ALL 15 Named Demons in Frieren RANKED & EXPLAINED

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in the world of frein the most dangerous creatures to encounter on the planet are known as demons evolved from an ancient race of monsters that were able to shout for help and lure its prey away to eat eventually the species developed and became indistinguishable from their prey learning to mimic human speech and behavior besides their two protruding horns from their head and the desire to deceive and Destroy any other spe species that isn't their own it was hard to even tell the difference the one glaring separation between the two races are that demons are incapable of feeling human emotions only responding to one thing strength forever making it impossible for coexistence as their entire reason for living an instinct as a whole is to deceive and kill whether the demon wants to admit it or fight its nature this is the ultimate truth eventually a Demon King emerged more powerful than all waging a war on the entire world this was actually possible as the demons blessed by Fate had a more natural Affinity to Magic than any other race making it easy to overpower everyone and similar to the elves demons were beings that had lifespans ranging over thousands of years allowing demons to dedicate centuries to learning magic and crafting unique or specialized curses their magic of choice sometimes being the only thing that made their kind individuals as being emotionless Hunters most of the Demons don't have much of a personality but we'll start to see as we get into the video the more eccentric or unique the demon the stronger their influence despite being devious monsters there was a demon hierarchy thanks to the demon king who had multiple Generals in his army as well as his own evil Squad of top tier demons known as the seven sages of Destro destruction these great demons were each renowned for some type of unbeatable signature magic in this video I will be dissecting every single named demon in freerun explaining their character the most I can and ranking them on a scale of weakest to strongest so whether you're interested in the power scaling of the Demons or just want to know more about them and here the demon lore there's something here for everybody if you haven't already hit that like button subscribe if you want to see more content like this and most most importantly thank you for watching an executioner in Aura the guillotine one of the seven sages of destruction's army drot is a very young and inexperienced demon easily figured out from his hot temper the demon was powerful enough to easily dispatch a dungeon guard with ease though thanks to his magic spell that transforms Mana into sharp wires for cutting although clearly strong enough to have a dignified role in aura Army and be trusted with the plan to infiltrate and deceive an entire town drought is assumed To Be A Cut Above your average demon his wire manipulation spell is also quite deadly claiming to be the strongest wire spell out of all demon magic it would usually be sharp enough to cut through the average mage's Mana defense if that victim wasn't frean the Slayer who quickly Merks drought like the fodder he is another one of or are the guillotine personal executioners Linny is a young demon similar to Dr barely at the age of 80 who was sent to infiltrate the town owned by grath gut although in contrast to her counterpart Linny has a significantly high level of battle experience and skill her signature spell being called orasin imitation Magic by keeping a close eye and analizing an opponent's fighting style Linny can not only replicate the enemy's weapon of choice but complete completely recreate and mimic their attacks and strategies despite her young age Lenny has already mastered multiple Styles such as knife fighting swordsmanship and spear work most impressively Linny has also managed to copy the battle skills of eizen the Warrior One of the heroes from the party that killed the Demon King Linny is able to exceptionally bring all of these different styles to life and can even switch weapons mid combat although there is a brief delay between weapon Cycles the only downside to orasin is that it truly is only an imitation of the fighting style not the real thing meaning Linny cannot bring out the full potential and strength of the skills she copies this is ultimately how she finds herself losing to Stark the warrior in frein's party as she is unable to strike Stark as powerfully as Eisen the warrior actually would have regardless of using all his moves zart is an above average class demon serving the sage of Destruction grossome and appears as a threat to the party of Heroes during their quest to defeat the demon king ironically this is the peak of zart power in the timeline even if he had survived the battle against frein the reason for this is entirely revolving around his magic type of choice zarts magical ability lies in the realm of SpaceTime in fact zart only shows up in the story because he notices a rift in the SpaceTime Continuum from a Time traveling frein without explaining why or how frein uncovered the secrets of time travel zart signature spell allows him to change the place of any tangible object to any location he desires whether the target of the magic be himself his enemies or even giant masses of land zart is able to teleport them anywhere he chooses as far as we're concerned as long as zart makes physical contact with the target they're vulnerable to being teleported his most common assassination method of the time was transporting his enemies High into the air and watching them all fall to their deaths however this is where the time period comes into play as zart reigned during an era where human magic had not progressed to the realm of flight unlike Humanity demons are able to fly just as easily as they are able to walk