The Coming of the Lord - John Kilpatrick - 07-04-1999

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[Music] sing bless forever forever bless the forever bless who reigns forever reigns forever blessed be who forever I will my voice in Praise I will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever forever forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his bless his name bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] him yeah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah he is risen bells ring sing you can be bor again the bellsing singing from the day he upon the tomb is as he tell his disciples that Jesus Christ is [Applause] noer to the world he is hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelu [Music] hallelu bellsing sing [Music] [Applause] Ang tell his Jesus [Applause] CHR to is hallelujah is Hallelujah [Applause] hallelu [Music] hallelu to the is [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah PR h h [Applause] [Music] hallelu h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my eyes has sing the glory of the coming of the Lord he ising out the V where the gra the of sword he Lo the fful life of his ter his truth is [Music] mar for the [Music] trumpet he is down the heart [Music] [Applause] of his Jud be my to my [Music] trueing all [Music] glor [Applause] [Music] Glory glor glor [Music] hallelu Glory Glory Hallelujah [Music] true ising true is watching [Music] trueing the beauty of the CH was born across the sea with the glor his might holy let [Music] us his TR is [Music] Glory Hallelujah glor Glory Hallelujah [Music] GL Hallelujah here we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] my come on sing for this everybody [Applause] Hallelujah Glory [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah [Applause] it's trueing true say it again trueing gling come on lift up your voice and say it with us it's true saying it's truth ising ising [Music] [Music] give a good hand come on thank you bless you how many of you brought your Bibles this morning hold them up hold them up everybody get your Bible hold them up man I tell you that's a healthy healthy sign in church right there when people hold the word of God up choir y'all got y'all all right all right you better hold on to your Bibles this morning because we're going to be going we're going to be going to lots of scriptures my Approach today is going to be um we're just going to spend some time in the word help me out here brother a little bit it's a little bit too loud we're going to be spending some time in the word today uh we're not going to be is taking a text and I'm on to light out preaching it's not going to be that we're just going to we're going to go in the word a lot hold your Bible in your laps we're going to be going a lot um I've never been one to back away from controversy never have and never will um part of what we believe we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God we believe he died on Calvary we believe he resurrected on the third day but we also believe he's coming [Applause] back now that's where it gets sticky it's it's not sticky as far as I'm concerned but it gets sticky because a lot of people believe in a lot of different things um we have a lot of media that we talk to AP UPI um all kinds of Network people and they all come in here with a little bit of a smirk on their face whenever they mentioned the year 2000 it's like it's like the devil has found him some people in the church and outside the church that he can use to sort of intimidate preachers and churches from believing that maybe the Lord is going to come back soon and they'll come in with this little look of intimidation on their face a little bit of a smirk and they'll say well preacher what about the year 2000 and I immediately think they're thinking about Y2K I don't know what Y2K is going to bring I I don't know I'm I'm not an expert along those lines so I don't know I just have to be honest with you and tell you it may be bad it may not be bad at all I don't know so I'm not getting my guns and my you know my basement loaded up with food I'm not doing that but we're probably going to make a few precautions to make make sure that everything's okay but um then they they look at you like is he coming in the year 2000 is he coming at the brink of you know December the 31st 1999 and January the 1st 2000 is he coming then and they almost look at you like come on say it come on say it you know like and I say he come today but I'm not going to be intimidated from saying that something may happen in the year 2000 I'm not going to be intimidated along those lines I'm going to stand here behind this pulpit and tell you that I'm going to preach the word of God all the time anytime whether you like it or whether you don't we're just going to preach the word of God and if the SE of the world can't take it let them blast us we've been blasted by the best of them you know blast us again but I'm going to preach convictions and I'm going to preach the word of God and I want to remind you ladies and gentlemen that the Bible calls the coming of the Lord the Blessed hope it is is not the scary dread you know it is it is the is the Blessed hope amen like you know the Bible says wherefore Comfort one another with these words you know what I think is lacking today in the churches churches are not stroked by their pastors and comforted and and and pastors making people believe he's still coming he's still coming you know it's like churches have forgotten he's coming or they don't want him to come because the economy is doing good you know leave Bill Clinton in there and leave Jesus on the throne you know tell Jesus to hold up we're doing good right now stop market goes bad tell him you can come then you know you know what I'm saying but I want you to turn with me to Jeremiah that's where we will start but we shall not end there chapter 8 and it's now 9:30 in Los Angeles Jeremiah chapter number 8 I want you to look at verse 7 Jeremiah 8 and7 yay the stor in the heavens knows her appointed time and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming but my people know not the Judgment of the Lord would you read that with me again I'll read it out loud you just follow along yay the stor in the heaven knows her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming but my people know not the Judgment of the Lord man that is a most pathetic verse he said I have created mankind to be the highest order of all my creation I've created them with intellect crane the swallow the turtle all those things are created and they have intuitions and they have senses they know by Nature what's going on it says they know the time of their coming I I was just out of my yard the other day looking and and I saw uh the little birds building their nests and I saw a mocking Berg sitting on her nest and her big long tail was sticking up you know out of the nest like that and the nest was deep and I thought about how that they take and they build their nest they know it's time to Nest they know it's time to lay the eggs and I looked at the the little pieces of that nest and and it's Supple and and they fit that nest in between the branches of that tree so it's secure but they make it with their little beaks they have no hands they just take their beaks and they they move that stuff around and they make a perfect little comfortable Nest well-rounded and they sit down in there and lay their eggs they know to do that to me to see that it's such an inspiration for me to see that and other things that goes on in nature and God says the stor in the heavens knows her pointed time and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming it says they observe the time of their coming but then when it gets to the intellectuals the highest order of God's creation he said but my people know not the Judgment of the Lord that is that is something you can be seated now today I want to uh I want to just um stroke you a little bit those of you watching me by television I want you just to let me stroke you a little bit in regard to talking about the coming of the Lord I haven't preached on the coming of the Lord in a long time and I apologize for that I should have before now it's been a long time since I preached on it and it's certainly not going to be the last time that I'm going to preach on it in a while you know I thank God for a lot of things um you've often heard me talk about my pastor Reverend RC Wetzel brother wetel was not only a man of God but he was a a wonderful preacher he could make the word of God so interesting he was such a good Mentor for for mean such a good example but what a lot of you people don't know about my pastor was he was a prophecy preacher he was a Bible prophecy preacher and um I sat under him from the time I was 15 years old for many years I said unto him privately not just in the Pulpit when he preached by the pulpit but I said unto him privately every single day uh for many years and he taught me a lot about the word of God much about the word of God God and I'm not saying that I know at all cuz I don't but I thank God that God put a man in my life that love Bible prophecy he was a Bible prophecy preacher and he preached on it a lot and he preached the coming of the Lord so imminent and so strong that I engendered a love in my heart for the coming