The Complete Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Story So Far.. (UPDATED)

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let's talk about the story of Modern Warfare so far Our Story begins with Alex Keller an operative of the special activities division of the CIA who was assigned to a team of United States Marine corpse by his Handler Kate lwell the reason for this is to find and retrieve a toxic chlorine gas which is to be shipped to urzikstan for an attack by Russian general Roman barov Alex and the team of Marines clear out a base of Russian soldiers to secure the chlorine gas as they complete their mission and are ready for extraction they are ambushed by what seems to be a terrorist group or insurgence I got you I got you 31 who the [ __ ] is this this attack seemed to be focused towards the Russian soldiers however these attackers killed the Marines in the Ambush and Alex is Left Alive because one of the attackers realized they were not Russian but were actually American soldiers they immediately clear out with the chlorine gas in their possession according to reports a day later in padil Circus London there has has been reports of suspicious activity due to the stolen Russian gas there is a fear that there may be a terrorist attack and London will be turned into a war zone here we meet Sergeant Kyle Garrick and his team they are tasked with stopping any immediate danger to the public while in traffic on padil circus Garrick and the team spot a van with weapons and what appears to be explosives they immediately turned their attention to the van and try to stop it as the team begins to pull out members of the vehicle the van suddenly takes off and Rams in the middle of Picadilly G gun this causes a massive explosion in the blink of an eye the air is filled with fog and gunfire terrorists are coming from all angles the Metropolitan Police and what remains of Sergeant Garrick's team fight to defend and stop the invasion of Picadilly circus as Garrick makes his way through the war zone in London to a group of hostages he is ambushed and facing death when he is saved by Captain John Price who is part of the Special Air Service in the British army Captain John price was sent to Picadilly by Kate lwell who contacted the experienced Captain as she feared for the worst when the Russian gas was stolen after meeting with Sergeant Garrick they find themselves in an extremely dire situation a man with an explosive vest and a timer with 20 seconds left Captain Price ask Sergeant Garrick if he can stop the timer but without the proper tools or time to figure out how they must act and Captain John Price makes the difficult decision in sacrificing the man to save Sergeant Garrett and the other hostages in the building the Special Air Service team led by Captain Price is able to stop the terrorist attack with the help of the London Police they take back control of the Picadilly circus and they plan for their next move Sergeant Garrick reveals to Captain Price that he and his team had crucial Intel on the bombers that attack padil which are revealed to be a terrorist organization Al catala with this information Captain Price brings Sergeant Garrick into his unit to take care of the man responsible for this attack and possibly find their leader this leads to a raid on a London townhouse filled with Al catala members meanwhile back in ekhan Alex finds himself in the city of akabi on orders of Kate lwell here he is to continue his search for the stolen gas while in the city he is to look for help from The ukhan Liberation forces here Alex hopes to meet with Farah kareim she is the one in Comm command of The Liberation forces Alex is able to get an in with the help of Captain Price by using his name while meeting with the rebel group far meets with Alex face to face and Alex informs Farah he needs her help in locating and securing the Russian gas but of course nothing is free so Farah agrees on the condition that Alex helps her push back on General barkov's forces located in zakhan without much thought at all Alex agrees to help Pharaoh now Alex and phoh make their way through underground tunnels to meet with Pharaoh's Uncle who has explosives that will take down the air advantage that barkov's men have over the city of oabi after reaching the surface and making their way to the location of these helicopters Alex sees the true Horrors that the people of ekhan face when they disobey General barov these punishments include torture hanging and execution by gunfire Alex comes to the conclusion that more needs to be done however for now blowing up a couple of helicopters needs to be enough after this attack on the helicopters Alex and Farah meet with hadir far's older brother as they prepare to take an air base control by General barkov's men with Alex helps and the US military The urzikstan Liberation forces are able to take the air base from the Russians and limit their press in the country for a little bit of time this allows for the us to move through urzikstan more freely quiet working with an ultra naist group they'll handle operations in the East after the attacks trust take down get down get down don't shoot just you please clear the earlier raid from Captain PR and Sergeant Garrick on the London townhouse provided information on the location of Omar sulan Alias the wolf who is the leader of Alcala the terrorist organization responsible for the London attack he could be in possession of the stolen chlorine gas we've been hunting Omar is located in a hospital in the city of ramaza Alex and the unit of Marines make their way to the hospital as they push forward they face a barrage of men upon entering the hospital they find even more push back the hospital has been completely overrun by the wolf's men dark dangerous and a sea of dead man and woman filled its floors at times they don't even know if those that are dead are truly gone after killing their way through the hospital they get eyes on Omar suan who is about to execute American hostages for his cause Alex is able to stop him just in time with the help of the Marines with the capture of the wolf they begin to extract him to the US Embassy located in urzikstan here Alex Farah and hadir interrogate the wolf hoping to get the location of the chlorine gas however a mob has formed right outside the embassy walls led by Jamal rahar Alias the butcher who is the second in command of the Alcala organization he is looking to invade the embassy and kill everyone in it if the wolf is not handed over Alex and faroh refuse and a raid into the embassy ensues however Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick are on their way to the Embassy to extract sulaman to a safe house for further extraction into the United States on their way to the Embassy Captain Price and Sergeant Garrett get hit with an RPG and they barely make it out alive landing on the roof of the United States Embassy building they make their way downstairs to find sulon and Alex on their Journey Through the destroyed wreckage inside the building they witness how cruel and evil the Alcala group can be killing civilians and US officials alike the butcher especially as he murders a father and son right in front of Sergeant Garr making this more personal for the sergeant Mercy is weak after making into the safe room where Alex Fara sulaman and hadir are trapped they need to make their way through the embassy's parking lot and head for the safe house mentioned earlier after battling more members of the Alcala group the team finally makes it to the safe house where they put sulan in a safe room and prepare to defend the safe house from attackers looking to free their leaders after a long and Powerful assault Captain Price and Cole are able to hold off most of the [Music] attack me SC now but once they return to the safe room to get Suleman they find an empty safe and no trace of the wolf he has vanished he is once again in the wind Farah has an idea of where the wolf may go and if he is to escape through the mountains there is only one road that he can take take the Tariq Al mawat which translates to the highway of death with this knowledge in hand Farah sends hadir and his men to the crossroads for an ambush where Alex joins them Alex and Farah scope out the Tariq almat for signs of Omar sulan many convoys come through the highway trying to clear path for the wolf We Begin an attack on them in hopes of stopping the wolf from escaping again the forces of Alcala are extremely heavy during this attack and overwhelm Fara and her forces hadier says he has very powerful