Ian Cron and the Enneagram

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[Music] the Enneagram is an ancient typology personality typing system that suggests that there are nine personality types in the world one of which we we each gravitate toward and adopt and childhood that's just a way to feel safe and to navigate the world of relationships it's important that you know that you contain each of these personality styles in you you're not just one that's called your dominant type these are all going on all the time but I got one as a superpower I have one that I have a particular grip on as you're gonna learn each of these types has a very very different pattern or way of seeing the world thinking feeling and acting that arises from a very powerful unconscious motivation that we pick up as kids as part of programming its messaging well I want you to remember that all children are narcissists they are by virtue of evolution is very important to them right the whole world revolves around them so whatever message they get what they hear is I am as I am treated now they begin to adapt stratagems and you know to cope with this terrible information so here we got this nine pointed you know diagram which explains its name any at nine right Graham meaning drawing they're divided really in two into three triads you'll notice that each of these is related to a part of the of the body right because each of them represents the center of intelligence your heart has an intelligence doesn't it it speaks to you it has a certain wisdom the head does obviously and your body has to wisdom your body tells you things all the time right you're in communication with multiple centers you know so eight nines and ones are more rooted in the body there are more instinctual types the twos threes and fours they lead with the heart and five sixes and sevens lead with the mind it doesn't mean they don't have you know the access to the other two is just they first lead with that one you know that's kind of where they lean if you if you were to put them in the center of a triangle so guts got try out people if you're an 8-month one you just encounter life in the first reaction you have is to do something and you tend to be at you tend to before thinking and anger is the emotion that's right beneath the surface of your skin all the time whether you know it or not it colors the internal atmosphere in the heart triad your first reaction to life is to feel something when I come into a space I don't think about it I don't react to it I begin to feel it I am I'm so emotional I am exquisitely emotionally attuned to the emotional atmosphere head triad when you first kind of life you think and plan and I don't don't overlook that word plan or get to it you tend to overthink things I tend to be overly emotional and you you got triad people tend to act before you think and for Hart tribe people shame is always waiting below the surface the forehead tribe people fear or anxiety is is always floating around underneath the surface right one things I love about the integrand is that it accounts for the back fact that the Enneagram is a system that respects the adaptive and fluid nature of the human personality you would be a very different person right now if you were on a battlefield in Afghanistan your personality would have to adapt to realities we go to different places and stress on this type so it's a very dynamic system you will always be your type I will never not be a four but if you'll notice the arrow going away toward the helper do you see that from a four do you see the arrow moving in the direction well that's just telling me that when I'm in stress I begin to act like an unhealthy - I'll explain that in a minute do you see that I don't stop being a four I just start to look like an unhealthy - I start to take on the look of right and when I'm doing great I move against the arrow it's called and I go to the healthy side of one as a perfectionist right get out of my imagination with all these great ideas for movies and books and you know all these creative soup appear and I actually do something I get organized I sit down and I write the dang book so there's healthy there's average and there's unhealthy which is what I would call asleep so part of the any grams journey is to help us wake up and stay out of that sleep state and to live in more conscious awareness okay they're only teaches the intagram saw that each of these nine types interior world and behavior was profoundly influenced by a susceptibility to one of the the seven deadly sins plus two now you and I are completely have this bouquet of you know types at our disposal at any moment I can be gluttonous or you know fearful or deceitful or whatever but I'm a person who just has available all that available to me but my primary sin and that one that has fueled my personality profoundly and shaped it profoundly is envy and and I when I get two floors you'll understand what but I I am of course so I commit all the others but this is I got a PhD in Envy okay and why is the passion or sometimes called the deadly sins so important because it is the glue that holds the structured your personalities together and it also fuels the perpetuation and the continuance of those aspects of your personality that may have helped you in the morning of life but ourselves sabotaging in the afternoon of life you are no longer a false self hidden behind a persona but things will begin to fall away that we're really helpful when you were two three four five six years old if prior to your having any God consciousness or awareness that God could take care and and now are standing as obstacles between who you are now and the person you would like to become let's just pray through some types can we do that and then I'll just describe them to you in great brief ok let's talk about the the first type so these people are called the challengers these are people who radiate so much strength and power and fearlessness when they walk into a room I'm not fooling you that larger than life presence doesn't just fill it it like colonized it they used to say about Frank Sinatra who was an 8 and a very diminutive guy in fact they