The COMPLETE HISTORY of The Main Event Mafia

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I'm winning the impact World Championship at slammiversary slam of bursary Saturday July 15th on pay-per-view thank you very much Donna Mike and while I'm certainly excited to be here tonight in high definition television I received an urgent phone call from you last night Kurt Angle had 12 o'clock instructing me to be here right now for an announcement that you have that you claimed would actually Trump the announcement Mick Foley will be delivering later on tonight a huge announcement what is this well after seeing Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley talk together and talk about this huge announcement that was going to change the face of TNA forever and watching them ride off into the sunset I thought I had to do something drastic so I decided that I would change the face of professional wrestling forever not just TNA but professional wrestling forever so I made a few phone calls to some very very important people yeah and by midnight last night the deal was done yeah well what does this have to do with Booker T why don't you ask him see you Z Jeremiah what we have here delete the best The Best of the Best you see in my country back in Africa the lion the king of the jungle the lion runs in backs very dangerous meat-eating Beast you see what you have here Jeremiah the Lions of DNA from this point on we take what we want we don't ask we want respect from this point on Kevin Nash you seemingly left TNA two months ago we never thought we'd see you again now you're here what what's this about I did walk away I had nothing left to accomplish I thought about it I mean this business has always been about three things money power and respect respect you know Joe gave me no respect respect Joe gave Scott Hall no respect respect you know if you read the Bible in Proverbs it says that with gray hair comes wisdom I try to give wisdom to Joe he spit my face I've always I've always taken this as a business but Joe he made it personal that's why I came back no disrespect gentlemen but the three of you together you're all legends you're all icons you've done incredible things in this business but I've been backstage I've seen what Samoa Joe what AJ Styles the Motor City Machine Guns what everybody's doing seems to be an uprising and at least on paper Kurt Angle well the three of you are icons three of you are legends I think the odds might be stacked up against you JB this business was built on honor dignity and respect respect you are seeing three of the greatest wrestlers of all time but there is one more because when I go into battle I am not going to go in with a stick I'm gonna go in with heavy artillery so let it be known who that last person is reveal steak TB you look like you just saw a ghost why be so surprised JB I mean look look around this room you know Kurt Booker Kevin and myself we tried individually we tried it the nice way JB all we wanted was a little bit of respect you know between Kurt and Booker and me charmell Kevin 75 years combined history right here 75 years of Blood Sweat and Tears for this wrestling business JB that we love we asked and we asked nicely but there's going to be no more asking only demanding and it's not going to be pleasure it's going to be business JB gentlemen you have a good night sting stay again since sting does not want to stay for the party I'd like to make a little salute gentlemen and charmel here's to the main event Mafia born tonight amen pardon the interruption but I couldn't have brainwashed by you [Music] [Applause] you know it's like one of my favorite bands Bad Religion said let them eat War you are letting these men make their beds and they're gonna lie in it but we're not biting man we're from Detroit we know about Kwame Kilpatrick and you sound a lot like him so you go ahead and tell me one more time on why we should participate in your little battle it's real simple this isn't my War this isn't AJ's War this is our war and either you're in or you're out in or out pretty easy to think Alex listen to me listen to me look at my eyes this right here this is about your future this is about Saban's future this is about everybody's future here in this ring so I would trust that you would be in your best interest to help us out against those people who have kept you down and kept you out of the main event scene God I wish you had a mint right now you know what I'm not fighting and neither should you he doesn't care about us at all and I don't know what makes you think he does you don't think I care about you I bet I bet you're sitting here wondering what have I done for you lately huh you haven't done anything for me lately that's what I'm thinking yeah well Alex let me correct that I've done this oh he just slapped Alex Shelley just when we anticipated that the Motor City Machine Guns were going to show that solidarity that Unity with the TNA originals and here comes the music [Music] of the main event Mafia and here they come out led by the Olympic gold medalist go and you see Kevin Nash Booker T sharmel and the world champion State and they are dressed to the nine they look Main Event I'll give them that you know you guys are a disgrace to yourselves your disgrace to this business your disgrace to TNA and you're a disgrace to all the fans that pay good money to see us you want to talk about family AJ this right here is a family this is the mafia the main event Mafia over 75 years of experience experience that demands respect [Applause] we didn't ask for this we do not ask for this war all we wanted was a thank you you know Joe I tried to teach you I try to teach you how to act towards the Stars you know what you did you spit my face I've been wanting to get something off my chest for a long time you know why Scott Hall didn't show up at the Pay-Per-View he said you weren't worth the rub and you know what in retrospect he was right so you guys won a war you want a war you got a war [Music] [Applause] you know you know what I say I say look at these bumps look at the dress you see in my country in my country they say if it looks like a chicken if it cluck like a chicken it's a chicken you see you want to talk about the mafia you talk about the mafia to the face and you see from this day this day forward the war will start right here tonight but you know what I say by the end of this year that will be any of you left and you know one more thing one more tea it's all about the five you understand you know what I mean it's all about the five it's all about the five like what on Earth could he be talking about could be talking about a fifth member possibly Main Event Mafia leave the TNA Originals wondering wait a minute what the hell is Big Papa Pump got Schneider oh this is what Booker came in by beware five and here he is that big lead pipe in the hands of Big Papa Pump as he's laying out let's hear The Originals look at these Shots by Big Papa Pump Scott Steiner in the back what a shot he had on daily lethal Michael Keithville and this is unbelievable think about this power more experienced added and Scott Steiner a part of the main event Mafia all men think of the destruction that they can do we heard it earlier tonight Booker said it's all about five and now the fifth member of the main event Mafia has arrived in big papa puppet here comes the TNA World Heavyweight Champion sting well let's see if that talk from Mick Foley has gotten through as you see Sting coming down with a purpose and you wonder what's going to go on as sting comes into the ring [Applause] goes over towards AJ Styles and he's helping AJ up to his feet I think he's picking him up letting him know that they'll take care of their business on the head AJ Styles spits in the face of the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and then gets dropped with that scorpion by staying I'll tell you what he I think sting was trying to show respect there but after everything AJ's been through getting beat down by everybody that Scott Snyder coming in what do you expect AJ to do look at the bodies laid out all over the HD Impact Zone courtesy of the main event Mafia you know already an incredible collection of Superstar Talent with Sting with Kurt Angle with Kevin Nash and with Booker T and they just got bigger they just got even better with the addition a Big Papa Pump Scott Snyder now Christian you and I we've had our