of the Lord and uh I down through these years have had a real strong um sense to always be expecting him to come at any time time but brother weton was a type that he would travel to different churches where they would invite him and he'd travel with a prophecy charge and know he'd take it out and he had a a metal frame that he hung it on and he would teach and speak from that prophecy chart with a pointer and he knew it really well and he didn't have all the answers just like I don't have all the answers but I thank God that the Lord put me under a pastor that loved prophecy Bible prophecy today it's frowned on by so many especially the uppers you know the upper echelons of the religious crowd they sort of frown on it and um the upper Rel religious echelons today frown on it to the point that they really don't want to hear anything about the coming of the Lord they'll preach to you about prosperity and they'll preach to you about uh you know all these other things and they're good but they don't want to talk about the coming of the Lord because it say it's too controversial um preachers will even say to me some time when I go in their churches to preach now do you believe in the Rapture I always say yes I believe in the Rapture well don't preach on that because we have some mid- triers here and we have some post triers here and I think well I'm just going to trip out of here and go home you know so you know the thing the thing about it is um you know the bottom line is Jesus is coming but I don't think it's time for us to be wrangling over when he's coming first of all nobody knows when he's coming and I want to be real clear with you this morning and tell you that the areas that I'm fixing to get into today I'm not saying that the Lord is going to come in the year 2000 because I don't know when he's coming no man knows the day and of the hour and I tell you one of the reasons why no man knows the day of the hour when the Lord's coming is because number one we don't know what time zone he's going to come in did you know right now it's already tomorrow somewhere else and right now while we're standing here it's yesterday somewhere else you know we don't know what time frame he's coming in what time zone yeah I'm coming 12: eastern time New York City time tell London to be ready you know we don't know when he's coming no man knows the day nor the hour it's already part of another day somewhere else so you don't know the day and of the hour but he did say we could know the season we could know the season of his coming now we are now 4 days into the last half of 1999 right now we are beginning to Coast toward a new millennium there's only been five other Generations that has seen in the history of mankind there has been only five other Generations that has seen the dawning of a new millennium we are about to enter into another Millennium in a matter of less than a half of a year it's it's right on us now the question is is Jesus going to come on January the 1st 2000 in all probability no in all probability but who knows my suspicion has always been the Fe to the Lord that's just a suspicion with me because Christ was crucified on Passover um he would not decompose on the Feast of unleavened bread on the Feast of um first fruits he was resurrected he came out of the Tomb on the Feast of Pentecost he poured out the Holy Ghost um it may be that he comes back on the Feast of trumpets because the Bible does associate his coming with the trumpet Feast of Tabernacles could very well be the beginning of the millennial the Feast of atonement could very very well be the uh the beginning of the tribulation I'm I'm real have been real suspicious of the Feast of the Lord because the first four major things that Jesus did was fulfilled on a feast day so it could be that he comes back on a feast day but when we don't know and he might not even come back on a feast day but I am really suspicious of feast days and I watch them I really watch them it's just me but I watch them I don't know about you but I have a real hunger in my heart to see Jesus now I don't want to die do you I don't want to die because I want to I want to fulfill what God's got for me in my lifetime I want to fulfill it and I don't want to cop out and I don't want to have a you know evacuation mentality oh lord I can't take this come get me I want to do what God's called me to do and I believe that the cannon of the scriptures is closed out you know the scriptures that we are required to believe doctrinally I believe that it's closed out with the New Testament but I wonder if there's still not things being written like the book of The Acts of the Apostles I don't think that the Acts of the Apostles I don't think that book is over I think that it may be open-ended and still being written I'd love to get to heaven one day and be reading in the book of Acts and it's still being continued and read about the Browns were Revival I'd like i' like to read about that and I I'd like to read about Brownsville assembly in Pensacola Florida you know you read about Samaria and Judea and Galilee and azth Jerusalem I'd like to say Pensacola wow glory to God you know and then I'd hate to read in there Kilpatrick copped out and and died you know he died he got discouraged and he died right before the greatest Victory you know and now they got a pastor named fitzgeral you know I don't want I don't want that to happen you know what I'm saying I want to fulfill what God's got for me so I believe that the Lord is coming real soon I believe that with all my heart and um I have some suspicions you know about the year 2000 and one of the suspicions that I've always had is I know the Jews go by a separate calendar they go by the Jewish calendar and according to the Jewish calendar it's in 5,000 something but we go by the Gregorian calendar now the Gregorian calendar has had some bumps and some misplaced times so it's not probably exactly accurate but God has allowed us to have a date that today we know is July the 4th 1999 he has allowed us to have that date that we go by so whether that's really the accurate date of July the 4th it may be and it may not be I don't know but I know that his death was so powerful on Cal Calvary that they started a different timekeeping system and they started what we know as a Gregorian calendar system where it begins with 01 and here we are today in 1999 according to the Gregorian calendar system ad 1999 ad and here we are now over halfway into 1999 less than a half year until the year 2000 so so are you deducting from what I'm saying right now that I'm saying that by the year 2000 that Jesus is going to come I'm not saying that but I'm also not saying that he won't and I reserve that right as a man of God to say that and I really don't care whether anybody likes it or not because my responsibility is not to please people but my responsibility is to warn people and so if you you got a problem and you one of these Skeptics that says oh Kilpatrick said he's coming by the year 2000 you can leave out and say that if you want to but that's not what I'm saying but I'm not going to rule out the fact that he couldn't come in the year 2000 even January the 1 so I don't know why God has allowed us to have this date that we go by today and we're racing toward the year 2000 because this is the first time according to the Gregorian calendar that we are reaching a second Millennium this is the second time according to the Gregorian calendar that we are reaching another Millennium we've already reached one but this is the second time now as you well know I'm going to read your scripture in just a moment a bunch of them but as you well know in the scriptures the Bible says that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day I have become a a little bit um in the know not a lot but a little bit in the know lately about Bible prophecy uh not date wise and that kind of stuff but I'm talking about like prophets giving words of the Lord go back and you study Isaiah Jeremiah John the Revelator different ones they talk in in language that is prophetic and sometime they don't just come right out and say it but sometime they say it in like paric language and as I have learned to decipher through some of that stuff even in modern times about parabolic language I go back and I'm looking at some of the Parables Jesus taught and I'm seeing that in some of the Parables that he taught it seems like there may be some things there that he sort of shrouded but yet at the same time came out with it and it's it's up to us to take a good serious hard look at it and to decipher it and say Lord was you trying to say this now I'm being very careful this morning I'm not saying that the Lord says so and so so and so by some of the scriptures I'm about to give you but I'm also not saying that he did not intend that I just want us to take a look at it and I'm going to let you deduct from it what you want to deduct from it I just want us to take a look at it and just see if maybe the Lord might be talking to us uh um I have always believed that number six is the number of man I've also always believed as everybody does that the number seven is God's number of completion three usually stands for the Trinity five usually stands for grace and victory um four uh 40 usually stands for testing there's different numbers that stands for different