The Coming War of Gog and Magog

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today i want to talk about the coming war of gog and magog you ever heard the the term the names gog and magog a few few people have some of you might be really clear uh what those terms are who those what that is who those are um some of you are you know like me for a lot of years like i heard those terms connect with the end times i had no clue what they meant and it's really important we know what these mean because i believe we're really really really close and i'll show you this today really close to the coming war of gog and magog to be clear there are actually two wars of gog and magog prophesied in the bible there's one in ezekiel 38 and 39 that's the one we're going to look at today that's the impending war that and i i'll show you today i think we're right at the precipice of that war that's list that's in the bible now there's another war at the end of towards the end of uh revelation i think revelation chapter 20 gog and magog and that is after the millennial reign of jesus christ so jesus comes back to earth he sets up his kingdom here on earth and we live with him for a thousand years while satan is bound at the end of that thousand years the bible says he's loosed for a short time and he gathers people who who have come against god people who lived through the tribulation people that hadn't died and been resurrected those and there'd be people born during that time to those people satan is identified as gog in that war and he will lead nations of people who are against god in one final battle and he'll he'll be he'll be he'll be cast away forever it's not that's not the message but i just want to give you some background of what's what's going on so to help you understand as we read along um here's point number one today that will help you understand gog is an anti-god world leader and magog is the nations or nation or nations that he leads all right so gog and magog are both names gog is the name of a person magog is the name of a region or an area all right and that's the same in ezekiel 38 39 and revelation 20. so he's like well why didn't he just say satan well it does say uh satan will lead the rebellion of gog and magog and they call him gog gog is basically that sort of anti-god attitude that anti-god push against anything that has to do with jesus christ and so uh so we're gonna there's two of those wars but we're gonna the other one is it's at least a thousand years away or a thousand seven years away uh at least and probably more um but the the one in ezekiel the gog magog war in ezekiel 38 and 39 is uh really close so um we know that well we're pretty sure that the gog magog war that we're going to talk about today ezekiel 38 39 is before the tribulation because apparently there's no temple in jerusalem and during the tribulation and this really isn't a sermon series on the tribulation and the rapture although we'll be talking about that at some point it's we're really talking about okay what's leading up to all that during the tribulation in the middle of the seven years the first three and a half years are going to go pretty well in the middle of that seven year period the bible says this in several different books of the bible the antichrist the real antichrist the world leader is going to come into the third temple the rebuilt temple in jerusalem and desecrate it there's no temple there now for him to do that they're building they're getting close to building one they've got all the stuff to build it and that'll probably be another sermon it is a i'm amazed at how they're ready to rebuild the temple in jerusalem they've got a lot of their um uh sacrificial items a lot of items that will go into the temple are ready to go they're training their priests they just don't have the building yet i believe that's soon to come and that will probably be an upcoming sermon but during this war of the gog and magog in ezekiel 38 39 there appears to be no temple so we know that's kind of a pre-trib roar and this is not armageddon there's a war there's there is a war called armageddon at the end of the tribulation and this war of gog magog is not that okay it's a different war bottom line is the stage is set i believe for this war gog and magog to be to begin at any time and i know you might be thinking why do we have to come to church and talk about war i mean everything's so depressing already why do we have to talk war why can't we talk about something happy and i get that but here's the deal if we don't understand what's going on it's just going to add to the anxiety it's going to add to the fear and we're like what's going on it's like but if we know it's like here's what's going on god's got it that's got it handled and so that's why we're taking time to do this so i'm going to read well we're going to actually read all of ezekiel 38 not at one time we're going to break it down um because i don't want to i don't want to miss stuff and i don't want it just you know opine a lot i want you to see it in his word help you to understand it so ezekiel is a prophet of god and uh he it was i don't know 600 years-ish 500-600 years before jesus christ all right so that's when he's prophesied so the nation of israel is in runes they've all been packed away everything's torn down the temple is torn down there really is no israel anymore and again as backdrop in ezekiel 36 which we looked at last week god prophesied through ezekiel the rebuilding of the nation of israel which we know happened officially on may 14 1948 and if you want to know when the end times clock started ticking that's the date may 14 1948. you want to go back and look at last week's sermon that explains all that it's on our website also on our church app i think so anyway that explains all that so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna recover all of that um so that's ezekiel 36 he's prophesying that the nation of israel is going to be reborn it didn't happen for 25 2600 years but it happened in in some of your lifetime so now in ezekiel 37 38 starting in verse one the word of the lord came to me son of man set your face against gog that's the guy