The Complete Pskyer Weapon Tierlist │Darktide │ Pyskinetic │Warhammer 40K

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what's good boys real quick before we get stuck into the video I'd like to address something in the last tier list that I covered on the channel a fair few high IQ individuals asserted that surely I must not have played the game enough because their favorite weapons were not asked here which In fairness unless you actively follow my channel you wouldn't know how much experience I have with the game and for you know I could just be some casual Andy with only 40 hours of play time because that certainly happens enough so please indulge me for just one moment while I flex on these noobs with my dark type resume and while you're busy being impressed by my Godlike achievements don't forget to subscribe to the channel and check out my Twitch in the description real quick then my total play time is around 450 hours I've completed all of the pennants for all of the classes I run damn Nations just for fun and have well over 100 Missions on each class all while packing enough End Game Gear to make a raid boss blush now that that crap is out of the way let's actually get into the list beginning with the obvious all of the guns are just automatically going into F the reasoning behind this is that if you're playing psycho you should be you using a staff now this is not to say that you cannot use guns and be effective but I think it's also fair to say that if your intent was on using guns primarily then the Sharpshooter or the seller would make more sense for you to play then for tactical access these come in three variants as of which one is best I personally favor the MK4 because of its sweeping light attack moveset but I've talked to plenty of people who swear by each one of these axes so it really boils down to personal preference each ax has strong single Target DPS and even respectable AOE DPS only if you roll the brutal momentum blessing on them though and all have fantastic armor penetration too but most importantly every ax has incredible mobility and as a psycho you should be trying to actively avoid being brought into melee combat and then keeping as much uptime on whichever of the powerful stats you have chosen to bring and few weapons can outshine the Tactical accent doing that so the Tactical axes collectively land at BT the only thing keeping them from a is that the weapon overall Focus too much on single Target Elite killing and as a psycho you'd be better served just staying at ranged and brain popping the elite or using your staff as for blessing recommendations brutal momentum is King and as for second blessings I'd recommend decapitator or decimator next are the katachan devil claw swords like the attack axes these swords come in three variants similarly I don't believe there to be a best one but I do have a preference for the mark one myself as it seems to be the most crowd control focused of the three the katachan is one of the best Horde suppressing weapons in the game it has a super satisfying sweeping strike that just sends heads flying the wide angles also catch and suppress enemies keep them off of you which is an infallible thing as a psycho the special is no joke either as it allows you to Parry strong attacks and avoid all incoming damage when done correctly Mobility is up there with the best despite being a bigger weapon so naturally this helps you avoid danger and reposition easily the katachan Lord sit easily as an eight-tier weapon for me where they do fall flat though is overall damage and dealing with armor anything more than a groaner or a pox Walker on the higher difficulties can be quite time consuming to kill with these weapons if you're forced to and that for me is enough of a reason not to put this as an s-tier weapon for blessings devastating strikes is absolutely amazing I'm pairing this with Savage sweep gives you one of the best Horde melting weapons in the game now we're taking a look at the combat knife and this is much the same as the attack ax in a lot of ways it's extremely fast highly Mobile in fact it's the most mobile weapon in the game and single Target DPS focused unlike the axis though it doesn't deal so well with armor without at least heavy attack spamming but it makes up for it with a much faster light attack combo the dagger will right away be putting alongside the attack axes in B Because despite of its god-tier Mobility it falls short with its complete lack of AOE and overall just low damage output leaving you unable to quickly fight your way through enemies when you're cornered for blessings I highly highly recommend taking lacerate and then literally any of the other ones would do fine the four sword next and this is an interesting weapon first of all you're able to actively quell while wielding just like a staff but at the cost of passive quelling rate being a lot slower it also has an empowered attack that operates very similarly to the chain weapons that allows you to deal heavy single Target damage then the overall damage output of the weapon when using normal attacks is really nothing to write home about but it's not too bad either we also have a force push style block attack which seems to have a large stagger value sending enemies flying but it can be a little