things so um seven stands for completion six is the number of man well it just so happens that we're coming up on the completion real soon of six days of man 6,000 years it could be 6 days if God was speaking prophetically and parabolically it could be that we're coming up now on the number of six where the least of man may be up on the earth I don't know but it could be I don't want to be a preacher that because of fear of of man or because of people making fun of me or blasting me in the papers or periodicals that I would hold my tongue and not tell you things like this I don't really care what people thinks about me or what they write about me I just want you to know in case you understand that I want you to know in case so let people say what they want to say let them write what they want to write I'm a man of God and I'm standing here telling you there may be something to it okay two Clouts appreciate that very much but look at this I want to show you some y'all want to see some interesting scriptures no you don't nah two Clouts nah n no that was only 962 Clouts there's 3,000 people here now goe with me Matthew Chapter 13 Matthew 13 just want to just want to take a look this morning just want to take a look y'all want to take a look just taking a look look at Matthew chap 13 and verse 34 all these things y'all with me Matthew 13:34 all these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in what say it Parables and without a parable spake he not unto them now look at verse 35 this is interesting that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying I will open my mouth in Parables I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world now isn't that interesting now look this way just for a minute when Jesus tells the parable of the prodical son when Jesus tells the parable of the lost coin when Jesus tells the parable of of this or that or the other the kingdom of God when he tells a parable how's how's he revealing we all know the prodicle of the of this parable prodical son how is that revealing mysteries from the foundation of the world well I'm not so sure that there may be something locked up in that parable of the prodical son that has been locked up and kept mystery from the foundation of the world but I wonder if there's anything in the other Parables now I don't have time this morning and I'm right in the middle of another series I got to finish up on God suddenly and I'm going to finish that because I get real conf convicted when I don't finish a you know a series and I'm going to finish par uh the suddenly I got two more sermons going on that but today I just wanted to come in here and preach this I just felt it burning in my bones but there's there's some Parables that I want to take on Sunday morning and I want to open them up to you and I want to show you how the coming of the Lord is laid out in some Parables that I'm not going to be laying out to you this morning I'm going to share some Parables with you this morning but I don't have time to lay them out today but there's seven parables in the Bible that I'd like to take that Jesus explains the drag net and different kinds of things where it pretty well lays out some Mysteries that locks into other things that the prophets taught as well as Jesus taught they're sort of locked in together interconnected there's seven of them today I don't know how far I'll get but I want to try to get as far as I can and and the Bible says here it says that it might be fulfilled let's get look at it one more time which was spoken by the prophet say he said I will open my mouth in Parables this is talking about Jesus I will utter things it says that Jesus Will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world look at that kept secret from the foundation of the world you know what now I don't think that the Lord is going to come out and say yeah I say October the 21st 1923 you know he not going to do that but he's going to utter them in paric language that if you have have an ear to hear and a heart to understand and a heart that's really hungry after God he's going to maybe show you some things through those Parables that's going to pull you along and keep you interested and I'll tell you something else sometime the revelation of God is a layered Revelation you understand that you listening to me I said sometime what God is revealing is a layered Revelation that he only reveals certain layers of it to certain generations for example how in the world could people back in the 13th century have understood when Jesus comes back that every eye will see him but in our generation because of mass communications and Technology we can understand when bombs are dropping on Iraq for the first time the whole world saw the bombs dropping on Iraq the whole world saw it the pope visits Poland the whole world can see it when he gets off the plane so sometime he gives layered Revelation and we know that certain things are going to happen but how is it that the elements will melt with fervent heat how is it that the air the oxygen how is it that the Stars will fall from Heaven and it'll be like sackcloth of ashes and the moon will be turned into blood how did the people in the 12th and 11th century understand that kind of stuff but but but but today because of what we know Discovery Channel um all kinds of things that explains different things to us that whenever there's nuclear fusion how it affects the planet how it affects the sunlight how it affects growing things how how will affect life and then you you you hear them tell that scientifically you go back to the Bible and it's like uhhuh wow so it's a layered Revelation if you you follow me now this is interesting there's a lot of different places that I could take you this morning and I'm not going to make a Doctrine out of any of them but um let let me move on first go to Mark chapter 4 Mark chapter 4 look at verse 11 says Mark 4 4: 11 it says and Jesus said unto them everybody look this look at look at this now everybody look at this it says unto you Jesus was talking to these people he said now unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but unto them that are not in my kingdom those that are without everything that I'm say and everything anything that I'm doing I'm doing it in Parables to keep them in the dark that's what he's saying look at it one more time unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God but unto them that are outside my kingdom all these things are done in Parables Parables mystify the public look this way everybody Parables m ify the public it confuses them they can't see through it they don't have a prophetic mind they're so secular that unless it's there in black and white they can't understand it and even then I was thinking this morning getting ready for church about when the rich man died in Lazarus the rich man said let Lazarus go back and tell my brothers my family and the Bible says that Abraham said hey they've got got Moses and the prophets and if they won't believe them if one came back from the dead they would not believe and you know what he's saying he's saying if if you don't have a heart and a mind to understand the word of God and to want to understand it though somebody would come back from Hades with a smell of smoke on them and say oh my God don't come here they wouldn't believe that say was put on that's how degenerate the natural mind is friend that's how degenerate it is and so he says that for those that are outside the kingdom of God he speaks to them in Parables he speaks to them in Parables now look at Isaiah 46 Isaiah chapter number 46 verse n Isaiah 46:9 it says remember the former things of old for I am God and there is none else I am God and there is none like me now Look at verse 10 it says something about it God says I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done are done yet saying my counsel will stand and I will do all my pleasure now look this way just for a minute God said that he declares the end from the beginning so did you know that just as Jesus came here 2,000 years ago and how many of you believe believe that did you know that just as he came here 2,000 years ago that in God's mind he already sees him coming back that's established and he already sees the millennial Kingdom set up on the Earth where the prince is going to set on the throne and Rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years of Peace that's just as done in the mind of God as Calvary has done in the mind of God we're caught in a vortex between the closing out of the dispensation of grace and the beginning of the tribulation of the dispensation tribulation we're calling a Vortex we're somewhere in there in a gray area I I'm using the word gray area where it's sort of like we're in limbo and many people are scoffing and saying where's the sign of his coming listen you just don't let that come out of your mouth you just don't let that come out of your mouth I'm telling you he's coming back as sure as I stand Here the word of God is established I said it is established and it's going to happen whether you believe it or whether you don't and I going to tell you something else every day that clicks off on our calendar every day that clicks off on our calendar every time you turn over a month on your calendar we're getting that much closer God has a time set Jesus when he was