his one of his you know his cronies used to say you could feel Frank walk into a room 15 minutes before he got there so these eighths their their passion is lust it's not necessarily in the sexual sense of the word although I think it probably does contain that it refers to this passion for excess it's a passion that seeks intensity in every area of life and I mean they want in density and if there is none they will bring it they have an insatiable appetite for stimulation immediate engagement with people in the environment and they are and they oppose anyone who tries to place limitations on them they have more energy than any other number on the inna gram now anger is their go-to emotion in the way that you will actually feel it sometimes it's like the dislike they radiate anger but you will confuse anger with intensity and sometimes it's just intensity what feels like intimidation to you feels like intimacy to them and what feels like confrontation and combativeness to you feels like connection to them like I'm not fooling him if things get born in my house my mother will stay something like I can't last another four years with this president I'd rather be hit by a bus and still stay in a room full of trump supporters see what I'm saying like and it's not that she's like it's getting boring in here you know click let's see let's see where the bodies drop when I see that when that goes off you know she may have voted for him it doesn't matter she just is not intense enough you know she wants to have a little debate let's go let's have it let's get it life here right here's the unconscious motivation and so listen by the way this is so important if you don't know your type and you want to figure it out do not look at traits and characteristics that I described listen for the unconscious motivation that determines your type the unconscious motivation of an a is to assert power and control over the environment and other people in service to hiding or denying weakness and vulnerability in themselves from others who might leverage it against them and hurt them so all of this outside behavior no it is really just a defensive strategy now if lust is there is there deadly sin the virtue they have to work on is innocent I would define innocence like this open heartedness without cynicism that's innocence and they don't have that to say oh they got to work on right and and and I have to remind it's all the time hey listen guess what this defensive powered-up posture that says don't screw with me is that is not courage it's cowardice vulnerability is what requires courage to reveal the tender heart that requires courage if eights are the most controlling number on the Enneagram 9s are the least controlling number on the Enneagram they're quick to love they're slow to judge they're pretty guileless never ask an idle eye for you in court I'm just I'm just telling you you will not you're dead but they have their shadow side too and and but with nines it's not as obvious right like their deadly sin of sloth and we usually associate that with physical laziness but that does not what it means it means in the literature of the Enneagram it's the laziness of the spirit Nine's in the average range are two disconnected from that instinctual drive that everyone needs to rise up and as Mary Oliver says of course to embrace their one wild and precious life and they just get disconnected from it you know if eights over express their anger Nine's under express their anger in fact they're asleep to it trust me when I tell you that 9s are every bit as angry as aids during the anger triad they're in little bit they're just as angry as aids it just doesn't come out externally like eights if they're asleep to it they're out of touch with it so were the way it comes out as passive-aggressively they don't even know it's leaking out and usually in the form of stubbornness let me just tell you about nine SAR only listening to you 60% of the time the rest of the time they may be dissociating or just kind of off thinking it's called the inner sanctum of the nine they sometimes I think part of us in order to conserve energy right they have less energy than other types so that so it's like okay they're like I'm going on eco power mode right now because I got I got some stuff I got to do the rest of the day or the ruminating about a conversation they had ten years ago and like how should I really have dealt with that I don't think I don't so the sloth has to do with the nines unwillingness to invest in their own growth and development as human beings and to really believe that their presence matters I mean part of the message of nine here's growing up is your presence doesn't matter they just sort of feel like well okay I'll just do whatever you want to do because I just know I'm gonna get outvoted or out energy too anyway so what the heck and they just go with the flow an unhealthy nine believes it's would rather have a relationship than a sell meaning that they will merge with a stronger bigger personality and their agenda for life or that a groups agenda for life without investing in their own life's journey and becoming themselves and owning and reclaiming personal Authority and that is the unconscious motivation of the night it is to avoid conflict at all costs maintain connection status quo conserve energy they are marvelous at being taken away from in essential essential tasks by in essential tasks they remember good prioritize because they're not used to you know dealing you know like pursuing their own agenda they pursue whatever is right in front of them they see the world through everybody else's eyes but their own you you see the big picture if an aids attention or one's attention is linear and laser focus yours is diffuse it sort of goes poof which also can make you if you're not very healthy appear Spacey and out of it you're so inclusive because you see everybody needs to belong everybody needs to be and you love consensus so your goal is to work at diligence which is saying to yourself I matter I should develop my own person I shouldn't always be supporting other people what Laughton x looks like supporting other people in truth is you drafting like