The Close, Watch Day Trading Live - August 25, NYSE & NASDAQ Stocks

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welcome back we are expecting more comments coming out of jackson hole the economic symposium continues this afternoon feds bullard apparently supposed to be speaking right now in fact starting at uh two o'clock so we'll uh make sure we keep an eye on any comments coming from that uh busy afternoon otherwise nicely positive here four markets right across the board 1.18 for the nasdaq the dow 0.35 there you can see the s p 0.76 so a decent move back to the upside here after a pretty quiet start to the day tsx here in toronto point seven point three for brazil two percent now uh downside there was a pretty steep sell-off there in crude oil throughout the midday uh so we're now down more than two percent point six uh for bitcoin red now on the day one point two for uh ethereum uh not much in the way of reason why we got that sell off in oil but uh did come off pretty hard uh so we are seeing a little bit of uh negativity down here for and it's tough to see but energy stocks under pressure once again uh danielle shea coming up she's going to talk a little bit about energy today uh she's liking xle right now we'll ask her why uh fcx wrk cf nue all upside right now there's dollar tree uh dg right here one point two nine percent off the lows for dltr uh off earnings crm sales force 4.6 still struggling today coming off their earnings report that was a bit of a mess as well uh it's it's a positive session right across the board but as i said we're off the highs obviously back to 0.76 again if we get any uh comments here from bullard that move the market we'll uh obviously pass those along hope your afternoon's going well we are still watching a few things there was a note on boeing i was going to uh talk about boeing a little bit when we come back from a little bit of a review their starship they were talking about a date and a timeline as to when they want to get going on that so boeing having a pretty good afternoon back to highs uh i mean snowflake so much to say about snowflake today back to highs as well i just saw peloton back on volume again not so much around the highs though back to lowe's for uh pton pretty ugly day stbx as well back to lowe's currently uh let's have a little bit of a review here as i mentioned as to what we were discussing in the pre-markets this morning there was so much absolutely jam-packed watch list uh sent out to you right to your inbox this morning uh just worth a note bullard now speaking on cnbc so we'll keep an eye on that uh here comes sean though he's gonna lead the way talk about one of his traits today yo what's up yeah having some fun here with the boys it's trade of the day brought to you by day trade the world click that little qr code and start your day trading adventures today all right so basically let's just make it as simple as possible i only have the sticky note up here because today we actually nailed a couple of these names we've been putting up ideas pretty much every day for a couple years now um and yeah today meta peloton baba snowflake tesla they're all here but what i want to talk about right here was this bottom note right there baba long between 95 and 96 so that's all we have that up you might say okay why are we looking long alibaba right well i mean this is the chart here this is a 20 minute chart so we have a couple days or it's a daily chart um yeah no this is a daily chart actually so there it is breaking this little bubble right so we have some barcoding back and forth with the bottom of 90 in the top of 95. we drew that line right there today so here is the daily chart when we came in today as you can see i'll switch it over here i shouldn't turn my back like that as we switch it over here this is 95 bottom so as we're opened up here in the pre market we're sort of already above this 95 level so already i was like okay we're in breakout mode right now but the only problem here is i have one bad tick down there because we started our trade and this is my mistake so we start our trade it rips up here to 97 and then i'm like uh oh i did it again i put down a level on the sticky note and i didn't hit it we've already missed this break of 96 up to 97 so when it fell back in we first took our first long at 96 thinking okay then we reviewed we went back to the charts and we said to ourself hey look if we're going to take along let's just wait till 95 because then if we're wrong then we can get out 94-ish something like that i don't want to be taking levels that are a little bit too early so what wind up happening was a little bit of bad trade management early and that is we go long there and then it comes back down in and then we finally get that long at about 95 20. the problem is as it broke back down below i had the out at 95 because quite frankly if the market was gonna go downside today we had jackson hole we had a couple other things that i was thinking to myself hey maybe this 95 doesn't hold and then we can get a chance either to pick it up a little bit lower or hit it again well thankfully that's exactly what happens and we wind up hitting the trade again so it breaks back down below 95 and we get out and we're like that's not good but the problem is we basically make that downside wick this this hole here is 95 this line right so it comes back and i'm like wait a second it shot up almost immediately after i got out shot up that dollar goes right back to 96 and i'm like uh we missed the trade because i got out for like way too frugal down there like if my out's gonna be 95 give yourself to like 94.75 give yourself to 94.50 problem is i had a little bit too many shares i was a little too excited about it so we get out at 95. thankfully the alibaba gods pay off they come back in retest that 95 and we get long at the exact same spot again 95 20 and then it's like okay doesn't even test 95 this time so we're good and then all of a sudden boom to the upside where do we get the majority of them out here unfortunately at about 95 80 95 60 where we took that first pop and then all of a sudden news comes out you're seeing the big volume spike there and this is that us and china we're near a deal to basically open up the books and look into some of these chinese companies i have ultimate faith i think it's pricewaterhousecoopers we've looked at alibaba i'm an investor in this name i don't think there's anything fishy with their accounting what do i know but i feel like this is a safer name so as soon as that happens you hit paydirt and this is the thing look at the extension to the upside our next out like as this is happening i'm like whoa we saw our net jump obviously and it was banged to the upside so we get some out there at 98. then it breaks 98 we take 98.50 comes back in again on news i don't want to reload i just want to keep going with the shares that we have then we just let it ride all the way to the upside this is where on the main show people started asking when are you going to get out it's approaching 100. we let it break through 100 right here breaks it all the way up to 101 and i'm like i have no idea where this is going to stop this is great news we have a big move here for alibaba but actually up 8 and a bit percent but unfortunately i put to stop right at this level 99.80 so when it pulls back down i feel like you know if we if we don't hold this area then we probably test back down there and that's a 99 break so i didn't want to give up i mean i got 99 problems but i didn't want alibaba to be one so as it breaks back up to the upside there we put that stop in at 99.80 right there to get out and it's kind of a good thing we did it does go back up tests about 100 and 20 cents or so but then it comes right back into 99 and as i said that probably would have been where i got out so i feel like i've saved myself a little bit of cash and look where we're trading right now 99.80 again so basically the exact same price i mean i guess it's pushed that way a little bit more but we're still trading right around here you can see the tick there so alibaba it's your trade of the day we got lucky with some news but the key thing is and i'm gonna do this over and over again it's why we have meta 166. when you're breaking above some of these levels especially on a daily chart and you've had good momentum yesterday was a big day not too many red candles in here big momentum i liked alibaba pushing through 95 and then we get the news story elevating this thing through 100. uh great move for alibaba there we go uh feds bullard still making some comments here the market coming to the downside a little bit uh this one uh highlighted here specifically three point seven five to four percent his target uh for the end of the year and then he says not quite sure what's next after that uh baseline on inflation will be more persistent than uh what many expect recession not that predictable just coming out we're uh on uh of course taking recession risk though and goes on and on anyways uh market coming off uh bullard's still speaking i gotta go to wyoming apparently guys because looks beautiful there does it it's beautiful here man it's beautiful here we can have a toronto forget about some of our jacksonville wyoming i want a jackson hole so wait look obviously we're going to get comments uh throughout the next couple of days bullard tends to he tends to move the market down every time he talks i don't know why uh but it's uh certainly going to be true right now uh the strong the market has been incredibly strong up that one percent i was just watching nvidia pull back and i don't know almost waiting for him to not be talking uh take a bounce off 177. that's probably not the right way to go about it right like just sort of stick to your guns having it have a price area have an entry have a bit of a stop you can't do too much about a random word that might come out of uh somebody's mouth but you can certainly play off the momentum and the strong names here and nvidia's been one of those i did have a trailer earlier but i am looking right now at this consolidation of 177. we'll talk some tesla i will talk some chips uh still a few earnings to get to and then of course the chinese names have been pretty much insane the few small caps but not much uh by way of that squeeze talks have not been the story although there was that one uh ipo uh was mogo mogo logo yeah is it mogo or is it i don't even know it's mine mob mob oh that's what it was it was mob deep and it was also with the uh warrants people are asking right we don't have them in our platform uh they're shout out to mob deep um shook you know we're i ain't gonna get shook no shook one's here they're trying to shake they're trying to shake me out of my uh i'll say wtf to that shout out to okay they just shook me out um uh of crm so we take a dollar there on the first half of crm um right when we went up there to do the trade of the day we touched 172. i was it's so funny because just before i went up i was like ah should i put an order at 172 what if it breaks higher and i'm doing this then i'll be mad when i get back because i held it this whole time and i thought this whole time i took this at 120. i mean i don't know if we're going to eventually talk about crm we probably are so um i just want to give you guys that update real quick there uh that crm was a great trade here and we went too long and just talking about it as it tries to break that 50 period uh we wound up getting out there so a little too early probably on the out of that trade but we will go over some of these plays i just wanted to go over that one because uh you may may or may not seeing it on the bottom there as neil has a vya and oxy and i'm just long into crm as we get ready for what is tomorrow i can't wait till we show that i mean i don't know if we're going to show that graphic but it was pretty hot fire uh there that spicy trades graphic the only thing i have is this is a really cool one there is a really cool no it's not on our board unless you got it uh they can trigger it but i'm gonna get that um well they can probably just hit it i think that'd be really cool it doesn't have to hit it now uh but tomorrow at this time neil our days or our minutes are numbered because we are gonna be doing not mine the spicy trade hot ones challenge uh i'll be i mean i'm hoping i'll be good i want to know what fahad's eating right now i think i think i'll be for heart i think he's crushing some pizza right oh donut which doughnut you want you went to teddy bro you didn't tell anybody fahad went to tim hortons he didn't say anything to anybody man he's on there he's just one of those undercover you know it's cool it's it's fine he's feeling it he's feeling that what's up shout out to fahad there uh but uh yeah regardless of him not buying us any doughnuts uh tomorrow i believe fat will be on the desk as well and we're going to hopefully have oh he's going to be crying we'll be here tomorrow as well and we're going to do the hot ones challenge tomorrow brendan um you you are on watch brendo apparently you're the guy to watch out for i will uh definitely not win let's just put it that way uh fed's bullard has left the cnbc stage so that was quick and brief and over for bullard but uh here we go this was the last comment that he made here after the pandemic they set out on a path of asset buying that was over broad you think uh anyways he's done so hopefully this market will come down a little bit here let's uh talk about a few things that we were discussing as we mentioned in uh this morning all eyes on tesla obviously coming off the split ends up being a sell the news kind of event that you know this is what happened with uh maybe not as much amazon but definitely oh tesla definitely with alphabet oops you cannot zoom back too far but definitely with uh alphabet that's what happened and all of the strength um ended up being in that pre-markets of that pre-market trade obviously you're going to have crazy action off the open but it was solidified above you know 303 if you remember yesterday it was like 9 9 10 9 11 was about that high so 303 to 304 so it was opening up challenging the high of the day yesterday holding support up there it did try did try had a couple of scallops in there and then we took a stop out uh early and then i said i'm gonna defend one one level and one level alone and that was 300 there was this bounce it's hard to tell i have a three minute chart up not a one minute so in that first minute it bounces off of 300 gives you outs at like ones i think got some of like three or 150 but nothing better than this so you can't really tell it didn't get back up to 303 301 50 and then on the way back in it took out that 300 level in which case it just absolutely flushed that was sort of the reversal pretty much i didn't get all the way down to 93 and when i think about it now it's like that's that 880 level so it ended up bouncing off of that and then tesla has been weak ever since uh sell the news event certainly but sometimes it really just comes down to what is it done going into into the event which had been incredibly strong i guess the 15 minute isn't really going to show you too much of that example but it had been trending to the upside and made a firm uh rejection of 95 945 and then you also rejected like the 200 period moving average so it showed signs of pulling back in that maybe it wasn't going to have the juice it tried several times to break the high this morning but the sellers certainly got the best of it and it's been a little bit sideways ever since it was one volume spike like a big one at about i want to say it was at 117 or so but since then they've managed to sell it off i want to see if i can do that again because i tried buying it on that little dip and that spike to see if would sustain the move but the volume just immediately died down so it's kind of random at 117 or so yeah that spike uh actually got your boy out uh we'll go mamma mia on that one it's pizza day here oh i put out the tweet about what was uh being served uh for lunch today you can probably find that out uh on my twitter but yeah that spike got me out man we we took out the 200 period it ripped up to that upside there and basically just took out 295 i mean 295 was gonna be my out obviously i wish it was 296 because then we would still be in but i mean tesla again big time for me today uh couldn't really couldn't be happier with the way we traded this it broke back down through 300 i mean you could always wish that you had the bottom outs but uh we you know we're not gonna count on those all the time but short through 300 short again on the reload out out out all the way down short again on a 297 break which we really liked that didn't even come close to going against us that just went all the way down 295 almost instantly on that break then a reload there at view op again the only time it's ever tested view up your boy was sitting there to get more short at 298 and then we took that all the way down this crack down to 292. this is where we were like ah we still think it's going i thought i could see a 290 handle um and then