here said the Angels don't know nor the son of man knows only my father but in the mind of God God's already got got some prophetic dates set but in order for us to be prepared for them he says I'm not going to tell you exactly the day and the hour but I'm going to speak to you in Parables and I'm going to reveal Mysteries to you in Parables and I'm going to give layered Revelation so each generation each succeeding generation will know and I tell you I personally believe that we are probably the last generation before the coming of the son of God and there's more Revelation now coming out and there's more truth and more things are being revealed now and will be in days to come and that's why we're going to have to be careful because there's going to be a lot of charlatans and shyers out there that's going to try to be revealing things that they're going to call of God that's going to mislead some people that's how the devil always gets in but God I believe is going to let us know how many of you believe that God's going to let us know his coming is very close and he's going to give some kind of Revelation toward that now I've got to I got to hurry on I'm going to Forfeit reading the scripture in second Peter where it says one day is with the Lord thousand years and thousand years in one day now let me let me go just share something with you real quick if you'll go back and study in your Bible or get you a good history book on the Bible you will find that there was from the time of Adam until the time of Abraham there was 2,000 years there really was and from the time of Abraham until the time of Christ there was 2,000 years from the time of Jesus Christ until now there's 1999 years I happen to be a preacher in this Crux of time and I am not going to close my eyes and act like it's not 1999 and we're coming up on the year 2000 I'm not going to do that so we're almost now at the completion of another 2,000 years so from Abra Adam to Abraham Abraham to Christ and Christ until now is almost 6,000 years well the Bible only mentions one of the Thousand Years and that's called the Millennium that would make seven that's called the millennial is the millennial reign of Christ Millie Anam it's the millennial reign of Jesus Christ and what brings about the Millennium is that Jesus comes back visibly at the end of the tribulation period sets his feet on the Mount of Olives and there's evidently an earthquake and the mountain splits this way toward the Eastern West and there's a great valley created and Israel gathers that's left after the tribulation and when Jesus comes and says his feet on the Mount of Olives and he's got the host of God with him on horses white horses we've come back we've rolled back with him he has just down the Antichrist and he's just down the false prophet into the lake of fire he's gotten rid of them he's won the battle of Armageddon he sets his feet on the Mount of Olives the mount splits what's left of Israel has gathered and they look upon Him whom they pierced and they say oh my God he was the son of God and then the Bible says that after his feet hits the Mount of Olives he that will be his second coming that will be his second coming that's not the Rapture but that's his second coming and that's when he places his feet back on the Earth just as he left and went up into heaven the angel said he come back in like manner when his feet hits the Mount of Olives he will be back on the earth he will leave and walk down from the Mount of Olives and he will walk into Jerusalem and they will have had a period of time to cleanse the temple where the Antichrist set and rule the world there will be a time of cleansing the Bible mentions that in Daniel and there will be a time of cleansing where they will have gone into that Temple and they will have purged it and washed it and cleansed it and Christ will set in the millennial K Temple and he will rule from a throne for a thousand years of peace and the devil will be bound for th years that's his coming that's the second coming of Christ now that begins the final thousand years that we have listed of human history so when people say it's the end of the world they don't know what they're talking about it's not the end of the world it may be the end of a dispensation but the end of the world will not be at least for a thousand years because Christ has got to Reign and rule on the earth for a thousand years from Jerusalem that's Bible That's not some kind of a cultish teaching that's Bible and if you haven't progressed that far in God yet you don't know the Bible just if you can trust me it's scriptural Christ is going to come back and he's going to rule from Jerusalem for a thousand years of peace that will be the completion of God's seven millenniums after that there will be a period of time where the Lord is going to let the devil out for brief period from the bottomless pit because there will be people that will be born in the Millennium that will have never known nothing but the the Theocratic rule of Jesus Christ and the devil will be loose for short season and he will go about and tempt those that has never known anything but the rule of Christ to see whether or not they're going to still stand for Christ after thousand years of only knowing him or if they're going to be seduced away and follow the devil One Last Time Lord's going to bind the devil and then the millennial are the the New Jerusalem comes down from God out of Heaven the Bible says it's as a bride adorned for a husband it's a city but it looks like a bride adorned for a husband there's there's Jasper there's gold there's sarden there's topaz God's best God has built a magnificent City something man can never even surmise God has built it it's 1500 M square and it's going to come down from God out of heaven and it'll sit somewhere above the Earth and it'll have 12 layers and 12 foundations with the names of the Apostles on there and it's just going to be full of mansions the gates will be made of Pearl and we will be able to move into that City and go and explore God's Great universe and that will be our home base and we will have bodies that we can do that with that will be God's eternity beginning in the New Jerusalem but that New Jerusalem from God will not come down out of Heaven until that last thousand years is completely called the millennial rule of Christ so that's the last of the history of mankind that we see is when God finishes that Thousand Years up on the earth well here we are now Within just about a half a year according to the Gregorian calendar of the 6,000th year so I'm telling you we've got to be close and even as I say that I feel the presence of the Lord we have got to be close and so after that seventh Millennium that one more thousand years to go the devil's loosed just for a brief period of time then he's chained put in the Lake of Fire forever and ever with Beast and false false prophet prophet and he's all locked up and we're all safe and it's been ascertained who's going to be God's people and who's going to go to hell who's going to be the devil's people after all that's been ascertained to the last person then we move in the New Jerusalem with God and eternity begins and there'll be no more trouble no more pain we'll live forever with Christ and the Bible said they won't be no need of the son because the face of him who sits on the throne will be so br brilliant and so bright that he will light that City completely just the face of him Moses saw him when he passed by just for a quick flash he saw God's hinder parts and he saw him just quick enough that when Moses came down off the mountain they had to put a veil over his face for the people to even look at him just by glancing who this Ancient of Days was are you listening to me I'm telling you that's the one we're serving that's right and Moses just GL the Ancient of Days just his hinder parts and his face so absorbed the power and the glory of God they had to Veil his face and when he came down Israel had to look at him like this even with a veil over his face and can you imagine if that was just somebody that looked at him what's going to happen in the New Jerusalem we'll have to have a glorified body to look upon him and be able to absorb him and take him in I'm telling you friend he may have came the first time as a lowly galileon but he's coming back as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords now with that said I want to show you something interesting now there's a lot of places I could go let let me go first of all I'm going to give you a scripture that I've dealt with before go to um Hosea you know where Hosea is Matthew Mark Luke and Hosea it's right before Amos right after Daniel you know where Daniel is is right after Daniel go to Hosea with me first chapter 6 y'all with me so far y'all time conscious me either so far so good what I'm about to read to you I totally totally believe it to be just like I'm reading it to you chapter six this is prophetic Hosea verse one chapter 6 verse1 come let us return unto the Lord for he has torn and he will heal us he has smitten and he will bind us up and after two days look at that after two days say this with me one day is with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day this is prophetically speaking it says after two days I believe here what it's talking about is after 2,000 years