The Complete nWo Wolfpac Timeline (Reliving The War)

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[Music] we end our shows this week with Al Luger versus Randy Savage match on Nitro on Raw we have Don King selling us on Tyson at WrestleMania and a Shawn Michaels promo Nick Patrick was supposed to be the referee for this Nitro main event but JJ Dylan comes out and he tells Nick he has to hit the bricks he's under investigation after what happened when nitro went off the air last week and until that tip gets released on Thunder Nick Patrick is not allowed to officiate as a matter of fact he's suspended Eric bishov comes out to complain and this implies that Nick Patrick maybe is part of the NW once again but Dylan says the decision is final Randy Anderson's going to referee the Nitro Main Event lger comes out but he gets followed by Vicious and Delicious Macho knocks Lex out of the ring and buff and Norton attack Lex while Savage distracts Anderson Luger gets choked on the top rope by Randy when the match gets underway and he goes down after a back elbow we see more chokes from the Macho Man before he delivers a back suplex in the middle of the ring and every time he covers Luger the total package kicks out Macho performs a gutr suplex and he lays in the punches immediately afterwards but Lex continues to kick out a Miss Double ax handle gives Lex a chance to perform his comeback we see the Clos lines in the big parlam and when Luger signals for the wreck Randy wisely runs out of the ring Macho then uses lizes to get the better of Lex on the outside and Luger gets dropped over the guard rail Macho then manages to hit that double X handle and back in the ring Randy says it's all over but Lex surprises Randy with an inside cradle and Luger wins via pinfall a decisive victory in the Nitro Main Event you don't see that too often Savage complains about a fast count but Anderson's call was right down the middle so Randy decides he's going to take it out on Luger Lex gets drilled into the ring post Savage takes Dave paner brand new chair and and he also takes Dave Panzer the ring announcer gets tossed to the floor at the entrance way Randy lifts the chair High into the air but then Eric bishof runs down and he grabs the chair away we can only assume Eric was paying attention to Nick lambrose earlier on but Savage doesn't give a [ __ ] and Eric gets taken out Hollywood Hogan then runs down to try and calm things down but big sexy Kevin not hits Randy from behind before walking away again there really are some cracks forming in the NW after all hul tries to C everyone down Bagwell and Norton have made an appearance and Hogan says the enemy is still standing in the ring Lex Luger so Macho agrees to go after Luger with his NWO comrades but then sting shows up sting stands in the ring beside his old friend and just as the NWO jump into the ring the show feds the black Cliffhangers like this I can deal with Cliffhangers during actual matches I can't so I'm not mad about this Nitro ending at all and I thought it was actually pretty good as for for WCW things have gotten a little crazy in regards to the World Heavyweight Championship so let's do a quick Thunder recap before we compare raw and Nitro all right so the tape The elusive tape of the Hogan versus sting Nitro match from two weeks ago the remainder of the match was shown on Thunder after the Stinger Splash Randy Anderson got knocked out but Sting still applied the Scorpion death lock Hogan tapped out but there was no referee Nick Patrick ran down and sting let go of his finisher the Stinger then went after Patrick and this gave a chance to pin the champion and Nick Patrick counts to three fans and attendance thought Hogan just won the WCW Championship sting takes out Patrick as Randy Anderson wakes up and the match continues on as if nothing had happened Hogan finds himself in the Scorpion death lock once again and again he tops out Randy Anderson calls for the bell and now it looks like stings retained the heavyweight title JJ Dylan comes down to present the belt to sting and Eric bof then shows up bof attacks Dylan and he tries to take the belt away Sting hits the score scorpion death drop on E and then a big old fight breaks out between the NW and superstars of WCW after the tap airs Dylan called sting and hog into the ring and a decision gets made regarding the heavyweight championship it's getting held up the world belt is being vacated sting speaks for the first time in a long time he says JJ Dylan's got no guts and as for Hogan you're dead man we see the NWO arriving to the arena Kevin Nar as he took out Randy saage last week because Macho took a shot at bishof and Nash was just putting out the fire before Randy attacked anyone else Hogan says the New World Order is fine the bigger problem is the world heavyweight belt and the NW are going to fix that problem tonight on Nitro Randy Savage did not arrived in Nitro with his NW teammates and Kevin asash tells main jeene that Savage doesn't want none of big sexy on Nitro Hulk Hogan says when you're in the NWO you calculate every move Henry Holmes is sort in out the Kevin Nash versus Jan stuff but homeboy also going to deal with a few other NWO matters mainly the world title problem everyone saw Hulk bait sting 1 two three on that Nitro tape so tomorrow morning at 8: a.m. sharp Henry Holmes is going to a [ __ ] federal court to get Hollywood Hogan as World title back some judge is going to sit and watch Hogan beat sting on Nitro and when that happens Hogan and the NWO will take WCW for everything they have when you're in the NW you're just too sweet you know the drill and it's getting a bit silly at this point isn't it just a bit we've got the Royal Rumble draw to n Raw tonight and on nro we've got The Outsiders versus Rick and Scott stanner last week it appeared that Scott stanner made a conscious decision not to let his brother perform the stanner Bulldog but we weren't too sure on Thunder the same thing happened again so yeah anything remotely subtle about this has already been thrown away unfortunately and that's a shame it's one more for the good guys when Scott conducts his survey the stanners make their way down to the ring and here we go the steinner tag titles are on the line in the Nitro Main Event The Outsiders laugh their asses off when Hall throws his toothpick at Scotty Steiner Paul gets shoved to the mat after the first lock up and stanner counters a body slam with a body slam of his own Paul takes punches from both stanner brothers before taking a double underhook par bomb and when Kevin Nash runs in to save his buddy he ends up getting double suplex looks like the sters are doing just fine as Nash and Hall get a little encouragement from Hollywood Hogan Macho Man Randy Savage then shows up and he wants to fight Nash Hogan and Hall are stuck in the middle here and they both try to calm Savage down so the match can resume Hall gets destroyed in the corner by the dog face gramlin so he tags out and now big Nash is going to do a bit of work the Crowder clapping in unison as Nash and Rick Circle the ring Rick goes down after a knee strike and we see the Nash back elbow in the corner Rick gets a boot up in the opposite corner and he performs a second rope standard line but NJ kicks out of the follow-up cover Rick performs a scoop part slam on big NJ and it looks great Paul and Scotty stanner then come in and stanner takes a choke slam Paul can't help himself and he mocks the giant afterwards and this leads the stanner performing an overhead belly to belly this match has been pretty good so far it ends with Nash and Rick in the ring and Rick Hunter Snake Eyes Rick then goes for his second rope Bulldog but Hogan pulls the rope and Rick goes down the referee didn't see this Scott rushes out of the ring to fight with Hogan but this means brother Rick's all alone Rick gets choked in the ring and he takes a fallway slam by the time Scott gets back in his Corner big nsh then delivers a sidewalk slam and Scott ster complains when Hull comes back in and The Outsiders cheat to get the upper hand Nash hits Rick from the apron Scotty stanner grabs the referee Nash inadvertently hits his partner with a big boot and Scott falls into Randy Anderson and Scotty Steiner with the referee out and Scotty once again on the outside Kevin performs a low blue on Rick and he goes for the cover Randy Savage then tries to elbow drop his own NW teammate but Nash moves out of the way and Rick takes all the impact the referee wakes up he counts the three and The Outsiders become the new tag team champions there's no time to celebrate though Nash goes after Savage Randy spits on big sexy and Nitro feds out as Hulk Hogan tries to stop Nash and Savage from fighting each other this was a good Nitro Main Event too they were given plenty of time time and although NW interference played a role once again it really wasn't all that bad on Nitro HK Hogan and E come down to the ring and bishop's got his hands on Sting's bat bishof wants to present the bat to Hogan and yeah there was no chill back in the '90s was there Hogan admits that there's been some tensions within the NWO but it's all sort of out now Hulk appreciates Bishop giving him stings bad because if anyone in the NWO decides to step out of line then Hulk will bter up and baat the [ __ ] out of his own comrades pretty serious stuff here guys Hulk's threatening the entire group and this can't be good Hogan says he's still the world champion and he's a fighting champion so Hulk has no issues taking on the giant tonight on Nitro and Hogan's going to show the fans and sting that Hulk Hogan is still the man Hogan says when he gets his title back he'll beat sting again Hollywood is just too sweet and that's the end of the pro Mo it was all the same nonsense here really but the part about Hogan beating up the NWO if they don't play ball is definitely interesting let's see where it goes Scott Hall versus Lex Luger then another match we have already seen and unfortunately it ends in disqualification which does give me hope that the Nitro main event may have a clean finish luga wrestles is usual match here shoving Scott away and doing the crab pose getting suckered in and allowing his opponent to get the upper hand for a while Le turns it around though and he gets the crowd going nuts only for Scott to use some underhanded tactics to stay in control of the match Luger ends up hitting a Clos line two inverted Atomic drops in the bionic forearm when Scott goes up for the rack Macho Man Randy Savage shows up and the referee throws the match out Lex does his best to fight Hall and Savage off but he doesn't get very far Larry seisco runs down and he too gets his ass kicked by the bad guy and the Macho Man but Luger grabs a chair and the NWO guys get out of the ring Absolut abely nothing remarkable here at all and again the stuff inside the ring was the same as always never thought I'd say it but a Godwin's tag te match on Raw was better than Scott Hall versus Lex Luger and it's simply because it's the same [ __ ] we've been seeing for months now Hulk Hogan wrestles in the Nitro Main Event while WWF and boxing fans get to hear what Mike Tyson's big announcement is coincidence I don't think so Hulk Hogan's now wearing a neck brace and Eric Bishop has an announcement to make because of the actions of the giant or that big goof as Eric puts it the real world champion can't participate in tonight's matchup the giant stepped over the line and he attacked Hogan and the giant then interrupts the announcement by grabbing Hulk by the neck and suplexing him into the ring the neck brace comes off and the bell rings to start the match Hulk gets thrown in the corner and he takes a knife edge chop a big slap to the chest follows and Hogan takes a corner clothes line as we see Kevin nsh walking around the ringside area if they do another DQ finish here I'm awarding this whole series The Raw and I'm giving up Hogan gets choked in the corner with Giant's massive boat and he tumbles out of the ring afterwards he takes a [ __ ] bump at the ring steps and another [ __ ] bump at the guard rails giant then throws Hogan back in the ring over the top rope and we see a back breaker from the big man complete destruction here from the giant Kevin Nash makes all the difference when he distracts the Giant and Hogan can finally go on offense Hulk doesn't do a whole lot here kicks punches back scratches nsh holds the giant while Hulk lays in more punches in the corner and Hulk even bites his opponent jant takes a corner closeth line and then Hulk body slams The Giant in the middle of the Ring Hulk signals for the leg drop we see Hogan's finisher Randy Anderson begins his count but he stops when he notices the Macho Man Standing on the top rope Hogan tells Savage to get down while making the mistake of turning his back to his opponent jant delivers the choke slam and jant wins the March via pinfall the crowd erupted after the three count the jant wants to get his hands on Ry saage but Kevin nsh wants some of the giant nsh also wants to put Randy Savage away with a jack knife but Lex Luger after the Macho Man too so Lex runs down and he attacks Randy and this is a [ __ ] mess isn't it the NWO then hit the ring and Macho Man fights alongside his teammates the Stinger then shows up and he goes right after Hogan the crowd again pops as the Stinger takes out the hulster and sting goes on to wipe everyone out Nitro feds out as Le Luger and the giant helps St clear out the ring and Hogan just lost on Nitro Brothers it's a shame he couldn't do this in his last two matches oh Lex Luger versus Randy Savage is going to be event sold out by the way yeah surprise ah Luger versus Savage I still don't understand why this was the main event Macho Man hit the ring during Lex's match with Buff Bagwell at starhead and ler then said on Nigro he was coming after the Macho Man and the two had a match the next week a match that Luger won on the the first episode of Thunder Luger hit Savage with a chair during a match with Chris Adams and it was then announced that Luger would face Savage it sold out Randy's been having issues with his NWO teammates though mainly Kevin Nash Salvage decked Eric bishof when bishof was looking out for his best interests and Nash returned the favor by wiping out Randy Hollywood Hogan meanwhile has been trying to maintain the pace but Hollywood sided with Nash a few times and the Macho Man and the hulster have been close to fighting each other there is more going on here with Randy Savage than there is with Lex sluger but again this match should not have been placed last on the card we get a lot of time wasting to start off it reminds me of a Nitro Main Event Macho heads back up the entrance way and Liz distracts Luger allowing Randy to take advantage and get in a few shots at the guard reils inside the ring Randy performs a double ax handle followed by a jumping clothes line Luger kicks out and Randy takes it out on the referee a back suplex also feels to put Lex away and ry's cocky covers aren't doing much to help either Lex takes a back elbow in the corner and Lex gets choked out with ry's boot Miss Elizabeth gets in on the action too and I'm just looking at the remaining run time we only have six minutes left of this show it's the old boot in the corner that turns it around for Lex briefly but it's Liz who once again causes issues for Luger and Macho sends Lex out of the ring with a running knee attack Lex then takes a double ax handle and a slap in the face from Liz Macho throws Lex into the crowd and this lady right here can't get enough of this hot WCW action Lex gets the best of Macho in the audience and Randy gets his head drilled into the ring post before the match gets back in the ring Lex pulls off his multiple clothes lines we see the forearm Smash and then Scott Hall and Hollywood Hogan show up take note Scott Hall is not wearing his NWO shirt Hogan tries to stop Hall from getting in to help Savage Scott gets on the apron anyway but he gets knocked off thanks to Hogan still trying to sway the bad guy Lex then wins the match with the torture rack and Hogan then attacks Lex the whole NW come down to beat up Luger but the Stinger shows up to even the odds Lex gets Kevin Nash in the torture rack while sting applies the death lock to Hollywood Hogan and that's how it ended again this felt like a Nitro man event and it just wasn't good there's nothing here at all and the crowd only popped for the rack and sting showing up big sexy Kevin asash and Eric bishof then cut a promo and Eric says Kevin nsh and the NW have been singled out by WCW and nsh says the jant told him in the ring on Saturday night that he can't go any longer he was too tired he was too beat up so Kevin thought the big man could do with a pick me up and he grabbed some coffee the coffee didn't seem to have much of an effect so Nash thought the Jan could do with a jump start Kevin looked at the jant and it reminded him of old yell someone had to put him out of his misery Nash tries to be a good guy so Nash dropped the jant on his skull Kev laughs as he says that's going to leave a mark and from this point on Kevin wants to be called big sexy the Giant Killer Kevin Nash on Nitro the NWO get in the ring and Savage says nobody cares that he lost the Luger last night not bishof not nash not Hall and as for Hulk Hogan Hollywood makes the Macho Man sick Hogan says if you're part of the team you have to play the whole game sometimes Hogan disagrees with big sexy and sometimes Hogan and Scott Hall don't see eye to eye but the NW is still a family Hogan says when he and Hall came down to the ring on Saturday night during the main event Randy Savage wasn't do so well and Hogan thought Macho saying his teammates would Inspire him to get the job done against Lex Luger this is [ __ ] of course because Hogan stops Scott from helping Savage but Hogan says at the end of the night Lex Luger outshine Savage and if Randy doesn't want the NW caring for him anymore then he's on his own Randy says Hall and Hogan weren't very coordinated when they showed up at sold out so Macho doesn't want them anywhere near him anymore and then he takes a cheap shot by saying Hulk had better control over everything when he had the word belt around his WT Hulk says everyone knows he beats thing twice and Hogan should be Champion right now Hogan then gets a little heated when he talks about beating sting at Super Brawl and Savage gets out of the ring and he says the Macho Man will take care of Luger tonight all on his own Hogan should focus on beating sting and Hogan says for now at least Savage is coasting on his own and the Macho Man will get no help from the New World Order on Nitro Scott Hall says that Larry seisco got exposed at so out Larry has zero wrestling abilities and zero Talent so Larry should take a walk to the tarpit along with the rest of the dinosaurs Larry loses his [ __ ] and he tries to go after Hall but he stopped by security after a commercial break Tony Shabani says that Larry's been escorted out of the Arena old Doug Dillinger's been busy tonight so Luger versus Scott Hall again we watched this match a year ago at Clash of the Champions we saw it again at Halloween Havoc 1997 and we saw it last week on Nitro as well two two and a half minutes of action folks the two Shar strikes in the corner and Lex goes down after a Clos Line Paul then lays in a few kicks to the ribs before flooring Luger again with a big right hand and Lex turns it all around quick enough and Scott takes a ton of rights in the corner Paul tries to push Lex away but Lex keeps coming back Lex hits the parlam and he signals for the rack Hall gets puted in Luger's finisher but Randy Savage runs in and it's a DQ finish I'm shocked Randy Anderson does a [ __ ] fantastic job of taking away Macho chair but Randy remains aggressive and he throws Scott out of the ring so he can do some damage to Luger Randy hits the diving elbow on the total package but his second one gets interrupted by Sting coming down from the rafters and literally kicking Macho off the top rope two Stinger splashes get followed up with sting scorpion death lock Hulk Hogan shows up and remember Macho's on his zone so Hogan taunts Randy from the outside Paul and Hogan walk away from the ring and sting challenges hul to step inside the ropes but that's not going to happen Nitro Fades out with Hall and Hulk looking at the Stinger double denim flexi Lexi faces Randy Savage again on pay-per-view Tony shobani says their Super Bowl match will be a no disqualification contest so yes drop yourselves in for that one folks Luger takes his denim shirt off and Jane ogland gets a little excited Lex says he's counting the days hours and minutes until super browl there was a time when Lex admired Randy Savage but not anymore mainin says that Randy Savage is currently out of control his actions over these past few weeks have been undeniably [ __ ] crazy and Lex says they call Randy the most dangerous man in wrestling but Lex is ready for it and that's why he accepted the no disqualification match when Randy dropped the elbow on the total package it got Luger's competitive juices flowing yeah competitive juices Macho better get ready for Super Brawl and he better get ready for the torture rack because every one wants to see it not a lot here to be honest but competitive juices sounds like an off-brand steroid the boys Buy on AliExpress on Nitro Bishop presents Hogan as the heavyweight champion of the world and Hogan says Kevin Nash is the real Jan killer and the man who watches Hogan's back money is not a problem so big sexy has the green light to par bomb whoever he wants Hogan then addresses the referee issue at Super B and Hogan says Mr Nick Patrick should be the referee Nick calls it right down the middle so Hogan bishof and the whole NWO excluding Macho Man Randy Savage vote for Nick Patrick the referee the super bwl Main Event speaking of the Macho Man Hogan says Savage is still on his own Hogan's not going to tell Randy all about Sting's weak points Savage can work that out for himself in tonight's Main Event so Hulk's more than happy to see sting defeat Savage and then Hulk will beat sting at Super Brawl it's just part of the packing order according to Hollywood Hogan brother we have made it to the end of another episode of reliving the war everyone on Raw Steve Austin takes on road dog Jesse James on Nitro we've got sting versus Randy Savage Michael Buffer on hand he introduced the competitors and the Nitro main event and boy oh boy stings entrance takes forever it's awesome don't get me wrong it's all about the spectacle and even after everything the top of this thing he still got a certain Allure and mistake about him but it takes a long time that all Do's a pretty tall building this should have been a starid entrance this fo descend from the rafters the fans in the arena remain off their seats as Savage launches an early attack and when sting shows no pain the Macho Man decides he's going to leave the ring sting gives Chase and the Macho Man takes a few guard reil shots and a body slam on the entrance way the two then get in the ring and Macho gets floored with a hard right hand but a r of the eyes gives Macho a chance to regroup Salvage wants to continue the fight on the outside but sting throws Macho Man into the the ring post and he lines up a guard re Stinger Splash Savage hit Sting with his ring jacket yeah it's his [ __ ] ring jacket and this stops the Stinger Splash while also stunning the icon back in the ring Savage removes a turnbuckle pad before hitting a double ax handle from the top to the outside sting takes some more damage on the outside and he takes a pile driver in the middle of the ring but we get a stinger noale and Savage shits himself when sting screams at Macho we see a stinger Splash but the Macho Man Dodges the second and sting hits that exposed turnbuckle Randy now has a chance he goes upstairs he hits the elbow drop he covers sting but Hulk Hogan runs down and he pulls Savage off the Stinger the referee calls for the Bell so Macho defeats sting via disqualification Hogan wants to be the man who defeat sting so he slaps Savage across the face and he tells him to fall in line Randy doesn't get a chance to retaliate because Lex Luger pulls him out of the ring for a fight so Sting's left all alone with Hollywood Hogan or so we thought NWO guys hit the ring and while sting has no issues taking them out this distraction gives Hogan a chance to get out of the ring think about this for a moment though nobody benefited from this at all Macho defeated sting via DQ yes but Macho also got smacked around by Hogan and Luger kicked his ass on the outside sting just took a loss on Nitro and he would have got pinned too if Hulk Hogan didn't get involved Randy definitely had sting defeated and Hulk Hogan acted like the big shot but he still ran away from sting at the end of the boat so so really all of this made everyone look worse instead of anyone looking better also what happened to the problems between Kevin Nash and Randy Savage is this going to get brought up again or is it another fleeting NWO moment that's forgotten about just as things start heating up tune in next week cwcw time cwcw Channel we're getting our weekly Hulk Hogan promo out of the way bof and Hollywood make their way down to the ring and Hollywood wants to address Machu man Randy Savage Hulk says the NWO lives and Breeze by Hollywood's rules and Hogan's sick of hearing about the NWO falling apart in Macho Man going rogue so once again Hulk wants to take care of family business Hulk Hogan wants to show everyone the packing order so tonight Hogan wants a match against Randy Savage Savage appears in the audience and Savage accepts the challenge he says once he beats Hogan tonight it'll be macho man who faces sting at Super Brawl the mega Parts explode once again and and it's going to happen tonight on Monday nro Savage attacks Hogan during the entrances and Eric bishof gets taken out to the crowd are fully behind the Macho Man tonight Hogan begs for Mercy but he won't get any from the Macho Man Hollywood gets choked with his own shirt and Randy tries to pull Hogan's eyeball out of its socket before choking Hogan at the ropes and then this happens yeah brother good [ __ ] Hogan tries to get out of the ring but Macho won't allert Savage Raks the face but Hulk replies with a poke to the eye and now it's ry's turn to get choked out Hulk wants Randy to tell everyone who the man is as he Rags Savage's face again we have got kicks in the corner more chokes Savage gets his chest CED by Hollywood Hogan he gets his back wrecked there's another clothes line yo are we going to see any wrestling moves here like are you going to even try to lift each other up for something or you just going to work smart tonight brother because this has been [ __ ] so far there's another cloth line followed by an elbow drop from Hulk a low blow from Macho Hogan replies with a blue belue of his own this is [ __ ] [ __ ] oh l a back suplex earned your paycheck with that one boys devastating oh a body slam [ __ ] hell Hogan putting in the overtime Hogan chokes Savage on the matap before tossing him out of the ring Savage grabs a security officer and he begs to get arrested so he doesn't have to work this match but Hogan strikes from behind the two then attack each other at the guard rails and Savage goes up for the double ax handle Hogan moves out of the way and give them credit the guard rail bump looked and sounded great here man and H Liz takes a chair away from Hulk and this allows Savage to pick it up and hit Hogan a few times Hogan then gets thrown in the ring Savage performs the elbow drop the referee begins his count but Buff Bagwell pulls Anderson out of the ring and the NW launch an attack on the Machu Man Randy gets destroyed here Hogan hits Randy with that stage chair a couple of times and he smacks Savage around while the Macho Man's lay out so you'd naturally assume right here that Randy is now out of the new world order the NW walk back up the entrance way but Randy wakes up he jumps Hogan but the rest of the faction go after Randy again as we go to commercial break the match itself was awful and it sometimes feels like we forgive matches like this when we see chair shots and big finishing moves that make the crowd pop big but don't get blinded by the lights brother in a way I want to say you know what fair play if you can get away with it and still get paid then more part to you but when you're watching it closely and comparing it closely to everything else on Monday nights the bad match quality really sticks out over on Nitro Luger wants a piece of Randy Savage Randy just got his ass kicked but Lex doesn't care he said he'd pick up the scraps and that's exactly what he's going to do here on Nitro Liz causes a distraction and Randy attacks from behind dropping Luger on the top rope and immediately going upstairs to end it right away with an elbow drop but he stopped by Sting he prepares a scorpion death drop and then Hogan shows up and he tells sting go ahead do it sting performs his finisher on Savage Hulk and the rest of the NWO slowly approach the ring and then a giant [ __ ] net falls from the ceiling and stings been caught along with Luger and Savage the NW beat up all three men while they are caught in the net and yeah there's a kind of Looney tun Zach me feel to this whole thing isn't there I'm just imagining Vincent hanging off the ceiling and setting that net up earlier in the day the commentators announced Alex Luger in sting versus Hog and Savage main event for tonight's show and the big question is can Savage and Hogan coexist my money says no they can't this tag team match came about because bishof wanted to bring Harmony Back to the new world order but on Thunder Hogan demanded an apology from Macho Man Randy Savage for his recent Behavior Savage decided to smack Hogan instead Hollywood comes out for his mandatory weekly promo on Nitro and he's joined by the entire NWO faction except Randy Salvage Hogan says it's time for an allout war and there's a few things he needs to address first Brad Hart's on The Hit List tonight Hogan plans on getting revenge for Star kit he's a bit late though but yeah secondly Nick Patrick's going to be the referee in the Super Bowl main event and hug says he doesn't care if he has to pay a whole lot of money to get Patrick officiating the match next Randy Savage Randy needs to apologize to the nwes for sucker punching Hollywood and look at Eric POF he looks so fed up what's your problem is he enjoy yourself it's [ __ ] Nitro Macho Man then shows up on the entrance way he's not going to apologize he says he'll beat Luger and sting all on his Zone tonight and then he'll beat up Hollywood Hogan Hogan says he's going to Sting the stinger and Macho can take care of Luger but when the ring clears out Hogan's going to rip that bandana off Savage's bald head and take the Macho Man out looks like Randy didn't appreciate the bald comment Buff Bagwell thought it was amazing though on Nitro Bishop says Kevin Nash was find $50,000 tonight for that jack knife Power Bomb and Hogan's in the back right now writing Kevin a check and getting his ass out of jail bishof says the conspiracy theories about the NWO can finally get led to rest in the next match Macho Man Randy Savage and Hollywood Hogan are going to join forces they're going to work together and put an end to stinging Luger in the main event and that main event is coming up next instead of wasting time with [ __ ] like this why not give your 4 and 1 half minute Main Event a bit more time speaking of boobs Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan attack sting and Luger during the entrances Hogan goes after sting Savage goes after Luger Hogan brings sting inside the ropes where he hits a corner clothes line as Luger hits Savage with a steel chair but the Stinger comes back with his own closed line and these two end up fighting on the outside again Savage and Luger then have a very brief exchange inside the ropes as sting goes to his Corner Randy wants to tag Hogan in Hogan's too busy sailing and talking to Eric bishof So Randy Waits until until Hogan's on the apron before slapping him on the back and forcing Hogan to get in and wrestle Hogan protests but he has no choice he waits for the perfect opportunity though and he ends up getting the better of Luger while Randy Waits on the apron Lex takes two clothes lines and three elbow drops Hogan misses the big leg drop though and this gives Lex a chance to tag in sting we see two Stinger splashes and The Crowd Goes Nuts we see the Scorpion death lock Randy has a chance to help Hogan but he decides he's not going to bother the bell rings when the NW come down to the ring Brad Hart and Ric Flair come down to help sting and Luger and during this brawl Randy Salvage and Hulk Hogan begin fighting each other team WCW clear out the ring and Nitro feeds the black I can't decide which main event was worse next up is the [ __ ] 500th Macho Man Randy Salvage versus Lex Luger match to take place in WCW this time it's a no disqualification match much of the n's recent storyline centers around match the madness has gone Rogue and he's refusing to step in line and take orders from Hulk Hogan he's attacked Eric bof he's had a match against Hogan on Nitro and while he's still a member of the NWO he's been told to fight his own bottles until he realizes where he is in the packing order his Feud with Luger hair goes back to starhead but ry's rivalry with the total package is not what's important here on Thunder the NW attacked both Randy and Lex Luger before the show went on the air and later in the night the NWO carried Randy to the ring while he wore a sting mask sting and Lex Luger ended up running down to fight off the NWO so things are a bit weird at the moment why the [ __ ] Randy Savage is still part of the NWO though is anyone's guess Luger's tipped up due to that attack on Thunder and immediately it causes him problems in the ring he can't press slam the Macho Man and Randy sees the ti ribs as a huge Target Randy LS in the boots and he drops Luger over the guard rail Macho LS in another few kicks and he goes for a cover but Luger kicks out at one showing that he's got a lot more fight left in him Randy spits on Luger before drilling his knee and Lex's back Randy tries to cause further injury with a few shoulder charges in the corner but Lex is able to cradle Macho and almost Ste a victory before Randy goes straight back to the ribs Mike T calls this a one-dimensional attack Randy Savage calls it working smart tonight brother Lex gets thrown out of the ring and we've got more attacks at the guard reels things get a little interesting at least when X runs into a cameraman and a few Security Guys and it's [ __ ] miserable that I found that the most interesting thing about this match so far and hey these are two legends don't get me wrong but this is nothing more than a Nitro match and they've done absolutely nothing so far and on top of that the match is nearly over Luger takes a few shots in the audience and Macho tries to slap the referee too Randy wants to attack a fan and hard ass Doug Dillinger tells Randy to wise up Luger gets thrown to the ring steps as the commentator wonder if Randy can get fined for touching a referee in a no disqualification match seriously it's a heated debate more guard rail shots more shots to the ribs it gets back in the ring where Randy performs a suplex and Lex starts no selling Lex performs a par slam he signals for the rack and the crowd booze Liz helps out the Macho Man a little by scratching Lex's face and the crowd loves it the AMW hit the ring and both Luger and Savage fight the group off buff bag welds stun Savage though and this gives Lex a chance to apply the torture rack Hogan shows up and he tells the boys that's enough and Hollywood lets his NWO teammate Randy Savage take a loss Hogan says he's glad that Macho Man got bait and he also says that macho man isn't part of the family not going to explain the whole s versus Hogan thing in detail because I'm sure you guys who follow the channel are sick of hearing about it so here's the basic version starhead 97 ended with staying as world champion Hogan complained about Bret Hart getting involved so a rematch was booked for Nitro the finish of that rematch was inconclusive so JJ Dylan vacated the belt he also suspended referee Nick padrick for being a bit dodgy and untrustworthy and so here we are again Hogan's issues with Randy Savage have been at the Forefront but the cracks began to form in the NWO and Hogan lost the world championship Hogan needs the world title ruling the nwo's champion is his only purpose but sting also needs to bring the world title back to w CW put an end to all this controversial [ __ ] and began his Reign at the top of world championship wrestling also Scott Hall was supposed to Main