of the land of magog the chief prince of meshech and tubal prophesy against him and say this is what the sovereign lord says i am against you god chief prince of meshach and tubal i will turn you around put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army your horses your horsemen fully armed and a great horde with a large with large and small shields all of them brandishing their swords persia cush and put will be with them all with shields and helmets also gomer with all its troops and beth torgama from the far north with all its troops the many nations will be with you get ready be prepared you and all the hordes gathered about you and take command of them after many days you will be called to arms in future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of israel he's talking about 1948 which had long been desolate they had been brought out from the nations and now all of them live in safety that's where they are right now verse nine you talking to gog and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up advancing like a storm you'll be like a cloud covering the land all right so if you if you want to keep notes i've got them in your bulletin if you want to keep along it's also on your uh on our app but i put that because a lot of you kind of want to like what do you say what do you say and so you can fill this in but so here's number two in what we just read god is against gog right we know that and he entices him into war against israel in the last days he says i'm going to put hooks in your jaw and drag you into war now if you know the character nature of jesus of god jesus says god if you know the character nature of of god he doesn't mess with people's free will and he doesn't make people do bad or violent things but he uses bad and violent people for his his will to be done quick example and i try not to go off in too big of a rabbit trail a lot of people are confused in the old testament when it says god hardened pharaoh's heart have you read that like during during the captivity and they let letting the israel nation of israel free in the time of moses it says god hardened pharaoh's heart and people like oh i hope it doesn't harden my heart it's not he's not messing with your free will here's how god hardened pharaoh's heart god showed up so real to pharaoh that again because pharaoh thought he was god and and they were he was pharaohs were considered gods one of many gods and so they think they're pretty much at the top of the food chain god our god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the only true god showed up so real to pharaoh that he pharaoh could not deny him and that hardened his heart it's like sometimes when god shows up so real to people they're either like okay that's so real it's either yes or no either there's no denying that he's not real so i either i'm with him or i'm against him and people are forced to make that decision now in the u.s we've a lot of people not been forced to make that decision because we've been living a pretty cushy life but but in a lot of places and what's going to happen here god shows up so real is that people like okay he's real now you would think that everybody go okay he's proven himself real so therefore i'm gonna follow him not everybody does that in fact a lot of people won't a lot millions hundreds of millions are gonna say no you know what no and they're gonna they're gonna be hardened not because god tweaked with their free will but because he just showed up as real and that's basically how i believe what's what's happening with uh with gog is when when the lord says i'm going to put hooks in you and drag you down he he's already predisposed to do that so god's just like hey gog have you looked at israel lately see what's going on there you know just take a look see what you think that's what he's going to do and i'll i'll show you a little bit what gog is going to see and why he's why he's going to want to go down there but that's what's going to happen so just so you know god isn't making gog do something he does not want to do he's just kind of calling his attention to it so it also says that several nations joined gog in this magog war at john gog and magog and so they mentioned some of them some of the areas mentioned are meshech tubal persia kush put and togama torgama those are like uh those names don't mean anything to me maybe persia does because persia up until 1935 i believe it was purged up until 1935 in 1935 it became iran and so again some of you were alive when the nation of iran was actually named persia so we know that we know one nation here it's iran persia so how do we know where these areas are how do we know where meshack or tubal or torgama or kush were like where are those i'm gonna do this quickly but if you go way back to genesis these before these were nations or areas these were people they're the names of people let me read that to you genesis 10 verse 1. this is the account of shem so this is noah so noah right the flood and he has three sons and they have wives and after the flood they repopulate the earth and and there's uh genealogy here this is the account of shem ham and japheth noah's sons who themselves had sons after the flood the sons of japheth gomer the sons of jfeth colon gomer magog not that gomer sorry you have to also be old to get that one too or else have tv land um domer magog maddai jayvon tubal meshack and tyrus okay those are those are sons those are people the sons of gomer ashkenaz riffath and torgama those are people genesis 10 6 the sons of ham cush egypt put and kanan these are names of people genesis 10 32 kind of wraps it all up these are the clans of noah's sons according to their lines of dissent within their nations from these nations spread out over uh from these nations spread out over the earth after the flood so these were names of people who spread out and their names became the name of that nation you follow me so far all right so we know from history of the bible from secular history because there's a lot of secular secular historians out there who are not christian so we know generally pretty close where these nations were located and we put up a map put up