it's talking about Israel it says he's torn us and he'll heal us he's smitten us and he'll bind us up and I believe after 2,000 years he will revive us because we don't see that there's a revival going on in the day of Grace the dispensation of Grace but during the tribulation God deals with them harshly but at the end he revives them and so after two days he will revive us and in the third day which will be the Millennium he will raise us up and we're going to be able to Tabernacle and live in his sight then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord his going forth is prepared as the morning and he shall come unto us as the rain and the latter and the former rain unto the earth now I said that to say this cuz I I want to take you and show you something in the Book of Matthew Chapter 13 chapter 13 that's one of those places where I do believe that we have to read that scripture where it says after two days he will revive us now look this way just for a minute just stop turning for a minute let me explain something to you you remember you remember um Jesus was about to be crucified and they was just dogging every track that he made every step that he made do you remember that and they were after him Sadducees the Pharisees were after him Chief priests even the the Roman government was after him Herod you remember and you remember Jesus made this statement somebody come to him and said Herod so and so so and so Jesus he just he said this he said you go tell that fox you remember that you ever read that in the Bible he said you go tell that old Fox hey I think it's all right for me to call somebody a fox don't you somebody gives me trouble like the news journal some like that you go tell that fox please I I can say fox I can't say any other thing but I say you go tell them foxes done it anyway here's what he said he said you go tell that fox that today and tomorrow I do my Miracles and the third day I'll be perfected you know what I believe he was saying you go tell that fox he don't know who he's fooling with my work's not done I'm going to die but today and tomorrow for two days I'm going to do my Miracles my Works through the church and the third day I'm going to be glorified you know ever you ever thought about in the Bible you know you hear people talk about these are the last days yeah they really are the last two days not the last day but the last days because if a thousand years with the Lord is a thousand one day is with the Lord is Thousand Years thousand years is one day it means that over this last dispensation of Grace since the founding of the church on the day of Pentecost that we are now two days and so these are the last days these probably we are the last 2,000 years so these are the last days that's why even the apostles whenever they were writing they were talking about the last days the last days they were in the last days too there was four of the days before them but here's two more days to go and they were in the last days even the Apostle Paul Peter and all those guys Jesus has been here in the last couple of days you seen the Lord in the last couple of days amen see no I hadn't seen him in a couple of days but I'm looking for him real soon amen I want to show you something interesting let's just look at this just see what you think this is a story that we all know in Luke chapter 10 y'all with me did y'all turn to Matthew I don't know who told you to do that but that was wrong Luke chapter 10 want to show you something interesting Luke chapter 10 and verse 30 it said a certain man Jesus telling the story now look this way just for a minute let me look this way just for a minute what did that scripture say a while ago it says that he's revealing mysteries in The Parables it says hidden mysteries in The Parables is that what he said okay so now he's talking Parables he's talking a parable here's a Parable I believe there's something hidden here and let's just see I believe there's something hidden in a bunch of Parables this is just one I'm not saying oh here it is you know there's a bunch of Parables The Mustard Seed Dragnet all of them there's a bunch of Parables that he's got his coming talked about in all those Parables this is just one this is just one let's just take a look at it right quick it says certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among Thieves stripped him of his reignment wounded him departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side and likewise a levite when he was at the place came and looked on and passed by on the other side but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him went to him bound him up his wounds pouring in oil and wine set him on his own beast and brought him to an end and took care of him and on the tomorrow when he departed he took out two pennies and gave them to the host and said unto him take care of him and whatsoever you spend more when I come again I will repay thee which now of these three thinkest thou is neighbor and him that fell among the theves now look this way just for this is a parable I repeat this is only a parable this is a test this is only this is a parable this is only a parable but let's see if we can see something here now we're not straining to see if we can see something here but I just want to see I believe when the Bible says he came by it says there was a priest and a levite verse 31 it says he came down from a certain there came down a certain priest that saw this man that was wounded passed on the other side now a priest was a keeper of the law how many of you knows that this man that was wounded and hurt needed help how many of you knows that the law can't help hurting people the law can't help hurting people how many of you knows that the letter kth but the spirit maketh alive this priest or this I'm sorry this priest yeah this priest was a keeper of the law a preacher of the law so when he saw this man hurting he had nothing to offer him and so he had to pass by on the other side he had nothing to offer him and a levite was The Keeper of the blood sacrifices a levite was The Keeper of the blood sacrifices and how many of you knows that the blood of bulls and goats cannot take care of the problem of sin and hurting people amen so the priest Keeper of the law a levite keeper of the blood sacrifices they both looked on on this guy hurting and they both had to pass by they had nothing to offer him but it said there was a certain Samaritan I like this look this way just for a minute or look look at the scripture just for a minute it says um a certain Samaritan verse 23 as he journeyed came where he was you know what that mean Journey that word Journey means it says he was on a mission how many of you believes when Jesus came he was on a mission and how many of you believes whenever Jesus came he came to where you was amen I said he came to where you are he knew us he saw us he saw this planet he saw that there had been a terrible wreck it was called the Garden of Eden he saw that there was death had set in and he saw that man was broken and bleeding and hurting and he saw that the law couldn't help him and the blood sacrifices couldn't help him but he said the Samaritan as he journeyed Jesus came on a mission and thank God it said he came where he was how many of you knows Jesus knows where we are don't you thank God he found us where we are it says he found him came where he was and when he saw him I love this about Jesus it said constantly about Jesus all through his Earthly Ministry it said he always had compassion you know what compassion is compassion is one-sided love while we were yet sinners Jesus loved us and died for us we didn't even know him didn't even want to know him we was ready to curse him but Jesus had compassion lopsided one-sided love and his bowels of compassion came out toward us we didn't even know it but thank God when we receive that love and we've been born again now we can reciprocate that love and compassion back to him well look what it says now now let's go a little bit further it says had compassion on him and went to him and bound up his wounds I like this he poured in the wine oil and the wine you know what the work of the holy spirit is work of the holy spirit is to pour in the oil and the wine oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit Wine is a symbol of the Holy Spirit the Bible says be not drunk with wine but be ye filled with the Holy Spirit is that what it says the work of the Holy Spirit is the oil and the wine and then I like this where it says it put him on his own Beast you know what that means God took us from our mess and put us on his own property you know what the Bible says we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son how many of you believes that God has taken us and put us in his property my feet may be still walking down here in Pensacola but I'm seated with him in Heavenly places glory to God now I like this also it said it brought him to an end it said it brought him to an end you know what I believe that n is I I just want to just surmise here a little bit of maybe stretching things but let me stretch I believe that end is the church I believe he brought him to the end of the church and here's what he said he said on the marrow when he departed he took out two pennies that's interesting why did it say that he took out two pennies where am I