differences in the past well quite frankly I think you've had your differences with just about everybody in this ring but we're here to welcome you into our family and I want you to understand what family is in the main event Mafia okay family is helping your brothers and sister out no matter what the consequences are no matter if they're right or wrong family is having a bond with all your brothers and sister tighter than any bond you'd ever had even with your wife that is family and family is commitment commitment is Big Papa Pump Scotty Steiner who had a career-ending knee injury that any other wrestler would have retired but he came back and became the Hitman of the main event Mafia [Music] commitment is Booker T and Kevin Nash getting lucrative offers from all over the world from different wrestling organizations and refusing them to fight the good fight to make TNA the best company in the world and they're getting prayed pretty well to do it but then I got a little concerned about the commitment that Christian Cage was about to make I heard earlier in the week that you and your attorney refused negotiations with TNA and that in a few weeks when your contract expires you are going to jump ship to the WWE [Music] and you quoted that you were tired of being the big fish in the company what do you think about that guys Kev Scott book what do you think you guys had that WWE lucrative offer right but you're still here at TNA now Christian we've all had that offer but when it comes down to it you're here in the ring for a certain reason it came to me this isn't a welcoming party this is a going away party and if you think those young punks in the back are going to help you you're wrong because once you abandon us you abandoned them so I hope your trip up north is well worth the ass kicking you're going to get tonight so you're tired of being a big fish tonight you sleep with the fishes the main event Mafia Style whoa well this is [Applause] because of a lack of commitment it's been taken personally by the main event Mafia I'll tell you what we thought he was going to be a made man but you heard that message the main event Mafia is about commitment and they heard about decisions he might be making it look at this that made him in Mafia setting their wall like they've done all night if you're not with them you're against them and look at what they're doing to Christian Kings you heard from angle he said tonight the Hitman of the mafia just put him out of there pulling it back up they're not done they're not done with Christian King oh [ __ ] King what the kiss and here comes Booker and kick to the back of the head of Christians Kurt Angle screaming in his face [Applause] and Kevin Nash rolling up the sleeves he wants a piece of Christian King look at him pull him up well everybody in the main event Mafia seems to be getting a piece of the instant classic including Nash with the jackknife Power Bomb oh my God Christian Cage can't take much more of this did you see him just laying their Pearl on the floor and now Kurt Angle takes the tie off the Olympic gold medalist the leader of the main event Mafia wants a piece of Christian Case get somebody out here to stop this here it is what a Beatdown by the main event Mafia on Christian Cage this crowd is just stunned by what they've seen I mean think about it it was intimidating when you were watching Christian Cage walk out there thinking what this could mean to the main event Mafia how powerful they can be but you see what they feel like if you're not committed to the cause then you're going down total lack of commitment by Christian page to TNA and as a result he is left laying in the ring here at the Impact Zone just totally laid outs on [Music] [Applause] you can see Kurt Angle just just standing over the top of Christian Cage who's barely moving and here they are they stand together and they hold the hands up there will never be any question about their Unity there will never be any question about the solidarity of the main event Mafia Kristen cage laid out ladies and gentlemen when it comes to the main event Mafia it's pretty obvious that this is their world and quite honestly we're playing under their rules there you go again AJ a young smug Punk making another demand to a veteran you want brother Ray and Brother Devon you got Brother Ray and brother divine ladies and gentlemen the newest members of the main event Mafia Brother Ray and Brother Devon [Music] yes we hear the music of the main event Mafia and as you also can see brother Ray brother nevonne wearing the suits that were provided to them by big papa puff Scott Steiner they're wearing the uniform of the main event Mafia as well now you see him standing there dressed up with the shades and you gotta admit they fit right in with the main event Mafia I mean these two guys have fought so many wars and the Allure of being a part of that Championship faction apart of being around all those greats in the main event Mafia too much for team 3D that's the side they've chosen and really you're not surprised when you realize how t3d's been greatest collection of world champions has just added the 20-time T yes the 20-time World Tag Team Champions team 3D to their stable foreign Joe rhino we gave this a lot of thought no really we did we thought about this long and hard and we come to the conclusion that the main event Mafia are right but we also came to the conclusion that you guys are right you see both sides have a lot of Merit but Kurt said something to me and my brother Devon that struck a nerve that got us thinking you see Kurt is a very smart man Kurt told me and my brother to think about our future our future as a team our future in this business and the mafia May grant us that future you see our Legacy is very important to us We Are the 20-time World Tag Team Champions and the most decorated tag team of all time [Music] how does team 3D want to be remembered I want to be remembered as one of the greatest teams just like the Road Warriors [Applause] we want to be remembered as one of the greatest tag teams The Steiner Brothers and yes and yes and yes one of the greatest tag teams of all time Harlem he [Applause] 'll do how do we want to be remembered do we want to be remembered as two Warriors two hard-working guys who always gave it their All in This Ring two guys that have entertained the people all over the world [Music] a family man and a father two men that helped build one of the most legendary companies of all time e c w [Applause] or do we want to be remembered as a part of the greatest collection of world champions that has ever walked God's green earth the main event Mafia is now complete they now have the greatest tag team they are now the Magnificent Seven you see you guys don't understand that the mafia offer power the mafia offer money the Mafia Have Brains you guys want to do it all with this you guys are all about fighting you guys are all guts and all boss [Applause] and I gotta tell you guys before the inevitable happens guts and balls is good and if being a part of the front line is wrong then I Don't Want to Be Right [Applause] wow what are you kidding me it is on and looking p3d during the TNA front line when it was all said done they wanted to be a cardinal give me a table give me a table call it for the tables how about that what a move and they hooked up with the front line t3d beating down on Kurt Angle right now right over the right call and Don I think we now know for sure at final resolution AJ Styles Samoa Joe they've got team 3D as their tag team partners against sting Kevin Nash Booker T and Scott Snyder and then tables getting sent into place I'll tell you what it's all changed in one night look at that group look at all those championships think about all the Championships those five guys have held and now they're setting up for the 3D they're going to put they're gonna put the leader of the main event Mafia right there and sting hooks the leg of Kurt Angle and pulls him to safety my God think of what we've just witnessed t3d joins the TNA front line and at final resolution if the mafia wins think it's him but if this hit a front line wins AJ Styles will be the new world champions the future of TNA will be decided December the 7th what are you talking about you have the money Oh Brother Ray getting personal with Kurt Angle and from behind yes the main event Mafia see Scott Steiner with a pipe you can see the board in the