The Complete Advanced Guide to Overwatch 2

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey guys it's Frito here for your OverWatch in today's video I wanted to outline the quickest routes to improving your OverWatch 2 Gameplay how to play the game as every role and the more you learn about how the game's interconnected the easier you'll navigate the chaos starting out with number one Rules of Engagement in the 5v5 format tank picks dictate your entire team's engagement strengths so whether you're playing as one of these tanks or with them what you'll be allowed to do and how you should adjust changes pretty dramatically it'll make more sense as we start to divvy up the tank category the first one being maybe the hardest one for OverWatch players to learn the thick DPS tank this we're going to include doomfist wrecking ball juncker Queen and roadhog these picks are almost entirely offense with little to help a teammate they're going to want to Target squishies almost exclusively they need to aggro in deep pincer Plank and dive because of this the rest of their team will need to skirmish to see success mostly either defending themselves or dodging fights altogether key tips to make this style work ignore the enemy's tank Dodge them run past them get high ground above them and until you're about to fully lose the game ignore the objective entirely until you gain a player Advantage playing with a thick DPS tank means you're playing for frags not objective brawl if you want to do that you'll need a tank fit for the job I'm gonna call these next three Brawlers zarya Reinhardt and orisa these tanks have the durability to withstand a lot of pressure and often being focused down is to their benefit because they're really hard to kill because of that they can play The Objective and be difficult to vacate from it with all that being said though the rules of ignoring the enemy tank will still apply because of course targeting a squishy character will confirm kills faster and especially if one's out of position targeting any squishy with a man Advantage is stronger than just Wing towards a tank fight that you can't win but more on that later the final category I'm going to call protectors and maybe we'll have a better name for this category of tank eventually but I think it makes sense for Diva Sigma and Winston these three are best at holding High Ground denying sight lines and playing the slow game out positioning the enemy you can expect them to be okay at holding the objective but will need to Parry back because they'll lose face to face against a brawler tank they're instead best at responding to flanks and giving flexible defense to the team as a teammate playing around to protect her style tank you'll have a lot of Defense to protect you but that means you'll need to do more of the offensive playmaking because while the protector tanks can do damage fine the rest of the tanks in the game are a bit more direct with their pick-off potential so that's it for the general rules of thumb the foundational team comps and how you can expect them to interact and how you should adjust based on what tank you're playing with or as now we're going to break down some tips for each specific role starting out specifically with the tank category tanks in OverWatch 2 are designed to be hard to kill against even some of the most damaging things in the game which means often if you target them as a tank you're just asking to have a slap Fight For Eternity without gaining much of an advantage because both of you easily get healed up with your healers alive now there are some things that can kill a tank sojourn's rail headshot Sombra hacking and maybe comboed with like an antinade Zenyatta Discord and Alternate fire combo maybe gives you the edge Reaper in some tank matchups can bully over a tank especially zarya Echoes sticky bombs and focusing beam can be enough damage but most of the time okay that's only like a small percentage of the abilities in the game I just mentioned most other things just will not have the stats to burst down a tank which also goes the same for you of course when you have your cooldowns you can extend out but when in position and two healers nearby you can expect yourself to not die in those situations most of the time so don't get baited into fighting a tank if they have their cooldowns and healers available it's a huge bait the less you do that the more success you'll see because you'll Force the gameplay towards the Squishies running them over and racking up a ton of eliminations per life now with that being said there are some tank V tank matchups that will be in your favor but realistically the enemy shouldn't stay on that kind of pick or you're just gonna win anyway like Sigma can rock Diva past your defense Matrix zarya can beam her roadhog can hook a doomfist out of power block but realistically even all of that can be played around and requires a mistake from the enemy to allow you to do that to them so don't expect to land that play unless the enemy makes a mistake it's acceptable to focus the tank when they waste all their cooldowns and are badly out of position or when your team has a very strong position already and isn't getting flanked but that's a lot of conditions to be met tip number three how to pick good fights now remembering the team comp archetypes and the strengths that they have that we mentioned in the first section