How Powerful Is Raiden? | Metal Gear Solid [OLD]

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Ryden Jack the Ripper the third in a line of cyber ninjas seen throughout the metal gear series this is the third and final part in a series of videos measuring the powers and skills of the Metal Gear Solid protagonists in the two previous videos I covered Solid Snake and Big Boss so please give those videos are watch after checking out this one there's a lot to say about Rylan being trained in snakes image rather than sharing his DNA he is a fair few more distinctions between snake and Big Boss and doesn't necessarily possess the prior characters soldier genes there are three distinct versions of Ryden that I'll be covering bass riding or the ridin seemed throughout the events of mgs 2's plant chapter the original cyborg ridin seen throughout mgs4 and the advanced cyber ridin from Metal Gear Rising revengeance I'll also be covering a fan theory regarding the events of Metal Gear Solid ghost babel and present my own hypothesis as to where ridin may have gained certain skills throughout his years as a virtue in regards to rising in its continuity Kojima has stated that rising acts as a sort of parallel continuation after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4 even going as far to imply the universe rising hails from is an alternate timeline in the opening text crawl in ground zeroes is yaah massive omission still having the events of the core Saga taking place but resulting in a different future this is reflected and rising story which makes it clear that the greater events of the saga the outer heaven uprising Shadow Moses the Big Shell incident and the guns of the Patriots incident all took place so while rising may not be connected to the main Kojima timeline the core saga is canon to rising meaning the feats and skills Ryden shows and those games would carry over into rising with that said I think it's time for Jack [Music] [Music] [Applause] ride ins greater history is unknown even to him sometime in the 1980s the young Jack's parents were killed by the perfect clone of Big Boss Solid a snake he would then be drafted into solidus his army of the devil leading the small boys unit of child soldiers at the age of six during this time solidus engrained and ride in an affinity for bladed weapons teaching right in debt weapons such as knives are more honorable than guns his impressive kill record throughout the Liberian Civil War would earn him the monikers of the white devil and Jack the Ripper a murderous personality that would manifest in Ryden later in his life after being found in a Relief Center by the Patriots a shadowy organization fueled by a world controlling AI he would be drafted into the Army's task force 21 where he would undergo hundreds of virtual reality simulations throughout his training simulations including the events of mgs1 and the tanker mission with Rhydon taking the place of Solid Snake he would once again become the vector for Solid Snake during the events of MGS 2 where he would unknowingly take place and a grand ruse concocted by the Patriots who were testing whether or not they could outright create context as a means of establishing a greater control of society this would manifest in writing taking the place of Solid Snake and a reconstruction of the Shadow Moses incident the nitty gritty of Metal Gear Solid 2 is meta-narrative has been broken down by the various people over the years and continues to be analyzed further there is even a fan theory that the Game Boy Color game ghost Babel said in an alternate timeline from the main saga was actually a VR simulation underwent by Ryden there's a great article on the snake soup calm that I'll be leaving in the description if you'd like to know more but the long and short of it is goes to Babel is primarily centered around the army nation outer heaven one that Ryden seems to be more or less oblivious to in mgs - meaning while the writer of ghost Babel may have intended for this theory to be true it is mostly contradicted in the main Kojima Canon I'll probably make a video breaking down all the various Metal Gear timelines at some point in the future but for now and mgs2 Ryden underwent a live simulation to recreate the perfect soldier Solid Snake however he's not necessarily one-to-one wood snake as we know from mgs4 snake was holding back throughout most of the saga by choosing not to use CQC it is nonetheless remarkable for ride to have achieved what he did during the tanker mission the events of mgs2 would leave riding in a state of trauma having to come face-to-face with his past as a child soldier and being forced to take the place of someone else the words of Solid Snake telling right and defined his own name seemed to have become warped with Rhydon spiraling into alcoholism and PTSD Ryden would lose himself in the years following Big Shell abandoning his wife rose to rescue a fallen comrades child Sonny who was kidnapped by the Patriots he would free the young child with the help of the Paradise Lost army being led by big boss's former lover and surrogate mother of Solid Snake IVA now going by the name Big Mama Eva wouldn't trust ridin with the retrieval of what she believed to be big bosses in reality solidus corpse which was being kept barely alive by the Patriots after his defeat at the hands of ridin ridin would be captured in his pursuit of Big Boss becoming the latest iteration of the Patriots perfect soldier program just as Frank Jaeger before him most of his body would be replaced by enhanced cybernetics before being rescued by the Paradise Lost Army would finally help him procure solid as his body after this ridin would wander the earth learning the ways of tracking from an alaskan shaman until being called in by IVA to once again return to Solid Snake's side on the battlefield ridin would aid snake multiple times throughout mgs4 battling the Nano machine enhanced vampire vamp a squadron of metal gear geckos halting the massive battleship outer Haven with one arm and clearing the path for snake to enter the microwave hallway and finally put an end to the Patriots control over the human race after the events of guns of the Patriots right it would reunite with rosemary who would reveal to ride in their son John after the apparent passing of Solid Snake ridin would heed the call as the new world keeper