so during the Demon King's Reign zarts power was more than enough to easily trip up the party of Heroes however in the current age many human Mages are capable of flight making zart more than a Shifty trickster who can't use his spells without even touching you Zar can teleport giant amounts of Earth into the air and attempt to crush opponents but anyone with enough speed can easily avoid this keeping him lower than anyone who can fly at fast speeds or kill him before that even happens Lugar is the leader of the small band of demons attempting to infiltrate graph gut city under the orders of Aura the guillotine lugner is the very first demon on this list to very much represent his species emotionless and indiscriminate blood lust as despite the two younger demons before being stronger than your average demon of the weak Lugar is in a class of his own purely based on his manipulation skills as a whole much like other high tier demons Lugar is especially cunning and more than willing to play the humans of graan city like fools merely to accomplish Ora's goal under the guise of peacemakers Lugar tricks the leader of an entire City into believing demon kind has turned a new leaf and when graph G not test Lugar claiming demons took the life of his son Lugar is quick-witted enough to play on the human's heartstrings and write into the theatrics of the situation responding by saying lugar's own father was killed in the war between humans and demons so he can in fact empathize to spite demons not having parents not including his abilities of deception lugner is a talented Mage who's prideful of the level of Mana he carries enough to find Mages like Fern or frein who conceal their Mana cowardly and Despicable lugner is capable of healing any damage that he takes even lost limbs or body parts as long as he still has mana and his heart remains he does this through his signature spell Balter blood manipulation Magic by flowing Mana through the blood in his veins Lugar is able to control all of his blood either in or outside of his body the spell can also create hardened tendrils that Lugar can impale opponents with or Shields that he can use to defend because of the traces of Mana within the blood Lugar is also able to track any person or object that is stained with or carrying his blood although a strong demon and a great introduction to the entire species as a whole when it comes to power levels lugner frankly falls short to a lot of the greater demons on this list Divine Revolt is a former General in the Demon King's Army a demon General is a monstrosity among demon kind usually spending several centuries honing their physical skills and Magic capabilities to achieve some mystical art in revolts case this was mastering swordsmanship however with four arms Revolt was able to craft an ungodly fighting style with quadruple wielded blades and by channeling his Mana through the swords Revolt is actually able to manipulate the weight density size and shape of the weapons he uses combined with Divine Revolt snake likee inhuman proportions his four sword combat is almost impossible for even a first class Mage the highest tier to keep up with Revolt is able to endure a battle with both Gau a first class Mage and Stark a highlevel warrior at the same time and also demolishes multiple platoon of parties before this much like other demons Revolt is merely interested in his own selfish goals slaughtering human villages simply to pass the time and enlisting weaker demons in their small death squads merely to cause trouble although Revolt claims to want to learn from humans and even tries to communicate with Gau and Stark before battle ultimately they serve him little more purpose than a quick scuffle Revolt is no more moralistic than any other of his kind when about to die he allows one of his subordinates to Fain as an innocent child in order to distract Gau and get an upper hand in the fight and once his swords are destroyed Revolt regresses to fighting like a cornered animal lashing out with little reason or coordination even stabbing Stark and gal with his bare hands when it came down to it however his more animalistic Tendencies were what kept Revolt so low on this list as he wasn't able to think too far outside of the box and underestimated Gau and Stark multiple times he was very easily predicted and read by the same humans he looked down upon resulting in revolts elimination from the world Revolt did have two demon underlings that were special enough to get their own signature spells one being fog magic and the other wind magic to complement her expert swordsmanship but they weren't important enough to get names I guess so they would most likely Fall right under Revolt here maybe a bit higher than lugner the self-proclaimed Greatest Warrior in Demon history the bloody God of War riala is a great demon who has reigned as a general in the Demon King's Army for centuries depicted as the demon responsible for not only destroying Stark one of frein's new party members home Villages but murdering Stark's older brother as well as a great demon that was given a name along with tot saint of the end although raval is not a sage of Destruction the level of strength he can amass is incomparable to most demons even with just his bare fists raval is powerful enough to obliterate his enemies in usual usually one punch claiming that eizen one of the strongest Heroes of humanity is one of the first Warriors to block his attacks in a long time while simultaneously raval still generated enough Force to leave a giant scar on the earth behind ISAC raval can also manifest any weapon he desires it seems in the blink of an eye Conjuring an axe to fight with out of respect for eisen's own style of battle proving that raval is not only Adept at multiple weapons the demon is easily able to adapt in most battle situations this is also shown by raval's