difficult gauging the side to side range of it interestingly this weapon seems to be one of the only in the game with unlimited Dodges and though each Dodge is not particularly long with how much I harp on about Mobility it's not hard to see why this is a great thing to have honestly I had a really hard time placing this weapon but ultimately I fell on tier a and before the Gremlins out there start typing angry comments let me get into why I think it's not ranked s the first reason is the attack pattern is painfully vertical most attacks are just straight up and straight down this provides very little in the way of Cleve and secondly the blessing choices for this weapon are pretty craptastic and yes I know deflector is cool but if you're just standing out in the open like a goober getting shot at saying look at me I'm Neo from The Matrix you're not actually doing anything useful for the team that is time you could be better spent brain popping the shooters for example that blessing aside all of the others are mid at best and that's why I just can't bring myself to give this weapon an S moving on to combat axes and they are strong seriously strong melee weapons they are a little slow but damn do they hit hard pair one of these puppies with the brutal momentum blessing and you are laughing as with a lot of the weapons that are free three types of this one the mark 5 is the absolute King Mark VII it's not too bad and if you get a mark 2 just throw it in the bin ejax does however boast katachan sword levels of Mobility a versatile attack move set for dealing with multiple enemies and even armor as for the placement these axes are a little awkward starting with the Mark II now this might just be me but I really don't like the way this attack pattern is so I'm slapping it in F the Mark 7 is going to go in B it's a fantastic weapon but the attacks are just a bit too slow and clunky leaving you open to take damage if things are getting a bit hairy the mark 5 we're putting in at a but only on one condition and that is if it has brutal momentum actually each of these axes go down at least an entire tier without that blessing is an absolute must-have as for a secondary blessing I highly recommend decapitated with these ones dueling swords now and here's a surprise there's three types of the same weapon again but my personal favorite is the Mark II how has fast sweeping light attacks and an armor-piercing heavy attack it all comes together and feels incredibly fluid the Mark 4 comes in at second for me and overall the mark 5 is my least favorite due to its slower attacks and lack of like a poking heavy attack the Mark II is an outstanding weapon the light attacks chew up and halt hordes from moving forward on you and the heavy attack can Whittle down a leads trying to close the distance with a surprising amount of reach despite its low stamina all of these weapons boast excellent blocking and sprinting efficiency and when you pair these with a kinetic deflector perk I've seen psycho's legit tank massive hordes and even demon hosts like they weren't nothing as for Mobility is on par with the very best which is always important to me this weapon is the complete package it has the attack patterns the speed to quickly deal with enemies getting too close coupled with the defensives and the mobility to reposition or Turtle when being cornered other than its less than Stellar Elite killing capability t-switch as a psycho really isn't an issue the Mark II dawling sword is the perfect melee weapon for a staff user that and it looks cool obviously the weapon easily earns its s tier rating as for its siblings the Mark 4 and 5 I'm gonna sit those in a a tier below as I feel the attack patterns knock them out of that test here blessing recommendations are Rampage plus shred though most of the combinations are pretty strong so don't sweat that too much okay so the chainsaw this is actually a great weapon with a high damage comparative to its attack speed and a nice sweeping move set with reasonable mobility and a high DPS single Target chainsaw attack where it doesn't quite live up to the weapon I think a lot of us want it to be is firstly like most chain weapons it deals with enemy hit Mass poorly this in short means it won't travel through too many enemies before getting stuck though this can be somewhat offset with a blessing like devastating strike it just doesn't feel consistent enough as I said the mobility is fine but it is no means the best either as for the push attack it has got to be one of the worst in the game and sadly this means that the chain sword is only gonna make it to beat here now we have our first staff the Foy strike staff and I love this one if the list was for most fun weapons this would be a straight up S here right off rip the absolute Carnage this thing can cause on lined up enemies is unparalleled has great damage output with respectable knockback on the final collision with a wall or the floor it makes this a well-rounded option where it's not so good and this can be kind of obvious to anyone who's used it and that is when enemies start to get close to you or spread out the effectiveness of this staff starts to fall dramatically you can start shooting right at the floor in front of you and try and get some use from it but the damage output from that