but don't get baited into a fight you can't win a lot of the tanks have incredible move speed so it's very easy to get out in front front of your team on accident make sure you wait for them to get sight lines characters like Zenyatta Anna and Batiste don't have the speed to close the distance on you make sure they can see the fight that you're trying to take before you go take it in this clip my DPS Moira teammate was living in their back line so I actually had a race to keep up with her but once she goes down the rules remain the same fighting together with a main healer will always make your tank life easier this play is kind of clean dodging the lava combining my damage with the Moira orb that's some good sync if I've ever seen it man Advantage is actually stronger in OverWatch 2 than it was in one because the team comps are less stable but that makes Mobility Advantage even better normally because even when both teams have everyone alive using your Mobility to sync up and fight at the same time is the same thing as having man Advantage make sure you avoid baiting your aggressive teammates that Genji committing hard in deep is your damage potential or in this case my DPS Moira the benef fit a lot of these faster tanks is they can go in and catch up to feeding teammates like this or at least play zarya and give them a bubble back to the earlier example when I was playing junker Queen it's the same thing in Reverse or the enemy Reinhardt is the biggest thing stopping me from running over his team but because he wants to go capture the objective and we know the team fight and the map is more important we simply just have a man advantage in the entire fight his engages come out really obvious he gets slept multiple times and I'm allowed to run amok on their squishies so even though Ryan is a brawler style tank him and junker Queen still have the same objective when it comes to the team fight and getting eliminations they both want to run in close and carve up the enemy one's just more offensive one has some defense there are certain match-ups that you can expect to always lose in OverWatch for example a junker Queen will never kill Azaria at the break of the fight that's the don't Target the tank problem in its worst form but what should you target is a combination of finding squishy kills that are out of position and easy to cash in in but even more important than that is to prioritize the enemy's threats while support kills are nice and often easy to run down DPS are often the enemy's win condition using bubbles to block the Target that Genji selects with his dragon blade or using defense Matrix to eat up soldier's visor or pharah's barrage is more important than securing a limbs on support which are often relatively not as big of a threat so it's a balance between those two running down supports is great but it might be less efficient than directly combating the enemy's highest kill potential and that changes based on the patch but for example right now sojourn railgun is the most threatening thing in the game and then I think Genji is maybe second best those two characters cannot be allowed to just live wherever they want and see your squishy targets or they'll kill faster than you can so you need to mark them or is to say Target them so that they have to be tied up fighting you rather than killing your squishies easily in OverWatch when the enemy's best kill potentials taken off the table it's amazing how much e easier everyone else on your team can function and okay fine you twisted my arm before we finish this section we'll just discuss quickly the few times where your tank can Target the enemies Diva has some of the best sustained single Target damage for any of the tanks which makes her good against Winston who is more impressive either cleaving or at range although Winston has options to outplay Diva he's gotta keep away most of the time and with five second leap cooldown he can still outplay you targeting him too so don't expect that to be a free win if he positions perfectly but most tiers you'll cash that in and you can Target him Sigma can punish Diva because accretion Rock does a ton of damage and sets her up for being comboed out of Defense Matrix we already mentioned zarya can cook junker Queen and cleanse all of her life steal anyway that's a free one a huge misconception that we will debunk in the gameplay you're watching in the background the enemy tank assumes that just going Arya will counter Diva but since I can fly I just avoid her beam avoid her Bubbles and keep remembering the number one rule for tanks you don't need to fight the other tank so while yes sorry it can get damage in on Diva it's only when she's played badly kind of similar to the Diva versus Winston example it's like if you're out of position and commit to allowing a bad fight onto your face you will die but you don't have to do that orisa is the most durable tank in the game and only dies to the mega Tank Killer options when all of her cooldowns are out but I don't know if I'd say she easily kills any of the other tanks either she can fend them off and survive but her damage kinda needs to go towards squishies and I'd say that's probably the case for every other tank one thing I don't like about OverWatch 2 so much is that they lowered reinhardt's pin damage you can't even kill a May or Reaper anymore but because of that often times Ryan can't even really