no desire to fight our party if they have no involvement in what's going on with magitek then his quarrels are not with them but Cress has his own reasons as does everyone else he even if they don't understand douse's motivations they still believe they have to stop him so he is forced to fight ultimately daus is defeated however similar to how he lost in the original timeline he uses time travel to escape but he doesn't travel to the era where he was originally captured he travels 50 years past then 150 years into the future from where our characters currently are and with douse gone there is no major threat to the world anymore while an undeniable Victory on behalf of our characters their Journey still wasn't done stopping douse was one thing but saving Chester and trinicus was still cress's priority so they still need a way to get back to the future fortunately before his disappearance Edward had done some digging while he didn't reinvent time travel as he said he would he did learn that the ancient city of Thor had developed their own method of time travel before it sank to the bottom of the ocean so if they can get to Thor they can travel back to their time fortunately they possessed the power of undini so making it to the bottom of the ocean is actually no problem for them but before they head off mint asks something of everyone she asks that they heal yugracial before they leave since Mana is needed to defeat douse they need to ensure that the world tree doesn't wither away like it originally did so everyone visits the world tree mint tries to use her clerical Arts to heal it but her power just isn't enough stumped about what to do everyone turns in for the night and during her sleep mint has a dream of her mother in it they talked about her earrings and how they were in the shape of a unicorn the mark of the Healer for which all Healing Arts originated so mint gets the idea to seek help from a unicorn our characters support support her decision and after asking around and gathering information on one of these fabled creatures it eventually leads them to the White Birch Forest however considering the Unicorn will only be seen by a pure Maiden Cress and Klaus have to sit out as for arche she winds up panicking as she is not pure leaving mint to meet the Unicorn alone much to her surprise it really does exist but while mint is explaining their situation douse's minions attack crests and Klaus rush over to mint's location but the unicorn has been Gravely wounded after dealing with the demons the Unicorn is able to see mince pure heart and so gives her its horn which will amplify her powers with it the group returned to eugracial and mint uses the strongest Healing Art she's ever performed she's barely able to contain the power but holds on long enough to restore the tree to its natural Glory with that Martel thanks them and says how the tree will be able to live strong for ages to come but warns that there has been no change to whatever was altering the flow of Mana in other terms magitek is still a thing with that Martel disappears she is still a spirit and cannot retain physical form for too long regardless our characters did what they sought to do they restored the world tree and Mana will now exist in their original time and so with that our characters set off to Thor as previously hypothesized thanks to the power of undini getting to the bottom of the ocean is a breeze after obtaining an access card the characters make their way to the Central Computer which controls all of the city's functions they use it to First raise the city out from the bottom of the ocean and back to the surface before using its time travel function to return back to their time now before I go any further I need to explain that the logic of time travel here doesn't exactly make much sense in terms of what it's going for Tales of Fantasia is dealing with parallel worlds and going back in time to do something differently from how it was supposed to happen will just cause the person to end up in a different parallel world thus making it impossible to actually change history but the problem here is that it both does and doesn't do that Cress and the others change the past in a few major ways all of which are important to the other first is the world tree they used the unicorn horn to heal it thus Mana now exists in the future as the tree is alive and healthy and by doing that douse never goes insane he went mad when in the original history of events the Mana Cannon killed the world tree after that his goal failed and he swore revenge on Humanity as his Planet died so now that doesn't happen and douse is sane in fact he was defeated much sooner Now by Cress and the others and he time traveled to the Future so now there's a whole period of History where daus is missing from due to the parallel worlds Cress isn't wiped from history as now a new adjacent world has been formed these are drastic changes that would affect how history plays out despite Morrison having now disappeared before he Winona Allen and Carol were assembled to stop the out-of-controlled house instead of jumping to the Future at the new point in time that they've created they jump to the future of a history that no longer should exist Chris mint Klaus and RJ return to the original point of their history where daus was sealed because he went mad and that