The Cleanest Home Network Installation!

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hello i missed the yellow wire hello you're just cracking yourself up aren't [Music] [Applause] you oh in my eye i love that oh hello what are we doing jack drilling holes for more data lines what's up guys jack here with mts and today is a bit of a special project so we're gonna be installing a network for mr evans now mr evans used to be my next door neighbor until he moved out a few years back he got to know me as the neighbors kid and now that he's in his new place he's redoing the basement and finally finishing up the house and he asked me if i would do a network for him and i said yes and so this is one of those rare opportunities where he gets to see where i came from because that's what he already knows and now he gets to see where i am today now this is going to be a bit of a longer video than normal so go ahead and grab some food some snacks and i'm going to go ahead and start drilling some lines for networking [Music] okay so i have all of the holes drilled throughout this whole space um i ran these two cables in the farthest bedroom uh we're gonna have one up here for a tv and one down here for a desk so both of these lines just come down here for right now go up through the joists and this uh i don't know uh rafter way essentially is how i'm going to be running all the cables and i'm going to be using j-hooks to hold them all up so i'll walk you through over down here we're gonna have two network jacks in this bedroom two network jacks out here for this tv then two network jacks in this bedroom uh an access point's gonna go right up here in the ceiling we're gonna have two more network jacks in this office and then there's also gonna be a network line that goes from this wall all the way over to this wall and that's just gonna be for running hdmi essentially over ethernet through the ceiling and then over here is where we're gonna have our rack installed on this wall here i have the cables coming through and i just have it wrapped up here so this is essentially me just kind of establishing the runs and we've been using this ethernet cable from ubiquity it's just the unifi cable uh let me get that label there it's the u uc c6 cmr cable these are actually really nice boxes the cable feels great and they have tension control on the boxes so it's a real inside the box it's not just the cable's not just wrapped up and thrown in the box so very impressed and very happy with this so far we're also going to be putting security cameras outside so i'm going to need lines going over here lines going there then lines going over there they also want to do a tv outside so i need more lines for that so we're doing quite a few network jacks in this place okay so i ran an additional line in the man cave room so there's gonna be a tv on this wall and a tv on this wall that fish is going away so i ran a network jack each tv is gonna have its own network jack but i also ran one cable that goes between the two so you could do something like an hdmi over ethernet thing for real cheap and be able to just mirror the content between the tvs so yeah that way they could have the same thing being played on both tvs without having to do anything super complicated so i just ran the cable while we had access but that's just about everything i have for today so far um i'm gonna have to there was we found some new lines we found uh where is it oh yeah we found this blue line here which used to be a phone line but it's ethernet and it goes up to the kitchen so i'm going to replace that line just tie to it and pull through and run two network jacks to that because on the other side of that wall is the master bedroom so we can just open up that box upstairs punch through the wall and then have one line in the kitchen and or at the dining room table and one line in the master bedroom that's all i've got for today on this job day two here we have the network rack uh that came we have the netgear switch the keystones we have the wall plates coming still and we also just ordered the j hangers to keep the cables up in the ceiling but lucas is over there fishing fishing his cables yes meanwhile i'm gonna be getting this stuff kind of unwrapped uh configuring the switch with our vlans and stuff and taking a look at the current wi-fi network and trying to mirror over the settings to the new equipment lucas what did you do i missed the yellow wire he missed that yellow wire and ran things under it hey jack hello oh in my eye i love that oh hello what are we doing jack drilling holes for more data lines yay you're just cracking yourself up aren't you i you didn't see it but i just dropped like 15 puns in a span of 30 seconds okay so we have the lines ran up here and over i'm not a fan of how we had to do this but we had to run the lines over and through they're gonna get tacked up right here and then this is gonna come down and feed the entertainment center with some jacks right here so that's how we're doing that we also have the lines ran over for this up here uh this is the big hot tub power line so these cables will get converted to outdoor cables for security camera or for a security camera and a tv that'll be going the tv will be on this wall and the security camera will be outside up in the corner so we have these lines ran next what we have to do is get the lines ran for this bedroom here and