map number one i don't know how well you'll be able to see it um up there map one there we are so this is uh a map of the middle east so up there in that yellow where it says magog that's russia magog is russia mostly and then the orange which is persia that's iran you can see northern africa put and kush and then togarmah is turkey gomer is eastern europe actually goes clear up into a lot of scholars think that would go clear up into germany so it's for sure eastern europe maybe even into germany so that's that's pretty much a map of the nations who are going to come into war going to join magog in war against israel so it's it's fairly clear now there's some people say no torgama is that gomer is part of torgama or whatever but it's all it's pretty close all right you probably you can't really see israel but kind of in the middle of the map there's a black spot teeny teeny teeny tiny country that's israel notice it's surrounded by all those nations so magog is the area of russia and included in russia are these two cities these two areas meshach and tubal many many historians secular and biblical believe that meshach is a transliteration or moscow is a transliteration of meshach meshach basically most believe is moscow so it says gog you who leads magog which is mostly russia which includes the cities of moscow and tubal and i think there's a city in russia called tubalisk i think is that in russia it was in the soviet union somewhere so we're starting to identify some specific areas there again we defined gomer as eastern europe maybe up into germany put is libya if you look on on the then is that's bigger than libya but it includes libya um kush is sudan i don't know if those i know the news are so depressing it's hard to follow but if you've been following the news you know that sudan is a mess there are some really hard-line muslims there who have just they've taken people captive they've murdered people it's a it's a horrible it's a horrible disarray right now but push is sudan and so those are the the areas of course persia is is iran we've identified that so put up map too if you would naomi and so this is more of a modern day map i mean it might be a little because it says soviet union up in in the yellow there so i don't know if that's so old it says soviet union or if it's like prophetic think about that for a minute anyway so you probably can't you might be too far back to really read that but on the up the upper middle there that yellow that's russia and then the orange big orange rectangular thing that's turkey and then to the lower right of turkey that big green one is iran but then i want to show you scoot over to the other smaller green country in the middle of the map that's syria syria is going to be pivotal in in this war and we know that just because where it's located but also what's going on in current events because remember this is the sermon series is bible prophecy and current events how they connect together syria is really really pivotal so before i talk about syria let me back up a little bit a few years ago and i don't remember because i didn't write it down but i remember i don't this four or five years ago when russia and iran started aligning with each other and the whole world was like russia and iran those are strange bed partners and they have never uh in in the history of the world there's no biblio or no no historic evidence of russia and iran ever being aligned together and yet four or five years ago maybe it's longer i don't know i lose track of time but they are very aligned right now i there's so many articles i could show you but this is not this is not like an article sermon this is like biblical but i'm just telling you if you've been watching the news you know iran and russia are tight really tight so iran borders turkey turkey borders russia but turkey borders syria also in the history of the world turkey well let's back up since christianity for sure for sure since the time of jesus christ turkey has been a strong ally of christians and even of israel turkey was always dependable to help defend israel and we the united states turkey's a nato nation and we could always depend on turkey to tell the other middle eastern people who are trying to attack israel like back down boys because turkey had a has a pretty formidable army in there and they're strategically located turkey is going to be needed for any country to get to israel can you see that on the map you can in the last several years turkey has become an extremely volatile uh country where and it's been islam for a long time but but the muslims that are there are very militant and they are aligning more with the other muslim nations of put and kush and iran libya sudan ethiopia and they are no longer friendly to israel no longer in fact the the president of turkey last name erdogan said this recently this was may 6th headline and newsweek and i'm not a big newsweek fan but this is what they reported headline russia tells us only their troops are welcome in syria in other words russia is saying hey us you are not welcome in syria we are right now there are i don't know how many lots and lots and lots of syria russian troops in syria have been for several years now to help with the syrian civil war syria is a mess and so russia is there to to help to help i just and i don't i don't have the picture i couldn't i couldn't snag it because it was on a video um and i just saw it like a day ago from amir safarti who's with israel you know anyway doesn't matter there's a saddle there's recent satellite photos of supersonic russian bombers in syria they're there there's and we know there's lots of other like tanks and artillery you've heard of hezbollah they're in syria being funded by iran hezbollah at just this count just came out they have 140 000 rockets stockpiled in syria hundred and forty thousand just a few weeks ago israel was being bombed from the gaza strip by hamas it was different than hezbollah but they they participate they fired i think four or five thousand rockets that was a test run to see how many rockets will it take to overwhelm israel okay we got the answer it's 5 000. i mean they didn't get overwhelmed but