a bike race around there on their rear ends it's you over identifying with another person thinking that's oh their success is my success to know it isn't become your own person don't merge with other people your deserve to become you alright let's talk about once ones are the great improvers of the angiogram these are our people through River Atticus Finch from to kill Mockingbird that's a one that's a healthy one these are people who see a world full of errors and mistakes it's when a one walks into a room the first thing they notice is why is that why are hanging out of the wall without about without anything how many ones do I have Annie did you notice it's spooky what you learn from the angiogram man right so they see they really they see a world full of errors and mistakes and they feel a bound an obligation to correct them to fix them they feel this obligation to do it like it's theirs to do so their underlying motivation expresses itself in their need to compulsively perfect themselves others in the world and to be right and they do this because I think ones have this fear that if they if they don't fix everything if they're not perfect themselves that sums eventually gonna jump out and criticize them which is a horrible thing for a one their passion is anger but really the way ones describe it to me is as resentment simmering resentment and it's right beneath the line so if you feel anger rating off of intensity rating up an eighth but you feel rating off of a one if they're unhealthy is resentment and the resentment is grounded in this belief that why isn't everybody else working as hard as I am to fix the world why am I having to make up for the slackers the nines and the eights who seem to be all down at the beach drinking colt 45 so playing volleyball wouldn't it be nice if I could do that but I can't because I have something to do and they'll always have something to do because there's a lot of mistakes in the world lots of mistakes out there of all the numbers so if eights go out with their anger 9s better sleep with their anger the anger of ones gets turned inward and they're always if eights overexpressed what's going on inside are the ones are always pushing it down down down down because anger is an inappropriate emotion it's not good once want to be good so what they do is they push it down it's called reaction formation this is why Hillary Clinton lost tamping down anger and bringing up its opposite so you know during the debates you got this person pacing behind her how do you think she felt what do you think she felt anger how did it express itself that's reaction formation you sometimes will be with and you know one and you'll know they're angry but they're smiling at you and you're like I know you hate me right now but why are you smiling at me it's because they don't want to let their anger out so there's this sort of smile it's something appropriate so they keep it tamped everybody they can be very buttoned up and they're very serious people if you want to know if someone someone given the dishwasher test which is you load the dishwasher and step back and watch what happens the one will come in they'll open the dishwasher and you'll hear the glottal sigh like this and then they unload the dishwasher and reload it right in front of you and what happens with the one when they're unhealthy is the resentment below the surface of the skin you pick it up like secondhand smoke in the air and what you feel it's saying to you is you will never live up to my high internal standards and you should be ashamed of yourself you get this kind of finger-wagging thing that's an unhealthy one leaking shame and a feeling of inadequacy onto other people when they are healthy though they're the most reliable beautiful diligent hard-working committed people on the planet so when you're healthy oh my gosh you know you represent the goodness of God in the world and you you are the great improver there's nothing you can't improve so they move on to - okay we're now into the heart triad right so these are people these are the three most image-conscious numbers on the anagram all right each of them projects an image to the world that because they don't fundamentally believe that they can be loved for who they are so they concoct an image for the world they throw up this image they're not sure actually there's anyone behind it lots of issues around identity so here's the image they'd be I'd be and they start to identify with this image the helpers are these beautiful human beings they're people who exist warmth and kindness and cheerfulness and they're incredibly generous when they're healthy they really are the love of God in the world and the giving is altruistic there are no strings attached when they're healthy when they're unhealthy it's a little loaded with strings so the unconscious motivation of the two is they have a compulsive need to be needed they're deadly sin is pride but you can't believe when you meet one but it is because a two believes actually that your needier than they are and they believe that you what that they know what you need more than you do and they're gonna meet that need whether you want them to or not whether you ask them to or not so we're on a really unhealthy - you may feel because they're old early emotional they're histrionic there's lots of love you may feel engulfed and overwhelmed if you don't like to be touched don't stand around - they can be too much of this love thing right it becomes engorged this the superpower of theirs which is emotional - but they're completely attuned to your feelings but not to their own that's what they need them's like no but they know exactly what you need they're like a radar O'Reilly if I told math show you know what I'm saying like they go there there before you are with what you need they're amazing that way the image that they send up for the world to see is its cheerful affable accommodating how can I help you thing you know I mean and they're afraid of that image comes down that they were so pleased that you could love them without needing them that you could love them without them having to do anything for you that they can just be you know remember