explosives that they can use against the attackers in his truck once Alex and hadir reached the truck with the EXP Alex comes to find out that it's the Russian gas he's been searching for hadir deploys the gas and almost kills Alex and far in the process here Alex finds out that it was hadier who ambushed him and the Marines during the first mission to secure and retrieve the chlorine gas hadier did this without the approval of his sister and used the gas in the attack without her knowledge Alex and Farah pass out as hadir escapes it's at this point in the story where we get a flashback to 20 years earlier to a wounded phah who is trapped underneath Rubble as she comes to she sees her dead mother next to her there have been an attack on her Village and the attackers were ruthless she is held by survivors and brought out of the rubel her father finds her and takes her to their home to find hadier after reaching their home they plan an escape to the mountains however before exiting the house they are attacked by a Russian officer phah runs to hide as her father fights the attacker and wounds him however in the struggle their father is shot at close range and is incapacitated Farah uses her wits and size to outsmart the Russian attacker with the help of Hader they are able to kill him they find their dying father on the floor he relays one final message to both of his children you survive whatever it takes Never Back Down with these words they leave their father and make their way through the Battle Zone to reach a vehicle and escaped to the mountains on their Journey they witnessed the ruthless murders of their people and how evil The Man Behind the attack is his name is barov and he is ruthless faran hadir encounter a young boy as well who is dead via a gunshot wound it scares them and only reinforces Their Fear and anger towards barov and his Russian forces finally after reaching a vehicle they are ready for an escape but they are caught last minute by General barov who is amused that a young girl like Farah was able to kill a couple of his soldiers after this flashback Farah and Alex awake and find Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick are there to help here far lets price know she had no idea that hadir stole the gas and then she lets everyone know that hadir is no longer her brother the team meets up with lastwell to discuss next moves here we have Captain Price Sergeant Garrick Alex and Farah they are ready to kill the wolf and get their hands on that gas before more damage can be done phah wants to help with this and also wants to catch her brother for betraying her Captain Price insisted on having phah on his team lwell complies and gives execute authority to everyone in the room the team sets out to the wolf's compound where it is believed that Omar sulan is hiding after entering the compound and dispatching Alcala forces we find an underground tunnel where the wolf is believed to be the team head down the tunnel with Farah and Alex leading but an exp expion destroys the entrance before Captain Price and Garrett can join them Alex and Farah make their way through the tunnels killing Mora katala as they go shortly after Farah and Alex are separated and each must find their own way to the wolf Alex is making his way to the top when his ladder collapses and right before falling to his death Farah saves him they move the rest of the way together and finally reach the leader of alcat Sala Omar sulan however they find him with an explosive vest Farah shoots Omar and she and Alex work together to stop the vest from going off and with 1 second left they do so the team extracts the body of the wolf and returns to B with Farah to Target hadier next however before they can move on Farah is informed she and her Liberation forces are now considered a foreign Terror organization by the US government and will be treated as such this infuriates Alex and he pleads for phah but it falls on deaf ears here Alex makes a tough decision he decides he is going back to zakhan with Farah and her Army he will no longer serve the CIA as he leaves Sergeant Garrett lets him know if he needs anything he'll have friends nearby Farah talks with price in the meantime and he assures her this is far from over after this we get a glimpse to 10 years earlier and at this time Farah and her brother and many of her resistances is being held prisoners by General barov he plans to murder hadir and the resistant members while getting information at a far Through Torture a bit later there is an attack on the prison where General barov stayed he quickly flees here and now we get to see how Farah and Captain Price met he saves her and her brother and offers a safe Passage through the highway and an area to Camp while they plan their next move here we see far trust in Captain Price back to the press and we see Captain Price propose a trip to STS Peterburg Russia to get a hold of the butcher here lwell tells him she can get them in after that they are on their own Captain Price meets with Nikolai an old comrade and takes Sergeant Garrick with him their plan is to cat the butcher alive and get information from him on the whereabouts of hadier and the Russian gas a fight breaks out and Sergeant Garrick along with Captain Price chase the butcher through the streets of Russia finally catching the butcher they take him to a secure location for questioning the methods used could be looked at differently by many but to get the job done and break the butcher the team must play his game Captain Price has took hostage the butcher's wife and son with their life on the line the butcher ironically breaks he who murdered women children and helpless men breaks at the notion that someone will do the same the butcher gives him the location of hadir and the gas here is where they realize that hadir is going after barov and in doing so will start a much bigger war on all fronts Sergeant Garrick executes Jamal rahar and puts an end to his reign of terror go [Music] War Boss what the hell are we doing here we're cleaning up a mess with women and children they were leverage they were hostages when you take the gloves off you get blood on your hands Kyle that's how it works where do we draw the lineer sir you draw the line wherever you need it Sergeant end of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark we get dirty and a world stays clean that's the mission now if you're having second thoughts then I can do this on my own the captain and Garrick rais to stop hadir from starting World War III this takes them to balushi mova where they have located the residence of General barov however hadir's forces have taken over and killed everyone standing in their way Sergeant Garrick makes his way through the huge residence and along with Captain Price locate hadir in a safe room after finding hadir he reveals that he has the location of where the chlorine gas is being made and he was planning to stop it and destroy the chemical gas Factory he tells Captain Price they are still on the same team and just wants to kill barov however the lines have been blurred and Captain Price cannot be on the same team as Hader when their methods and reasons are very different however this information will come good soon now Captain Price and Sergeant grick Must Escape with hadir intact and meet at the extraction point they fight their way through General barkov's forces and Escape through tunnels after escaping hadir as the captain for help in taking down the lap but at this point hadir is done there's nothing that he can do or offer to change his future he he does plead with price and tells him to show Farah the plans of the chemical Factory and to tell her the whole truth here we see lwell show up and inform Captain Price that Hader will be turned over to the Russian government price reluctantly agrees but informs lwell he has important Intel and will be doing what he believes is necessary with it she then offers a helping hand a little while later we find Captain Price back in ukhan where he and Sergeant Garrick have come to meet with Farah and her Liberation forces Farah is on high alert regardless as she knows she's considered a terrorist threat and is conscious on what the captain's intentions may be so with attention's high price informs Farah about his plan to take down the chemical fact and shows her the plans Hader found far was skeptical at first but understands this is her chance to kill barov as well she agrees to help price and together they begin a covert operation to take down the Gas lab which is located in Eastern Georgia a covert operation