The COMPLETE PYTHON Developer: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie | Udemy course review

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andre negoy is the king of udemy right now in my book and he just dropped his python course the complete python developer in 2019 soon to be 2020 zero to mastery problem is there's like 10 000 other python courses does this one deliver i'm gonna tell you all about it as my big feather earring flies away and the video starts right now what's up developers i'm rtc i'm a self-taught software developer and the founder of the king of udemy right now andre nagoy this guy is turning up the heat when it comes to standards on udemy his production values are out of this world his knowledge is 10 out of 10. his support system is really killing the udemy game right now and he's just taking the standard and bringing it up a notch or two when it comes to your typical udemy fare my first exposure to andre like many of you guys also is his zero to mastery boot camp style web development course it's a huge course covers a ton of topics um so that was my gateway it becomes apparent really quickly in his courses that he cares so much about student success and that's another thing where it's just like taking the udemy course and bringing it up a notch it's not just a course he's so active in his developer community on discord he reached a hundred thousand people on discord a few months ago like crazy metrics this guy's rocking it um but more to the point of this course there's a lot of freaking python courses out there right now and i've taken two of them on udemy as a student the first one i took was jose portilla's python course expansive massive lots to cover and then i also took colt steel's python course those are both great courses now when it comes to teaching python from the ground up there are a few challenges because number one it's been done thousands of times before any time you try to teach a programming language from the ground up a variable is a variable a function's a function you can get creative with how you address those topics but you just gotta chug through them no matter who the instructor is so the first half the better half of the course is touching on the fundamentals but this course is like 29 hours so you're spending a lot of time and remember this is just video run time this is not the time you spend pausing challenge doing the challenges um you know going out and reading further working on little projects and stuff that's just video run time this course could easily take a few months to complete so the basics covered are very thorough everything from your programming fundamentals you know functions loops uh variables and so on and then object-oriented programming also a lot of syntax related stuff and some other things that are just related specifically to python so you're spending quite a bit of time on that which is a good thing however if you're impatient this can get a little daunting fortunately andre understands this because he's also a self-taught developer so a lot of the lectures are three and four minutes just digestible teeny tiny punches lots of stuff to learn lots of stuff to think about but the lectures are really short so it makes the time go by a little quicker production values on this course are slamming just like his other courses uh really well organized too you can tell he just didn't hit the record button and start talking this course looks like it took him months to plan and i'm sure it did very good structure there's a big area for challenges where you can check your knowledge throughout the course and also 12 plus projects what's dope about these projects is that again just turning it up a notch it's not just a web scraper it's a web scraper for hacker news it's not just a bot it's a bot for twitter so the projects you do a lot of these you can implement and see how they work in the real world and i think that's another thing adjust my feather that's another thing that andre does really well is that he understands that most people taking his courses want a freaking job um so the projects and kind of how he guides his courses have have the junior developer who needs a job in mind the discord is where it's happening because he's actually there he encourages students to reach out and even get a coding buddy or study buddy to keep people accountable that's emphasized early on in the course that is just a huge student support on you to me i mean for 10 bucks what do you expect but at the same time it is really critical if you want to succeed in this field in any kind of tech field you need to have someone to throw ideas off of and in my opinion you need to have that community it doesn't have to be formal it doesn't even have to be big it'd be one or two people just someone else where you can share your ideas and improve your coding skills that way would i recommend this course for web developers just starting out i would not um if you know you want to do web development i would say bypass python i love that language it's amazing but you could spend you know a few years learning this language and still not be ready for a web development job because most employers aren't using python now andre does have like a three hour section dedicated to web development using python and it does have its use cases i mean web scraping is obviously web-based there's also python frameworks like django and flask and he covers flask in a sec in the web section but if you're wanting a job you should probably stick to javascript or php if you're doing full stack or back-end development i would absolutely recommend this course if you are ready for your second language or you're just trying to explore the different areas in tech python does so many things well i'm personally biased because i think python is awesome but it really is beginner friendly you can even look at colleges across the states i don't know about overseas but a lot of programs are switching from java to python because it is so beginner friendly and if you're looking for a way into tech but not quite sure where you want to take it i would say check this course out because you do again 12 plus projects some of them are really cool like the web scraper i love web scraping so again i'm probably a little biased but just tying it in to real world apps like hacker news tying the bot in so you can deploy it on twitter and actually use it cool stuff that you can get deploying pretty quickly because it's not like layer upon layer um once you know the basics putting together a bot is you know it's not easy but it's not the hardest thing to do and you can see the results of your work pretty quickly all in all excellent beginners course material is on point andre is so enthusiastic uh he's quit his job and is doing this full-time i don't know how he does it i dm'd him the other day i'm like how do you do all this stuff because he has like a newsletter and he does videos and making these courses he's like well it helps that i do this full time and i'm like still man i want to be like you andre the quality is still up here when the typical udemy course is like right here uh for the costa lunch like i say in all these types of videos you can't go wrong highly recommend this course python is a great language andre's so enthusiastic great instructor great organization and he's coming for you to me this guy is hungry and he's killing the game right now the godfather i think is still cold steel don't worry people i still love me some cold steel he's the godfather and anything can change at any time but right now i think it's andre's time to shine he is the king angela you is the queen we're going to be doing a review on a few of her courses coming up but he is just doing some great things right now so congratulations andre on another banging course the complete python developer in 2019 soon to be 2020 zero to mastery a boot camp style python course where you get to build some awesome projects and learn a pretty fabulous language
Channel: Tech Course Review
Views: 20,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python, learn python, learn python for beginners, andrei neagoie python, andrei neagoie, andrei neagoie udemy, aneagoie, udemy review, best udemy courses for python, udemy courses for python, python video course, python bootcamp, online python bootcamp, andrei neagoie bio, zero to mastery python, realtoughcandy, udemy course review, best python course, python course for beginners, python programming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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