of peace he would join maverick security counseling with whom he would go rogue from after the killing of the African prime minister Nnamani by desperado enforcement after the collapse of the Patriots a number of PMC's felt their pockets grow light after the fall of the war economy ridin would discover the identity of the PMC's leader senator Armstrong and foil his plan to use his future position as president of the United States to rid the world of the weak to make way for the strong having to give in to his Jack the Ripper persona to accomplish his mission he chose to strike out from Maverick and fight his own war snake you're a legend and that's why I need to ask you this legend a legend is nothing but fiction someone tells it someone else remembers everybody passes it on I'm here because I was assigned to this mission not because I want to if I could I'd be out of here in a second how could you come back to all this why keep fighting there's something my best friend said to me once what we're not tools of the government or anyone else fighting was the only thing I was good at but at least I always fought for what I believed in ride ins military career started earlier than most as I mentioned previously he was a captain of his own platoon by the age of six throughout his vr missions he most likely show a comparable skill level with Solid Snake at least within the parameters of the shed of Moses and tanker mission this means any skill showing seen therein could be applicable to Ryden there is some contention within the series on how accurate vr is seen in writings exchanged with snake about the topic extensive training the kind that's indistinguishable from the real thing like what sneaking mission sixty weapons 80 advanced VR huh but realistic in every way a virtual grunt of the digital age that's just great that's far more effective than live exercises you don't get injured in VR do you every year a few soldiers die and field exercises there's pain sensation in VR and even a sense of reality and urgency the only difference is it isn't actually happening that's the way they want you to think to remove you from the fear that goes with battle situations I've gone through VR training of the tanker mission before yeah well I doubt it accurately simulates the events of that mission it's implied in mgs2 that the events that ride in and by extension we the player experienced in the tanker mission is a slightly an accurate simulation of a mostly unseen true event it's also implied that the VR missions right and experienced are the actual VR missions seen within the game Metal Gear Solid VR missions this opens up the possibility that every gamer to this point has been some kind of simulation which is a topic that has been debated since the game's release assuming the Shadow Moses mission ride an experienced is the one that the player experienced with an mgs lon riding would scale pretty identically to Solid Snake at least up until big shell this would most likely grant him a genius-level IQ based on snakes 180 IQ as we know from Metal Gear Solid 4 snake withheld from using CQC until later in life meaning Ryden would most likely not know the martial art the only big conflicting evidence towards this is a seemingly post revengeance ride ins appearance in mgs 5 where within the game itself he can perform the same level of CQC as Big Boss this is shaky at best seeing as the mission is labeled a pseudo of historical recreation so he can't necessarily take its details at face value rotten wood and no CQB however a combat system focusing on infantry with small arms assuming limited space according to my good buddy over at the Chadwick riding with showcase skills in judo jujitsu and Thai boxing against Senator Armstrong like snake he can use and pick up any weapon he finds and use them with proficiency widens greatest skill showings are with his weapon of choice blades he was able to beat solidus a master swordsman in his own right he was able to go blow for blow with vamp a quote wizard with knives in both duels vamps seemed to have the edge with Rhydon having to resort to trickier tactics to stay alive like stabbing through himself to get to vamp or appearing beaten to get the drop on him he's insanely skilled as a sword fighter combining a traditional style perhaps kenjutsu with capoeira allowing him to hold off a roomful of trained swordsman while literally unarmed he defeated an AI controlled robot whose intellect was by its own words far beyond human reckoning he was eventually able to beat jetstream sam a swordsman who at first fought her eyes dryden before being bested by robin in their second duel and remember how an mgs2 it's implied radon's BR training was compromised of the vr missions from Metal Gear Solid 1 well and a number of those missions he'd take the place of grey fox potentially granting Ryden comparable skill feats to frank Jaeger iDEN we don't carry guns to take people down we're not here to help some politician either you can say that because you're a legend a hero legends don't mean a whole lot people will remember only the good part the right part of what you did there's no right part of murder not ever and we're not in this to make a name for ourselves and what are you an addict on fighting for a future you can stop being part of a mistake starting now his base wasn't able to break from his handcuffs and contrast a snake meaning he was unable to produce more than 495 pounds of force after his cyborg enhancements it's evident that Bryden is on a whole nother level he was able to casually swing multiple metal gear geckos around he would then go to halt outer Haven while missing an arm outer havens mass has been calculated to three million one hundred four thousand seven hundred and fifty eight point three hundred metric tons in his advanced body his strength remains consistent is he able to toss a metal gear a unit ray is larger than Metal Gear X which weighs five hundred and five metric tonnes he was also able to do the same to Metal Gear excelsis which has been calculated to weigh between nine thousand and fifteen thousand tons all of these feats would place right in Class G to use power scaling terms meaning he can lift the mass of the largest man-made structures in contrast with lifting strength right and speed is insane off the bat he was able to dodge a shot from fort sans railgun as stated