Blood lust and his love for war thrilled to fight any fellow Warrior who can give him a challenge even up against Eisen one of the Warriors who slayed the Demon King raval was able to leave the encounter with only a few scratches battling the warrior long enough to force Eisen to retreat this is the last time we've seen raval the bloody God of War but from Stark's flashback it can be assumed raval is alive and and well bringing chaos to the land in search of more strong human Warriors making me think it's not the last we've seen of raval known as the saint of the end tot is a surprise appearance as a supremely powerful great demon who has been foreshadowed to be a threat to the entire world although not just yet tot shows up for a few moments in the past during the reign of the Demon King in an attempt to stop the time traveling frein from escaping the time period and stealing the knowledge frean has of the future however unlike the other demons called to take action against the time anomaly tot refuses to fight claiming she's no good at battles and all she cares about is the pursuit of magic and living to see another day tot offhandedly remarks about a curse she's been manifesting on the planet but admits it's only at about 30% contamination right now in another Century or so stunningly close to where we're currently at in the main story tot claims her her curse will have completely consumed the Earth at this point we have no idea what that means or how strong tat actually is she isn't Sage of Destruction level although it's unclear how much that really matters in the grand scheme of things as you'll begin to see in some of these higher rankings it's more than clear she'll be a world- ending threat later on though as another fact you'll start to pick up on throughout this list the more peaceful a demon acts and claims to be the more probably terrifyingly strong they are it's theorized among the freerun community she will bring about the Calamity foretold in the prophecy surrounding the sword of the hero possibly explaining why himl in the days of the Demon King was unable to pull the sword from its resting place the war of the demon king not its true purpose and tot being its destined enemy only time will tell though on with the ranking most commonly referred to as Aura the guillotine Aura is a sage of Destruction whose Reign has lasted over 500 years one of the cruestv single enemy that fell to her and recruiting them into an Ever growing Undead Army however the title Guillotine specifically arises from her trait of decapitation for all of her Undead soldiers something she gained after learning her control could be broken by someone with an undying and unbreakable will instead of ever taking that chance again Ora simply forces every subordinate to Forfeit their head leaving her surrounded by nothing but a headless Army and her demon executioners Aura was one of the special sages to somehow survive the pivotal encounter with the hero of the South and even got lucky twice only losing half of her Army to the party of Heroes and escaping with just an injury from himl the hero during the party's Quest against the demon king this wound from himl however would heal physically but instead manifest mentally running Aura into hiding for almost a century until himl died rejuvenated and confident now that her natural enemy Was Defeated Aura could resume her Conquest against the human world picking up where the Demon King left off and this time at the head of her own operation no pun intended aura's ability to control others stems from her signature magic also l Spell of obedience a special technique that takes a gamble between both its caster and the opponent by Conjuring a large scale Aura places both her and her enemy's Soul onto it reducing them down to nothing but pure Mana level alone based on the weight of their Mana amount the winner of the struggle is granted total control of the other Ur Lessa is a very highrisk high reward spell that frankly in the hands of any other being besides a half Millennia Old Stage of Destruction would probably never work but aura's massive and overwhelming presence accompanied by her Superior Mana level even by demon standards has always been impossible to defeat and with Mana detection AA always knows who she should and shouldn't try this against unless someone was to hide their true Mana level of course but who would do that aura is a very powerful demon who is more than aware of her place in the food chain her entire Arc in the story is resorting to deception and tricking her opponents into peace because fighting them is just costing her soldiers and time and she isn't dumb enough to see an end in this endless cycle of War interestingly enough though this is what separates her from the demons ranked above as instead of playing Sly games some demons would just Crush their enemies with overwhelming strength and although Aura plays her part well it's undeniable there are demons that outrank her in power one of the most infamous Demons of all time quall also known as the Elder Sage of corruption is a monstrous and vile creature compared to other of his kind something that is very much reflected in his appearance during the time of the Demon King's Reign qu was responsible for the deaths of over 40% of adventurers and 70% of sorcerers in fact when locked in combat with frein and the rest of the party of Heroes qu proved too strong for any of them to Vanquish resulting in the party sealing him temporarily until a countermeasure could be created to stop him what made qual so devastatingly powerful was his signature magic the killing spell zult Trak Mana that was so strong it was able to pierce any and all defenses almost guaranteeing death to any who were struck by it on top of this qu was very intelligent and was easily able to analyze any magic he was up against this adeptness is even