Event Super Brawl after winning the World War III Battle Royale however the controversy surrounding the world title meant that Scott's title shot would get put on hold Michael Buffer does the introductions the competitors make their way down to the ring it's time for the Super bwl 8 main event and the biggest rematch in wrestling history according to Tony Shani sting dashes into the ring and he gets whipped with Hogan's belt Charles Robinson's are official by the way not Nick Patrick sting gets absolutely destroyed with Hogan's weight belt and Hogan wants sting to tell everyone who the man is is the icon gets choked out I don't think he can talk right now Hollywood sting takes a few right hands and Hogan's making this look easy the Stinger gets choked out on the M the crowd who were Pro NWO all night chant Hogan sucks and I should mention too that this crowd is a lot better and a lot louder than the Washington DC crowd at starid Hogan choke Sting with the Stinger's own jacket before throwing him out of the ring we get strikes at the guard reil from Hogan we see knife edge chops and more right hands sting takes an atomic drop and he gets sent into the ring post and guardrail and our security guy here is having the time of his life it seems back in the ring Hogan locks hands with sting and again he wants sting to tell everyone who the man is the Stinger Rises to his feet though and he begins overpowering the huler but a kick to the midsection puts sting back down and Hollywood ends up bringing sting to the corner for a few knee strikes Hollywood performs a corner Clos line sting takes a body slam and a few elbow drops Hogan thinks he's got it all figured out but the Stinger stands up he screams at Hogan as the NWS leader backs up in the corner and the crowd lose their minds when sting goes on offense Hulk gets his head rammed into the top turnbuckle and sting performs an atomic drop sting then removes Hogan's belt and it's time for some payback Hogan gets whipped so badly that he decides the world title isn't worth it and he tries to run away he screams I'm sorry is Sting WS his belt around his neck and he brings him back to the ringside area Hogan then gets dumped over the guard rail and the fans are going a [ __ ] here so a quick decisions made to get Hogan back over it was all going so well for the Stinger but he misses a stinger Splash and he hits hard on the Ste this match is already way better than Starkid and yes I know Starkid 97 was more prominent and more important I'm not saying this is a five-star classic either but the crowd are so much more into it and even the competitors seem way more comfortable with each other anyway sting takes a chair shot and Hogan whips sting one more time before putting his belt back around his waist Hogan then bites sting in the forehead but immediately afterwards we see a stinger Splash and sting applies the death lock Hogan's too close to the ropes he reaches out but charge doesn't break the hold I mean I'm guessing this is no DQ saying his every rules already been broken but it wasn't advertised as no DQ sting releases the hold anyway and he goes for another Stinger Splash and that's when the referee gets wiped out Hogan floor Sting with a Clos line and we see neck padrick hitting the ring as Hogan performs his leg drop Hogan covers sting and the icon kicks out of two Hogan looks at padrick as if to say are you [ __ ] kidding me bro before attacking sting again padrick tells Hogan to ease up Hollywood won't listen so Patrick grabs the little hair that Hogan has and he pulls him away from the Stinger Nick says you're going to follow the rules tonight mister and Hogan has no choice but to go back and try to end the match Hulk performs a back suplex he only gets two again he tries to cover sting multiple times but sting digs deep and he keeps kicking out he stands up and the two end up in a knuckle loog Hogan gets the better of Sting here and Hogan Stomps on Sting's hands Hogan continues to get frustrated with Nick padrick calling this thing down the middle it goes outside again for some more guard rail action turns it around before the two get back inside the ring but a low blow brings sting to the mat and Patrick threatens to disqualify Hogan shobani says it's been basically anything goes tonight so it doesn't really matter Hogan throws punches the Sting's back and sting no cells punches to the Head have no effect either the Stinger gets all fired up and here we go again two Stinger splashes leave Hogan completely stunned sting goes for the Scorpion death drop but Hulk kicks Nick Patrick while taking the move and we have no referee Here Comes the troops the NW try to attack sting but sting fights them off and while all this was going on Macho Man Randy saage hits Hogan with a spray can before leaving the ring with the ring cleared sting covers Hogan and the roof comes off the Cow Palace when sting becomes the Undisputed heavyweight champion he notices someone left the spray can in the ring so he sprads WCW on Hogan's chest he takes the belt from JJ Dillan and yeah again leg's better than starhead it wasn't a brilliant main event or anything but it exceeds the low expectations I'm sure many fans had so Sting's the world champion once again it's going to be interesting seeing how Hulk Hogan deals with the Macho Man Randy Savage the commentary team are absolutely delighted that sting brought the championship home last night at Super balll but they're also disappointed with Scotty Steiner not only turning his back on WCW but turning his back on his own brother we hear what DDP and Ric Flair think about Scott's actions last night and basically Scott Steiner's nothing but a sellout who let down the fans and brother Rick Booker T says when the chips are down you're supposed to look after your brother and Brad Hart someone who knows all about fighting your own flesh and blood says this is going to go on for a long time and that's a real shame mean jeene tried to get a word with Rick as he entered the arena but Rick didn't want to talk he's absolutely devastated in the arena Lex Luger challenged Scott to a match but he got Kurt henig instead a match then took place between these two but it was interrupted very early on by some random dude jumping into the ring and attacking Luger it took the commentators a moment to realize that this is actually Scotty Steiner and what a transformation Scotty had in the space of 24 hours Luger lands on his head after a suplex and stanner sunglasses get jammed in Scott's face before falling off stanner has a cut above his eye thanks to those Shades but he's going to teach Lex a lesson and deliver more punishment when Luger Fights Back Buff Bagwell hits the ring and this leads the Rick stanner coming down to even the odds Rick confronts his brother and we think a fight got on a break out but the NW is here to attack Rick and we're going to have to wait for that stanner versus stanner physicality the NW hold Rick up so Scott can get in a cheap shot the Stinger then appears and he clears out the ring instantly and then a few WCW wrestlers come out to check on Lex and Rick before Nitro moves on the boys in the ring applaud Rick Steiner and sting as they shake hands a limousine pulls up to the arena Hollywood and bishof get out and they tell someone to wait in the limo until later on I wonder who it could be Vincent tells Hogan what just happened at the start of the show so the mandatory in ring Hulk Hogan promos up next the boys March down to the ring and Hogan says sting just stuck his nose in someone else's business and this proves that sting is nothing but a coward Hogan had sting beat last night but that no good Nick Patrick fast counted the hulkster when Patrick wasn't even the referee okay Hulk so to prove that Sting's not the man Scott Hall's going to get his title shot tonight and Scott Hall's going to bring the belt back to Hogan and back to the new world order as for Randy Savage that no good Randy Savage WCW Uncensored coming up and Hogan wants a match a steel cage match where Hogan can end this once and for all and kick Savage out of the NWO Savage shows up in the audience and Randy says Hogan won't kick him out of the faction it'll be Savage kicking Hogan out Randy likes the idea of a steel cage match so Randy agrees to the uncensored Bo so there you go that's the answer to WrestleMania 14 you thought you were going to see sting versus Scott Hall right well think again the NWO come down to the ring and Bishop says Hollywood's now bored of Sting and he's focused on Randy Savage so tonight belongs to Scott Hall a man who's worked hard a man who's committed and the man who's going to bring back the world title to the NW Bishop says if sting shows up right now the group will leave and I for one completely trust the New World Order sting comes out the NWO get out of the ring with the exception of Hulk Hogan a [ __ ] sting then shows up and it's revealed to be Scott Hall as the NW launched their attack new world champion ladies and gents new world champion Hall delivers his fallway slam we then see the outsider's edge scop again spray painting sting but Randy Savage runs down and the NW focus on the Macho Man once Macho gets neutralized some weird [ __ ] steps in the ring wearing a Hollywood bandana it looks like oh oh God no the boy man is part of the NWO there Action Man jeez Sting's no problem for the NWO Savage is no problem for the NWO Lex Luger with a chair though is just way too much and the whole group bail when the total package shows up and that's how Nitro ended Hulk Hogan's compulsory promo was up next Macho Man's a piece of crap his marriage failed he failed in Hollywood he joined the NWO and nwo's always been for life but Randy stepped out of line yada yada yada Hogan can beat the Stinger Hogan and Hall will Punk dunk and beat sting and Savage and Hogan's going to take what's left of Savage and beat him in the cage at uncensored Eric Bishoff is absolutely 100% daydreaming here he's on another [ __ ] planet Hollywood's just too sweet nw4 life nwes dudes bras you know the drill check it out though scoop you owe this man $50 pay up you cheap skit wcw's 156th most important night in the history of our sport ends with Savage and sting versus Hogan and Hall on Raw Paul Bearer and K cut a promo Eric bishof takes a sign off a fan that says raw Affairs ratings you'll be regretting that in a few weeks Mr bishof Hollywood and Hall get in the ring and there's no survey this week Here Comes sting and Randy Savage and remember Randy turned his back on sting to join the NWO last year sting hasn't forgotten bit of a communication error here when everyone goes to the same Corner during the initial brawl sting quacks Bish off and the crowd cheers all four men fight on the outside next and sting hits Hogan with a chair sting and Hogan get in the ring where Hollywood gets whacked with his own weight belt these two go out of the ring again and when they get back inside we see ry's got that belt and Hall's getting whipped it settles down to Hall and Savage in the ring Hall takes a back elbow before sting gets in the Stinger performs a body slam followed by a Vader bomb and the commentators can't believe that a WCW guy and an NWO guy are working together Savage and think perform a double cloth line sting performs an elbow drop and he punches Hogan off the apron saage sees this as an opportunity to attack Hogan back in the ring sting and Savage continue to work well together but Eric Bish off's the Difference Maker he distracts the referee and sting allowing Hogan to hit Savage with a spray can Hogan then tags in while Randy's hurt and hul's going to take every shortcut he can to keep Savage away from sting Scott hul comes in and he performs the fallway slam Hogan performs the big boat on a scoop slam but he misses the elbow drop sting gets the hot tag we see two Stinger splashes before sting goes for the death lock and [ __ ] sake NW interference DQ finish WCW guys come down to the ring and try to even the odds the NWO booty man's in there and he performs a chart Buster no not a stunner he's copying the copy Booty Man saves Hogan while sting clears the ring the giant then shows up and the NW completely Retreats and yeah most important night in the history of wrestling guys on Thunder this past week Randy Savage stirred the pot a little by saying other members of the NWO want Hulk Hogan gone Hogan doesn't realize it but there's boys in the squad who want the hulster out of the faction Savage also told Hogan to ask his wife who the man is Big Linda loves a slim JY every now and then apparently so was Savage telling the truth about the NWO wanting to overthrow Hogan or was he tailing Porky pies the mandatory Hulk Hogan promo was up next Eric bishof says oh steroid abuse Hogan is a woman cool bishof says if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan Randy Savage's parents wouldn't have a roof over their head Randy's brother would be living on the streets and Randy Savage wouldn't be allowed in buildings around the country Hogan says it was ry's choice to bring his ex-wife into the business and drag her into locker rooms to be one of the boys but Hulk says believe this andw whites Liz did the boys H Hogan says Savage is still by himself and the NW still have Hogan's back but in the cage this week Hogan won't need the NW the whole world's going to find out It Uncensored that Hogan's Here For Life quick side note that Hogan shirt's pretty sick the giant Cuts an in ring promo and he says he's been looking everywhere for Kevin Nash but he can't find him the giant tells Nash to make sure he's that uncensored so everything can get straightened out between these two Jan says he and two friends heard what Hogan said tonight and giant wants these two buddies to come down to the ring it's sting and the Macho Man Randy Savage savid says he doesn't feel alone like Hogan said because he's got two new friends Randy also says that these three men are the bomb brother and just then sting noticed a really scary spider on the top turnbuckle and he made that little shitthead do the job Savage continues on saying that this is a gut check for Hollywood Hogan if Hogan can find two NWO guys who won't stab him in the back then Savage sting and GI challenge the NWO to a six-man tag tonight on Nitro on Nitro we have the original NW against St Salvage and giant we have a war to start things off with all the guys fighting their uncensored opponents but it settles down to sting and Hogan and Hollywood gets his head punched in Hogan takes a Clos line followed by an inverted Atomic drop a poke to the eye brings Hogan back into it sting takes a few strikes in the corner followed by a running Corner Clos line but sting makes a comeback and he tags in the giant Hogan falls into Kavin Nash and that's going to count as a tag the crowd pop where Nash and giant square up to each other in the ring but Hall and Hogan attack the big man from behind and giant answers with a double bear hug Nash stuns the giant though and he tags Hogan back in Hogan then tags in hall Hall tags in Nosh and in between these quick tags the giant gets completely wrecked the NWO continue to rotate in and out of the ring and this strategy is effective Macho in stin get agitated as the NWO begin choking the jant but there's nothing the baby faces can do sting goes to the NWO corner but charge Robinson stops the WCW champion from interfering the NWO take Jan's neck brace off and now it's a question of how much the Jan can take he ends up saying [ __ ] this and he shoves the NW and sting away with one Jan push Jan tags in Savage Savage wants to get his hands on Hogan but the Jan still wants to fight Kevin Nash the big man approaches big sexy and Nash backs off these two end up heading back up the rampway so Nash and jant are now out of the match sting and Hall then get in the ring and Scott gets taken out with a stinger Splash these two also go to the outside of the ring and that means Hogan and Savage are all alone unfortunately though the [ __ ] Booty Man shows up and he hits Macho with a chart Buster Hogan tells us this move is called the apocalypse but no it's not even worthy of being compared to a stunner it's a chart Buster no let's call it the fart buster bootyman F Buster Hogan covers Savage and the NWO wins the match I'm not mad because at least the main event got an actual finish this week Hollywood Hogan versus Macho Man Randy Savage is our main event this one's been building up for months and it's all about Savage going rogue Hollywood wanted Savage to remember his place in the NWO totem pole but Savage wouldn't accept Hogan telling him what to do things reached the boiling point at Super Bowl when Hulk stopped the NWO from helping Savage during ry's match with Lex Luger and later that night Randy Savage caused Hogan the world championship things would continue to escalate when the men got personal bringing their families into it when cutting promos and Macho Man even started hanging around with WCW guys such as the Giant and sting one of the biggest head scratchers about this whole thing though is why is Savage remained in the NWO when the whole faction have turned their backs on him or why hasn't Hogan just kicked Randy out of the group so over these past few weeks we've all been kind of dubious about this rivalry progression has completely stalled and nothing's changed for a long time but maybe tonight it all comes to an end and we can move on to something else the cage lowers and we can see it's a different Design This Time Around not like that monstrosity we saw at Halloween Havoc Hollywood Hogan comes out first and his he's got a gold Toth old hip Hogan with a gold Toth what a complain ours hole out comes Randy Savage along with Miss Elizabeth and now it's time for the uncensored 1998 Main Event Hogan goes on the attack right away as the production crew have difficulty sorting out the arena lights the ring then gets lit up and the cage fence is going to make this a bit tricky to watch when we switch the hard Camera Hollywood chokes Randy on the top rope the Macho Man takes the big boot as Liz watches on from the outside Hogan then rakes ry's back in the corner before sending him into the opposite corner for a Clos line the Macho Man gets choked with Hogan's boat and hul then tries to slam Savage's face into the cage but Randy blocks it Hogan decides to rake Savage's face instead Hollywood performs a body slam he tries to hit a few elbow drops but Randy moves out of the way and now the Macho Man's going to go on offense for a while Randy lands a few lefts followed by a right and a back elbow he sinks his boot into the Hogan's neck before choking Hollywood with a bandana the choking continues on the mat and Randy then tries the ram Hogan's head into the steel but it looks like neither of these brothers want to take any bumps that involve the cage another rake to the face turns it around for Hogan and Savage then gets whipped with Hogan's weight belt Randy gets choked this time around and I'm sorry I can only talk about what happens in the ring but this has been boring as [ __ ] more whips to the back from Hollywood there's another body slam Hogan then misses his leg drop and this gives Randy a chance to use that belt Hogan gets whipped Randy covers Hogan but Hogan kicks out there's another choke right there from Randy Savage an absolutely terrible cage bump from Hogan that again reminded me of the Halloween Havoc man event Hogan gets whipped again he gets thrown into the cage again Randy then punches Hogan in the face and we see Hollywood's been busted open things get a little better when Hogan backdrops saage into the cage at least it's something different he then he picks up his belt and he whips Randy a few times R Randy then gets put on Hogan's shoulder and Hollywood drives the Macho Man's head into the cage Randy takes a seat while he bleeds both men are busted open and forget what I said about both guys not wanting to take bumps that involve the cage Machu man takes a beating here while covered in blood Randy can barely stand as Hogan continues to lay in the strikes and I got to say the blood is changed the dynamic of this match in a good way this is a great example of color actually helping a match that had nothing going for it until both man started bleeding and then things just get confusing when referee Mickey J opens the cage door and he lets Hogan do more damage on the outside I don't understand isn't the whole purpose of a cage match to keep both guys inside and have a fight to the Finish anyway not a lot happens on the outside Hogan does more damage before the two get back inside the cage and the Macho Man fights back Macho then gets an adrenaline Spike and he climbs the cage in record time he delivers a double ax handle from the top and the producers must have decided to keep the camera zoomed out due to the amount of blood in the match Savage is all fired up now he signals for the elbow drop but but then the NW Booty Man shows up he gets the key from Mickey J he gets in the ring he saves Hogan and he takes out Charles Robinson NW Beefcake then invites Randy to jump down with that elbow drop but Randy decides to climb down instead just then backup arrives in the form of the Stinger stings here to help out the Macho Man the four men have a star down and Randy seems happy to get a little support but then he closed line sting and the Crowder left completely confused guys no [ __ ] this is how the match ends Randy spits on Hogan and he says he never liked Hollywood Hogan reminds Randy that Macho is part of the amwo and the show feds the black there's no winner there's no loser just confusion as fans F out of the Arena wondering what the [ __ ] that main event was all about Main Event time on Raw we have the Sable and Luna confrontation on Nitro Savage and Hogan take on Lex Luger and sting bit weird how Hogan and sabage still team up after sabage announced he wants to overthrow Hollywood from the NWO but let's ignore that Lex Luger comes out all alone and the commentators wonder where sting is the cameras focus on the entrance way but there's no Stinger bishof says Sting's gone and Luger's going to be dinner for the NWO because the boys have an appetite the crowd pops when they notice a helicopter and there he is thing's going to make a grand entrance from a helicopter above Club llla this is awesome and again the camera work was great too Hogan complains that Macho didn't get the job done and uncensored so Savage smacks him and sting gets in the ring bishof gets blown out of the ring and he almost gets blown over the guard rail but remember no jumping in the pool Eric the booty booty booty man blocks Savage from leaving and Hogan attacks his partner Savage gets thrown in the ring and the Stinger goes on offense Macho gets body slammed a few times sting drops an elbow and he performs a splash from the top rope Hogan gets punched in the face too just for good measure and check this s Luger pses booted up for the usual Corner Spot but stinging Macho completely ignor it Lex must have stepped in dog [ __ ] on his way to the ring the destruction of the Macho Man continues when Lex tags in he gets sent from Pillar To Post before taking a vertical suplex Luger drops his body weight on Machu man at the ropes and Hogan shouts at Randy to do something Luger performs a press slam before tagging the Stinger back in sting spits on Hogan before hitting an inverted Atomic drop on the Macho Man and then Lex comes back in with Clos lines and his forearm smart Hogan now has his back turned to Macho and Hollywood should have been paying attention because Savage slaps him and that's going to count as a tag Hogan tries to leave but Savage makes sure that hul gets back in the ring and he has to earn his paycheck tonight brother thew Beefcake attacks Savage on the outside as Hulan fights Luger in the ring Hulk chokes Luger out he performs a body slam and he says that's it he goes for the leg drop but Lex moves out of the way and then sting gets tagged Hollywood takes two Stinger splashes bishof gets knocked off the air all four men get in the ring and when Lex applies the torture rack the booty man jumps in the ring and that's going to be a DQ I'm shocked and surprised by the outcome the NWO run down the show feds the black is Sting and Luger fight them off and it was all very predictable let's wrap up this week's show then with Steve Austin versus The Rock on raw and Rony Piper versus Randy Savage on Nitro Randy comes to the ring first and he gets an early Advantage when Piper steps inside the ropes Liz holds on to Piper's foot So Randy can do more damage in the corner Piper frees himself and he's able to poke Randy in the eye before smashing his head on the top turnbuckle pad the hot rod winds up a big right hand at floor's Macho and the referee lets Piper uses belt to whip Savage over and over again Piper uses the belt to close line Macho he then chokes Randy before throwing him out of the ring on the outside Piper exposes the concrete floor and he goes for a pie driver but Miss Elizabeth scratches the hot rods back Rody grabs Liz he gives her a big old kiss but this act allows Randy to take advantage because Piper wasn't paying attention check out the hot rods back after those back scratches in the ring Rod counters a body slam with a sleeper Liz ends up getting knocked off the apron when Savage struggles to break the hold Savage does break the sleeper with a jawbreaker but the referee's now left the ring to check on Liz Hogan shows up he takes out the referee Kevin nsh appears with a baseball bat and the guys in the ring now have a problem Hogan tells Nash that take out the Macho Man but Nash decides to take out Piper Hogan stops Kevin and a shoving match breaks out between big sexy and Hollywood Hogan if you want to pinpoint the beginning of the NWO wolf pack I'd say you would start right here Hogan wanted Savage takeen out but nsh remembers the nwo's focus is to take out WCW guys Hogan thinks his personal Vendetta against Savage is more important and this bickering between the two leads the sting showing up with his own baseball bat and the NWO guys [ __ ] elves fortunately for them Randy Salvage attacks sting so Hogan and Nash can focus on Piper the giant then appears though and the NWO get out of Harm's Way Savage won't walk to the back with his NWO teammates and it seems like the issues between the NWO have now gotten even bigger thanks to Kevin nsh and Hollywood Hogan Ken and Paul Bearer CAU a promo next on Raw on Nal we have Stan Luger versus nsh and his mystery partner NJ comes to the right all alone and when sting and ner make their entrance they get attacked by the Macho Man Randy Savage so Macho's Na's partner in this tag team match saage hits thing with a pile driver on the floor while Luger gets choked out by Nash in the ring the crowd pop when Macho gets inside the ropes and he and Nash acknowledge each other Macho tags in and he chokes Luger at the ropes he tags Kevin back in immediately afterwards so he can go back to the outside and do more damage to the stinger and this battle plan continues on with Macho coming back briefly inside the ropes only to tag out again to ensure Sting's kept away from the ring it sounds incredibly basic but it works well because it's different Sting's been beaten up pretty badly before he can even get into his Corner Kevin Nash keeps the pressure on Luger while Macho goes out again the choke sting at the guard reil Randy then hits Sting with a steel chair and then Kevin and Randy switch it up with Kevin going out to deal with the Chom unfortunately though and this is what I really didn't like about this match sting shrugs it all off like nothing happened and he delivered multiple inverted Atomic drops to Randy they were telling a different story in this tag match but it all gets flushed down the toilet for the sake of a quick pop Macho gets backd dropped out of the ring and Hulk Hogan shows up Hogan attacks sting on the outside while lugger's applying the rack on Nash inside the ropes the NW bootyman then runs in he hits the chart Buster on Luger because Disco Inferno isn't allowed to do it anymore he then pulls nsh over leg and the NWO wi this tag team match they had a good thing going in this part and it all went downhill and in the closing moments but you're getting more wolf pack history here with nsh and saage joining forces for the first time on Nitro Roddy Piper shows up and he and Hogan fight on the entrance way this will move us right into the piper versus Hogan Main Event Nitro opens up and Randy Salvage is seen outside the arena having a knp this wasn't a voluntary sleep before the show though someone jumped the Macho Man Who would do such a thing an ambulance arrives for Randy Liz looks concerned Macho's holding his neck and shoulder so it looks like some serious damage has been caused here brother Tony Shani says the cameras were rolling before Nitro went on the air and hopefully we'll get to see a bit more as nitro continues on we get to see what happened before Nitro went on the air a red Dodge Viper drove away from the crime scene while Vincent and the NWO bootyman just stood around the absolute bottom of the NWO Barrel vincon said this was NWO business while the Booty Man intimidated Elizabeth I'm pretty sure Elizabeth could kick had Leslie's ass but nonetheless we now know the NWO was behind this attack shocker Prime Suspect Hulk Hogan comes out for his weekly promo with the rest of the NWO and look Eric bishof isn't here and he's not holding the microphone for Hogan maybe what Sean Waltman said last week had a nerve all right what's Hogan got to say this week he says he got caught in traffic and he had a few speed bumps on the way to the arena so there you go mystery solved Hulk says he and big Kevin Nash are like brothers and Kevin's got himself a shot at Sting's World belt tonight Nash is going to bring that Championship back to Hollywood because he's nw4 life Hogan says there's no par struggle in the NWO the group will be back on track after tonight's word title match and Hulk Hogan wraps It Up by saying he and Nash are going to quote kill two dirty birds with one stone when they face Ry Piper in that big stinky jant at Spring stomped Hulk Hogan's making me lose subscribers at this point [Music] Kevin Nash grabs a microphone and he says he listened to Hogan blobber on for 45 minutes like usual earlier on nsh knows that Hogan owns a red and yellow Dodge Viper and he knows it was Hulk who took out the Macho Man and that's why Nash is wearing a Savage shirt Kevin says he needs to be careful wearing a fellow wrestler shirt because the wrestler tends to get fired when nsh wears their merch a little sh a Bish off here for far sea Walman Nash says he won't hand the world belt to Hogan if he wins tonight the only place its gos around Kevin Nash's sexy waste if Hollywood keeps doing what he's doing then at Spring stamped there's a good chance nsh will just grab the bat and every guy standing in the ring including Hulk Hogan is going to get taken out sting makes his entrance Nash tries the belt on and he gives it a kiss the two taunt each other before things get physical and Nash overpowers the champ to start us off sting gets choked in the corner and a few right hands put sting on the mat a few back elbows follow but sting comes back with Clos lines and Kevin goes down to one knee sting delivers a flying clothline and a drop kick sends big sexy to the outside but Kevin's able to pull the stinger out and Conan's able to do some damage while big sexy distracts the referee when sting gets back in the ring Conan continues to get involved the classic NW strategy seems to be effective here sting takes a short arm Clos line from NJ and we see a back breaker submission from big sexy n then wrenches down on Sting's neck sting gets to his feet and he tries to build a comeback but he takes in need of the midsection and the momentum gets completely stopped once again sting gets choked with Nash's big boot but when Nash tries a running Corner attack he ends up smashing his knee on the turnbuckles sting now has a Target and he begins focusing on the leg he brings Nash to his feet only to knock him down again with her right hand and then sting applies the Scorpion death lock Nash has to try to make it to the ropes and Conan's right there to give his NW made a hand sting isn't happy about the interference but the match continues on sting takes a poke to the eye and nsh delivers a sidewalk slam Nash once again wrenches down on the neck but stain gets up and he begins seriously firing up and look check this out Kanan decides to get in the ring and he just sets himself up behind nsh for the Stinger Splash it looks dumb but it's effective because nsh is able to shake off one of Sting's signature moves and he sets him up for a jack knife the commentators remind us that the moves still Outlaw but it doesn't matter Nash can't perform it his back's too hurt Hollywood Hogan appears Hogan attacks sting a DQ finish on Monday nro folks Nash isn't happy that Hogan just cost him the word title but sting breaks up the argument by attacking both men the NW run down to attack sting Ry Piper and the Jan show up to clear out the ring we have no Brad heart here even though he said these kind of gang attacks aren't happening anymore on his watch and Nitro ends the exact same way it did last week with Jan sting and Piper standing inside the ropes while Nash and Hogan argue on the outside the main event match from Bell to Bell was better than Ros it's just a shame the ending wasn't a bit more original Kevin Nash comes to the ring and he says he just watched his good friend Hulk Hogan run out the back door Hogan's left the arena because he wants no part of big sexy Nash knows that the world champion stings in the building though and Nash thinks if Hogan wasn't around last week then big Kev would be the world champion right now sting comes down to the ring followed by James JJ B Bay Dylan sting says he wants Nash to have another shot at the belt sting even wants Nash to take his Bat and he hands it over to big sexy I thought baseball bats were out loud in WCW Dylan gets in between the two and he books the match for the main event sting then says he's sick of Nash bitching about the par bomb so sting wants the move reinstated for this Main Event Nash tells Dylan to make it official and because he came from the champ Dylan has no choice and he decides to make make the jack knife legal for this upcoming World title match got to say big sexy got a great crowd reaction here of course the fans favored sting after the icon made his way down to the ring but Nash was also pretty popular in Minnesota we end our shows this week with two Raw matches Owen Hart versus a member of DX and Vince McMahon versus Steve Austin on nro we've got Kevin Nash versus sting I enjoyed Nash versus sting last week so let's see how it plays out this time around sting goes on offense after Kevin Nash takes the word belt and he holds it up in the air the Jan killer manages the use things momentum against them though and the champ gets dropped on the top turnbuckle with Snake Eyes you see the Lea frog body Guillotine from Nash a punch makes sting crumble to the mat and the icon gets choked in the corner with Nash's big boot before taking a corner Clos line Nash lays in the corner knee strikes and in the opposite corner we see the back elbows sting then wakes up after taking a headbutt and he tries to body body slam big sexy but he can't deal with Nash's body weight Nash goes on offense again with an elbow drop Nash performs the neck wrench again and this is a move he pulled off twice last week sting again tries to fight back but a back elbow floors the champion and Nash is looking pretty good here Nash performs a gutwrench par bomb and sting kicks out a two still though Nash thinks he's got this one in the bag and he continues to maintain the advantage with a sidew walk slam big sexy then applies a bear hug and when sting breaks free the icon's able to force n into the corner and we see two Stinger splashes a drop kick and another Stinger Splash this one should be over guys just then Macho Man Randy Savage walks down to the ring wearing an outsider shirt he's limping too after what happened last week but he sends Liz to distract Charles Robinson and the Stinger takes a shot with Macho's cast Nash covers sting one two kick out of three so there's only one thing for it sting takes a jack knife Power Bomb we should not have a new world champion but someone put pulls the ref out of the ring and look who it is his Excellency Brett The Hitman heart Brad attacks Nash and the referee calls for the bail Brad applies the Sharpshooter on nsh the NW hit the ring nsh gets up and he delivers another Power Bomb to sting before leaving and Nitro goes off the air with Brad hard fighting off the entire aw all on his own the Nash versus sting match wasn't as good as last week's in my opinion