douse is still there even though he shouldn't exist anymore despite being a parallel world this moment should not have repeated the logic just isn't there but we're just going to have to accept it for the sake of the plot so as stated the characters travel to the exact moment that they left when Chester and trinicus were about to be killed by douse but now thanks to their effort the world tree is alive and they can utilize magic to defeat him the evil douse is slain our characters escape and the catacombs collapse on top of him burying everything with it it seems like an overwhelming Victory on behalf of our characters they saved the past and thus were able to save their friends in the present so it's time for Klaus and RJ to say their goodbyes and return to their time but just as they're getting ready to leave a meteor strike Rains Down on the surrounding area this is of course douse's doing the douse from the future trying to kill our characters in the present just then a new character named Harrison arrives from 50 years in the future because they need our party's help he tells them all about how douse arrived in their time and is threatening the world once more so our characters have no choice but to go to the Future and face him once again Chester refusing to be left behind joins our party and together they all once again return to Thor to utilize its time travel technology to travel 50 years in future this is where the new douse traveled after his defeat during the Valhalla War but unlike the other iteration of him he didn't lose the world tree and thus doesn't have the all-encompassing hatred for being sealed for a full decade so all he set on is to continue his goal of getting the Mana seed in the years since he disappeared Magi technology had flourished and thou set him to destroy it all once more he hid his base behind a space-time barrier so none can approach him as he continues to attack the world though he's careful not to strike near the forest of spirits where eudracial lies he also occasionally watches over Martel frequently checking up on her ensuring her well-being when the party travel to the Future they can find him by the tree but douse refrains from combat in order to prevent any damage to it as for the characters this time around fortunately they don't have to go through the hassle of proving themselves as they've already gone down in history for having defeated douse during the war for that reason the king and all of their resources are open for our characters to use these include the likes of the ray Arts which the Symphonia cast even used before since then the technology had been lost to time but a scientist named Stanley has spent his time researching and Reinventing them but the same problem still faces them they just don't have enough power for prolonged flight and so the solution is the same as before to utilize the power of Vault the summon spirit of lightning to provide a constant powerful energy source so our characters head to volts location to forge a pact but unexpectedly on their path they run into a young ninja named suzu fujibayashi likely a descendant of sheena's who hails from a long line of ninjas as the granddaughter of the village Chief she is considered next in line to lead she has a calm and serious demeanor because ninjas are taught to suppress their emotions she has tracked down some of her fellow ninjas that have been taking control of by house in hopes to bring them back to their Village however due to being controlled suzu is often forced to fight and kill them our characters bear witness to this and even try to help out on occasion but it seems each and every time Zuzu is forced to strike them down she is a bit shy and reserved so not much conversation is had at the very least she does introduce herself before running off with nothing else to do our characters continue further in and form a pact with Vault and gain access to the ray Arts making their travel much easier from here there are tons of side stories that take place a lot of which aren't too important our characters form packs with the few summon spirits still left aska and Shadow being the most prominent arte's mom gives her daughter a broom and some gloves for not being able to be with her but probably the most significant one has to do with Zuzu when venturing into the Emir Forest they encounter her once again in no small part thanks to their kindness earlier the Village leader and suzu's grandfather ronzo has a favor to ask of our characters suzu's parents had recently gone missing and they believed douse and his mind control to be the culprit so he asks that we track them down and find them on their Adventure they are unexpectedly encountered in useled's tournament as its top fighters it is clear that they are being controlled and are attempting to break it but to no avail as Cress is forced to fight them off uncertain of what to do against them in the middle of the fight suzu appears before them to try and talk them back to their senses but the demon controlling them is a bit too powerful to break free entirely instead zuzu's parents only gain a moment of control over their bodies and use the opportunity to strike each other down they didn't want Zuzu to stain her hands with having to kill her own parents but in a weird way they are happy to see suzu shed tears over losing them