meaningfully kill an enemy tank a ton has to go right so don't expect that pin damage to be like oh this Tank's definitely gonna die now usually not the case unless you're pinning them out of position don't expect to pin damage to be what carries eliminating a tank next up we'll talk about the damage roll we'll go through all the heroes again and give some general damage hero classification but just remember this specifically is very broad Strokes because damage Heroes especially can adjust their play Styles when the situation calls for it so don't see these rules as set in stone but more like guidelines the first role we're going to call poke Heroes poke heroes are glass cannons that are easily focused down a pack of the biggest punch from range they want a position around cover away from the enemy's tank set up so they can be protected from the enemy's flankers and then they deal the most damage in the game they're the easiest to pin down but have the most consistent damage output both Heroes love to use high ground because enemy is looking up from the low ground can struggle to see you if you just back away a little bit the angles of the game allow for the floor for you to turn into natural cover against their sight line but also being on High Ground gives you a vantage point to to see the most exploitable targets having a higher uptime for damage and that makes it a lot harder for a low ground poke hero to look up at one that has positional Advantage already but a widow headshot can change all that of course oh Heroes and OverWatch are ash Cassidy Soldier 76 sojourn and even the snipers Hanzo Widowmaker and although Bastion and pharah are a little techie I think they still fit in this category next up we've got the flanker category flankers have the best Mobility but their damage is either straight up lower or less reliable than the Poke Heroes who are usually more accurate blinkers will succeed when they out position the enemy and take them by surprise especially due to their play style they'll see the biggest benefit when they sync up with their tank really well because they prefer not to fight face to face like two widows sniping each other for example but instead coming in from the side hopefully undetected the flanker heroes in OverWatch thus far are Echo Genji junkrat Sombra Tracer and Reaper and for the last category we're calling these the tank Busters these are heroes that have some combination of either very high up close damage extra Health to survive on the front line or tools to manipulate and punish tanks now I'll repeat some heroes from the other categories here as well overall the tank Buster role as well as these techie styles of play typically our weakest up against the Poke Heroes that easily get angles on them and fire outside of their range but if played well they can have an even match up against flankers the tank Buster class of Heroes I would identify as Mei symmetra and torbjorn but also repeats from other categories as well we're gonna say junkrat Echo Sombra Bastion Reaper and sojourn all of which have some ability that can punish tanks a bit but remember what we said earlier it's still hard to do it's not a free thing in OverWatch too it's just these DPS have some tools to do it sometimes now let's get into the tips for the damage roll damage is much stronger in OverWatch 2 but you also have a lot more actual responsibility actively all the time time my first easy tip for you is to sync up with your tank and don't fight without them the tank roll makes a big distraction and offers a lot of damage themselves and you'll go quite far playing damage just by shooting the same thing that they are unless they want to shoot the enemy orisa she never dies but generally you can help your tank clean up by sinking around them remembering of course which playstyle they have and what they're strong at doing but above that Target priority is made an even bigger focus of the damage roll remember of course the number one priority is the enemy's threats Soldier 76 is a great example for this super underrated pick as well what you can do is Soldier is with his accurate rifle ward off the enemy's DPS which will stop them from easily advancing and bursting your team whether you just injure them or pick them off either way forcing them to fight you and dipping them will always make your tank and support Line's job easier because the less the supports have to defend themselves against the damage the more they can pump resources towards it's the front line fight and eventually win it maybe now targeting supports can be sometimes a bit of a bait as well because if they use cover well a little bit of poke will be easy for them to shrug off with the new support passive that lets them self-heal while out of combat for a second and a half but at least you'll Zone them for a second I guess and they actually give more old charge than shooting the tank which there is a reduction in alt generation off of Tanks due to one of their passives I'd say you should Target supports if you have a very strong hero matchup against them and you can all in onto them rather easily without being punished if Genji goes unmarked by the enemy you'll find he can crawl all over the back line and do whatever he wants but the moment the enemy's DPS pick a counter pick that starts to Aid the supports then you'll notice they have the tools to survive as long as they're