The Colonization of Palestine | Dr. Hatem Bazian Jumuah Khutbah

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they need volunteers the search is going to be in a perimeter around saxi and valley area it's tomorrow saturday 11 a.m to 1 p.m 11 a.m to 1 p.m so the the table the brothers are standing outside if you have time if you can and if you should insha allah please sign up with them um help them inshallah tomorrow 11 to 1 pm that's number one number two vaccinations uh if you have taken the vaccinations here shot number one you can come here tomorrow for shot number two if you have not taken any vaccination you can come here to uh not tomorrow saturday sunday from two to five p.m inshallah both shots one and shot two if you're taking the shots second shot please come if you are taking the first shot please come as well uh two to five pm inshallah uh sunday it's use what's supposed to be saturday let's move to sunday just remember the change of the day inshallah summer one now on saturday we also have the conferences you have heard all of us we have heard and we get excited as and when we see the news the situation and then when the news dies down we also tend to feel that everything is back to normal it's actually the opposite of it it's not back to normal the least we can do is get make ourselves aware of the situation understand the history what is the situation what's the rhetoric and how to counter that that's the purpose of this conference tomorrow we have international speakers uh right here at epic from 2 to 6 30 inshallah from 2 p.m to 6 p.m between zohar and assad inshallah the speakers are international speakers one of the speakers is right here dr hatham bazyan inshallah he's got his today and he'll talk more about it inshallah tala but if you know first you come second invite others as well it's going to be in the gymnasium so make sure it's lunch is served inshallah so looking forward to see you all salaam alaika [Music] foreign foreign alone [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] allah [Music] oh that reminds them of the days of allah and this is a statement that is directed to the believers to reflect upon the history of the world because history is really where allah brings his power majesty as well as complete disposal of the affairs we also have in surtur room that here is the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the arabian peninsula and he is commenting and the quran is revealing that the quran is revealing and commenting on the defeat of the romans which the quraysh were happy because the they had an affinity and thought that they have close ideological theological affinity with the persians who were zoroastrians fire worshipers while the romans which would be the byzantine empire at the time was of uh the abrahamic faith and therefore they were seen to be closer to the prophetic tradition so the quraish were elated that the romans were defeated so the quran came with the revelation which was also was a miracle because the quran predicted or not predicted but the quran informed that the romans will be victorious in a few years and sure enough they became victorious so this my subway into discussing the subject of palestine because we often have why palestine right why the question of palestine it's not from numerical in terms of number of death for sure it is not the most uh intense conflict where you have a large number of deaths uh you know i am a historian right i could document the iran-iraq war i could speak of our afghan brothers and sisters who have been facing bombs and destruction from 79 till now we could speak of our brothers and sisters in minima the uyghur in china and even you could speak about the somali community and what they face so by sure it is not an issue of numerical numbers of death and destruction for sure so what is it that makes palestine the cause that it is and also why muslims are responding to it in different ways then they would respond to other again this is from hikmah of allah one we have to understand that palestine is part of our part of our belief because again we just recited the quran in ramadan you recited israel all right so that's and our prayers were prescribed for us in the heavens as a result of the episode of the israel and the mirage so there is that uniqueness to it that is connected to us and our revelations and the quran speaking about it but let me give you maybe a few items to think about in relations to palestine one palestine was not occupied or colonized in 1948 that's very important palestine was not occupied or colonized in 1948 palestine was colonized by the british in 1917 and one asked the question what was the interest of the british in 1917 in palestine and in the region now many of us today we know the term middle east right i don't know where is that at it's in the middle of what you call it's a it's a constructed term that the british framed in relations to india and when they were thinking of this region they were thinking about protecting their colonial possession in india now and i know many of you in here possibly from the indian subcontinent right and in some corners the british say that look what we have done we developed india that is like the biggest joke that could be actually entertained even in comedy central it will be still an obscene joke because the british have took out of india a total of 15 trillion dollars if you haven't examined the famine that they have caused the death and destruction i think you should visit this because again the british often they let us entertain us with their weddings i often say that the british actually as a whole the royal family should be actually prosecuted for war crimes and have to pay a reparation not only for india but much of the world including palestine but the british when they were thinking about palestine they began a whole project both theologically constructed because the whole imagination of the return of jesus from their perspective speculative theology as well as protecting their trade the first