in Prior videos rail guns and metal gear fire at 100 kilometers a second or 62 miles per second meaning riding in his base alone has massively hypersonic reaction times on multiple occasions run showcase the ability to control electricity both to call lightning and to imbue his weapons and body with an electric aura this could very well be natural lightning and not some form of electrical discharge as the sound design implies clouds and Rolling Thunder the average speed of lightning is Mach 1294 or massively hypersonic plus in Metal Gear Rising while having a slightly improved cyborg body from mgs4 right in showcases relative reaction times being able to casually jump from missile to missile with his advanced body in conjunction with his Jack the Ripper mode a mental state that doesn't necessarily boost Ryden stats but more so allows him to become more violent he achieved sub relativistic speeds or between 1 and 5 percent the speed of light this being based on the speed of his sword strikes and relativity to the raindrops bass ridings attack potency would be multi city block based on his destruction of multiple Metal Gear RAY units in Metal Gear Solid 4 he produced a similar level of joules when he halted outer Haven as well as when he destroyed a Metal Gear RAY at the beginning of her vengeance Newton's third law would be showcase when riding survived Metal Gear excelsis utter destruction after severely damaging it a small town plus level feet with his Ripper mode he would scale to town level seeing as he produced jewels equivalent to approximately 14 point 590 kilotons of TNT when he sliced through an armored vehicle at sub relativistic speeds meaning in his advanced cyber body he'd be able to both would stand and output enough destructive energy to destroy an entire town in his base form we can assume he'd share Solid Snake's resistances at least up to the Shadow Moses incident meaning rided would most likely be able to resist mantises and mind-control just a cynic did in Metal Gear Solid 1 as well ridin was unable to have his muscle movements read by vamp and again ridin would have had to face a simulated gray fox who could also read muscled movements with his razor-sharp awareness even that ridin might have assumed great Fox's position in VR t2 would be able to read muscled movements his skull suit would provide him protection against toxins and some degree of protection from extreme temperatures his cyborg body would prove more resilient as he was sure he could survive their microwave hallway granting him a measure of radiation resistance his pain is mid while outside of Jack the Ripper mode seeing as when he is out of it he barely reacts his sustaining heavy injuries in the previously mentioned ambiguously accurate Yama's vow mission ridin was stated to be immune to body snatching [Applause] [Music] snake leave this to me I'll go to the server room the corridors full of microwaves what about this enough my body is a machine I can take it your body may be a machine but your heart you've got a life to go back to she means nothing to me now right look at me [Music] you still have your youth don't waste it you can start over from here on this is my fight I we tore the world apart made your life a living hell [Music] Ryden standard arsenal out set of handguns rifles and rocket launchers includes a high-frequency blade a blade which ignores durability by slicing atoms at the molecular level which can be set to stun right and eventually acquired Jetstream Sam's Mira sama blade a sword with an explosive discharge in the hilt allowing for a quote lightning fast draw a high-frequency longsword granting in greater reach the heavy hitting armor breaker sword the stun blade a sword infused with the two million volt current capable of shutting down cyborgs or ai-controlled combatants Ryden is capable of adapting to use seemingly any variation of weapon being able to analyze an opponent's battle data and wield their weapons with comparable skill such as with mr. all's pole arm monsoon side dystopia which applies a Lorentz force to magnetically pull riding towards his opponent and potentially overcharge their cybernetics and sundowners bloodlust to heavy-hitting high-frequency machetes his base form where's the skull suit a variation of sticky suit which regulates blood as well as possesses soundproof heels the soliton radar a radar which can detect an enemy's field of vision and has been shown to detect spirits he has an anti-personnel sensor a sensor which detects the enemy's heartbeats and body temperatures and converts it into vibrations he has thermal and night-vision goggles perhaps a variation of the solid eye a goggle which has built in binoculars that have up to 10,000 % zoom light amplifying night vision battlefield information as well as sensors detect the emotional state of the opponent his AR vision would gather infrared and radar information from the surrounding to locate enemies as well as weapons and items he could as well interface with the Internet creating holographic displays that only he could see he has stealth camouflage to render him invisible to the naked eye he has the brown wig which provides riding with infinite ammo the blue wig which provides him with an endless amount of oxygen and an orange wig which grants him infinite grip strength allowing him to indefinitely hold onto ledges and such wig a B and the blade mode wig Whigs that grant his cyborg body infinite ammo infinite blade mode and endless fuel for his Jack the Ripper enhanced blade mode respectably ridin was as well-equipped with health and stamina restoring items as repair units and electra when all is said and done ridin is an incredibly powerful highly-skilled cybernetically enhanced sword master he has a blade which can practically cut through any opponent enough means of detection to ensure they won't go unnoticed and enough forms of aid to ensure ridin stays and finishes the fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] the thing is all this ridin still claims this about Solid Snake he knows what's right and he just gets it done period no one can stop him [Music]
Channel: CRISIS
Views: 588,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Solid Snake, Raiden, Big Boss, Hideo Kojima, Konami
Id: dhGq7dejkCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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