가장 청결한 길거리 음식, 독특한 스킬로 만드는 볶음면 - The cleanest noodle penang street food
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Channel: Yummy Go 야미고
Views: 1,187,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cake recipe, noodles, egg fried rice, ramen, burger recipe, burger, japanese street food, pancake art, pancakes, korean noodles, chinese noodles, hot dog recipe, japanese food, pancake, chicken noodle soup, chicken, fried chicken, korean fried chicken, seafood, Korean buffet, ASMR, Asian street food, vietnamese street food, 베트남 길거리음식, 태국길거리음식, thai street food, Taiwanese street food, 대만 길거리음식, 말레이시아길거리음식, malaysian street food
Id: bSB-vYZqVvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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