unfortunately instead of getting out i mean realistically these were good outs here 293 should have done that but we do give up the ghost there give up the two dollars and then just punch out uh on that volume spike back up to the upside i thought it was going to be possibly a trend change we were above the 200 we are above the 50 and uh not above vwop of course but i don't i didn't trust this view of because our charts didn't reprice um even though it's only um uh 50 periods actually i don't know volume weight i got to find out what the setting i have on this is but it's just a one minute chart so look where it came from anyways it doesn't matter uh long story short takes out 295 we got out probably would have been a great reload spot and i feel like if you are going to be short tesla you can be right now there's no need not to be um against that 295.50 that's really the trade there for tesla but i we mentioned it yesterday man i kept saying it and i made sure that we talked like this because i always screw up the saying and i'm probably going to do it again but what you want to do is you know it's news so buy the rumor sell the news right and so today was news day so the last couple days we had tesla starting to bump up here i can't really show it to you on our charts because they don't split adjust but tesla was up you guys saw it up up to what 940 so on and so forth bouncing its head yesterday off nine again um and then today obviously you're seeing the pullback down down that 1.24 tesla was more aggressive than the market the last three or four days and today you're obviously seeing almost the complete opposite minus versus plus one percent so tesla sort of does the dance today as expected uh and starts to head to the downside all right here's uh nvidia uh back to 2.8 right now coming off the highs a little bit with the market but uh yeah what uh what negative earnings report what uh gap down were we talking about this morning because all is well apparently guys for uh nvidia this afternoon yeah yeah it's going crazy i'll get to like the the dark pool wix that just got me in and out there a couple times but uh nvidia the report it wasn't good but then remember they did sort of lead with this i forget how many days ago or weeks ago was when they scared everybody in the market with their with the revised guidance so when they missed today i feel like at least a little bit of it was anticipated this is a simple case of look at the momentum it was just this is forget about the forget about the open right like you actually got crushed in the aftermarket and then gapped further down in the morning off 165 and it got so far that i was looking at 165 uh for potential longs that's before i even sit down in the morning so it wasn't even close to that i was actually breaking out from 166 by the time i was looking at it and once it once it started going my first look was okay well that 171 50 area and then we'll go right back to we'll go right back to your daily where you're bouncing off of the 50 period and then just that 170 150 which had been a little bit of a lower high um higher low side i should say in terms of support on the 15 minute chart i'm looking for a short off of that off that level it did bounce down initially and i'll flip back to the three for you it did flip down a little bit it got down into 170 and at this point and we're going to talk actually we're going to talk about something like along this like line when it comes to momentum so i don't want to completely spoil everything here but you have to start thinking about what the trend looks like so well you can have a key level all you want right and then it bounces holds trend to the upside at that point it's just take the stop out at 170 170 150 and understand you're now in a bit of a longer trend so i didn't reverse long here but i did abandon the notion of the short and looked long at which point it bounced back off that 170 50 in front of 170 and then it was off to the races the mistake was thinking it wouldn't go past 175 i did say when it got to 178 to the 80 range i would go for the short pop the short at 78 ended up getting trailed out here at 176 and then and when it held at 175 i got back into the long only to be trailed out by that dark pool wick i tried this breakout at the high of the day a couple of times it just had no juice to it so i mean i don't know i think i might have made like 10 cents or something and then there was just not enough volume to push it through uh and then just now after bullet stopped talking i put a like a bit of a bracket order this wick got me in in the middle of the range it didn't actually break the range so i get it when it breaks the bottom i think nvidia is more likely at this point to come back down and re-test so i'm just gonna be patient forget about diddling in the middle either we retest 175 where the logs should be good or go back up to that high where we like that short at 178 178 change there diddling in the middle not really worth much of anything here no i um you know just like you guys asked my opinion yesterday and i agreed with raider trader that nvidia would have a you know a good quarter be up today so there you go there's three percent uh in your pocket for nvidia i i mean i wrote down and we started the day here when we analyzed sort of what our trade ideas were i didn't have amd or nvidia even written down there um because i was sort of uncertain i thought it would probably rally to the upside there but i didn't trade it so nvidia i didn't really look at but the one trade that i did miss uh because we you know as i said we are into baba we were into meta and we were into tesla uh at that time and i was like yeah do i really want to go long more more names but this amd off that 94 was the one name that we talked about uh in the pre-market that i really wish it would have hit uh that 94 bottom right there should have been had and it was not so um you know that was a great take for amd and straight fire to the upside up that four percent i've been talking about buying smh for a while and just forgetting about everything else um just let the index you know work itself out for you uh the etf i should say and and you know it's been pretty beat down here and i just feel like if if you like software and you sort of think that you know our future is in all this kind of stuff where's the where's the uh here it is right here the one day chart i mean you're seeing snowflake big data work um you know and we need to process this data and it's just like you know as you go these gpus are going to continue uh to be a thing i mean no matter what you're buying nowadays has a chip in it we've heard and nvidia also talked about automotive chips uh coming to be a part of their um sort of portfolio as well a bigger part now getting trying to get away from the gaming in the crypto side so i i like this industry i like some of these spots you're now above the 50 period and i've sort of been saying that i've been buying smh on the way down which i have been haven't really bought anything recently up here but now that we get through all of these earnings i feel like you can buy socks or you could buy smh and just watch out for these semis because i think there's a lot of upside here uh to go especially if this market gets its footing again and we don't dip back down this is this is a sector and a spot that i want to be buying in continuously so uh definitely a nice little win today uh for anybody trading any uh of these semis yeah really interesting important area for the market overall coming tomorrow obviously uh your powell's comments then uh next friday guys we get non-farm payrolls already for uh august as well which will be another obviously market moving event uh speaking of uh snowflake you mentioned there uh back to the upside just an absolute monster today uh they blew out their uh q2 revenue estimates uh they also raised their outlook for full year 23. uh there's piper there's uh jeffrey's down here btig three four five at least price target increases on the stock today what a rally here for uh snow just quickly i want to go to snow because this is like it's one of those fun charts where i get to like show you something pretty epic for myself anyways and it's not a good thing uh this is cl this is uh crude oil futures here uh to the downside just broke and made a fresh low of the day i didn't really get involved in the oxy until it broke 74 and then it's sort of holding beneath that 74 level reloading in front of 74 taking it in front of that low of the day and this is again just like that daily chart that failed breakout at the previous high so once it's back below 74 sort of favor the shorts for that failed break but snowflake huge revenue growth obviously you know i think tony was talking about how they're overpriced and they don't even make money yet but their growth was absolutely monster uh monstrous and when a lot of people bet against something thinking yeah you know it shouldn't be this high it shouldn't be shouldn't be bought up because quite frankly in this environment they should you know they're not making money this is not something that should be valued well when there's a bit of a surprise and the growth is even more impressive than expected on the revenue side then you're going to get something like this sometimes it's like 22 to the upside i was looking for the dip buy into the 185 area and then this happened so i got the dip initially right into 185 looked like it was good played up to 187 threw my stop in and on the way back down stopped out i would just say i say this over and over again but it just bears mentioning like when it's a stock that you trade normally like if it's uh you know like we'll trade oxy and when we trade oxy we're a little more involved in it or neo where you're like you're laser focused because you're used to scalping those types of things not usually going to miss that second or third entry when it holds the low and then you just sort of re-engage back into the long but then after it wiped everybody out it continues back to the upside it doesn't it doesn't matter like i can't complain too much because at least i was able to get something out of it but the real mistake is you allow that to settle back down and there's 10 o'clock where you're getting it back in that 187 area that that little support and then it just only trends back into the upside at this point i'm kind of looking if the market if the market were to come down there i think there's a short to be had in this thing probably if it either fails 195 or gets to 200 but it's frustrating to have wanted to dip by it goes exactly to your price you kind of pick it up at the open you know take the scalp out and then get shaken out of it which is going to happen from time to time i mean the reverse of that is it breaks that floor and then i'm just sitting there sort of holding it and not having a stop and then you know your day's ruined so i never want to do that i'll always err on the side of caution especially with the name that volatile but a good look for snowflake i do feel up at 23 chasing the long up here is a little bit difficult to do at least for this afternoon with the market still testing toward that high of the day rather than breaking it sensitive topic here because um we would be infinitely up a hell of a lot more if i just stuck with my own freaking handwriting look what i put down here snowflake 184 give it to 180 as a bottom could target 200 today i mean i literally as if these notes were made right now um you know but they were not uh this was tweeted out obviously at 8 29 this morning and written much earlier than that i mean just just look look at what we're talking about here dip down to 184 target 200 okay so let's just pretend we didn't write that at eight o'clock look where snowflake dips down to 184 exactly right so get to 184 and then look where we are right now 197 so i mean you know to have not had a trade in snowflake is really bad uh for me because we definitely targeted this one it was pretty easy like almost just just as easy as just putting the order in and sticking there um i don't i have no real reason why i missed this trade should not have missed it like i said i'm having the best day i've had all month um so i'm pretty happy with it but now that i see this trade it's like duh like how how did we not i mean neil just explained to his trade but like how did i not uh get into that name down there oh man and i mean i know why i can i know exactly why because i was short tesla and the market was tanking and all i was doing was looking at levels for tesla but uh darn it i obviously have the ability to trade multiple symbols at once i do it for you guys every day here so this one's definitely on me um a pretty easy trade there brendan down to 184 185 for snowflake should have had it didn't have it um and like i said if we still had that segment that we used to have most frustrating stocks today it would just be this one because i'm just re i'm actually just realizing it now i didn't even go back to snowflake so um in what is now frustrating for me snowflake a great trade and uh we nailed it again and not only that man but we nailed this yesterday well at this time i was like you know snowflakes potential to beat this they've got a lot of upgrades over the last couple months um out of nowhere and then snowflake boom comes up today up 23 so i hope a lot of you are able to make a lot of money uh not just on the sticky note today but also on some of the stuff we talked about yesterday at this time so snowflake for sure you feel like you're at a carnival sometimes with these names but hey they opened up today great trading on snowflake up 23 percent yeah huge move uh huge on that huge day but a good day anyways for amazon guys trying to get back to day highs right now two and a quarter percent for amazon we were wondering about this uh tdoc was up about five percent in the pre-market teledoc fades amazon however uh as i said back to uh day highs here we had that uh plug news early on this morning but no reaction from amazon and there wouldn't be uh on that but uh nice look here for uh amazon today guys back to day highs the frustrating thing is sometimes when you write like a key level and you're only looking to go one way off of it uh you should go both uh so i said look the only way that this because i didn't think the amazon news was gonna do anything for amazon amazon was probably just gonna move the way it would have normally uh but there was an opportunity and by the way till raised double topped at 420 so i'm actually just paying for shorts here because uh i see it i know a lot of people are like oh look at tillway the weed stocks are getting tip uh topsy i am paying for shorts because i see that double top that it just rejected at 420. but on teledoc i i'm only ever interested if a stock gets going it's a squeeze play so i said to myself okay well it's got a short interest on it if it wants to break out i'll pull the pull the daily up if it wants to try to break out at 36 break out on that 50 period moving average or at least try to test it then fair enough i'm interested if it tries to break out but sometimes when it doesn't break it's you got to think about the other direction i was not at all even considering uh that yeah if it gaps up on the news and doesn't take out the high that it would just fall that's the other side of having a key level in there so it rejects that 36 and only falls to the downside but that's part of why for like squeeze plays i usually only want them in one of two ways that's breaking out of a resistance level or that's bouncing off a support level because you're not it's not as fundamental you want everybody to sort of be looking at that price and interested in the name and the volume wasn't there for tdoc had it broken fine there could have been something but every now and then it's just better off to ignore the story unless the volume picks up and gives you a reason to get into the trade the only um trade that i was i'd even look at tdoc today i mean i did talk about amazon down to 133 and i was actually looking at this name so this was one that just never came through it bounces off 134 today for amazon um yeah so right there 133 was sort of the bottom that i was trying to peg out but that didn't happen so uh and again on that break this could have been a long as well we're trying to look for daily breakouts here this is just a 20 minute chart uh and you know you've bar-coded it kind of looks a little bit like alibaba but i guess that break could have been had at 136 so you know and and i just see someone talking there on the chat too i don't know i don't know who it was but it was like you know when you look back sometimes hindsight is just so obvious and yeah that's the problem it's like you look back and that's why i said like i wasn't frustrated until i looked back at snow now realizing that we did hit that level and there's going to be some days honestly like someone said why don't you guys talk about your loser okay i have one losing trade on today plug i mean and that's that right and we took plug early um on that note and we actually