but I don't think the fans would have been that disappointed if Kevin asash won the world belt here they popped for the first jack knife and it did feel like for just a moment we were about to see a new Heavyweight Champion it's time for the bat match Kevin nsh and Hulk Hogan versus Rod Piper and the giant the big story in this one is the lack of trust shared between Nash and Hollywood hogin had trust issues with Randy Savage dating all the way back to January but Big K backed up Macho a few times and that created issues between two founding fathers of the NWO Nash told Hogan to watch his back there's others in the NWO who aren't happy with Hollywood's leadership he wanted to know why his buddy 6 was fired and he wanted to know why Scott Hall wasn't on TV anymore Hogan said that Shawn Waltman couldn't cut the mustard and he had no idea where Scott was but in reality Scott was in rehab so things are tense within the NWO and after tonight big changes happen within the groundbreaking faction that have huge ramifications moving forward the bat match was created by Rody Piper there's a bat played on pole and whoever retrieves it can use it legally WCW just loved those oversized poles didn't they you can see NJ compl about it when he gets in the ring and he even says to Hulk hey you better climb that [ __ ] thing because I'm certainly not doing it fair jues the Ry Piper though the hot rod tries to climb the pole the minute the bell rings and Hulk Hogan has to stop Piper because remember Nash certainly isn't going to do it Piper gets his head rocked on the pole and Hogan l in the punches Ry gets hung up in the tree of wo and Hulk gets in a few kicks and then big sexy gets tagged in Kev doesn't do a lot here he grabs Piper in a waste lock and he brings him back over to Hogan for a free shot Hollywood tags back in and Piper starts no selling Hogan takes a few rights and lefts before getting poked in the eye and Hollywood finds himself in the wrong corner for a moment Piper starts pulling out Hogan's hair and Heenan says well that won't take too long and you know what say what you want about this match but the crowd are making a lot of noise here a headbut sends both Piper and Hogan to the m but it's Hogan who gets up first and he uses his weight belt to whip Piper's back every Hogan and Piper encounter plays out the exact same way in WCW Hogan then goes for the bad and he waits for the jant to grab him before climbing the pole the jant uses the weight belt to smack Hogan's ass and again the crowd like it I mean they like the weapon not Hogan's ass the eroticism continues when Hulk gets put over the Jan's knee for a good oldfashioned spanking but Nash breaks it up Piper gives big sexy a weapon to and the NW get out of the ring to ponder what the hell's going on Hogan thinks rubbing against the apron will fix his ass but he takes another weapon the commentators are surprised Hogan and Nash are working so well together here but we have a lot more of this match to get through Piper gets his little hot rod smashed with a low blow and Kevin Nash gets tagged in he tells Rody to tag in the giant the crowd gets all fired up and here we go Jan versus nsh once again Jan doesn't take too kindly to nsh pie facing him and big sexy takes some punishment in the corner including a hard slap across the chest Nash gets a boot up in the opposite corner and this leads to the usual Nash offense with knee Strikes Back elbows and chokes Piper inadvertently distracts the referee and this allows Hogan to choke out the big man the Jan takes a Clos line from Kevin he gets himself right back up and then the two big men wipe each other out with big boots I thought this spot was great Piper and Hogan tag in and they share punches Piper floors Hogan after winding up a big right Hogan takes a closes line a ton of punches in the corner and another eyck and big nsh is had enough he gets in to help Hulk but he takes a low blow the Jan pulls off a drop kick and nsh tumbles out of the ring this gets a great pop too and Piper then applies a sleeper on Hulk that eventually puts him on the mat Piper goes for the Bat jant gets up there too to help the hot rod out Piper retrieves the bat but nsh and Hogan then wake up and the baby faces get taken out Hogan throws the bat away and this confuses the commentators but Hulk had a plan all along the NWO bootyman shows up and he's holding another bat just for Hollywood Hogan Hulk gets the bat he walks the Jan from behind he then lines up a shot for Piper but he ends up nailing Nash and this is when the match breaks down Piper chases Hogan out of the ring Hollywood gets back inside while Piper has his back turned to the bootyman Booty Man grabs Rody's butt and he passes hul the other bat that was on the pole Hogan smacks Piper across the back and Hogan wins the match for the NWO but Hollywood now has a big problem Kevin Nash takes the drops down and it looks like he wants to fight Hogan he decides instead to go for a par bomb on the jant after Hogan convinces him to do so but Hollywood backstabs the Jan killer when he hits him with the baseball bat the giant screams at Hogan Hulk gets out of the ring the big man breaks the bat over his knee and that's how it ended folks the NW is now truly broken and things will never be the same again I've watched this match a few times because it's came up a few times for wrestling bios videos and it's not as awful as what people make it out to be given the guys in the ring and given the limitations they all share in one way or another it's still pretty entertaining it's not great or anything but it's not terrible either and the crowd in the arena absolutely loved it Main Event time world champion sting versus Macho Man Randy Savage Savage's storyline up until this point hasn't really involved the Stinger he's been having ongoing issues with Hulk Hogan as mentioned earlier during the bat match this Main Event got booked after Macho attacks sting when the icon tried to help him back in the uncensored Main Event cage match but all that is really an afterthought in terms of the overall story WCW is trying to tell here Randy Savage made it clear that he went rogue because he wants to take over the NWO like Kevin Nash the Macho Man has called Hogan's leadership into question and Savage also let Hogan know that there's guys in the action who aren't very happy with Hogan leading the way if the Macho Man wins the World Championship tonight then he might just be one step closer to overthrowing Hulk and maybe those guys who aren't happy with Hogan will see the light and follow Macho Man's lead Savage was attacked at the beginning of Monday Night Ro two weeks ago and the blame was placed on Hulk Hogan in the NWO in storyline he's going into this one not at 100% And he's got a tough opponent on the other side of the Ring tonight the man called sting the men make their entrances and remember this is a no disqualification match Randy goes on offense as soon as sting steps inside the ropes and it spills to the outside briefly where Macho hits Sting's head on the guard rail back in the ring Macho chokes sting and he brings the champ to the corner and Randy sails the arm when he punches his opponent he got this injury after that aw attack on the Miami Nitro two weeks ago sting fights back and Macho gets floored it goes back to the outside for more guard rail shots and just like Raven earlier the Macho Man decides to walk away from the match his arms in too much pain again like the Raven match thing gives Chas and the wooden fence comes into play on more than one occasion Macho takes quite a few bumps here and I think this would have been way more effective if the spot wasn't already done in the previous match Savage gets dropped on the fence and sting decides to use a bail of hay on the Machu man the two may it back down the ringside where Mach will get set up for a sting or Splash at the guard reil and sting isn't too successful with this variation is he nine times out of 10 he's going to miss it Macho brings it back to the ring and he only gets a two count when using the ropes for leverage a pie driver gets countered with a backdrop but Sting's follow up elbow drop misses the mark it isn't long before the match once again goes to the outside and sting ends up suplexing the Machu man on the floor Sting's feeling pretty confident now he waits for Savage to get back in the ring but matchu comes back with a low blow the little Stinger abuse continues when Savage drops sting on the top rope but but still this isn't enough to end the match sting counters a top rope double XX handle and sting gets Savage in position for a stinger Splash Randy pulls charge Robinson in for the bump sting stops just before impact but then Savage hits a Clos line and the ref then takes a hit sting takes a pile driver and Randy thinks it's time for the elbow drop but sting wakes up and Macho not has a problem so Liz jumps in she hits the Stinger with a chair from behind Randy tries to capitalize but he ends up in the corner along with a Elizabeth he then sacrifices Liz when sting goes for the Splash and then sting gets wiped out with a chair shot Macho has it one he goes to the top rope for the elbow drop but that bastard Hulk Hogan shows up and Randy gets pushed off the top rope still Macho gets up and he tries to suplex sting but it gets countered sting performs as scorpion death drop but there's no one here to count to three Kevin nsh then makes an appearance he hits the Stinger from behind he then pulls off the outlawed jack knife par bomb and stings out cold Nash picks up the referee bad Shir and he throws him over to count the pinfall and we now have a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion Macho Man Randy Savage has defeated sting at Spring stamped 1998 Nash tells the referee to present Savage with the world build but Savage is absolutely out of it Hollywood Hogan and the bootyman show up at the entrance way and Hogan says this is out of order that's Hogan's belt not savages the disciple has no idea where he is but he players along anyway and that's how spring stamp he ends the balance of power within the NW is now completely messed up and Hogan's no longer the top dog of his own faction we kick off Monday nro with a Hollywood Hogan promo remember to check out the spring stampede video I uploaded on Sunday by the way because most of this episode of nitro centers around what happened at the pay-per-view we have Hogan bishof and the NW bootyman here and Hogan says all all the nwes know that the world title belongs to Hollywood when Macho and his big sexy girlfriend got together to steal Hogan's belt it made the hulster sick so the doors are blocked tonight and there's no Escape for Macho Hogan wants the word belt and he plans on taking it away from the new champ tonight on Monday Night row hul Hogan wants a match tonight against Macho Man Randy Savage and he wants it to happen in the main event hug says that Armageddon has just happened and he confirms that the NWO has now split we're going to learn who's smart enough to follow Hogan and who's dumb enough to follow the two losers Nash and Savage and speaking of Nash if big sexy tries to get involved in Hogan's business tonight then the NW bootyman will put him away with a chart Buster so there we go Hogan's challenged the Macho Man to a world title match tonight on Nitro here we go WCW Champion Randy Savage versus hul Hogan once again the Michael Buffer introductions the entrances and all the stalling before the March eats up around 5 minutes of air time which is actually a lot of airtime on these Monday night wrestling shows trust me Hogan even cuts a brief promo before the match where he says his Dodge Vipers out back and he'll make a real speed bump out of Macho after the match he tells Randy to come down to the ring and meet the real leader of the NWO and then Hogan discusses his battle plan with the NWO Booty Man Macho makes his way down to the ring Hulk Hogan Whispers sweet little nothings into the booty man's ear and here we go the Nitro Main Event Savage gets the better of Hope Hogan after the initial lockup Hogan complains about hair pulling and Hollywood then brings Savage to the corner where Macho takes a few shots and we get up close and personal when Hogan lays in the punches Savage gets his face stretched out and Hogan wants Savage to tell him who the leader of the NW is I don't think he can answer right now Randy gets choked out by both Hogan and the disciple but Randy isn't out yet a few chops send the Macho Man to the m and Hulk throws Macho out of the ring the birdy man once again attacks Macho and Hulk grabs a chair Savage takes a shot on the head and I'm kind of surprised Hogan pulled off a decent chair shot for once when the action gets back inside the ring the crowd pops when Randy starts fighting back and a double ax handle makes Hogan big for Mercy Savage however still has a bad knee from that Viper attack two weeks ago and he hurts himself when trying to kick Hogan Hollywood focuses on the knee as does Hogan's lacky it looks like the disciples jerking the knee off here for God's sake and check this out there's a l blue here but blank and you'll miss it on the outside Hogan uses his weight belt to whip the Macho Man and back inside the ring Savage gets choked Hulk then body slam Savage he lines up the big leg drop but Randy moves out of the way Savage then whips Hogan with his own weight belt Hogan takes a body slam and Savage goes up for the elbow drop Savage lands his finisher but he lands on his knee Randy can't cover Hulk so Hulk gets up and he applies a figure four the commentators think it's all over but Randy gets to the ropes this is a no DQ match so Hogan doesn't have to break the hold but he does it anyway Savage gets up and he chokes out Hollywood Nick Patrick tries to break it up but he gets shoved out of the way the disciple runs in he hits a neck breaker on Patrick and now the disciple and Hollywood are going to team up on the WCW Champion Hogan and the Booty Man try to snap Savage's knee by wrapping it around the ring post the disciple then hits a chart Buster on Savage when using the word title and big sexy has seen enough Kevin runs down to the ring and remember Ro pepper said there would be no run-ins but who cares right bishaw follows Kevin nsh and he holds Nash's legs allowing Hogan and the deciple to try and attack Nash but that doesn't work out too well and by God is Hogan going to take a par bomb tonight on Nitro we think it's not going to happen when bishof breaks things up but Nash takes care of e and there it is Hogan taking a jack knife Nash pulls Randy over Hogan for the cover but then Bret Hart shows up strangely Brad hits Nash with the world belt and then he pulls Hogan over Savage what the [ __ ] going on the ref wakes up he counts to three and Bret Hart just handed Hollywood Hogan the world belt this makes absolutely no sense at all but we now assume that Bret Hart has joined the NWO or at least he's joined the Hogan side of the NWO Roddy Piper runs down and he wants to know what Brett's thinking the Hitman tries to walk away but Piper wants an explanation so Brett punches Piper out and Rody L right on Savage's injured knee Brett laughs as the crowd booze and Nitro feds the black Kevin n conducts the Scot Hall survey before confirming he recently spoke to Scott the bad guy had a penac colada in his hand and his hair was perfect and nsh accepts the tag team title match with sting and the giant that one's going to happen at slamy Nash then says the wolf Pack's expanding there's Nash Hall and the newest member Macho Man Randy Savage and as for Brad hardt the man who calls himself self the sheriff Kevin Nash says he'll be Brad Hart's Huckleberry Macho says Brad shouldn't have interfered last week and he's not in a lot of trouble Hulk Hogan isn't here tonight but that's okay this is where it's at it's all about the wolf pack Nash then introduces the first affection from Hollywood's NWO another new member to the NWO wolf pack and it's Conan Conan's left Hulk Hogan deci side with Kevin Nash and Randy Savage stop Conan says it's a pleasure to be beside big sexy the Jan killer and he says Macho Man's a classic just like Coca-Cola and corvet Conan says Hogan wants none of the wolf pack as nitro moves on so yeah the faction's now beginning to truly form and I do think kanan's a good addition to this new group I thought Randy Savage said that Hogan wasn't in the building earlier on but by God Hogan won't miss this weekly promo for love nor money scrap that actually Hogan would miss the weekly promo for money the new WCW Champion says that everyone knows Hollywood is done at all and Kevin asash and Randy Savage are nothing but Jokers he says Miss Elizabeth's a slow broken down ride as the crowd chance Hogan sucks and hug says there's no one left for Hogan debate there's no championship match that he can't walk through the par lies with Hollywood everyone wants to know why Brad Hart did what he did last week and Hogan says even the Hitman knows where the par lies he's known since day one when you're with the NWO you're with thew for life so yeah another big load of nothing from Hollywood Hogan main Jan once again asks Brad Hart why did he do it why did he help Hulk Hogan and Brad says this shut up new reliving the war sound bite just dropped guys Brett says he wants to look Hogan in the eye and tell him why he helped him out so Brad uh wants to hear those magic tunes of Hulk Hogan what magic tune tunes of hul hog here bring him up Hollywood bishof and bootyman come to the ring and Brad says he's been waiting a long time to say this he wants everyone to understand that Hogan's someone who Brett's looked up to for a long time Hollywood Hogan's the highest paid wrestler in the history of wrestling and nobody is more recognized around the planet than Hulk Hogan Hollywood says he appreciates Brett setting the record straight and telling it like it is Brett's about to tell us all why he wanted Hogan to be world champion again and he reveals a Hollywood Hogan shirt under his jacket but Randy Savage then gets in the ring and he punches Brad in the face so Hollywood and the bootyman jump Macho and they hold him up for Brett to get in a few shots Nitro goes off the air as Brett gets ready to put Savage in a sharpshooter Brett has to be infiltrating the NWO right clearly he was about to say he helped Hogan win the build so the Hitman could take the championship off him in a one-on-one match yeah I honestly think this could have been the long-term plan because all signs point to it happening after this Nitro promo but as always WCW have a way of changing plans at the very very last minute over on TNT Scott pky makes his Nitro debut the last time we saw Scotty to botchy was at WWF in your house Ground Zero when he got that horrific knee injury so here he is on Nitro wrestling smackhead Kidman unfortunately we don't get a clear winner here pky hits a Clos line and Kidman pulls off his vaulting apron leg drop and just as Scott replies with a popup sit down par bomb we see the wolf pack in the audience Savage Nash and Konan and heads of the ring and big sexy welcomes pky to WCW by hitting him with a jack knife I guess this move is no longer outlawed Nash grabs a mic and he says the wolf Packer running the show from now on he gives a shout out to Scott Hall and he says Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishop thought Scott was too dangerous to have on live TV well Scott's coming back for slamy and The Outsiders are coming after sting and the Giant Nash brings attention to the new colors the red and black attack of the wolf pack Hogan should get his crew Nash will bring his crew and the cruise will Rondevu he's taken this gangster R thing a bit too far isn't he Machel man says he now knows what Brett meant when he said no one would get screwed in WCW while the hitman's around Brett was looking out for himself and if it doesn't benefit Brett then the screw jobs are just going to continue it's slamboree though hard has a match with the madness and S is going to screw Brad out of everything he's got and that's a promise Nash then announces another new member to the red and black NWO and it's Kurt henig Brian Adams runs down to confront Kurt and henig tells him he knows what he's doing before continuing down to the ring Nash calls Adams a Hogan stge while Kurt Reveals His red and black shirt Conan challenges Adams to a match later on nro and Nash held sting to watch the main event tonight because big sex is going to wreck his boy Lex Luger the wolf pack now has five members Nash Savage Conan Scott Hall and Kurt hanig what's more the crow are cheering for these guys like their full-blown baby faces already we wrap things up this week with Kevin as versus Le sluger on Nitro on Raw Mick Foley takes on Terry Funk in a false count anywhere match let's go through the Nitro match first because it's a bit disappointing Nash comes down to the ring with Savage and Cor while Lex comes to the ring all alone yeah smart move Luger Luger ducks a Clos line at the opening bail and he goes on offense right away with strikes Nash takes a few Corner punches next but then Conan jumps on the apron and big sex is able to hit Luger with a big boot Luger takes a few back elbows Kanan chokes Luger right in front of the referee but the match continues on Nash then chokes Luger in the corner with his big boot and listen to the audience give you a feeling of confidence if you're a guy like Kevin not only being s tall the creder chanting for the wolf p at this rate they're going to get positioned as fan favorites Lex takes a corner cloes line on the second attempt Luger gets the boot up in the corner it's always the boot up in the corner nsh then takes a few Clos lines as ler goes through his usual routine but then the wolf pack get involved and it ends in disqualification the crowd were chanting wolf pack just a few seconds ago and now they're boing because it's still a typical NWO finish the crowd pops though and sting and giant hit the ring the wolf pack back up for a moment but then Nash goes for the J and sting go after Conan the crowd cheers as a fight breaks out but then we see Brad Adams heading to the ring Brad hardt though stops Adams from getting involved he tells Adams to stop and just take a look there's two groups of Hulk Hogan enemies in the ring right now beating each other up so Adams doesn't have to do a thing this is how Nitro ends the show Fades out while the camera remains on Brett and Adams the wolf packs Randy Savage comes to the ring and he says if it wasn't for Brad Hart Hulk Hogan would have the NW Wolfpack title around his West Brett won't be applying the Sharpshooter on Randy at slamboree but Brett can certainly die while trying tonight though Randy doesn't want to face bread he wants a fight with Hollywood Hogan please God not again Randy says the mega Parts have to do it one more time here on Nitro so he makes it official he wants a title shot he calls Hollywood Hogan a baldheaded reject from the glue factory and I don't know why but that made me laugh for a Solid 5 minutes and Randy says Hogan has his title and the Macho Man wants it back our number one ends with Kevin Nash and Conan coming to the ring and Nash says it was he and Scott Hall who formed the NWO back in 1996 Hogan saw that money train leaving so he decided to jump on board the NWO has had good times and bad times but there's only one NWO and it's the boys who wear the red and black the wolf pack know that Hogan's flying into Kansas City tonight so Nash wants Hogan to come to the ring tell Nash that big kev's bigger strong younger and sexier than Hollywood Hogan then has to remove his black and white NW colors and say to Kevin that it's Nash's world order the NWO music then plays in the arena a little early nsh wasn't finished saying what he had to say I guess that's a WRA they cut us off here comes Hollywood Hogan folks the man who's likely going to face Randy Savage again tonight on Nitro I didn't take such punishment into consideration when beginning this video series Hogan says his new three Ninjas movie is in cinemas and we should all rush out to see it right now forget Nitro he also says he's currently filming his latest Blockbuster assault on Devil's Island 2 the death Merchant the sequel to assault on Devil's Island of course it was also known as Shadow Warriors 2 assault on Death Mountain which led to the first assault on Devil's Island getting retroactively named Shadow Warriors 1 attack on Devil's Island or just Shadow Warriors 1 add in the fact there was Al an arcade game named Shadow Warriors in Europe but it was also a name change from Ninja Garden in Japan the home versions of Ninja Garden for anyes and Game Boy would also get called Shadow Warriors in Europe there's a Japanese TV show named Shadow Warriors there's multiple books named Shadow Warriors including one by Tom Clancy there's a band named Shadow Warriors a Warhammer group of Shadow Warriors and you know what I blame it all on this guy right here this Soul destroying waste of TV time the booty man Hogan says The Outsiders were looking for for the hul Hogan rub when they jumped to WCW if they were friends or Foe it didn't matter they didn't have enough to be Mega stars in world championship wrestling so that's why they wanted to work with Hulk Hogan Hogan heard the Macho Man earlier and yes he accepts the match Hulk versus Macho tonight on Nitro one more time Hulk also heard what big sexy said earlier so Hulk calls nsh out to face the music nsh comes to the ring and he says this first off before you open your mouth why don't you take your wife's sunglasses off Hogan says nsh should take off his sister's teack but it didn't hit as hard as Nash's little statement nsh wants to know why Hogan was checking him out in the back Hogan says it's because nsh is too sweet and nsh says yes I am sexy they should have walked away right there because that was a nice little exchange Hogan says Nash has to apologize to everyone wearing white and black in the arena tonight because it's not about the red and black Hogan accuses Nash of poisoning Conan and Kurt henig so Nash needs to say sorry to Mr Hogan forget about all this Wolfpack stuff and Kevin needs to fall in line with the rest of the white and black NWO nsh approaches Hogan and Hollywood's team of midc Carters stop Big cev N says he's not apologizing and he'll take out the three stoes here if that means getting the Hulk Hogan Hogan says he's came to this gunfight with a big gun and the hulkster has a big surprise oh my God I don't believe it wait what the giant is back in the NW who that's this is strange God they've got some explaining to do here right the black and white attack Nash he's doing all right until the Jan comes in with a closes line the big man sprays NW on Nash's back while Hogan says we're about to see a choke slam but then the wolf pack hit the ring as in Conan Dusty roads and Savage the same Savage that Dusty ripped into your NW Hollywood get out of the ring and the commentators are just as confused as everyone else remember stinging the Jan face Na and Hall later this week it's lamoree raw ends this week with Steve Austin and a mystery partner taking on dto and The Rock on Nitro we've got Hollywood Hogan versus Randy Savage the word title's on the line once again and the booty man's here with Hollywood what isn't here with Hollywood though is his wife's sunglasses he got you Hogan he got you good Savage attacks right at the opening bell he chokes Hogan with his own shirt and Hogan begs for Mercy when Savage won't let up it's the same old stuff Hogan sticks a thumb in Savage's eye he scratches his back he hits a corner clothes line and he chokes Macho with his boot on the outside Randy gets thrown into the ring post there's some slow action at the guard reils and back in the ring we go back to the choke hes it's absolutely brutal a low blow brings Randy back into it for a moment but Hollywood lands a big boat he then delivers a body slam but he misses his signature leg drop Randy then goes for the elbow drop but Brut his Beefcake pushes him off the top rope and this is where the match ends ladies and gents Macho still gets to his speed and it's still looking blink for Hollywood so here comes Brett Hart holding the world title Brett Maxs Randy the Macho Man crumbles to the mat while Booty Man distracts Charlie Robinson and check out this Instant Karma Brett spits on Randy and someone instantly throws a drink over the Hitman Brett has some Choice words for the fan on the outside is Hogan pins Macho so Hollywood is still your world champion big sexy comes down to the ring and so does Roddy Piper rod says Hogan's been disqualified and Randy Salvage is the winner Piper also announces that he's going a referee The slamber Savage versus heart match and he makes it clear that he wants the two competitors to rip each other apart he tells Macho if Brett bites him in the throat then Savage should bite him right back if there's any low blows then there should be no complaints the recipient of said low blow should go ahead and return the favor by kicking his opponent in the nads the giant then comes down to the ring Hogan has has to calm him down and Nitro ends with sting watching everything from the rafters Brad hard takes on Randy Savage next and this is our semi-main event Bret hard caught Randy Savage the world heavyweight title the night after spring stamped and it sounded like Brad had sided with Hollywood Hogan in the black and white NWO although he's yet the flat outset you kind of get the impression that Brett has an ulterior motive in all this but that doesn't stop the Macho Man wanting to get revenge for what Brett did to him things were heating up between the two with attacks at the end of nitro and Brad hard saying that Randy has always been hiding from The Hitman so rdy Piper's going to officiate this one and Piper wants both men to tear each other apart Piper couldn't care less about Brett or Savage Brett comes out first and he's introduced by Michael Buffer as just Brett Piper makes his way to the ring Savage makes his entrance and it looks like back Brett's a little afraid to step inside the ropes with the Macho Man Brett stalls a lot and Piper gets annoyed so the hot rod throws Brett into the ring and he tells the man to hurry up and fight the two build up a little anticipation they lock horns in the middle of the ring and Savage starts it off with an eye R and an elbow to the Head Brett immediately replies with strikes and he's focusing on the back in the midsection here Brett then chokes Randy in the corner Piper begins a five count and this goes against what Piper said on Nitro he said neither man should complain about cheating and he expects both men to give as good as they get so why he's threatening to disqualify Brett makes no sense he does the exact same when Savage chokes Brad in the corner with his boat and Savage isn't happy when Piper begins another five count moments later a head but floor Salvage and Brad follows up with a leg drop Salvage ends up on the apron and Brad performs a smooth suplex to bring Salvage back in Randy has to Ru out of the ring again after another Hitman headbutt to the midsection and Brett decides to go out and get a little vision he throws Randy into the ring post before trying to use the steage steps Brett misses his Target and Randy's able to turn it around the two then end up fighting in the crowd after Brett throws Savage over the guard rail and it's a miserable viewing experience for those watching at home you can hardly see anything at all here because the production guys didn't send a cameraman into the audience eventually they come back and it's Savage who's taken control Brett gets body slammed on the outside and things aren't looking too good for the Hitman so Brett has no choice but to Target that injured knee of Randy's and we get some classic Hitman offense here everything's targeted right at the injured body part and it's not only a matter of time before the inevitable happens Brad shouts he's the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be as he destroys Macho he takes time in between offense to also remind fans at home that he's the best and Savage is going to try to get out of the ring for a moment but Brett brings him right back in for a Russian leg sweep Randy tries to fight back but he gets his head kicked in red performs a pie driver and he covers Randy while raising his arm in the air Randy kicks out Brett argues with Piper and the fans he then plants Macho with a DDT but Randy kicks out thanks to Brett wasting time in talking smack to fans at ringside heart then performs a back breaker but he misses a second rope elbow drop Randy hops on one leg as he sets Brad up for a suplex and he Nails it somehow Randy climbs upstairs and he's able to pull off his signature elbow drop that should be it all over unfortunately the Macho Man's been beaten up too badly and he takes too long to cover the Hitman Brad kicks out he's able to scoop the Macho Man's legs and Brad locks in the Sharpshooter Miss Elizabeth then runs down but Savage counters the Sharpshooter with his very own version of the move Liz gets in the ring and she shoves Piper she wants Rod to throw the match out but this interference does more harm than good okay so follow along Brett L blows Savage and he then punches Ry Piper in the back of the head Savage punches Brett and Randy notices that Brad has those brass ncks that don't look like brass nugs but we'll call them brass kns anyway Randy takes the weapon and he gets ready to clock Brett The Hitman begs for Mercy but then Hollywood Hogan shows up and he swipes the Macho Man's leg Randy then gets his knee wrapped around the ring post and Brett's then able to apply the Sharpshooter Rody notices that Randy's got the brass knok so he thinks Macho hit him from behind earlier on and at that very moment the Macho Man gives it up and Brad Hart defeats Randy Savage at slamber 99 de Piper has no issues raising Brett's hand seeing as he thinks Savage is the one who hit him Brett celebrates he spits on the Macho Man and the commentators called this a big win for both Brad Hart and NWO Hollywood was it a good match I thought it was interesting seeing Brad heed up in a WCW ring saying as his previous matches were kind of vanilla but I don't think it's what anyone would call a great wrestling match during the B Tony Shani announced that Scott Hall had arrived at the arena so the main events going to happen as ad advertised all right so it's the end of our shows unfortunately but again we'll be back to normal next week we've got the Steve Austin Street Fight next on Raw while over on Nitro we end with two promos one from DDP and another from Hollywood Hogan mein wants to know how DDP continues to have matches like the one he had at slamboree last night and why does he continue to do it Dallas quotes dick Murdoch when he says if I had to think about how I did this I don't know if I could but DDP knows why he does it every night he wrestles because he loves it and he does it for the people people out here that Jack me up with what he does it for the people who Jack him oh he said Jack me up I thought he said Jack me never mind DDP says it's time to go after the world belt and yes I would 100% agree DDP hopes Hollywood Hogan still Champion when Paige gets his shot because Paige hasn't forgotten what Hollywood and the NWO have did to him over the past 15 months or so looks like Hollywood Hogan might be next to F the bang and again I'm all for it saying is Brad Hart's opportunity seems to be flushed down the toilet Hogan and NW Hollywood come out for a promo next pay attention to Brad Hart getting in and refusing to shake hands with Vincent and also take note of Brett not wearing NW colors and sitting as far away as possible from the group Hogan says ANW Hollywood is the Supreme part in pro wrestling and the fact he still has the soldiers behind him means the Kevin nsh was wrong Hogan still has a loyal NW faction and he still has loyal NW whes in the arena I noticed something pretty early on too Eric Bishop's getting really anxious about the airtime Nitro only has around 3 minutes left and there's still a lot to get through so things start getting really rushed after whispering to Hogan that he needs to hurry up Hollywood introduces Kevin Nash's former best friend the newest member of Hogan's new family Scott Hall Scott doesn't get a chance to cut a promo Eric Whispers to Scott that there's no survey tonight Chico and Eric then tells sting to come down to the ring and make his decision is Sting going to finally join the NWO saying as he's now a tag team champion along with the giant sting walks out he spits on the giant at the entrance way so the giant launches an attack and it looks like Sting's done for that is until the GI killer walks out to even the odds and Nitro then feeds the black clearly there was