getting help and if that's the case and you're diving in to too many enemies maybe try to focus the enemy's DPS instead now A Hero's selection or hero pool tip for you while a hero like Genji is really strong right now now overall I would say the ranged hit scan characters are the strongest DPS in OverWatch 2 especially as many of the tanks can't protect against their damage at all so I suggest learning one of the following Soldier 76 sojourn Ash Widowmaker and maybe Cassidy if he ever gets buffed in OverWatch 2 there's a lot of Zippy targets jumping around and having an accurate weapon on the team to Mark Mobility Heroes as they soar through the sky can do a lot to defend territory because otherwise they'll just swarm your team and take whatever flanks they want hit scan often is the only thing that can stop them from taking ridiculous aggression but of course this doesn't mean isolate yourself in a 1v1 against them flankers should beat you up close when you're away from your team but playing close to them means they can peel for you and help you out so stand on a good sight line that sees where the flanks are coming and ping things down carefully and accurately to at least Force the enemy to back up and play together rather than overwhelming you and due to his scan's power to have that exact play style is why I would suggest that you avoid going for double flankers often players remember a bad game they had against aphara without a hit scan on their team but overall I would just say hit scans are good against everything and be able to just hold a position with a ranged advantage against a character like zarya for example well then you can actually see how she does fall which is to say headshotter repeatedly before she closes the distance on you and just existing with a lot of ammo and a lot of poke pressure is going to go really far away to get the most out of your damage roll of course at the moment sojourn is considered an S tier pick though I wouldn't say she's required for the average player at all Soldier does everything sojourn wants to do to like 95 percent as well and is way easier to play in my opinion I'd also say because of the map design and how they play in 5v5 both the old maps and the new maps especially the push mode there's just tons of sight lines and high ground that you can stand and have a Kovac session in front of you just remember to take these positions between fights Tech Shooters like valorent have a very useful term but I want to begin using in OverWatch 2 which will help you a lot it's called post plant positioning in those games it's where you want to set up after the bomb's been planted and you want to defend it in OverWatch 2 we have this between team fights but especially when the car is about to get to an objective checkpoint once a team fight ends look to set up on High Ground perches that have a good vantage point over the checkpoint because don't forget as a damage player you're a high value priority Target yourself so you want to avoid playing the objective because as that retake comes in the enemy is going to be popping alts and even without alts they'll easily want to focus fire you and all that aggression is going to hit you like a truck you want to be able to Parry back from that and this tip goes for support squishy players as well to be honest ideally you'd rather have your most durable characters on the cart or even nobody on the cart as that retake comes in we'll talk more about this when we get to a video about push but for example it's very common for the pros to just ignore the objective as soon as the enemy respawns it's not that cut and dry obviously but no in OverWatch 2 in general it's very difficult to know who should ever be on the objective and frankly only a few subset of Brawley tanky durable Heroes can survive on it without getting overrun a Mobility character that can get off the objective when the fight starts is a good one to leave on the cart until the fight properly starts because they can escape off it without taking any damage and unless you are one of those characters you want to be set up in a post-plant position every single time when you know the enemy is going to be able to touch the cart to stop it before the checkpoint is gained anyway last but not least let's discuss the support category we'll give two Heroes the subcategory of eelbot is this gonna be brigitta and mercy now keep in mind bergita is getting reworked maybe even as early as the mid-season patch but we don't know we just know a rework is coming so that might be changing but for now these are the two dedicated heelbot characters and their playstyle is almost entirely defensive they have a lot of healing and are really good at keeping their squishy teammates alive but they'll want to Parry back from aggression all the time almost otherwise they'll be the easy Focus fire Target Mercy typically wants to damage boost a poke character and Brig likes to fend off flankers from diving them either way they like to play defensive like 90 of the time and because of their Mobility they have a lot of Escape ability to stay alive and put up big healing numbers throughout the course of an entire match now the next category we're going to call Main healers Batiste Moira and Anna main healer is a term I've never been a fan of but so many of the community will use it so you should know it these are characters with a lot of healing