hands of Kevin Nash the chair with Booker T and sting looks on and you could see Kurt Angle able to stop Brother Ray just old enough to look up wait a minute Mafia get in place do I want a swerve by the main event Mafia what a cheer shot that was by Booker T and now look at this beat down continue once he got there oh man that big steel trash cans from Scott Steiner I mean they are just our Relentless that they're beating down as sting looks on beating down on brother Reyes he's fighting back with everything he's got but it's too much now doing everything within his power to try and fight back but Don these numbers are just way too much for Brother Ray and remember the front line of left the Impact Zone well as you see sting also walking away boy if you think about it brother race trust his faith in Kurt Angle has really come back to haunt him here oh there's just nothing for him nowhere to hide there's nowhere to hide all these blows from all these weapons oh the maid of it Mafia sending a message says you can't trust them and they'll do anything to prove their points the fighting Spirit of Brother Ray so evident here but again it's just way too much as we see Steiner Kevin Nash Booker T and Kurt Angle and they all toss him into the dumpster they dispose of them like garbage and another question how about staying walking away not even wanting to be a part of it think of the message that this sends to the TNA front line Brother Ray just battered and there's nowhere for him to go message with the main event Mafia Have Not only destroyed and decimated Brother Ray but think about it in the process they have weakened the TNA front line Kurt have you gone completely nuts get out of Jeff's office get away from his desk and nobody will find out and nobody will get in trouble you cannot hijack this television program you can't you tell me Jim who's going to stop us huh who Mick isn't here and Jared he's at home still licking his injuries are you gonna stop us Jim you tell me I've been authorized to warn you how about you shut your mouth okay I'm in charge here I said last week that the main event Mafia was going to take over impact tonight and guess what it's happening so security get him out of my face hey hey hey hey watch out watch out look at look I'll tell you what fine it's your funeral it's your jobs it is my job okay I'll go infection to run I'm over here when you need me go ahead his mouth okay charmell are you ready check Kev book or your stations check all right big papa are you ready check all right this is the moment I've been waiting for all my life okay here we go in three two one action white trash and rednecks the following contest is a nine titles knockout handicap match scheduled for one fall what that mean is four on one [Applause] introducing first what do you think about that Rush how am I supposed to know what their names are [Laughter] entertain me knockout Champion awesome yeah the truth known as Confucius I believe that's contrary to get up from the back of course I would join in The Fray if it wasn't for this staph infection to my elbow man come on yes Booker T's beating up everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what the hell is going on there's a lot of mayhem out here they looking at Pete Williams Pete is down he's talking baby he's got a big kick set up well he's going against you man oh it looks like the minute Mafia continues [Music] as we watch the main event Mafia enter the Impact Zone we become familiar with the order as they appear out of the tunnel it's always their founder Kurt Angle leading the way and it's the TNA World Champion the icon sting entering lasts while Kevin Nash Booker T with charmel and Scott Steiner provide a buffer they provide separation in spite of the mafia's incredible run in recent months in spite of their takeover of impact last week we've seen friction develop between sting and angle no question Jim cornette wants to see if they can put those differences aside and work together we'll get two chances to see if they can coexist Sunday and Against All Odds in the four-way title match and tonight on impact when they must team up against 3D it's going to be interesting to hear what the main event Mafia has to say about the re-emergence of Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash especially when you think about the history between those two men [Music] you know to say I've been in this business a while [Applause] they've caught on my body more times than a cadaver in a medical school I've been around the block a little bit as I go towards the end of my career and ever so slowly morphed Kenny Rogers [Applause] you know I've done a lot of business in this ring oh yeah I have but most of my work was done back there that's right behind the curtain we're like David Copperfield as a magician if I wanted somebody gone that's right if I wanted somebody gone they were gone [Applause] to stay I stirred a little my career would be an understatement the thing is about a year ago Samoa Joe ran his mouth about a good friend of mine Scott Hall now I hate to keep bringing up the past but when he did that I pretty much wanted Joe gone now I don't know who Joe Knows or what he knows but he's the first guy that I've Ever Wanted gone from some place that actually is still here [Music] so last week Joe shows his ugly face with a new crop haircut some face paint and I guess that makes him I don't know some kind of tough guy [Applause] I guess he went back oh yeah well how about I go a little old school and kicked you [Applause] because whether you realize it or not Joe you've been casted oh yeah oh yeah you know what you're gonna be well you're going to play the part of my in our little movie well Don I guess you got your answer when it comes to Nash and the main event Mafia reacting to Samoa Joe's return well as soon as he gets medical clearance I'd love to see those two resolve their unfinished business [Music] that's right sting makes no mistake about it they're all thinking about it they're all thinking about what's going to happen at Against All Odds when you and I and team 3D face off for your TNA World Heavyweight title now maybe we'll get a clearer picture of what's going to happen when you and I tag together against team 3D tonight [Music] [Applause] but sting I thought I knew you but I'm not so sure anymore you see when the main event Mafi was born when it was formed we made a pact we made a promise that we would get the respect that we earned in this business throughout the years that we've been in this business and that's what it's all about regardless of what you're thinking none of us have lost sight of that so I'm going to make one promise at Against All Odds I will guarantee that the TNA World Heavyweight title will remain in the main event Mafia regardless of what I have to do [Applause] I'll see you tonight partner [Music] boy is Kurt Angle blocks eyes with sting staring right at him you can feel the tension between those two the big story is still these two it's still Kurt Angle and still [Applause] thanks [Applause] man I can't wait till this Sunday we're family bro don't do it come on [Applause] family family family for the past four days for the betterment of the main event Mafia I have kept my mouth shut for the past four days I've risen above and showed my true Integrity by not saying a word [Applause] but guys I'm sorry I cannot keep my feelings in check any longer sting you're a fake a phony a hypocrite and a disgraced in a family [Applause] [Music] talk about having honor dignity and respect but yet you spit in the face of your own vial and Against All Odds I clearly would have won the title and I would have done it I would have stuck to my promise of keeping the title in the family I was supposed to do it not you which part of that don't you understand oh it's gonna be a 13-time world heavyweight champion and you were jealous sting do you remember when the main event Mafia was created in Vegas we made a pact family first family first you on that Pact and as the leader of the main event Mafia I have every right to kick to the curb but I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that because at the end of the day the main event Mafia needs you and you need the main event Mafia so tonight I'm not gonna do anything to hurt this group oh no I'm gonna do something to help the main event Mafia it's gonna go something like this thing at the end of the night I'm