at I lost place there he is yeah I was looking on the wrong page and he took out two pennies and gave them to the host and said unto him take care of him and whatever you spend more when I come again what did he say when I come again what did Jesus say he's going to do I'm going to come come again he said I will repay thee now look just hold your finger there for a minute turn back to Matthew 20 and: 2 let's look and see another Parable just hold your finger there we'll come back there may be something hidden in this Parable as well as a bunch of other ones chapter 20 verse1 says the kingdom of heaven now who's is this is this in red in your Bible that means it's Jesus speaking right so here is another Parable again it says the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder he went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his Vineyard and when he had agreed with the laborers for penny a day look at that penny a day he sent them into his Vineyard now I wonder why he said a penny a day when he agreed with the laborers for penny a day now look back over here one more time in verse 35 it says on the tomorrow when he departed he took out two pennies reck why you took out two pennies why didn't you take out five why didn't you take out one took out two pennies and gave them to the host and said unto him Holy Spirit take care of you and here's what I believe God's saying to us today he's saying to the church age whatever look this way everybody I believe here's what the Lord's saying whatever expenses is incurred in my church to take care of the lost and whatever expenses are incurred in taking care of the broken and the hurting people by my ministers and by my churches I will take care of everything how many of you believes there's no there's no shortcuts and there's no poverty when it comes to the kingdom of God how many of you believes if he had compassion and he came where we were and he and he had enough sense to take us and put us an end and tell somebody to take care of us he say he's got to go away how many believes if he say he's going to take care of the bills he'll take care of the bills that's why I never worry about paying the bills at Browns Assembly of God because it's not my church it's his church I don't worry about Steve Hills bills together in the Harvest I don't worry about Billy Graham's bills I don't worry about the Church of the Living God's bills why because there's a lot of work to be done but this Good Samaritan said if it if there's anything else I need to take care of I'll take care of it cuz this is my my heart in my work amen but isn't it interesting he said he took out two pennies you know what that meant a penny for a day because that other Parable said he gave him a penny for a day's wages and he took out two pennies and I believe what he may be saying there in paric language is I'm going to be gone two days but I will come again he amen could it be some of you sitting out there looking at me like yeah well I don't know you just don't know see you're sort of looking at me like you right that is it I think there's a lot locked up in The Parables about the coming of the Lord just one of the quick thing it's interesting that the Bible says that whenever Jesus left his mother and daddy at the age of 12 it says that um they went looking for him there was a day Journey going to find him they they didn't know till Day's Journey that they lost him then they had to go back a Day's Journey when they found him and the Bible said on the third day they found him in the temple what's going to happen on the third day he's been gone two days but the Bible says in the Millennium the thousand years when he RS rules and Reigns you can find him in the temple he'll be in the temple somebody says is that stretching it I don't know but it feels good it feels good you know what I believe I believe we are so I I've got so much more ground to cover I didn't get through page two I had six pages of notes but I'm just in a talkative mood today for some reason y'all come back next week I'll be in a bad mood I'll preach to you real me next week but you listen to me friend I believe we are so breathtakingly close Y2K God's going it just doesn't bother me 2000 I don't know 2001 I don't know 2003 I don't know I just saw on the news this week CNN where they said that some of our airplanes jet airplanes caught two bombers loaded with nuclear missiles coming down from Russia over Iceland and our airplanes went and intercepted them and took them in a clockwise turn cut them off from coming straight over and took them in a clockwise turn and escorted them back out of the airspace over Iceland and they called it military Maneuvers but they were loaded with nuclear bombs now what they said was on the news they just dropped this and they said they were in strike distance those nuclear bombs were brought into airspace over Iceland within Striking Distance of America now whether that was intended for that purpose or not I don't know but let's just say suppose something like that is in their mind and suppose they're still upset about Kosovo and NATO decision and they're want to some kind of a Maverick government up there wants to prove some kind of a point that's the kind of dangerous world that we're living in and I'm telling you friend that's the kind of world that we're living in there's a bunch of Thieves and robbers and M murders and Marauders in this world that's loosed this planet is on a Rendevous soon with the day of Destiny and the day of the Lord where God is going to bring judgment on the Sinners can I give you one more thing before I close just one more I'll close with this I promise you I promise you go go with me real quick to the book of [Music] um Matthew 3 I'm sorry Matthew 13 I got Matthew 3 here Matthew 13 I was in a hurry last night could I show you one more thing tell you where I believe we are Matthew 13 look at verse another Parable here what I might have to come back and visit this again next Sunday glory to God and bring you that suddenly message suddenly one Sunday chapter verse chapter 13:3 and he spake many things un them in Parables now in Parables he said he wants to reveal some Mysteries he says Behold a s went forth to seow and when he had sowed some seeds fell by the wayside and the fowls came and divided them up some fell upon Stony ples places and had not much Earth forth with they sprung up because they had no deepness of Earth and when the sun was up they were scorched because they had no root some fell among the Thorns oh I'm I'm in the wrong place again go to verse 24 I read the wrong one and he put forth a parable unto them saying the Kingdom of Heaven is like un a man that SED good seed in his field this is it SED good seed in his fi while men slept his enemy came and SED tears among the wheat and went his way when the blade was sprung up and brought forth food fruit then appeared the tears also so the servant of the household came and said to him sir did you not SE good seed in your field from whence is the tears and he said unto him well an enemy's done this and the servant said unto him will you then that we go and gather them up he said no no no l while you gather up the tears you root out also the wheat with them let them both grow together until the Harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the Reapers gather you together first the tears look at that Gather ye together first the tears and bind them in bundles to burn them and gather the wheat into my barn well well in verse 37 he answers that Parable they said we don't understand what this is now about the tears and all that verse 37 he says he answered and said unto them he that SWS good seed is the son of man say that with me the good seed is the son of man he sowed the good seed look at look this way the Son of God Jesus came to seow a good seed now look this way what does the Bible say he is Incorruptible seed he said except a seed go into the ground and die it can bring forth he said that he is one that's going to bring forth the first fruits the Harvest he's the good Jesus is the seed he came out of the ground he was the first order of a new kind he was a prototype of a new order Jesus died so he goes through his death and he plants the seeds of the righteous and the Saints and so he's got his people on the Earth and it's called good seed he said the field is the world the Earth the good seed are the children of the king they're the ones under the rule and the government of God he said but the tears are the children of the devil in other words he said the enemy that SED them is the devil it's real clear now he said the Harvest is the end of the age that word their world should be age and the reapers are the Angels he said the reapers are the Angels therefore the tears are gathered burned up in the fire so it's going to be be in the end of this age so the son of man will send forth his angels they'll gather out of the kingdoms all things that offend and them which do iniquity now remember this verse again friends he said the son of man will send forth his angels and the angels invisibly will gather out of God's kingdom all those that offend and them which do iniquity and he's going to bundle them up and cast them into a furnace of fire and they'll be wedding a astion of teeth but the right will shine as the son in the Kingdom of their father if