output because the peel Bots are better at healing a DPS these have abilities that can give a lot of HP to tanks but keep in mind only playing these picks as if they're a heel bot only to heal is a noob trap and you'll want to find offense of play making with them including duels that they can straight up win if you want to rank up these characters offense is not to be taken lightly and is going to be required of you to keep yourself alive when something flanks you the last category of supports we're gonna call these the offensive class Lucio kiriko and Zenyatta Zen has the best tank busting of any support because Discord orb means a tank can actually die but he's a strong poke hero in general he's a little different from the other two kiriko and Lucio will be best at setting up pincers with their flankers and enabling their tanks aggressioned by being Nimble and flowing in and out of combat while these three have the lowest healing output they have some of the best tools to Aid in securing a limbs also importantly Lucio and Zenyatta have what's called a defensive ultimate while their healing sustain is worse for the team in the neutral fight which is before olds come online in the old fight up against big team wipe ultimates like Dragon Blade EMP or visor having a defensive ult tucked away around a corner safely to die judge them and come out to save the team is one of the few ways that you can survive these big ultimates and counter them now let's get into some support tips based on what we reviewed of the different types of supports you want to make sure to commit to your hero's play style in OverWatch 2 support players can feel like they're easy prey but that's why you want to permanently be in the correct position for your character even if your team needs help require them to retreat back to you never chase to help them if you feel like you need to do that you probably need to pick a different character because any support out of position is a free kill in OverWatch too so it's much better to lose a fight and soft reset rather than try to run in to save one it's likely never gonna happen that way never put yourself in a position where you should die instead of throwing your positioning away to chase in after feeding teammates it's better to get the most stats that you can using your power positions and if you feel like you're losing the fight just duck and run to set up to get more stats in the next one so after resetting in OverWatch 2 is incredibly powerful and you never know there might be a small window for you to sneak away a elimination in your own right or catch them over extending trying to wipe the rest of your team and to that point my next tip is support players you need to know how to take duels because there's many duels you will be favored in but you need to sometimes even win ones that you're at a disadvantage in and essentially if you're playing any skill shot support know that it's required of you in OverWatch 2 to land damage on the enemy then on a BAP shoot back at the enemy especially the Squishies just like you were a damaged character the same rules apply prioritize the enemy's threats and with those tips combined hopefully you can begin to start to take the support role in your own hands I know a lot of players are struggling adapting to support it's my best role so far so maybe more support guides coming in the future that's gonna be it for today's complete OverWatch 2 guide going through the entire game I hope you found that to be useful for a general overview of everything you need to know to succeed in OverWatch 2 let me know in the comment section down below what areas of the game are you particularly struggling with and hey you made it to the video this far so you really are dedicated to improving on top of that I want to be reviewing your guys replays so I'm going to be leaving Linked In the description a Google form submission for you to send in a replay code you want me to review in the form be sure to tell me your battle tag rank Replay code and a short description of why you think you lost and remember it's best to send in replays where you thought you played well but lost anyway that highlights the biggest gaps in understanding excited to make a lot more of these high production value Advanced guides this one took a lot of work and there's a lot more coming that are currently in production so to show the channel support please be sure to leave the video with a like and don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to actually get notified when our new videos come out don't miss out on any of our OverWatch 2 videos that's been it for me I've been freedo for your OverWatch I'll see you guys next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Your Overwatch
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Keywords: Overwatch 2, overwatch 2 news, Overwatch 2 guide, overwatch 2 hero guide, overwatch 2 complete guide, overwatch 2 advanced guide, overwatch 2 tips, overwatch 2 advanced tips, overwatch 2 hero roles, overwatch 2 role tips, overwatch 2 guide, OVERWATCH 2 COMPLETE GUIDE, Overwatch 2 mastery guide, overwatch 2 gamesense guide, overwatch 2 tank guide, overwatch 2 support guide, overwatch 2 damage guide, overwatch 2, Overwatch, educational overwatch, overwatch guide
Id: wByfySzq02M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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