shown when qu is unsealed by frein and despite only being awakened for a couple of minutes qu quickly identified Fern frein's apprentices defense vulnerabilities and changed his strategies to hit them effect effectively frein immediately steps in and eliminates qual though quite easily this time I might add as unfortunately in the 80 years that qual was sealed zrak his life's work was completely deconstructed and repurposed by Humanity to work against the demons this results in qua quickly meeting his end at the hands of his own spell and thus permanently altering the power gap between humans and demons as from this point onward no demon is properly prepared for casting zra on them because this spell is so new only around for approximately 80 years or so most great demons are significantly older than zra meaning dodging or defending it are not yet ingrained into their senses of habit meaning almost all demons even some of the highest ranked like mock the golden a sage of Destruction we'll definitely be discussing later suffer from the weakness to killing magic it's for this reason despite qual being taken out fairly easily by frein he has a significant advantage against any demon that can't endure his Superior Mana output The Immortal Bose one of the seven sages of Destruction the peak of demonkind reigning over the northern lands for centuries and establishing his name Bose was Infamous for his defensive barrier magic said to be unbreakable Bose was one of the only sages to survive a pivotal encounter during the war of demons between the legend hero of the South and all seven sages of Destruction along with their leader Bose's indomitable Shield most likely the reason for his survival he eventually met his end by the party of Heroes on their quest to slay the Demon King trapping the team in an Immaculate barrier composed of square grids Bose would be surprised to learn his defense was actually not impenetrable and could slowly be chipped away at and broken through by the Undying Will and strength of a hero regardless of Bose's loss among demonkind he achieved the highest honor as a sage of Destruction and was Immortal as far as any demons on this list were concerned assumedly having more barriers and shields powerful enough to withstand and trap any demon listed below him one of the seven sages of Destruction and given the name gram the miraculous gram is one of the most terrifying presences among all of demon kind despite being un deniably loyal to the Demon King gram exists as mostly an enigma in fact most of his kind doesn't even know if they've seen what gram truly looks like as the demon is Infamous for shape-shifting constantly changing his appearance to suit the era he's immersed it this Transformation Magic not only makes it easy for gram to blend in and hide amongst Humanity gram can turn into enemy allies and deceive them into letting their guard down classic demon deception 101 but what makes Gram's deception all the scarier is his hypnosis magic shape-shifting isn't Gram's only spell his signature technique being known as anzella magic to guide one to Paradise taking his manipulation of reality one step further past himself and to his opponent gram can plunge an enemy into a deep almost impossible to escape dream where one can truly lose themselves in happiness and give up Gram's Mana concentration is strong enough to even drag great demons into his hallucinations until his encounter with the party of Heroes gram claims to have never met a mage capable of resisting his magic something hater the priest is able to accomplish due to being highly skilled against the nature of curses and demonic magic and himo the hero manages by letting his body fight on Instinct despite being locked inside the dream although these are great exceptions it does show gram isn't unbeatable especially based on the fact once he's backed into a corner and has to resort to actual combat he's easily bested by the combined efforts of hater and himl this is even with zolitaire a higher ranked Demon's backup from afar proving that gram is truly Reliant almost wholeheartedly on his illusionary magic and isn't much of a fighter although gram is one of the sages to survive the encounter with the hero of the South it's most likely due to escaping similar to how he does in his encounter with the party of Heroes and despite supposedly having power over memories both human and Demon alike gram does not have much else in his Arsenal to help him in his flaws although gram was given the Accolade of being mocked the golden the strongest Sage of destructions worst matchup again this is all because of his illusionary magic faced with someone who can overcome that hurdle Grom is reduced to just a slightly above average demon and it's for this reason I would rank rosom overall lower than mocked considering when it comes to being more than just your one gimmick mocked brings way more to the table than just one signature spell speaking of which mocked of El Dorado or mocked the golden depending on your translation is the strongest Sage of Destruction out of the seven the reason for Mock's overwhelming power is the special curse that he was granted as his magic of choice Mock's signature magic is known as diag Golds a spell to turn all creation into gold diag Golds does just as it says allows mock the incomprehensible ability to turn any and all things he deems necessary into gold although mocked is sometimes shown using direct contact to impart this curse this action is not at all necessary as even remote and from great distance mock is able to turn whatever he desires desires to Gold whether it be instantaneous or slow and torturous he has complete control over the entire process the great Mage zeria even theorizes even if he wanted to mock could probably snap the entire region of the northern Plateau into gold on a wiim the reason he doesn't is