anybody's got ears to hear Let Them hear let me explain this to you now look he said the good seed is sown by the son of man Jesus was willing to die and be planted to bring forth much fruit like himself but now the Bible says that the wicked are first bundled up are you listening look this way everybody it says the wicked it says first gather the tears the wicked go back look at it one more time verse 28 said the servant said unto him will you gather will you we we can we go gather them up he said no that's why you gather tears he said let both grow together till the Harvest in the time of harvest I'll say to the Reapers gather together the tears first all right look this way I believe that right now we are in the time of harvest I believe this is Harvest time I believe this revival has a lot to do with Harvest time because Revival now is breaking out all all over the world people are souls oriented more than ever that's Harvest Time God is harvesting people the righteous The Good Seed but he said now first of all he said this he said first of all I will say to them gather together the tears leave the wheat alone but bundle up the tears first it's interesting I believe that there are right now in this earth major Angels major angels and I believe they are invisible to us and I believe the holy spirit's involved in this too but it's like the angels and the Holy Spirit has been released to start clumping together the tears the evil people isn't it interesting that the homosexuals coming out of the closet they're becoming militant they're coming out of the closet I don't care who knows it's like the angels are saying hey out of the closet boys out of the closet girls and they're coming out and they're being identified it's like they're being bundled up somebody says brother Kilpatrick does does God love the homosexuals God loves homosexuals but God hates her sin does God love the adulterous God loves the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should not perish but if you don't follow him and believe in him you will burn I promise you you will burn I promise you that in writing and I don't care who believes it and who likes this or not it's the truth and so the homosexuals are stepping out it's like the angel is saying out of the CL it and they're all lumping together it's like nations of the world are gathering against that which is good churches full of people it's like those that's there that they got religion but their heart is evil and dark it's like now they're clumping together against the move of God and then there are others over here that saying oh Jesus just do whatever you want to do anytime you want to do it Jesus it's like there's a clumping even in the church where the people that's got religion and they want nice Home and Gardens religion it's like they're being clumped together they're tears Bible say they're they're terrist he said Gather them first everywhere I go I see people that's against the move of God against the Holy Spirit against healing against tongues against casting out Devils against Revival against people being saved we don't want people prayed for in our church we don't want alter calls in our church we want our preacher to be real nice and a real gentleman and preach just a short period of time and bless us and let us get our offering and pay our bills at our beautiful church and that's going about our merry little ways you're a tear you're a [Applause] tear and you got your others out there that's saying Jesus I am thine oh Lord what you want to do this place is not mine I don't own the first stone I don't own the first piece of glass I don't own the first piece of fiber on the carpet it's your place Lord we're the Sheep of your pastor you come Jesus I'll step out from behind the pull pit and just let the Holy Spirit have free reain I'll monitor things Lord but I'm not going to control things you just come and do what you want to do Lord if you want to pour out your spirit pour out your spirit if you want to baptize in the Holy Ghost baptize in the Holy Ghost if you want to pour out the glory of God and the whole church lays in the pews under the glory do it it's like friend it's like we're in Harvest Time and it's like God's released the angels and nations are clumping together coalitions are being formed governments are Co forming coalitions you look in Congress there's a slice there par is for sin gives license to sin in your face America we don't want you think care about us we don't want you think about us but this is the way we're going to vote in your face then you got others up there that are trembling before God saying oh my God don't let judgment come on America even in the Senate of the Congress you can see coalitions of righteous and coalitions of good you can see it as never before in any time in our history it's like he said bundle up the terrce first you know what I believe I believe the angels are doing some bundling I am so glad I'm not being bundled for the fire I said I'm not I'm not being bundled as a tear I thank God that we're being bundled out as the wheat of God to go into his barn into his new kingdom into his New Jerusalem to live with him forever I thank God for that but I tell you friend it's like the angels are invisible but they're going around the governments they're going to cities they're going to churches they're going to denominations they're going to uh countries and it's like bundle them up when I every time I see a homosexual March a gay pride March I see bundles of Tears marching down Fifth Avenue that's what I see I see bundles of Tears it's like it's like somebody bundled them up and tied a rope around them and they're just marching like a railroad car down the road and they're saying you got to like it oh we feel sorry for you you're going to burn you're going to burn I'm glad I'm wheat stand your [Applause] feet hallelujah how many of you are thankful that Pastor is willing to go ahead and preach what God drops in his heart Pastor's going to come back in just a few minutes and he's going to lead us in a time of communion before the Lord and I want to address you for just a moment before he does that uh but what I'd like you to do is go ahead and sit down and I like the deacons and the directors and the men that help with the communion elements to go ahead and come and to begin to pass him out but also I want to ask you to not be distracted by the communal elements as as they're brought to you and before I talk to you about the condition of your soul I want to say one thing that when Pastor talks about and he does refer from time to time to homosexuals as just one segment of iniquity and sin that's in our society and in this world and there's a there's a propensity on the part of the church that every time we hear about a sin group like that that we want to rejoice and I even saw some of you kind of smile and chuckle about that what Pastor is really trying to strike in our hearts is that folks it's time for the church to begin to be serious and it's time for us to begin to intercede for those people because if we don't pray and if we don't cry out to God on their behalf that's why we're going back to prayer on Tuesday nights is we want a season of prayer and a time of prayer that God can control what we pray about and it's time for us to begin to pray about those that are being bundled up as tears for the fire church we don't need to rejoice when we hear those words but we need to begin to mourn and we need to begin to intercede that's the heart that God wants to impart to his church he's not a god of wrath he's not a god of judgment he's a god of compassion and mercy and forgiveness and longsuffering he says but I will punish iniquity that isn't dealt with and there's some of you that as you've listened to Pastor's message this morning you've been uncomfortable you don't like to hear messages about the culmination of all things you don't like to hear about the impending Judgment of God on the earth you don't want to hear about the Rapture of the church you don't want to hear about the tribulation and can I tell you that if that's the the attitude of your heart that there's a problem this morning because God promises Us in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 he says while they're saying peace and safety then destruction will come on them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child and they shall not Escape it says them suddenly they're not going to be aware they're going to be walking in darkness that's why he speaks in Parables they can pick this book up and they can read it front to back cover to cover time and time again and never have it revealed to us but listen at the Hope Church of verse four but you Brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you like a thief and I'm going to tell you this morning that if there's fear in your heart if there's Terror in your heart if there's anxiety in your heart will you hear Pastor speak about things like the coming of the Lord that there's an issue there that I believe God wants to deal with this morning because he told us at the very beginning that we're to comfort one another with these words and if that blessed hope doesn't bring you comfort if talking about Rapture if talking about judgment doesn't bring you hope if it doesn't bring you comfort if it doesn't bring you peace there's a problem