The Combine's Brutal Police Force | The Civil Protection | FULL Half-Life Lore

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foreign invaded planet Earth they implemented systems machinery and procedures to keep their conquered species in line one of these was the Civil protection throughout the combine controlled settlements these units monitored and brutalized the poor refugees who over time became used to their abuse at the hands of the combine who were these people before they joined what led them to betray their species and what all of these bad cops or just desperate refugees that had had to make a tough decision here we explore in the law and story behind the Civil protection on the seventh hour of the combines brutal invasion of Planet Earth they ravaged Humanity with their Superior technology and War preparation as Earth's Army slowly succumbed to their forces one managed to contact the Empire through an unknown method and offered Humanity's servitude in return for their lives in response to Dr Wallace Breen's request they accepted his offer and later anointed him as Earth's administrator he had offered submission on behalf of humanity but there were still some who disagreed with his actions and continued to fight against the new combine rule to this the combine understood that one man could not control and guide an entire population and so they needed a way to keep the outliers in line over time the combine moved the human and vortigaunt population into combine controlled settlements and to watch over them they formed the Civil Protection Program a sort of combine-led law enforcement for the planet A system that would allow them to instill even more fear control paranoia and submission into Humanity within City 17 the combine took over the many vacant buildings and adapted them for their various goals one of these buildings was turned into the OverWatch Nexus the headquarters for all OverWatch forces in the city where an AI system simply labeled OverWatch sent out orders to its units regarded by OverWatch as protection or Metro Police the combine asked for human volunteers to join them in their efforts to keep control and balance to not only the citizens of City 17 but to every urban area on the planet where those who came forward will offer benefits and rewards in this dark age for Humanity in this combine controlled regions the human population were held with limited Freedom space and food even their ability to procreate was taken away seti 70 teen and the rest of the planet was a miserable place but in the shadows a secret resistance had formed and was growing slowly in these dark times the desperate of humanity jumped at the combine's offer of a better life where they signed up to become a part of the Civil protection in a more terrifying thought there were others who actually agreed with and believed in the combine's agenda and joined the human arm of their army to play their part as a reward for joining these volunteers were given additional rations and better living conditions much nicer than the locations they had been forced to live in and for those who believed in the combine agenda they took advantage of the greatest privilege power and authority something that had been completely stripped from them as a result of the invasion where they became the combines police force having been given an elevated position in society they had the choice on how to treat the citizens around them to be a good cop or a bad cop in return for these privileges the Civil protection followed the orders of the OverWatch and in addition to these privileges they were even given additional rewards for completing tasks one of which overheard from the OverWatch being a non-mechanical reproduction simulation although it is unclear what this exactly was some belief it was sexual in nature on the flip side there were also threats given to those who did not perform their duties to unexpected standard where the phrase family cohesion was used to intimidate and threaten the officers suggesting that the combine used the family members of these units to force submission for the members of this group that fulfilled their roles well and aimed to progress their rank in the Civil protection there were options available for them but this came with biological modifications something that those in this first rank did not have to participate in over time more of the population became desperate with their dire circumstances where the promise of additional rations forced them to choose between their friends and family or a decent meal thus as more joined to the combine the human arm of the combine empire grew as members of the combine police these volunteers had to commit act that would have normally gone against everything they believed in just so that their lives could be more bearable in a combined controlled World sent out into the streets of their respective cities these officers were fitted with uniforms and bulletproof vests to protect them against resistance attacks and the various threats that came from the Wasteland on the back of their collar and on their right armbands they were also given identification on the location they were stationed in for example the unit stationed in City 17 had C-17 by joining the Civil protection there was a stigma that came with turning on their own species luckily part of their uniform included a mask not only did this conceal their faces from their family friends and neighbors that would pass them on the streets but it also included avocoder that distorted their voices whether the combine planned for this to be the case is unknown but it benefited those who went down this path with these units stationed all over the planet in combine controlled settlements they were set to work in shifts in their respective cities where their main roles were to patrol under guard crucial areas look out for any suspicious activities that could interfere with the combine agenda and generally keep the peace but over the years this had become harder as more and more of humanity and vortegorns alike had joined the resistance with a growing following and more manpower they kept the Civil protection busy and made their roles more dangerous these activities ranged from raiding and stealing supplies from Combine regions to forming new resistance bases across the Wasteland to increase their holding of the land something that the combine and Wallace did not want to happen so whenever the combine and as such over watch became aware of any illegal activities they alerted their civil protection officers to raid the homes of those they believed conspired against them transported them to combine regions and tortured them for any information they had