the same reason despite being all powerful mock remains a conflicted individual blessed with magic that is almost unbeatable some would say mocked desite being a demon develops a boredom around war and violence he grows jaded to fighting because at the end of the day it's all pointless to him with Dia Golds mocked can end any opponent at any time without fail making conflict as a whole a mundane Affair mock doesn't resent his magic type though and actually mock draws out most of his fights not because it would be boring to win immediately but because of the great sense of Pride he feels using Dia gold not wanting to waste it on trivial fodder that isn't even worth his time ultimately Mock's inner conflict drives him to a pursuit of trying to understand the humans he's been slaughtering for centuries perhaps finding the answer to their endless struggle and beginning an era of Peace however because of Mock's demonic nature and realistically wanting quote unquote coexistence with humans for selfish reasons the demon never truly was able to find the answer he sought trying unrelated experim like pitting two human children in a fight to the death to try and understand the emotions they'd be going through to eventually coming upon a political leader named Gluk who mocked with intentions of coexistence would befriend slowly integrating himself into glo's Political cabinet and Human Society to truly immerse himself in the lifestyle during this time mock takes on a human Apprentice in the Mage denkin and fosters a strong Mentor student relationship with the boy imparting his knowledge of magic iic and skill onto the child in hopes one day he may have a strong challenge mock also helps villagers with everyday tasks and even goes as far as to defend towns from the Demon King's Army being a human's assistant and a traitor to his entire species meant nothing in the chances mock could one day come to truly understand Humanity at the end of his experiment Mock's Twisted definition of understanding reared its head planning to indulge himself into the human emotion of guilt by turning the entire town that took him in and his close friend Gluk that he began this journey with to Gold hoping that after truly living The Human Experience if it was all taken away from him mocked would finally see things from a human perspective it failed proving that demons truly are unable to coexist or ever empathize with Humanity as looking at the sight of what he once called home mocked felt nothing and what made this work is that no matter how many lies were lost over what ended up being a pointless experiment mocked is unable to reverse any of it despite having such omnipotent power like turning all of creation to Gold because mocked is a demon and therefore unable to truly visualize what returning a human body back to normal would be diagold is a spell that can never be reversed the tragedy of mocked is a tale of a demon who truly really believe they could become one with humans even if that meant sacrificing all he thought he held dear even thinking of committing such a crime is monstrous in and of itself and following Protocol no matter how much a demon claims to be opposed to violence it usually almost always just means they are terrifyingly powerful besides diag Golds and truly honestly having no need to be mocked is just as powerful of a warrior as he is a mage being able to convert the the coat he wears into a golden blade or Shield mocked is a proficient swordsman and Soldier even able to shatter a first class mage's defense barriers with his sword swings it appears his strongest weapon is the Trident he's able to craft out of the gold particles he creates as this is Mock's tool of choice when going all out in a fight against his student denin it appears when taking a fight seriously and Dia Golds is unusable mock is still able to use his control of gold to his Advantage by plunging his golden Trident into the ground he can shape shift all of the debris into gold and any gold mock creates is indestructible making it a great projectile attack and by piling on multiple pieces mock can create giant streams of gold like tendrils that can whip and harm enemies from afar mock is able to move simultaneously with this flurry storm of gold able to combo his opponent while overwhelming them with the torrent of waves mock thanks to his acquaintanceship with ziter a higher ranked demon who specializes in researching human magic mocked has a fundamental understanding of how human Mages battle this is not only why mock was able to teach denin the fundamentals of human magic but it's also how mock is able to create defensive barriers of his own similar to other human Mages another impressive feat from mock is his long range of Mana detection supposedly extending entirely throughout the golden lands of the northern Plateau whether this is because mocked is able to sense all the areas in which his curse has taken effect it does immediately let him know any and all who stepped into his territory immediately pulling up on lernin and eedle only a couple of moments after they entered his domain on the flip side because of the golden curse mocked is also impossible to detect whether this is because his golden magic doesn't give off Mana or his curse actually just makes it seem like mocked is everywhere all at once this is another trait that makes mocked a scary threat in battle mock is able to easily decimate High tier first class Mages like learning and even threaten stronger forces of nature like frein although ziter a higher ranked demon claims despite frean not believing so the elf should be able to kill Mo the great Mage serrier another elf is quickly able to get one over on mocked in their short fight as well proving that although mock is one of the strongest of his kind any Mage who can counter the die gold spell can put him up against the corner when