supposed to be more to this I think Hall was supposed to cut a promo and sting was the make it all the way down to the ring before Nash made the save but that's how Nitro ends this week watch it back and you'll see what I mean the giant then gets in the ring for a promo and he challenges Kevin Nash to walk down for a fight giant wants Conan and the mcho man left in the back even though bran odams and Vincent are here with the big man but still nsh walks down and he says there's nothing he'd like more tonight than to take out three Hulk Hogan fluff boys so Nash gets in he takes out Adams and Vincent but when all three three guys get their act together there's really nothing big sexy can do Lex Luger runs down to the ring along with Conan the commentators can't believe it Lex takes out the giant with a chair shot just before the other members of the NW wolf pack arrive and Nash definitely approves of Lex helping out Conan offers his Wolfpack shirt to Lex the crowter going crazy as Lex contemplates it he then puts the shirt on to a massive pop in the total package is now become a member of NW wolf pack people kind of dismiss Luger in the wolf pack p and they say he wasn't a good fit but as we all know after watching this all back Lex was doing absolutely nothing anyway so joining the wolf pack at least gave him something to do at the same time though I guess WCW could have came up with an angle forax that didn't involve the NWO at all we close our show this week with Austin versus Undertaker on Raw on Nitro it's sting and Lex Luger versus the Giant in NWO sting this is going to get confusing so let's call the NW Stang St or stank stanky stong whatever just not sting Luger and sting take out stank and the jant S all alone the big man misses a double clothes line and the baby faces take turns at punching jant right in the face Lex performs a running clothes line sting performs a stinger Splash and the Jan falls out of the ring where stanky stong tells him it's okay I'll help you I'm really good at this stank gets in the ring and he's going to face a sting stong performs a back elbow and sting replies with a clothes line flexi Lexi gets tagged in and he hits an inverted Atomic drop followed by two clothes lines and the bionic forearm even Tony Shani says here that the bogus sting is absolutely no match for the total package Lex gets thrown out of the ring though and this lets the jant hit a big boot stanky stong body slams Lex and he performs a few elbow drops before the big man comes back in jant destroys Luger while sting tries to Rally the fans but cheers alone won't help the total package a spicy hot tag might do the job though and that's exactly what happens when stank misses a ster splash the real St gets in the ring and we see the real Stinger Splash sting then performs the Scorpion death drop and that's the end of our main event the baby FES win the NW Wolfpack walk down to the ring following the match and Lex joins his boys to celebrate the big victory the red and black NW have a gift for sting though and the crowd pops when nsh holds up a Wolfpack shirt Sting's a little reluctant at first as he goes to make his exit but he has second thoughts and he gets back in the ring the crowd Roars as leg thr Sting the shirt but Nitro then fads the black sting hasn't joined the NW wolf pack but he's definitely considering it Nitro begins with a pretty sweet video package looking at sting it's pretty short but you get the message sting has evolved over the years and now he's arrived at another Crossroad is he NWO black and white is he NWO Wolfpack or is he going to remain part of Team WCW the commentary team said that all signs point to sting making a decision tonight and we're likely going to hear some pitches from the different groups who want sting to join up the wolf pack arrive in their limousine and out in the arena the wolf pack music players for the very first time on Monday night row you'll also notice Kurt hen's n on crutches Nash gets in the ring and he alter Scot hold survey a bit by asking the audience if they came to see NW Hollywood or the red and black attack the fans are very much behind the wolf pack tonight and Lex Luger says he hopes s notices all the red and black shirts in the audience tonight when he makes his decision sting and Lex are good friends but Lex hasn't heard from his buddies since last week Luger says he and sting have always been winners and the wolf pack or a group of winners so sting needs to make the right choice tonight on Monday Night row Luger then throws out a challenge NJ in the total package versus Hollywood Hogan and the Giant and Lex hopes that this match will act as some sort of reinforcement for Sting's decision Ry Piper was scheduled for an interview next but Randy Savage came out instead Macho says Hogan and Brad are going to get crushed in the tag team match from Hil at the pay-per-view but Savage has something to say to his partner tonight so Ry Piper gets called out Savage tells Piper to his face that he's going to use him at bash at the beach to beat Brad and Hogan and then Savage is going to get himself some satisfaction by going after Piper Machu is going to fight Ry immediately after the m and Piper again tells Macho that it's Bret Hart who's causing all these issues the hitman's conning Randy Savage and Randy just can't see it Ry reminds Savage that Bret Hart isn't wearing an NW shirt and that's because Bret Hart isn't on the team he's conning every one right now but Randy doesn't care about bread shirt or his underwear for that matter Mao man will be at the Great American bash and he reiterates that he's going after Piper once he gets through with Hollywood and the Hitman Hulk Hogan and Brad hard cut a promo next on nro on Raw we've got Val Venus versus uh poppy Chulo uh okay NW Hollywood also arrive in a limousine so sting can definitely expect some luxurious travel Arrangements no matter which team he ends up fighting for granted if he joins NW Hollywood he has to share limo space with the big bad booty man so that would be an immediate no from me Hogan says he and the Brotherhood saw that gray-haired Flamingo legged Kevin Nash out here earlier on with his new stoe Lex Luger and Hogan heard the main event challenge Hogan accepts because he wants to show sting that the par lies within the black and white NWO in regards to the Great American bash tag team match from Hell Hogan's annoyed that Piper and Savage are questioning Brad Hart's integrity and his loyalty towards NWO and Brett wonders what he has to do to make it clear that he's one of the boys as he unbuttons his shirt to reveal a Hollywood Hogan t-shirt underneath it's still not an NW shirt mind you but Brad feels this is enough to show that he's loyal to the black and white Brad says Hogan means the world do Hogan's the greatest of all time and his T-shirt says it all hul says this old Chinese proverb says a t-shirt it's worth a thousand words with what old Chinese proverb a t-shirt says a thousand words I'm not up to scratch on my old Chinese Proverbs but I'm pretty sure no Chinese philosopher ever said that I prefer old Chinese proverb man who has hand in his pocket feels cocky all day or man who fishes in another man's hole will often catch crabs but yeah Hulk Hogan master of old Chinese Proverbs I love it Hogan says Piper and Macho will be in hospital beds after the match and if they want to fight they'll have to thumb wrestle instead my money's on Machu man right there Hollywood rules NW for life you know the drill check out bradart though he doesn't care a single bit Brett hard and the booty man come to the ring with Hogan and jant and look at Brad staring at that world championship again and convinced that Brett was aiming for the world belt all along and he was going to portray Hogan at some point but plans changed it actually seems pretty obvious at this point Hogan rips off his andw shirt and he throws it at Lex Lex wipes his stinking pits with it while nsh uses it to wipe his ass and it's Lex who gets the better of Hogan right away with a big old shove Lex poses Hollywood complains about hair pulling and Hogan goes down again after getting grazed with Lex's left arm how does Hogan get the upper hand that's right a poke to the eye Hollywood Hits Lex with a few throat thrusts he Ricks his eyes Lex is able to fight back long enough to make a tag and then comes big sexy Kevin nsh nsh tells Hogan to stay in the ring and do not tag out Hogan stays in the crowd begin to cheer and clap as Nash raises his arms in the air and it's Kevin who goes on offense when the two get the work hul takes a corner Clos line but he comes back with one of his own he's getting outmatched here though so the CH tags out and the jant comes in the two big men lock up and the jant overpowers Nash Nash manages to turn it around in the corner but at the opposite side of the Ring big sexy goes down after a big boot to the face jant misses an elbow drop Nash tags in flexy Lexi and the jant ends up flooring the total package with a big old clothes line Hogan comes in and Lex gets held in the black and white Corner Nash isn't going to stand around and do nothing so big Kev comes in to help his buddy out and this is where the match ends poogan uses the world belt to hit Kevin and we have ourselves a disqualification in the Nitro Main Event what a shocker sting then begins making his way down to the ring very very slowly he gets inside the ropes and he reveals a black and white NWO shirt the reaction's pretty fascinating there's a small pop at first but then it gets drowned out with booze showing us that fans were actually ready to boo thing if he turned H and joined the black and white when Sten clo land Hogan after giving him a hug though the audience get really really loud they pop again when the Stinger body slams The Giant in the crowd reaction in the arena when sting rips off the NW black and white shirt to reveal a wolf pack shirt underneath is nothing short of amazing sting has joined the NWO wolf pack the thought of Sting wearing an NW shirt just a few weeks ago seemed crazy and yeah it isn't the original black and white NW but it's still a pretty baly move to put sting in an NW shirt and put him in a faction that at the time still had to prove them elves in terms of durability it's a moment in Nitro history right here and we're going to see a new more vocal sting on Monday nro from this point forward the wolf pack come down to the ring and there he is really embarrassed thing this is how your face looks when your wife catches you watching Glacier matches seriously though some folks have a real problem with red face Sting but I couldn't care less he and the red and black get in the ring and N says there's some serious business to take care of of tonight Wolfpack business Kev says he nearly walked out of wrestling 5 years ago but DDP believed in him so tonight Nash wants to give page an offer to join NW wolf pack the vote was almost unanimous among the group Randy Savage didn't really want page in but there's a spot in the wolf pack for Dallas if Dallas wants to take it nsh remembers the DDP didn't want to join the black and white last year but tonight DDP just can't turn down this opportunity to join the Dream Team Kevin's mic then gets cut off and Hollywood Hogan sing at the control desk along with Dennis Rodman Brett Hart and Eric Bishoff the boys are at the DJ booth dropping some sick tracks and to screw around with the wolf pack Rodman sets off some parro bishof thinks this is the best thing ever Hogan tells Rodman to turn the lights off and he says this is the best way to see the wolf pack as in not at all it's almost like a Hulk Hogan Chinese proverb guys Rodman ends the promo by cutting the fade off for a commercial break and we come back to Conan complaining the James J b b b Dylan Conan wants to know what Dylan's going to do about Hogan Antics and Dylan tells Conan it's the wolf Pack's problem Dylan's going to do the wolf pack no favors and Conan's like all right fair enough over on Nitro Nash addresses Hogan wanting that jack knife money and Kevin says the wolf pack sold around 5,000 red and black shirts tonight so maybe the boys can cut Hogan in on the merch sales Hogan likes to make fun of Nash's skinny legs so Kevin says not all of his legs are skinny if you smell what The nsh is cooking finally Kevin says Hogan's money's in a Swiss bank account down where down there and yeah nsh is not acting like he's Straight Out of Compton and he's about to drop his new mixtape filled with straight up Hood Classics from the likes of Bon joy and Tom Petty I understand why he's doing it but he didn't need to do it either he even says Hey Rodman why are you hanging around with white boys or us I mean Kev you do know H moving on speaking of far mixtapes Eric bishof and the jant are at the DJ booth and while bishov says he's having fun being so close to his home in Detroit he's going to have a lot more fun when the Jan gets his hands on sting at the Great American BOS Jan says everyone wanted to get Sting on their team last week but now that he thinks about it the jant wonders why Sting's nothing compared to a 7 fo4 510b giant jant then says when you catch an insect you usually start pulling its limbs off no man that's what serial colors do but anyway Jan's going to pull Sting's arms and legs off like the little buggy is lovely absolutely lovely we aren't done with the NWO promos though Rick Roode Kurt henig and Conan come out and Rick Roode says Goldberg has only one fear the fear of defeat rud's here to tell Goldberg that these three men refuse to be victims on Goldberg's path of destruction and henig pretty much confirms that he won't be cleared in time to wrestle Goldberg at the Great American Bosch so Conan's been slaughtered in for the pay-per-view Conan gives Goldberg props he says the undefeated streak has been very very impressive but Conan plans on winning the US title and bringing it back to the wolf pack so there you go if you were looking forward to henik versus Goldberg then forget about it on Nyro Hogan has another Chinese proverb for Brad Hart a job is something that doesn't work for ey brother but come the Great American bash Ry Piper and Randy Salvage will be doing the job in the tag team match from Hell Savage is going to be known as the man who made two big mistakes in his career the first was stepping up to the Hitman and Hogan at the pay-per-view and the second was joining the red and black attack that Hogan's going to knock back Jack I like it and Hogan then has a pretty big surprise led up for the Macho Man Hogan says there's a reason the Auburn Hills hotties aren't here right now Hogan giveth and Hogan taketh away so Hogan's taking back Miss Elizabeth and putting her back in the black and white she seems happy about this too remember it was Hogan who presented Salvage with Miss Elizabeth way back last year but Liz is not with Hollywood the hulster say says he's going to run wild on what Savage used to have and yeah that's it Randy's once again lost Miss Elizabeth another King of the Ring qualifier next d o brine versus Dan the Man s on Nyro we've got a Ry Piper promo so Tony Shani stays in the ring to interview Piper next and Piper gets his usual cheap pop by mentioning the local sports team Piper tells Rodman to take the pla off because there's no such thing as a green haired SC botsman I bet there is Hot Rod Roddy then says the tag match at the BOS includes Hollywood Hogan from Venice Beach Bret Hart from Calgary Ry Piper from Glasgow and Randy Savage from a test tube match didn't really like that one so Randy comes down to the ring and Piper wonders what version of savage he's going to get here Piper says he and Macho need to stick together just for this tag team match but Randy says he wants to fight he also says he's not a mark so that's good to know Piper makes it clear that he's going to kick Savage his ass after the tag team match from hell but Randy wants to do it tonight so Hulk Hogan puts an end to this bickerin by once again showing up in the DJ booth Hogan laughs at Piper and Salvage before hitting Randy where it hurts he tells Miss Elizabeth to come out and by God she puts Eric Bish off in a devastating lip lock while Brad Hart declares that EAS e definitely has the jam Hogan says unlike Randy salby jerck bof doesn't need Viagra tonight and Randy does he doesn't look too happy of course Brad Hart's reaction is pure gold wow this man just keeps giving me stuff to work with Randy says he got over Miss Elizabeth a long time ago so this doesn't really affect him but Salvage will never ever get over Hulk Hogan sounds pretty sexy eh Randy also says he's not over Ry Piper before sucker punching the hot rod and the NW black and white absolutely love this turn of events Piper gets up and Savage gets nailed with a right hand and that's how it ends Ed I went into this one kind of expecting another Piper and Salvage promo that went nowhere but I actually enjoyed this a lot even the veterans can surprise you sometimes on WCW Nitro Vince McMahon receives his humanitarian award to close out Raw on Nitro the wolf pack want to know DDP is joining the red and black the wolf pack get in the ring and N says it's crunch time big sexy calls out DDP it's time for Dallas to make his decision DDP comes out and Tony brings a mic over Dallas says he's feeling a whole lot of love in Motor City and he's even feeling it from Randy Savage he says when Kevin Nash left the black and white big sexy showed everyone he had a heart he took Kanan with him he brought in Kurt henig Savage was already there but then when the wolf pack got Lex Luger in sting it blew Dallas's mind DDP knows the wolf pack want him in he grabs his shirt and he says he CLE a about to do this it looks like pig is going to join the red and black attack but then Dennis Rodman and Hollywood Hogan attack page from behind DDP gets taken out with chair shots and Nitro ends with the wolf pack running over to check on Dallas sounds to me like DDP is going to join the boys but we'll find out more later in the week maybe not a great ending to Nitro by the way but let's switch over and check out R War the first of two main event matches take place next build as the tag team match from hell it's Brad hardt and Hollywood Hogan versus Rod Piper and Randy Savage Brad C Randy the world belt the night after spring stamped he then defeated Macho with slamber while Ry Piper officiated the match but due to the Hitman cheating Piper reversed the decision the next night on Nitro since then Brad has played Piper and Savage against each other and it's worked very well Hollywood Hogan got involved and he suggested a tag team match at the Great American bash against Savage in the hot rod and the baby faces ended up agreeing to the match thanks to Brad getting in Savage's head the Macho Man said he wanted to fight Piper immediately following the tag team match and Piper reluctantly agreed these two haven't been getting on too well at all so this should be a pretty easy victory for Hogan and hard tonight at the Great American bash to add a little extra something to this match Miss Elizabeth left Savage and she sided with NW Hollywood Savage said he doesn't really care but there's also a chance he's not being fully honest Miss Elizabeth though is not at the Great American bash don't let the fact that Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart are actually teaming up tonight for a pay-per-view match es skip you either this is quite the team right here but understandably the circumstances around such a Monumental pairing isn't ideal Piper and Savage is also a very very noteworthy team so the star part we have in this match is off the charts even if a few guys are a little past their Prime here's the thing though you know how the audience completely hated the EDI and Chavo match well they absolutely lose their minds when the action begins in the ring Hogan getting his eyes poked gets a bigger pop than anything that's happened all night so you got to respect that these these four guys were still getting fans excited you might be big into the work rate wrestlers and you might despise these old school guys hogging the spotlight but a lot of fans still enjoyed these guys in main event matches it's undeniable when you watch this show back quick tags lead the piper and Savage keeping Hogan away from the Hitman Hogan takes two inverted Atomic drops from Piper the hot rod bites Hogan's forehead the hulster gets super comboed in the corner and Savage comes in briefly they RI Hogan in the eyes when Piper comes back in the W bootyman smacks him with the world belt from the outside and this allows Brett to tag in and Brett works on keeping Piper away from the Macho Man The Hot Rod takes a back breaker followed by a boot in the midsection Brad and Hogan work together before Hollywood tags back in Hogan chokes Rody on the top rope as the audience start chanting Hogan sucks Hulk then scratches Piper's back and face and even the hman gets in on the action Savage is not helping modders by keeping the referee distracted we see the hitman's Russian leg sweep and the elow drop from Brett's rope the hman taunts Macho by dragging Piper around the ring and again the Machu man doesn't help matters he swears and spits at the Hitman while Hogan chokes Piper and when Brett goes back to the hot rod you can see that Rod's really blown up he looks absolutely exhausted Macho tags Piper while Rod's in a small package but the referee doesn't see it this leads the Brad and Hogan once again bringing Piper to the NW corner and the hot rad takes another beating Piper makes another tag while in a front face lock nickp again doesn't see the tag so macho man loses it and he grabs a chair we see the best spot of the match when Macho slides the chair on top of Piper and the Hitman headbutts it this was perfectly timed too it's so good and finally Savage gets tagged in and the crowd pops Macho takes on both Brad and Hogan and he wipes both guys out he makes the mistake of pinning Hogan while Brad's still in the ring but Hogan then accidentally Clos LS The Hitman and now the baby faces have a chance the heels get thrown into each other Savage goes the elbow drop the Hitman but Piper hits the ropes and Savage falls down looks like Savage has hurt his knee Hogan gets the chance to wrap Savage's knee around the ring post as the disciple deals with Piper and when Piper turns his attention to Hogan Brett's able to apply the Sharpshooter Macho Man gives it up so Brad and Hogan win this tag team match the match wasn't good it's not worthy for the talent involved and the crowd really got into it but you'll only watch this one for the novelty of it so mainin ogland gets in the ring and he wonders how peiper and Savage are going to have this one-on-one match after the beating both men just took from hard and Hogan Piper clearly doesn't want to fight Savage he even helps the Machu man up to his feet but Savage blindsides Piper in the bell rings to start this one-on-one match Savage is in no shape to wrestle he's favoring the knee big time as he chokes Piper out and he lays in a big right hand still Macho goes up for the big elbow and he's able to hit his finisher but he can't cover Piper he slowly gets up Charles Robinson tries to talk some sense in the Macho but he gets punched in the face for troubles it's a great Bump by the way Piper hits a low blow a poke to the eye and a punch to the face Ry then applies a figure four Mickey J runs down to the ring and Savage submits the Macho Man gave up twice at one pay-per-view the second time was in a match that he demanded I know someone else who that probably wouldn't work for brother but Savage didn't care so fair play to him Randy's got one more match to go it happens tomorrow night on Nitro and we won't see Savage compete on WCW Nitro again until April 1999 Randy had to get KNE surgery he was putting it off for a long time and while we will see him again at the very end of 1998 it isn't until next year when he competes again inside the ring Randy Savage comes to the ring and he says Diamond Dallas Page is going to get tested tonight page is apparently on his way to nro from Salt Lake City after attending the Utah Jazz versus Chicago Bulls finals but when he gets the Nitro he's going to have a challenge the answer savid says the wolf pack want DDP in the faction but Randy isn't so sure so tonight Randy Savage wants a match against DDP inside a steel cage to see if he's worthy of wearing the red and black we'll hear from Dallas in a moment Diamond Dallas Page then gets interviewed by m ogland and PID says he doesn't care about the wolf pack he cares about Savage saying that DDP has to prove himself to the Macho Man so the cage match is definitely on it's going to be an event this episode of nitro after DDP gets done with Savage he's going after Hogan and Dennis Rodman DDP got himself some backup and the only clue he gives is that this person will help DDP make the NWO feel the bangang the commentators then completely spoil it after a commercial break when they say car Malone might be coming to WCW they talk about rumors of the Utah Jazz par forward getting in the ring but they can't confirm it yet so where to go Lads Ry Piper gets a great crowd reaction from the New York audience and he says start spread in the news when he gets in the ring he's here as the commissioner tonight apparently not a competitor and he heard Savage laying down the steel kid challenge the Diamond Dallas Page Piper confirms the cage match is going to happen but no referee wants to officiate the match because Randy Savage is absolutely mental so Rod Piper is going to officiate the steel cage Main Event the crowd response to Piper was fantastic here in Piper knew it too he was all fired up tonight on Monday Night row on Nitro wolf pack members Kevin asash Kanan and Lex Luger get in the ring after Kanan gets the crowd hyped up big sexy says life is full of ironies the last man to join the wolf pack was the first man to bring some gold to the faction Nash wants to introduce this man to the naso Coliseum so here comes sting holding the WCW Tag Team titles sting thanks the audience for the warm response he notices a lot of red and black in the crowd tonight and he talks about the credentials of his Wolfpack comrades big Nash is a and killer lugers held every belt known to man that's a lie but still K dog was and still is a big time player in Mexico whatever Choice sting makes in regards to his tag team partner tonight is going to be a good one because he's got such a great selection but Sting's not telling us his answer right now he's going to come back out later to let us all know who his partner is a fine waste of TV time here on WCW Nitro this was pointless we have a main event cage match on Nitro DDP versus Randy Savage on Raw we have a Hell in a sale match can of Mankind versus Austin and Undertaker coincidence I don't think so so let's see how Piper plays into this cage match on Nitro Randy targets ddps forever injured ribs at the start of the match before throwing Dallas into the cage Corner strikes for Macho get followed up with another cage bump attempt but DDP counters and it's Randy who gets rammed into the cage pel DDP goes upstairs but but he ends up getting Crotched still though he's able to backdrop Salvage into the cage and Macho is now holding that injured knee DDP stays on Macho with a few Boots the two take turns of throwing each other into the cage neither man's getting the advantage here so they end up crashing into each other and Piper Begins Counting to 10an and a cage March we come back from a break and DDP manages the floor Salvage with a cloth line he then signals for The Diamond Cutter but Macho hits the DP with a low blow Randy's then able to pull off a body slam and we see the big elbow but he can cover DDP quick enough when DDP kicks out Randy takes it out on Piper and the two men shove each other Randy ends up blindsiding the referee the hot rad takes a pie driver so now we have no referee in this match Paige pulls off a Diamond Cutter he falls to the mat afterwards he slowly crawls over to Randy to make the cover but Piper still trying to get to his feet so the pinfall doesn't happen and this is pretty much how it wraps up Piper ends up getting punched by Dallas when he tries to break the competitors up in the corner Piper fights back and Dallas gets taken out Randy and Piper then start fighting each other and it's Piper who ends up getting the better of both DDP and the Macho Man at the end of this cage match the cage Begins the rise and NW Hollywood storm the ring the black and white attack all three men while the cage lowers down again so Piper DDP and Salvage are trapped in there with Hogan jant Brad har brand Adams and the rest of Team Hollywood the wolf pack run down but they can't get in the cage sting CL s to the top but he can't break through so Nash goes back up the entrance way he finds the remote control for the cage and just as the cage Begins the rise Nitro feds out it's a pretty annoying ending but to be fair Raw ending isn't much better say goodbye to the Machu Man Randy Savage though we won't see him compete again in the ring for quite some time the wolf pack come down to the ring and Kevin not shows he's done with the cool kids when he says he thinks Goldberg killed Kenny by sheer coincidence a guy brought a sign saying the exact same thing sting says Jacksonville is red and black and Kavin Nash plays with a blowup doll the Stinger wants to lay down a tag team challenge that anyone who wants a shot at the gold and I don't know it looks like the Wolfpack may have been enjoying some extracurricular activities backstage not sure why I think that but I do sting then nonchalantly says yeah that's it I made a challenge and he just doesn't know where to go next with this so Nash takes the mic and he says the wolf pack is just too sweet and that's it over a very very odd promo and one I encourage you to check out just for how weird it is like last week it's a huge waste of time that could have been shortened down to a 10sec backstage promo before a nro commercial break Road dog versus kanen on Raw should be a doozy on thatal Conan takes on Scotty rigs should be another duy has Scotty rigs won a match since joining the the flock I honestly can't remember and I can't be annoyed going back and checking out the results sure would be funny if he beat Conan here on Nitro though that would really show me wouldn't it yeah he Tapped Out to the Tequila Sunrise there's a lot to be said about wcw's med card there's definitely an insane amount of talent floating around world championship wrestling and we got to see some of the world's best yet most underappreciated Superstars every Monday night the thing is though and this is something that no one brings up when talking about the WCW undercard I'd say around 95% of the undercard matches are very very predictable you do get the odd surprise here and there but generally you can always pick the winner on nital we have Luger and sting teaming up to take on Davey Boy Smith and Jim nard and oh oh boy it's hard to ignore at this point the bulldog has seen better days Jim also doesn't look so good when the two get in the ring it's actually really sad to see at this point nart and Luger go for a body slam counter spot and it's not great is it the Anvil gets knocked to the outside he takes his sweet time before tagging in Davy and Lex tags in sting tomato face ponytails thing Davey is so so slow he takes a shoulder block and a hip toss before heading to the outside where the match completely stops once again and even when debie gets back in the ring there's more stallen and very little action don't get me wrong either though the crowd absolutely love cheering for the Stinger Davey says he wants Luger in the ring we get more stallen when Luger poses and Davy decides he doesn't want to fight anymore Jim nigh hard comes in deflex his beard according to Larry Sisco sting comes in deflects his uh face paint Jim shoves sting away and sting replies with a clothes line we get some basic he tag team wrestling when nighthart distracts the referee so Bulldog can choke Luger out a double clothes line leads the Anvil and Luger struggling to get to their corner but we end up with stinging Davy boy in the ring Davy takes a stinger Splash he he tries his running parlam but St counters with a scorpion death drop this was awful absolutely awful and also it was pretty sad to see the days of DAV boy chin loocks are over overall Nitro the wolf pack have the audacity to cut a promo before their match even though they have been clearly instructed to make this match as quick as possible it's the usual wolf pack in the house stuff and Conan's usual sped gets cut off by Kidman and sick boy hitting the ring here's what happens sting wipes out both members of the flock with Clos lines Atomic drops and drop kicks Luger realizes he better get in there and do something so he fumbles around while sting sets up a stinger Splash on both opponents sting then hits a scorpion death drop on Kidman sick boy gets locked in a torture rack SI boy submits even though Lex wasn't the legal man and there you have it the flock were made to look like absolute enhancement talents against the wolf pack and yeah stinging legs or WCW Originals for sure but I really don't think Kidman and sick boy deserve to get destroyed in a matter of seconds like this a wolf pack promo would have been just as effective here I think but I'm guessing sting and legs were advertised for the show not great though not great at all you better have some tissues at already here comes the Disco Inferno and US Wonder on the floor the screaming ready 1 2 [Music] 3 the boys are here at bash at the beach and they've got something to say disco says he and Alex are down with the Hispanic scene and they're learning the lingo the Disco Inferno and Alex right our Bounty B rowdy rowdy disco has no idea what any of this means but he guesses it means the people want to see Alex and himself dance in the middle of the Ring disco wants the guys in the production truck to play his music but the AMW wolf pack theme players instead and the faction make their way down to the ring minus Sting the Stinger must have had a day off Disco Inferno versus Conan takes place next but first Kevin Nash quotes Big Pun when he says the wolf pack aren't players they just crush a lot Conan gets his usual promo in to the crowd loves the wolf pack and here we go the Battle of K 100 it's a short one unfortunately Konan pulls off a nice Japanese arm drag in a dropped to hold before kicking the crap out of disco K dog goes for a sunset flip and he pulls it off after disco gets distracted with some disco dancing we then see a face Buster from Conan followed by The Rolling clothes line the Cradle DDT gets countered though and Conan gets thrown out of the ring Alex ride attacks Conan but Alex made the mistake of turning his back on the wolf pack Lex Luger comes along and he puts Alex in a torture rack while Kevin not Jack knifes Disc Go the referee is absolutely oblivious K Dog applies the Tequila Sunrise The Crowd Goes Crazy it's a quick win for Conan it bash at the beach and yeah it's obviously not a match you're going to recommend for repeat viewings but for the audience and attendance it worked the San Diego crowd loved the red and black attack they had fun laughing at Alex and disco and to be honest we needed a break after the pretty long travel versus Eddie March over on Nitro I bet you remember all this wol pack business being better than what it actually was right yeah I thought it was a bit more involved but over these past few weeks there's been absolutely nothing going on within the faction but hopefully that changes soon Bari daro versus Conan feels like a house show match and funnily enough it plays out like one two daro attacks early he threatens the bre Coran's arm at the ropes K dog then takes one of the weakest clothes lines I've ever seen and then thankfully Kanan goes on offense daro gets floored with a rolling Lariat he then takes the seated drop kick Conan then hits a face Buster and then the Tequila Sunrise gets applied a swinging a Miss from WCW get ready for some Saturday like fever with DOs Wonder pink and some disco dancing with the Disco [Music] Inferno fever fever yeah on Nitro Alex calls out the wolf pack for what they did at bash at the beach or at least I think that's what he said disco says he had Conan beat last night but Luger attacked Alex for no reason and that big goof Nash par bomb The Inferno for no reason the wolf pack may be the red and black attack but disco and Alex are the lemon and lime step on a dime bust the Ryme it's your duty to shake your booty John's party I absolutely love this team and I hope they destroy the wolf pack let's go boys let's go to the face there's the God damn it Scott Hall comes to the ring to talk about Kevin Nash on Thunder this past Thursday