gonna walk down here with my wrestling gear on I'm going to bring a referee with me you will then come out here with your resting gear on we will get into the ring the ring announcer will ring the bell you will then lie on your back I will cover you the referee will count one two three [Music] no no no [Applause] the road River and then you will get up respectfully and shake my hand do we have an agreement good see you tonight [Music] [Applause] we heard last week from Mick Foley that the founder of TNA the king of the mountain Chef Jared would be here tonight on impact and I think we're going to hear from Jeff Garrett in terms of The Proposal of Kurt Angle to stay how Preposterous is that demanding that state come into the Rave lay on his back take the one two three and give this build to Kurt Angle I can't even believe that Kurt would have such a thing Kurt as the founder of TNA do you really think I'm going to allow that to go on Kurt sting is the TNA heavyweight champion because Sunday night he won and you lost it's just that simple look who came back from the dead what do I have to do Jeff kill you literally last time I saw you you're in the pool you're on blood I shattered your ankle and here you are again in the wrong place at the wrong time this is about the main event Mafia this has nothing to do with you as long as my it's my damn company it certainly has something to do with me now Kurt we ain't gonna go round and round out here because if we have another match between me and you we may take the whole damn company down in a Blazer gory but Kurt there's gonna come a time and a place for me to get my closure with you but is this not right now and it's certainly not tonight but Kurt I want you to listen up real good as the founder of TNA [Music] sting is the TNA heavyweight champion with all due respect Jeff I I got a handle on this Kurt I'm gonna take you up on your offer I'll see you later tonight I am not enjoying this any more than you are this is something I have to do [Applause] I Am The Godfather of the main event Mafia and in the main event Mafia we have a code and sting you broke that code there's a price to pay I have to make an example out of you so let's not drag this on okay I just want you to lay on your back and let's get this over with [Applause] is this really what you want Kurt I'm asking you Kurt is this really what you want listen sting you gave me no other choice [Applause] all right okay Kurt then I'll go ahead and lay down okay I'll go ahead and I'll lay down for the good of the family Kurt I'll go ahead and do that [Applause] let me let me just ask you one question Kurt where's your integrity I mean whatever happened to a man losing like a man Kurt you were an Olympic gold medalist Kurt you won the gold medal that means you were the very best in the world Kurt what would you have done back in 96 if you'd have lost at the gold medal trials would you have asked your opponent for a do-over yeah would you have asked your opponent to lay down so you could stand on the highest pedestal without having really ever earned it Kurt [Applause] because it Against All Odds Kurt you didn't earn this belt I did and you want to talk about honor honor Kurt where is your honor honor comes when you can look at your opponent in the eye you're Victor and you can look at him and say that you are the better man Kurt look at me can you say that Kurt can you [Applause] of course you can't Kurt I I know so I guess I'll just go ahead and lay down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just know this Kurt and Against All Odds that loss was your most insignificant loss ever it pales in comparison Kurt to losing your wife to losing your family to losing your honor to losing your respect Kurt because nobody respects you around here Kurt nobody no matter how much they might say that they do they don't and Kevin and Scott and book they know you for who you really are Kurt and egomaniac who would cut their legs out from underneath them if you knew it would benefit you why because it's always been about You Kurt it is about you and always will be about you Kurt you've tarnished every single thing that you've earned from your gold medal to your dignity coach [Applause] there's nothing left Kurt you're at your end what could have been is now nothing so I guess there's nothing left to do but they're just lay down Kurt [Applause] go ahead Kurt go ahead and steal your 13th World title steal it and no matter what these people say Kurt you don't suck [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and here comes the main event Mafia as well to the ringside area Scott Steiner Kevin Nash in to try and separate the icon sting and the founder of the main event Mafia Kurt Angle pulling him apart crowd of course wanted to see these two lock hordes but how about that speech by the icon sting I mean he pushed all the buttons you've got a warston [Applause] this ain't about your title anymore this is personal next week it's you against me except for one thing statement the main event Mafia is coming out here they're gonna clear the whole Arena there won't be one soul in the Impact Zone except for you and me and I guarantee you one thing I will win your career yeah here they go again angle attacking sting and you heard what Kurt Angle just said the family War the personal War it comes to a head we'll clear the locker room we'll empty the arena angle sting finally gets settled next week on impact [ __ ] tick s [Applause] no no string come on man don't tell me don't do it you deserve this I'm begging you please don't go I'm sorry you're not sorry I'm sorry Steve I swear to God yeah I'm sorry Steve please I'm sorry we're cool are we cool go ahead go ahead hit me come on [ __ ] hit me come on in this game hey yes no stinks come on man come on come on you gotta be kidding me come on man that's enough what the hell did you say what the hell did you say huh this one is way more family that's the thing in between us assistant family I hate these guys we're just functional make this right make this right put your hand now Devin make this run come on [Applause] come on son of a [ __ ] think you're right I can do it I can do it are you man enough to do it you said no matter what after Against All Odds everything would be good no matter what family family yeah yeah thanks guys peace don't go anywhere you'll be right back during the break staying an angle finally separated and don't go anywhere because in just moments we will hear from both men this is how this thing went down I mean it started off as these guys were going Toe to Toe but then it just broke wide open you could just feel the the extra off in every punch and then this situation here where Kurt Angle fell 15 feet to the concrete this guy is just a machine this is unbelievable to take a fall like that all the way down to the concrete and then just seconds later to come back and use that trash can on sting and then he used the low blow to try to take control but sting eventually would get the chair in his hand what we have seen tonight is the implosion of the main event Mafia the relationship between sting and Kurt Angle can never be the same and I still can't believe that angle spit in the face of the icon Kurt Angle is losing control and he's on the verge of losing control the main event Mafia in fact you could see the rest of the main event Mafia switch over to stink side this is what we've been waiting for now it's time to hear from sting sting in your two plus decades years of experience you want to spit in my face Kurt you want to spit in my face Kurt I've never been disrespected like this ever in all these years of being in this business have I ever been disrespected like that you stick your hand out to me and then you spit spit in my face Kurt I don't care when I don't care how I don't care where Kurt I'll be there I'm all in I'm all in cart you hate me the feeling is mutual first met sting almost 20 years ago I'm talking about a personal a professional relationship that has spanned nearly two decades and I can tell you that I have never seen sting in that frame of mind you can't blame skiing for his reactions as Kurt Angle keeps pushing him over the edge but after you've heard what sting just said you know Kurt angle's going crazy he's going ballistic and Don I'm getting word it's time to hear from Kurt Angle now I want Jared in there right now I want sting I want that SOB I want his title I