explosion when it hits something isn't all that high it's a fantastic staff and definitely one of the most entertaining weapons to use however when it comes to reliability especially our higher difficulties it does come up short at times however in the hands of someone who really knows how to leverage his staff it is an A but on the stipulation that when somebody's not so good with it it is a b but we'll put it in a for now we're just gonna assume that we're good as for blessings you want to get warp flurry and warp Nexus next is the trauma force staff and oh boy the trauma four stuff okay so what does it do well well it has some good stagger even ogreens that are not even in the center of the blast will get knocked back and anything smaller will be sent flying or blown into bits but boy that is about it the damage output is not actually as high as it might seem and the area of effect is really just it's too small to be that effective outside of when enemies are funneled through very tight corridors and then the Peril usage per blast is way too high it's like 45 per use this staff isn't unusable it can be used but it is certainly not that good so I'm placing this indeed as for blessings warp flurry works really well and running shock wave does add some interesting armor killing potential the search staff is easily one-off if not the most popular stuff and it is not hard to see why respectable damage output role-playing Emperor Palpatine and has the only stun lock in the game from sapping Moody's dogs and bursts in place it can easily save a pleb teammate from being sent to the nearest respawn location and that's not to mention how helpful it is stunning Gunners that are actually behind cover in particular being able to open up ball works with the sap so that they can be attacked by other people is definitely my favorite thing about it but it's not without fault one thing I think a lot of people Overlook is it's relatively low area of effect it really doesn't sap all that many enemies at once which makes it more or less useless against larger groups and especially hordes but okay you know it can still CC specials like the burster right and that makes it good and that's true it is true but I think it's also fair to say that most people are becoming quite proficient in dealing with specials these days I mean most people definitely know how to push bursters and dogs for example and I am seeing quite often that the staff is becoming more of a hindrance by doing stuff like knocking away Elites that somebody was actually about to kill and then allowing it to reset and run back in or Worse actually pushing it into them so that they get hit by it and then so at a risk of getting some hate I'm actually gonna Place The Surge staff at a because I do think there is one that is a better option as for blessings to no surprise it's warp flurry and warp Nexus and then bringing up the rear we have the pergata stuff and I know some of you are thinking discount seller already but let's just take a look at it all right it has a shorter range in the flamer and less initial damage sure but it does have some interesting psycho flavor to it the pagate staff doesn't apply by the traditional burnt other like flame weapons do it applies Soul Blaze which can stack limitlessly as opposed to the max of 16 Stacks from other flame based weapons meaning in prolonged fight you can work up to some pretty respectable damage where this staff really shines is its ability to stagger and control massive areas during horde attacks some people might also be surprised to know that this thing can stagger ogre and enemies within just a second of two only really struggling to stagger Crushers and rages this staff is the ultimate area control weapon and though it might not quite have the on-demand damage or range of the flamer it does more than make up for that with a much quicker deployment and zero ammo constraints and then when you get to those higher difficulties it becomes even a better pick as now the seller can choose to take either a Bolter or a last gun or anything else and help out with carapace armor targets or ranged units and anyone who's done some damnation knows just how much of an absolute pain in the backside Gunners can be and though it's not the most interesting weapon in the cycus Arsenal it works extremely well at what it needs to do and it allows your team to build and then Focus around those other threats like Gunners that the psycho is honestly not that great at dealing with thanks to its utility and the freedom it brings to your team it is more than worthy of s tier and that's it peeps I hope you enjoyed the format of this tier list if you did like the video subscribe to the channel don't forget to let me know if there's anything that you change I'd really love to hear it Twitch in the description and until next time I'll smell you later
Channel: Dalkora
Views: 38,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darktide, Warhammer, Dalkora, psyker psykinetic, psyker psykinetic build, psyker psykinetic darktide, best weapons for psyker darktide, best psyker staff, Purgatus staff, voidstrike staff, Force sword, Surge staff, Trauma staff, Weapon rankings darktide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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