we saw footage from after last week's Nitro where Kevin CAU a pretty heartfelt promo about his former best friend and boy it was Heavy Kevin said he didn't come for Scott after slamber e this year because Scott had personal problems he didn't address Scott's betrayal previously because Nash thought the problem would just go away and Scott would see sense but Kevin believes Scott's being manipulated and Kev has lost his best friend The Outsiders started the NW the two were supposed to make money together but Scott's now more concerned about himself Nash has no doubt that Hogan and bishof have Push Scott over the edge Scott's not thinking right but it might be time for Nash to show some tough love Scott says he's sure everyone heard the sad Saga of Kev losing his buddy but in reality Scott was the one doing all the hard work in the ring and in this relationship Scott's not sure how his former best friend can say he's the leader of the wolf pack when he's not even a man he's half the man Hollywood Hogan is Nash isn't embarrassment but the AMW black and white is just too sweet I was hoping for a bit more to be honest the video gets shown of Nash's emotional interview last week and the tape gets interrupted turns out Scott Hall stopped the video and the bad guy threw the tape in Nash's face The Outsiders then started fighting each other and what a sad sight this is they go to the outside where the black and white and wolf packet involved the two factions brawl but we quickly cut back to Brad hard interrupting the commentators and demanding the at his match with DDP gets underway right this instant on Nitro this is only the second time nashan sting have teamed up since becoming Tag Team Champions stings teamed up more frequently with his buddy Lex Luger since winning the tag belts because well WCW I guess but let's see if n and sting can defend the Bel successfully against Scott Hall in the giant got to point out the Stinger's choice of a tardan night to an interesting choice for sure Scott immediately tags out so he doesn't have to face big cev and even though the J starts off well he ends up taking a big boot and Hall's forced to jump in the crowd pops for Nash attacking Hall and the Stinger gets in on the action too Scott wants no part of those pants the Stinger has on so he gets out of the ring to rethink his strategy Scott gets back in he makes fun of Sting he then takes a Clues line and when we come back from a commercial break Scott spits on sting before tagging in the giant the jant gets slopped in the face before taking a stinger Splash but Sting's luck runs out when he tries another Splash followed by a cross body word of advice don't try to cross body a giant as Scott hits a fallway slam Tony Shani says Scott's wearing those wolf pack trunks to make fun of big Kev I think he just didn't bring any other trunks with him to be honest jant helps out during an abdominal stretch but sting gets out and he tags in big sexy Paul quickly tags out but jant has no choice but to tag his partner back in after taking a beaten the physicality between Hall and nsh is kept to a minimum though because WCW want to save this one for a later date hul cter snake guys but he takes a big boot the match then breaks down when Nash goes for a jack knife with sting running in to hit a l blue on the J followed by a face Buster sting gets tagged in Legally he hits a stinger Splash on Hall and he goes to apply the death lock but then Brett hard shows up and sting breaks the hold Brett gets shoved out of the ring but the distraction allows Hall to hit the outsider Edge and just like that we have new WCW Tag Team Champions anding one of the most pointless WCW tag team title runs of all time Brett's on a road tonight though he said on Thunder he was coming after everybody while also getting pelted with eggs so it appears the hitman's making good on his promise on Nitro K Dog comes to the ring with big dog Antoine Carr of the Utah Jazz Carl Malone must have told his teammates that WCW was handing out free money he helps out with Conan's usual promo and Ed's hard enough Latino he L the boots in before putting Kanan down with a clothesline followed by a European uppercut but Conan replies by trying to throw Eddie up to the Rapters and the audience absolutely love this move right here Guerero then gets press slammed and he finds himself on the outside where he has a run in with the big dog luckily for Mr Carr Eddie doesn't get physical back in the ring though Eddie takes a monkey flip and even after poking Kanan in the eye Eddie struggled to maintain any kind of Advantage K Dog delivers a sit down face Buster he Nails Eddie with his signature rolling Clues line but then Sea Dog makes an appearance along with Pepe k gets distracted as Chavo Guerrero approaches the ring and it looks like Eddie gets a chuckle out of his nephew's Antics but things get serious when Eddie takes Pepe away and the referee throws the match out saying as there's a live horse in the ring Kanan ends up taking Pepe away and Eddie gets whacked Guerrero then gets thrown out of the ring Chavo has a little fun at his uncle's expense and Nitro moves on to its next match on Nitro Lex Luger took a loss to Kurt hanik Ravishing Rick Rude ended up being the Difference Maker when he got in the ring to assist his best friend the match went exactly how you'd expect Kurt controls most of the boat thanks to underhanded tactics Lex makes a heroic comeback filled with atomic drops in Clos lines but a referee bump allowed Ravishing Rick to get in the ring and try to do some damage unfortunately for Rick he ended up in a torture rack but this allowed Kurt to hit Lex and deliver a perfect Plex Rick Rood holds Lex's foot down and Kurt henig wins via pinfall nothing special at all we have seen it all before Mr McMahon cuts a promo on Ros war on Nitro Kurt hanig takes on Conan I'm going to get the Nitro match out of the way quickly I'm sorry but this is another match where the outcome has no consequence at all I'm sure the thing is I really like Kurt henig and I really like Conan but you know what's going to happen here to give the match Credit though Kurt henig sold like an absolute champ for Conan with his Inside Out bumps being well perfect the crowd also loved Conan's explosive offense and they were fully behind K dog from start to end but it's Scott Norton who ends up costing Conan the victory Henny gets a chance to choke Conan out we see a perfect Plex and NW Hollywood get one up over on the wolf pack Kevin Nash comes down but it's too little too late it would have made a bit more sense if Nash accompanied Kanan to the ring after Scott Norton entered the arena with henig but no that kind of logic doesn't work in [Music] WCW Scott Hall challenged the wolf pack to a black and white versus red and black battle royal at RH wild but world champion Bill Goldberg entered the boat so he could get his hands on the giant completely changing the dynamic of the contest and taking the focus away from what was originally supposed to be a wolf pack versus Hollywood war in Sturgis I thought the NWO Battle Royale was a good idea at first when Goldberg threw his name in it then became predictable and almost pointless nothing against Goldberg by the way I just prefer if he was involved in a different March representing the black and white we've got Scott Hall the Jan Kurt henig and Scott Norton Scott survey says that the fans are here to see the wolf pack and Goldberg but still it's one more for the good guys on the red and black side we've got Kevin Nash sting Lex Luger and Conan and then we've got the world champion Bill Goldberg you can get eliminated in this one via pinfall or by going over the top rope you think the two awo factions are going to team up to eliminate bellly boy but no instead Goldberg watches everyone else fight at the opening bell and he only goes for the jant when the opportunity presents itself Nash tries to kick Scott Hall in the face but Scott Ducks it Goldberg gets whacked instead so Scott goes for an outsider's edge but Goldberg ends up eliminating him Kevin Nash then eliminates himself so he can go to the outside to continue fighting with Scott okay then Goldberg Spears Kurt hanig he then takes his time waiting for someone else to come after him and it's the giant who once again tries his look the big man's able to bring bill down with a Russian leg sweep but Goldberg shakes it off and he takes it out on Conan Conan's next to get eliminated Jan takes the opportunity to hit Goldberg with a back suplex and Kurt handly has a few boots in Goldberg gets up and Kirk gets spared again before getting sent over the top rope and then Goldberg eliminates sang and Scott Norton at the same time Luger then gets speared and the jant eliminates the total package so it comes down to jant and Goldberg just like that jant surprises Billy boy with a choke slam Goldberg sets up like The Undertaker before spearing The Big Man the World Champ shows some phenomenal strength by hitting the giant with a jack hammer and giant gets eliminated via pinfall that cheeky bastard Tony Shani says that each elimination could go towards Goldberg's overall undefeated streak giving Goldberg an extra six wins or whatever it may be but the commentators don't give their official streak number so we'll leave it until Nitro next week so with that being said let me give you the reliving the war cter remember back to the July 27th nro when Goldberg defeated Brian Adams that same night after Jan chokeslam build to end the broadcast jant and Goldberg had a dark match and Goldberg won the following week after Goldberg speared the jant on the 3rd of August Nitro the two had another dark match and of course Goldberg won again Jan took a loss in an untelevised b a few days later on Thunder and there's no way I'm counting Road wild as six victories or whatever the case may be so the rtw streight counter sits at 126 and0 following Road wild we'll get the official WCW count on the next episode of Rel live in the war War Lex Luger comes out next for a promo one of the greatest speakers of Our Generation Luger says it was Scott Hall and Brad Hart who took him out last week and seeing as Luger got a piece of Scott on Thunder he now wants a piece of the Hitman Luger says he's not leaving the building until he gets a match with Brett so his Excellency makes his way down to the ring and he calls Lex a liar the total package is making up a story to make himself sound tough when in reality he got beat up by a food vendor hard says Lex has to earn a shot he can't just demand one Luger's just jealous that Lex's best friend thing is like a brother to the Hitman and Lex says there's nothing Brad has that the total package wants except maybe that us title I don't know Lex Brett's wrestling ability and jam would be highly desirable I'd imagine Luger then says this you put the Bell up tonight for a title or I can knock your teeth down your throat right now leg one sprad to H the belt up for a title uh Brett thinks about it for a moment and he grants Luger a shot at the US title tonight on Nitro this Nitro B's going to be interesting because you just know Brett won't let Lex get away with the same Mar he's been having for the past year or so no Lex isn't as proficient in the ring as Bret Hart let's be honest so you can bet your last dollar that Lex is going to sell for the majority of this one and he'll let Brett work everything out in terms of Direction Brett wants to lock up Lex wants to show that he's done with the kids his Excellency has no time for such Tom fillery Luger then shoves bread and he does his little crab pose so Luger's used up a third of his repertoire he's not in big big trouble we get a test of strength and the total package brings bread to his knees but then the hman pulls off a wrist lock and Lex gets his pythons punched Luger gets a little confused when he gets put on a hommer lock he escapes with a back elbow and oh dear there's the Lex Luger clothes line he's only got a parcel line Atomic drops the bionic forearm and the torture rack left Brett knows there's no point in continuing on so he grabs his belt and he goes to leave the arena flexi Lexi intercepts the US champion though and the match gets back in the ring and there's another crab pose we're double dipping now folks oh check it out arm drags from Lex Luger I bet that was scary Brett stays locked in an arm bar forever but when he finally brings Lex to the corner the Excellence of execution chokes legs with his boats we're on the outside of the Ring after a commercial break and Brett remains in control Luger gets slammed on the floor and the Hitman pulls off the Hollywood Hogan air cup the best ladies and gents the absolute best inside the ring Lex gets punched and choked in the corner but Lex fires back as the crowd po The Hitman silences The Audience by kicking Lex right in his total package and after complaining to the referee about closed fists The Hitman delivers a back breaker Lex gets headbutted hard pulls off his elbow drop a side rushian leg sweep messes legs up and Brett then performs a leg drop this right here is ha am imagine the match playing out hard strikes Lex's midsection before delivering a DDT we see more strikes and chokes in the corner from Brett Lex then gets suplexed in the middle of the ring and Brett gets frustrated with Lex constantly kicking out heart then brings Luger to the corner and he strikes his lower back a hard Irish whip to the corner sends Lex to the mat and Luger looks absolutely exhausted the Breck comes when Brett jumps off the middle rope and Lex gets a boot up Brett takes an atomic drop and an inverted Atomic drop because you know Lex likes to keep things exciting Lex then hits two Clos lines followed by the bionic forearm and when Lex locks in a sleeper Brett Rams the total package and the charge Robinson hard then pulls out those brass knoks that don't look like brass knucks but we'll call them brass knucks anyway but Lex SE are coming and he applies the torture rack the ref wakes up Brett submits and Lex Luger becomes the new US champion I I'll say this saying the total package as US champion again is cool and the belt is synonymous with legs but but there's not many Brad hars who can carry matches for him in 1998 let's see where it goes and let's see if Lex can bring Prestige to the United States Championship though the way things have been going for Lex over this past year I'm not expecting much I'm going to enjoy kicking the living crap out of Lex Luger tonight oh that's the opening that was waiting for DDT no at least he did moment SC he's out he's out the sharp shooter it's over on nro we get a Conan versus Kurt Henry match and quick side note if you didn't see Conan inducting Rey Mysterio into the 2023 Hall of Fame then go check it out ASAP K dog was absolutely brilliant there's a slight misstep in the ring when the match gets underway but Konan makes up for it with his rolling clothes line all Kurt could think about was getting his weekly time out on the outside Kurt walks around as the crowd chance for the wolf pack a kick to the midsection and a clubbing blow to the back puts corner Kanan down hanik uses his legs to snap kanan's neck and it didn't look too hot this time around hanik stops kanan's comeback with an eye poke followed by a back suplex Conan replies with an X Factor and the match ends when Kurt puts Conan down again with a Clos line before grabbing Conan's chain henig drops the jewelry when Billy Silverman steps in and Conan decides to use the chain against Kurt Kurt gets choked out and the referee disqualifies K dog henig walks away saying no one from the red and black can defeat Kurt henig all right two Nitro matches the tag titles are on the line first as Nash and sting tried to recapture the gold from Scott Hall and the giant Scott conducts his survey it's one more for the good guys Scott throws his toothpick at Nash and he laughs his ass off but then he gets clocked a few times and he ends up in the wrong Corner Scott avoids a jack knife and he gets out of the ring to regroup he gets back in to SLO b c around a bit but nsh comes back with a Clos line and the jant decides to tag again big sexy LS in a few knee strikes followed by a corner clothes line things don't work out too well for the giant so Scott comes back in but nsh remains in control that is until Hall delivers a low blow there's limited time here so Nash doesn't get a chance to build up a meaningful hot tag he floors the jant with a big boot and to be fair the crowd still goes nuts when the Stinger gets tagged in jant gets knocked out of the ring Hull takes a face Buster the icon then pulls off three Stinger splashes before Scott hits the canvas and then sting applies the Scorpion death lock to save his partner and to save the tag team belts the Jan choke slams the referee so it's a DQ finish the wolf Packer pissed off with the outcome but it was pretty smart of the giant to get dqd at least it wasn't another aw running after a commercial break the giant Hall and Hollywood Hogan come back down to the ring for the word title match sting Nash and Lex Luger also come down to provide security so basically we have a lumberjack match the competitors make their way down to the ring the bell sounds off and oh yeah yeah the minger starts off strong and Billy boy's in a lot of trouble Goldberg comes back with a forearm shot and a standing s kick Ming so amped up that he doesn't know which side of the Ring to get out of Scott Hall thinks Ming should just apply the tongue and death grip and get it over with but Ming ends up taking another kick followed by The Rolling leg lock Ming does manage to kick Goldberg and The Champ falls to the outside and this leads the Hollywood Hogan attacking bill and the Wolf Pack running over to even the odds back in the ring Ming applies the tong in death grip but for some reason and he lets it Go the commentators say that Ming thought he just won the match but seeing as he never lets go of the death grip until way after the final Bell then you can see why this statement doesn't make any sense Goldberg gets up and he Spears Ming before hitting the Jack hommer and Goldberg retains the world title in a lackluster Main Event Hogan hits Goldberg with a chair from behind and nsh runs in to chase Hogan off Goldberg thinks it was Kevin who hit him so big sexy takes a spear before Nitro goes off the air Stark H 98 is not inside guys you've been warned on Nitro Lex Luger says Kevin Nash's line wolf packs in the house and you can just shut your mou flexi Lexi because you couldn't keep the US title for four nights sting says war games coming up he's been in a few War Games before and he wants to do it again this time stings in the red and black and that makes things a whole lot sweater Conan goes through his usual stick and the crowd absolutely love it and then big Kev takes the mic to say war games will be the end of the black and white as We Know Nash tells NW Hollywood that if they don't run with the pack they'll get hunted by the pack the wolf Pack's just too sweet and that's the end of the promo the audience love the wolf pack there's absolutely no denying that but I still wish they were given something a bit more to do in WCW it's also kind of mood saying that because I could say the same for a lot of guys on the WCW roster but do keep in mind this is a 3r show every week time isn't the issue here it's all down to creativity the NW Wolfpack come to the ring to cut a promo Lex and Conan do the usual introductions and Kevin n says Hollywood can come out every week and talk all the garbage he wants but Hogan will never run with the red and black if Hogan wants a ward fall braw well brother he's got one big sexy says he likes a good War it was all about war when nsh returned to WCW and the war still continues in 1998 nsh is going to take out Hogan and Bish off himself in order to take over WCW he win the world Bell to if he needs to and this leads to Kevin bringing up Bill Goldberg n says after the first spear everything was cool after the second spear not so much Luger and Conan have matches denied and apparently Hogan and Jan want to have a tag team match so if Goldberg wants to bury the hatchet and set things right he can team up with big cev to take on the black and white Goldberg makes his way down to the ring and yes they do the hold security entrance he then gets inside the ropes and check this out the audience booze as Goldberg walks away Kevin confirms that Goldberg accepted the tag match but why on Earth he didn't speak into a microphone is beyond me and yes I know he's so intense and all that and he just needs to say his peace to Kevin and leave but it backfired too because the audience boot him out of the building one of the first times I've heard Goldberg get booted on nro Nash gladly accepts the pop Goldberg was supposed to get by saying Billy boy said yes and that Hogan and jant are next Jim nart then took on Conan in a one-on-one match not much I can say here that I haven't said before there wasn't much grace left for Jim to fall from but if there was the Anvil fell hard and smashed his face in six different places the Anvil wasn't able to keep up with Conan's Pace even though all Jim had to do was sail really it's a very brief match though thankfully and it ends with Conan performing The X Factor followed by Tequila Sunrise the Anvil tops out and Conan scores another win on Monday night row China comes out to confront the nation next on Raw on Nitro we've got Lex Luger versus Brian Adams they aren't even trying on Nitro this week are they it's a shame too because I enjoyed the last few episodes of nitro but I knew just looking at the card this week that it was going to be well it was going to be like this absolutely nothing against the guys in the ring by the way it's the matchmaking that's the issue Ro just seems so much more exciting this week in comparison the Nitro anyway you know as well as I do how this one plays out Vincent's here with Adams and while Vincent didn't play a role in Scott Norton match he always gets involved when Lex ler in the ring always first part of the match is all Lex with lockup Victory shoulder blocks and crab poses the main portion of the match is all bran autums with devastating nerve pinches a suplex and a military press cup Buster Vincent got involved when Lex got thrown to the outside but as usual Lex comes back with Clos lines the bionic for arm and a par slam Vincent tries to interfere and that never really works out well does it Le wins with a torture rack and yeah it's time that you don't get back at this point and time that I wish was spent better on WCW programming there's nothing I can say here that I haven't said before you know the drill let's move on WE enroll with Vince McMahon getting his answer is the Undertaker a friend or is he a foe on Nitro Hogan and Jan take on Kev Nash and Bill Goldberg there's a little Unity shown between Nash and Goldberg before the bell rings and big Kev shows the jant that he's not intimidated by the big man Nash and Jan start the match off with Nash showing his incredible Speed and Agility but Jan punishes big sexy with a side kick after missing an elbow drop jant gets closes lined in the corner and NJ pulls off a lead frog body gutin the two then Clos line each other and both men go down after hitting each other with big boots the two get up they tag in their Partners The Crowd Goes absolutely nuts and Goldberg overpowers Hogan after locking up twice a knee strike and a few shots to the back puts Goldberg down Billy boy gets his head rocked on the top turnbuckle but he know sells it and Hogan backs off into the corner where he's forced to poke Goldberg in the eye just to get a break we think Bill's going for a spear but he hits a few shoulder blocks bootyman hits Goldberg with his own world belt and this is pretty much where the match ends Nash goes after bootyman on the outside and Kurt henig attacks Kevin you can practically see Kurt telling the referee that he's going to interfere and when he attacks Goldberg the ref decides not to throw the match out the disciple gets involved too so here comes Lex Luger to land Nash and Goldberg a hand K dog then shows up and when the ring clears out it's Kurt henig who takes the spear and the jack hommer for some reason the referee CS handing shoulders to the mat and mik T says this makes it 134 and0 it's almost like in the main events in WCW the standard rules of a wrestling match get completely changed Nash accidentally kicks Goldberg another another big fight breaks out which leads the warrior Piper and DDP hitting the ring and there's a legit loud pop when Warrior begins attacking Hogan the show ends with Team WCW standing in the ring all alone while Goldberg and Nash argue on the outside another bad showing from WCW unfortunately Goldberg didn't have any matches at all since Nitro last week the streak is actually at 130 and0 and not 134 the wolf pack come to the ring without sting and check out Lex's sick goatee what a badass Luger says Bret Hart has a dilemma tonight seeing as he's friends with both Hulk Hogan and sting apparently and Lex is looking forward to this Main Event nsh announces team wolf pack for war games it's nsh sting and Lex and nsh then sends a warning to team WCW DDP gets off lightly but he will have to make a decision next week in regards to joining the wolf pack Piper gets reminded about a little backstage running he had with big sexy and nsh tells Warrior a story a story about a warrior Warrior who fell asleep under a tree when the warrior woke up he was greeted by four wolves one of the Wolves looked familiar and when he reached out the pet that familiar wolf it took off his hand the other wolves then joined in and they feasted on the poor Warrior and so the message is pretty simple at War Games if you're not with the wolf pack you'll get hunted by the wolf pack on nro Marty janetti got himself a new haircut he trimmed the mullet he should have saved his money to be honest because this is his last match in w CW so say goodbye to party Marty he suffers a shoulder injury in this but and he ends up getting released while recovering it's hard to tell exactly when Marty gets injured but I think it's from taking this hip toss right here followed by Conan's rolling cloth line Marty looks down at his arm briefly after taking it and he gets out of the ring to recompose himself though he's able to put K dog down with a super kick and he leaves us with the ultimate parting gift when he performs a devastating chin lock not one chin lock not two chin locks oh yeah yeah part [Music] Genet yeah who would have thought janetti's final Nitro match would be the best match of his whole career Conan Gets Drop Kicked and he takes a back elbow in between this chin loock Fest Marty performs a flank cross body a snap suplex and a fish drop I don't know what's gotten into Marty this week but I'm certainly going to reach out to my contact to buy a bag this Saturday unfortunately the good time stop abruptly when Konan performs an X Factor followed by the Tequila Sunrise Marty tops out but all joking aside this really was Marty's best performance so far in WCW and Conan gave Marty a lot of time to get his stuff in but that's another OG of reliving the war ring off into the sunset as times continue to change every Monday night or Thursday night whatever on nro Brad hardt clearly has issues wrestling sting tonight he doesn't look like he wants to fight his best friend in the whole world so it's Luger and Brett Who start things off and Brett gets a front row s for Lex's crab pose lucky man Brett chokes Lex in the corner and sting gently TOS Brett's head to get him to stop Brett obliges in the opposite corner Lex fires up on the US champ a little and when Lex tags in Sting the Hitman quickly tags out Hogan wasn't ready to come into the match just yet and Hollywood looks a little annoyed at his Excellency Hollywood gets in and the exchange between Hogan and stings nothing special remember when fans couldn't wait for these two to fight in the middle of the Ring yeah those days are long on gong it's the usual [ __ ] here all strikes and no wrestling moves Hogan hits the M once after taking a few punches but he gets up again and the punches and kicks continue sting chokes Hogan with his own bandana before Luger comes back in Luger takes a boot in the corner followed by a clothesline Brad extends his hand to Hulk but Hulk refuses to tag hard in it's a bit weird Lex gets choked in the corner and Hulan thinks Brad's waited long enough with his hands out like a total [ __ ] so Brad comes in and the choking of Lex Luger continues news we see a back breaker from hard a suplex from Lex the two then wipe each other out with a double clothes line and this leads to sting and Hogan getting back in the ring the crowd go nuts for sting firing up and they go even crazier for a stinger splash the second Splash gets messed up though because the Booty Man wasn't quick enough to pull Hogan away so the spot gets set up again and of course the disciples quick to move Hogan out of the way this time Hogan begins weapon Sting with his Weir belt and Brad takes the belt away from Hollywood Brad then leaves the ring Hulk follows him and the Hitman and the hulster have an argument on the entrance way that leads to the Wolfpack winning via count out Brett says he wants nothing to do with what Hogan was doing this thing and Hollywood says he now has a big problem with Brett Brett and Hogan push each other around back in the ring the andw black and white then show up but the ring gets covered in Smoke as the warrior makes his presence felt when the lights come back on everyone's been taken out except Hogan Hollywood's hiding in the corner while Brad has seemingly disappeared The Warrior says he can smell Hogan's fear and Hogan decides to get out of the ring and run away that must have been some good smoke boy because the NW black and White's absolutely cabbaged that's how Nitro ends this week not brilliant but better than raw last 10 minutes our Opening match features Conan taking on Bull Pen like a bull that's in pain he was a job guy for the AWA and WWF in the 80s and he also worked briefly for ECW in 199 5 it buffles me that WCW had to bring in guys like this though when they already had one of the best rosters in the history of pro wrestling during this time period Kanan gives BP a chance to get his stuff in and we see this two and a half star frog Splash right here our main man then took an X Factor and Kanan one with a tequila sunrise what a shocker the commentators announc a Kurt Hing versus Dean maleno steel cage match for tonight and they also repeat what Hogan said Brad Hart is out of War Games JJ Dylan however says otherwise when interviewed by m ogland Dylan says the contract's already been signed and if there's problems within NW Hollywood then they need to sorted out amongst themselves Brad Hart is still in war games and he will represent the black and white DDP then gets interviewed in the ring and he's got mixed emotions about the wolf pack asking him to join the red and black attack paig remembers The Outsiders trying to get him to join the original NW and he says he felt like an afterthought and now the NW is been split apart and Kevin want starts to once again join a faction the thing is DDP doesn't trust kavan Nash and DDP doesn't like to be threatened big sexy mix his way down to the ring and Kevin says paig was asked to be part of the most elite group in pro wrestling history if DDP doesn't join the wolf pack then DDP is now in the wolf pack sites he's now the enemy paage confirms that he doesn't trust Nash due to history as a matter of fact he's shocked that Lex Luger and sting trust big sexy after everything that's happened so here comes Luger and sting sting to back up their big buddy Lex says his ties with WCW were as strong as anyone's when he joined the red and black sting came on board too when he was considered the savior of WCW both man trust Kevin nsh and DDP says nsh will jack knife both of these guys if it means winning War Games sting says he's already been part bombed by Kevin he still has trust in big sexy and the only way to solve this if Paige doesn't want to join up is to have a tag team March tonight on Nitro so page should go and get Roddy Piper and the two can go up against two members of the wolf pack PID says he'll do it and so will Piper he also says he wants big sexy in that match later tonight and you big boy you are getting B the promos keep coming when rdy Piper walks down to the ring all night R the fans have been throwing confetti for the NWO all night black and white for Hollywood red and black for the wolf pack it's pretty cool Ry Piper and ddps relationship has completely changed over the course of a week they get in each other's face before starting the match and when Lex pushes DDP and he gives him the old crab pose Piper decides to tag himself in and he lights the total package up big time the hot rod bites on Luger's forehead and sting watches on as Piper throws legs into the corner before bringing the fight to the outside Luger can't get started here he takes a beaten back inside the ring as Piper screams a page This Is War before taging out and it looks like some of that intensity rubs off on paig because Dallas has a lot of urgency behind his strikes Lex goes down after a back suplex he then takes a neck breaker the bionic forearm gives Lex a chance to tag out so yeah a bad showing here from the total package sting does a lot better here for Team Wolf Pack DDP gets his face planted in the m and sting follows this up with an inverted Atomic drop check out stings DDT here too good stuff not to be outdone have a look at Pig's DDT oh yeah the match then breaks down all four men get in the ring for a war so Kevin Nash comes down and we've got ourselves a DQ finish n shows here that he no longer cares about page joining the wolf pack when he jack knives his old friend in the middle of the ring and again it shows us that at this very moment heading into war games the wolf pack are the most United Team the match was way too short but what we got was good Shame about the standard WCW Nitro finish though we've got the Conan versus Scott Hall match next and as we found out earlier Scott's in no shape to wrestle tonight in storyline anyway he's sipping on a drink as he makes his way down to the ring he almost Falls when trying to pose on the top rope and he's also in the wrong ring Vincent passes Scott's drink and the bad guy does a real bad job of hiding it he acts all drunk as he completes his survey well more drunk than usual let's say and it's one more for the good guys even though the fans popped for the red and black attack Scott TRS Conan by starting in the left ring and then moving over to the right 4 d chess from the bad guy Paul throws his toothpick uh Conan does this and Scott says Conan's packing a we worm before the two finally lock up Scott begins with an arm ringer and he loens up Conan's shoulder a bit he then slaps K dog around and Conan doesn't take too kindly to this clearly Hall's a bit shocked when Kanan gives as good as he gets so he gets to his feet to try again Scott swings from a wrist lock to a top wrist lock but it's Conan who slams Scott to the canvas Paul just sits there knowing he just got made a full of again and it happens one more time when Scott misses Kanan around when going for a test of strength the bad guy takes the rolling cloes line and when he tries to run away to the other ring he ends up getting sandwi between the two rings Conan Stomps on Hall and he ends up going under the canvas so Vincent causes a distraction while Scott tries to sneak up a hand K dog this doesn't work either so everything Scott's tried being snuffed out and his usual underhanded tactics just aren't paying off hul goes to the outside where he has a drink and the commentators joke that he should stay away from Arrow everyone knows that a glass of liquor makes you highly flammable back in the Ring Scott punches kunan before driving his knee in the K dog's back and this one's going to stay in for quite some time Conan tries to fight out but he gets put right back down again but eventually Conan's able to counter the move and Hall gets out of Conan submission with a low blow hul performs a fullway slam he then locks in an abdominal stretch and Vincent passes him a drink while he's still got the move locked in when Conan counters Hall's able to perform a hip toss and the match comes to an end when Scot performs a back suplex from the top rope the bad guy's about to signal for the outsider's edge but he instead goes back to Vincent to get a drink Hall then stops to have a conversation with his NW teammates and Conan's able to get up kick the drink in Hall's face and Conan performs The X Factor the Tequila Sunrise makes Scot hop out and Conan wins at Fall Brawl 98 it's good to see Conan win on pay-per-view it's a shame the March