of fracture in your relationship with God you don't know him the way that you need to that's what happened with Moses Pastor in chapter 34 when Moses said let me see you he was asking he said reveal yourself to me let me fully understand who you are and God said I can't expose myself to you you cannot understand the fullness of who I am in your human Frailty You' just be consumed he said but I'll let you understand a little bit of me and just that little bit and if you'll read there in that chapter it says then God announced God proclaimed he made a declaration to Moses of a little bit of who he was and just as Moses began to understand that it said he made haste to Bow Low before him church do you really know him do you really have the confidence in your relationship with him that you come before him and you reveal yourself to him and you say God now reveal some more of yourself to me or are you afraid of that place of intimacy with God see the word sin that's used over and over and over again in the New Testament is the Greek word harano and it doesn't have to do with this list this Litany of things that we call Sin it's not a litmus test but the word harano means to miss the mark in one's relationship are you missing the mark in your relationship to [Music] God some of you are missing the mark in your relationship to God because you've been getting hard towards the moving of God's spirit in this church you're tired of Revival you're tired of services you're tired of having to give up your finances you're tired of having to give up your time and I'm tell telling you right now that that's missing the mark in your relationship to God some of you have been willing to lift your voices and to point your fingers at the men of God that he's got leading this revival because you've seen their flaws like Pastor talked about this morning church you're missing your mark in your relationship to God if you lift your voice and you lift your finger against those that God's using here some of you are missing the mark in your relationship to God because you don't have devotional time you're not leading your family spiritually at home away from the church you're not governing your finances the way that God's word has decreed and declared you're missing the mark in your relationship to God did you know that not tithing is a sin there's so many areas so many places so many ways that the enemy weaves himself in through our minds I don't have to be in Revival I don't really have to give ties it's an Old Testament principle I can say what I want about those guys cuz they're just men and women like me constantly the enemy hammering away at us and what he's doing is subtly pulling us away from that place of relationship with God that allows us to have comfort and allows us to have peace when a man of God stands up and says he's coming soon I don't know what the issue is in your life some of you have slipped into habits of the past but whatever it is I want to ask you this morning to put your elements in one hand to the other and if there's sin in your life if there's fracture in your relationship to God I want your hand to go up this morning and I don't want it to go up just because there's sin but I want it to go up because you're saying God I'm tired of missing the mark in my relationship to you I'm tired of walking in sin I'm tired of when I begin to think about judgment when I begin to think about the coming of your son that fear begins to well up in me I want it to be Comfort I want it to be peace I want it to bring rest into my life if that's you this morning I want your hand to go up and I want you to keep it up before the [Music] Lord church it's time for us to begin to discern what's really happening around us it's not the time to play games it's not the time to sort out whether you're a pre a mid or a postt position because I'm going to tell you if you're not in relationship to him you're not going to discern his coming you're not going to know ahead of time and it's going to come on you suddenly like a thief but if you're walking in it in that place of relationship it's not going to overtake you it's not going to overwhelm you but it's going to bring joy and peace and rest let's pray together real quick before Pastor comes com father you've seen every hand you've seen every heart in this place this morning as Pastor has spoken and Lord there's some that are in here this morning that are not comfortable in their relationship with you and Lord we come with Humble Hearts bowed Hearts bowed knees before you this morning and we say take us to the place of relationship ship take us to the place that violation of the past has been washed away it's no longer held against us it the blood washes it away from our account never to be remembered against us again and Lord we Covenant with you this morning that we're going to come into the place of fullness of relationship we ask it in the name of your son Jesus amen amen would you say stand please bless the Lord Jesus said this is my body which is broken for you and I want you to take this piece of bread please and just cup it reverently in your hand oh Lord we remember today the suffering that you went through physically for us and we thank you Jesus that you were willing to pay such a a penalty for something you had nothing to do with you didn't do it it was upon us it was thrust Upon Us by the enemy but you were willing to pay the penalty pay the price that our bodies could be well and Lord as we hold this bread in our hand this morning we reverently do so we respectfully do so and we say Lord we remember your body that was so abused so our body could be so well in Jesus Jesus name John I want to ask you to come and I'm going to exchange my bread with you today John is um about to have to go in he's a pilot out here at the Navy yard and he's about to go in and have some surgery some pretty serious surgery on his back he's got a herniated disc it been a lot of pain for about seven or eight months and we're going to believe the Lord this morning that when he takes this that healing is going to flow through his body Jesus I lay hands on John and I ask you now Jesus name to touch him touch him Holy Spirit touch that herniated disc and I ask you Lord let your healing power and your healing virtue flow through him all down through this area that's affected as he takes this bread in his mouth let healing be released in his body his blood his bones his muscles his joints in Jesus Jesus name would you please partake with me Hallelujah we have Lisa with us this morning Lisa you still here baby Lisa Edens where you at I saw her here just a few minutes ago here G God healed her recently of a cancer that they had measured a lymphoma cancer they had measured and done two biopsies of it and after prayer she went back and they felt so hard they made her neck swore they couldn't find that thing anywhere that x-rays is completely gone by the power of God I mean a tumor that have been bsy twice she had her bags packed to go down to shans hospital in Gainesville G Gainesville Florida and they had to unpack their bag couldn't even go a that a shame couldn't even go this is the cup Jesus said of the New Testament of my blood he said this is my blood which is shed for the remission of sins remission means to deal with your sins as though they never existed thank God because he died and because he resurrected and he lives we can face tomorrow with total confidence knowing our sins are dealt with and under the blood Lord we thank you for your blood that was shed that's what the gospel is all about for this cause came Christ into the world to save Sinners Lord we thank you that you took our sins and you put them in the past you took all of them and you put them in your sea of forgetfulness as though they had never been committed Lord every sin in our lives every adultery every fornication every homosexual act every theft everything Lord every word that's come out of our mouth every motive that's come out of our heart that's been wrong it's as though we never did them and we thank you for that confidence that we have in your blood Jesus you are the greatest you are the greatest in human history there's never been or ever will be anybody that can compare to you you're not only our Lord and savior but you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords and we bless you would you please partake with me just take that cup that empty cup and just lift it up toward Heaven lift both hands and just praise him for a few minutes we love you Jesus my Lord what a plan What A Savior woo what an eternity we Face God thank you we're not tears but thank you were wheat going into the big house the glory the barn in the kingdom of God for eternity we love you Jesus and we bless you Lord God bless you friends Jesus is coming he's coming again Jesus is coming again Jesus is coming he's coming Jesus is coming he's coming again Jesus is coming again Jesus is coming he coming again Jesus is coming again [Music]
Channel: Brownsville Church
Views: 58
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brownsville Assembly of God, Brownsville, Church, Brownsville Church, Bible, Jesus, Evangelist, Evon Horton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 50sec (6110 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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