to destroy barkov's gas lab Nikolai is on the inside he'll provide the explosives two teams will infiltrate Garrick and I will plant charges on the pipeline far and Alex you'll get a Detonator from Nicolai and rig the main furnace the assault of the gas lab is a huge task with barkov's forces attacking relentlessly and in huge numbers when we reach the gas lab building Alex and Farah go together to plant the explosives in the lab while Captain Price and Sergeant Garrett head over to set the remaining explosives outside of the building everything is going according to plan until the Detonator that Alex has is broken in an ambush attack by a Russian in a juggernaut suit when Farah and Alex reach the lab they realized they'll have to set the explosives manually with almost zero chance of escaping Farah decides to sacrifice herself for her PE people and destroy this gas that has caused so much pain but Alex volunteers himself to the cause and takes Fire's place I've been an assignment my whole life this is what I believe in give me the order you are a freedom fighter Alex you're a born leader far say the [Music] word go yes ma'am Alex is sacrificing himself for something he believes in a cause bigger than himself and he feels great pride in doing so this also provides the chance for Farah to get her hands on General barov and finally put an end to his reign as barov Escapes in his helicopter Farah has somehow snuck in and catches barov off guard stabbing him multiple times and throwing him off the helicopter at last she kills barov and claims a huge victory for ö stand moments later the lab explodes concluding this massive story as things have quol down we find lwell and Captain Price sitting in a coffee shop here Captain Price is looking to form a new task force that doesn't have to follow the standard rules lwell is reluctant in agreeing but in the end Grand's Captain Price wishes in this task force price named Sergeant Kyle Gaz Garrick John soap Mavish and Simon ghost Riley the rest will be on need to know basis and he names this Task Force 141 here we conclude the story of Modern Warfare Warfare 2019 this is a great campaign and one of my absolute favorites in gaming Point Blank period from the movie like cut scenes and incredible writing to the extremely well-crafted missions not much goes wrong here it's a story deserving of all this praise and one also deserving of an equally great sequel Now we move on to Modern Warfare 2 our story finds us in almazar as ghost makes his way through canyons and soon we hear the voices of Kate lwell General Shephard and Commander Graves who is part of the Shadow company a tier 1 private military company the reason for the visit to the deserts of almazar is a recon mission ghost is Task with finding General gorbani who is the commander of Iran's kuds forces who is having a private meeting with Russian forces seeking an arms trade deal this would be the Commander's last stop as the shadow company led by Commander Graves launches a missile on the Deo [Music] site [ __ ] direct killing their target gorbani we cut to several months later and we see chief of station Kate lwell meeting with General Shepard in Washington here she informs the general that Hassan xani who is a major in Iran's qus forces is seeking revenge against the United States for the assassination of their Commander General gorbani Hassan is launching this attack with the help of Al catala one of the main terrorist groups that the team dealt with during the events of modern warfare in 2019 lwell informs the general that Hassan is currently in al- mazra where he is in Striking Distance they immediately sent a marinees operations unit led by Ghost with the assistance of Sergeant John so Mavish to capture or kill major Hassan upon landing on Al masra the unit separates into two teams ghost leads team one on the ground to find Hassan however the chopper carrying team two is shot down ghost and soap decide to diverge from the mission to help team two go movement engage Shooters at the wall you called to help [ __ ] get you gun up drop one one get close just two3 hit down he's dead keep your gun in the fire Blood Fire only a few left finish her after a hefty battle they regroup and head over to their destination but upon arriving they realized that Hassan has escaped this being a consequence for helping the Fallen Chopper they continue to explore the grounds for any clue of what Hassan was doing in alaza here they find a weapons room containing us missiles Hassan has been giving these missiles to Alcala Shepherd assigns lwell to find out how Hassan got these missiles and where they may end up next As for the ones found in Alazar General Shephard has ordered ghost to order an air strike and get rid of them lwell somehow figures out that Hassan may be smuggling these missiles through Amsterdam due to their friendship with Iran she informs the general that Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick are currently in Amsterdam tracking an AQ cell and they can be of use in finding the smuggling operation Kate lwell informs the general that she will be meeting the captain in Amsterdam to make sure nothing goes wrong later we find Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick headed towards a boat that is believed to have members of Al catala on it after dispatching the guards outside the boat they head onto it here they find members of Las Aras cartel which is a Mexican drug organization they find that Alcala and Las Almas are working together with Hassan a meeting is scheduled to happen between AQ and las Alas Intel suggest that this meeting is to move something after intersecting this meeting and catching a high value Target they are informed that Las armas is smuggling Hassan across the Mexican border into the United States tapped into a surveillance drone my on this leads Kate lwell to reach out to Colonel Alejandro Vargas who is commander of the Mexican Special Forces Unit Los vakos Kate lwell informs Alejandro about this and Tas him with stopping Hassan and crossing the border now on the US border line we find Colonel Alejandro Vargas and his second in command rodulfo par on the hunt for Hassan xani they are a few freet away from the wall separating the US and Mexico they catch a small glimpse of Hassan hopping the wall Alejandra and rodulfo swiftly dispatched the cartel members helping Hassan but cannot prevent him from getting into Texas Alejandra informs last well that he will cross over as well to try and catch Assan she advises against it as he has no jurisdiction and there is no help nearby regardless he decides to proceed with rodulfo soon they find themselves in a neighborhood with a strong mexican presence they must find Hassan quickly before he disappears for good they search house to house until they are stopped by Texas police officers who mistake them for criminals upon realizing that these men are associated with Kate lwell they let them go but before doing so they are bond by a cartel member defending the house where Hassan is believed to be alej and rodulfo are able to handle the barrage of bullets headed their way and rodulfo heads inside the house while Alejandro stays outside to guard rodulfo encounters a couple of problems on his way through the home but deals with them quickly upon reaching the upper level and entering the last room he is ambushed by two men and shot in the shoulder Hassan quickly reveals himself to the Mexican Special Forces Soldier and tells him he plans to attack the United States as this is going on the room Hassan was in is being filled with gas and Hassan intends to burn the home down along with any information rodulfo is Left Alive by Hassan believing he should suffer the same fate as his Fallen General he wants r o to burn alongside the house before the home Burns rodulfo is able to read a map where it indicates that Hassan is moving something by ship into the United States as the Mexican Soldier welcomes death Colonel Alejandro drags him out of the burning room after this mess Kate lasswell informs General Shephard about the events in Texas he decides he'll send ghost and soap to help Colonel Alejandro and his special forces catch aan who is now once again in Mexican territory to avoid a possibility of war between the United States and Mexico General Shepherd is sending Philip Graves and his shadow company to land a hand they'll be able to help without involving the United States government a while later we see Ghost and so welcome by Colonel Vargas and rodulfo to an air base in Las Almas Mexico from here they head to a safe house