the office or the man cave area over here which again we're putting two tvs up and we'll probably drop a network jack on this far wall here okay so we just got done running a bunch more of the cables uh right lucas yeah okay so we have the cables right for the media center we have the cables ran for the tv up here it's gonna go right there then we have the cable ran four down here it's gonna go right there for a desk coming over into the what's gonna be the man cave we now have the cables ran for the tvs so they're gonna be two tvs one on this wall one on this wall i have one cable that goes from this tv area directly over and then each one gets a data line so we have those run next we're going to put another data line right down there by where the power is so that way they could plug in a laptop or whatever so we pulled the lines up here to the kitchen to the dining room uh on the other side of this wall is the master bedroom so one of these lines is going to go to that side of the wall one of the lines is going to stay on this side of the wall we pulled out the foam jack and i had to pry the box out of the wall so that was fun all right so uh [Music] jack did a booboo [Music] so these are the lines that go up to the kitchen area and to the master bedroom then we have these lines over here that we just finished running there's gonna be a tv up here and there's gonna be a security camera outside the doors so we have the two lights here they run up and through we tacked them all up left some slack right here for when they are j hooked up right there and now we are just doing some of the last runs over to here so this is gonna get a few it's gonna get two network lines and then we still have to run the line over here for the access point so the access point i think we're gonna put it over here just because we have this metal pole in the way also one of ubiquity's ea access points just came in stock while we were working on this i got the notification on my phone and i'm like alright we gotta stop everything pulled out my laptop and ordered that so that should be on the way and i'm really excited about that so by the time we're done with this job i'll have a new toy to play with okay so we just finished up the last two lines the ones going up there so these lines are gonna be used one for an access point outside one for a security camera and we have to tack them up still but they're running above the power and all that stuff we're gonna attack all these cables up everything up here i zip tied this off here all of these cables are gonna be hung up in this uh rafter channel with j hooks those are still in shipping so other than that we are done for the day let's go get some dinner that moment when you think the job's done but you forget you have one extra line to run jack yeah we still have to cut this line and run the line up here for an access point let's go do that okay so uh we just finished the last run we have the cable ran for the access point now it's time for dinner so we're gonna go eat right lucas okay so we got all of the network cables for the basement ran and two lines for upstairs ran we have the network rack ready to be mounted to the wall we started drilling the holes um didn't exactly work too well with the drill that was on hand so getting a bigger drill for that but we have the network lines ran for the for the man cave the network line ran here for the access point the bedroom network jacks uh the other bedrooms network jacks extra ones for cameras and access points in the future there's going to be another tv over there so we have an extra an extra line running over here um everything's kind of run we still have to tuck up these cables up here and we also have to tuck up all the other cables but we're waiting on the j-hooks to arrive those still haven't gotten here yet then once the rack is on the wall we can put in the patch panel well we'll do that once all of the lines are actually ran but other than that we're done for the day so we're gonna head home we're back here for day three so far the rack cabinet is on the wall all of the att stuff's in here uh we have the patch panel we also have all of the other little bits and pieces that we'll need for this job so what i'm gonna do today is use the j hangers to hang up all of this cable mess that we still have and then hopefully dress it over to the patch panel today or dress it into the rack i don't know whether i'm going to go down the wall here and then up into the bottom of the rack or if i just want to come into the top of the rack i think i'm just going to do the top of the rack just for convenience but then i'll build a nice service loop in here and get to work with everything else that means it's time to get to work so progress update later okay so i just opened up all the patch cables and i love this brand of patch cables they make great cables and they're inexpensive too but every single one of them is individually wrapped why so these j hangers that we got are slightly too small in order to fit all of the cables nicely with just you know the ability to just have them resting here so i'm gonna try bending one of these just to see if i can make it you know all work so i tried bending it out uh i got it a little bit here it's enough that all the cables fit so this is what i'm gonna do to at least the rest of the j hangers that are gonna be holding the big bundle of cables so now i have to