as they feel they are undeserving they tell their daughter that a ninja must hide their heart and not show any emotions before disappearing suzu tries to heed their advice and not cry in front of everyone and so thanks crests for finding them before Vanishing herself when returning back to the Village ronzo thanks the party but has one last favor to ask of everyone he asks that they take suzu Along on their journey and suzu confirms this sentiment finding her parents was her only goal but now that that's gotten a resolution she wants to not only return the favor but fight for the fate of the world as well following this suzu also undergoes a trial to prove she is worthy to become the next leader of the Ninja Village she undergoes training in the cave of tribulations where she answers multiple questions about the ninja code while fighting five foes respectively ultimately she completes the trial and at the end finds a letter from her father congratulating her for the success but saying that she still lacks one the thing and if she finds out what it is then only then will she be ready to become the next chief but speaking of training I haven't exactly been mentioning him on this journey since he was saved but Chester has really been pushing himself after the events with daus he has seen that Cress has grown so much and feels that he's fallen behind quite a bit and so he's been working hard to keep up with him Cress being his friend encourages him along the way anyway with that the main story continues our characters travel to the kingdom of alvinista to speak with its current King the whole reason our characters have been brought to this time specifically is because they feel like they have discovered a method of putting a stop to douse once and for all and that is the Eternal sword the blade that can manipulate space and time and thus can stop doubts from time traveling it was the three artifacts that the mysterious three Heroes wielded to end the Ragnarok War the diamond ring the flame Burge and the vorpal sword when combined they make the Eternal sword our characters already have the diamond ring as the security system in Thor had dropped it when defeating its defense mechanism all that's left is to find the other two fortunately doing that isn't quite so hard the kingdom of fenrir once stood where the city of freeze kill now stands and the only Remnant from that era is a temple to worship its fenrir the guardian of the vorpal sword is known as Fen beast and apparently the soul of her master resides within the blade she is determined to protect it but after Cress and the others defeat her they are proven worthy and obtained the sword as for the flame Burge that also resides in a structure where the final ancient Kingdom Odin once stood similarly the god Odin supposedly resides within the blade and after defeating its Guardian they obtained the flame Purge as well with all three pieces of the Eternal sword obtained they travel to origin to return it to its original state since the seals of flame and Ice have been broken origen himself challenges them to a fight to prove their worth like all he is defeated and so grants our characters their wish of restoring the Eternal sword he then forms a pact with Klaus with blade in hand our characters are finally able to take the battle to douse once and for all the only problem that currently remains is his base unlike the last time he's not residing in a castle so easily found this time he's hidden it within time and space itself it's there but it can't be seen or reached by natural means but this is where the Eternal sword comes in to mitigate these tricks his castle currently resides over the city of arly it's been blanketed in unnatural Darkness for many years now and douse's hidden Castle is the cause of it so our characters make their way for the city and prepare for their final battle there's a few character moments that go on here so I'll go through each one individually Cress and mint have obviously grown Incredibly Close over this entire Adventure not only does it seem like their Destiny to fight against douse as their ancestors have over and over again but they also Bond greatly due to the loss of their parents they've lost the people that they've cared most about but instead of feeling isolated and lonely over everything they've found friends and comrades to share in their feelings Crescent men have so much in common in terms of what they've been through and how they were the only two sent back in time mint takes the opportunity to show crests her mother's earring the same in fact which was used to save him from his cell mint knows that her mother is dead but thanks Chris for shielding her from the truth at the time had he been honest she does not believe that she would have been able to go on but she has since found the strength and resolve to continue forward Klaus in his free time asks origen for a special one-time favor due to his power he can see events during any era throughout history while origen refuses to show the future what Klaus wants to see is the past he uses the power to check on morald to make sure she's doing all right what he sees is her continuing her teachings in Magic while he's away she also says how she trusts that he'll return and awaits his arrival meanwhile Zuzu stands atop of the end's roof and questions the Ninja's