where Hassan is believed to be along the way soap and go see how the cartel runs Las Almas with killings in broad daylight recruiting soldiers and kids to work for them and the one behind this Pacific cartel is a nameless leader only known by El Alejandra explains how he can't even trust the military station in Las Almas because he does not know who is in El's Pockets he relies mainly on his special Forces Unit Los Vos wait for to the bik oh yeah hey Tano easy that's normal here guns on the street is jurisdiction of the police where are the police buas alas has a very serious problem there are a few here to uphold the law and many of those who resist corruption disappear what about the military well because we're well trained soldiers are recruited by the naos why not you we grew up here Callos bakos Cowboys we love this place and we will die fighting for it upon arriving at the small town where Hassan should be located they split up Alejandro ghost and soap begin the hunt once again for Hassan xani after dispatching members of the cartel guarding the abandoned town the team finds out that they've just missed Hassan however they see they are immediately surrounded by Mexican military they are not their allies as Colonel Vagas informs them these men are paid by the cartel the Mexican forces are too strong and push the team into the mountains where they are looking for extraction here Alejandro calls his second in command rodulfo to bring a vehicle nearby the team makes their way to the mountains fighting off the military as they go a member of Los vakos Rodriguez is killed in action crossing a steep Mountain Pass they eventually reach a dead end and they have to jump into the river they meet resistance here but Commander Graves and his shadow one company come in with air support clearing a path for the ground team they reached their extraction vehicle Graves informs the ground team that they have a location for Hassan he was moved to a compound not too far from their current location they make their way over there however there is lots of cartel presence but with the air support from the shadow company they dispatch them fairly easily the team moves into the compound and finally catch Hassan they extract him to the desert for questioning where Alejandro Graves ghost and soap are present they get General Shepard and K lasswell to join via video You're the commander of a foreign Terror organization I can say the same to you what's your target major what was your target when you sent missiles to my land oh why gas to nail your ass so insolent and foul mouth you'll learn to respect me when your nation sees fire you're in bed with the cartel Hassan if you disappeared no one would know where to look for the [ __ ] stain they question Hassan on the location of the missiles but Hassan reveals nothing General Shepherd wants to kill Hassan but Kate reminds him that killing Hassan starts a war with Iran and holding him is illegal they must let Hassan go but before doing so ghost and K L will hack into Hassan's phone and and find out that Hassan is in communication with someone in Spain the cartel is using a warehouse as a front for smuggling Kate believes Hassan may be looking to move the missiles through here she Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick head off the coast of Spain to see if they can intercept the missiles Kate remains on the boat to provide support while Captain Price and Garrick head on foot into the warehouse after searching Sergeant Garrick finds no missiles however they find a map containing underground tunnels beneath the lighthouse located nearby they head over there and cleared the soldiers guarding it these however are not cartel they are Alcala forces here they also find Russian weapon this means that they are helping the Alcala with Firepower this puts the team on high alert as whatever is being protected here is important to Hassan after Captain Price and Sergeant Garrett clear the tunnels they find a submarine that can potentially move missiles they inform Lao of their findings but Kate is ambushed by incoming boats and she is taken by Al catala forces now Captain Price and his team must get her back Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick informed General Shepherd the last one has been captured and they must get her back as soon as possible as her life is in danger General Shepherd and fors Captain price that he is on his own and he will not provide support he also makes sure that Captain Price knows that this is his fault as it happened on his mission OK catala have taken lwell to familiar territory they've taken her to ekhan and are believed to be taking lwell to Alazar to disappear her Garrick tells Captain Price they'll need an army to combat the AQ in their own territory Captain Price assures Garrick he'll have an army ready n Captain it's far it's time Ro whe down in one we cut to the deserts of ekhan and we see Farah and her Liberation forces are ready to help Captain Price get lwell back far informs the team that lazell is being held at the front of a convoy led by the Alcala she is in a black SUV the team must get her back before the Convoy escapes and kills her this starts a battle on the streets of ekhan with many soldiers and vilians being killed due to the aqs ruthlessness after much back and forth Sergeant Garrick is able to reach the front of the Convoy and free Kate lwell who doesn't seem to be needing much saving as she breaks the neck of one of her captors lwell is safe and everyone regroups Captain Price and lwell thank Farah for her help lwell informs the captain that she has no information the missiles were never in Spain but their guiding systems were Now The Guiding systems are on the missiles and are being prepared for use the only two people that know where these missiles are located are H xani and the Las armas cartel leader eling their only hope of finding these missiles is to catch sing and extract the information from him we cut to Las Almas Mexico where Graves ghost soap and Colonel Vargas are looking to capture sing there is a party being held at the lieutenant of eles estate according to sources from Alejandro Vargas there is a big meeting to discuss the recent events that have occurred in Las Almas involving Los vakos ghost soap and the shadow company of course the lieutenant doesn't know all of this information and the team decides that that's a perfect way to infiltrate the party have one of them go willingly to meet this lieutenant and give them the information that's useful in hopes of meeting El so volunteers to be the one to go in and give his information Alejandra will follow closely in Disguise as a soldier for its in upon entering the estate soap is escorted downstairs where he meets Diego a high ranking member in the Las Almas cartel he informs so that the second in command for sbre is here and her name is Valeria if she deems useful the information we give she may let us meet El during the meeting with areia we understand that she is a ruthless killer as she is interrogating and killing Mexican soldiers that failed to deliver for a now soap needs to survive his interrogation but he is at the mercy of a cold-blooded killer Valia begins to question soap and a military commander on the events mentioned earlier soap tells the truth with every question which is valuable to Valeria however the military commander has no answer and an aggravated Valeria orders Diego to kill the commander as she has no use for useless soldiers like him the military commander pleads but is shot in the head after this Valeria let so go upstairs into the party while she relays the information she gathered to elre upstairs along with Diego on the top level in a penthouse here Alejandro gets a hold of soap once again providing him with a mask and a gun he must contact the team and inform them that Lombre is in the penthouse and that they must capture him now before he disappears again soap makes his way through the party and heads upstairs quietly he finds Diego in a room with one guard soap kills the guard and then stabs Diego in the throat killing him and taking his key card with access to the top floor we meet up with Alejandro and head to the room SRE is supposed to be in soen Alejandro spy into the room and realize that elre is not a he it's Valeria who has taken the name to Reign fear Over Las Almas soap and Alejandro quickly entered the room dispatch of the guards while Valeria makes an escape but the team has her surrounded and they capture sbre and extract her to Alejandro's military base for questioning here we get a little