didn't lose pretty much anything like what i lost on plug was five percent of what we made on meta was 10 of what we made on tesla or less than 10 so we'll talk about it though but here's plug not not any real [ __ ] i mean we had a decent amount of shares but it was in the still in the pre-market they got that deal with amazon again so a nice move up for plug power and again you know yesterday i told you yesterday at this time i was showing you all my trades uh we had a bad afternoon yesterday uh trying to go just back and forth and i was talking with a few traders about this during lunch time as well uh but there it is breaking through 31 out at 31.78 so some of these trades were you know 60 70 cents worth of a profit and then there's 30 50 out so long at 31 long at 31 20. uh some outs at 50 some outs there at 70s or 75s i believe it was right there and then a dump down of 50. so you know made made roughly 50 cents or so but we did hold a little bit more probably about 60 or 70 because i looked and i said i'm negative on it so um and we got out of that and we hadn't really seen plug power since then so um you know plug power on on my watch but that was another name just in case you guys were asking um you know we've made alibaba that was the trade of the day i'm in this money right now crm is in the money a dollar we talked about that the meta trades what's up next uh crm so we'll talk about that in a minute but there's meta i mean that there's no losing trade there uh and then peloton was actually really good um you know bouncing off 1080 until eventually it broke but it did go back to 11 20. so not enough money made on that one and then what i think could have been the trade of the day but again we just search it based on you know what's going on on youtube but uh could have been tesla i mean tesla's been uh really done nicely as well and that's all my trades man so um and trying to be as honest as possible if anybody if anyone wants to apply you can send you know your emails or send an email to marketing at trader tv dot live we have a prop floor behind us with a bunch of traders some in live some paper trading uh but either way man uh we're here to trade teach you guys and have a lot of fun so that's just a quick review of all of my trades there brendo uh just saying oxy uh highest level since 2008 is that right no that's not right come on cnbc uh crm let's talk about crm here to uh wrap things up we got a lot coming this afternoon as i said danielle shea gonna swing by give her give us her take on salesforce as well uh mark benioff saying this we the customers becoming more measured in the way we buy sales cycles get stretched they started seeing this back in july so they're pointing towards uh the possible or the possibility of a further slowdown to come just i don't know i think sean if you have i don't know i didn't i mean i closed it but yeah oxy oxy had been over 100 bucks before yeah a long time ago not that long it might be like the biggest quarter or something like that since 2008 or maybe it's price related to oil it hasn't been like it hasn't been at this price in a while like it hasn't been up above 74.75 in a while but it's yeah it's the problem is if i i mean we've already talked about the ram in our in our computers which apparently is really good i don't know why it keeps getting no idea i don't know i don't know either but apparently we have good computers here and uh if i if i open up like a monthly or yearly chart or something and it tries to draw data all the way back uh yeah sometimes no bueno on that one i'm going to blame it on the rain that was falling milly vanilli they don't know billy vanilli they don't well i don't many people probably like know millie vanilli um but smash the like button are they ever echoing you gotta blame it on something if you if you look if you're gonna don't shop you're gonna pull that off yeah they've got to go all in and they went all in rest in peace too because i think i think i think one of them i don't know one of them one of them did pass away can't be both salesforce is not i you know i'm not making a pun that's not that's not a good one i was gonna make like a not left for dead but that's not a good thing to make fun of they're down five percent but that doesn't really tell the story for crm today i always hate when you do the whole oh yeah but the stock is is down on the session that doesn't tell you what's happened since the open because it has only gone up uh since that opened we've all these crazy wicks that are out that are all over the place pretty much at yesterday's close so you're seeing all you're seeing is late reports of yesterday's close but once it got past 169 it's essentially been breaking out it wasn't that bad of a quarter i think compared to some of the other reports that we've seen and all you're seeing reflected is the buyers like the rest of the market floating into this one i had one breakout long hate breakouts sometimes at that time of day it's about 11 50. got into it took a little bit of profit and then got back out for the hit and then was not willing to take the dip by 167 it was just entirely too deep of a pullback for me to like that move as a matter of fact i was considering fading it off 170 and glad i did not do that at this point i think crm feels it feels more of a fade if we get back to 172 if only because we're making that lower high in the nasdaq and the overall mood to the stock was to that downside so i kind of feel like after it broke out it already put in not a death cannibal one big pullback if it can't get back to the high i think it might be a fade off that 172. we haven't really seen that yet and i do have my eyes on of course oil a little bit here and still nvidia and then i do want to get to we'll we'll probably get back over to uh to tesla at some point we already talked about it once but i think it's got some moves in it just yet because it's still testing uh some pretty key levels when you go back to the pre-split prices i see some more uh hot songs from millie vanilli in there there's so many man i mean i i actually have like a little playlist uh millie vanilli so yeah millie vanilli playlist not really i mean they're in my thing they're part of a playlist like an older songs playlist there i have colored me bad a whole bunch i mean yo you don't i mean yeah i mean the jams are yeah forget about it uh okay so salesforce there look mark benioff i still consider one of the better ceos around um there i i really like salesforce i've been buying this name for a while so um it is sort of talking up my book a little bit but we don't really do that uh too much here because trading it uh is a day trade so we're we're just going to trade that and again neil and i have to be flat at the end of every single day so uh any comment that we generally have here is reflecting uh on positions that we have in the middle of the day so uh this is 170 25. all i really did was watch this thing go and and it started to bounce off some of these levels that 166 held beautifully there held again on the pullback and then i was just watching it i mean if i zoom in a little bit closer here i was just watching it respect this 50 period the whole way we're above on the 50 period we're above on the um 200 and on v-ops so when it pulled back and again during lunch time we wasn't looking at it but there we pulled back to the 50 period which was 170 and i was like you know what i'm going to go long here at 170 25 and i'm going to get out if it breaks 170. that's 25 cents worth of risk we're now in the money a dollar and we already took out a dollar and it went in the money 1.75 so we went like six to one or something on our risk to reward ratio there and now i'm quite frankly just holding it i mean i'd like to see it break back down below 170. i'd like to be wrong on this name and if we are that's fine we took a we took a dollar clean right there on that what i thought was breaking the 50 period we right now excuse me we right now are breaking the 50 period uh so maybe this is the out man i mean maybe we just say forget about it and we got out at 160 70 one set sorry 170 60. let's do that if we break below this 170 60 area right here i mean i got to use support and resistance i'm not going to sit here in the afternoon and like hold on to something and just like bleed money away we're at the highest spot i have zero lft right now um and uh like lft has lost from the top and the only losing trade i had was that plug and that happened at 9 30 so every trade therefore on has been a winner look at the market starting to fall down i got to get this order out uh right now but that's crm and i want to get out if we break through this 170 60. regardless of your experience level if you've been involved in the market this year you got to be momentum trading it's been one of the most profitable if not the most profitable trading strategies this year new traders listen up because it's also a difficult uh skill to master guys so we're gonna focus on new traders here and talk momentum trading strategies that you can get started with absolutely and i think one of the one of the first things for momentum training is uh picking a direction that it's going to go because the whole idea behind momentum is that you're not really range trading you're trading things that are breaking breaking out breaking the range continuing to go that are outpacing the market that are churning through that are going parabolic so i'll use an example of one that's doing that today and not necessarily about the trades the trades that i had on it because quite frankly what i'm going to show you is how it could have been a little bit better for me using a very simplistic strategy so first things first there was a catalyst here and nvidia did have earnings and yes it did gap down but you'll see in the morning all you see is uh 165 bottom at about you know 6 a.m and then about 7 a.m or 1 66 bottom and then by the time you get to about nine o'clock you're holding support at about 166 and a half so you're getting a series of higher lows and it's continuously breaking out of these consolidations and by the time you get to the open and i'll zoom in here all you see is another higher low and instantly a breakout so you've already got a stock which is clearly trending up by any any measure that you would have and then that first move on volume when the market comes in you'll see it make a fresh high put in that high at about 170 150 and then dip back in and it goes down to what 169 700 i've drawn the line here and this is where you can start doing a very simplistic style strategy where it's established a bit of a a bit of a range for you and that is just look at the next time it breaks that high or when it tests that high rejects it at 172 and then holds above this 169 and matter of fact holds it once 170. once it's done that now okay fine i was buying a dip in there but let's go with the simpler strategy which is just the next breakout break out of that 172 after it's held that high or low that's why you like the breakout and then you see it just go right to the upside to one's almost a 175 so 72 to 75 pretty much clean and then you get the next consolidation it rejects 175 pulls back holds this line here the first time it rejects it holds 174 it holds it again the next breakout is invalid at 175 and then you see how cleanly it runs to the upside so what you're essentially doing is taking the break waiting for that first real pullback when it does so off that even 175 or the second pullback you then see does it hold that initial candle whether it's a three or five minute it does that makes the next breakout valid to the next stop and then you see it continue to go now i didn't even use that for re-entry points i'm telling you what i could have done to still be buying that one when it broke 175 it's a relatively simple strategy that can get you involved in a in a trend to the upside as opposed to just sitting there watching it figuring how can i buy it higher if i don't have it out well this gives you an opportunity when it consolidates or pulls back on how you can get in the next break yeah i think uh momentum has been so important and i mean nvidia today i mean a lot of the time you're gonna have to have catalysts as well earnings things like that to try to figure out like what stock is going to have momentum if any and then once you're looking at that name then you can hit it out of the park meta today no earnings no nothing but we've noticed patterns and i think pattern recognition obviously is something that you want to look out for as well so forget about what happened today but look at the last two days right so you're gonna have meta right here right this is the open two days ago big move to the upside right and then yesterday meta off the open big move to the upside and kept going look at the continuation and then you have today big time movement to the upside again that's three straight days with meta starting to blow everything up right so what i look at when i'm looking at something to say hey is there going to be some kind of momentum so we look at past patterns so we had it there three days in a row nice little upside moves and what we were looking at was a few things one the break of a pre-market high rate here 165.50 but let things base down and this is what i wanted to show you about momentum we were already looking at meta today and i'm gonna i don't have my trades on but you're gonna see them in a minute look look at it try to develop a base here right and then all of a sudden if you're going to say to yourself i want to be long this name like neil was saying so where do i get in right the first thing to look for would be that momentum play go the right way well i'm not going to wait for momentum to go to the downside we've just seen it two or three days in a row go to the upside so i'm only looking long so the key for me was a a pre-market break here of 165.50 we actually on our sticky note because we're already looking at this pre-market we had 166 just an even dollar level looking for it so what we started to do is build our positions down here waiting for and quite frankly hoping i mean we don't know if the market's gonna take off one way or the other but we do know that if it does start to go to the upside we want met along on a break because we've seen continuation before so let me turn on now uh the fills that we got so if you're going to see here for meta today i mean i could have used alibaba there's a few different names but look what we started to do the first break right there that we took early at 9 40 was because we based out there and i thought to myself hey 164 165 bottom here is potentially going to be the bottom so when we had a pre-market break there we went long but then look it fell right back in to this area of the base support so then we got long again and then all of a sudden once we were right it took off to the upside you can't see but i have a tick right here as well this is actually the biggest trade a 166 break and then it just started to get excited to the upside where we took this all the way out at 168. so this fill down here is 164 165 168 a bunch of outs up here at 160 750 as well so definitely paying attention to pattern recognition brendan um and then waiting for these bases to develop and then hey look the market tanks you get out at 164 taking about a dollar or so hit market rips like it did and you can get rewarded because you're on a name that has momentum the fact that with momentum you can let the market come to you on the way out and not have to you know be sitting there aggressively punching out of your position that's the key to momentum being patient even though momentum itself kind of uh provides some urgency in the trades there we go a couple of great looks at uh how to approach momentum trading in 2022. i just saw a note on uh altria uh boosting their dividend uh by 4.4 percent so uh altria just popped up on uh some volume uh there guys we're gonna get to uh just setting up with uh danielle shea coming up we'll get her take on salesforce as well yes can't wait we just got out of salesforce oh really well no not in our long-term account but it did it it broke that level that's all it broke the shelf there we went along salesforce 170 25. our first out was 171.25 on that 50 period and then it breaks that shelf at 1770. so what was at one point a bigger win yeah but we'll hear what daniel shea has to say about it it's kind of every now and then it's like not every now and then at least once a day brendan will like say something and it's like well or it'll trigger a thought and it's like oh yeah we'll talk about sale for salesforce with danielle and then like that stock does something in that particular moment it just feels like that's always true um you don't know this uh i'm just saying about daniel shea because uh it's packers chiefs tonight oh is that the pre-season yeah there's a pre-season game packers chiefs so um we'll we'll watch out for that i don't know if any of the anyone's cause this is what we're going back and forth this is their third game or their second game they basically starters will play