about the resistance movement to do this the Civil protection all labeled by the resistance the CP were given the equipment they needed to perform their duties throughout City 17 and the other cities across the Wasteland the officers made use of scanners and directed them to wander the streets and capture the faces of the residents from these if needed they could view these images within their masks so that they knew exactly who they were looking for if ordered as the Civil protection all followed the orders of OverWatch their masks were equipped with radios so that they could receive their orders directly from from her artificial voice these orders came in the form of codes where over time the resistance discovered at least 59 of these codes these ranged from the standard 10-4 which meant affirmative 2 clean out which meant a mass murder had taken place in addition to their radios these masks were also fitted with an air filter that protected their lungs from any dangerous fumes and night vision activation to navigate darker environments with these enhancements the Civil protection essentially had no excuse for failing an order although their jobs at this low rank were not considered incredibly dangerous the Civil protection were armed with a stun baton and a nine millimeter pistol so that they could take on a situation if needed if challenged by the resistance in larger groups they were trained to work together to take them down in these situations they made use of one of the combine's most unique weapons the viscerator all labeled the manhack by Humanity these flying shredders were perfectly crafted to seek out targets and tear them apart and as such complemented the Civil protection perfectly as they attempted to take down resistance activity in their city in the strict combine controlled territories the humans were ultimately harmless but if the Civil protection came up against more of a threat than they could handle some made use of mp7s or higher ranked combine units were sent in to take out the threat in these rare occasions the Civil protection relied on support from the Firepower in the armored personnel carriers they used to navigate their City flagons to bring in additional support anti-fatigue medication keep them alert and with resistant members to a more dangerous degree they made use of mounted weaponry and even requested the assistance of Hunter Choppers As Time passed under this regime the citizens of City 17 and the other cities feared the Civil protection units in the streets for some of these units they simply sought a more comfortable life for themselves while others relished in their Newfound power to the point where they randomly searched citizens without cause ordered them to complete mundane tasks for their enjoyment and others just beat up citizens for no apparent reason because they could in essence the Civil protection units were disposable to the combine like all of their units and as such they installed a device in the unit's armor to monitor their heart rate if they flatlined a loud noise would whale out into the surrounding area alerting the other teammates in the region of an officer's death and the location they had fallen in essentially where the death of a unit was designed to Aid the rest of the team although the Civil protection used the radios to stay in contact with each other and OverWatch this noise from the radio often gave away their location to any Target they were hunting down and as such sets them at a disadvantage as their position was given away increasing their chance of dying for the Civil protection units who performed well in their roles and wanted additional privileges power and generally for the combine to succeed in the reign of the planet the combine did have options available to rank up in their army this was not just a mere promotion but it was also a taxing procedure on the body a conversion from civil Protection Officer to OverWatch Soldier and then OverWatch Elite in this procedure those who volunteered had their memories adapted and in some cases replaced as well as further modifications to their bodies the first step in becoming a synthetic being for the combine and as the years passed under the combine rule more volunteers joined this growing Army in return for rewards and favor from the combine at the cost of their morality and Humanity moving forward 20 years after the initial Invasion the Civil protection had a strong hold over the cities of planet Earth but the resistance had been growing in the shadows just waiting for their time to strike unknown to the Civil protection City 17. the resistance had managed to infiltrate their ranks with undercover agents where they secured as much information as possible with this they prepared for upcoming raids had access to security cameras learned how prisoners were actually treated when in the custody of the combine and essentially were able to keep one step ahead of the combine as more battles between the Civil protection and the resistance were fought the resistance took the armor and weaponry of the Fallen members of the Civil protection to protect them in further conflicts although regarded as the mere grunts of the combine control all of these cities they were still essential in the day-to-day control of the combine controlled settlements that was until the resistance eventually decided to strike back with full force on a standard day in City 17 the Civil protection were informed by OverWatch of a high priority citizen that needed to be captured anti-citizen one Dr Gordon Freeman not only were these units ordered to look out for him but the set that was also put on high alert where additional combine technology and units were sent out to find this great threat to the combines occupation of Earth on one occasion the Civil protection were extremely close to catching this threat where he was spotted inside of a residential building in City 17 but unfortunately many of the civilians in the building helped him escape the grasp of the officers a very even four units who came close to apprehending him but they were ambushed by the daughter of the resistance leader Alex Vance over the following days Gordon and the leaders of the resistant storm City 17 which left the Civil protection to struggle to keep control so OverWatch soldiers were sent in to fix the situation during this tumultuous Siege these OverWatch units also failed in their goal and Gordon managed to not only Infiltrate The Citadel but he also destroyed the dark Fusion reactor at the top of the structure at this point it was clear that the combine had lost control of City 17 but the combine overlords had other plans it was at this moment that the resistance believed that many