mentoring a young Fern and familiarizing her with the dangers of the northern Plateau frean introduced her Apprentice to the names of all the great demons still alive and well in the area but one fact frean always stressed to Fern was that if you should ever encounter a great demon who has no name you should run on sight because that means not a single person that has ever met this demon has lived to tell the tale ziter the nameless great demon is a polite and gentle speaking creature that roams the northern Plateau going so far as to live in a small hanger off on a Cliffs side and invite people in for tea and sweets again a very unique case in demonkind ziter is someone who prioritizes the pursuit of knowledge as opposed to fighting this is why despite being a close companion of the Demon King Zer holds no position or title in his army and instead spends her days isolated and experimenting with living beings the reason for her very human-like attitude is her complete dissection into all of these beings Zer finds interesting animals other demons especially humans are all an endless source of curiosity for ziter however this does not exclude her from her species carnal desires despite actually seeming to understand human emotions and how they work even more than someone like mocked who comes specifically to her for knowledge on the subject zit is still nothing more than a a beast using deception on her prey something Fern and Stark Fun's party members are quickly able to pick up on noting no matter how nice ziter sounds she cannot hide the potent reek of death she musters ziter has actually risen to Great Heights thanks to her curious mind her experiments and research on biological life have led to a deep grasp on all different kinds of magic especially Humanity's developments on the topic ziter has even done something that no other demon has and that's actually learned human magic having her own collection of dull and ordinary grimo allowing her to mimic human life even behind closed doors ziter seems to hold humankind in great regard enough to appreciate their philosophies and scientific theories but this has also led to her being quite paranoid of them at the same time through what is implied to be numerous experiments of multiple different methods zater has come to understand the tenacity of humans and how dangerous they can be this great respect is also ziter not underestimating a race of beings who have been able to slaughter many of her kind before something she notes is due to other demons not sharing this quote unquote cowardice now no matter how much of a coward ziter claims to be she holds up to the level of fear frean rightfully attempted to instill in her Apprentice as a nameless great demon ziter holds a similar level of power to if not frankly even higher than the seven sages of Destruction despite holding no position in the Demon King's Army and having little experience on the battlefield ziter strength comes from her genius in the realm of magic and ability to learn on the Fly adapting and growing her power in dire situations in order to overcome them Z's signature spells are unnamed just like her but her most common ability is Conjuring tens of hundreds of large triangular bladed swords and using them as either projectile weapons or wielding them herself for physical attacks and combos zater can control all of these summon swords remotely meaning she can use them to fight up close or even back up her allies from afar without even needing to show herself as mentioned before zat's highlevel understanding of different types of magic make her quick wit another devastating weapon not only is she able to change fighting styles on the Fly zolotar can also perform Monumental Feats similar to freim like deciphering insanely complicated barriers zolotar shatters The Shield over El Dorado a barrier constructed by multiple different theories based on various countries and human races and despite it taking her about 2 months it was something not even mocked the strongest age of Destruction and ranked right below her could accomplish even with Decades of time this is all because of her unique curiosity and delving into human knowledge zolar's most powerful spell is proof of how she has excelled in Mana control using the simplest and most purest form of magic but at the same time causing the most devastating and Lasting damage by Conjuring and heavily concentrating a burst of pure Mana in her hands and letting it explode against an opponent's Mana zolotar can blast an enemy away with a supreme amount of force that can do serious harm these bursts of Mana can even be charged enough to break through frein's defensive barriers who is one of the strong longest Mages of all time ziter is also capable of reversing this powerful offense into a defense changing the burst of Mana into a thick layer similar to a shield that can be placed in front of any attacks that could potentially cause her harm it was a dense barrier that was only able to be pierced by zra a demon's natural enemy however after a short battle with frein zolotar showed her impressive adapting skills and improved her Mana barrier enough to withstand even the killing Magic at the end of the day despite ziter being one of a kind on her deathbed she shows her true nature a deceitful creature willing to lie and cheat to survive a powerful Mage in every right able to press even freewind the Slayer in combat to a point she hadn't been in decades Z's pursuit of knowledge leads me to believe much like frein given the chance she could deconstruct any spell or barrier even diagold which is why I play face the nameless great demon ziter just above mock the golden but right beneath someone who I think might be a little better than both of them the omniscient schlock the leader of the seven sages of Destruction and the Demon King's most trusted Confidant in power