resolve not to feel she asks her parents if that makes her weak but she resolves to stand by her friends and fight with her heart in order to Live Without Regrets meanwhile Chester and RJ bounce between the different events going on while being a little flustered with each other while it's not a full-blown romance blossoming between them like Cress and mint Chester and RJ do have more of a crush on one another though neither would admit it after this the characters are finally able to venture off on their final battle they use the Eternal sword to pull douse's castle out from hiding and battle their way through his Chambers when they come face to face with him mint questions him about his motives for some reason all daus reveals is his Vendetta against Magi technology unfortunately being incredibly vague about his gold dozen sway crests and the others forcing everyone to fight after going through his natural form transforming into a grotesque monster and finally being granted a blessing of the Gods from his homeland and taking on an angelic appearance douse is ultimately unable to best our party of Warriors it is only after his defeat and on his deathbed that he divulges the true nature of his objective to everyone about his goal to save Darris Carlon but in the end despite everything daus is slain our characters come to understand that the situation was much more complex than they initially thought they acknowledged daus was acting nobly but don't regret their actions either as They too had people they wanted to protect nevertheless everyone does feel the need to honor douse's conviction and so mint casts a barrier over eugracial which prevents too much Mana from ever being drawn from the tree meaning one day a great seed can be produced and douse's soul can rest in peace with their mission complete everyone one says their goodbyes and returns to their respective times suzu is the first one to leave as she is already in her respective time while it's a ninja's Duty never to show emotion she refrains from crying wishing to keep their goodbye a happy memory as for the others Klaus returns home and continues teaching magic with murald arche Ventures into the Emir Forest to reconnect with her mother meanwhile Cress mint and Chester all vow to rebuild tolltus together and visit RJ since she's still alive being a half elf and all however there is a happy ending to this story after all thanks to the efforts of mint Martel has enough Mana to create a seed Martel deems daus's motives just and so creates the manaseed he so desired and sends it along with his body back to Darris Carlon giving that planet another chance at life and thus Tales of Fantasia comes to an end but that's not the end of the timeline just yet the story does vaguely continue entails of Fantasia narakiri dungeon which was released five years later on the Game Boy Color but unlike the main title this one unfortunately hasn't been translated not even fan wise making the story a bit more difficult to give a full recap of also the footage you'll be seeing is from narakiri dungeon cross which was the PSP remake of the game as I think it looks aesthetically better also I feel like I should address this the cross version of this game and the original introduced a completely new character named rondolin e effenberg or Rody she is very much considered a non-canon character when it comes to the official story and timeline of tales of Fantasia or at least her involvement has to be relegated to an alternate timeline because working her in is very fickle to give you a very brief synopsis on who she is and what her story was looking like in her iteration of the timeline she had been raised in the forest of spirits wary igracial resides by her adoptive father one day he left for midgards to work on the Mana Cannon and never returned Roadie living in the forest eventually ran into douse who was constantly visiting the world tree checking up on it eventually the two became really good friends and douse even taught her how to use magic she really looked up to him and respected him and he even gifted her a magical ring one day eventually as the story went douse had to travel to the Future after being defeated leaving Roadie alone once more but the ring that he gave her allows her to time travel so she followed douse to the Future and learned of his Persona as the Demon King she didn't believe it was really him and so went on a quest to confront him she even joins Cress and the others on their Journey but is constantly being thrown Through Time by accident it but her story doesn't get a resolution so she is consistently at different points in the story contributing to the events with our character sometimes but at the end of the day winds up contributing nothing there is no real resolution to what she wants to do or the purpose she serves she's kind of just on her own mission in a storyline that doesn't amount to much anyway so her inclusion more so makes things convoluted while not adding much if anything in the process so just so you know that's who she is but if you're really more curious about her feel free to Wiki dive to get her full story or play the games as for the actual story of narakiri dungeon it revolves around the bit of lore I covered at the very beginning of this timeline on Darris Carlon how their world tree died due to the war and