the Evelyn Underhill quote where she says you spend most of we spend most of our lives conjugating the words to want to have and to do when the fundamental verb in the spiritual life is to be and twos don't know that serve serve serve serve serve serve serve and it's indiscriminate their caregiving is indiscriminate then the problem is that often is not altruistic without strings attached the string attached you'll feel like around it sooo that's not very healthy is that there's a quid pro quo arrangement being set up which is that I will meet your needs if you contract with me to meet my emotional personal physical me it's right when I need it without my having to tell you because I'm too proud and they may be out of touch I must think this stuff is conscious behavior it's not it's just but you see these patterns there's the archetypes you see them all over the place right they meet these people all the time so their work is actually it's humility and and what that humility is it's just simply to say I don't have all the resources the time the money the energy to meet the needs of everybody and just say yes to everybody's knees except my own I'm limited I don't have it all so they this is the work for them threes on the end agreement to call the achievers or the performers if twos are attuned to your feelings I mean wildly attuned think they walk into a room they find you they know you're sad before you do amazing well three scream in a room that they read not one person's feelings but the feeling of the whole room and they do what they're looking to do is they're launching audience analysis software and they're thinking to themselves who do I have to become to make these people admire me a to wants appreciation of three wants admiration fact they both want love and they settle for appreciation and admiration so they come in a room and they're like okay who do I gotta become like it's got Bill Clinton II and I think may also be a night but but you know because he cuts such good deals but you you come in the room and they're feeling it out and they go okay now I know you have to be up goes the mask and then begin to work the room and every single one of you by the time they leave the room we're gonna be like did you meet that tired now she's amazing because they actually just became who they knew intuitively who you wanted them to become and they became the best at it they became your poster child of you and your group that's why we say that so the unconscious motivation of the three is a need a compulsive need to succeed and to avoid failure at all costs all right they they believe that the world only values people for what they do not for who they are and so that you become a compulsive doer for them achievement equals love right and so where they get into trouble they're sinners deceit their deadly sins deceit because after a while well once you put on enough masks you just don't know who you are anymore you've worn so many masks and so they're you know you deceive not other people so much as yourself because you start to identify who you are with the mask you're wearing and it's not who you are so that you know you now know the image they project let me just tell you there are two numbers on the anagram it's very hard to watch crash and do their shadow work threes and sevens well what happens with the three is they have a big public fall let's say I've seen this in a a pastor comes in he's had a DWI right blah blah blah it comes in the room they're humiliated the mask is down they're not the performer anymore people are seeing through the ruse within two weeks if they don't have a good sponsor they will be running the meeting they will have become the most successful alcoholic recovering alcoholic in the room and everyone will go like wow we love that person we're just gonna follow him and that's when a good sponsor says you may not talk for six months because you're fully you know what you are working this room and and so they have to learn what's called authentic self honesty to come back to see to really become themselves and to trust that if they drop the mask the projection that their true self will naturally emerge and they'll come to know themselves alright so force you're called the Romantics you have this fundamental belief that you you were born with some kind of essential quality missing in in your person like at the very core of who you are and that without it you will never belong or fit in this world you are Edward Scissorhands in your own mind you will always feel like an outsider this explains the your unconscious motivation which is to be special and unique right because you feel like you need to be special and unique in order to compensate for the missing piece right you are exclusively attuned to your own feelings not the feelings of others and if you're unhealthy that's that's become self-absorption and narcissus and so you know the journey for the four is to realize no missing piece nothing's missing but they really do feel there's so much shame in the life of a floral it's so available to them it's right under I think they're the most shame based number on the intagram that's what we are this feeling like somehow or another there's just something off about us I would say that well with fours that they're very prone to melancholy but it doesn't it's not depression and the worst thing you can never say to a four is cheer up Victor Hugo who said melancholy is the happiness of being sad that's a four they actually enjoy and find solace in those bittersweet feelings of Zen's Oh inconsolable pining for the unnameable you feel what they're doing is pointing toward a far-off country and they're like don't you see don't you see and they feel this exquisite pining for it and what they're trying to do suing their work is to awaken that in you and so what happens with fours is what other types will do is they we rant they're weird vision of the world in three and a half minutes songs like Sufjan Stevens would be an example Bob Dylan's a fourth you know I mean it's like we rent that crazy weird vision of the world that is emanating from this wound if I don't belong I'm weird I'm odd I don't fit I felt that way my