it appears schlock is also second only to The Demon King as well considering he's confident enough to challenge the strongest of his subordinates mock the golden when it comes to testing his dominance a future Seer supposedly able to see at least 1,000 years into the future but even more than that Schock is able to play millions of different Futures in his head through trial and tribulation testing all of the different possible realities in order to come to what schlock deems as the best conclusion it's for this reason schlock seems to be the most composed and aloof of his kind always knowing what could and will happen to an unfathomable degree unlike most most of his kind considering most demons are pretty self-serving Schock is unique in that everything he claims to do is for the survival of demon kind hoping that with every move he makes schlock is driving the world one step closer to demon Supremacy that end goal may come a thousand years from now and he may not even live to see it but as long as every card is played correctly if schlock can see Demon's Reign he would do whatever it takes this is also something that separat shock from most other demons being one of the only of his kind to confidently accept his foreseeable death and even as mock puts it knowingly walked towards it because despite ultimately knowing that he will meet his end at the hands of the hero of the South a human who ironically has the same sightseeing Powers as schlock schlock does not attempt to change this fate in the slightest knowing full well it's simply just another step towards the future he himself witnessed 1,000 years from now unfortunately Mock's memories of the battle with the hero of the South are wiped by Grom this is because through his future sight schlock had already knew at some point later in the timeline during the El Dorado Arc in the manga frein would read Mock's memories and potentially witness this Monumental moment in history because of this we sincerely do not know what happened at this critical battle for humankind alls we do know is that it resulted in the deaths of three sages of Destruction the slaying of both the hero of the South and and schlock at each other's hands and that this all was a part of the greater plan schlock had laid out for his species While most of this event is hazy and only time will tell if what we think happened at this battle is actually what happened one thing is for sure despite dying prematurely in the freerun story it will never be denied schlock was one of the strongest demons to ever walk the earth and he truly was second to only one the number one demon of all kind The Demon King not only do we not know the true name of the Demon King to be honest there is little known at all about such a devastating force of nature in the world history of frein we have never seen what the Demon King looks like and despite knowing that frein and her party quote unquote defeated him it's never specifically stated how that was even possible or what they did to accomplish it other than subtle off-handed comments about it being a tough time in the Demon King's Castle it is a very vague hole in the story for now and in frein we know things are never truly as they seem regardless what we do know about the demon king is that like mock he is one of the only of his species in all of history to desire coexistence and peace between both humans and demons also similar to mocked this journey to understand humans unfortunately results in the maab slaughter of any and all All Humans The Demon King comes across attempting to create peace through either the complete subjugation of humans or killing just about enough of them to finally figure out what makes them tick and being able to adapt those personality traits into demon kind you know whatever comes first it's based on this fact that makes how freerun and the team handled the threat of the Demon King even more of a mystery considering what we know of demon hierarchy for how quote unquote peaceful the man strive to be to command the legions of the entire demon race and receive undying loyalty from a species that literally only responds to power and deception the demon king must have not only had the strength to defeat every single demon ever born his mere Mana presence alone must have been enough to instill absolute Terror in any who even faced his Direction regardless of whatever kind of person the demon king turns out to be or however his reign of war and Terror was ended the cold hard facts are he is not only responsible for the extermination of the entire Elven race The Demon King almost drove Humanity to Extinction in his attempts to understand them so no matter what ends up being true about the tale of the party of heroes or how humanized the Demon King may end up getting he will always and forever be the most lethal tyrannical and destructive demon of all time hey guys thank you so much for watching if you made it all the way to the end and I sincerely appreciate it make sure if you haven't already you hit that like button and subscribe if you want to see more content like this definitely feel free to check out the Mage ranking video if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: No Operator
Views: 52,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frieren, frieren beyond journey's end, frieren characters ranked, frieren demons ranked, frieren every demon, every frieren demon explained, frieren demons explained, frieren strongest characters, frieren every character ranked, frieren every demon ranked, frieren seven sages of destruction, frieren demons, aura the guillotine, frieren aura, frieren linie, aura frieren, macht frieren, solitar frieren, frieren demon king, frieren lugner, fern vs lugner, sousou no frieren
Id: 4qoTwmSUw6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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