go bend some j hangers so i have my first set of cables dressed here so we pick up here at these exits go through the j hangers all of the cables you can't exactly see them because they're clear zip ties but all of the cables are zip tie bundled together then zip tied to the j hook so everything is nice and clean i'm gonna go up top here so that way you can see it more detail see how there's not a lot of droop in these cables they're fairly tight this is what i'm looking for so everything is nicely mounted all up here and it's not going to be flopping around it's just this that i'm kind of worried about this is where our cable numbers start to really pick up this is six wires i believe this is a lot more so yeah i'm just gonna keep working on dressing the cables up just another quick progress update i have more of the cables dressed including this one that fans off and then coming over here this is where the bundle groups in i have this one managed i need to mount this one up to the ceiling because there's a power line that's running along this beam but so i have this part where they group together and then things continue to remain tight over here so i'm halfway through the second room gotta make it through the third room and then tie everything back to the panel on the other side of this wall here but one thing that i realized that i missed was this cable here needs to get tied in this cup ties in over here so i'm gonna have to dress this in and the second thing is this runs to his current access point i need to swap this cable out with an installation cable route it underneath here and run it over so yeah this is gonna be fun okay so this is the old apac light and i needed to get this off the ceiling so i just blindly the end was over here so i just blindly jammed a zip tie into it got it off first try i think i have achieved wizard status so this is our measurement line that i ran just as a cable that i can use to feed down the wall here where the old access point was so there was just a regular light oh he's drilling there was just a regular like user desktop style cable you know with both terminations on it running through the wall we pulled that have this temporary line ran so i can go down to the basement feed a new line for this and pull it straight up so i have all of the cables dressed back and they make it to the back room now so i have to find a way to manage them on top of this cabinet or on top of the shelf here i have to find a way to just get up there manage them get them over those pipes and then get them around to where the rack is [Applause] okay so i have all of the cables dressed back now for things a nice tight loop goes straight across the ceiling and then it comes down um comes down and into the rack and then i have my service loop here the surface loop is long enough that it can stand up against the back of the rack once zip tied in place and these cables would then come along here and we run across the patch panel so this is done for right now it looks really clean very happy with this job so far um next i need to get a count on these lines we still have to run the line straight up to mr evans office and then around over here is the wall where we're gonna run the cables up to the attic so those are gonna be in a separate run i might j hanger them along the backs of this so it'll just be a separate loop here and then it'll come down in here and these cables are going to cross the patch panel this way i think and i'm not sure i haven't decided upon this yet i think i might have the other bundle come across the patch panel this way but that's still up in the air and i don't know yet so i'm gonna go eat dinner all right so i think we're on day four but don't quote me on that um mr evans is in a meeting now so i'll hook up with him later but we have the electrical boxes here so we can go ahead and start mounting those guys in the rooms here to run our network jacks i'm going to mount the boxes on the walls uh run the cables into them and terminate them with the keystones and then he can just put the plates on himself later but that way i can get to work on doing the patch panel as well as we still need to run all of the network jacks to the attic and to his office but yeah and i can show you how i do my wall boxes do my keystones and do my terminations so let's get into that so we are putting a network jack right here so i have my cable here all wrapped up i'm gonna go ahead and cut this down to a much more manageable length i generally like to leave myself about six inches to do my termination so this is pretty good here now i'm gonna go ahead and mount a box to this board i now have my box mounted to the wall i'm gonna go ahead and run my cable through here all right so i have all of the terminations done down here in the basement all the boxes that knee connectors have them i've essentially done this to all of them i have just enough slack so that way uh the connectors can come out here be re-terminated if needed but then they can fit nicely up into the box and i've done that for all of the connectors that we're gonna have next i need to dress up these far cables back here and cut them to length and put terminations on them and wrap them up in the ceiling with a j-hanger because these are going to then be handed off to outdoor cables for the hot tub tv and a security camera same thing over here and same thing with these lines except for