whole life which is why Envy is such an issue because what they Envy in you is your happiness so for fours there's this underlying motivation to show how and to highlight how special and different they are and their communication style is lament because there's a for what I wanted to do more than anything else is connect with you at the most deepest profound most meaningful intense place I am so comfortable with dark emotions and our gift actually is helping other people navigate the straits of the dark places and we tell them I know you didn't know this emotion existed or this dark place existed but I've lived down here I can help you know the problem is the problem forces they become addicted to their pain and their suffering and it over sometimes it overruns the banks and and so what happens with a for if they're become unhealthy it's just look at the list they all end up being very very self-destructive there was more suicides among floors the Sylvia Plath's of the world the the world became too much with them the feelings became too hard to manage the exquisite attunement to the other the longing that the the pain of it right and they are prone to depression and addictions the the really the gift they have to really develop virtue is equanimity which is to say to whatever life throws at you to not allow it to throw you off emotional balance because they're labile if they're all over the map they believe they are their feelings they don't have feelings they are their feelings all right moving on to five s very quickly we're in the last try it now so five should called the investigators observer would be a little bit better actually but these are people who are the most analytical and emotionally distant or remote people on the inia gram their unconscious motivation in life is to gather as much information in knowledge particularly about in each subjects as they can get their hands on in order to fend off feelings of inadequacy and ineptitude and from feeling engulfed in the world these are people who feel like life makes demands on them that are far greater than they have the resources to satisfy particularly in the relational sphere so twos you have a relationship tanker the most interpersonal arm of the immigrant it's bits endless 5/7 this big for relationships right and all day long they're watching this inner resource go down and they're hoping will I get home before the tank runs out so every phone call every meeting every unexpected encounter cost them more than you energy watch and it goes down it goes down it down at about four o'clock they go will they make it home before I give any more and when they go home what they do is the way they recharges their intensely private people who need solitude and they recharge with knowledge and information in books and like you go in their houses like you know copies of like 20 years of National Geographic as stacks you know they're disconnected from the emotional center really so their fear people and in order to cope with fear they go up into the head and they hide in the back of the mind where they feel more comfortable and where they recharge but they only have so much energy for relationships relationships are very draining for fives it doesn't mean they don't love you or care about you they only have so much before they need to withdraw into the life of the mind and recharge the work that the five has to do really is to learn generosity they have a scarcity mindset and so they believe that really that the life makes too many demands and so I got a routine that's what avarice is the deadly sin it's not that they're greedy in fact they are minimalist going to the bean you'll never find a five winning a fashion contest they're wearing clothes from ten years ago they ought to get new stuff would mean first of all energy and requiring maintenance and they want to save resources all the time because they want to remain maintained self-sufficiency they never ever want to rely on anybody for anything else very frugal and the thing with fives is is that they would rather observe life from a distance than participate in it as one five tells me that they they sit on the frame of life but they never actually entered the picture they're like anthropologists they're like Jane Goodall's of five they can just sit and watch and take notes on everybody and everything in their head and they are they have to learn that the more you give the more you receive in this life and that's your resources will not work by the way they make incredible artist George O'Keefe is a five do you realise to yourself when you see that painting it's like that painting reveals more to me about a Lily than any photograph I've ever seen it button you know what I'm saying like that's the power of observation of five house all right six is there's more view and in the world than any other type but you're probably less of you in this room than any other side because you're going in eeeh Graham what is that but does that mean I don't even know and how do you spell it and I'm not sure I should go to something about the anagram I'm gonna ask a lot of other people about it and find out their opinion by the time they get around to saying I guess it's okay the conference is over all right so they're called the loyalists and and they really are they're the most earthy practical fun people and they're healthy on the planet and they are what keeps us together the community binders the sixes steadily their fear the fear is really there their deadly sin and it comes in the form of anxiety they're anxious they're these are people who are constantly scanning the horizon looking for what's about to go wrong their worst case scenario thinkers I have one friend of mine as a 60 like he likes to say I suffer from pre traumatic stress disorder isn't that fantastic so anxiety is different than fear fears like there's really a real danger here it's a clear and present danger I should be afraid and run for as there is no clear and present danger so I'm asking myself what if there was a clear and present so I'm in Tribeca deleting a workshop and a woman comes up to me and she said I said I was describing this she starts laughing I said