want his life he's not one of us Kevin he is not one of us ah hey you caught this not sting you're the one responsible what are you talking about what do you want me to do shake his hand like a damn I'm not gonna do that what else Jared I want sting I want I want to make destination X make it happen Jared I know you're listening make it happen make it happen it's time for answers it's time for answers from the main event Mafia stop [Music] [Music] foreign the first question that I had has just been answered and that is what the entire Main Event Mafia come out here tonight and you can see that they have as sting as always Trails the field the next question of course how much damage has been done between sting and Kurt Angle it's amazing if these two could ever see eye toight again especially after Kurt Angle spitting in his face and who can forget sting screaming after that match I'm all in Kurt I'm all in Kurt of course wanting that title in destination X you wonder if somehow Kevin Nash Scott Steiner Booker T have been able to bridge this Gap and resolve this issue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kurt Angle sting in recent weeks we have seen the hostility we have seen the brutality between you two it reached the point where at the conclusion of last week's impact Kurt Angle you issued a challenge to sting sting you replied I'm all in the question that I have for you at destination X will it be Kurt Angle versus sting and sting will you be defending the TNA World Heavyweight Championship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well today I hate to rain on your little parade but tonight I've been deemed spokesman okay for the main event Mafia [Applause] when this group of Champions got together in Vegas we knew there'd be Rocky Roads down our path we knew it wouldn't be easy [Applause] things have got pretty bad lately we've had a week to patch up our differences I'm not saying that things are great I'm saying that we're a family right now after what we saw last week The Empty Arena match between Kurt and sting you guys are a family I don't feel that vibe you know something exactly you're exactly right try to Stir It Up because who the hell do you work for I work for TNA oh you work for Jeff Jarrett you work for Jeff Jarrett you work for Mick Foley we know exactly what the hell's going on around here oh it just so happened that Jeff Jarrett cleared this damn Marina right that's what happened Chef Jarrett clearly because Kurt Angle asked for it he did it because he wanted to make a number he Looney did he wants you and he wants you you were a thoroughbred he knew you were a thoroughbred and he went to the Whip and what you guys do you ran off you killed each other [Applause] we don't work for them we said when we started this guys the only thing that could break us up is us not them together we're stronger than anything we're stronger than these we're stronger than the guys in the back and we're sure as hell stronger than that front office Main Event Mafia runs this could you don't have to love sting sting you don't have to love Kurt but I'm asking you too please respect Scotty Respect book respect charmel respect me but most importantly respect the family respect the mafia [Music] Sunday at destination X in the Battle of Main Event mafia members sting retained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship over Kurt Angle in the moments immediately after the match angle pointing the finger of blame at special ref Jeff Jarrett and enforcer Mick Foley we knew going in angle felt sting was aligned with both Jared and Foley and take a look at Scott Steiner as he came down the entrance ramp Scott's face completely covered over we saw what happened inside the Impact Zone at destination X the beating by Samoa Joe but what went down after Joe took Steiner outside well that's the big question I mean unless we saw Joey had that tribal knife in its hand blood you could see on it but just that the way that Joe snapped last night I mean we've seen him go crazy but it was it was magnified times 10. there's no telling what he did but Scott Steiner does not want his face to be seen here in public right now that's very obvious [Music] four days ago a destination X everything I predicted came true [Music] Kevin Scott Booker charmel I told you before my championship match that by the end of the night when that Bell finally rang that sting would show his true colors and whose side he's on and there you stood sting in the middle of the Ring Mick Foley raising your hand just seconds after Jeff Jarrett screwed me [Applause] [Music] without a doubt it was the biggest screw job since Montreal and then sting you tried to cover it up by having Mick hit you in the chair and having words with him afterwards but I'm smarter than that much smarter you can't work a worker because I am the best worker there ever was so I'm gonna make this short I'm going to give you exactly 10 seconds to explain yourself to me before the mafia has to do what the mafia has to do 10. 9 8 7 [Music] Kurt you have accused me of being disloyal for the last time I have been true I have been true to Main Event Mafia since day one it's you personally that I have a problem with Kurt I owe you nothing [Music] let me say that again Kurt I owe you nothing nothing Kurt I doubt we got this finish last Sunday night but apparently we didn't so if you'd like to continue the story I haven't changed I'm all in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now sting I do agree with one thing you owe Kurt nothing [Applause] but sting sting you do owe us something [Music] [Applause] the three of us have been with you the whole time now we know the Heat's been with Kurt we know that but I mean we've known each other a long time two pay-per-views in a row [Applause] Mick Foley raises your hand I mean I'm not saying I smell a rat I'm just saying no I'm just saying you got something to prove to us I I've got something to prove to you Kevin Kevin this this is you and me Nash and stink no last week Samoa Joe made his intentions clear announcing a main event Mafia hit list later tonight Kevin Nash you're first up you face Joe in a king of the mountain qualifier under lethal lockdown rules number one I mean the most important thing is is becoming the world champion I mean I think that's that's a give me to all of us so you know the way I look at it he's got to get through me before he could he can finish his Hit List which isn't going to be easy not saying the kid's not on a roll right now for fully to make a lethal lockdown rules I'm gonna tell you right now I'm being heavily compensated I mean I'm not doing it for free uh but it is what it is you know any man can die you know any man can die the hardest part about being being on this planet is living I ain't gonna die tonight I'll walk out of here I walked out of sacrifice what's your gonna do let me tell you something man be careful he's just being politically correct if you know what I'm saying you see Joe running around here threatening people threatening the mafia with his one Warrior independent nation if you understand what I'm saying see you doing number talking this Matthew right here baby somebody get hit we hit him that's what's going to happen to Joe we're gonna hit his poke again for the Blind Side put him down be careful do me a job baby give me some you see Mike threats are part of wrestling you know but you gotta look at the person that's making the threats this fat son of a [ __ ] it tells all of us has been world champions before finish business 15 20 years and this fat son of a [ __ ] is gonna drop us all out he's gonna calm down calm down okay all right he's fat about this I don't care I'll make him bleed Mike tonight wants to threaten us this is what the main event Mafia is going to do we're gonna hurt Samoa Joe we're gonna tear him limp from limp we are going to annihilate Samoa Joe and show his mother doesn't even recognize him hey Kurt settle settle down a second no that's that's not what we're going to do to Joel first of all I got to say I'm disappointed have you guys forgotten who you are what we represent well we're family we're Mafia right don't forget where you came from then we'll take care of Samoa Joe but it's going to be on our clock and it's going to be done my way [Applause] but you and you and you I didn't expect it from from you three hey [Applause] just look at you and look at you Joe it was