bit of history on Valeria and Alejandro's relationship they served in the same unit but different squads Alejandro knew however that Valeria Squad was being paid by a cartel leader for protection and one day they took that cartel leader to the mountains and he disappeared Valeria created a power vacuum in Las Almas and she took advantage by filling that position herself she became elre and took over the cartel she wants to cut a deal for the information that she knows Alejandro cannot stand this and leaves the interrogation Commander Graves from the shadow company lets Valeria know what information she needs Valeria tells the team the location of the missiles and upon their return she'll tell them where Hassan is located after this she expects to be let go and for the team to leave Las Almas don't make a deal with her won't end well [Music] looks like it's your turn to tell the truth I want the missiles I want the Target and I want Assan and you've got 10 seconds or I'm going to show you the difference between the military and me I don't know the targets I'm a courier I move things I can tell you where to find the missiles when you return I'll tell you where Hassan is in exchange you will let me go and get the [ __ ] out [Music] of deal until then you're staying right here Valeria reveals the location of the missiles to be on a non-operational Oil Rig located in the Gulf of Mexico this is used by the cartel as a smuggling Dead Drop and 500 ft away from the oil rig there is a cargo ship carrying a large container Intel believes that the missiles were on that ship but the container looks to have been moved onto the oil rig not too long ago the ship and the rig need to be taken over simultaneously GH will lead team one in in taking control of the cargo ship while Commander Graves soap and Alejandro take point on team two which will take over the oil rig General Shepard informs the teams he wants all threats eliminated as team two clears out the oil rig the cartel set the missile in motion the clock is now ticking they must reach the controls to stop the missiles from launching they realized that the controls are not on the oil rig but on the cargo ship that sits 500 ft away Graves and soap head head over to assist ghost and team one in clearing the cargo ship and reaching the controls as team two clear out the oil rig the cartel set the missiles in motion the clock is now ticking they must reach the controls to stop the missile from launching they realize that the controls are not on the oil rig but on the cargo ship that sits 500 ft away Commander Graves and Sergeant soap head over to assist Lieutenant ghost and team one in clearing the cargo ship and reaching those controls the clock is running down and a gunfight breaks out on the cargo ship the team dispatches all possible threats Graves and soap work together to rework the missile and blow it up on the oil rig because it is too late to stop it from launching and its current destination is New Orleans soap and graves are successful in reworking the missiles and all active threats have been dealt with shortly after we cut to the team headed back to Colonel Alejandro's base however they are stopped at the entrance by Commander Graves and his shadow [Applause] company what's this this is the immediate Fusion step away from the gate what you heard me you crazy this is my base not a base this is a sizable Cobra facility and I admire it so I'm taking you boys have been relieved thank you for your service no no no no I don't take orders from you didn't Valaria say that now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with the drug lord what the [ __ ] did you just say to me been the of L briefs don't do that don't do that no one needs to get her here are you threatening US soldier I don't make threats I make guarantees so let's not do this they have taken Alejandro's base and relieved the team of their duties on General Shepherd's orders this enrages Alejandro who attacks Graves he is pinned against a car and is handcuffed Graves proceeds to attack soap who quickly uses a shadow company Soldier as cover ghost dispatches two members of The Shadow company with ease soap is shot in the right arm and is wounded he jumps a barrier to escape ghost also manages to to escape the Ambush now alone soap must find his way through the streets of Las Almas filled with members of The Shadow company who are ruthlessly killing civilians and cartel members looking for soap and ghost on orders from Graves and to make matters worse soap has no weapons at his disposal he must evade and hide until he is able to escape as soap collapses from some blood loss he hears ghost over the radio who is going to help the sergeant get through his current predicament with Gorilla Warfare tactics a field ghost is extremely experienced in as he makes his way through the streets he Witnesses how cold blooded Graves is Ghost informs soap that there is a Church nearby where he set up a sniper position he needs soap to make it to that church if he wants to survive this a while later we see soap reach ghosts at the church and they make their way to a pickup truck to escape they head towards Alejandro's safe house where rodulfo is hiding go soap and rodulfo come up with a plan to free Los vakos and colonel varas from an old prison that has also been taken by Graves the team make their way into the prison killing a couple shadows as they go Lieutenant gohost plants exposes on nearby vehicles with the help of Sergeant soap as rodulfo locates Alejandro with the help of cctvs all three head over to free him and the remaining vetos after this they make an escape out of the prison taking heavy fire as they are about to reach the wall they are attacked by a chopper who suddenly Goes Down When the Smoke Clears we see Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick they are in Las Almas on orders from Kate lasswell they are able to fight off the remaining shadows and Escape while in route to Alejandro Safe House Captain Price informs a team why Shepherd and Commander Graves turned Intel recovered an operation that took place two months ago blackb that General Shepherd was in charge of he contracted Commander Graves and his shadow company to complete the assignment the purpose for the operation was to give our allies missiles and Aid them in their fight against Russia maybe a good cause but highly illegal however the mission did not go as planned the missiles were spotted and intercepted by Russian private military contractors who killed the shadow company and took the missiles Russia found out the General Shepherd was behind this and gave the missiles to Haan xani of the kuds forces after this mistake General Sher tried to clean his mess up by covering it up Captain Price and his team were getting close to uncovering the truth that's when General Shepard had the shadow company turned and tried to eliminate the team two missiles have been recovered but there were three in total Hassan still has one upon arriving at Alejandro Safe House Captain Price has a video call with General Shepard and the captain questions Shephard on his reasonings behind what he did but he hides behind patriotism and things that the captain of all people should understand Captain Price tells General Shephard he wants Graves and his shadow companies to be called off immediately however General Shephard refuses and says that Commander Graves is like a dog with a bone and he would do best to stay out of his way Captain Price on the other hand makes it very clear that after killing Commander Graves he will be coming for Shepherd and it fixes you huh I don't need fixing I'm a patriot protecting my country protecting your own art I do what needs to be done and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape I know what's best for the cause she flushed your mind General and you've forgotten what you're fighting for John to do good you've got to do some bad when we [ __ ] we bury it that's how it works yeah we don't bury each other with it do we you need to turn off that side of your head and face down the Real Enemy you need to call off your Shadow Graves yeah he's a dog with a bone and I highly recommend you don't try and take it this is your last chance to change your mind then what then after I'll go for him I'm Coming For [Music] You task force one for one prepares alongside Los vakos to take back Alejandro's base from Graves and his men they know it won't be easy as it will be heavily guarded the goal is to get inside the base and reach Alejandro's Main Headquarters Colonel Alejandro believes that's what