why are you laughing and she said because on the way over here I was walking down the street thinking to myself what if a van full of bombs came down the street hitting people what store would I run into and so everyone sees the world very differently right and and it's a very big mistake to presume in life that your way of seeing the world is normal you know and it's not a very healthy place to live so they see a dangerous world in which and you know disaster can strike at any moment and so they're there unconscious need is for is for to feel safe and secure that's their unconscious name that's what's motivating them now they're the only type of the number Enneagram has two variants phobic and counter phobic sixes it's important to know this so they're all six that are fixated on Authority why because they want to feel safe and secure they don't trust their inner guidance system so they're always looking to outside authority figures to deal with their fear right and so they see an authority figure as being the person who has the key to their safety and security this is why I think we have such a rise of fundamentalism why we have so much political polarization and groupthink sixes do groupthink when they're unhealthy because what happens is they don't trust that inner guidance system how to deal with fear and they look to an authority figure who promises that they will take care of all their safety and security issues this is why you have television that preys on fear like cable channels that prey on people's anxiety and why politicians of all stripes are playing off of fear because there are no more sixes than anyone else and sixes will go okay you got all the answers I will follow the neck line Oh reformed theology with everything spelled out I'll do that for Catholicism oh I'll do that or the or Bob you know the pastor says to read this and do that and I'm not healthy six begins to look outside of themselves to outside authority figures to help them do life and promise to keep them safe now you see where that goes in a bad situation in the world right so their job is to learn how to be to trust their own true nature the second kind of six is called a counter phobic six some of you will think that an unhealthy eight is a bully and now it's not true because they're not afraid bullies are afraid a counter phobic six that is out of touch with their fear they don't know they're afraid and when they're unhealthy they can become police so counter phobic six rather than a phobic six would rather submit than rebel and counter phobic stakes would rather rebelled and submit what they will do is tear down the authority figure because they think that's the source of danger so they literally want to conquer their fear you see that that's but it's just trying to deal with the same fear just differently the work they had to do is to learn faith because in their learn that you no matter what happens God's in control more to tell you about six dominant and on seven so you ready I love sevens think of Stephen Colbert that's a seven you know sevens are the joy balm of the Enneagram these are wonderful human beings so there are unconscious motivation is a desire to avoid be the difficult and painful feelings but always focusing and their attention on a wonderful beautiful unlimited possibility free future every new adventure oh my gosh never new fascinating new idea right the the archetype of the of the unhealthy seven would be Peter Pan they just never want to grow up they spawn 11 Never Land forever and ever - they don't want to ever feel bad feelings remember when Peter Pan is faced with the up with a possibility of death on the little boat out in the river and he says he's like really worried for a second and he goes wait a minute death that will be the greatest adventure of all we just saw a great defense mechanism sevens which is reframing they can turn a bad feeling into a good feeling like that do you know I'm saying like like that and you're like whoa wait a minute you just tried to avoid feelings that the rest of us would be having in this moment by turning a bad thing into a good thing like silver linings flying everywhere because I don't want to deal with the difficult feelings that come with hard stuff so it's funny at 15 these are often the class clown what's often funny at 15 just called shallow at 30 right because suffering is what makes you a person if death I have a seventh son this is the picture that characterizes every seven on the planet that is a 21 year old man that will be living at home and eating my money and having the best time of his life for the next 10 years probably now when a7 crashes it's a terrible thing but if stewarded correctly it's the thing that needs to happen so they know they can survive those feelings and stop gluttonously eating joy you know what I mean so the work they have to work on obviously is sobriety which is an abstinence but it's really to come back to the present moment get out of the future stop the monkey mind get serious about something focus and subtle in gather some depth from suffering okay I I really believe that the Enneagram is terribly helpful at beginning the conversation of Who am I who lives inside of here who is in control it is a terrible shock to the ego and to any human mind when it realized I'm far less in control over my life than I know so the Enneagram I think is a very simple tool for helping us bring into conscious awareness a lot of the drives and motivations and hidden presences and visible forces that we might see them and live in more conscious awareness and live with more conscious intentionality in the world in freedom that we might be able to learn how to monitor our interior world on a moment-to-moment basis and properly regulate it and in cooperation with God spirit obviously to bring it in alignment to his agenda of love and redemption in the world that sounds pretty good done it [Music]
Channel: FULLER studio
Views: 58,747
Rating: 4.8309278 out of 5
Keywords: Fuller, Theological, Seminary, Studio, Story, Theology, Voice, Art, Film, Video
Id: pZEvsBVulsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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