The Complete Guide for the Enneagram Type 9 in 6 Minutes! | EnneaBasics #enneagram9 #enneagramtypes

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Beth: We're gonna dive into the world of type 9s, which is my type, the peaceful accommodator. Now type nine s appear easygoing, pleasant, calm, always willing to accommodate to others and without strong preferences of their own. This hides the fact that they want independence and autonomy and not to be bothered so that they can experience the inner peace that they long for. Now, when life and people interrupt their peaceful state, they will try to accommodate to keep the peace so that they can quickly go back to that inner calm that they were experiencing or desiring to experience. They don't often express their desires and feelings because they believe that it will cause conflicts and discord. This causes them to suppress their anger and to go along to get along. Now remember, everything hinges on the four core motivations. A type nine's core fear is conflict, tension or discord, feeling shut out or overlooked, and losing connection with others. Their core desire is to have inner stability and peace of mind. But their core weakness is sloth. Now, this isn't about physical laziness, though we do like our cozy comforts. This is an inner slothfulness. They remain in an unrealistic and idealistic world to keep the peace, remain easygoing, and not be disturbed by their anger. fall asleep to their passions, abilities, desires, needs and worth. By merging with others, their core longing is to hear your presence matters. Now an overview of the Type 9 is that again, they're easygoing, non-judgmental patient people who long for harmony with others and the entire environment. They can see all points of view are natural peace keepers and change agents for reconciliation, and they bring a sense of calm and empathy wherever they go. When they try to satisfy their core longing for harmony, connection, and comfort, they become conflict avoidant, indecisive, passive, quickly, overwhelmed, and numb to their own lives. Internally, they struggle to believe that their voice and opinions matter and become self forgetting and self belittling. They focus too much on others and lose their own identity, merging with the thoughts, feelings, and agendas of others to achieve this false harmony that they think is there. fall asleep to themselves, yet have an internal frustration about being overlooked. See, we tend to train others to overlook ourselves, but we don't even know that we're doing that. It's a self sabotage. Now let's take a look at type nines in their relationships. Relationship issues can arise for type nines when they agree to things that they have no intentions of following through. Instead of dealing with the problems they may avoid conflict by becoming emotionally unavailable and withdrawn, they can also be very stubborn. Yep. They desire autonomy and don't want to be bothered, but simultaneously wish to feel connected and close with others. This can be very confusing for others, and nines have this deep well of anger that really comes up, but when it erupts, it's like a volcano. Now, others might go, whoa, where did this come from? It's been bottled up for a really long time. They can display their anger by becoming completely numb and denying it, or by being blind to it. They might actually express it in subtle and passive aggressive ways. Now, their inability to see their own actions negatively impacts others and can cause more distance in their relationships. Now when a Type nine is doing well, they are fully engaged with others and in life their communication style is kind, receptive, open. They're non-judgmental. They're peaceable, optimistic, and warm. They are easy to be with and they are good listeners. However, they're not doing as well, they can meander and conversations and talk style because they're unsure of really what they're thinking and feeling. They also might say yes when they really mean no about a fear of conflict or upsetting someone. Their attempt for harmony eventually backfires when people get frustrated by their passivity, stubbornness, emotional unavailability, and the passive aggressive responses that they can deliver. The results of this can be conflict, which they're actually trying to avoid, but a type 9 can become aware of their inner world and become awakened to their own convictions, feelings and passions. They believe when they're healthy, but they matter that they can make a difference in the world. And realizing that true peace comes by entering into conflict, not avoiding it. They genuinely encourage and support others even while saying the hard things. This bridges gaps in bringing people together and bringing real harmony. In fact, type nine s at their best, they realize that conflict can bring about the good that they desire when they carry it out in a healthy manner. They improve themselves by listening to feedback, not avoiding it, and they focus on their own perspective, not everyone's perspectives. And they recognize this deep frustration or anger that it's within them, and they can then express it more fully in a balanced way. They also apologize for making people frustrated, being passive aggressive. They honor themselves by taking time to say what they want, speaking up for themselves with self-confidence. Now they also have a profoundly positive effect on the world by becoming fully awake to their abilities and passions and then pursuing them. I hope that this helps you to see a fuller picture of the Type nine as an introduction. And as I mentioned the previous Enneagram videos, the enneagram is like an onion. There's so much to learn, so many big aha moments to experience. Now to represent the Type nine in our logo, we have the type 9 as a purple dot. Now as all color, there's not just one purple, there's many shades of purple. Not all type nines are exactly the same. But if you wanna know more about what it's like to be a type ninex, get our exploring this is a self-paced coaching course that will truly help you to understand your inner world and to help you to grow. I'm actually your coach there, so this will help you to understand that inner world that's so complex and confusing for the type nine s, it's like we have an internal fog. Let me help guide you, let me help you see through the fog so that you can know yourself, help you to grow and truly bless the lives of others.
Channel: Your Enneagram Coach
Views: 6,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1w2, 1w9, 2w1, 2w3, 3w2, 3w4, 5w4, 5w6, 6w5, 6w7. type 6, Enneagram, christian, enneagram gut triad, enneagram wings, enneagramtest, personality types, psychology, self-care, self-help, spiritual, type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4, type 5, type 6, type 7, type 8, type 9
Id: 7CBnMAbPqkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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