the two important characters that were involved in their fate melsha who had built the Mana Cannon and her brother dios who had fired it now they were both killed once the Mana Cannon went off but their story doesn't end there norn who is the summon spirit of dariscarlon's world tree decides to judge whether or not the two are inherently evil arguably they are to blame for what befell Darris Carlon but was it because it's who they truly are deep down or was it simply an unfortunate outcome that could have gone differently so norn resurrects the two as babies with no prior knowledge of who they were their new names were Dio and Mel if it turns out they are incapable of facing the past and grow up once again to be evil Norm will kill them they are sent down to the planet of Azalea as babies so they could grow up naturally but of course norn couldn't just leave them as toddlers to fend for themselves she needed a caretaker this is where ethos comes in she believes herself to be the sole survivor of the ancient race of fairies and has been wandering the world alone in search of others after a long period of traveling she lost her power but was saved and nursed back to health by norn norn had asked her to care for Dio and Mel as their adoptive mother and as a thanks for saving her life ethos agreed to this the truth about ethos however is not what I just said she is in fact not a fairy while she doesn't know this just yet the truth is she is these Spirit of sound who had her memories taken away by the other Spirits as a consequence of her misdeeds from the past she too is in a similar situation as Dio and Mel to see whether or not she can change to prove this she was delegated as the two's mother figure as you can probably begin to pick up this game is more so about its themes than a much grander story The Story begins 13 years later in the year 4408 of the future timeline where daus was truly defeated Mel and yo have obviously grown since then Mel is a kind and quiet girl she is prudent Above All Else and always has a reprimand at the ready for when Dio crosses the line in contrast Dio is a very spirited young man eager to face any challenge head on but his rash behavior is a constant source of stress for his sister the plot comes in when the two are visited by norn who tells them that they have a doomed Destiny and that they must complete the ordeal of spirits the details the two are given aren't much to go on and norn is being purposefully cryptic and deceptive at that Dio winds up running into a strange green bipedal creature who the two decide to keep as a pet and name it Courier but the truth is this is the physical embodiment of norn and she's using this form to keep a watch over Dio and Mel's ordeal directly but as far as the two are concerned it's just their new pet the ordeal of spirits is meant to see if the two can truly understand the past actions committed by those before them and what it means to carry the weight of those decisions and what better way to learn than from the heroes of Eternity as they have become to be known by the first person they meet is arche who norn enlists the assistance of she's now 223 years old and lives in a witch's Tower she helps prepare the trial that will test the strength of melon Dio's bodies and heart but as well become a common theme of this game part of the reason for their visit is for the two to see the characters and understand what they've been through after everything being a half elf who's been alive for so long RJ is a bit lonely and missing her friends but after their visit with her and proving their strength they are given a painting which functions as a portal so they can travel back in time and meet Klaus a year has passed since the events of the game and he continues to teach magic with morald at his side he meets with melon Dio and recounts the events of their war with douse he first tells the pair the popular version of the story but reminds them that history is biased and goes on to tell them his own interpretation Klaus still believes that midgards was not as perfect as history claims and that he does not believe douse was an inhuman monster history is an important thing but it is easily more nuanced than many will make it seem following this throughout the the game melindio joined forces with the former Heroes and gain words of wisdom from the summon spirits but these are largely besides the point the real lessons here come from meeting the characters after their business with Klaus is over yet another painting is Enchanted allowing them to travel so they can meet Chester Cress and mint the first character they run into is Chester who has since opened up and now runs an orphanage at norn's request he tells them about why he's doing what he's doing he tells melon Dio about how the death of his sister and the slaughter of his village at the hands of Mars affected him and his emotions he doesn't want any disadvantaged children to turn to an immoral lifestyle wrongly attempting to justify their actions by blaming others as he once did he then points them to the direction of Maxwell seeing that Cress isn't around at the moment Maxwell gives the two a lecture in the concepts of time and space he says that possibilities Crea create parallel worlds and going back in time to do something differently from how it was supposed to happen will just