graves will be the team breaks up into two squads the first is Captain Price Sergeant gas Colonel Alejandro and One Pilot the second is Lieutenant ghost Sergeant soap and rodulfo team one will will make their way through the tunnels to Commander a Hilo and take price up here Captain Price will fire at the gate and enable team two to enter the base and fight their way to Graves everything goes according to plan and team two storms the base and heads towards Alejandro's headquarters to kill Graves when the team reaches Graves he makes a run for it later we see the Hilo that is carrying Captain Price get hit by an RPG believed to be from Commander Graves goes heads to the crash site to help the captain meanwhile rodulfo and soap make their way over the gate to finish off Graves who has cozied himself up in a big ass tank soap and rodulfo are able to outsmart Commander Graves and blow his tank into pieces allegedly killing the commander of the Shadow company with Graves neutralized and the base secured the team regroups and heads over to see Valeria who is still in that container we left her in the team presses Valeria for the location of the third missile she divulges that it along with Hassan are in Chicago where's the other missile [Music] Chicago what the [ __ ] going on I said I'd tell you where he was I didn't say I would stop him scor I warned you she would do this eh I run a business in your this we grow or we die it's the way of the world you put a Target on your back no I put a Target in Chicago now [ __ ] leave Las Almas and go find for now she's yours but we'll be back I look forward to it the team quickly prepares to leave Las Almas and head to Chicago to stop Hassan and the missiles from launching meanwhile Alejandro takes Valeria but she assures that she'll be free in 24 hours the team arrived in Chicago with a plan in motion Hassan has taken refuge on the Arch industries Tower which is used as a shell company by the Las Almas cartel Intel suggest that Hassan is held up on the 50th floor with the controls to the missiles he plans to launch any moment now Captain Price and soap will make their way into the room that Hassan is in from the top of the building Sergeant Garrick and a unit of Marines will enter through the bottom of the floor and clear their way to the 50th floor the plan is to surround Hassan right in the middle meanwhile the Chicago police are searching for the container that is carrying the missiles goes heads to a nearby building with a sniper to keep watch on everything occurring in Arch Tower Captain Price and soap make it to the 50th floor but Hassan is not there he has made his way down last being spotted around floor 46 upon entering floor 46 the ground shakes and lastwell informs the team that the missiles has been launched and it is headed towards Washington all station's missile is hot I say again the missile is launching no no no [ __ ] hell watch where's the target unnown we're working on it copy we're going for Hanan this way Sergeant the team regroups with Sergeant Garrick and they spot a small group of AQ soldiers guarding the room they believe Hassan is here with the missile controls the team dispatches the AQ soldiers and Captain Price puts a camera under the room to formulate a plan of attack however as he is doing that the door is blown open knocking price Garrick and soap to the floor to the right a group of AQ soldiers emerges and Hassan makes an escape with two men guarding him Garrick is able to get back on his feet and fire back but Captain Price is shot so goes for cover and Garrick pulls the captain out of the line of fire price cannot go on Garrick and so make their way to the elevators to continue the chase for Hassan however upon entering the Elevator Shaft Hassan launches an RPG causing soap to jump in the elevator towards him soap wrestles The missile controls out of the hands of Hassan and makes a Run for Cover however he is once again alone as sergeant Garrick was unable to come down the Elevator Shaft soap gets to a safe place and is able to redirect the missiles with the help of Kate lasswell Washington is no longer in danger after the missiles have been reworked soap uses gorilla Warfare tactics to kill the two AQ soldiers guarding Hassan however Hassan is able to get the upper hand on the distracted soap and wound him Hassan looks to finish off soap but has no more ammo so he drags soap to a window and is going to throw him off but ghost is in the distance keeping watch and puts a bullet through Hassan's head perfect show LT you called it Sergeant all stations Assan down enemy Kia with Hassan neutralized the team meets with lwell at a bar the following night here they discuss the events of the following weeks and lwell informs price that General Shephard has made a run for it and is off the grid for now but Shephard is not a priority although one thre is eliminated a new one far more dangerous arrives lwell has done some more digging on the Russian pmcs that attacked the Shadows Convoy they were Ultra nationalists who are now working for someone new Kate shows Captain Price a picture and his eyes light up he recognizes the face price passes the photo to his team and go recognize the man as well price tells Kate lwell they are dealing with a man named Makarov We Now find ourselves in Modern Warfare three this Story begins with operation 627 Alpha team is in the covian sea and they are breaking into the gulag to presumably free a dangerous individual Alpha team is extremely organized and takes down the prison security upon reaching the lower level they find their target prisoner 627 and it is revealed to be Vladimir Makarov who is a Russian Ultra Nationalist and one of the most dangerous men on Earth step into the light [Music] all stations P ID on 627 copy opening 627 all teams we have him moving in 30 Ivan who leads Alpha Team and the Connie Group which are Russian pmc's under makarov's control have a small disagreement on the xfield plan which causes them to lose valuable time but ultimately they are able to make their escape a few hours later news is out regarding the prison break and chief of station Kate lwell informs Captain Price and Task Force 141 that Makarov is on the loose 30 seconds in the [Music] DZ Watcher one de Bravo six Watcher to Bravo over as well go for six John marov is out say again lell marov is out he's on the move John aboard turn us around turn us around [Music] now we cut to ukhan and we see Farah and Alex riding together to a ship port run by a good friend of Farah named Dena Alex and Farah split Farah is headed to check on some important cargo that she asked Dina to secure in the car ride with Dena it is revealed that ukhan finally knows peace Dena ask Farah to please keep that peace no matter what and just mere moments later Dena is shot and their car flips we cut to phah who is recovering from the crash and we hear a familiar voice over Communications it is Commander Graves of the Shadow company who as we learned in the events covered during war zone didn't actually die and he has been helping Farah and her Liberation forces take out the Connie group now that Farah has come to it is revealed through her conversation with Graves that the cargo located on the port are missiles the Connie group and Makarov are looking to take those missiles for themselves Farah heads over to put a tracker on the missiles so they can retrieve them once they are taken a little while later the Connie group leave with the missiles and Farah heads over to track them down while Alex takes care of those killed at the airport while this is happening we cut to Vladimir he has arrived on a military base in Russia and he is greeted by an army of Connie forces and Melena who is his financier Makarov takes takes a moment to thank his army for the rescue and for keeping a good reputation while he was gone however he admits that time is precious and certain things won't be allowed he calls over the team leader Ivan who he had a disagreement with earlier and removes him as leader but not only that he kills him as well you doing shoot at Fitness that's where your ship K Andre Nolan is now team leader of the Connie group and marov second in command here we see how ruthless these Russian pmc's are and how dangerous Makarov is we cut to lwell in Task Force 141 with Farah's help they are able to track down the missiles to an abandoned nuclear plant located in ekhan Captain Price will infiltrate the nuclear plant with ghost while soap and gas secure the Outer Perimeter price makes his way into the underground tunnels where he meets up with