there are a few that got through so hezbollah has been stacking up these rockets on the southern border this is you can read this anywhere uh incredible news sources iran is the money that the u.s is giving iran they're giving hezbollah to build more rockets to put on the southern border of syria right next to israel so syria is such a mess like oh we don't know what's going on russia like we're here to help you and iran will help you so right now syria is jam-packed with russian troops and iranian troops now why are they that interested in syria no they're not interested in syria syria is a mess they're interested in israel for different reasons that we're gonna we're going to talk about this in a minute things in our world change so quickly that the news regarding this prophecy changes almost on a daily basis and it changed two days ago maybe three days uh a very significant well some over the last six eight six months eight months some really big political happenings changed the landscape for this war number one we had a presidential election here in the u.s our previous president number 45 but back up number 44 drew a line in the middle east in syria and said you cannot cross that line and they crossed it and nothing happened all right so 45 comes along and he doesn't have he doesn't have to draw a line they're just like don't mess with that guy he's crazy i don't mean that disparaging but you know what i'm saying it was kind of like when ronald reagan was president here's your hostages take them please don't hurt us if the u.s had a very strong strong president who was firmly committed to israel russia would never think about attacking israel i don't think we have that now we don't have the people don't have the gumption to get into a war to protect israel um so that was big enough just in the u.s because we're a strong ally have been a strong ally of israel in israel itself two or three days ago the longtime prime minister benjamin netanyahu is out of office been there 12 years and then he was i think his foreign minister or something way before that so he's benjamin netanyahu is very strong militarily he's one of those guys that the nations look at israel like don't mess with them because he will bomb you back into the stone ages and they've done that under him like iran starts getting a bomb ready or a nuclear facility netanyahu's like go take them out boys and they're gone and like hot people like how'd that happen never mind nothing to see here folks move on i'm just saying he takes care of stuff people on the far right politically in israel don't like him people on the far left really don't like him really really don't like him and so what happened and i'm not i don't want to spend a whole bunch of time on this but basically what happened is this past week netanyahu because it's prime minister he has to form a government there's so many parties there's six or eight parties in in um israel and so the whoever wants to be prime minister has to go and get the support of the majority of the parties he has to have the majority and the knesset and netanyahu couldn't get it he couldn't put it together he came really close but the people on the far right and the people on the far left said no we don't like you and so the far right and the far left made a coalition who'd have thunk that if it includes six members who are muslim from their own party and they they made a coalition to pick their own prime minister to out oust netanyahu one and the new prime minister is very sympathetic to the palestinians and he has no gumption nor do their parties who are in control they have no gumption to start a war or really i mean they'll probably try to defend themselves they'll say that but they're like they're not i'll just say they're not strong militarily they just and they don't want to be on purpose so for the first time in decades we have world leaders including in their own country of israel who really aren't interested in stirring things up too much that's significant i wish i could take more time there but just i'm just telling you that that just changed just in the last couple days i'm telling you every week every almost on an almost on a daily basis there's something happening this this the satellite photos with the with the supersonic bombers of russia in syria is cur is recent so when this war happens i'm just our u.s president whoever that may be when this war happens is either going to be weak or he's really going to understand bible prophecy one or the other because the u.s doesn't appear to be involved in this war and so it's either like a president is going to like i'm messing with that or there could be it could be i think it's a stretch there could be a president at some future point that says uh yeah that's not good but i know the bible and god's doing this and god's gonna win this war we'll see this in a minute so we'll let god do his thing so that's one of two things that could be going on there okay time to move out of the political thing and move on here but it's all it's political right but i mean it's spiritual but anyway ezekiel 38 verse 10. this is what the sovereign lord says on that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme he's talking to gog the leader of russia you will say i will invade a land of unwalled villages i will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people all of them living without walls and without gates and bars i will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled runes and the people gathered from the nations rich in livestock and goods living at the center of the land sheba and dedan and the merchants of tarshish and all her villages will say to you have you come to plunder have you gathered your hordes to loot to carry off silver and gold to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder all right let's break this down a little bit number four israel will be regathered as a nation and will be living in peace when gog attacks right so it's doesn't mean that they might not send a few bombing missions to take out a reactor or something like that but generally generally there's it's going to be unsuspecting it's like why are you attacking us we've