i don't think patrick i don't aaron rodgers i mean i don't he's not going to be stepping on the field i wouldn't imagine if it is it's going to be one second i don't know i don't know i don't know if daniel's listening right now but if she is um please make sure that if green i'll probably say the same way when you're on uh but if uh if kane kansas city beats green bay can you please talk a lot of trash because i yeah i think i think uh i don't know i don't know if she's a trash talking type but um oh you know definitely oh well she might be i don't know i don't know uh maybe she is but i think that we have to keep it all uh within context because preseason preseason i'm gonna check the schedule though because the wife put everything into the uh w's a w i'll take a pre-season win do you know that baltimore hasn't like lost a preseason game their record is like something ridiculous in like the last 10 years or something like 20 games that are earth yeah it's absolutely ridiculous but i mean we are a trading show so um you know we get back to the market we can get back to them i got to watch out for oxy here because like oil is making a bit of a bounce back but oxy and just gonna pull it up here because i was i was actually gonna say something with uh you were on salesforce that's why i didn't say anything but we're right back to this 74 area on oxy so i'm right back to shorting in front of it and we'll get some out if it does want to hold this but if we break the range i got to get out of oxy because you're still on the lows over in old futures and you haven't really broken resistance there yet oxy wants to break resistance and sometimes oxy is stronger and than those hugers and speaking of daniel is now ready sorry brendan is ready with danielle i almost called brendo daschle there just go to the desk we've got daniel shea i mean it doesn't matter about me let's make sure danielle is ready and then we can uh bring her on there we go uh great to see you as always welcome back thank you good to see you too it's a it's a busy week i'll let you do all the trash talking you want in a couple of minutes here we'll try and stick to the market a little bit anyways um we can talk about energy i wanted to mention crm obviously off the top uh big move down initially this morning it's working its way back to the upside as we speak not a great quarter i mean here's another you know quote unquote tech company talking about headwinds to come more issues to come give us your take on crm where it's at now maybe what we should look for in the coming weeks here yeah of course so you know looking at the crm chart i mean honestly i like this company i own the stock i think that they've done really well on earnings for the past couple quarters i mean it's what's crazy to me is that if you look at this chart you know last quarter they beat by what they they were estimated to make 37 34 cents a share they made 98 and they gapped up 11 this quarter it was roughly the same they were estimated to make 37 cents they made a dollar 19 and now they gap down 6.9 now i know a lot of it has to do with the guidance but honestly i mean i think underlying fundamentals are still strong i like the stock i think it's a bear market buy i think that we're seeing buyers come in already i know that the chart pattern is broken down but i think that overall we just look for this to kind of trade higher at least up into this area of resistance where it fell from about 176. uh let's uh shift gears talk energy here a little bit we've seen more volatility obviously coming back into the oil markets uh crude closing on session lows essentially today uh down two and a half percent there was a bit of a sell-off there where is this market uh from your stance is there a trade at this time and which direction are you looking so you know when you're looking at crude it basically just rallied directly up into the 200 simple you have a key area of resistance at 95. i think it's pretty typical for it to fail on that first test back upwards into 95 but you know everything that i'm looking at in energy i think it breaks out and i think it goes higher we're going to be getting into the fall slash winter season here if you look at xle xle is incredibly strong xle's broken up above resistance we had consolidation we're breaking out the energy stocks i think are the best looking stocks in the market right now you know you've got cvx that is breaking out to the upside you've got xom you've got oxy so i know that crude is down you know today it's definitely a little bit volatile but i'm still betting on these tickers to the upside in the coming months uh with volatility on you know an intraday basis we had a lot of focus on tesla this morning coming off the split uh you made a really great comment we were going back forth a little bit earlier this morning in that anytime we've seen this in the past it's been a very tricky kind of way to navigate this stock ends up being a as we said sell the news kind of event uh i mean there's never a dull moment i guess in tesla now that it's back to uh below 300 as we sit here what do you make of tesla you know i love tesla and i'm happy to have some more shares but i mean i think we're seeing us sell the news come through if it can stay up above this key area right around 300 and i think there's a shot for it to hold there and launch but unfortunately you know right now we're sitting at 291 we've broken down below support and i think if you look at the rest of the companies that have split recently i mean google you know it it's sold off after the split you have amazon i mean this was a pretty key example of buy the rumor sell the news i mean amazon rallied into the split and then immediately gave back that entire rally post split within a week and a half so i mean you guys know me you know i love tesla and you know i'm always going to be a shareholder but i am concerned right here about the sell the news situation our traders have been looking at potentially shorting it if you do want to short it i would target 280 and then after that 275 and i do think that we're seeing the short triggers coming through right now snowflake up 22 23 at this point today um did we lose her okay uh i i you left my monitor danielle so i wasn't sure if you were still there uh snowflake a better part of 23 here today coming off a monster report as we said was there a trade on the options side of things uh for snow going into this report kind of came out of nowhere oh absolutely so you know i think that this is a trade that you guys would really like as day traders so here is what i do for these kinds of tickers on earnings will really any ticker on earnings what you want to do is you want to look at the market maker expected move prior to earnings okay in the options market what they do is basically they they're going to price that in in the options chain so for example let's look at dollar tree that uh see which one's reporting after the closed day we can look at mrvl so i can use that one for an example okay so what they do in the options market is they put the market maker expected move right here so for mrvl it's going to be 4.29 basically what you want to do for a day trade the day after earnings is you want to watch stocks after the close and look for things that are moving one and a half to two times the expected market maker move that's how you can tell that it's a pretty massive move coming through and usually you're going to see a post earnings move so a snowflake for example that was about one and a half times the expected move and then what we do in the options market is we look for um an opening range you can use a 5 or 15 minute opening range and then what you want to do is you want to look for high volume and you want to get long when you see a breakout of that first 15 minute range so snow definitely fit within the category of what we like to call the 2x move which is where you have twice that market maker expected move and then some continuation so that's always the setup that i'm looking for it is a day trading setup and usually it'll come up you know two or three times throughout the day uh depending on how many companies are reporting earnings right now that we got that out of the way it's it's uh time for more important information and that is uh it is your birthday and we would be admitted if we didn't say happy birthday miss danielle shay i i hope you have a wonderful day and you also have a huge fan with you that wants to come on the show to say hi so do you want to come on the show come on he wasn't sure if he was going to be if he was going to be allowed you know he's a huge tesla fan as well and he's learning how to trade stock aren't you yes there is so what time hi hi hey what's up dude my dude i i had my my son on baron the other day and he made a stock pick and you know what his pick was his pick was microsoft and you know why his pick was microsoft my friend because he plays a lot of minecraft is that something that you also play i play minecraft and fortnite minecraft and fortnite that's right and roblox and roblox okay so i think you're just a just a generic yeah kids love that first of all we want to say a big happy birthday to your moms i'm gonna hit the confetti right here uh for that blowing up right now so happy birthday miss danielle shea and you know thank you for your continuous content that you've given to us i know we talked about oil last week as well down there nice little move up there and congratulations on all the calls uh you've been making it and a big happy birthday and just for that reason i hope the kansas city chiefs win tonight so be quiet neil yes i do uh hope for that and uh a a big shout out uh to your son so you want to trade one day as well like mummy does or or what's your story i'm going to try to be in the stock market with my mom and dad at a boy awesome and if that doesn't work i'm just going to be a youtuber yeah what was that danielle i missed that he he said he wants to be in the stock market with his mom and dad and if that doesn't work he's going to be a youtuber you know they're the best youtubers out there you know that you're you're hired yeah if you want to if you want to come to uh canada here in toronto we definitely have a role for you we are looking for junior analysts and things like that so uh let me know your mom can message me if you're ever up in here and we would love and i've said this to your mom as well we'd love to have you you know in the office you can come see our studio come see our setup and then you'll see what uh youtube's all about my friend that'd be pretty cool huh thanks guys tesla all right miss daniel shea thank you again and a big happy birthday we always love having you on and again a big congratulations happy birthday thank you ciao all right wow that was that was a treat so we got you know we got back-to-back everybody loves tesla the future is bright as they say and it's always great when kids are in this game however i kind of give my kids the opposite advice um like i don't want them in this game this is frustrating i'm losing my hair i'm getting more grace i got to deal with this round you've been having that many great randy give me that ball back i switched that that it was a bear earlier on in the day remember and i switched over to a bowl and then it got a hijacked this is the same thing that he was using to get those cookies uh the last time thanks thanks there for the record do you see how dusty that thing is and you're touching food with that this is what this is this is yeah you got it okay yeah this is this is randy in the building the grabber is for whatever man i don't want to talk we're trying to say they're what the heck were we just talking about i don't know youtubers and kids and junior analysts there they are right there uh yeah yeah yeah that's right grab yeah that's what you should do randy grab like our production team so that everything can get screwed up uh in the back but thanks randy oh you know what maybe we can put randy on in a second to give us an update on the desk like i'm interested to see how the if you have any pictures send them through and uh we'll we'll show people what the new desk looks like here um as i'm not sure if you're hardly working or working hard uh but that is randy coming through one more joke so jay friesey's like yo neil's borderline germaphobe it sounds like you know what's interesting like i'm i'm not really but it's just i'm indoctrinated because like both my roommate and my wife are like very very clean like very orderly which by the way is a great way to uh having somebody who was obsessed with cleaning the guys doing dishes all the time making sure everything it was fantastic i'm not going to lie because that's a great i'm not that person but i finally i developed those sort of habits uh when you live with someone like that the other the other spoiler or not i guess like life hack is if you when you go to university uh if you want to other pick a roommate if you have a chance engineers are fantastic because uh they know what they figure out ways yeah like we were getting like we had this whole thing set up where we were getting um we were getting our cable and yeah we had cable this is years ago we had our cable in these townhouses and it was like us and a couple of guys down the line and we're all sharing the same thing he had all jury rigged exactly he brewed his own beer like he did everything the guy was an absolute hero yeah champion good good man good man joe i love you brother uh but yeah engineers are great roommates because they're smart as all hell and hook you up to no end i'm gonna go and this is probably the first time i'm gonna talk about bed bath and beyond today outside of maybe at about 8 40 whenever we talked about it in the morning but there's a volume spike and it's you're going to hate this again remember 9.75 9.75 like i want to break out from this consolidation so uh this time i'll see if i can't get this in front of v wap it's going so volume spiking that's what i want to have happen here so i'll try and get some 990s in uh this avya it's the only thing i have on right now but i i think i mentioned this one in the chat and it's a new york stock that the la it was a good bounce off v wap when i came over to it at about one o'clock it got to the high of the day and now it just kind of stinks like i reloaded it and i haven't even been adding to it it's been holding 145 which is the only thing it's been doing it's only going sideways i don't think there's anything to see here to be honest with you i think bed bath and beyond actually looks a little bit more interesting uh here so i just got into that one i just like the fact that we had a big volume spike it's held v-wop that was a level of support yesterday as well um we were talking in the afternoon it was right around that 9.75 price where it was holding and that's what it's breaking out from right right up around 10 so if it can hold 75 i'll stick with the long and see if it can get going had some trouble obviously doing that and as i said anytime you play off a level like oxy eventually you go to the well and the well runs dry and that's with oil not really making a big bounce or after after futures closed didn't really do much it actually ended on the lows but once that was closed oxy breaking out from that 74 area i might revisit this if it gets up to you know like 74 75 but oxy for now we're gonna have to give up on that short trying to figure out which picture uh we i want to show uh of the desk because we okay both of them they're both nice they're both they're all yeah i was kind of just trying to give one that sort of shows like just sort of the depth and everything anyway there's gonna be monitors up here here's a brand new desk uh it's gotta get you know fixed i think it's i think brennan was saying what's black on the around here what are we gonna do there i don't know what we're gonna do but uh finishing beautiful beautiful desk there with the screen in front we're gonna put some symbols there uh are going to be black and everything anyways this is what randy's been doing and it's absolutely fantastic uh we're all really proud of that and it's going to be an upgrade to what brendan currently has now and you could see how it's kind of like um circled here so i guess a half circle and that's just to have better you know interviews and stuff like that when raheem is here and so on and so forth and some of our guests so definitely trader tv upping the game right there go pekko uh upping the game on that one so we'll we'll wait to see uh out on that and i think that's i think we were saying weeks away uh there but uh either way you know when it's here uh you'll see it and it'll be should be a really great uh opportunity for us to expand the show and just make things look a little bit uh a little bit better there so as you can see we are and you know empty desks behind us if any of you guys are interested we do we had greg's email up there i don't know if you guys still have it but we can throw that on uh because i don't think i think it's been a while since we've looked uh for a few new traders and again pretty quiet