because of punks like you that we started the mafia to begin with [Music] and you you brought Joe into this family without my ever knowing about it Kurt what else don't I know Kurt you probably you probably bought Matt to stick me to didn't you did you Kurt sting sting listen I had I had nothing to do with Matt Morgan he wanted to prove himself to get into that Mafia I swear on the main event Mafia I had nothing to do with it you was beyond you are Beyond pathetic Kurt are you telling me you didn't even have just a little bit to do with it Kurt not just a little bit just have just a little bit to do with this Kurt had everything to do with it [Applause] [Music] what about you Kevin what about you Kevin where do you stand with all this I expected more from you I mean Booker I'm not surprised hey Booker I'm talking to you I got the floor right now so keep your mouth zipped up [Applause] I'll come back to you in a minute Scotty I'm not surprised about you either because you're nothing but a brainless Jughead who plays Follow the Leader wherever you go and Booker you don't care about anybody except for yourself where's charmel the same goes for charmel but Kevin I really expected more from you you remember wolf pack what happened Kevin what happened so you expected more from me let me tell you let me tell you about me you know what I did when Kirk didn't want you in the mafia I told him you were all right when you talked about respect indignity I was with you man I don't know about the rest of these guys but I believed in that and time and time again when these jackals wanted to cut you off at the knees I said don't do it Kevin's a good man [Applause] when Kurt said that maybe Morgan should take you out I said it was a pretty damn good idea and I went with it why why Kevin why tell me why look around it ain't working man your plan ain't working who's this he's got the belt you know what the honor and dignity thing it's bull I believe in God we trust I know yours is up there minus two but this also on the top of a hundred dollar bill this is about [Music] the Boss Buddy we bought this son of a [ __ ] right here cause we couldn't beat him you can make friends or you can make money but you can't make both of this business I'd love to stand next to you right now and be your friend but I'll be damned if I'm fighting these son of a [ __ ] that ain't gonna happen this this is a fairy tale that we tell our kids at night when we tuck them in bed [Applause] it's fairy tales Kevin [Applause] you mean you mean like when you talk to your your own son Kevin Tristan I'd bring my kid up in this man no you know what it's got everything about this Kevin your son Tristan Kevin you told me yourself Kevin you wanted him to learn by your example Kevin you wanted him to learn what honor and dignity and respect were all about and he was going to learn by your example you know what I'm not buying all this Kevin that isn't the real Kevin that I know I'm not talking about the one that's on this platform in front of all these people in the mafia right now I'm not talking about eyes I'm not talking about Big D I'm not talking about big sexy I'm talking about Kevin Nash Kevin Nash the heart of Kevin Nash [Applause] you know what Kevin [Applause] you go ahead Kevin you you proved me wrong you go ahead you go ahead and take this back Kevin solidify your place here in the mafia go ahead and take me out for the payoff Kevin what is he doing Hey Kevin let let the fairy tale continue Kevin [Applause] oh Steve was prepared he had the bat hit and then he connects first with Nash been with the other members of the mafia I'll tell you his things got the upper hand right now but this numbers game can end up being a band wait a minute and you know what a shot from behind to the back of Sting he just dropped him the newest member of the main event moved had just been a statement and look at this damn it's getting beat down to a pulp as all of them taking their shots bad decision by the icon Mike he should have just went with it all the members of the main event Mafia join in Scott Steiner Booker two in the rest this relationship it's it's irreparably damaged the relationship between sting and the main event Mafia it's absolutely history think about this Kurt Angle is your new world champion and it's a new era for the main event Mafia Steve Bureau Joe you're in [Applause] [Music] after months of mystery The Man Behind Samoa Joe's nation of violence was finally revealed in Victory Road all the clues from the trademark towel to the number 13 and the FTW logos helped us solve the puzzle which was confirmed on Sunday with the appearance of Taz now it all makes sense so many parallels to the career of the Samoan submission machine and the human suplex machine the No Frills ring gear the physically intense in-ring style Taz and Samoa Joe they are cut from the same officially together history lesson many years ago I wrestled for a little promotion called ECW and during my time in ECW unfortunately for me I sustained some career shortening neck and spinal cord injuries which prevented me to compete and do what I love best is perform in front of you all and wrestle so the bottom line is that was cut short for me and as you all know I spent some time and called hundreds upon hundreds of matches for the WWE as a color commentator but but hold on but as cool as that was I felt like there was a little bit more I could do so one night I'm sitting home and I flick on TNA wrestling so I'm watching TNA and I see this raw this untapped this this Force this barbaric energy loaded with credibility and potential and I swear to God I swear to God it took me back a decade what I saw was the second coming of Taz what what I saw was Samoa Joe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so so I'm watching Samoa Joe and I'm saying you know what even though Samoa Joe and myself had a lot in common I'm thinking I'm thinking you know what there's just one difference between Joe and I and that is Joe at times would show remorse for his opponent where I was not capable of that I never showed remorse so I reached out to Samoa Joe I had a conversation with Samoa Joe and I said you know what my man I can bring you to that next level I'm the one that's going to teach you as cool as you might think it's to be over with the boys in the back that doesn't make you money that doesn't give you championships you want to hurt people you want to win championship you want to be on top not be Mr popular so next thing you know I become the teacher Joe becomes the student and Joe is on everybody's radar and the one man the one man that pursued the most aggressive to obtain Samoa Joe's Services was the 13th time World Heavyweight Champion named Kurt Angle foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] last week on impacts historic 200th episode we witnessed a [ __ ] in the main event Mafia armor on the heels of Bobby Lashley rejecting Kurt angle's offer to join the mafia Mick Foley in Kevin Nash thanks to Lashley and sting to become the Legends champion the title win was huge for the morale of the TNA Originals in their ongoing battle for power with the main event Mafia as the dominant all-world Champion Elite faction no longer holds three championship belts well I'm hoping that Kurt Angle will address that situation of highway robbery because that's what it was as Mick Foley uses a man Advantage bringing sting into the equation and then with Bobby Lassie himself using a three on two advantage to steal the Legends Championship from Kevin Nash one would expect that Kurt Angle is going to address not only Mick Foley's Legends title win but also his arrival with Eric Young last week a great great Injustice was done last week here on impact at the end of the show Mick Foley allegedly won the TNA Legends title from Kevin Nash by pinning him not before you people get all excited I said a legend because two things went wrong in that match one sting was up in the crowd causing a distraction shut your mouth causing a distraction when he let the lights go out in the arena and when the lights came up Bobby Lashley finally got to the ring and caused all of the damage Bobby Lashley because all of the damage but Bobby Lashley was not the legal man Bobby Lashley should have been right over here in this corner great point see I was right here with Mick Foley in my ankle lock Mick was ready to tap out Bobby Lashley should have been here in his