members of the Civil protection began to have second thoughts about defending the city many of the Civil protection had chosen to join for an easier life but now it appeared that the resistance actually had a chance to reclaim their Planet regardless us the soldiers who believed in the combines propaganda and vision continue to fight for them even though they have been ordered to overload The Citadel core so that it would explode an explosion that would not only level City 17 but also start the formation of a super portal so that reinforcements could re-enter Earth and Take Back Control within the exit points of the city the Civil protection fought with the resistance who were fighting to lead the city's remaining refugees onto trains to escape the blast of the eventual fall of the Citadel while many believe these officers were simply following their orders to stop the resistance from growing even stronger there were others who believed these civil protection officers were merely attempting to take the trains for themselves to escape the blast following the fall of City 17 the surviving C-17 civil protection units no longer had a city to defend but across the Wasteland the other combine controlled settlements City 10 11 12 and so on still had their protection and just maybe they would be more successful in fighting back against resistance activities or other threats when they would eventually come of the Civil protection was implemented to keep the resistance of humanity in line so that's the combine could complete their goals on planet Earth without chaos although these are modified officers made the lives of the population of their respective cities hell these people were also human with the fall of the Citadel these soldiers now have a choice to renounce their ties to the combine and help their own species or for those that align their values with the combine they will have a tough fight ahead against a growing resistance the majority chose to join the civil protection for improved living conditions and food A desperate choice for a better life that came at the cost of betraying their own species while many may look down on these this situation is something that will quite possibly never happen in our own world hopefully but I do ask if you were put into this situation of fear and doubt would you join the civil protection at the risk of losing everyone around you for an easier life or would you fight with the resistance to claim back your planet now for the Civil protection there is not a lot of behind the scenes information but I have picked out what I believe is the most interesting we'll start with an old version of the Civil Protection Officer or back then they were called the Metro cop there is no huge difference in their design but they do have different color armbands and I guess a brighter look than the darker depressing look of the Civil protection we've received in the final game there was also a cut Elite version of the Civil Protection Officer if this makes sense as there was an elite version of the OverWatch Soldier these were cut but they were to be the actual team leaders of this civil protection units these look crazy good I love the red against the darker colors and the orange eyes look Sinister in my opinion this whole headpiece looks like General Grievous from Star Wars in the Half-Life 2 Beta files conversations between the match cops can be found and they add to the law behind them obviously these are from the beta and there were many changes to the story and the feel of the game between the retail and the beta version but they are interesting regardless phrases such as I wouldn't have kids even if they let me supposedly we're getting a raise next week which suggests that the Metro cops at one point in development were actually paid not that we know if they're paid in the retail game it's never explained and your wife doesn't like me does she the last one adds a bit of humanity to these traitors to their own species the Civil protection is such an interesting concept to me Half-Life is great with telling a story I say this every video but when it comes to having to make such a difficult Choice live in pain or join the opposition it's a tough dark choice and I understand to a degree why the citizens who joined the Civil protection did and of course there will always be a minority that would agree with the aims of the combine and join them anyway I'm not here to judge they're a great part of the half-life story and on my first playthroughs I just overlooked them I thought they were just there to chase me when I refused to drop the can in the bin and there is so much more to them than that they are important to the foundation of the combine structure of fear we all know or have heard of George Orwell's 1984. I had to read it as an assignment in college and the way the combine acted and surveyed the populations of the cities is extremely rare reminiscence of the story a valve degrades I say it's every video but they did the Civil protection portray the desperation of man in an impossible situation extremely well I also want to apologize if my voice over is different this week I have a cold and so it may reflect on the quality of this voiceover this was the law and story behind the Civil protection if you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you could leave a like and a comment on your thoughts if you would like to stay up to date with everything I do outside of YouTube and fancy some behind the scenes content then follow my Twitter and Instagram finally I would like to thank my patrons and channel members who are on the screen right now and an extra special thank you to my gold here patrons and channel members Jonas Lewis Queen Abby fluffy the dragon chicken guy791 and Reuben Mendoza thank you so much for the continued support what did you think of this law did you pick up the can and would you join the civil protection if you were in the half-life Universe let me know in the comments below now officer enjoy your day bye [Music]
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 409,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civil protection, half-life 2, half-life, protection, civil, half life 2 civil protection, half-life 2 civil protection, half-life 2 mod civil protection, civil protection radio chatter, is half-life 2's civil protection really evil?, half life 2 mod civil protection, civil protection team, civil protection chatter, hl2rp civil protection, hl2 mod civil protection, civil protection walkthrough, civil protection reaction, Bad Cop, Entropy Zero, Entropy: Zero 2, Breadman, City 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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