been nice to you whatever um again we know that this war has not happened yet because it has to happen after 1948 because the nation has to be regathered but it has to be before the third temple is built so we're right in that time right now oh by the way the the third temple uh is talks about rebuilding prophesied ezekiel 40. but we're not there yet 38 and 39 comes before 40. so so russia comes for plunder number five russia will invade israel for economic reasons verse 12 is god says you will say i'm going to plunder i will plunder it talks about livestock and silver and whatever again this couldn't have happened a few years ago i don't think some of you may know russia is a major major provider of petroleum product products to europe specifically natural gas and i don't know if you saw in the news uh what a few weeks ago where there was a pipeline uh oil pipeline coming from russia to germany and the previous administration president 45 had got it stopped because he knew that that would russia would get the hand on europe and control them with a supply of oil when the current administration came in they lifted that you may have saw that in the news so that pipeline's going in it's it's almost it's going to be done soon russia is a big deal in oil and gas in just the last year or two israel has become a big deal in gas mostly in the last year they have discovered um let me read this to you this is out of forbes magazine okay this is from two years ago forbes magazine 2019 israel was always thought to be bereft of any energy resources right israel doesn't have any energy all the other nations have it saudi arabia has all the oil israel doesn't have any of that but in 1999 a us-based noble energy and israel-based group discovered some gas in 20 um 2009 they discovered 10 trillion cubic feet of natural gas 10 trillion with a t if not um cubic feet of natural gas and that was the smaller find recently they've discovered 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in another field this this attracted world attention that's a lot of natural gas and there's oil there by the way and i'm just going to take a little i know this are you is this interesting are you falling asleep are we good okay can i can i show you what was prophesied about oil and gas being found in israel like like four thousand years before they found it or 3 500 years i'll do there are a lot of verses i'm going to give you three scriptures there's way more than that but i time right isaiah 43 5 this is god speaking i will give you he's speaking to israel i will give you hidden treasures riches stored in secret places so that you may know that i am the lord the god of israel who summons you by name so god says i'm i've stored some secret things in secret places for you it's like ooh what is it deuteronomy deuteronomy can't say deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 19. again god speaking they will summon peoples to the mountain this is in israel and there offer the sacrifices of the righteous they will feast on the abundance of the seas on the treasures hidden in the sand guess what the oil and gas is being pumped out of the sea guess where the oil is under the sand all right in case in case you're not convinced yet one more one more scripture deuteronomy 32 13. he made him ride high on the places of the earth he's he would be israel so god he god made israel ride high on the places of the earth and he ate the products the produce of the field and he made him suck honey from the rock and oil from the flinty rock oil was not a deal until what the late 1800s so like how did somebody 3 500 years before when oil isn't even like petroleum oil is like we don't know what that is like how do you prophesy that it's like you will suck oil out of the rock they were frackie fracking was like prophesied how cool is that and god's saying in these la in the last days i've hidden some surprises for you what is it like 26 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that they found so far and oil that huge huge oil fields that they're now just beginning to tap by the way we can credit a lot of this from a christian guy think out of texas don't quote me on that zion petroleum who read these prophecies and said i'm going to israel totally that's what happened so i go you guys start reading the bible where should i go oh you're going to be taken care of really well right here so number one russia is really uh what's what i'm looking for threatened by all the gas and oil in israel because that's how they're controlling europe and the middle east and that's how they're enriching themselves if you take away their sort of monopoly on oil and gas they're going to lose their power and they're going to lose money and when you know you have a regime that doesn't care about like ethics and stuff they're going to go like well we're going to go put a stop to this so it's it's economic reasons why russia will attack purely economic and they want to shut that off and not only do they want to shut it off they want control of it because now because they're already the big supplier to to most to half the world now they just want to go get where the rest of the supply is wars have been fought over that for millennia right is that so it's really no big surprise what's going to draw russia into this war is it it's like no and and anyway so let's move on number six iran turkey and the other muslim nations invade israel for religious reasons iran could probably care less or couldn't care less be more accurate they couldn't care less probably about the oil and gas in israel their goal is to have no israel it's ne and i said this last week the problem in the middle east with the israel and palestinians has no it's not about land it is not because the palestinians could had all that land before 1948 and they didn't because it was desolate they didn't want it they just want to be they want the jews out they want them out so it's not about it's not about land it's it's about religion and iran has publicly stated for years we want to wipe israel off the map not because they want to live there they just want to wipe them out like exterminate them as a race as a religion whatever