corner Bobby Lashley did not do that therefore the match is now in void I've talked to the TNA shut your mouth let him talk people I talked to the TNA board of directors and they agree they agreed that the match was a sham [Applause] but we both agreed to let the outcome stand on one condition that Kevin Nash get another shot at the TNA Legends title at hard Justice where he will win the title and also and Mick Foley's career you see Mick Foley sting Bobby Lashley they don't like to play by the rules they're desperate men with Desperate Measures which has forced me the Godfather of the main event Mafia to protect my family this is my family which in turn has forced me to strike a deal we [Music] the limo arrival from earlier today gave us a hint that the main event Mafia and World Elite well that they were both on the same page but after just hearing from Kurt Angle that he has struck a deal I've got to tell you I fear the worst he was forced to do this I mean Kurt Angle has to protect himself he has to protect his family the main event Mafia I mean we saw last week that there's no limit to what Mick Foley and sting and Lashley will do to get their point across and when you're the world champion when you got all the stroke you can't be having to look behind you all the time when you're making decisions I think this is going to be the right move and I'm really interested to see what the world lead has to say about all this and think of how this affects the World Elite the All Foreign contingent with their leader Eric Young Sheikh Abdul Bashir kiyoshi and the British Invasion to me the association with Kurt Angle and the main event Mafia it just takes World Elite up several notches gives them a lot of credibility now before we start this celebration this Union as one Eric I just said I just want to say what an honor and a privilege it is to be doing business with you his hair looks good thank you Kurt the World Elite and the main event Mafia together as a team I have no doubts in my mind we will be revered as the greatest team of professional wrestlers ever assembled [Applause] it is both my honor and my deep privilege to be taking over TNA side by side the greatest professional wrestler to ever live Kurt Angle I've always said that Eric Young that's a great eye for talent I mean you've heard me say it many times Kurt Angle greatest ever and be assured my men are 100 dedicated to the cause we're willing to do whatever it takes and I mean whatever it takes it's sad it's sad though because it didn't have to be like this you see if the disgusting sick selfish fools of this nation would have given us the respect that we deserve shut up he has his own opinion keep your mouth shut treated us like stars We're Stars Kurt just like you guys [Music] this could have all been avoided but we gotta keep our eyes on the prize because see it's not just about Bobby Lashley and Mick Foley and everybody else in TNA this is about an entire nation [Music] [Applause] a disgusting nation that should be held personally responsible sick Nation that should feel deep deep terrible guilt for what we're about to do to your Heroes after all it's your fault [Music] boys let the cleansing begin [Applause] [Music] the formal announcement of the main event Mafia and World Elite joining forces well that just gives Kurt Angle and Company everything that they need to dominate here in TNA strong passionate words there from Eric Young and you heard him let the cleansing begin I I don't know what's in store for the rest of the TNA roster tonight but I'll tell you what I'm not leaving this seat I can promise you that I thought they had order restored and there's those angels performing and it's broken out again this is unlike anything I've ever seen okay [Applause] look at this Mike you see Curtin staying in Mick Foley in there they're still fighting they're headed outside security trying to Kevin Nash mcfolley staying in Kurt Angle going outside of the Impact Zone and the brawl is still going on here well folks we'll try to keep an eye on our monitors and try to tell you what's happening outside and the action's still going nuts in here and while we try to get a TNA camera outside I'm informed that we're gonna pick up the feed from the security camera you can see security not able to do anything and it looks like Doug Williams just crawled out as the ball is here we go you can see now that current angles in a bad spot as he's being double teamed up by Sting and Mick Foley and I believe Nash is laid out underneath her look at that that snatching that pile of crap look at that and sting has positioned he said a potato he just throws his handle right into the table somebody stop this don't treat your world champion this way oh and there's the reverse one there goes sting right into the table courtesy of angle sting went to the well one time committee now Angel's got control just beating him down and fights are breaking out all over inside the Impact Zone outside we've got another camera on the scene did you see that shot to the head of Booker team well you could see people from the Parker are lighting up trying to watch this bro this is hope nobody gets hurt Mike oh you're right it's attracted the attention of people from the theme park at Universal Studios as they're watching this moment to see what sting just did I mean he's just flicking animals wow garbage cans and this is what's going on in front of us the fight is still active here inside the effect Zone as well we don't have enough security Motor City Machine Guns and Daniels taking a kick to Yoshi well this is the most active we've seen the guns here in quite a few weeks as Daniels feels like he's getting him a little bit of Revenge here comes the video another brawl as Daniel hits the BME another Bros you can see some more Joe they're trying to hold him back and that's Bobby Lashley oh man think about these two guys they're trying to tear each other apart and we go back outside the Impact Zone Security on the scene who's behind that that's [ __ ] team behind the table from what a shot by Nash right in the face of McFarland it looks like it's like one of those garment hangers that's he just drove it into Mick Foley now brother Ray he's killing Booker T somebody put a stop to that Madman they're not stopping anybody security having Zero Effect steam trash cans shot to the head of Nash this is unreal folks unbelievable got a mindset to take my headset off and go out there get me some oh we said it earlier we knew that there was the potential for a war and it's exactly what we've seen the warrior for the top of the head from stain stinks just just crashing everybody with garbage can lead to look at this you've got the ray applying their pressure on Scott Steiner's neck back to the locker room TNA officials turn to seven or eight Samoa Joe and Lashley again Taz was trying to pull Joe back and look like and it's a smart move saving for when you need them but now that it's just that folks this is we're trying to call everything here for you there goes the sheet they're stacking up World Elite in the corner and save and connects now here comes Shelly and here comes Daniels as well and we're back outside and you can see these guys using chairs as swords this is just the damage that's being done here is just gonna be unreal there's just wonder how much harm is being done oh another shot to Steiner that one courtesy of staying and we go back to the security camera that Williams down from Storm Mike this is the damnest thing I've ever seen here tonight is that is that Sirens I hear I hope so we need the police somebody asked it is Mike and they need to come in here and arrest Brother Ray sprawl this Riot has reached such proportions that the police department has arrived thank you [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we open impact with the main event Mafia and the former world champion Kurt Angle as you can see and no surrender [Applause] the main event Mafia it's dominance once again by maintaining most of its gold the only thing missing in this picture is my TNA World Heavyweight title [Applause] not for the record I will say this one time and one time only I did not lose my TNA World Heavyweight title [Applause] [Music] you know what let me repeat that once again I did not lose my TNA World Heavyweight title I was not beaten by AJ Styles I was screwed by Matt Morgan you see during the bulk of the match out of the goodness of my