right here i think there's a lot of people remoting it i have no idea or they're all fired i have no idea where they all are i don't think the the the midday meeting on the floor that was done remotely yeah the floor manager is camping and uh yeah i think they're both promoting today actually well they are both remote remoting today oh apparently we have do we have the email oh yeah no no we have brandon's oh so the other floor manager sure yeah so if you're interested you have to be of course okay that's what we're using now brandon not this brendan it's a brandon brandon with a name we always hear brankle's we always hear that name in the background he's the guy that yells in the back he's like pump it or dump it that's it's that so i got to show pocaroo i i think because he has a tfc i think it was a tf or it's a team or it's a canadian soccer logo is that yeah so anybody in the greater toronto area or anything like that obviously we are located here in downtown toronto so um if you are looking for a prop floor or anything like that or just want to come uh meet us send an email over to said email address and uh hopefully someone will respond and uh we will someone will respond yeah someone i'm just playing around with that randy we just showed your desk man very very impressive uh they people people like the desk and i i'm very excited for it as well and brennan will keep it nice and clean unlike me brendan uh okay um yeah i'm just i'm not in any trades i was looking for one more i'll just i'll just say this to you uh because i know neil is trading a little more actively than i am right now into power hours really i have like oh you are okay i just heard you go like that so i thought maybe there was something but just quickly um i you know as danielle was talking here i was really thinking that you know maybe i'd take this break of tesla to the downside i still like it but i feel like there's better there's gonna be a better spot at some point for me to get in so um you know we'll wait on that i've cancelled that order uh to go short into the downside here uh of tesla maybe maybe if it rips back up to this 295 area we'll look at it again but uh for right now i was i put the order in to break the bottom of that but that didn't come through so nepal on that trade short the pops short the pops i've told i probably told the story too many times but when i was a trainee uh one of the best ways to uh think about the trend was it was one trader who would yell out if it was a downward trending market and when every time it would bounce he just yell short the pop short the pop because you want to stay with the direction that the market's going and when it's running to the upside and you see green sometimes you want to remember what's up that's not what i'm doing here in bed bath and beyond because it's kind of breaking out off the wall i did take some out oh there's a crazy wick that's why i zoomed in uh it was a crazy way so it broke 10 again but failed to get through that 1005. so it took some out there i'm going to hold through these highs i'm going to try and reload in front of v wap as well but we were just talking about tesla well you were just talking about tesla so when i see it bounce up here you know my first instinct it's like okay where do i want to short the pop it had this consolidation 293 in a 293 and a half i think if it tries to put a fail in that range and go sideways that'll be the first look for me to try to get into that short i just always want to look for something that's in the on the move that till right by the way i paid for the shorts maybe a little too slow on that one i suppose i could have had the shorts already when it hit 420 the first time prab brought it up instead it looks like it's gotten away from that high if it comes back in there to toward like the you know the mid to high teens i'll just try and take it really it's it's a 420 top and i just want to short 16s and 17s in front of that high and then work it to view off right there's no point chasing it at 410 because that's one to one to the top in the v wap it supported four so that doesn't really make any sense you need to get this one you know right up close to that high because you're looking to make ten cents on the trade or five to ten cents and risk you know three to five or something in that area so it doesn't make any sense in the middle all right so we'll hit this because it's a new trade alert but it's the same stock that we've just been talking about so i did short the pops on tesla uh and we'll just see uh if that's coming through i talked about wanting to take that bottom out it didn't happen a nice little move up on basically the same kind of move here in the market so the market comes back up tests just some of these levels again until we break above this 13 1 or even above 13 120 right there remember what's coming tomorrow i mean tomorrow you're gonna hear a lot more fed speak i think we had uh speaking earlier today so on and so forth tomorrow the big dog comes on and i don't know what time i have i don't know what time we're expecting if brendan has anything there that'd be kind of cool but we'll be here tomorrow anyways all day tomorrow join us right about now uh my mouth will probably be on fire tomorrow as we're doing spicy trades so i i it depends on what level we're at oh i need three sheets about 330. liz or maggie if you're watching bring those sheets back because i want to say unless we tweet them out and i can find it i want to go over um you know at least one or two of the next maybe you should do the next save the last save the last one so we'll do the next two levels because the first one was was a thousand scoville units um and the second one was four second one was four thousand and it was uh the first one was like a blueberry i think that's going to be really sweet obviously i meant sweet as in like sweet but obviously sweet and tasting as well and then the next one was a sort of a garlic flavor and then as we're going to go man we're going to start leveling them up i went down there but it's going to be leveled up on said scoville unit so um that should be really exciting and uh yesterday i went on just just i don't know why i went and got that carton of milk that leader of milk there and left it overnight so we had to throw that one out but tomorrow didn't i say it was gonna get left out yeah for sure i mean i left i put it on i'm like put the milk back remember i put it here and i didn't want to like elbow it down and and make a huge mess but um anyways tomorrow should be a lot of fun joining us at that time liz has the papers right now so thank you liz well that was quick so people are watching the show that's that's really cool yeah yeah we're in tesla we're in the money now whatever i mean in the money 75 cents for tesla is what it is for your boy okay um ray i just want to break the bottom so i'm not going to worry about tesla i'm just going to trade this for a second you you put on yours i'll read the first next one here so a big thank you to look we put the shout out to a trader um i don't mean to be avoiding everything we are still trading i'm in this tesla trade which is now 50 cents in the money but a big shout out to henry lobard um and we'll you know we'll keep saying that we put a shout out he's a junior chef or whatever looking to make some um you know moves here with his sauces so thank you so much for that the next one on the list so we go berry thunder then we go harissa garlic and then the very next one very nice handwriting by the way um is a 12 000 scoville unit so it's sweet heat so it's just he has written down here like a little asian zing here um sweetened with apricot and agave spiced with ginger and garlic a mix of thai and habanero peppers plus a few roasted minis in there as well so that that is number two there so we go from 1000 000 scoville 4 000 we'll be able to handle all this i i i hope um and then the next one 12 000 and then we go up to 100 000 uh with the next one and we can talk about that in a couple minutes uh we'll leave you for that you can guess what kind of peppers are in that one for now uh as we'll go back and discuss a little bit of trading there um a little bit so i i got into tesla it dropped back down it it went a dollar in the money i think i could take a piece out here 292 flat maybe but i'm gonna hold this into the close so if you were looking i think there's been some some issues here at 292 ish uh right down in here for the last little bit just kind of barcoded there took one dip down that's where we got excited about possibly breaking that bottom that is the bottom by the way of the day 290 160. so um we'll see if that comes into play but for now i'm short and i'm not getting out till it breaks 294. so it's like i'm i'm gonna give it a dollar um and hopefully make who knows how much i want to hold this to the close so there was a there was a someone asked earlier like uh i saw in the chat someone said who who's reporting after market tonight well danielle shea did mention uh we have a lot of names the firm is reporting but marvel marvel was a chip name that was reporting that she had mentioned that i'm i'm very interested in seeing but today obviously dragged up by nvidia and the broad market by itself it's already rejected 55 once and it's not to say that it can't continue uh to go higher but as i see the market trying to make continuous lower highs ooh i still have my lines drawn on there get rid of that you had this wick off top as it tried to get to 55 and a lower high as well so i'm looking to the south side here for this i saw nvidia pull back i see the market pulling back in it's rejected a key level you can always think a little bit of risk off remember nvidia gapped down and ultimately they did guide poorly so you know there's a good chance that marvel might not have a good report obviously the reaction was strong today in nvidia but the report itself could come out negatively if you sort of follow the trend of what the other chip making brethren have been doing uh this quarter so i'm going to look for the shorts on marvel off of that 55 level i might want it to push up a little bit here before i jump into it but i do like this one for the south side here today on mrvl and i say it correctly every single time because being a comic book nerd i know marvel when i see it or hear it a little bit of a pullback happening in bed bath and beyond i think that's just going to give me an opportunity to well not that much i guess needs to drop at least another 10 cents before i can get into this one again off of v wap but i am looking for the reload over there looking for the longs i also like the shortened test that's a little bit higher a little closer to 293.50 and i think we can definitely take it and i see i know trader prabh was trading pins and a lot of people have been asking about that here's another name attempting to break out the high of the day up 12 percent it's super strong i've been trying not to look at it because my gut is just saying ooh you want to you want to be fading this but you know what it's not really it's not at the place where i would want to be selling this 24 is quite obvious on pinterest 24 is that level it's like 40 cents away and we just said in a momentum video when the momentum is going you kind of let the market come to you well 24 is the resistance level on this stock and it has been since like i mean since the spring so if it gets to 24 then i want to short it we're running out of time for that to happen whether it's today or tomorrow pinterest 24 it's obvious on the daily if it breaks out there like 24 30 or 40 i think is that top it's got room to run but this is an overextended move it gets there today i want to be shorting that 24 on pins but i'm not going to chase this i'm not going to be out in front too far 50 pennies on a 24 stock that's too early to be getting into the short all right uh yeah that was on pins yeah good call it's so funny to see you think about some of the prices of these names if you really got like that um all right docusign um another name here that's just been kind of fading out all day here we the reason why i go back to this is because you remember i don't whether or not you remember now we take a lot of trades on the show uh but doc you sign i had a really great trade on it the other day um and i want to look at it again here today so this is docusign coming in look at it pretty weak here just a bunch of like you know again like lower high like just kept on coming back in and now we're making this here we're below everything now the market's still up docu signs up less than the market or so i don't know i guess i should check that out now i don't know what the market is was about one percent um i just look at this break right now look at this the docusign again off the morning definitely wanted to go back to the downside and then something happened and it ignited from 60 all the way up to 63 dollars and now starting to inch down so i see this barcode action and i say to myself self um you have a good trading opportunity here just very similar to what i saw in crm except for the other way around so you know it stuck its head above the 50 period here for a little bit now we're starting to head down i just think if you break this shelf why you know i mean there's no there's no stopping goes here at all this is just straight up to the upside so i don't think anyone's probably i mean if there's day traders and they're long somewhere down here they're probably out i mean i could see people getting out on the 62 break back down but i'm just looking at this level if the market gives it up here heading into what is i feel like tomorrow could be a down day but i've been pretty negative on the market over the last couple weeks so this 6130 break is what i'm looking at right there for a downside possible target for docu when and if i get in then we'll talk about some of these outs i mean it'd probably be 70 up here where we've seen before so in at 30 out at 70 would be a 40 cent hit i believe there's much more downside than 40 cents on this name so that's kind of what i'm doing right now in into this trade for docu i'm only looking at it as a daily i didn't even really look um i'm sorry as a minute chart there i didn't really look at it here on the daily i i mean i'm not i'm just trying to scalp this into the clothes so realistically whatever it goes it goes um all right and that's if it gets in i don't know the stop order's in there and that's everything neil and if you're watching for the first time a hit the like button and thank you for coming by you are you have now found the best trading show on youtube so big congratulations to that one not because of me because of everybody around me look at tesla and all of us here i mean that's the whole point of the teamwork you see fahad or maybe you don't see fahad but sometimes you see fahad um big shout out to that big shout out to tony we have you know two three more hosts that come in on the midday sharif in the building as well that smells delicious by the way it really does i mean because sharif does the midday show and he eats his lunch right about this time power hour starts and it's like i gotta smell um we signed up we signed up sharif um here to join us every day hopefully on on as long as he's feeling well um as all of us and that's really the only thing that stops us right we all love the market so much um that you know the only thing that doesn't keep us here uh is in sickness and in health as they say but um i'm happy to announce we've announced it already uh on the midday show that sharif's gonna be partnering crime uh with pratt for a bit and then hopefully um when luca gets back and a few of the other traders that we've had on as well uh should be coming back as a more full-time so we're really excited for that one as well but okay let's just go over to trading quickly um it the the market's coming back to the upside now so look tesla's already been a dollar in the money for us we didn't take it we talked about that over and over again i want to use 294 as an out just to break up above here we did get out of tesla i mean we've been shorting it all day um and i'm just hoping that it you know we get either a another shot to get something around here or we're able to tank either way if we take down 294 i'm i don't even want to get fancy like 290 450 maybe but again like i've been saying to get too specific on some of these levels it's bouncing around a lot i just i want to see it hold this 294 area more importantly 293.50 that's where we're short we're short at 293 14. let's see if it can come back down for now it's a moot point it's 20 cents in the money who cares we're not taking that out nor am i taking it out if it gets down to the low of the day i wanted to break this low and then see where we go so that's it uh for me that's a pretty easy trade and then we have doc you trying to line up as well that rhymes i like that it rhymes but someone just said in the chat it's like she gone yeah i don't know what that was in reference to but uh uh certainly not gone is this market i think i still feel like we're making lower