cause a person to end up in a different parallel world thus it is impossible to change history they then finally meet Cress who relates the shock he felt of learning the truth behind douse's true motives he doesn't regret what he did standing against him but he does regret that he wasn't able to see things from his point of view before it was too late he even acknowledges that from the people of Daris Carlin's point of view he was the destroyer of their last hope and finally is mint norn describes her as a great healer due to her role in restoring ydracial as well as the obvious of being a cleric but mint rejects the title as while she may be able to heal people's bodies she cannot heal their hearts she goes on to impart some wisdom on melindio telling him that living for others he even if it's just one person can bring happiness as it's how she found her own in contrast to mint's message of Love Gremlin Lair an evil spirit from the Demon World tells them about evil more specifically how good and evil are two sides of the same coin and cannot be separated meanwhile aska tells them to believe in their own potential the only person left from the heroes of Eternity is suzu so after traveling to the era we get to hear what she gained by meeting all of the others she talks about how she was a child in both body and heart back then but she has learned about what it means to become an adult both meeting and separating from various kinds of people and the struggles of saying goodbye and moving on is what taught her to become more mature so she could properly lead her clan she tells them that the relationships between people are strange things possibly the work of fate or something that needs to be sought and wishes them a wonderful encounter back with the summon Spirits Shadow tells them about the balance between light and dark Mel and Dio's trial ends after being tested by origin and Pluto after returning to their time norn ultimately asks them if they understand why they exist to which the two respond that they don't afterwards an earthquake opens up a cave nearby for which melon Dio investigate in it they are confronted by their true selves but norn tells them that there is no such thing as a true self further into the cave melendio accompanied by their alternate selves see scenes of the original characters suffering with their problems while their evil sides commentate Chester is reminiscing about his dead sister Ami and melsha wonders whether he runs an orphanage for the sake of others or for his own sake Klaus is worried about becoming too much like his own father mother whom he hated for being too involved in research to spend time with his family and marald Comforts him Dio's notes the similarities between love and hate but asks who those without parents are supposed to emulate RJ who has a long lifespan misses all of her human friends especially Chester and Dio says that separation is too painful so one may as well never become attached to someone anyway suzu is shown being forced to kill her parents and melsha says that no one understands the darkness in zuzu's heart perhaps not even Zuzu herself Kress is giving his support and love to Mint who is recovering from an illness and dios criticizes her because she is needed by many people and doesn't understand what it means to be unloved near the end of the cave Mel and Dio fight melsha and dios who remind them that this violates the principles of cause and effect and creates a paradox because they've killed their past selves in the end they become one with their dark sides again now having grasped the extent of who they once were what they did and becoming one with that Darkness again it is finally time for norn herself to test them she unveils that she was Courier the whole time and melon Dio fight to prove their worth they overcome norn's final judgment and disappear after being corrected by the flow of time the game ends with ethos having come to love motherhood and adopting several more children effectively turning her house into an orphanage and Dio and Mel are also there showing that they get to live their lives as changed people foreign Tasia may not have been the game anyone expected it to be with so much having changed from the original Vision it's almost a miracle and it managed to tell a cohesive story and one that was successful and popular enough to not only warrant more games after but spawn an entire 30-year franchise following it the tales of Ceres has done what many developers can only dream of but in this case it wasn't just a dream that became a reality it was a true fantasy [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 22,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, animated, timeline, animation, tales of phantasia, tales of, phantasia, bandai namco, tales of series, tales of phantasia timeline, the complete unabridged timeline of tales of phantasia, tales of symphonia, tales of phantasia story explained, tales of phantasia recap, tales of phantasia snes, first tales of game, tales of arise, tales of anniversary, tales of timeline, tales of recap, tales of story recap, tales of phantasia story, tales of phantasia story recap
Id: xEs-FqURrDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 14sec (5654 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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