to introduce the idea of a jewish state was not jews actually we have even before the british napoleon himself when he came to egypt in 1796-97 during his campaign on egypt he actually called on the jews to come and support him because he wants to restore them back to palestine from a christian theological perspective thinking that this is the stepping stone this is again interpreting religious text and moving it into policy so they issued and began to strategize from a colonial perspective so palestine is the last settler colonial project to be commissioned by great britain and alhamdulillah is no longer great because only allah is great right so the british commissioned this to secure their trade with india because all of the trade passed through egypt and the suez canal by the time and just a couple of months ago when the ship was stuck in the suez canal we came to know that the 12 to 14 percent of global trade passes through the suez canal so it was even more critical than as it is today so zionism itself was born out of a european idea of colonization and accepted to be a junior partner with great britain and that's why palestine was colonized in 1917 and the british incubated the zionist project as a way to secure their trade as well as to play divide and conquer with that we have what's called the sites pico agreement that was adopted the map of the region that we see today none of us drew that map we are living in maps that have been constructed to us by the french and the british and inherited by this world system that is set against us as communities in the global south right so again it's important for us to know historical progression when israel was declared in 1948 it was a culmination of a 50-year project not the beginning of it in 1948 for 531 villages were completely erased some 780 000 palestinians were ethnically cleansed or genocide eight urban centers completely emptied of their own population so we're talking about here plano think of plano as a city completely emptied of all its population as well as three or four eight cities in the surrounding emptying the houses the banks taking the cars farms the streets the gyms that you have everything was taken just to give you just today benny morris in an article he just said during the war david bingorian the provisional prime minister said he was surprised by two fin two fema phenom phenomenons two phenomenons the arabs flight and the jews looting in regard to the letter meaning jews looting he stated at a meeting of the central committee of mubai which is the ruling party and the forerunner of the labor on july 24 1948 it turns out that most of the jews are thieves he was talking about his own people people from the jersey valley stole the pioneers of the pioneers parents of the palma pre-state commando force children and everyone took part in it meaning it's a whole project of theory stealing every part of the palestinian society people left their homes held in the keys and everything actually was stolen from 1948 so it's not 1967 it's not gaza 65 of the gaza population are refugees these are refugees that were expelled from lead from ramal from the ramly from the coastal areas from their sabbath ended up in the gaza strip and been subject to systematic dispossession from that point on so what i want to to understand is again history where it begins and the second is that palestine is a settler colonial project that is also having an apartheid structure meaning for muslims we need to understand this just as many have resisted and challenged settler colonialism in the global south this is what the palestinians are facing it is not a miscommunication it's not what you call something that we could sit and read a text together and we'll understand right because there's some effort or some individuals they think it just may maybe just the difference of opinion if we just get them together and maybe we could give them or chicken tikka masala we could solve the issue that's not that's nonsense this is a secular colonial project vested from european powers and now inherited by the united states because of oil you just make no mistake about it meaning that the relationship to israel as well as some of these states that have been formed these are post-colonial states we need to understand what that means a third dimension to this is that every time you approach central colonialism you have to contend with the issue of race the issue of race there is a racial hierarchy that is still in effect we see it with george floyd but we seem to be absent in recognizing that much of the global south including palestine indian subcontinent parts of africa are still facing the hierarchy of race there's still people today they think that because of a certain skin tone that you are superior than others we have not got gotten rid of this calamity which i do think that if you look at from our own tradition iblis was the first racist in our consideration because he said i am better than him all right he said i am better than adam and then he approximated the reason you created me from the flame of fire you created him from the dust of the earth so he's approximated a wrong analogy right that is inadmissible but that's basically what you have so you cannot approach what is taking place without understanding the dimension of race that we're dealing with in relations to palestine and in relation to settler colonialism we still have not undone the residue of colonization in the global self i'd give you a give you a a an immediate part and here and again i'm using as a frame of reference the most used and bought cream in the global south and across parts of the world is fair and lovely if you haven't used it i use it every morning just just kidding it burns your skin it's white in your skin meaning it is a product that is structurally construct self-hate as a way to be as a human being that's where we are and then if you add to it all the time of augmentation whether the eye augmentation that is prominent in asia or the nose augmentation that many