highs um however it is worth mentioning like amd could break like yeah if you if you really look at the trend like we had a pretty strong trend to the upside it felt like since we got to the top uh midday here that you've been getting this series of lower highs i've just gotten to test myself so maybe it's going to be cursed here uh we'll see and i could get marvel as well getting some shorts off these highs but if you could see a potential run and a break you're running out of time for that to happen that's the way i look at it and if you just everyone always wonders like why are you guys going against the trend we get that a lot in the afternoon show one of the reasons why not split adjusted one of the reasons why is sometimes when it gets to the top of the market you're just looking at a resistance level and it's just the path of least resistance is to short off of those resistance levels uh 193 and a half is kind of this consolidation i'm looking at for a pullback in tesla i'm very close to getting marvel i'm going to note that nvidia is really not doing a heck of a lot and if this is the leader of the band i'd feel a little bit less about sitting on the offer of marvel if we were breaking these highs but we're not on nvidia we're still making lower high so i'm going to sort of maintain that offer just double check because i realize i don't have a level 2 up for that so i'm going to move away the pinterest one because i'm probably not going to get into that anytime soon and throw up marvel just to make sure i have that locked and loaded it's not doing a heck of a lot just yet but as nvidia climbs higher i expect i could be getting that fill rather promptly bed bath and beyond can't seem to get past 10 bucks so you know it teases you with a little bit of a break and then just go sideways from there i still want to buy the dip i still want to hold for it to break out and maybe give you a shot like quarters 30s up to that 50 level i i looked at amc earlier and it was like oh there's a chance it could do something if it broke 950 and then it rejected 950. so that is still trending to the downside these names have been pretty dead and especially when the market gets really strong sometimes the meme names uh just run out of steam that or squeeze names just run out of steam that's what i think has happened here avya doesn't seem to be doing too much of anything as well a firm who report tonight that's breaking the top actually on volume well let's get over to oh not yet it's trying to break the top i should say a firm needs to get through 31.60 that's this level here that's the top maybe it's got a chance here a firm is just beaten up enough and shorted enough that you know it's one of the ones that could go and really it's been bouncing off the pit 50 holding that 30 level there's some signs that it wants to get to that upside a lot of times you get that short coming in uh heavily shorted and it can only break to the upside it's been beaten up a lot but i'm not going to make any guesses on a firm it has to break 3160 before i think about long uh oh i i can look at it firm and just give a guess down no i haven't looked at it yet they're going to lose money yeah i haven't i haven't i haven't looked at it yet so don't uh i mean i don't feel any ways like uh the way i did about snowflake uh that i do about any of those names on the board but we will review those in probably about 20 minutes or so into the close but we hit that siren alert because guess what it's a new trade alert right now so uh we're going to take out paypal taking out the high of the day right now taking out 96 dollars let's just see is there momentum into the clothes and and we talked about this earlier today breaking out from key levels looking at momentum look where this has come from it it hit 95.50 down there it's basically straight up in a straight line um i mean there's a little bit of a pull back there that's like a pullback of 10 cents or so um and then busting to the upside right now taking out excuse me the day's high uh right now nothing on a daily chart let me just look at this on a 20 minute uh for you on paypal and again this is it's it's setting up to be the trade that i want it's just a matter of like if this trade was here at like 9 30 like i saw the meta trade or the alibaba trade this is basically the exact same uh although the barcoding doesn't go back as many days but you're breaking out again here so if paypal can take down like what i'd be saying here if this was early and it's the same trade that i made on alibaba was like if it breaks 95 or 96 then you're up to a brand new level so right here on paypal this is a new trade for me we just put this on you can see paypal just nicely moved to the upside right here taking out this 96 goes all the way back here to the 19th of uh obviously of august there only a couple days but we've done some work to the downside now we're trying to break out to the upside so if there is momentum to come through on paypal we just ticked it long now i'm only going to give this one honestly like 30 cents i don't know something like that down here i don't really want to dance with this one if the momentum is not going to be here into the close we're already short tesla but let's just take paypal and see if it does want to carry the day through this 96 so a new trade idea here into the close like i said we'll give this i mean we may only give this to 80s uh back here which is 30 cents so let's see if paypal can hold this high and continue to the north side we're going to need a good clothes for this to happen but i like this idea paypal has a new one well we got a superchat that i want to make sure i address it was mr westermeyer was asking about ulta beauty another name that reports i know we're gonna talk we'll get the earrings board up a little bit later we've already talked about a few one out at ulta to the list caveat only chairs of all the beauty but i do like them when we talk actually we talked about this i feel like a couple of years ago uh during the midst of the pandemic that we were sort of saying like when things open back up there's going to be some names that are going to make a ton of sense and ultra beauty with quite frankly when masks go away and people start getting back out that is a heck of a recovery play and they're they're a great company i'm not going to tell you that they're relatively cheap because they still trade it like well it'll be different tomorrow but they still trade at like 18 times earnings but it's been on a pretty solid run already it has a lot of respect uh certainly in the last couple of weeks here for both major moving averages and especially with the market trying to make a bit of a bounce after that pullback it is in the midst of a breakout the only problem with ulta beauty is eight doesn't move much b it's a little top heavy here and like sort of my concern will be that overall you've seen a lot of you've seen a lot of like the numbers have been disappointing for some of the retailers and then the reaction has been good so my gut's telling me that this should follow if it's following that pattern it should the price should move up it's a great run company i think they have a decent chance to post solid numbers but i'm not necessarily expecting the numbers to be good because retail hasn't had fantastic numbers this in this round so i think you might have to suffer through what might be somewhat blah mad or disappointing numbers or even just borderline but that doesn't mean the stock isn't going to be bought tomorrow especially if we're trying to take out and i hate to say it but the resistance on the daily right here is 420. uh you know i like that number uh brendo one that was uh super strong this morning uh drug just popping back up here you can see can you see no it doesn't break that uh volume coming in anyways on drug guys trying to get back to highs this stock was a disappointment for me anyways um yeah i had it i had this thing twice and neither time did it follow through had it at 60s it tried to break three that eventually failed it was okay then i bought the dip on the higher low it couldn't break v-wop and then it broke down and that was more or less a flat trade overall and now it decides it wants to go so this is what i wanted that avya to be doing off of consolidation look i mean i'll give it a shot with with a little bit of time still left in the day i think you have a chance especially if you get past this 85 to get going to that high that it rejected it three earlier on in the session otherwise it's just a pure v-wop sort of let it bounce down back into v-wop and then see if we can't uh work that long so i was in it earlier it was okay but you know what it followed that one rule that i like if you have a breakout from the pre in the morning that doesn't take the next level out when it dips does it hold that obvious support it did so you know it's the kind of candidate that you'd want to try to make that second leg to the upside the volumes it's not bad but it's not great either so um i don't have like the highest of hopes i just got into marvel uh so that short just came as well i gotta go look at it go over look over at uh oh yeah nvidia's still not doing anything so marvel's pretty okay here that 55 is an obvious out if it breaks 55 i'm out of marvel all right so paypal's working out uh nicely for us so that's going to be a good one now but uh what isn't working out for us and we just averaged in the last time is going to be tesla um we average we average it once uh here for tesla so our average price is going to be 37 so we're whopping 20 cents out of the money on this one um and we just say that tongue-in-cheek i mean this is the way tesla moves uh it's gonna give you opportunities here and we're gonna take this one it's just bounced back up obviously it's been weak today into the market we've talked about the split we talked about all that stuff so i'm not going to sit here and analyze why i think this is a short but we just went into the short my outs 294 about as easy as it could be we will take a 60 cent hit here or 60 let's say with slippage probably 75 hit or so uh on tesla if it does break back above 294 we'll give some of our day back but it's a very very small amount if i do lose so so far today um you know we're obviously up nicely on tesla and if this trade goes against me i will give back about 10 of what we made here on tesla so if you guys are up on it this is a trade that i think is worth a little bit of money here uh but i am going to take a piece out at 293. that was a good average in right back here we bounced off 293. actually we bounced off this area exactly 293.20 a couple times so i mean i could take some out just for profit and then just just because like technically it looks like a decent spot but there's 293 right there the 50 period let's see if it can give us a little bit of a bigger win and take a piece out there but so far so good on the reload but we're definitely not counting our chickens before they hatch give it to us brendan uh twitter popping up here guys on a few headlines coming out of this delaware court apparently the judge has uh ordered or denied in fact many of mus data demands directed at twitter calling them absurdly broad apparently the judge also ordering twitter to turn over more data sought by elon uh and specifically on 9 000 accounts that have been reviewed in the past by twitter in a q4 audit so big pop here for twitter shares yeah you never really want like a judge to be saying the word absurd with regards to requests that's not necessarily a good thing uh there however i was gonna use this one because uh you said don't count your chicken before their hat but then i realized um yeah it's more like a spicy chicken i don't know it's like a hot that was supposed to be for like when i was talking about is i used to say like oh spicy meat ball and stuff like that but it's a chicken we we had i i was going to hit that because just if we could i did have a chicken walking across we did have a chicken walking across we've lost a lot of them we had this discussion like a lot of the old ones that we used to have for the animations are still there so i don't know we'll hit this one for basketball and uh come on tesla this is like so bed bath and beyond we just got some out there at 10 15 and continues to brace higher hopefully we can get a push to like the quarters at least in the 30s oh i have the chicken one more there it is you have it there it is like i mean how good is that that's much that's the one i don't have that one but at least you have those at least two hundred at least you got it all right well but oh yeah of course just when i'm saying okay it's starting to get going there's bed baths and beyond let's make another move up there's another candle so it goes up it rejects it consolidates it goes up rejects probably gonna consolidate hopefully off ten even and then we can catch that um like like you have two shorts now well i have one and one one and one but i have tesla as well and then i got into that mar-vell um chipmaker you can see the lower high it's putting in off of 54.75 and continuing to kind of reject that i'm also seeing nvidia i mean about 30 cents it just rolled over but it just rejected a lower high as well so that's probably a good sign for some of these shorts because the market just pulled back off of its lower high bit of a theme there right yeah i think so and there uh there it is right there we'll go belly dance it off again because there goes tesla and uh rinsing and repeating uh the trade here on tesla as there it comes back down to the downside we'll take out a third uh at 93 rate at the 50 period i have to like i said i have to stay true to what i'm thinking here um and so that was that you know average their average i mean that was a great one up at 294. i mean we took it at 294 60. and this is the thing like when you sit here and you can and you read the tape and you're sort of watching what's happening it's a much this is why it's so tough and i'm not you know like i signed up to do this uh well much more much more than that but um you know you do miss opportunities like if you're sitting here just trading one name instead of going back and forth then you're able to see it i've obviously been focused on tesla a lot today and i mean instead of i was literally waiting at 293.70 and i would have just been like beside myself if i missed it because it didn't get that eye it just kept bouncing off of 60 here so i watched it over and over and over again and then eventually i just kind of market it in or whatever just limit aggressive limit uh order into a these shares and wound up grabbing them at i think it was like an average price of 62 and change there so that wound up being okay and then the drop happened so sometimes when you're watching you can sort of see the push and pull and it just that one for some reason kept bouncing its head off that 60 level and then eventually this fall back down and then we take a piece out so now all i'm going to do is adjust the stop i mean if we take down 294 i now have a third less shares so i'm just trying to put you through what goes through my head uh here because that's like you know part of what we're doing here is hopefully educating and entertaining so right now never forget your stop orders because when you clear out of shares um you don't want to and this happens to me sometimes you see it happen to neil all of us on the show where it's like oh now i'm too long and i don't want to be long it just i covered some of my short and then when i got out it pushed me long x amount of shares and sometimes you'll wind up losing more on kind of that keystroke than you made on the initial trade in the first place so um definitely clear that out and i before i get carried away i'm gonna go do that right now oh and i just got into twitter and brennan just brought the news and to me that's obviously somewhat bullish for uh twitter because if the lawsuit gets uh you know goes in the favor of twitter then elon has to pay his pony up and it's 54 20 or good news leads to a potential settlement at some point which will likely be somewhere in the middle of where it's trading or you know 45 or 47 whatever it is probably likely higher than the 40 uh 41 dollars it's sitting at right now it spiked got to 41.40 came right back in and whenever i see like spike news like this i always come back to the same pattern where did the stock settle before so i look at the previous high that was 41.85 and then i go from there what was that channel down to about 40 70 and then i looked for an entry in that range so i just picked some up there at pretty much right at 80s it's already bouncing back the upside the key thing with when you're like you're not getting the first move right like well if you have an algo or you're just like the fastest person ever no you gotta be an algo or something like that you're probably not gonna catch that price on the way up if you're buying the top it's a different story but on the way back in you wanna be patient and wait for it to get to a level where it had price acceptance before and if the buyers step in there