was booked the way it was again I'm not a fan but you may think otherwise it does have some amusing moments but it's not a match that I would rank at all we made it to the end it's time for war games I've already talked about how this one differs from previous war games matches and how the traditional rules have been tossed out the window let's just see what happens representing team WCW we have DDP the warrior and Ry Piper team Hollywood consists of Hollywood Hogan Stevie Ray and Brad Hart although Bret's Allegiance has come into question on Nitro finally on Team Wolf Pack it's Kevin Nash Lex Luger and sting it was already announced that Bret har and DDP are going to start this match off and do remember that pinfalls can happen at any time there's no match Beyond and whoever gets the pinfall or submission Victory gets a word title shot the Hitman Begins by focusing on ddps arm and shoulder and DDP applies a side headlock when paig tries to pin Brad early his Excellency gets up the smack Pig across the face and paig slaps Brad right back DDP then fires up on bread and he a hip toss with a belly-to-belly suplex Brad's then forced to dodge a Diamond Cutter attempt but he's able to drop page on the top turnbuckle seriously it's weird seeing Brad hard in a war games match and this is a match type that really doesn't suit him paig gets choked in the corner and Brett stands on DDP neck there's 2 minutes until someone else gets in the ring as page comes back with a few Corner strikes but Brett's able to quickly turn it around and Dallas takes a back breaker why there isn't more urgency to score a pinfall early on is beyond me and you think these two would scramble to win the match as soon as possible is Dallas drops heart with an arm breaker Brett does perform an inside cradle but in 30 seconds a new competitor is going to enter War Games Paige is able to drop Brett with a Clos line and the next entrance is Stevie Ray Stevie goes after DDP right away it's now 2 minutes in between entrance so from this point on it just gets ridiculously fast DDP stops in NW attack with a double close line the commentators wonder why Stevie Ray doesn't pin DDP when he has a chance to and the crowd pops when sting enters War Games next and he goes right after Stevie Ray the Stinger is all fired up tonight he performs a dive from one ring to another and he almost didn't make it to it's a close one Brad focuses on DDP right here remember sting and Brad have the story line going on where Brad's saying there's mutual respect between the two DDP gets Clos line just before the next competitor comes in it's team wcw's Ry Piper and my God he looks hungry Piper goes after everyone he goes was after his own teammate Ry said that this is every man for himself and he was absolutely right the hot rod just rocks everyone sting attacks Stevie Ray in between the Rings and Stevie ends up stuck for a moment the next man to enter War Games is Lex Luger and what can I say here they're all beating each other up it's funny how the respective NWO teams are more united than team WCW though keep in mind though that we've still got one more member from each team to enter the match Piper applies his signature sleeper hold on Ste stev Ray as we count down to the next entrance it's big sexy Kevin nsh the big man goes right after Ry Piper and he goes to jack knife Stevie Ray but then Hollywood Hogan shows up on the entrance way and Hulk enters war games early sneaky Hollywood's got Stevie Ray's slapjack and he takes out Nash and Piper before entering the next ring along with his NW teammate Luger's got the torture rack locked in on Brett Hart and Hollywood decides he's not going to help Brett he instead attacks sting and he goes for Lex when Brett gets out of the back and then Stevie Ray attacks Brad from behind Hogan's relationship with Brad has been damaged ever since Brad announced that he's good friends with sting so yeah you'd really need to be following Nitro every week to know what the [ __ ] going on here Stevie and Hogan get Nash in place for a few Hollywood leg drops or maybe they've moved them for another reason smoke begins filling the ring and you know what that means it's hot box time at War Games Warrior appears in the ring and Hogan attacks him right away Warrior falls down smoke fills the ring again and when it all clears up Hollywood's holding Warriors jacket but the Warriors vanish down where are you here Warrior then runs down from the entrance way because magic and the audience do enjoy Warrior getting physical with Hulk Warrior gets distracted with big Stevie Ray and this allows Hogan to escape the cage the Booty Man assists Hogan here Warrior realizes what's happened so rather than continuing the match the ultimate one decides to kick a AG pel through and he gets out to attack Hogan this was a bad move by the way it was reported that he twisted his ankle here and tore a bicep right here maybe Warrior should have you know filled the ring up with smoke and teleported out of the ring instead there is some debate about when the bicep hair happened though and maybe it didn't happen here though it was reported the end of the match gets botched to Stevie's Meant to hit Brad with his slop Jack he completely misses but Brad takes the bump anyway pH hits The Diamond Cutter on DV Ray and DDP wins the war games match so right now it's DDP versus Goldberg at Halloween Havoc I go into these rewatches with an open mind I do try my best to find the good and what we all thought was bad but I can't really say much about this it really is as bad is what everyone says and while it's great that DDP got rewarded for his hard work in WCW the match itself was absolutely abismo on Nitro Scott hasn't sobered up from last night he gets in the ring and he's stumbles through his survey and you've got Tony chiani saying WCW doesn't condone any of this and he apologizes the fans at home Lex comes to the ring and Scott trolls him a bit he then misses the signature toothpick throw something that surprises Lex and charge Robinson and Scott continues to mess around while Lex wants to know what the hell Scott's play at Scott complains that Lex's arms have too much oil and he can't get a grip he then stumbles around when trying to move from a side headlock to a hammerlock and he then says work with me Lex while smiling the audience aren't buying into this at all by the way and we're on the brink of fans booing both men out of the building Scott goes to the apron to get a drink and he then falls on his face when trying to get back inside the referee lets the match continue on and Scott has more fun when he and legs counter each other's hip toss attempts the crowd are now B the match the two go for a lock up Scott just falls on the M he then rolls out of the ring laughing and things must be bad when Vincent's acting like the voice of reason when standing on the apron Scott counts along with Charles Robinson and when Scott and Lex lock up Lex brings Scott to the corner where he doesn't even fight him he instead warns Scott that he's about to lose his job and he needs to get his act together Eric bishof then comes out and the match gets stopped Eric pulls Scott out of the ring and he tells him he can't save him from everything he needs to go back to the locker room and he needs to sort himself out Kevin Nash then comes down to the ring along with Kanan Nash wants to talk to his friend but Scott gets defensive and he begins arguing wondering where Nash was when Scott needed him the most Scott then says that everyone surrounding him at the moment drinks and they're all Hypocrites he then takes another Swig and he throws up on Eric Bishoff it ends with Scott getting in the ring he tells his fans to get lost and I'll say it again this storyline was absolute [ __ ] and I don't say that just as a Scott Hall fan if it was anyone who had the same issues going on then I'd say the same thing DDP the winner of War Games joins the commentary team for this nro man event he's highly interested in who wins this match he also welcomes Ric Flair back before we cut over for the entrances and I'd actually say the fans are cheering more for Goldberg tonight the champion starts off very strong with knee strikes to the midsection followed by a massive parlam sting then gets sent to the corner but he moves out of the way and he's able to parlam Goldberg into the opposite and turnbuckles forget what I just said they're going wild for the Stinger tonight sting then suplexes Goldberg Goldberg no sells it and sting gets a little freaked out so he gets himself out of the ring Tony Shani announces that Nitro just went into overtime and TNT won't be switching shows as sting gets back inside the ropes and the two men Circle the ring more knee strikes from Goldberg leads the sting trying to exchange blows with a champ but that was a mistake Goldberg floors the Challenger but sting Reay bill with a drop kick a drop kick that Goldberg no SES before delivering his rolling leg lock Sting's now frustrated he needs to get his head in it he applies a headlock and he keeps it in even after taking a backdrop he then goes for a corner tornado Bulldog but Goldberg throws him away and it's evident that sting just can't build momentum against this guy Goldberg's just too much the two go for a test of strength and Goldberg shows off his traps while sting feels to overpar his opponent sting makes it to the corner and the match resets again and this this time sting counters a pie driver and we see a tombstone Goldberg's deed Sting's able to hit three Stinger splashes and Sting's quick enough to avoid a spear it really feels like Sting has a chance to win the belt as he applies the Scorpion death lock and here we go Goldberg tries to break free but sting keeps it locked in Goldberg's now struggling and you're just waiting for him to top out but then Hollywood Hogan appears how many times have I said that during reliving the war the death locks in deep as Hogan gets in the ring thing takes a kick to the back of the head and Billy Silverman doesn't see it and that's when our match ends a spear and a jack hammer leads the Goldberg winning the Nitro main event and I think this was Goldberg's best match up until this point Hogan attacks Goldberg after the final bail and this leads the Bret har running down Hollywood runs away from Brett and nital feds out as Brett and Goldberg tend to sting two good main events this week in two matches you should definitely check out next we've got heart versus Val Venus on Nitro it's Conan versus Chavo Guerrero Chavo says Conan isn't the only one that's rasa Chavo is just as popular as K dog and Chavo could even be part of the NW wolf pack Conan says nah that's not going to happen so Chavo says he'll go over Conan's head and speak with Kevin nsh Conan then Clos lines Chavo after getting pushed and he follows this up with the rolling larat Chavo gets out of the ring and he gets comfort from Pepe after taking a drop kick and back in the ring he gets hip to into the corner Chavo comes back with an arm drag followed by a basement drop kick Chavo then performs a leg drop and an elbow drop before riding Pepe around the ring that looks fun doesn't it K dog makes Chavo pay with a gorilla press slam and things continue to get worse for Chavo after another clothes line chavito gets his act together and he lands a running forearm before applying a deadly chin lock we come back from a break to see chin lock number two applied but chavu can't get back into the match after taking the old rud Warrior hul ring post bump on the outside Kanan uses a steel chair and the referee lets it slide Chavo also gets tossed into the ring steps too and back in the ring the March ends when Kanan modifies his credle DDT slightly into a credle suplex yeah let's go with that Tequila Sunrise Conan wins another one via submission and it's another good match on Monday nro the story progressions haven't been great this week and we're watching another nitro with a lot of random matchups it started off pretty rough but progressively it's gotten better [Music] Ken Shamrock versus Mankind versus The Rock and Raw on Nitro it's Stevie Ray and the Jan versus Lex Luger and Kevin Nash plus a brief Hollywood Hogan promo Scott Hall's been replaced by Stevie Ray on team Hollywood but that doesn't stop him coming out and complaining about Dusty roads pulling him from the apron earlier he says his back sore from carrying Kevin nsh in WCW and also there's no alcohol policy in WCW so Scott doesn't see what the big problem is Scott then makes his way down to the ring and the action stops even the NW Hollywood guys don't want to see this but Scott gets in the ring he throws the referee out and he wants to fight Kevin Kevin tags in and Scott takes over from Stevie Paul tries to throw a punch but he falls on his face and Kevin just wants to help his old friend the jant decides to attack Kevin and when Luger gets in the ring with a steel chair the jant gets out Scott just doesn't know when to give up he still wants to so Kevin throws him out of the ring and the NW Hollywood guys grabs Scott to bring him back up the ramp this is absolutely abysmal for a WCW Main Event Nash grabs a mic and he says this is wrong nsh says he lost his best friend because he doesn't know who Scott is anymore and Scott shouts back that he's lost everything n says if Scott wants to fight then they should do it for money at Halloween Havoc n says he'll definitely show up and he just hopes Scott will do the same so this is how the big Battle of The Outsiders happens then eh all thanks to this storyline it's a real shame too because there could have been a big elaborate story behind the Kevin Nash versus Scott Hall match but no run with this [ __ ] instead and expect people to be entertained following what could be the very worst Main Event in WCW nital history Hollywood Hogan comes to the ring looking for warrior yeah it's almost like topping off a tragedy with a Sprinkle of Comedy Hogan tells Warrior to show his face he's been playing hide and seek all night there's no need to wait for Halloween havoc and there he is Warrior stands on the entrance way for a moment before being joined by his new Stoner friend the booty man we think booty man's going to attack Warrior but the stuff that the Ultimate Warrior grows is just too damn good so the disciple has left Hogan to join the one Warrior Nation the stench of the smoke was just too great so Ed Leslie now has a new bestest friend it's the warrior The Headbangers are about to take on The Oddities again on Raw plus the rock cuts a promo Backstage on Nitro it's Kevin Nash versus Brian Adams knee strikes from Nash both in the middle of the ring and in the corner a back elbow gets followed up with a running cloes line but a second gets countered and autum hits a diving cloes line we then see a drop kick from Adams that sends Nash out of the ring but on the outside it's Nash doing all the damage back in the ring bran takes two big boots from big sexy and then Stevie Ray runs down with his trusty slapjack n gets whacked the ref signals for the baale and here comes Scott Hall with a drink in his hand it actually looks like Hall may have turned a page he pours the drink out and he then starts punching his former best friend Conan and Lex Luger run down to save Kevin but the black and white Express got one up on big Nash tonight the match sucked but I can't say I had big expectations anyway what's next then XO defending the European title against Val Venus and Conan and ler versus Hugh Morris and Barry daro yes the tag team of Hugh Morris and Barry daro Lex performs a shoulder block and an arm ringer before tagging out Conan hits dto with a short arm Clos line but Big Barry tags out before hitting Conan with the worst Stinger Splash ever recorded on video Q Morris misses his follow-up Corner attack so he takes a rolling clothes line and Jimmy Hart gets punched out too the Tequila Sunrise gets broken up by the ever tenacious Bari daro dorso pays for his crimes with an ax factor and Lex comes in to score the win with a torture rack while Conan hits Morris with an ax factor and he locks into Tequila Sunrise just for the sake of it after the March old flexi Lexi gets a bit confused with his gang signs what's that rock on three uh Westside four Jesus don't leave us hanging legs we didn't get the message at all the wolf pack pulled up to the arena and after nashin sting got their asses kicked last week they aren't in a very good mood they walk around the backstage area looking for NW Hollywood they walk past a group of luchadors and they remain tight lipped about the black and wh whereabouts this guy here looks like he completely regrets sitting in that spot and now he has to pretend to act natural they end up locating the black and white in a dressing room and check out the security guard doing the splits ball bag ripped completely in half it gets pretty heated as the factions continue to fight while security struggles to maintain any kind of order sting goes looking for Bret Harden when he finds the Hitman in his own personal dressing room the two fight for a moment with sting getting the upper hand but security rush in to break it up when we come back from commercial breaks sting jumps in a forklift and he demolishes the mw's limousine if you think that was a little excessive Kevin Nash and Lex Luger smash the windows and big sexy jumps on the flip limo to whack it a few times with a sledgehammer I don't know guys I think it's already written off but have at it if it makes you feel better sting even slashes the T ties for crying out loud the wolf packs back causing mass destruction and they aren't done yet not by a long shot Mike T then gets a word with Kevin nsh outside Mike notes that Scott Hall was nowhere to be found earlier and N says there's one in about five places he could be right now so the wolf Packer going on a pub crawl to find the bad guy and give him a good old fashion kicking the red and black get in their limo and the sesh begins on Monday nro Mt is following the wolf Pack's Hummer limousine like a crazy Fanboy but he wants to see if Big K gets his hands on Scott Hall we'll be checking in with the wolf pack a few times tonight so stop yourselves in we then join Mike tenay in the wolf pack at Pub number one the boys are looking for Scott Hall of course and Nash thinks he might be here they have a look over at the pool tables but the bad guy isn't sinking any balls today it seems so Scott isn't here and the hunt continues on next stop the bar down the street Mike T and the Wolf Pack continue their mission by visiting the new Brooklyn Tavern it's a very awkward bit of TV where these big dudes with big muscles walk through the bar while the locals look at the lads like they're aliens from another planet one guy even tries to get a high five from big cev and cev's like I'm not touching you you're filthy peasant Scott Hall isn't here the bad guy has standards so after walking up and down the bar the wolf pack get back in their vehicle to visit Pub number three the wolf pack pull up to the last Pub and they ask these absolute Mad Men of Scott hton side these snitches say yeah he's in there and so Nash walks in and right enough he finds Scott Hall Kev gets the best of his old friend and the two end up fighting on top of a pole table they then end up in the restroom but we don't see what happens inside the door opens up and Scott's got his head put down a toilet and that's it that's the the end of the wolf packs Journey for now remember that Sting's got a match with Brad hardt coming up so the Stinger waiting back in the arena for the big man event as a matter of fact the n r match doesn't even take place a classic bait and switch from WCW ladies and gents Brett Hart decides to walk back up the rampway after getting one look at sting and the icon ends up chasing Brett backstage the two then have a backstage brawl that does have some good moments but you can hear the crowd boo because you know they expected a wrestling match Brett get smacked with a large whiteboard and he also gets thrown into a vending machine the two enter a much bigger and more open room where Brad overcomes s's Onslaught in his Excellency suplexes thing through a table before whacking him with a large plastic trash can Brad then targets Sting's knee with a steel chair and he closes the chair over Sting's knee and he hits it with a garbage can and just when you think stings down and out he comes back by pushing a storage container into the Hitman the two end up grabbing the long steel POS because now's the right time for a good oldfashioned just the two trade shots sting chokes The Hitman out we see the Scorpion death lock and we can still hear the crowd booing in the background as the fight comes to an end when Doug Dillinger shows up stting got the better of bread but the icons limping around after the fight he doesn't look good Nitro feds the black and there you have it not this thing versus bread match we were expecting a decent Brawl for sure but not what we were expecting sting comes down to the ring and he calls out Bret hardt and Hollywood Hogan this was fine the audience loves sting as always but when Warrior comes out they boo him relentlessly and the more Warrior talks the more the fans boo it's still a pretty cool moment though the warrior says it's amazing how far A little dab of pain can take you he's watched thing from afar and he admires and respects what his old Glad Runner partner has achieved over the years Warrior understands the WCW stings battle Grand but War Warrior's got himself a match with Hogan at Halloween Havoc so tonight Warrior requests no he demands that he stands alongside his old partner so the Blade Runners can take on Hogan and hard tonight on Nitro Warrior CH that was the overview of this promo Warrior couldn't help himself and he had to add in nonsense about great botles and the wild towin standard Warrior stuff but the crowd completely rejected Warrior denight and it's like I talked about last week the warrior experiment continues to provide diminishing returns big foooo Kevin nsh walks down to the ring and he says he's been watching Scott Halls stagger around backstage as usual Scott Halls touched kev's last nerve and saying as Nash used to work as a bouncer he's got experience with drunks trying to act tough so Kevin says the words that Scott Hall hates to hear it's last call time for Scott to come out and wake up hul makes an appearance and he says if it's last call he'll have have a double and six to go Kevin Nash doesn't look amused as Scott puts his drun down and he offers him a fight not here but down there nsh is already hurt enough and he chases his best friend back through the curtain but Scott moves pretty quick for a guy who's at the bottom of a bottle we go outside and we see Scott hanging out of a limousine laughing at big sexy so Nash Gets In His Cadillac and we get ourselves a car chase Bobby henan says this is just like The Blues Brothers driving around Chicago [Music] we have two tag team matches in the main events Undertaker and K versus Rock and auson and we've also got Bret har and Hulk Hogan versus sting and the warrior the star part is absolutely off the charts but as mentioned earlier don't get your hopes up in a hurry the guys make their entrances on Nitro Warrior's going to wrestle in jeans tonight while wearing his coat because he's the Ultimate Warrior and he can do whatever he likes he transfers his pows to the Stinger by placing his hand on Sting's head and zapping the eny energy over there's no way the Stinger's going to lose no guys H never mind Hollywood punches sting a few times and the icon gets choked out at the ropes sting Firs back with a clothes line and an atomic drop and after taking a few shots in the corner hug tags out and the Hitman comes in Brad takes 10 punches in the corner but Hogan comes in to cause a distraction sting takes a low blow from his Excellency and now it's the usual hot tag game where the babyf needs to get to his partner the hman delivers a second rope elbow drop and he talks trash the wall Warrior Hogan's able to come in and take over while the referee's busy and sting takes another low blow that's both balls completely wrecked hug chokes out the Stinger he stands on Sting's head the warrior tries to pump sting up a bit but that doesn't work out too well and then Bret hard and hug team up to do some damage in the corner it's absolute domination from The Hitman and the wood Master a leg drop from Brad gets followed up with a back breaker the break then comes when har misses an elbow drop the warrior gets that hot tag and Brett just has to stand stand there while Warrior fills the par Brett then takes a few clothes lines Warrior signals for the Press slam but Hogan comes in to save Brad and now the warrior all pissed off Hogan shouts oh no as the warrior approaches him and then the NWO come down and we have a DQ finish didn't see that one coming the warrior in sting take a beaten while bread throws toilet paper into the audience things don't look too good for Our Heroes but the warrior sweet gun fills up the ring and Warrior doesn't disappear pretty the timing was off in this one but the NW just dump Warrior out of the ring while sting comes back in to lay out a few NWO goons the show ends with Warrior chasing the NWO back up the rump while Hogan gets his back whipped Warrior then turns around and it looks like he's about to cry not the best KN for the ultimate one not by a long shot next up it's Val Venus versus Mankind on Raw on Nitro we have a big wolf pack versus Hollywood six-man tag it's another case of not getting your hopes up over on Monday nro but this match was kind of memorable for what happens between Scott Hall and Kevin Nash it's supposed to be Conan Lex Luger and Nash versus Hall Scott Norton and Stevie Ray but Kev doesn't show up for the match instead he's walking around the backstage area completely wasted wearing an outsider shirt the commentators are shocked at the state of big sexy he makes his way out to the arena and kev's Wolfpack teammates don't look too amused either Scott Hall meanwhile is absolutely delighted to have his old drinking buddy back Lex and Conan tried to stop K from having a good time but big sex is too far gone so the match begins with both the wolf pack guys and the Hollywood guys trying their best to keep Scott and Kevin out of the contest makes sense unfortunately this doesn't work out too well and The Outsiders end up getting tagged in they laugh they show Unity they have a drink together and the crowd actually pops because the outsiders are back even if it is in the worst way possible we then find out though that Kev sober is a judge he hasn't touched the drop and this was just an act so he could get his hands on Scott in the middle of the Ring the payoff was absolutely worth it this big boot looks brilliant and the crowd again popped because the whole thing was pulled off so well Scott takes a bidding from all three wolf pack members and he ends up getting hung up on the top rope the ref decides to throw the March out in the end and I think it's ruled as a no contest so Kevin Nash is going to have to wait until Halloween Havoc to get his hands on Scott again I don't like all this Scott Hall nonsense but this was off pretty well because of what happened in the casket match it's time for Vince McMahon to meet his maker on Raw on Nitro we close with Brett hard challenging sting so Brett comes to the ring and he says he's inspired by what Hulk Hogan just did the hitman's proved time and time again that he's the best technical wrestler in the world yet he's getting less respect week after week Fred then says this by the way I want to say hi to my one little fan out there hello Smokey my cat Smokey the cat the jamest cat in the world I imagine Smokey watching Nitro on this night drinking a beer and nodding in approval he's like thank you master breett now I come home and change my pink and black litter tray Smokey the cats just became a legend of reliving the war and I hope Brett drags him out for Nitro next week Brett says the perfect way to get back at the fans is to beat the crop out of Sting and there's no point waiting until Sunday apparently Sting's been trying to kiss up the bread backstage he's been trying to carry his bags he copied the Sharpshooter he thinks he's as good as the Hitman but he's not the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be he's the stupidest Sting's hard enough he walks down to the ring and Brad says he hopes sting doesn't mess up his mascara the two start fighting the bell rings and we've got a referee yes ladies and gents a featured match at this week's pay-per-view is randomly happening on Nitro in the final moments of the show sting completely annihilates Brad for the first portion of the match the headman takes a few shots in the corner and sting gives himself a little run up before punching Brad in the face it goes to the outside where the Stinger stays in control by throwing Brad into the ring steps and the guard rail and back in the ring Bret gets floored again before sting Stomps on the hitman's fingers after a body slam sting goes for a Vader bomb but Bret gets his knees up Brett's able to go on offense briefly and he decides to rake st's face across the top rope before hitting a back breaker our match if you can even call it a March ends with sting getting a boot up when brat comes off the middle rope and sting then applies the death lock Brad has a hand on the bottom rope sting doesn't let go and Smokey the cat has a panic attack watching at home sting says he will not let go and the referee might as well go and get some help so sting gets disqualified as officials hit the ring but still the death locks STS applied Vincent and Stevie Ray end up breaking up the hold but they both end up paying for their crimes against sting Nitro ends with Brad Stevie and Vincent heading back up the ramp and it's hard to see the point in all this really as always the fans love seeing sting though so I guess it's not all bad we have Scott Hall versus Kevin Nash next and just like Rick versus Scott I would have preferred the storyline left out of this one as a matter of fact I didn't really want to see The Outsiders ever breaking up at all at least not this early but we have Scott Hall who can't get his drinking under control versus his old friend who's resorted to beating some sense into the bad guy or at least that's what Kevin's going to try tonight it goes with say this should have been huge Hall versus Nash could have been a really big deal in WCW yet it doesn't feel big at Halloween Havoc 98 the story Line's miserable and the breakup happened way too early anyway the two get in the ring and Scott throws his drink in Nash's face I have no idea what Scott was drinking but it must have been some strong stuff because Nash is blinded and big sexy can't fight back the two end up on the outside where Nash takes a guard rail bump and Scott chokes his old friend with some cord he found lying at ringside Scott then kneels Kevin with one of those brilliant working punches and the bad guy leaves Kevin on the entrance way before getting back inside the ropes Scott wants a microphone he wonders if Nash's eyes are burning and he wonders how the world looks right now through Nash's foggy eyes Scott tells Nash to leave it's over but Kev gets back in and Scott goes on the attack with more right hands Hall LS Kev out with a big discus punch and the crow chant wolf pack as Hall delivers a body slam Scott then says it's time for The Outsiders Edge but big sexy pushes his friend away what follows next is Scott pummeling Nash in the corner over and over again again Nash manages to push Scott away but Scott keeps coming back Nash wants to take everything his friend has almost like he wants Scott to get it all out of his system and it's almost like Nash is refusing to fight back Scott meanwhile shows no mercy he begins toing and trash talking Nash and finally Kev has enough Scott goes from corner to corner and the bad guy gets hit with a sidewalk slam the two struggle to get back up so they start slugging it out while on their knees they eventually do get back up and Scott seems confused when Nash again refuses to fight back but again Kevin snaps out of it and hull goes down after her right hand Nash then tries to put Scott away with a jack knife and Scott gets out of the ring we can see Nash has a busted lip as he tells Scott to get back inside the ropes Paul slowly gets back in and he stares down his big buddy and the two lock up in the center of the Ring Nash overpowers Scott and it looks like Scott's now realizing he's in big trouble still Scott remembers He's the bad guy he again toes around with Kevin during an arm bar but Nash puts Scott down again and Scott's forced to look up at Big Kev Scott then takes a few shots to the lower back he punches Kev in the face one last time and now it's all Kevin as until the end of the boat Scott Hall has no more left to give Paul gets his head rammed into the canvas he takes two Leap Frog body Guillotines now n puts Scott in the corner for a few knee strikes and Hull gets sized up for the big back elbow in the opposite corner Nash wants to know if Scott wants a double as he LS in more knee strikes and Nash then starts making fun of Scott as the bad guy gets destroyed well be henan says nsh is just trying to beat sense into Scot as the bad guy struggles to get to his feet there's no fight left in Scott at all so Hull takes a big boot and Nash sets SC up for a jack knife Nash pulls off his signature move he asks the fans if they want to see it one more time so Scott takes jack knife number two before Kev tells Scott to suck it and he leaves Nash doesn't care about winning the match instead big sexi walks away from his friend and he gets counted out the match is officially over Scott struggles to stand up after big Nash leaves and that's it that's how it ends this match though wasn't that bad to be honest when you consider n's performances in 1998 or lack thereof then this one does come out pretty well in hindsight and while I think I'd prefer a different angle going into the match the two still did their best given the dog [ __ ] storyline they were in I imagine folks who enjoyed the storyline would probably like the March a whole lot more but it is kind of difficult trying to find people who enjoyed seeing drunk Scot Hall on TV Brad The Hitman hard versus Sting the US title up for grabs and this one's happening because Brad screwed sting over by pretending to be his buddy for a few months s's got a goatee it looks weird with that face paint doesn't it it doesn't matter anyway though because you're going to get ready right now to say goodbye to the Wolfpack sting because he's going to take a break after this match sting was living a bit too fast and he developed a few bad habits over the past lot of months so he needed to go home he needed to get better and he would end up finding Jesus not even kidding Brad is not eager to start the match at all he walks around the outside he gets in the ring he gets gets back out again sting isn't in the mood tonight though it seems so he eventually goes out to attack Brad but no joke there was around 3 minutes of time wasting here your average Nitro match doesn't last that long Brad takes a few punches in the corner when the match gets in the ring followed by a Clos line hard takes a big right hand and he gets tossed into the corner the Stinger performs an inverted Atomic drop and the Hitman fights back with a few right hands of his own before rigging Sting's eyes across the top rope his Excellency pulls off a DDT he rigs Sting's face and in the corner Brad pulls off a cloth line and he stops to listen to the fans chant Brad hardt sucks and hardt then targets the lower back with punches and head butts after an elbow drop the US champ applies a chin lock though Sting's got a sick new goatee and that's going to help him defend again said chinlock sting fights out but he ends up taking an e strike followed by a running bulldog and sting gets punished for trying to roll the Hitman up with a small cradle Brett goes to the middle rope he jumps off and Sten grabs the Champ for a death lock Brett reaches the ropes though and unlike this past wake all Nitro the Stinger actually lets go this time red performs a Lea frog and he crumbles to the mod afterwards the commentators think the Lea frogs caused heart to get injured but Brett's really putting on those brass knucks that don't look like brass knucks but we'll call them brass knucks anyway he ends up dropping the black elastic band on the mat after a Clos line but Billy Silverman sees it and he stops thing from taking Brad out this allows Brett to hit a low blow and Brett goes back in the driver's seat with a back breaker followed by the elbow drop from from Brett's very own rope it then goes to the outside where Brett continues to destroy sting