people actually because they want to have the alkaline supposedly italian nose that is all structured as a way of us as a human to hate ourselves to hit what god have created god says adam he did not say we sent benny adam to a plastic surgeon and if you're a plastic surgeon i'm sorry but that's essentially what it is because the standard we approach is a standard that are not attainable and the standard are not universal every human being is created with god dignity given to them every human being is beautiful because they contain within them the spirit you don't need a plastic surgery you don't need fair and lovely you are lovely the way you are that's not what we're teaching that's what essentially we continue to reproduce so we have been witnessing the recent assault on gaza this is the fourth time that gaza is being assaulted is the largest open air prison but i do feel there is changes that are taking place as a result of a variety of things that are coming to the forefront i think the response in here for the muslim community has been uh qualitatively different the response across the world has been different i think the response of the muslim governments that has to be what you call set aside i think they just took the shuttle with elon musk to mars and i don't know when they're going to come back but again that's my own analysis of it but i think you could see that there is some really transformation and change that are taking place is the cumulative one cannot see the occurrences here in this country in relation to black lives matter the challenges that have been uh faced in this country with people responding in relations and connecting the causes relative to palestine so i don't want to take much of time but there are certain things that we're asking for from people one is that if you can't help the palestinians please don't help their oppressors all right if you can't help the oppressed don't be an aide to the oppressor what does that mean there is increasingly muslims what i consider to be them to be johnny come lately the hebrew critique on the palestinians palestinians are imperfect every colonized people they go through all types of contradictions but if you want to advise the palestinians find ways to advise the palestinians so don't go on camera don't go on the radio don't go on social media and all what you do is just heap critique right upon the palestinians it's not we're not perfect but again know exactly the challenges that palestinians face i come from a tradition where we were active during the anti-apartheid movement the south african apartment movement we had a critique of the anc but we actually delivered the critique to the anc to constructively give them advice if you are if the choice between for you to be on camera to heap critique on palestinians or call up palestinians i'd recommend to call the palestinians before you do them you do so why because that our religion is counsel and what we want you is to be an aide to us right in relation to this second stop using this is what you call the two sides to then issue all right why because again two sides and colonization is not the same there is an oppressed an oppressor there is a colonized and colonizer attempting to say that there is two sideness which is the what the media and the politicians and again you get the two sides and you'll end up what you call waiting till judgment day for changes to take place so stop using this framing third we are making certain conditions for people to ask for we are calling for immediate unconditional lifting decision gaza this is not negotiable this is what international law for geneva convention ants right so that's a fundamental we're asking also for cutting it to israel this is your tax money on taxes for me if my tax money is being used to send bullets for the israeli army i feel that i am morally responsible and i need to do whatever i can to stop it all right so your role is not to go to palestine we don't we have enough people that are in on in palestine you have to actually stop sending the money from here that is using the bullets to shoot the palestinians that's what we want you to actually to advocate in a systematic way all right in order for us to make the changes that are needed so i know that i don't want to take much of time but tomorrow we have a conference i encourage everybody to attend we'll give you a little bit more information and and context to what is taking place i do feel that uh the changes in relations to palestine is taking place and the palestinians are challenging the fourth largest army with 600 nuclear warheads and they're not giving up we have no excuse for us to give up or feel unempowered to do the things that needs to be done in here we just have no excuse if you're in gaza and you continue to challenge if you're in the west bank if you just saw the people that were protecting al-aqsa mosque in ramadan facing one of the most oppressive military structure and they did not give when they closed the freeway for people to come pray in al-aqsa mosque on the 27th people got out of the buses and walk and then the jerusalem palestinians came with their cars to take people and then they shut the other side of the freeway that's going to tel aviv that the israeli army was forced to open the road because if their people can't access al-aqsa mosque you cannot access any of your life or normal patterns that's the top of the challenges that we are facing inshallah so tomorrow if you could attend that would be great is foreign straighten the lines and fill the gap my [Music] is [Music] um allah [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign allah me is sorry for going a little bit over time you
Views: 9,065
Rating: 4.9415207 out of 5
Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center, EPIC Masjid, East Plano Masjid, EPIC, Yasir Qadhi, Imam, Nadim Bashir, Ustadh, Baajour, Hafiz, Sajjad Gul, Allah, Quran, Islam
Id: w0YDrAwmHYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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