The Colts Have the Best Offense in 2024? | Top 5 in Scoring

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what's up y'all this is NFL expert Colts fan Marcus sniffles here with some more Colts content for you guys I know it's the off season right before training camp starts and it's kind of the dog days of the Summer where there's not a lot of stuff going on so I figured I would drop some drop a video to kind of uh I want I don't want to say stir the pot or drop a hot tape but just kind of give somewhat a prediction of what I think the Colts offense can be and how High uh we can go with how the team has been built and the question I have is why can't the Colts be a top five offense going into 2024 last year we were a top 10 scoring offense scoring just 23 points which doesn't sound like a lot but uh that was enough points to be number 10 in all of the NFL and then when you go back and you look through some of the teams that we played and the lack of quarterbacking that we had during last season so last year the Colts played 1 2 3 4 five top 10 defenses we played the number one scoring defense in the Ravens put up 22 without Anthony Richardson and Jonathan Taylor we played the number eight scoring defense and the Saints scored 27 points without Anthony Richardson the number seven defense in Tampa scored 27 points without Anthony Richardson played the Steelers the number six scoring defense put up 30 points without Anthony Richardson and uh Jonathan Taylor played the number nine scoring defense in the Raiders and scored 23 points So based on that it appears that no matter how good or great the defense is the Colts offense is going to put up their average as far as Point scoring like whether you're the number one defense or the number nine defense it didn't matter we were still going to score points and that's a testament to Shane stking play calling the offensive line being uh getting back to an elite status and uh the running game like our offense pretty much did what it was supposed to do every game last year and coming into the 20124 season we're only scheduled to play three defenses that were in the top 10 in scoring in the Packers Steelers and the bills um teams that are on our schedule that have the potential to be um top 10 defenses that were probably you know between 11 and 15 are the Jets Patriots Titans and Texans so those teams have the potential to be a top 10 scoring defense based on last year in projections so like I said earlier the Colts averaged 23 points last year and that was top 10 in the NFL it's all about how much do you believe in Anthony Richardson's development how much do you believe in the talent that He has having the arm to make every throw to stretch the ball down the field cuz that's one thing Gardner muu refused to do gardner muu rarely threw the ball deep downfield he rarely pushed the ball down the field Anthony Richardson is not afraid to rip it and he has the talent to get the ball anywhere on the field um how much do you believe in uh ad Mitchell like ad Mitchell obviously a second round pick he's not going to be wide receiver one but on this offense where you have someone like Michael Pitman Jr and you have Josh DS and gelani woods uh could possibly be a potential breakout candidate at tight end and Jonathan Taylor in the running game AD should probably have a lot of one-on-one matchups he should get a lot of easy um wide open looks so how much do you believe in the young guys and the veteran guys like Jonathan tayor and Michael Pitman Jr are Anthony Richardson ad gelani Woods and a healthy Jonathan Taylor are all those players worth one touchdown if all those players combined are worth one touchdown the Colts offense would average 30 points if the Colts averaged 30 points they would have been the number one offense scoring offense last season now you have to kind of project in seeing like Okay can they be the number one offense you know what other teams teams have the possibility of you know taking that crown and I think obviously say what you want about Tua but the Dolphins put up a lot of points in yard so you got the Dolphins the 49ers with Shanahan scheme and all those weapons they got over there the Lions the Rams the Chiefs and the Texans sneaky obviously with Patrick Mahomes and CJ Stout they can obviously sneak into that number one spot but those are a lot of teams that could also be in that top five in offens of production when it comes to scoring so is there a world where the Colts can score more points than the Dolphins and the uh the 49ers and the Lions and the Rams well they scored more points than the Chiefs last year and I believe they scored more points than the Texans I don't know I didn't I don't know why I didn't look that up but I'm just for the sake of the video I'm going to say that they scored more points than the Texans so for me I'm going to go ahead and project and say there's no reason why the Colts can't be a top five scoring off offense next year when you include the throwing and running ability of Anthony Richardson the healthy Jonathan Taylor coming into the mix the year two Jump by Josh DS and the development of AD Mitchell who doesn't have the pressure of being a number one receiver and can develop at his own pace with the offensive line being healthy I don't see any reason why the Colts can't be a number a top five scoring offense so let me know what you think in the comments are the Colts going to be a top five offense can they be the number one scoring offense or am I projecting too much am I putting too much on Anthony Richardson because we haven't seen enough of him uh like like I said let me know in the comments what you think peace
Channel: Marcus Sniffles
Views: 1,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube, youtube gaming, ps5share, ps5, call of duty, cod, warzone, warzone 2, fall guys, ytg, twitch
Id: pjuvL1er13k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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