THE COMET: The Meaning of Finn's Life (Adventure Time Analysis)

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Good analysis / life perspective

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wraithbuzz 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
death I think everyone's thought about what would happen to them when they die do you go to heaven do you go to hell is it like how you felt before you were born I mean that one doesn't really make sense because I wasn't me before I was born and now I'm here and if I'm not me then then what is that what is that like it's very difficult to conceive but what if I told you there was a way out an alternative mode of existence where there's no death or life or anything perceivable yeah The Adventure Time episode The Comma is a continuation of the episode hot diggity doom and hot diggity Doom we find out that Gunther is actually an Intergalactic space demon called orglog that got compressed into a penguin because glob banished him into Earth's gravity Gunther stole Princess Bubblegum's ship and is trying to get into space in order to consume the energy of a comet that is about to hit Earth these comets are known as Catalyst comets they are distant to hurt Earth every thousand years and are meant something some sort of change we can see in the episode Evergreen that the last comet to hit Earth wiped out the entire population and although there was an attempt made to stop it It ultimately failed it's unclear whether the comet in Evergreen was inevitable and destined to hit or not this theme of a universal intention or fate is important for the greater context of the Comet okay so back to the episode Finn and Jake managed to get into Gunther or orglog's ship during takeoff and ask him what he's doing what am I doing a fog hides my true intent even for myself orglog seems to be out of control of his own actions he appears to be acting based on pure instincts rather than thinking about what he is doing first upon reaching space he sort of realizes what he's there for and starts moving towards the comet he explains to Fender the death of glob the coming of the Catalyst Comet and the ship being there to take him away Wall open doors that the universe created for him it's interesting to hear orglog explain this to Finn and Jake because just 20 seconds ago he didn't understand his true intention this paints orglog as a force of nature rather than a conscious being he even says himself you can't stop me I'm orgalord his tone of voice in this club isn't mocking Finn or even challenging him he just genuinely sees himself as someone Finn can't defeat Orca log leaves and Finn starts drifting away from Jake time passes in Finn now is helplessly lost in space with nothing left to do he makes an appeal to Greater forces Finn is so calm in the face of very possible death he isn't known to necessarily believe in God or any religion but he is sure of the existence of some sort of universal intention something that will help him out where no one else can and this feeling keeps Finn relaxed after making the appeal and form of song Finn encounters his dad on the morphe style in the episode on the lamb Martin helps Finn onto the moth and tells him the moth moves completely randomly he has no control over it or where it goes He describes his journey on the morph as having no meaning or purpose it's kind of fun right see there's no reason or purpose or what you said Universal intention modern's perspective completely contradicts fans whose belief that everything happens without a reason goes against Finn's belief that a greater meaning brought them together both of their views actually make sense modern perspective makes sense due to his meaningless lifestyle and Finn's perspective makes sense due to him being more grounded with structure these fundamental differences between Fin and Martin are why they find it so difficult to understand one another the moth flies Finn and Martin towards orgalog Martin recognizes that his orglog and immediately sees this situation as out of his control he is a preconceived notation of overlog and sees him as a force of nature rather than something defeatable just like how all glow sees himself Finn on the other hand sees all the log as any other enemy he views his closing mouth as an open door and jumps through without any hesitation or plan of action both Finn and the comma are inside of all Globe now or glog is draining the comet's Essence and Finn appears to be powerless but in a moment of hopelessness Finn's grass allows them to break or glove away from the comments in the episode blade of grass Finn gets cursed by a wizard to always have a grass sword attached to his arm the episode ends with the wizard sanctifin you have no power over me young fool the grass sword will be part of you for all of eternity to that thin response you know what I think I'm cool with that the grass sword is a personified representation of Finn accepting the parts you can't change and doing what feels good he didn't think about the consequences of jumping into orglog's mouth he didn't view him as a force of nature just another enemy to defeat he acted based on pure Instinct and this put him on the same level as orglog all log is a force of nature but so is Finn and that's why Finn was able to defeat him the comet at this point has stopped moving completely and starts to break open Finn do you remember yeah so a long time ago I was you sort of and I crashed on Earth and became a butterfly or some Biz the comet reveals to Finn that he used to exist as a comet in his past life and that he may be her Creator I give you a choice come with me to the end and the beginning or struggle here while like a beautiful Autumn Leaf the comet is offering Finn an alternative mode of existence summing devoid of life and death it begins to list all the things that make up the Human Experience and are impossible to imagine existing without this is your crisis as you stand on the edge of freedom from love hate friendship this offering would immortalize Finn but take away everything he has you're telling me to give up all this stuff but you're not really making it sound bad it's not I've put a lot of work into this new reality I'd like to see it for sometimes the meaninglessness of life makes us blind the comet was offering everything to be immortalized to have some kind of Ascension to have a greater purpose but at the cost of living Fitness felt lack of meaning before a weaker thin one from the beginning of season six would have accepted this offer but this version of Finn has realized that agreeing to this proposal would be killing himself and the clients he has grown to understand that he creates his own meaning and that he would rather build on what he already has than give it up for something he can't even comprehend Martin on the other hand has nothing to lose and asks if he can take up the comet's offer this is the moment where Finn comes to terms with who his dad is throughout season six finna seen him as some sort of mysterious and evil figure but here he realizes he isn't evil he just doesn't care about anything goodbye son bye dad this is the loss we ever see of Martin foreign existentialism is a philosophical approach to life that claims we have no inherent purpose when we're born and while living we must each find our own purpose both Finn and Martin represent two different sides of the existentialist ideology Finn rejects God to work on and find meaning in what he already has and master no checks what he already has to find meaning in something else Finn and his dad understand that they both have different values ideals and purposes Martin got the absolute best thing for him to escape the meat reality he was so tired of and Finn got his best outcome to return to the people he loves the people that make his life there was so much emphasis put on a universal intention throughout the episode but if there was such thing as universal intention why do shitty people like Martin get to ascend to a greater state of being if there was such thing as a universal intention why would orglog have been able to stop the faded Catalyst Comet from hitting Earth if there was such thing as a universal intention why would anything matter Finn has ultimately matured to understand that he should separate what the universe wants from his personal identity the rejecting Ascension is the greatest existentialist statement [Music] extension would have made Finn's life meaningless foreign thanks for watching the video there's two more Adventure Time videos on this channel right now this is my third video on the Channel please leave a like on the video please okay bye
Channel: Lavaman
Views: 55,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventuretime, Videoessay, Marceline, Finn, Jake
Id: Vc6D_QL7Q_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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