heart just can't understand why these fans don't like him and right here is where our match ends folks Brad attacks sting while the icon's on the apron he's going to do this a few times and the referee's going to take a bump when sting hits him with a back elbow sting thought it was Brett and Brett couldn't care less so Billy also takes a leg drop from The Hitman inside the ring sting turns it around for just a moment Brett goes down after a Clos line and sting stops a bradart aerial attack with a superplex that could have been disastrous for the referee right there and sting ends up going for a stinger Splash but he overshoots and he ends up smacking his head off the ring post knocking himself out cold to make sure Sting's done for the Hitman grabs the Stinger's baseball bad and he lays in a few shots if Sting wasn't knocked out he most definitely is now Brett jumps off the middle rope and sting takes another shot the hman wakes the referee up and Brad applies the Sharpshooter stings out he can't answer so Billy Silverman calls for the bail and Brad Hart defeats thing on pay-per-view the audience don't like the outcome as the Hitman celebrates his big win sting hasn't moved a muscle though and for the first time in a long time it looks like Sting needs help Medics come down to put the icon on a stretcher and we see stting getting brought back up the ramp and put in an ambulance we won't be seeing the icon for a while folks as this story part of his career comes to an end but he'll be back soon and when he does return he will won't be associated with the new world order the match itself though was very average you expect more from these two we have tag team matches in the semi-main events the outdo take on Al Snow and Mankind while Scott Halland Scott ster battle Lex Luger and Conan the WCW match is a bit of a wild one all four men brawl at the opening bell with the wolf pack getting the better of the black and white the referee Fields the get control is Scott s Conan out of the ring and while Lex is able to take care of Scott just fine inside the ropes Conan isn't so lucky Conan takes a ster recliner before taking a chair shot Lex and Scott then begin fighting on the entrance way so the other two guys get inside the ring Steiner hits K dog with a Clos line before the two go back to the outside and it's nothing but a fight right here between these men the referee can't do anything about it ster chokes Conan with his own chain while Lex and Scott head back to the ring Paul takes the bionic forearm just before Conan and Steiner return and in the middle of the fight the referee gets taken out and we aren't going to get a winner in this one it ends with Hall getting put in the torture rack and Steiner breaks it up with a tackle Nitro then takes a commercial break so yeah messy uncontrollable and nobody came out better nor worse on Nitro we've got the jant versus Lex Luger and not bradart versus Le Luger it's a match that you can play out in your head but it's the main event so let's check it out the two have a little pose down before the gets underway jant brings it to the corner and flexy Lexi counters with a few punches the jant then pulls off a big boot and yeah you guessed it it's all the jant from now until the final moments of the match jant goes low with a headbutt he gives Lex a big old slap on the chest Lex gets choked out before taking a Russian leg sweep and the big man poses again for the audience tie-dye guy absolutely loved it the jant bullies Lex he steps on Lex he stands on Luger's throat Lex gets thrown from corner to corner and man the crowd is so so quiet in comparison to Raw it's like night and day Lex continues to take a beating punches shoves these two fans in the audience decide to leave early for crying out loud so please Lex begin the comeback so we can wrap this up Jan pushes Lex around and yay Lex is hard enough there it is multi multiple cloes lines stun the big man we've seen this spot before jant goes for a choke slam but the total package counters with a jawbreaker and the crowd finally get Lu when Le body slams The Giant this was pretty awesome Le signals for the rack But Here Comes Bret Hart holding a guard reil Brett wants to injure another WCW baby face as he goes to work on Lex's knee and things don't look good for po Lex as Brett applies a sharpshooter just then Bill Goldberg runs down for the save and Brett lets go of his hold the World Champ lines up a spear but Brett moves out of the way and Lex takes all the impact Nitro then feds the black and there you have it not a great main event but I wouldn't call the last 10 minutes of raw all do R either Edge versus K our next match on Raw while Bret hard takes on Conan on Nitro Conan wasn't joking when he said he wanted revenge for Sting the Hitman takes a kicking in the corner kick or be kicking and Conan fls Brad with his rolling clothes line before laying in more kicks Brett gets out of the ring but kunan follows kogg throws Brett into the guard rail and the Hitman has to fight dirty to G an advantage so a rick in the eyes keeps Conan at Bay and the two get back in the ring Conan gets kept on the m and the Hitman goes to work forearm strikes a headbutt to the midsection a few Stomps for good measure Conan then gets his head R across the top rope and BR claws of his opponent's face this new Hitman doesn't seem to care much about technical wrestling clearly as Conan gets choked out in the corner but Brett still utilizes his usual move set when he performs the Russian leg suep before going up for an elbow drop conand though gets a Bo up and dog's going to give as good as he gets he sinks his boat into Brett's throat and he makes sure only to let go before the referee reaches five he then pulls back on Brad's head at the ring ropes before landing a few strikes in the corner but Conan shs the referee away and Brad takes this opportunity to perform a chop loock Brett goes the work on the leg you know what's coming up soon Conan screams in pain as Brett drops all his weird on K dog's leg and knee Conan gets his leg wrapped around the ring post as the audience chant We Wan sting but the Stinger ain't here tonight folks Conan almost begs Brett to stop he says Brett's name before his Excellency snaps the knee and just to show he mean serious business Brett grabs a chair and he gets himself disqualified Brett attacks Conan's knee with multiple chair shots the bell rings but Brett doesn't care Brett only stops when Lex Luger makes an appearance but too slow Bozo the hitman's able to escape and his mission has been complete Brad Hart's the real crippler of WCW and over the past few weeks he's become the most dangerous man in in the company Conan has to get carried out by officials in Lex just before Nitro moves on to its next segment so the big question is who's next on The hitman's Hit List it's the Giant in Scott Hall taking on Kevin n and Lex Luger in the Nitro main event on Raw The Rock takes on Mark Henry we've got n and Hall to start things off scott thr is toothpick so Kevin spits on his old friend Paul doesn't react right away he just gives Kev a l as if this say oh that's how it's going to be the two lock up and Hall softens up the shoulder big sexy shoves Scott into the corner for a few knee strikes before landing up a back elbow Hall then counters snake eyes and Kev ends up taking a few right hands in a corner clothes line but Scott goes down after a back elbow and another cloth line this time from nsh in comes leg sluger with a crab pose he always has to do it Scott takes a few punches followed by an inverted Atomic drop though a poke to the eye gives Hall a chance to tag in the big man and Lex his not in trouble Jan dominates Lex in the corner the total package takes a few chops but Lex gets the feed up and jant has to go on defense kicks punches strikes in the corner all that good stuff a distraction from Scott allows Jan to come back with a cloes line and he then performs a big slam and a ring shakeing elbow drop team Hollywood tag in and out to keep Lex away from nsh a face Buster gives Lex a little hope but he lands in the wrong corner and the black and white team are able to stay in control the break comes after Scotland the follow away slam the bad guy goes for the outsider Edge but Lex counters and he's able to tag in big sexy nsh is all fired up as he attacks Scott inside the ropes while also dealing with the Giant on the apron when Scott takes a big boot the match breaks down with all four men in the ring and it ends with the Hitman Bret Hart running down and he goes after Kevin nsh Brett goes for the leg and knee he once again wants to cause injury but team Hollywood are forced to get out of the ring when Lex grabs a steel chair isn't it funny how there's this big wolf pack versus Hollywood war going on yet Brad Hart has almost single-handedly wiped out the entire red and black faction I can barely hear the announcers on Nitro over Saturn's vest it's quite the luk isn't it Saturn gets on the mic and recounts the events of a few weeks ago when he was about to beat up Eddie Guerrero but Conan came out to interrupt proceedings Conan said that he came out to solve his people's problems but according to sodern K dog merely wanted to promote himself Conan isn't going to plug himself on sod's time he calls Conan down to settle things in the ring Mr dog Julio o bles and he says that he isn't going to plug Saturn he's going to pump him I'm just going to assume that that means something else in America Saturn politely lets Kanan get his bodyy bodyy promo it before jumping him from behind he lives in the K dog in the corner before hitting a clothes line in the middle of the Ring the crowd then have their attention drawn away from the ring as Conan hits his rolling larat turns out the crowd spotted the lwo walking down the rampway and they look to be cheering on Conan as he hits a float over Bulldog for a two count WCW show how little they care about this match by adding yet more distractions as we go to a split screen with mean Jean and Eric Bishoff outside Goldberg's locker room Jean asks Eric why he fired James J B Dylan and sat and hits a head and arm suplex in the ring and Bishop says he did the right thing because JJ constantly screws things up can't argue with him there to be fair and then Jane asks Bish off about this situation with Bam Bam Bigalow Eric says that bam bam Bigalow male jiggalo doesn't work for WCW and he won't be part of World War II this Sunday Goldberg then appears saying he wants to fight Bigoo and he persuades the boss to make the match happen tonight speaking of matches this Saturn versus Konan match is still going on as we come back to the ring to see Saturn in a submission Conan hits an Alabama slam out of the corner for a two but solder ancers back with an Exploder suplex for a near fall of his own a fantastic looking crucifix bomb from K dog gets him another two but his top rope attack leads him to taking a drop kick the lwo then get involved and they try to help Conan but he doesn't want their help as they attack sodern and the referee calls for a DQ Conan calls off the faction but Saturn clocks him before turning his attention to LW members Conan then gets on the mic he calls Saturn back to the ring the two continue to brawl and then they get broken up by officials the close are number two of nitro a real shame that this one didn't get the attention it deserved as both men have proven themselves to be excellent in ring competitors on Nitro old wood from the hood comes out to continue his campaign for presidency there's a perfectly normal English sentence for you Hogan comes out to healed to the chief which includes the NWO soundbites and it's a pretty hilarious visual it has to be said he still has to get the parro and he still has to show off the potential presidential pythons brother the confetti and the balloons fall as the American flags unfurl and Hogan addresses his public Hogan says this past week has been one of the greatest of his life his father family and friends couldn't believe how America embraced Hollywood and how Hollywood is the only man who can lead this country to success it's not just me this is like proper mental right Hogan Hogan's campaign manager Eric bishof has been quite busy tonight and Hogan's worried that Eric is so distracted that he won't be able to answer all the cards letters and phone calls surrounding Hogan's campaign so with that in mind Hogan has a new member of his campaign team and he introduces us all to his new intern she's so important that he doesn't even mention her name but it's pretty obvious that it's meant to be a shot at Monica Linsky complete with a Blue Dress just in case this reference was initially too subtle she presents Hogan with a cigar before being escorted back to Hogan's office no doubt to get acquainted with the real wood from the hood campaign manager bishof then comes down to the ring and Hogan assures him that the word title will once again be back within the camp of the NWO Scott Hall who I don't think's officially in Hogan's campaign team makes his way down to the ring to say that the NW is for life so why is Bishop's head not in the game Eric says that Scots are in no position to question his loyalty especially after everything he's done for Scott and this isn't the time nor the place Scott then punches Eric right in the mouth so Hogan attacks hall there's clearly some dissension within the ranks of the NW and we haven't seen this before have we big sexy Kevin asash comes down to make the save for his former Outsider partner and as bizarre as this segment was I actually quite enjoyed it it's a nice change of paer seeing Hogan is this unaware goof coupled with the Intrigue of the NW in fighting and the appearance of Kavin Nash this was a lot less painful than it had the potential to be all right it's time for the bait and switch portion of World War II two advertised matches that don't happen and it's two featured matches the boot Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell versus Rick Steiner and Judy Bagwell and also Scott Hall versus Kevin Nash Judy was put in hospital so the match gets changed the Scott stanner versus Rick stanner that would have been fine and actually it would have been even better than the original plan but that match also doesn't happen well it's very inconclusive put it that way Scott and buff come to the ring with their dodgy NW referee but when Rick's music players he doesn't make his entrance he got jumped by NW Hollywood Backstage the jant ends up bringing Rick down to the ring he gets thrown inside the ropes and both Scott and buff beat Rick up for a bit before Bagwell decides Scott can handle this on his own Rick fights back but he's not at 100% it doesn't take long for Scott to hit a low blow and buff continues to interfere on the outside it's absolutely insane that WCW didn't book Rick versus Scott one-on-one with no [ __ ] and it's even more insane they decided to keep producing these unfair and one-sided showdowns between the stanners I know that's how the NW operated but still just one match would have been good enough without all the nonsense when Rick gets put in the recliner Bill Goldberg shows up Scott flips him off before going going back to rig and I got to say the cred reaction to stanner and Goldberg going at it is absolutely brilliant Scott also takes a great look in spear before getting set up for the Jack hommer but Bagwell hits Goldberg with a chair Goldberg no sells it so slick Johnson jumps on Billy boy's B and he instantly regrets that decision the World Champ sends the referee from one ring to another and that's how the match ends again to give credit where it's due the crowd came alive when Goldberg showed up and the spear looked really good Scott h then came out for his match against Kevin Nash and he's brought the black and white with him Eric bishof then makes his way down to the ring and remember Scott Hall attacked Eric this past week on Nitro Scott questioned where Eric's head was at on Monday and Eric said that Hall should be the last guy to ask anyone where their head's currently at and it all broke down with Hall attacking Eric and Hulk Hogan attacking Scott big Kev surprisingly ran down for the save so bishof gets in the ring at World War I and he says it's survey time survey says get him Scott gets jumped by NW Hollywood and once again Scott's opponent and old friend Kevin Nash runs down to clear out the Ring Scott and Kevin work together and they wipe out NW Hollywood it's not time for the match to begin only it doesn't begin a loud Outsiders champ begins in the arena and Scott puts the Turkish wolf up but Nash decides to walk away the crowd booze as Scott's left hanging and they boo again when they realize that the match isn't going to happen absolute dog [ __ ] right here from WC and it's no wonder fans were quickly losing faith in this company it's time for the World War III Battle Royale one of the most difficult matches to cover in review form because it's just bedum from start to end there are a few differences this year though firstly the dreaded triple camera presentation has been removed so that's good but that also means we're going to miss the vast majority of eliminations pinfalls and submissions also count this year for elimination but this new rout doesn't get utilized at all so I'm not sure why WCW bothered and you also get eliminated for leaving the ring for any reason you don't need to get thrown over the top rope if your feet touch the floor you're out Alex Wright's the first man to walk down the aisle and hopefully he'll also be the last to walk back up the aisle we've got Chavo Guerrero Chris benois Saturn the bootyman Disco infernos here members of the Latino world order including the great El Dandy 1996 World War winner the Giant and absolutely shattered Chris Jericho Booker T big POA pump last year's winner Scott Hall Big Steve MCM magles in World War II we've got Lex Luger Conan and Kevin lash of the wolf pack my boy and your boy Tokyo Magnum and we've got loads more that I can't be bothered mentioning conspicuous by his absence though is Hulk Hogan remember Hogan was a surprise entrant last year but he's not involved in this one at all the competitors get in the ring the final 20 man will get in the center ring for the final moments of the match so let's check out some highlights before then first man out is Norman Smiley followed by super Colo Nash eliminated both men we've got this handy little counter down here that tells us how many men are left but what are the chances of WCW getting this right Nash then eliminates Ludy Liz Mark Jr and Scott psky big kevs cleaning house he then eliminates Kenny chaos and silver King Van Hammer takes out Mike enus and Nash eliminates Hammer Kevin Nash is pretty much cleared out ring number three all on his own and no he's waiting until there's 20 men left we've got no idea who got eliminated from the other rings but Alex rid still in ring number one so it's all good in ring two Scot Hall dumps sosis out with a fullway slam and ring two definitely has the most guys left nsh meanwhile standing all alone waiting to get involved again Canyon and Kashi get eliminated at the same time there's a group effort to eliminate Alex Wright but does wonderin stays in it Horus and the disciple eliminate themselves at the same time and the Jan tries to eliminate right but no that's not how you beat the big broad first a group effort to eliminate the giant completely fails and the guys aren't sure what to do next so they just fight among each other as Billy Silverman has this look on his face as if to say I have no idea what's going on or what day it is please send help ring number two still looks a little busy but there's not a lot of action going on I'd like to say everyone strategizing and waiting for the next five guys to get eliminated but I think that's given too much credit to Rey Mysterio gets eliminated and that brings us down to 20 the remaining men get in the center ring and immediately Saturn and the cat get eliminated when they begin brawling and they fall out of the ring Cho Guerrero and Alex Ry are next to go out of the ring a crying shame that is and then Eddie and disco get sent out before the Jan press lams Kidman over the top rope The Crowd Goes Nuts when the Giant and Kevin Nash begin fighting we have Horsemen Wolfpack Hollywood and WCW guys left in the Ring Scott Hall and Kevin nsh try to work together to eliminate the giant but the big man has a lot left in the tank the X Luger eliminates Stevie Ray big Scott Norton and Steve McMichael are the next man out and now we're down to 10 the counter randomly goes down to nine even though no one gets eliminated and it's around this time when Bam Bam bigo makes an appearance bigo made his nro debut this past Monday and he went after Goldberg the base from the East gets in the ring and everyone fights together to get Bam Bam Out Security run down Goldberg runs down we get another wild brawl between Billy boy and bamb Bam just like Nitro this past and the Battle Royal stops for a moment when it starts back up we lose Scott ster and wrath Bam Bam bigal gets dragged out by security as Booker T gets eliminated so we've got two members of the horsemen three Wolfpack guys the giant representing NW Hollywood and Scott Hall K dog's the next man who gets eliminated the guys then work together to get the giant out the wolf packs stand by as the horsemen go after Scott Hall but eventually nsh and legs eliminate benois while Hall takes care of mango the final three then two Wolfpack guys versus Scott Hall nsh and Lex decide it's every man for themselves so all three go at it with friendships getting thrown out the window for just a few moments we think Lex is about to win it after hitting the outsiders with forearm shots but when Lex tries to throw Scot out Nash hits a big boot in both Lex and Scott fall out of the ring Kevin Nash wins the World War III Battle Royale 1998 and as it stands it's going to be Kevin Nash versus Goldberg at Stark hit a dominant performance from big sexy and to show there's no hard feelings Lex Embraces his Wolfpack teammate this would be the last ever world war match by the way there's no Battle Royal in 1999 the commentators on Nyro are all hyped up after Nash's big win last night at the pay-per-view they also mentioned that Hollywood Hogan wasn't at the show but he will appear on the Jay Leno show on Thanksgiving that's that's great news I guess Lex Luger to took on Mike enus in the Nal Opening match and Mike defeated the total package with this pile driver right here n Only Joking Lex won with a torture R of course he did two chin locks in this match from Mike enus though they had no effect on legs look at the total package he can't believe Mike's chin lock G so weak Goldberg then arrived in nro and he bumped into Kevin nsh outside the arena you uh took World War III last night what does it make you next Goldberg says being next isn't a safe place to just ask your girlfriend old Williams getting a bit frisky tonight boys the last three remaining members of the wolf pack cut a promo next in big sex he's in a great mood Le says he hates to come in second place but World War II was the wolf pack night he tells the fans that big K's going to be the next world champion and Kevin says the black and white have tried to wipe the wolf pack out by injuring sting and Macho but big sexy won the Battle Royal and there's nothing anyone can do about it now nsh laughs when he says I'm next and the bottom of line is Kevin nsh is going to be the man who ends Goldberg's undefeated streak at starhead you heard it right here folks after a commercial break meaning questions Kevin about Scott Hall Nar says he's still Scott's friend but the bad guy still needs to prove himself if he wants to settle things when mainin wants some clarification Bill Goldberg walks up to nsh and nsh says watch my back Goldberg turns around and says Kevin doesn't need to worry about that Billy boy wants Nash to see the truck that runs him over at starhead Nash of course isn't intimidated on Nitro for the first time in a long time it's hard to pick a winner Conan and bger t fall into that crud playing upper mid card bracket that WCW don't like messing around with too much so I'm going to say it will be a draw or a DQ the two tra wrist locks but it's Booker who gets the better of Conan K dog goes down after a few forearms and a shoulder block but Conan comes back with his rolling Lariat Conan struggles to capitalize and he ends up going down after a back elbow Tony Shani announces that Kevin versus wrath match as K Dog Firs Back Again by drilling boer's head into the mat we then see the K Factor face Buster but boer's hard to beat tonight and Conan takes a spinning back kick followed by the axe kick Stevie Ray then shows up and he hits Kanan with the slapjack leading the Billy Silverman calling for the bell and disqualifying Booker T the brothers argue and Stevie says he beat Conan in 3 minutes last night while Booker couldn't beat him in 10 me that match wasn't even 5 minutes but okay Booker tells his brother to stick with his NW friends and leave him alone and Stevie tells Boer he needs to open his eyes and see what's going on as in he needs to join the NWO called it though I knew there wouldn't be a clear winner in this one on Nyro we've got two big beefy boys squaring up to each other as Raph takes the early Advantage by backing big Kev into the corner and connecting with a couple of knees to the midsection nsh looks to have turned the tables with a back elbow but wrath comes back with a huge bicycle kick which looked great by the way he follows this up with a drop kick which sends Nash over the top top rope to the floor if only wrath could have done that last night n takes his time before getting back inside where he connects with some knee strikes of his own before backing wrath into the corner to hit his signature back elbows wrath won't stay down though as he scores with a big back suplex before heading up top and connecting with a clothes line for a two count R's all over the number one contender in this one but big kev's able to hit a sidewalk slam which only slows ra down momentarily as he comes back with a big shoulder block Nash then hits a big boot before pulling the straps down this may be the end of raph's undefeated streak right here big Kev hits the jack knife and that's it nsh wins nsh has ended one undefeated streak but the question is can he end another when he challenges Goldberg at starhead I know people weren't happy with raph's momentum getting stopped by Kevin Nash and yeah I do agree that it kind of put the braks on wrath but it's basically a sacrifice to show that Nash can stop the Unstoppable it's also a sacrifice that I don't think needed to be made Conan then got a shot of Chris Jericho's TV title Conan was all over the champion in the early portion of the match and he had an answer for everything Chris Jericho tried a stun gun stopped Conan in his tracks though and the champ followed this up with a springboard drop kick and a pler k dog then got punished on the outside and Jero went in command back inside the ropes a missed aerial attack though leads to Konan performing his rolling Lariat and Chris nearly lost the championship following a fisherman suplex from the Challenger Aon salt wasn't enough to keep kand down so Chris goes for Aon and he thinks he's won the match but Kanan got to the ropes Jericho grabs his belt to celebrate he then realizes that Conan's back on his feet Jericho swings the belt but K Dog hits the kfactor face Buster and we've got a new Television Champion on Nitro Jericho's run has come to an end Lex and Nash come out to celebrate the win as Chris tries to work out where it all went wrong on Nitro Goldberg and nsh take a seat in the middle of the ring and nsh is trying to get in the head of Goldberg clearly he doesn't hesitate at all when putting his name on the document and mangene says the contract also states that Goldberg won't defend the belt from now until starhead meaning the match is definitely going to happen Nash is acting like a goofball as Goldberg signs the contract the red rooster makes sure that both guys spelled their names correctly and that's it it's official Nash versus Goldberg at starkad 98 everything Vincent does he does it for Brian Adams which includes accompanying him down to the ring to take on Sexy Lexi is makes his way out Tony Shani mentions on commentary that Mark Curtis has been botling cancer for these past few months this was the first time it was ever brought up on TV and Tony and Bobby said that everyone in WCW wishes him the best in his fight a nice touch from the commentary team a very genuine and heartfelt tribute Luger takes the early Advantage with a shoulder block and a back elbow big bran cters with a back elbow of his Zone in the corner before hanging legs his throat over the top rope back inside Adams hits an atomic drop followed by cloth line no doubt making him feel like he's on cloud number nine get it no Lex gets sent to the outside where Vincent can get in a few shots bran remains in control until Luger gets an elbow up in the corner and he goes on offense with right hands and a few clothes lines before signaling for the forearm he manages to hit it but Adams bumps into the referee and I wonder did he say to the ref to please forgive him while Vincent slides a chair into the ring Vincent then tries to attack Le but no avail all while bran grabs the chair and delivers a pretty weak looking shot across the back of Luger this allows Adams to hit his dodgy pile driver on that same chair before Reviving the referee to make the count Lex however kicks out of two Adams calls for Vincent to hold up the chair he throws Lex towards it but Lex counters and he sends Adams towards Vincent Adams is able to stop himself but Lex knels him from behind and bran hits the chair anyway bran then staggers back and Luger's able to put the big man in the torture rack for the submission Victory and not sure which was more painful the torture rack are all those Force bran autums puns my apologies over on Nitro Kevin Ash looks pretty fed up before cutting his promo he says Goldberg doesn't run the show and the only match Goldberg's going to have is against big sexy so tonight big sexi is going to put on his gear and he says bam bam and Goldberg won't get in the ring without Kevin Nash being in there too it's going to be a three-way dance I still fail to see why would care about bam bam versus Goldberg but there you go apparently we've got a triple threat match in the main event tonight Emory Hill versus Lex Luger then apparently Jimmy Hart was big on Mr Hill and it's been said that he was being groomed as a possible future opponent for Hulk Hogan sounds ridiculous I know saying as there's already a stack roster in WCW but that's the story that's out there he's a big boy that's for sure and somebody must have went to bat for him saying as he's wrestling on Monday night row but he is up against Lex Luger Lex Luger with a goe so he has no chance at all and saying that Emory still gets his stuff in he pulls off a second rope leg drop and he stops a Lex Luger comeback which doesn't happen too often in WCW but a Miss top rope Splash lets Lex go through his Clos line routine before hitting he with the bionic elbow followed by the torture rack the match was nothing special and I don't think introducing new green guys on Nitro during the run up the star kids the best idea either Conan versus Booker T on Nitro and we've got Mark Henry versus draws on Raw the new TV Champs all fired up as he puts that newly one gold on the line against the man who technically never lost the belt in Booker T some Cris back and forth from both men leads the booker connecting with a spin kick followed by a flying forearm Conan counters a back body drop attempt and he's able to hit his signature rolling Lariat before a low Drop Kick sends Booker out to the floor Booker then gets sent into the guard rail before Conan applies a version of a crossface inside the ring but Jesus Christ you could drive a bus through that Gap there big lad Booker fights out momentarily but Falls victim to a float over bulldogg from the TV champ and that's more like a k dog a good tight chinlock mustn't have been tight enough though as Booker's able to get to his feet and he's able to score with his Zach's kick that's the queue for big brother Stevie Ray to make an appearance at ringside Booker's then able to connect with a hard him sidekick to Conan Booker heads up top presumably he wants to end it with his Missi drop kick but Stevie Ray comes in and he C Conan with the slapjack forcing the referee to call for the bail and the disqualification Booker's furious with his brother and it looks like he's about to hit Stevie but he can't bring himself to do it so Stevie tells booger that he needs to join him in the NWO before heading back up the ramp this was an enjoyable TV match but once again dqs proved to be one of the most infuriating things about Monday night wrestling during this era before the Nitro match gets started we get to hear deso speak if it's as good as is dson then we're in for for a trait disco makes reference to thunder where he said he had a blockbuster announcement and he invites Conan to come out of the stage K Dog much like the rest of us has no idea what disco is talking about and he looks even more confused when disco announces that he's the newest member of the Wolf Park heck he's so cool he's just a disco dancing fo disco really likes to jump on things that are past their best it would seem but for now he's got to work this tag match with Chavo against two members of I guess his new Rivals the NW black and white Horus takes the early Advantage as he pans away on Chavo in the corner before throwing Guerrero to the mat from the opposite corner the Horseman's able fair enough that wasn't brilliant but Guerrero is able to fight back with a drop kick and a springboard Bulldog before making the tag to disco disco immediately loses the advantage and he gets pumped in the NW Corner disco does fight back with a swinging neck breaker and an elbow from Brad's row but he's unable to put his opponent away Stevie meanwhile doesn't take too kindly to all this as he tosses disco to the outside where horse is able to attack with his NW we belt horse hits a back breaker inside the ring but he misses a splash which allows disco to make the tag Chavo fires up with drop kicks and forearms and he even scores with his tornado DDT but Stevie breaks up the pinfall attempt the referee then gets distracted by trying to Chavo to leave the ring after disco tagged in and this distraction allows the NW Lads to hit a spike pile driver for the win as odd as this match was in terms of participants it was nice to see Chavo get a bit of a shine here and he was definitely the fan favorite throughout the boat has Disco Inferno really joined the wolf pack though he did say that Kevin n had it but I'm sure we'll find out more information soon enough the McMahon's come out next to cut a promo on Raw while Conan takes on Stevie Ray over on Nitro it's hard to see but that's Disco Inferno once again saying he's part of the wolf pack and again he says it was Kevin Nash who brought him in Conan has no time for disco's nonsense so he ignores him and he heads out to the ring Conan's brought along Chey hanou of the Tampa Bay Bucks and Martin's basem or EST drada for no reason at all while Stevie Ray brings Booker T down to the ring Stevie tells Booker to watch his back and Booker agrees so is this a hard and heat reunion we're seeing tonight on Nitro Booker doesn't look too happy so don't get your hopes up Conan takes a beating at the opening bell but K dog fights back in the corner before hitting Stevie with a rolling clothesline and his signature seated drop kick Stevie floors Conan with his own kick and he goes to the top rope but Conan gets to his feet and he tauns Stevie unfortunately for K dog he gets punched in the mouth and that shuts him up pretty quickly Stevie then hits a face breaker KN Smash and he LS in the boots he then starts choking Conan out and boger's had enough Stevie's brother gets on the apron and he says to just end it just pin the guy and get it over with but Stevie wants to take Kanan out with his slapjack and Booker's not having it Booker grabs the weapon Stevie takes it back and Conan's able to recover we see the K factor and Conan defeats Stevie on Nitro we'll come back to Stevie and burer a little later on we end this week's show with pigo versus Goldberg versus nsh on Nitro on Raw The Rock defense is WWF championship against Triple H around 5 minutes is spared for the Nitro main event but at least we get to see bam bam in action and look at this nsh lets Bam Bam beat Goldberg up remember what I said about last week why would nsh care if these two fight yeah Goldberg fights back with a standing sidekick and