heart I say Matt Morgan on many many occasions why he would kick me in the face with his size 18 boot I have no idea but earlier this week I asked for it and I got it and yes that Morgan it's gonna be you and me one-on-one at Bound for Glory [Applause] now back to main event Mafia business get a title or no TNA title the main event Mafia is still the most dominant force in the history of the business [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well huge news about Kurt Angle and Matt Morgan one on one at Bound for Glory and we saw that video from earlier today Hernandez attacking worldly lead upon their arrival and now we see Eric Young and the anti-us Army about ready to join the main event Mafia can't blame Hernandez for what he did to him to the world the lead especially if Derek young boss Hernandez the opportunity to complete a match when he catches the Feast of Fire case Kyle driving Hernandez on the steel stage Mike [Applause] most dominant Force Kurt that statement raises some questions in my mind [Applause] you see when Hernandez came out here and was beating you from Pillar To Post you didn't look like the most dominant Force he beat you all over the Impact Zone and then he picked you up in the Border toss and was gonna throw you off the ramp Now call it a curiosity Maybe a morbid curiosity but I can't help but wonder what would have happened to your delicate neck if he had done that if I hadn't came out and saved your life so the way I see it at no surrender I bailed you out tonight you're gonna return the favor [Applause] what do you want Eric that's easy see tonight tnas got me and Hernandez booked in a singles match foreign [Applause] you saw what he did to me at no surrender he attacked an unarmed man a man with his hands behind his back a man unwilling to defend himself now see the doctor said that I should be out for six weeks at least but I'm not a normal man Kurt I told him I'd take his best shot and I did it and I'm still standing here so the way I see a Kurt is me and you tonight together we take him out [Music] [Applause] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait one damn minute [Applause] [Music] this right here this wasn't this DNA you know what I'm saying you know what's the distance DNA in my field rules DNA you dig we run this here you just live here you're this damn said let me tell you something I never liked your poke ass anyway [Applause] [Music] I never liked you I never liked him I never like you know as far as I'm concerned you and your little rubber room gang here get back up and get your ass out of here [Applause] [Music] get a different somebody get hit who wrote DNA we hit him [Music] you did you know what buck I'm not concerned with what you think about me or my men in fact in fact I could care less now look there's a way [Music] [Applause] come on keep your head together control him listener you're right hold on Buck you're right you give me a favor no surrender you want me to return a favor I'm a man of integrity you got the favor tonight I will tag with you the main event Mafia always does business the right way book book we gotta do it the right way Buck we gotta do it the right way [Applause] [Applause] proposal from Eric Young the handshake tells us Kurt angle's in agreement but will we have that tag team match tonight I think Kurt Angle did the right thing and so did uh Eric Jones a spike with everybody else thinks two two people are better than one against someone like Hernandez [Applause] everybody just shut up shut the hell up Eric you got something to say then say it you got five seconds starting now Kurt I'm in here because of your actions last week you owe my men an apology that's right yeah right my actions they should have known better than to get in my face Eric Curt I'm trying to make this real easy for you see either you apologize and then there's water under the bridge and we move forward or you don't and then we're gonna have a big problem Rob you always think about your problem man same thing we think about your little JCPenney soup same thing we think about your little seal shoes they they're gonna think about all your little food plus your little group right here this is what I know this is what I know the World Elite we need the main event everybody need us but not as bad as the main event Mafia needs the World Elite look it we're faster we're younger we're stronger and we're hungry book the leaders are up here and trying to have a civil conversation so what I'm going to need you to do is get in your spot back in line behind curtain and behind me is this your answer this is how you control your menu it's okay that's fine I got a match with Morgan tonight you watch real close I'll show you how you should have handled him from the very start let's get out of here guys I told you about this from the beginning man I tried to tell you it was DMC that's it that's hard to tell you the foreigners made a list but remember guys the big picture I don't want anything screwing up the big picture do you guys understand got it all right let's do it we'll take out this told you man I'm glad to tell you Bernard is just through angle face person [Applause] Hernandez what is going on here we knew this thing would come to a head I guess it has [Music] oh my God [Music] oh now it's Kurt's turn [Applause] all this tension that we have felt all night between royalty leading the main event Mafia it has finally exploded just Mayhem are they gonna be able to restore order I stand here in the middle of the Ring tonight without a family it's been one year to the date since me sting Kevin Nash Scott Steiner and Booker T created the main event Mafia [Applause] now from the beginning [Music] the main event Mafia was misunderstood you see the main event Mafia wasn't about securing spots in the company [Applause] well maybe it was for some of the members but it wasn't for me because ever since I first laced up a pair of boots I knew I would be the very best [Applause] [Music] you see the main event Mafia wasn't about job security at least not for me because I knew that Kurt Angle was better than everyone else [Applause] but what it was about is respect not only respect for the wrestlers but respect for the game you were in it because you loved it it wasn't about money or ego it was about Pride and wanting to be the best you see when I first came to TNA what I thought I saw was a bunch of young punks looking for free handouts guys that were looking for everything to be served up on a silver platter [Applause] and I'll tell you it's really hard for me to say this but we all make mistakes and I'm here to tell you that Kurt Angle made a mistake because what I see now honestly what I see now is a bunch of young boys that have grown into men you see it all started when I I saw Eric Young you know this kid had this passion in his eyes because he wanted to be better than me and then here's a good one here's a really good one I saw AJ Styles damn does that kid have talent the match we had last week In This Very ring you can't tell me that wasn't more than a classic he gave me everything that I could handle even more because AJ Styles wants to be the best and then there's Matt Morgan [Applause] it Bound for Glory the fire and determination in his eyes it reminded me of myself 10 years ago when I first started professional wrestling there are a couple times in that match two or three times where I thought he had me a Bound for Glory but I want to say to the boys and the girls in the back I know you're gathered around your listening but what I want to tell you is you have nothing to prove to me I now consider you my peers and I am willing to fight the fight that you're fighting thank you
Channel: TNA Wrestling
Views: 840,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMPACT Wrestling, TNA Wrestling, TNA IMPACT, IMPACT Highlights, TNA, IMPACT, IMPACT Wrestling Highlights, TNA 2023, IMPACT Wrestling Full Show, IMPACT Wrestling Full Episode, Watch Wrestling, IMPACT Watch Wrestling, AEW, WWE, Wrestling, Pro Wrestling, WWE Raw, WWE Smackdown, AEW Dynamite, tna impact highlights, tna highlights, impact wrestling news, IMPACT Wrestling 2023, Main Event Mafia, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Sting, Mick Foley, Samoa Joe, Taz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 28sec (6688 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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