okay well there were there were buyers when it got there and it hung out there before and if there's good news maybe they want to do so again and then play it back into 41 it might not get back to the highs and i'm never thinking it's gonna get back to the highs when you make a trade like that you're trying to capture at least a portion of that move which to me says get some more shares out if it cracks 41 and then get some more shares out if it gets to that 4120 which obviously was where the move arrested before stopped or stalled or whatever you want to call it so uh there's there's twitter thank you brendan for that note where's and that's the reason so obviously you can have scanners out there that give you the news and there's new services or whatnot clearly we have a bit of an advantage because you know we get to sit here and whatever we have twitter up as well and be looking for that we also get brennan flat out just telling us things that are happening i didn't notice the thing in twitter but it did just bounce to the upside however you know when this is moving up i'm usually thinking in my head what is good for the deal like for twitter the deal going through should be bad for tesla shares because if you're thinking there's a greater chance that they're the elon has to go through with the deal well then why the heck because he's i mean he's paying for the deal with equity and tesla right that's part of it um that to me puts more pressure on tesla stock now he said he doesn't have to sell anymore but he said that once before and then eventually sold more so if the deal goes through my my understanding is is the likelihood that he's going to have to sell some more tesla shares at least in my opinion i can be dead wrong about that but i'm a little surprised that after that little spike back to the upside tesla is still testing these highs so a bit of a shock there in my opinion but it hasn't broken 94 just yet i would have thought this would have been a bit of an opposite reaction there um for tesla but it is not heading to the downside right now which is a surprise yeah yeah i am i i don't think tesla really honestly i mean i just think it's like so old now this twitter stuff that um he did sell six point whatever it was nine billion or something worth of shares uh yeah whatever it was and he's not gonna have to pay uh 54.20 anyways they will settle somewhere in between and that's what i believe uh 42 will happen with that one who knows what they're gonna have to pay there but some judge won't award some stupid random price like that anyways wouldn't it be hilarious if a judge actually picked a price like that i don't know they would never do that obviously exactly yeah so um all right uh just looking here again palutear obviously having a big day because of big data uh and what's up to snowflake as well so they just kind of saved that uh little run there force for palantir which was basically at eight bucks and then it's had a nice little run today i still think you got to get above this 850 so i know there's some talk on the chat there about palantir i you know you guys know i like this name but uh unfortunately it's got to get above 8.50 we'll see if that can come in tomorrow i'm not super interested uh in it yet until it gets to there although 23 million shares got me tingling a little bit but yeah it's not 840 would normally be the long but it's 337 right now um and so i just i'd rather not play the momentum here in palantir i feel like it's a little bit late um and you can see on the daily chart there's not much here for that it's just 850 is right there that we just talked about and then quickly before we go over to brendan here's the one minute it's just been grinding higher so you know if if you notice when snowflake made that move down there and then retrace back up you could have gone to like this name instead uh and and hit it if you only had a little bit of buying power there because again eight versus one ninety so uh but there it is palantir definitely stops at eight twenty and then starts taking it out so if it takes out 840 i like the long i mean it's just i think we're running out of time uh to really invest some serious capital in these names and that's kind of what i want to do so i'm going to wait to see on this one but i think it's worth a break here at 8 40 here for palantir so if you like this and time is on your side which it's not for us then i like this 8 40 break on pltr my paypal's not doing anything in tesla is right back up to 294 again looking to break out past that level but brendan's got some uh meta just popping up again on some volume here guys apparently zuckerberg was on rogan today and was talking about this a new vr headset to come in october for meta trying to get going again apparently those are going to be really like apples and and metas are going to be pretty expensive uh we'll see we'll see what we'll see what happens with them because i think like we'll see some sticker streams i think request two i think it was six bills for it yeah i was i was saying that apples was going to be a heck was going to be more than that because obviously as they try to improve and you get it like more ergonomic there's a like if you want to if you want to have it so that you're not just sort of in in an augmented reality but also the ability to sort of interface with people so that so that you can also interact with the world around you while also getting virtual projection it takes a heck of a lot more processing power and then trying to make that into something that's ergonomic and smaller and cooler like apple obviously would do is going to end up maybe a little pricier than i think people expected but i i think it's a cool concept to be sure uh running out of time here so i don't know if i'm i'm definitely not adding a four short because i'm also this we've avya i had to start getting out of it it's only going sideways bed bath and beyond's okay and twitter's moving as well but pinterest did come to 24 at least close enough to it it just got to 90s i got the 90s short stop will be at 24 even at least this one will be relatively simple i knew exactly the price i wanted to go in front of here it is late in the session so there's a decent chance that this could go right up to that high at 350 and then make its decision when the imbalances come out it wouldn't be the first time i saw that happen but certainly this is a big level if we do hang around here i'm sure i'll be looking at this level tomorrow for pinterest uh because it's it's just a big one on the daily chart i have to zoom way in for you to see it but yeah this is a pretty big level breaking out from here would be huge for them look at the room it has to the 200 period if this were to really get going it's a great day today up 13 and the market is now charging toward those highs so i'm gonna have to respect that the only two longs i have here outside of that avya in a bit of a meme stock bed bath and beyond and then twitter which was on that news so it's they're working but they're not as directly exposed to this run-up in the nasdaq as i would like uh crm making a run i just saw someone on the chat say well what else is making a run is a nice one here for paypal we took a piece out here as it gets to 25 we're long on this 96 break so there's a piece and there goes paypal to the upside small win but still 20 cents i mean i wish it would go a lot more than that cannot control where we go uh on paypal one thing we can control though was a good out it seems like anyways there on tesla as right now it's rip city into 94. uh it takes down 94 your boys out of that and uh we'll just whatever we wind up basically losing nothing uh well we'll lose 50 cents so there it is out so we lose 50 cents there uh on that name and and we got you know we took the profit there and then we got out there so again a cup of coffee on that one all good we wind up we're going to wind up hopefully making more this needs to go to about 30s i believe or 40s uh to make back there on paypal so hopefully that can continue its move to the upside i still like this name uh now 20 cents in the money looking to go higher and again remember where our l was was 80. so uh here we go yeah stocks starting to take off now to the upside part of tesla breaking that high meta probably going as well yep there goes meta i mean meta was again could have been easily the trade of the day let's see if it takes down 168 but these buys at 165 earlier were huge we have a 166 buy as well but there goes meta with the market market now up that 1.39 which is why i turned that bull that bear into a bull early today um but whatever the market's still making their moves i just tomorrow's the day we only have eight minutes until seven minutes now until the imbalances uh and then we'll just judge the plays from there but part of it too is tesla's starting to finally get going a little bit exactly i mean the only short that didn't come out there was marvel and i feel like that's only a matter of time drug i'll give it it broke three even i have been waiting for this all day long so i'm gonna take i'm gonna take the shot on drug if it's if it's a small cap sometimes it has that run in it but i always say this every single time if it doesn't go pretty quickly this late then usually that move is gonna end up happening at four o'clock if it's going to happen at all when you get this late just later move to the upside but it's a significant enough level and when i said this this morning that i like that potential break if it came and you know it's because it had so much room to the next obvious resistance level there at about 340 to that upside so i'll give it a little bit of room to be able to get there hasn't happened yet i think marvel's getting real close to that 55. um bed bath and beyond is kind of stalling out there and twitter made a bit of a pullback on me so i think i'm look even if the market makes a fresh high i'm not completely convinced that twitter will follow because it's kind of in its own bucket and when the market just touched the tops i mean twitter's already pulling back i'm just going to take this one out here because you know my gut's just sort of telling me twitter doesn't have a ton of reason to follow the market in this upward band like it made the move because of that headline it made it fresh high it tested the high again and then rejected it that's enough for me we have to keep it flat at the end of the day anyway so it's not like i can hold that until tomorrow where twitter could actually trend uh so drug uh bed bath and beyond both momentum names and the last shorted mar-vell which reports after the belt tonight 55 will be the stop on that one oh marvel um yeah i was just trying to find out uh something else we just did update our paypal we tweeted that out when we took it uh down there at 96 bucks and now you're seeing it to hit 96 we just took another piece out there at 37s there um so a good little winning trade here to end the day on paypal and also a decent out on tesla right there as we you know short short out out again and there it goes trying to hit some of those tops and like i said if there was more time in the day i'd still like to short this thing up to viwa but um with only now and again we do that i did this yesterday it was a pretty popular thing to do um and that was count down the time so right now just so you guys know what we're looking at here in toronto based on what the stream is it's 3 45 12 13 14. so 3 45 16 right now uh if you're following along just so you have a rough idea of of the stocks we're looking at and the time frames and so on and so forth so hopefully you're not too far uh behind us most people i think we're five to seven seconds uh delayed and that's that's uh youtube man i mean i'd like to like to give it to you lightning fast and i think as as uh you know things improve that probably will happen at some point as well um all right let's just check out our alibaba trade i'm you know oh someone said crm is flying jeez yeah it is man uh we got out there at 171 break to the downside i think that happened right when we were with daniel shea and then there it is it basically respected that 170 level i'm going to sneeze in a minute uh respected that i have the cough buttons hopefully it works i don't think last time it did but it should work you're good you come to me for a second i know like don't just keep the camera right on it well i was holding it so if everybody got blasted out there then uh uh oh fahad was oh fahad got it so if i didn't hit that key it would have been a problem i don't i don't know so i gotta double check that app what i found what i found out that lucas told me though is if like say brennan is talking which means they mute our mics when brennan's talking if i just out of an abundance of caution hit my mute my mute button at the same time it unmutes me so when i think i'm hiding a big loud sneeze when brennan's talking you guys then hear all of that unfortunately but the market does want to take out the fresh high of the day sometimes it's just about what goes up must go higher go exactly i would say go upper but at least i didn't say that but there's a top break on the nasdaq yeah i don't know what i was going with for that line but the nasdaq and the es both climbing upside i'm gonna start taking off these names that aren't moving these small caps that aren't going uh bed bath and beyond i'm gonna give it a chance because at least it's continuing uh to trend higher this one looks like it has a chance to go drug is basically flat marvel's hasn't broken 55 but it certainly is going and in nvidia right back up to the high of the day so nvidia super strong this is that top it couldn't get past uh 179 earlier uh now making an attempt at but it's way too tight to the imbalances to start thinking i'm not taking a break out in nvidia here today but i do have to watch out if this pulls back that's my shot for marvel to come back in was that a call to brendo or no i didn't hear it no okay uh all all is well then uh on these fronts look we only have another three minutes until it balances so uh thank you everybody for watching today hit the like button i mean let me see how many people we have watching right now because uh i'm in a good mood so let's do that what now i'm in a bad news 869 likes 5 000 watching five thousand not impressed uh right now we have over a hundred thousand people watching every day and thank you again um just it's just the mendoza lineup yeah exactly so let's hit the likes yeah get that man what is that 230 or 200 that means yeah exactly so let's get above that where is that where bo buchet is batting right now he's better than that yeah no he better what would it be like to be mario mendoza we're like like the guy made it to the show yeah and like the big leagues right and then is known for like the measure of futility is hitting below his career mark like you made it to the show like you know it's obviously a big achievement i would love to be in the have made the big leagues and hit like a buck 80. that'd be fine by me because at least you got there and most people don't it's not an easy thing to do but anyways uh hopefully we can get above that hopefully drug can make some power moves into the end um also uh just the one just one last note because i feel like we've ignored oh give me a break we've ignored not ignored we haven't talked about a lot of the other big tech names uh throughout the day just want to point out that apple which could not break 170 earlier when i was long and then was a pretty decent short when it took out 169 once again right up to 170 and failing another time while the market's breaking out so this level at 170 on apple i know just like today i'm gonna have this one up locked and loaded i did not take it out when i had two chances to do so and when it got and rejected that high and then even try to reload in front of that 69 before reversing that 170 is a bit of a barrier here for apple all day long gotta have that on the radar for tomorrow uh joe biden going to be um at intel's new plant so we can uh when i guess when they break ground there so i mean it's not it's not like announcing a new plan we've known about this here in the u.s we've talked about that with the chip spill and so on and so forth so 34.80 right now as intel starts going back up to the upside i talked about you know possibly investing in this for the first time this has been beat down very very much this is the daily chart i mean it doesn't even look like amd or anything like that the pullback really has been pretty strong and i feel like if you can get to this 50 period of 30 i don't want to buy it yet but this 50 period of 37 like i've been saying about smh and so on and so forth um probably worth something there so we'll wait i mean this is like i said i think this is back to like 1998 or something not even joking like 33 dollars for intel is pretty cheap and i feel like they're not you know we've talked about the the regroup and what they're doing um and i think pc sales is probably stronger than what people think so we'll wait to see on that uh obviously you might want to give