they've publicly said that now turkey is kind of like you know israel kind of rubs us the wrong way too there's a new site from the middle east called the el jaminer it's a mideast reporting agency and they they uh quoted president erdogan last month like a week ago monday like yeah and he says this he says he promised that he will mobilize the whole world especially the islamic world to stop israel's terrorism and occupation so the president of turkey a nation that used to be very friendly and protective of israel now the president is saying i'm going to mobilize the world against that nation turkey's saying that if turkey comes against israel decides they're going against israel which they've already decided obviously it's right in the news then what's to stop iran and russia from getting into syria nothing in fact they're already there if turkey wanted to stop them they would have stopped them a long time ago and not only is turkey not going to stop them they're going to join them and so when you when you look at we don't have to put the map back up when you look at that map you've got gog or magog russia in the north but then all the way around it you've got muslim nations that are joining together so russia for economic reasons the muslim nations for spiritual reasons by the way there are some muslim nations that will not join the attack do you hear the abraham accord president 45 instituted that and those that signed are not interesting are not a part of this war saudi arabia jordan qatar egypt egypt was always back in the day 67 and they're the ones that led the wars against israel egypt's like don't want no so there are a lot of muslim nations uh who are not taking part of this but there are some who are interesting and when you look like well how come not all the islamic nations are then you look at what's been going on on current events because someone signed these peace treaties and like we're not going to mix it up we're not going to do that we don't want their we don't want to miss their oil and gas and we don't want to wipe them off to face the earth they're not our favorite but we're not going to kill them is so i mean i keep saying this just amazing how so many current events are coming together so quickly and so fast in areas especially like this all right we're going to go a little over time is that okay okay i'm we're getting there we're getting really close let me read this we've got a white he can't leave you hanging right the war hasn't started yet we got ezekiel 38 chapter 14. therefore son of man prophesy and say to gog this is what the sovereign lord says in that day when my people israel are living in safety will you not take notice of it will you come from your place in the far north you and your many nations with you all of them riding on horses obviously that's a metaphor because he didn't know that there weren't you know whatever a great horde a mighty army you will advance against my people israel like a cloud that covers the land in days to come gog i will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when i improved wholly through you before their eyes oh i don't you love god's war strategy oh this gets better let allow me to keep reading this is what the sovereign lord says you're the one i spoke of in former days by my servants the prophets of israel at that time they prophesied for years that i would bring you against them this is what will happen in that day when gog attacks the land of israel my hot anger will be aroused declares the sovereign lord in my zeal and fiery wrath i declare that at that time there should be a great earthquake in the land of israel the fish in the sea the birds in the sky that burst the birds of the beasts of the field every creature that moves along the ground and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence this is not his second coming but they know it he's causing things to start happening the mountains will be overturned the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground i will summon a sword against gog on all my mountains declares a sovereign lord every man sword will be against his brother i will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed i will pour down torrents of rain hailstones and burning sulfur on him and his troops and on the many nations with him and so i will be show i will show my greatness and my holiness and i will make myself known in the sight of many nations then they will know that i am the lord oh man i feel like we're in the locker room before the game right and the coach is getting you all ramped up and we don't have to play we just get to watch i'm i've told you this is the most exciting time to be alive and now okay war is terrible god is not putting the spirit of war in gog that's already there he's just backing off okay do what's in your heart and i'm going to use it to show the world who i am including my nation israel have at it and i'm going to smash you number seven god will defeat the enemies of israel and prove his power and glory to all the world again this is not even the second coming this is like the war before that before the tribulation because now he's turning his attention towards israel and and the world it's like okay all those who are gonna have gotten saved are pretty close to getting saved the rest of you are coming against me i'll show you i'll show you who's king by the way no country or world leader will be able to take credit for helping israel win this war you know i'm i consider myself patriotic and i'm like come on u.s send your bombers send the navy let's wipe them out right i mean i like let's do that let's do this military you can do it best military in the world you can do this and god's saying like no no stand down stand down because i don't want anybody else to get credit other than me so that's kind of a weird i mean that's going to be a weird thing for me and some of you like okay u.s let's go like well maybe not let's watch god do his thing here okay now we're in ezekiel 39 we're getting close to being done here verse 25. therefore this is what the sovereign lord says i will now restore the fortunes of jacob that's israel and will have compassion on