one of these lines is going to be for a tv inside and then the security camera outside so i need to put a box over here but i want to go ahead and take care of the lines up in the dining room that we ran these lines right here i have the low voltage brackets uh with me so i'm just gonna go ahead and terminate those okay so uh i installed my low voltage uh retrofit bracket i only had one with me so i just poked a hole to the other side of the wall which is the master bedroom and i ran the cable through that i'm just gonna come back tomorrow and add the bracket but so this line just needs a termination now so i put the keystone in and then put it in the plate and have this one all sealed up now so this one for the dining room is now done just a little tip if you're working with these keystones or really any part that comes in one of these little bags so you have the keystone itself and then the two little clips here at the beginning of the day i just rip open a bunch of these and keep them in my jacket pocket here so i can just grab the parts as i need them without having to unwrap and then go throw away the the packaging for each individual one of these as i need them so makes it really easy for me to just grab what i need so there you go now i have to remount this access point and terminate this cable i just zip tied the access point to this cable to prevent it from dropping back down the wall [Music] okay so for their internet in the meantime i found which line is the access point upstairs labeled it using the new tone and probes that i got now i'm just going to throw a quick indoor determination on here just so that way they can remain online for tonight but then that's gonna have to come down because i'm going to be doing the whole patch panel tonight so well i'm hoping to do the patch panel i have to go and label all of the ports just so that way i know what they are for uh the order i already have the patch order figured out i just have to go around and figure out which ones of these lines go to which ports in the house when i said quick and dirty termination i meant quick and dirty look at this thing this is hideous but this only has to work for about two hours while i can get all the other cables labeled and then put everything into the patch panel so if your network terminations look like this and you think they're good and permanent you need to stop being an installer and learn how to terminate a cable so this blue line right here is one that i believe att ran a while ago and it goes to a network jack in the living room now i cut the cable uh when we took off the big wall backer board and now i'm going to tap into this line to extend it so that we can come down and into the rack in with our big service loop and i think i'm going to do a separate service loop for everything else all the other connections that aren't going to the basement they're going to be in a different loop that's going to come in alongside this loop and then once it hits the patch panel and gets in with this loop i'm gonna start strapping it in here so i'm back here at mr evans house for day five although i'm gonna call this day 4.5 instead of day five just because yesterday we ran into a lot of issues i got everything terminated i have all of the wall boxes in place the only issue is we still have lines to run upstairs in the attic that we were struggling hardcore with so the lines that were going to be in his office that were just supposed to drop down to directly above the network panel because that's where his office is it's right above our rack here uh yeah when we were drilling it was going through a different look it was weird so it never actually came out into the basement it came out behind a big uh board stack up there so we're gonna have to go through the attic for everything which we tried to get up in the attic last night but it's two things of drywall and two two by fours that we have to get a small drill bit through but we have to make the hole big enough where we can get eight wires through it so that's gonna be fun also we're out of ports on the patch panel so we're gonna need to do a second patch panel which means i have to redo my numbers break off a few lines and figure out just what the heck i'm doing i have all the cables for the basement labeled and lucas stopped by what's up yeah um we then realized that with all the extra cables mr evans wanted for an extra tv outside for the other access point and for a garage access point and the two lines in the master bedroom instead of one along with the two lines he wanted to add to one of the other bedrooms upstairs we're gonna need another patch panel so i'm gonna be using the 24 port patch panel that we already have as everything downstairs and then we're just gonna get a 16 port patch panel for everything upstairs and yeah then i should be able to separate things even better all right safety so i have 12 of the 19 cables punched down here things started looking pretty good here and then they look ugly here just because instead of dressing them from the patch panel back up i dressed them from up down to the patch panel and so now i just have to punch down the rest of these guys but also what i did was if you look at it from the front the cables are above the patch panel so this rack has an extra u above it that's just not easily accessible from the front so with that i should be able to nice and easily hide these cables