it another quarter to make sure about 37 down here uh i feel like you're an upgrade or two away or someone coming in um i remember i forget who i know it was chain-nose or who it was spiked this thing when it was like 50 that went to like 55 when they took a position i wonder what obviously they don't want to talk about their positions now uh but there it is right there uh okay here we go let me see uh here we go someone just asked a question here what's up ddn thank you for the for the super chat here um oh here we go uh i have watched your show for more than a year and i do like okay good uh but what are the likes for okay so basically the likes are just for as far as i know anyways the more likes uh that the channel will get this is a completely free channel so i mean free trading education we don't sell anything we don't do anything so what we're trying to do exactly uh free cookies one for you one for you first one's free um and then the point of what i'm getting at here is and thank you for the question is we ask for it because we want the youtube algorithm to understand that people that watch the show like the show and uh hopefully they'll be able to push that towards more viewers and therefore we grow our community and we get more more people watching we've we've already hit 340 000 subscribers or 330 change something like that on the subscriber count so we're really proud of that number the show's only a couple years old and we're really growing and getting bigger and better every day and i want to thank our community for that reason oh so that's why we want you guys to like subscribe share follow us all on socials like i can't even get i have 40 000 35 000 followers on twitter and can't even get the green the blue check mark so um yeah the more the more likes the better it is for all of us and the better it is for our community so that's why and speaking of free we also give the imbalances out for free because uh we get them piped into us for on our system it is i put in the chat that was small buys uh and the notable ones here i mean merck and apple apple six hundred thousand only microsoft only four hundred thousand now amazon three hundred thousand it's mostly to the buy side except for grab uh but these are relatively small numbers at this point it's not like you're seeing anything crazy here uh if it was i know the market's breaking out but sometimes the imbalances don't mean a heck of a lot uh we are coming to it's it's august right so we are coming to the end of a quarter sometimes that can matter i just got the last out of that bed bath and beyond i'm going to cancel my dip buy because clearly i'm not going to take any more shares here but it could not get past the morning high at 10 30. so even with all that you know sort of buying off the lows it couldn't break the resistance of this morning i still think it has to get through 10.60 for anything really serious to happen that's been the line and it's putting in a lower high drug is basically i mean the stock is exactly flat like it's gone up to 310 it's come back and held around 290 and it's back to flat so this breakout is not breaking out pretty obviously i like that three dollar range but sometimes the time that it happens might not be enough for it to go i'll give it one last chance to make this push here and i keep tightening up the stop stop down down to 295 this is it last ditch effort we have five minutes to go here we have to be out of our positions at four o'clock or sometimes you know just shortly after that best efforts of course uh but this one feels like it wants to wait until uh the aftermarket and marvel it might not break 55 but also i still have to get out anyways does not want to fall either they report aftermarket i'm obviously not making a bet on earnings here was just playing off the top resistance wow you guys uh you like us you really really like us i guess that was a good idea asking for the likes uh because now we're up to 1.7 k we doubled right there fod we doubled the likes right there just by asking so thank you everybody out there and uh maybe it's because you like the winners and right now there goes paypal right up to the days high this is a name that we took man and it's been a beautiful trade off this 96 breaking out to new day highs here as the market continues its momentum higher up 1.6 there goes paypal i set my stop for flat i mean i you know now we're just ripping into the clothes so i think that we'll be yeah buddy for that one give our face slapped upside a little bit there uh thank you to everybody who just found us uh right now it was about the cookies yeah yeah i mean i i owe you guys one if you want to come visit here we'll get a couple cookies there uh and we'll throw those around but like i said it's just the first one that's free and i bet you can't just eat one there uh i bet you can't eat just one that's the way it goes but that's literally so late chips but i you know those cucumber ones that i tweeted out a while ago yuck yeah you could eat uh only one of those easily uh and then pass that for oh um everyone always talks i'm trying to do like a new little thing here and maybe i'll do this on twitter but here's what our lunch was today so you know we get the salad so right there you know you got maybe i can i was talking about it some egg salad you get some fresh fruit carrots cheese there's quinoa all that kind of stuff on there um and then here it was going some nice salad again and then it was a pizza day so we got some pizza pie coming through there uh today then followed by a nice little salad uh for the traders so that's what was for lunch today maybe i'll do that every day uh but that's a good one there so follow me on twitter and you can see what the heck everyone's having for lunch uh every day and then proud i'll complain about it and blah blah blah but uh complaints he didn't complain today no no he's all about that pizza and it was really it was a good one yeah yeah pizza good one so uh paypal okay only five minutes left and i apologize that we normally get those imbalances to you a little bit quicker i started talking about uh that super chat there and why we need the likes and you guys showed up so thank you so much for that and on that note i'll just give you a quick little imbalanced locator quickly carbs grab is there um yeah a lot of carbs there i i didn't have one piece of pizza so i stayed away from that although sometimes you gotta enjoy yourself i might take some home to the kids if there's any left over uh but that's what that is not much happening here on the locator 3m i don't know are they reporting we're gonna find out in a couple seconds when we go over to brendan and the big board yeah i noticed that uh it was mostly bread uh that pizza with pizza toppings on top um yeah there we go aftermarket and before the open tomorrow guys uh so we already talked we talked a little all to beauty there thank you for the super chat mr westmeister marvell as well gap is the one that we haven't mentioned uh the retailers have been good decent short interests they're worth watching um sometimes you get a decent move out of those we saw that with like peloton uh trying to make move in the morning off the bottoms and then even reverse back in so i know gap will be one that i'm watching but let's be real uh right back to the chips is where i think we also have to go because those moves aren't done like the main chip names have been pretty good trades all week long and then of course tesla pull split uh doing i didn't you know what was the final volume there i should pull that up but 50. 50 million yeah so 50 million tremendous volume i don't know if that's the volume leader on the day i suspect if it's not number one by notional value i'm sure it's number one on the entire market today was tesla and i'm sure tomorrow will be as well yeah i just went to bed bath and beyond that's only 100 that's only 35 million 31 million so that's not well and then you switch it to notional so i think that's tesla by far is going to be winning that one um snowflake won't be that high for sure uh okay just an update there it's gonna look silly because we just got out at 45 on paypal as it rips into the close i just was pretty happy with that trade so again you know we take that trade it hits our targets my target would have was 50 anyways i was sitting at 50 and i just down ticked it because again it was doing this into the close and i didn't want to be part of that but there goes paypal congratulations anybody had that one uh there get some money bags going through as well so that would be real nice uh trade there for paypal and again why did we like it it was pretty simple i'm gonna be looking for all of these kind of trades where we're starting to break above some of this you know recent kind of i can't say like these garbage down here but whatever paypal reported didn't didn't do great um a downside move off of a hundred stops at 93 and then takes it all out and now we're gapping into that trade right so we're gapping into this 96 here it gapped down we're not gapping into it but we're filling that gap back through 96 and that's what sort of ignited the trade here today and you know if you're joining us late welcome but this is the trade that we put on uh right there the long through 96 i really like that one we didn't get into that docu short and honestly man tesla like i said if there was a little bit more time in the day um first of all we would have got stopped out because it broke through 95.50 but that's our out there that was for me the breaking that 94 man that was a good trade right there to the upside now printing 296. so tesla making that money back today it looks like it's going to be flat on the close so a big hold for anybody that was able to hold that off that 290 bottom big return today tesla not doing as bad as it was a couple an hour ago let's just say when it was on the lows and uh pinterest gets above that 24 and actually holding above there come on load up we got tony on the bell so pinterest 14 right on this monster level on the daily chart i know we're going to get to trade that off that level for sure give me a break like i hit enter twice but it's a 20 it's a 24 40 top on that daily uh that we're going to be concerned about with that pinterest it's a monstrous level uh tony's on the bell everyone doing a fantastic job filling in but tony uh you know him you love him he'll be bringing it off a little bit i don't want you guys to forget when you come back by this time tomorrow we will have eaten like one of the hottest wings that most people will have ever had and we'll probably all be sweating at least a little bit i will not be drinking milk but i do for the people someone around here is going to be drinking a lot of milk and it's not going to be me after we do the spicy trades that should be fun tomorrow tune back in of a tony in three two and one thank you tony wow guys paypal just ripped to 80 giving you an 80 winner there um into the close wow paypal really excited uh into that that's gonna look silly getting out there with like i got out with two minutes left and then this happens uh to the upside neil and i of course have to be flat into the clothes did we get to 2k likes if you haven't hit it yet let's try to get that 1.8 k right now let's see if we can get two real quick here um on that one it was a 2 billion share 2 billion share notional to buy uh from a value standpoint into that close so i wish i would i just looking now i wish i would have saw that oh it doesn't matter paypal gives us the out it's a nice trade there into the closes the nasdaq looks like it finishes on the days high there brendo uh yeah i'd love to be able to show you something but my computer just completely froze so positive markets i mean i see the nasdaq finish 127. i know 1.7 to the upside the es was like 1.3 and we don't care about the dow i don't think many people do i i don't know i don't think it would be maybe as like a marker i mean i don't think psychological things like 30 30 stocks like all some of them are older technology and whatnot like i don't know i don't know the dallas right price weighted is the thing that gets me it's not about the number of stocks it's about the fact it's price weighted but there we go that was up 324 it looks like there i don't know if that's a moving number or not uh yeah oh it's on that screen i was looking at the big screen there do you want to go to brendan to review this or uh sure i mean everything's uh it is what it is uh nasdaq yeah 1.6 1.75 there for the composite in the 100 leading the way guys big day big big day tomorrow all right there's another super chat they're trying to get the likes to 3 000. so thank you so much for that that'd be pretty awesome uh if you got that but i'm expecting at least 3 000 tomorrow because uh it's spicy trades time uh tomorrow so we're gonna be having uh but it's good that the chicken's on there it's chicken wings so that i mean that makes sense uh it is gonna be like it's wild because not everyone not everyone here i know you had hot wings from the hottest wings that are in toronto uh we both had that was probably 20 years ago i i think i should bring a bottle of tums or something here tomorrow it's going to be good this could be real spicy i'm a little worried about prad well he's already claimed to not know anything about where he is by the way but we have worried about pratt that's all i got to say i thought you were worried about brendan you said i but i said that about yeah yeah brandon brennan's not gonna probably make it all the way to the hottest one but brad like pratt is the kind of guy like even if he's done he'll try round one go all the way you're not not round one dude one like frank you can do frank's hot right exactly you can do you can't do frank's no really i i didn't know that was i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna hope that there's a little bit of sarcasm in his voice because like okay this is gonna be zero chance oh man this is gonna be real exciting tomorrow i i i mean i i'm here for it and uh this is gonna be spicy to say that you feel like brendan's setting up setting us up it's only one point i don't know we need to get some more likes i mean look how handsome brendan look at that haircut i mean if we can't get to 2 000 likes on that haircut alone then i mean that is a fresh haircut we didn't say that it's kind of missing the point that i mean all right what was it great i'm sure advertising barbers now so queen west barbers shout out you switched your barber shout out to lauren at queen west uh barbers lauren okay we shouting at our barbers yo what's up keith uptown studio been going to the same dude since i got back from university uh you're the man brother uh but we talked we we talked about what you should do uh in terms of just buying the indexes anyways he's probably not watching right now but he always asks me like probably neil i know what he's busy right now he should be booked for sure because it's a thursday watch uh watch stalking the streets you'll see helene which is like randy's barber mine greg brads all that uh there so shout out to everybody and go chiefs too yeah happy birthday uh to ms danielle shea i hope your chiefs uh give you a present tonight and a nice little victory because you ain't getting one when the games count so uh there it is danielle shea thank you again in a big happy birthday it's 404. time's running out on us a little bit still 1.9 k likes as i keep trying to delay this but let's wrap it up thanks to lucas fahad thanks to randy today big time thanks for working so hard on that desk that should be amazing when we finally get it thanks to raheem alani came in early uh for us this morning talked a couple canadian names there we talked about zellers from a blast from the past there as well coming back here in ontario and throughout canada some nice locations there for zellers hudson's bay corp company uh coming through as well pratt sharif tony everybody it's a big day tomorrow's going to even be even bigger and i don't imagine i'll be able to talk at this point tomorrow so um join us then as we take down some spicy trades um as well as eat some spicy wings uh tomorrow so uh there it is we hit 2k so thank you so much uh for that one so because we hit 2k we'll do a little spicy action one more time it's 404 join us right now for alibaba trade as it's your trade of the day and we'll see you tomorrow ciao you
Channel: Live Trading by TraderTV Live
Views: 27,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stocks, stocks to buy, stock picks, day trading live, live options trading, live trading, live daytrading, live day trading, trade ideas, trade ideas live, trading live, options trading live, tech stocks,, tradertvlive, codex, stock market today, stock market, stock market news, nasdaq, nyse, stocks to watch, live stock trading, tesla stock, futures, forex, fed chair powell, GDP, FED, earning season, nancy pelosi, nancy pelosi taiwan, HDK
Id: GXYr97xUGCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 42sec (7482 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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