nsh breaks up the Champs cover big sexy goes on offense in the corner and Bigoo joins in to help out but Goldberg manages to fight back Billy boy then breaks through a double clothes line attempt and he wipes both his opponents out and when the match resumes Nash and Goldberg take out Bam Bam so they can go at it in the middle of the Ring Nash hits a sidewalk slam on Goldberg and Bigalow breaks the pin Bam Bam drops a headbutt on Goldberg but Nash sinks a Bo and the big L's neck Goldberg then keeps Nash down with a leg lock but Bam Bam breaks it up and the champ focuses on the beast from the East bigo gets suplexed he takes a spear Nash stops a jackhammer attempt but big sexy takes a spear and Goldberg has it one he floors Bam Bam again before signaling for the Jack hommer but Scott Hall then appears and the referee throws the match out the undefeated streak remains intact even though Goldberg didn't win bamb bam goes after Scott Scott takes Bigalow out and Nyro feds out with Nash and Goldberg beating each other up in the middle of the Ring it was a disappointing ending for a match that did have some excitement once things got underway so it's time to check in on the streak Goldberg has not wrestled any full matches since his Showdown with the Giant on the November 23rd episode of nitro the match last week didn't get started the Bell didn't ring to get things underway so last week's match does not apply the undefeated streak is now at 154 by our records the WCW commentators did not give a number during this broadcast of nitro if you know the final number that WCW give when the streak comes to a stop then you'll know they boosted the numbers again considerably towards the very very end Kevin Nash then comes out to talk about arid and when he gives a shout out to Bill Goldberg the crowd Boze this doesn't bod very well does it Nash says he finally gets his shot this Sunday we have all witnessed Goldberg's rise to super stardom and after confirming the undefeated streak to be at 173 and0 Kevin reminds the fans that he was once a world champion too and apparently he had 190 title defenses without losing any of them you know me this is the kind of nonsense I like to check in on and I counted 7 7 successful defenses from diesel when he was WWF champ still not a bad number at all but you're about 100 short there Kevin nsh says while Goldberg's being the face of the company Kevin's getting ready for the big fight nsh warned Goldberg to stay focused and it looks like Billy boy may have lost that focus with a smile on his face Kevin says to be the man you got to beat the man and the crowd pops where n says he's going to kick Goldberg's ass at starhead no matter what you may think of this starhead match one thing is undeniable Kevin Nash was insanely over in WCW during this time period next we've got Scorpio and Holly versus the acolytes on Raw while on Nitro it's Kenny Chaos versus Le Luger all right so my boy Kenny chaos has a big task ahead of him tonight but if anyone can overthrow Lex and survive the forearm and the wreck then it's Kenny it starts off well with Lex taking a body slam chaos mocks Lex and the Wolf Pack because he's absolutely hilarious but flexi Lexi comes back with a body slam of his own and now the total package is all in Anno the ref tries to stop Lex from doing something he might regret later like I don't know win this wrestling match but chaos fires back with an inverted Atomic drop and the back elbow only scoring a two Lex takes a few kicks he gets choked out on the bottom rope before taking a body slam chaos pulls off a second rope leg drop but once again Lex kicks out of two Lex then hits his clothes lines he Nails chaos with the bionic forearm Robbie rage then appears on the apron and he cost Kenny the match high voltage explodes on Monday night row ladies and gens Lex wins with the torture rack and after the Bell we learn that Robbie's annoyed with Kenny timming up with Rex stanner like what a month ago or something two months ago no joke by the way Robbie actually says that Kenny needs to check himself before he wrecks himself while Kenny tries to explain he wants to pay his dues and stay with high voltage at least I think that's what he said because Nitro takes a commercial break before we get a resolution it's time for Shan McMahon versus Mankind on Raw on Nitro Alex R takes on Conan guys it's a dark dark day indeed and no it's not because disco's in the ring right now it's because Saturday ride fever is seemingly over disco tells Kanan that Alex has lost his man recently and K dog needs a fellow wolf pack member in his Corner only problem is of course Conan doesn't believe disco's part of the group disco says is Shir says from Nash to disco on the tag and he's adamant that he's part of the faction but Kanan says Nash is busy right now with star coming up so all this will be dealt with later on Alex comes out and there's no Saturday ride fever he's not dancing anymore and this is it Alex won't be competing in the ring anymore following this match and we won't see him again until the middle of next year I I need a moment this is this is difficult one more time for Old Time sake I I'm going to dry my eyes goodbye Alex white I will miss your big br worst in my face every Thursday [Music] night oh big black [Music] W big [Music] black let's enjoy this one then Alex starts off with a rest lock before pulling off a farman's carry you know he wants to dance but he doesn't do it Conan pulls off an arm drag and he transitions into a pen Alex counters and the two get back to their feet Alex is like talk to the hand because the prop first isn't listening after two arm drags do wonderin gets out of the ring and he takes a break we come back from commercials to see Alex choking Conan with his own chain and after a few clipping blows Alex sends K dog out of the ring when the match resumes Alex ties Conan up like a pretzel but Conan refuses to give up so our hero goes upstairs and Conan says his sausage is bigger than Alex's fueled with rage Alex gets down and he goes after k dog but he takes the seated drop kick followed by The Rolling larat Conan pulls off the flute over Bulldog but it was more like a little walk over bulldog and the match ends with the kfactor face Buster followed by the Tequila Sunrise Alex is angry he throws a hissy fit in the middle of the ring and he then goes outside so he can hit the ring post and the apron with a stable chair Conan's distracted by Alex and this gives Conan Stark opponent chis Jericho the opportunity to hit the ring and launch an attack Jericho puts the TV belt on Conan's face before hitting a Lion Salt and Christan puts the belt around his waist before leaving the ring it was a sad piece of Television but we shouldn't be sad that Alex is gone we should be happy that he graced us with his presence for so so long he so he's so cool he's just a disco dancing fool Disco Inferno issues an open challenge next to on Nitro on Raw dowlo has to face The Headbangers all alone disco isn't dancing tonight either so thank God for Norman Smiley that man saved reliving the war from a sudden drop in viewership The Inferno says apparently he has to prove he's worthy of wearing his Wolfpack shirt so he challenges anyone from the black and white to come out and fight him in the middle of the Ring he doesn't care if it's Vincent Horus or even Bagwell disco will take on anybody well it looks like he forgot the Giants part of the black and white be careful what you wish for disco it doesn't go so well for The Inferno he ends up getting thrown out of the ring after running into the Jan twice he tries a single leg take down and that doesn't work either the Jan punches disco in the mouth before slapping him around in the corner and the beating continues with a headbutt to the midsection before Jan chokes disco with his big boot disco then gets a chance to pull off the chart Buster but no not today disco Jan signals for the choke slam and The Inferno takes it all the way from the top rope chiani says the Jan calls this one the slam dunk disco loses the match and Jan grabs the mic he wonders where DDP is right now and he concludes that he's probably L somewhere dead that's uh quite the Assumption there big man if that cockroach page isn't dead then he will become star kid Jan's going to pull ddps arms and legs off and when it's all said and done Jan's going to squish Dallas under his thumb Paige appears in the audience he calls Jan Fathead and Dallas acknowledges that the Jan put him down last week but Paige always gets back up as a matter of fact page is always jacked up jant may be the biggest of the two he may be the strongest but he's not the smartest somehow this Sunday Paige will wrap his arms around Jan's fat head let me help you [Applause] be our third title match of the evening sees Conan defending the world television title against Chris Jer Jericho the Ayatollah has possession of the physical belt having taken it away from K Dog On The Go Home episode of nitro Jericho grabs a mic and he says both he and ralphus want to wish all his jerichoholics a very happy Jericho holiday he says that maybe he's just not hip enough to understand what Konan says but what he does know is that he's the women's pet the men's regret and the man with the voice and the Jericho holic's Choice the real TV champ there makes his way down to the ring and he runs through his usual mic routine which the crowd in DC really get behind behind Jericho gets the better of the champion in the early going but Coran turns the tide with a low Drop Kick to Jericho's face the Challenger is able to connect with a spinning heal kick but he misses his top rope attack leading to Jericho getting clothes lined over the top rope to the floor K dog looks the attack from the apron but Jero side steps him and Conan crashes into the guard rail Jericho looks to utilize the ring steps but instead he too gets acquainted with the guard rail just like K dog did Chris does manage to throw the TV champ into the ring post though before rolling him back inside and taking a moment to bask in the ulation of the jerichoholics the ayatolla then hits a vertical suplex before going for his one footed pin which surprisingly doesn't get the job done you know what will get the job done though yeah that's right a pay-per-view chin loock at least it would have got the job done had he not transitioned into a sleeper which allows Conan to fight back to his feet but K dog's quickly shut down as Jericho hits him with a knee to the midsection K dog then gets choked in the corner before getting dropped with a body slam Chris heads back up top but he Wast way too much time and Conan's able to get a boot up don't you just hate it when that happens Kanan fires up by hitting his rolling Lariat before planting Jericho with an Alabama slam for a near fall Jericho regains the advantage with a jawbreaker and a Clos line before quickly springing off the middle rope with a Lion Salt but he only gets a two Conan rolls out to the floor and Jericho looks the springboard over the ropes after him but Kona moves out of the way and Jericho goes crashing into the ring steps he introduced earlier on what goes around comes around I guess back in the ring Kanan looks to hit his K Factor face Buster but Jericho counters the move into the land Hammer the champ prevents Jericho from turning him over so the Challenger instead catapults Conan into the top turn buckle Jericho then charges a Konan but K Dog moves out of the way and the champ goes on the attack but he Clips the referee in the process and Jericho takes advantage by grabbing the TV title and clobbering Kanan in the head with it he then revives the ref it looks like it's all over but Conan somehow kicks out of two and the fans are absolutely delighted kand then encounters Jericho coming back off the ropes and he's able to hit the K Factor before locking in the Tequila Sunrise Jericho Taps out Conan retains the TV title and Conan also reclaims the physical belt not a bad match at all both men have good chemistry together and the crowd were definitely into the match so I give it a thumbs up Kevin Nash won the World War III Battle Royale and so he's got himself a match against The Undefeated Bill Goldberg tonight at start kid the commentators say the streaks at 173 wins and0 but if you watch the past episode of reliving the war you'd know this number was incorrect but anyway the feuds move forward with Bam Bam bigo getting added to the mix Bam Bam's been showing up over the past two months or so while big Nash has been saying the world Champs losing his Focus apart from that there really isn't much else here in terms of overall storyline Bam Bam bigo's involvement has been moving things along and it's strange that WCW decided to bring Bigalow in as the focal point of this rivalry rather than have all eyes on Nash and Goldberg big sexy looks extremely confident and extremely calm as he makes his entrance the big man's looking good tonight Goldberg gets his usual security entrance and he even stops this time to sign a kid shirt why is that kid walking around backstage and where's his parents Goldberg then marches down to the ring and he too looks ready to go the entrance is brilliant but the parro completely smokes the arena out and you'd think Warrior and bootyman were in the back having a good time but here we go The Undefeated defeated Goldberg against the wolf packs Kevin Nash it's time for the star Kad Main [Music] Event the two pits are around the ring and Nash plays Mind Games by raising his arms in the air Goldberg does the same thing and the cred are cheering for both guys so we have a split audience as the match Begins the two lock horns Goldberg overp pars Nash the referee jumps in before things get a bit rough the two Circle the ring again they lock up nsh applies a side headlock but Goldberg pars out with a back suplex a few gold bird sucks CHS can be heard here but the champ seems undet teared after a brief timeout n gets back in the ring and the crow are making a lot of noise here the Challenger puts the champ on the M following a few blows before it goes to the corner where Kevin is in the knee strikes big sexy lines up a back elbow before choking Goldberg with his big boot but the champ par is out of the corner and he takes Nash down for a few punches Goldberg then applies a CH cold and Nash counters with a cross armbreaker that's something you don't see too often from big sexy the champ breaks free and he applies a leg lock but Kevin makes it to the ropes and now it's Goldberg's turn for some Corner offense a big right hand in the middle of the Ring puts Kevin on his ass and Goldberg's feeling pretty confident now though that confidence gets shook a little when Nash throws the champ into the middle turnbuckle and he follows this up with a food choke nsh picks Goldberg up he throws him into the ropes and there it is the spear this one should be all over Goldberg signals for the Jack hommer but a dick punch puts Goldberg down and Nash no has a chance to win this thing Big C pulls off his signature sidewalk slam he only gets a two so Nash drops an elbow on his opponent but again it's only a two Nash tries a leap rug body Guillotine but the follow-up cover yields the exact same results and the back elbow fails to put Goldberg down but a big clothes line does the job Nash just can't put Goldberg away he goes for a suplex and Goldberg counters with a spin and neck breaker big cev then takes a double underhook par slam and Goldberg wipes Nash out with a standing side kick the champ goes for a cover after another par slam but Nash kicks out so Billy Boy Hits a spinning he kick and this is where the match ends Disco Inferno who's been trying to prove himself worthy of joining the wolf pack hits the ring and he gets taken out with a spear from Goldberg Bam Bam Bigalow then attacks the Champa Goldberg takes care of him too and then Scott Hall jumps on the apron and he pushes a cattle prod into Goldberg's chest apparently Goldberg wanted to use a Taser right here along with the teaser Dart but WCW wouldn't Aller it but still the Champ's been stunned long enough for Kevin Nash to hit him with a jack knife and the streak comes to an end Kevin Nash wins the world championship in the starcade main event loads of discussions been had about this main event and I don't want to get into all that backstage nonsense about this decision but I will say this in my opinion Goldberg's World Championship run was horrible and it was definitely time to move the belt onto someone else and I say that as someone who doesn't hit Goldberg the way everyone else seems TOA is the match here wasn't absolutely terrible either but but that's only in comparison to other Goldberg matches of this era it's certainly not a great star kid main event but the crowd went crazy for Nash winning the championship this boy oan over on Nitro is Tom ainson WCW security extraordinaire and another guy who cries into his pillow when he takes a look at Big Jim doson meene wants to know more about this weapon that took Goldberg out last night and Tom says this cattle Pro was confiscated from Scott Hall after the main event mainin wants to know what a cattle prods used for uh it's used for prodding Kettle Ming but Tombo says that law enforcement also used them for a brief time too a cattle prod causes a human being to have motor disfunction it shuts down your muscles and it can cause a short circuit to the entire nervous system mainin wants to know Tom's professional Take On The Goldberg match last night did that cattle prod cause Goldberg to lose the world title and what do you think Tom said of course he thinks Goldberg lost the belt because of the kettle prod he was hardly going to say no after putting the thing over so much for folks who don't spend their time prodding cattle and Zing criminals this was some very insightful television on nro DDP says he feels like he's been the hell in back following star kid the jant may be the biggest and he may be the strongest but it's all about how much heart you've got DDP waited for the J to make a mistake and that patience paid off Dallas says a few of the starhead matches have a black cloud hanging over them one of which being flare versus bishof the other being the world heavyweight title match Dallas said nsh needs to do the right thing and Dallas also says he expects to see riic Flair beat bishof tonight on Nitro DDP would love to work for Rick Flair and as for bishof you're going to find a whole another way to feel the backstage Conan tells Disco Inferno that Kevin Nash is mad at him so mad actually that Kevin smacks disco over the head with a rolled up paper yo Kev at this guy man I could watch that all day n says he heard what DDP said people think his wi starhead was tainted and disco has to take some of that blame disco says he took a grenade for Kevin last night and Kevin says if The Inferno wants to take grenades and prove himself to the NW wolf pack all he needs to do is win his match tonight on Nitro we'll find out soon who disco's opponent is on nitro big Nash walks to the ring with Lex Luger and Conan the new champ doesn't look too thrilled at the moment and he goes on to explain that three things were important back when he broke into the business money power and respect he says last night that starhead wasn't about money he not has power as a world champion and he's going to try to write the wrongs that happened at that event so Disco Inferno is going to face Bam Bam Big L if disco wins he will become part of the wolf pack if he doesn't win he has to stay away from the faction forever in regards to Scott Hall big KB loves his old buddy and nsh understands that Scott thought he was doing him a favor last night at starhead but Scott also said at starhead that the only person he has to answer to Is himself and Kevin thinks that the bad guy was dead wrong finally there's respect Kevin Nash respects Bill Goldberg and to prove that and to show that Nash can indeed beat Goldberg one-on-one big sex's giv Goldberg a title match inside the Georgia doome nsh knows he can kick Goldberg ass and he wants to prove it next week on Nitro the world belt still has Goldberg's name plate but if Goldberg can't win next week it's going to say nosh for those of you who know what goes down next week well drop yourselves in it's going to be a bumpy ride he so [ __ ] he's so cool he's just a disco dancing fool so it's disco inferno's biggest challenge to date if he beats Bam Bam he's officially in the NW wolf pack Bam Bam tosses disco from one side of the Ring to another twice and when disco tries to fight back with a punch to the midsection Bam Bam just shakes it off before sending disco into the corner for a running Splash this isn't going well for The Inferno at all Bigalow goes up for the diving headbutt but disco moves out of the way this might be his only chance disco tries a few clothes lines but Bigalow won't go down so he instead delivers a swinging neck breaker before going to the second rope disco lands an elbow drop but bigo kicks out a two disco surprises everyone with a chart Buster and this should be all over but again Bigalow kicks out and it would seem all hope is now lost disco goes down after a Clos line he gets some greetings from Asbury Park and bamb Bam Bigoo defeats Disco Inferno via pinfall disco's failed to become an official member of the NW wolf pack last night at starhead stanner confronted k backstage and so tonight the two are going to go at it inside the ropes Conan's TV title is up for grabs and it starts with Conan hitting slick Johnson with a K Factor Scott Dickinson agrees to be the referee so the match is still on Conan saves Scott Dickinson from a beat down and buff gets sent out of the ring the rolling Lariat puts stanner on the mat and Scott gets nursed on the outside following another Lariat buff helped Scott out from the apron and the TV champ takes a double underhood par bomb Scott SN filled with confidence as he dumps K dog out of the ring and the CHP gets tossed into the guard rail once again Buff Bagwell attacks Conan and Scott Dickinson lets it all slide back inside the ring Conan takes a stiff clothes line and buff bagwell's enjoying this one immensely he enjoys it so much that he gets involved again before calling Conan a loser Steiner rips the Wolfpack shirt off Conan's back before dropping an elbow K dog gets hung up in the tree of wo and again Buff Bagwell and Scott a hand this is turned into basically a two-on-one match Scott follows up a belly-to-belly suplex with some push-ups he says this is too easy but he really shouldn't have opened his mouth seeing his Conan's able to counter a parlam attempt with a reverse DDT K dog gets another break when Steiner tries a corner charge and there's the K Factor face Buster Conan locks in the sunrise buff tries to pull stanner out of the ring Lex Luger shows up and he tries to pull buff away from the apron but this causes the submission hold to get broken up Conan doesn't seem too happy with lexs and things go from bad to worse when he tumbles out of the ring thanks to Lex punching buff on the apron stanner brings Conan back in while Lex chases buff around the Ring Scott applies to the ster recliner and with a new TV champion tonight on Nitro Scott Steiner defeats Conan via submission did Lex just help the black and white or was it an innocent clumsy Mistake by the total package either way it's good seeing Scott win a singles Championship on Nitro but I'm not sure if the TV title really suits him big Popa pump's been on Far recently and I wouldn't have minded seeing got challenge for the world title to be honest we then go outside where Bill Goldberg is getting arrested yeah we have no idea why he's getting arrested and neither does Goldberg but Billy boy says he did nothing wrong that's what they all say Goldberg says this could ruin his reputation he's done a lot for the community here in Atlanta and these dirty copper should know better but police chief Jack tells Goldberg to chill out Goldberg has to go to the precinct to get this all sorted out everything's going to be fine and Bill can go back to doing whatever it is that Bill Goldberg does Goldberg says this is wrong he's all pissed off but he's going to get interviewed downtown and this means our title match tonight is probably in Jeopardy Kevin Nash the world champion sees Goldberg getting put in a police car he's not happy about it at all and as the car speeds off we see Hulk Hogan walking into the Georgia Dome Hogan says a man should do his time if he's guilty while laughing at Kevin and as Hogan makes his way into the Dome we see Miss Elizabeth getting questioned by detectives we have a mystery on our hands tonight on Monday Night row on nro Billy boy gets brought to the Cop Shop he's brought into room three also known as the Romper Room and Bill learns he's being arrested for aggravated stalking Bill Goldberg's been on the pride it seems you want to know who's responsible for this Miss Elizabeth that's right Liz said Goldberg stalked her and Goldberg says no no way this dirty copper should know that Goldberg isn't capable of such a crime but the boys have to do their job and Goldberg's going to have to sit there like the dirty pervert he really is meanwhile Liz is getting interviewed by detective kissy closed Liz says Goldberg last confronted her at the water cooler just as Mr peacock enters the room first name Drew Liz says she's filed three reports already Goldberg follows her everywhere at Nitro last week at starid at hotels at the gym Bill stalks Liz and the only question Mr peacock has after Liz explains all this is did you feel threatened no Drew she felt like this was absolutely normal [ __ ] Behavior Drew wants to talk with Casey in private so the investigation continues on back at the precinct Goldberg's losing it dirty copper Tails Goldberg that Liz said he stalked at the gym and Goldberg says yeah he's always there because he owns the gym in question Goldberg wants to leave the boys say not today Buster so Billy boy has to wait a little longer before getting back to the Georgia D over on Nitro Kevin Nash says a lot of people say big sexy beat Goldberg at starhead but as far as Nash is concerned bill gulberg got screwed nsh has watched everything that's went down tonight so far and he says it doesn't take inspector cluso to work out who's behind all this it has to be Hulk Hogan if only detective kissy Clos and Mr Drew peacock knew this information too since Ric Flair's writing all the wrongs tonight Kevin wants to fight Hogan Hogan's still under contract so Nash wants a match against the huler and afterwards big sexy will still defend his championship against Goldberg Ric Flair then appears he shakes Kevin Nash's hand and Flair says he may disagree with how Nash won the belt but he is the world champion flare knows if Liz is involved in all this then obviously Hogan's pulling the strings Hogan won't show up to Nitro and make a mockery of WCW before taking himself off to Hollywood again so Flair says yes Hogan and Nash will wrestle tonight for the world belt but only if Goldberg doesn't make it back to the arena Mr peacock meanwhile is giv Liz a hard time he wants her to repeat her story once again and this is making Liz a little anxious detective closed reappears and the constant questions make Liz even more defensive and nervous she raises her voice when saying she's the victim in all this just before closed and peacock leave the room again so Liz is either having short-term memory loss or she's making the whole thing [Music] up so over on Nitro the man himself says it's clear the World of Wrestling still revolves around Hollywood Hogan the hulster was going to take the high road and formally say goodbye tonight while also announcing his vice presidential running mate for the upcoming action but now Hogan's dealing with negative momentum and that's something the next president of the United States just can't have Hogan calls Goldberg a sexual deviant he watched that pesky perve get escorted out of the building and it made the hulster sick to his stomach but what's just as bad is that big tall spoon Kevin Nash starting rumors yes he called him a spoon mean reminds Hulk that Ric Flair booked him in a match against that big spoon tonight on Nitro and the word title will be on the line and Hogan replies by saying he owes his fans one last retirement match Hogan's going to quit wrestling while holding the world title and after all the huffing and puffing the wolf Pack's been doing recently it's going to be Hogan who gets called The Big Bad Wolf tonight at the end of nitro understatement of the year right there big man it's official then tonight we've got Hollywood Hogan getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship Scotty Steiner said to defend his newly acquired World TV title in this one as he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by his BFF buff bag well Steiner grabs the microphone and he says if there's any ladies in need of some extreme Romancing then big papa pumps more than hoppy to oblig What a kind and helpful fellow buff then for some reason decides he wants to show off his boogie and skills as he does a little dance during Scott's promo honestly I had no idea what this was all about so I actually ended up going down a robbit hole to find out it's a touchdown celebration from Jamal Anderson who played for the Atlanta Falcons at the time fascinating stuff I'm sure you'd all agree following this little jig buff grabs his chest and he drops to one knee claiming that he's just getting over triple bypass surgery so it seems that the Falcon head coach at the time Dan Raves had underwent surgery a few days prior and Buff's making fun of that pretty serious incident buff I have enough to do on reliving the war every week the last thing I need is you making obscure references about a sport that I don't care about from over 25 years ago stop it please stop it anyway former TV Cham Konan comes down to the ring and now we can get on with the actual serious and important sport of professional wrestling buff and Scott tried to double team K dog at the opening Bale but Conan fights them off and he takes control with a number of right hands in the corner a Clos line then sends big Popa pump to the floor and it's at this point where Tony once again mentions that over on Raw mck Foy is going to win the World belt this time he laughs after making the comment that's going to be their world KCK ah back inside the ring stanner connects with the closes line before flexing and dropping his elbow across the back of Conan he then distracts the referee and this allows buff to choke dog across the bottom rope Scotty then places Conan on the top rope positioning him for a belly-to-belly suplex but Conan fights out and he scores with a dodgy tornado DDT Conan looks to hit his rolling larat Scotty Ducks it but big POA pump still gets CAU out with a kick to the midsection and Conan hits the K factor a little miscommunication perhaps because this one looked more than a bit rough k looks to finish things off with a tequila sunrise but before he can get the hold on Buff comes in holding the TV title Conan gets in a few shots but the referee calls for the bell and this one ends via DQ Kona wins but he doesn't get the belt back both buff and Scott attack K dog after the boat culminating in K dog getting locked in the recliner as slick Johnson tells the timekeeper to ring the bell which by the way he was already do to an infuriating degree this wasn't enough as the big bad booty daddy grabs a chair to land a few shot shs across Coran's back Nitro then goes to commercial break and you know I at least thought we would get a decisive winner in this one but no it may be a new year but it's business as usual on WCW Nitro on Nitro the constant questions have gotten to Miss Elizabeth kissy closed and Drew peacock have managed to break the first lady of wrestling and now she's changing her answers Casey says all the wrestlers stay at the same Hotel while peacock ands livz that Goldberg owns that gym mentioned earlier on so Liz gives it up she's looking at possible jail time for telling Porky pies who she says she must have been mistaken it wasn't actually Goldberg all these baldheaded wrestlers look the same you know so what can you do Liz tells the boys to apologize to Bill on her behalf seeing as he's probably going to miss his title shot tonight Tony Shani still hopeful that Goldberg can make it back to the arena on time but I'm not so sure about [Music] that meanwhile overall Nitro Bill Goldberg finds out that Elizabeth dropped the charges and she admitted she was lying he stands up he tells dirty copper to take the handcuffs off and he orders the 5 to take him to the Dome post haste take me to the Dome let's go fans who watched the ending of raw had the opportunity to switch over to nro to see what went down in the Nash versus Hogan Main Event WCW ran overtime as usual so a lot of people left the USA Network feeling very happy and fulfilled by what they just witnessed in the Mankind versus Rock Main Event Hogan comes down to the ring with NW black and white leader Scotty stanner but nsh has brought some back up of his own Scott Hall's here and he's wearing a Wolfpack shirt the bad guys officially part of the faction and this should have been the first red flag after what Hall and N said about each other last week the crowd popped huge for Scott Hall though and yes Hall and Nash being together once again is awesome they never should have broken up in the first place though Hogan tells stanner to watch his back before stepping into the ring nsh makes fun of Hogan by ripping off his shirt Hogan circles around the ring and he takes a moment to listen to the fans and then Kevin shoves Hulk they're building this up pretty nicely All Things Considered Hogan then [ __ ] his fist back but he doesn't punch nsh instead he pokes him with one finger and Kevin takes a bump Hogan then covers Kevin he wins the match via pinfall and Hollywood Hogan is the new WCW world heavyweight Champion maybe 5 or 10% of the audience React to what happens while the others look on in bewilderment but it then makes sense when Wolfpack members and NW Hollywood members begin celebrating together nsh lay down for Hulk there's no divide anymore between the wolf pack and the black and white and it would seem we now have a reunited New World Order Goldberg arrives on the scene he rushes to the ring he takes out Steiner and Hall and when Hogan attacks him with the world Bel Goldberg no sells it the World Champ takes a spear and the crowd maker make a lot of noise Lex Luger then shows up we think he's going to help fight off these NWO dirt bags but Lex saves Hogan from getting Jack hammered and Goldberg gets put in the torture rack to be fair this is probably the most interesting thing Lex Luger's done all year Goldberg gets handcuffed to the ropes he gets tasered by Scott Hall Hulk Hogan uses red spray paint to spray Goldberg's back and the World Heavyweight Championship and there you have it the incident known as the finger poke of doome now remember what we just watched on raw and look at this there is absolutely no defend in it and somehow some way WCW take another colossal misstep I pretty much screwing over their fan base both those who paid money to get into the Georgia Dome and those who took time to check out this main event on TV also I need to say this this wasn't the end for WCW I know many people like to say that but it wasn't wcw's TV ratings stay within the same range throughout all of January so it wasn't this big event that killed off an entire organization but it definitely hurt the minimal Goodwill that loyal fans had in the company and the company's ability to deliver on what they promised you've been watching this series with me you know wcw's been declining long before the finger poke of Doom while wwf's been flying high but we could look at this Nash versus Hogan match is the beginning of a new chapter for WCW a long and very drawn out chapter that turns out to be the last in a book that started off pretty well is it still fun to look back on today absolutely does it overall effect on WCW get blown out of proportion yes yes it does but from a fans perspective who watched Nitro at the time it was another bad NW ending that didn't do any good for anyone [Music] involved [Music] n
Channel: Wrestling Bios
Views: 192,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrestling lists, wwe lists, wrestling bios, wcw, nwo, wcw nwo, nwo red and black, nwo wolfpac, nwo wolfpack, nwo wolf pac, nwo wolf pack, wcw nitro, reliving the war, raw vs nitro, wcw 1998, wolfpac sting, red and black sting, kevin nash, konnan, scott hall, lex luger, macho man randy savage
Id: lHiTgoJHwtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 287min 10sec (17230 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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