all the people of israel and i will be zealous for my holy name they will forget their shame and all the unfavorable faithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid when i have brought them back from the nations and gathered them from the countries of their enemies 1948 i will be proved holy through them in the sight of many nations that's this coming war then they will know that i am the lord their god for though i sent them into exile among the nations i will gather them to their own land not leaving any behind i will no longer hide my face from them for i will pour out my spirit on the people of israel declares the sovereign lord number eight after the war of gog and magog the jewish people in the nation of israel will experience a spirit-filled revival we know that not everybody gets saved because that doesn't happen until jesus comes back at the end of armageddon and they all will be saved but we know that a lot of them are going to be there's going to be revival in israel and i and there's going to be revival across the whole world because the i mean there's going to be a portion of the world that's going to get mad at god and even get more mad when they know what he did against people who are against him but they're going to be a lot of people that are going to go whoa not only is god real but he's powerful and he cares for his people i know we're over time let me just i just feel like i need to say this i'm going to try to do this quickly it's not in my notes but that scares you i know a few years ago i was reading in revelation about the new heavens and the new earth and and in the past it's like god couldn't you just let everybody in i mean maybe the really really really mean ugly people not ugly looking but you know the violent maybe not those people but could you just you know i'm just thinking like because it talks about the gates and they can't they'll be well anyway and i just felt like the lord spoke to me and said read what it says here they'll be no more sadness no more death no more tears people won't be lying to each other and hurting each other like he's going to make a safe place and that's that's a buzz word i didn't mean to like you know what i'm saying he's going to make a a safe place for his kids us to live with him forever and he's not going to let people in who are going to jeopardize that god has given people in the history of of mankind god you see god's smoking people right like like well he sure seems like an angry god yeah after centuries of giving people a chance and when those people come against his kids like i've given you centuries of chance to back off of my kids you've not listened to me you've only gotten more violent more hard there's nothing more i'm going to stomp you out thanks dad really i mean thank you dad because he's going to take care of you you're the apple of his eye and he is going to make sure that there's not going to be people who are for eternity going to be a thorn in your side and going to be bringing yucky stuff into eternity and he's given people chance after chance after chance and finally it says his holy anger is gonna like i've had it up to here you gog have been thumbing your nose at me and you and your country and your leaders for centuries you won't acknowledge me as king of kings and lord of lords i'll show you who is king of kings and he's not doing it just just to be angry he's doing it out of his love for us and his people because we're grafted into israel that's another nation another another sermon i just feel like you need to say that because when you look at this like god why are you doing that it's actually comes down to it it's because of his love for his people and he's not going to allow people who are constantly coming against him in rebellion to jeopardize eternity with him in a perfect place they're weak so when these things begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near i keep feeling like the lord has been saying this past week people aren't ready i've heard it over and over people are not ready get them ready get them ready i think he's talking about christians and non-christians i think there are christians who are asleep at the wheel who are complacent who don't understand the times we're living in like we're getting into crunch time we're getting into the final stages of labor that's what's going on in our world that's why there's all the bumping and shaking and writhing and stuff it's we're in we're in labor god's creation is in labor and about to deliver something beautiful and amazing was not going to be without some pain and some some trials and some tribulation but lift up your head because don't get caught don't get sucked down into that lift up your head like he's coming he's coming soon these are his signs and i'm gonna make sure i'm ready i'm gonna make sure my family's ready i'm gonna make sure my friends are ready so it's time for us to wake up so we know how to pray and we know how to speak prophetically when these things start happening we're gonna prophesy to the leader of gog gog bring him on down because you're going to see something you're going to see that you're not all that god's all that lord thank you for revealing at least parts of the future that revolve around your return so that we don't have to live in anxiety so that we don't have to live in fear that we can actually start to get excited that we're about to be with you forever in a perfect place the lord we need to wake up we need to be ready i pray for uh anyone here who has not really accepted you and received you that that would happen today lord i pray for family and friends that we love who might not be ready that you give us the right words to say that you would draw them close to you lord that you bring them to a place of salvation so that we don't have to be fearful for them either so we thank you for salvation we thank you for loving us we lift up our heads to you now and look to you the author and perfecter of our faith jesus christ amen
Channel: NewLife Fairfield
Views: 10,615
Rating: 4.7179489 out of 5
Id: 3G0LIrssoSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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