Farah and they locate the missiles but it has been activated and will soon be launched Farah informs price that it can no longer be deactivated but it can be enclosed in the underground tunnels and explode there however she needs Captain Price to head back to the surface to close the blast doors and keep the missiles inside price makes a run for it and when he reaches the controls he is able to close it just in time causing the missiles to go off but without hurting anyone phoh is also able to to escape the missile explosion however price has informed that two missiles were not able to be stopped and have now launched they are heading to a Russian military base the problem with this is that lwell is in that base now and price is contacting her to inform her to make an escape 6 to Watcher 6 to Watcher K last well are you [Music] there this is six in the blind we have two missiles incoming to the arclo base they have chemical Warheads if you are there get out ow Kate lwell is inside the Russian base to speak to Yuri who is a commander in the Russian army and he has Intel that will be useful to lwell his purpose is to show that Russia and the Kremlin are not working with Makarov he is doing it to protect his country from the ruthless Ultra nationalist their conversation is cut short when price reaches out to lwell but she has everything she needs in a flash drive that she received from Yuri the missiles hit the base and begin to spread a toxic gas throughout lazell makes a run for the roof where she is taken to safety by Nikolai coming up now Nick you here circling now people are dying down there H is JY with you negative we split up he's a Survivor like you coming up the ladder quickly lell the guas is nising I'm almost to you Nick CL thewell I'm here as well I won't leave without you to you sh you good yeah let's get out of here hold on with news now being reported on the attack in the military base located in bans it is being reported that the attack could have been by The ekhan Liberation forces which is exactly what Makarov wants the world to believe this way he can ignite a war between Russia urzikstan and the United States while this is happening Makarov and some of his soldiers infiltrate a flight from Russia what comes next shows some of the realities that have occurred in real life and it may leave you with some feelings of emptiness for this portion of the video I believe my words will not do it justice so here is the full clip I sh Bia andaro rules hey a SN stand [Applause] yell what air marshall hello Samar you exceeded my expectations today what do you think you are this is about who you are Samara what is this history get this off me you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] sh sh sh sh sh you will be a hero for what you're doing here Samar no one will believe you I am not a terrorist no you're a Citizen Soldier inspired by farak Karim to fight Russia you're a freedom fighter you're Russian this plane is full of Russians how could you kill your own people no I'm not killing them you are you been that b you sick bastard we can stop this you terrorist no you look like [Music] one look help me give me the cell phone we have to diffuse the bomb let me go I need to get the phone honey give it to me give me the phone after the attack which killed 1033 passengers and nine crew members it is revealed that the Black Box on the plane May shed light on who did this and potentially the videos that may have been recorded on the plane can expose who was responsible now we know makarov's play is to place the blame on ukhan and fah Liberation forces this leads Farah to head over to the crash site and Destroy any evidence that may point to her people being involved D because if the videos get out nobody will believe that she wasn't involved and that it was all makarov's doing she takes Alex with her and is able to destroy the black box and any footage from the crash site the Connie group were already there looking to extract the videos but we're too late Farah and Alex make an escape we cut to Task Force 1 14 one they have met up with lwell and Nikolai to go over the footage of makov infiltrating the airport and they talk about their next move but before doing so price tells lwell the story about the first time he caught Macaro off hands hands Kazi leeding Jesus it's him Vladimir Makarov get out of the vehicle now nice and easy that's far enough now don't [ __ ] move search him you're scared Captain you should be shut up get on your [ __ ] knees he clean you're going to kill me Oh I thought about it yeah I recommend you do and I recommend you tell your men to stand down you're not trained to stand down that's more your strategy keep him close all stations we have macarov moving to the extract Roger that John they'll fight to get him back we're counting on it I'll take him left we clear these vehicles we move up Rog get going Simon Riley I expected you to stay at the airport and die there if you want to live do not threaten my men Vladimir are we on first name basis her so you know names anyone could read a bloody dossier watch the rest of your plan this what do you mean this amazing you're all dumber than you look I asked you a question and I have a question for you what time is it what the hell do you care what time it is timing is everything General I think we'll all remember this moment some more fondly than others the airport he pulled us off Target you [ __ ] son of a b I'll BL your [ __ ] brains you girl if you hear me I swear to God I'll do it do it come on you shut your mouth let me finish him John we have him he's in custody he's not going anywhere Stand Down sergeant I thought you were the good guys you going to rod in hell for this you'll die in the gak with the rest of the Russian RS I'll be seeing you again Mavish I promise price has some regrets about not letting soap finish the job with Makarov but before he can draw too much on it lwell receives a call from chef Shephard who lets the task force know that he has valuable Intel about makarov's next move price gets angry as he does not trust Shephard and he betrayed them in the past however when Commander grave shows up next to Shephard in the video call soap gets angry as well where are you getting inel without an army you got nothing wrong again boys un [ __ ] believable so you miss me but technically you did didn't you lwell if you're tracking this let's call an air strike ghost that is not nice what you up to I'm up to doing my [ __ ] job kid you should try it sometime my [ __ ] job is to kill the enemy guess what you are but they need to keep it professional and concentrate on Makarov at least for now shepher tells lwell he is able to send her information in exchange for a way back in his own words the Intel that Shepherd provided through the shadow company's research is the location of Malena Romanov the financier of Vladimir makov she is on a private island off of the med ariian sea soapen goes infiltrate this island and get past the security they find malen in her office on the third floor soapen goes question her on the location of makov but she does not budge until they threaten to empty her personal bank account she tells them that makov buys properties in St Petersburg and they could potentially find him there she also informs the team that Makarov has sent 85 million to a CIA black fund after this soap and ghs make their exit that's all I can tell you I see it that's all we need pleasure doing business with you good chat when you beg him for your lives he won't let you have [Applause] [Music] them we cut back to Makarov who is leaving STS Petersburg but is talking to Andre Nolan his second in command here we learned through their conversation that a shadow is is providing Intel to them but he does not reveal who Andre will stay in St Petersburg and stop any trouble that comes by we find out later that Captain Price and gas will be infiltrating this compound in St Petersburg their target to capture Andre Nolan and extract any information they can on marov after a hefty battle with members of the Connie group Gaz and price are able to capture and take Andre for questioning while they have Andre captive lwell infiltrates his phone and his conversations with marov through this they get a tip apparently they are delivering someone or something to an abandoned Prison Complex in the snowy mountains of Siberia Captain Price wants the whole team together they will head to Siberia quickly to intercept this shipment price believes that moov will be there the team head over to Siberia to set up explosives underneath the ice they blow up the convoys that are passing through and look for Makarov unfortunately Makarov was not on the transport but they were moving a prisoner price takes the prisoner to Shore and it is revealed to be General Shephard steon Jesus M tavish the [ __ ] Captain [ __ ] is there a single [ __ ] show that you are not a part of ghost you seeing this in my sight let's smoke him and call it a day six who do you have gold [ __ ] Eagle a shepher and the co flesh holy [ __ ] how he got there and why he's being moved is a mystery shepher tells price that he has more Intel on macro and he will tell them everything if they get him out of Siberia safely reluctantly the captain agrees they move through the snow and take out members of the Connie group as they go they meet up with Farah and make an escape with the help of Nikolai the group meets with lwell who questions Shepherd and gives him a choice or really a command if he does not listen they will leave shepher in the freezing Snows of Siberia surely to die lwell wants Shepherd to tell them everything he knows and he wants him to tell the United States Congress as well Farah jumps in and tells Shepherd she also wants her name cleared along with her her Liberation forces oh and one more thing soap wants Graves on a leash shepher agrees but lets Captain Price know that if he gets screwed on this he will be sorry what is the agenda of this little powwow a choice do I have one no I'm all ears own up tell us everything you know everything Congress doesn't and I bet they'd be be old ear wouldn't they eh that's it no you clear my name tell them who I am what you gave me and why no one else had the balls to do what I did for you for all of you then do the right thing General all your Intel on marov your boy Graves on a leash say yes you get a warm ride home or take a little me time and free in there that's the one I'm partial to keep keep the prisoner focused on their own self-preservation and eventually they will break good to see you remembered your training ehy General you screw me on this John and you'll be sorry you kept me [Music] alive Shephard reveals that Makarov is looking to finish what he started in berans years ago he has ordered the Connie group to head to the Gora Dam at nightfall and blow it up killing thousands in berans and pinning the blame on the west and Farah's Liberation forces ghost and soap are task with stopping this from happening Alex and Farah along with Captain priz and gas will head to an air base nearby where Connie soldiers have set up Commander Graves and his shadows will help via air support ghost is able to infiltrate the Gora Dam and disarm all of the explosives after killing a couple of Connie soldiers Nikolai and soap arrived to extract him a few hours later we see Farah and Alex prepping for their assault on the air base controlled by macarov however it is believed that chemical weapons Makarov planned on using are on that base the goal here is to enter the base and find those chemical weapons and Destroy them Graves is supporting the team via air support and after a hefty battle they are able to clear out the cony soldiers and deactivate the chemical weapons however General Shephard believes that makov is on his way to the air base to personally stop the group from taking his weapons Commander grave shoots down that helicopter that macarov is set to be on and blows up the remaining weapons price and Shephard have a disagreement after this Shephard believes 100% that marov was on that helicopter and is now dead but price thinks that Shephard just wants to claim marov is dead for the press and to get points in Washington they finish their conversation and price gets his task for ready as he is expecting that marov will reappear very soon marov dead Captain don't let him live inside your head eagle out Shepherd only sees what he wants his name on a win another medal on his chest what do you say it's what I don't see that worries me if he is alive he'll let us know where and when that's the [Music] question [Music] a couple days later there is a congress hearing the board is questioning General Shepard on some of the events that have occurred in the previous years against Vladimir marov and his private Army much has been said about the Ulf are Farah kareim and her soldiers a terror Organization no Farah Karim is and always has been an ally to the United States and our Western Partners in the region how did uh Commander Kareem obtain American Armament for nearly a decade I sent weapons to Commander kareim to support her missions against alcat and Russian incursions into ekhan were those shipments legal no in order to save lives I commissioned illegal shipments with funds I approved myself quiet quiet please General Shephard in October of 2022 did you authorize Shadow company to fire on a task force under your command in lasas Mexico no I did not Mr Graves were you given orders to use lethal Force against TF 141 yes I [Music] was quiet quiet in this chamber who gave you those those orders General herel Shepard did you act on those orders Mr Graves no absolutely not sir quiet quiet after the hearing we cut to task force one for one who are preparing to go home MI6 have relayed Intel to lwell regarding macarov the Connie group is now in London and there have been Communications between them and mov confirming he is very much alive through through the Intel received it is believed that the Connie group will be meeting in greensbury park with a hacker to receive some sort of control the team moved quickly and intercept the conversation which leads them into the train tunnels underground Makarov wants to hijack the trains underneath London and kill thousands flash drive acquir whatever was on it uploaded into the station's train Network Trojan Horse con has control of the trains there's more face recognition found this they boarded 10 minutes ago marov want to train full of civilians hostages victims that tunnel's 500 ft deep and 30 Mi long there's thousands of people down there at any given time bravel he's going to trap the trains and destroy the tunnel we have no proof of that not yet makarov's trainer stopped at a crossover platform 20 m in I'll have sfos dispatch a second team we need all the help we can get we'll take the service tunnel let's move we may already be too late the team must move quickly and they spread out price and soap moved together while gas and ghost entered through a different tunnel the plan is to stop the tunnels from exploding and to finally kill macarov as they make their way through the tunnels price and soap find a bomb which soap stops to deactivate while Captain Price holds off the Connie group but soon they begin to get overwhelmed price calls for Gaz and ghost to assist they are making their way to the captain but before they arrive Makarov sneaks up behind soap you take this to hell with you Captain never better your enemies alive [Music] enem they've gone bloody h Johnny Captain the bomb how do we stop it find the red wire red only so shall be cut together on three copy r on three 1 2 3 disarmed disarmed we're clear all station this is Bravo in the blind threat neutralized bomb is Safe 1 Kia [Music] [Music] who was the best of us the toughest he'd have fought the world [Music] barehanded who dares wins sleep easy Soldier see them range brother we'll take it from him rest in peace [Music] [Music] Johnny an undisclosed amount of time later we find General Shephard in his office and in the shadows we see Captain John Price fulfilling a promise John General how did you get in here mutual friend that's well you're better than escap we both will this job is about making sacrifices for the greater good agre you got a body count of your own John it'll come back to haunt you oh I am not going to beg for my life not from you or anybody else Captain wouldn't do you any good oh
Channel: BranWolf
Views: 225,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gaming explained, gaming explained videos, game review, gaming stories, open world, explained videos, story explained, story recap, story synopsis, story analysis, the story so far, modern warfare story recap, modern warfare story summary, modern warfare story so far, the story of call of duty modern warfare, modern warfare 3, mw3 the story, mw3 story explained, the story of call of duty modern warfare 3, MW3, mw3 campaign, the entire modern warfare storyline
Id: fogg0k9umI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 18sec (4578 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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