at the top of the patch panel while still being able to access all of the idc points which i wouldn't be able to do if i had all the cables just kind of bundled going down here so it's kind of a trade-off there i'm gonna have to find a different way to do it with the bottom patch panel because we're gonna do two patch panels this is gonna be the top patch panel then we're gonna do one underneath the switch so i don't really know i think for that panel because it's only going to be eight connections i can run it along the back of here and that'll be fine all right the patch panel is cabled but see that issue this springiness so typically you'd want to use different lengths of patch cables and not do what we did here where we have essentially the same length one foot patch cables that stick out pretty far from the rack so i wanted to get some different patch cables but mr evans said that these are the ones that he got these are the ones that we're going to use so don't exactly have an option what i could do is re-terminate them all and make them each like half as long as they are because none of them need to be as long as they are and call it a day but i'm not going to do that because i don't want to reterminate 19 cables plus then the other ones so not to mention you just terminated everything into that patch battle yeah i'm done with terminations for the day my fingers hurt and i want to go home okay so we got the patch panel installed well the first patch panel installed got it all in the rack put the att router in here and we check the access point upstairs his current apac light and it's on it's working so he said he wanted to do rack power so i'm not sure when we're doing that but um we're at least gonna use this ups that we have here but uh we need to replace the batteries in that so then that's gonna be in the rack along with the router the two patch panels but that router is gonna go away when we switch to the udm because that's gonna be part two part two is gonna be installing security cameras a dream machine pro and the other access points so the next time i check in with you guys should be tomorrow which will be our last day on this job and then everything should be done again until we do these security cameras and everything but this should be all of the networking out of the way as of the end of the day tomorrow we ran all of the cables up to the attic here we also uh finished the lines to mr evans office and they come over here into a second bundle i tapped into the line already going to their living room i just put a keystone on the white cable and then put a male termination on the blue cable so those are just coupled together now taped in place one thing to note about taping up connectors is i don't know if you can see it right there but that's the plastic clip i don't tape the clip that way it's not always trying to press down and release the connector so the cables come down into this bundle and now i just have to wait for the patch panel to arrive so that way i can put it in the rack all right so i'm back here tonight and i'm gonna finish putting in this last patch panel but first i have to take all of the lines that i ran this morning figure out where each of them go so that way i can get the uh label put on them so that way i know which order they go in the patch panel then i have to reference my uh patch list put on maul in the patch panel install that into the rack dress all the cables back install the dream machine connect everything together and then we'll get mr evans take on everything so i'm gonna get started with that okay so it is the end of day six and we are done here well at least for the networking stuff so we have our nice uh wall mounted network rack with our patch panel for everything in the basement our patch panel for everything upstairs our poe switch our dream machine pro the att router which once we get all the pppoe information can be transferred directly to the dream machine so we can ditch the att router and then we go up here and we have our fiber media converter to ethernet we have our nice bundles here that go up and bring our cables over we have our smaller bundle which goes upstairs through a hole in a return vent i wanted to go through a wall cavity but this was a lot easier and we didn't exactly have time to do things the the long hard way and then we have the rest of our cables which go nicely j-hangered through this rafter way to all of the ports down here in the basement and so with all of this out of the way i think let's do a final recap of everything else we've done before we get mr evans reaction to this whole thing all right so when you walk into the basement we're gonna there's gonna be a bathroom here and then a bar area here a tv on the wall here which we have networking ran for a security camera is going to be on this wall up in this corner but outside so we have a cable ran here for it to be handed off to an outdoor cable then moving along over here this is going to be the living room area so for that we are going to run conduit through the wall but we also have our network jacks here for any entertainment center that you might use over here we have connections for an outdoor access point and outdoor security camera uh because there's probably gonna be another one up here on this corner and then mr evans is currently cutting uh fire block insulation but in this bedroom we have the two connections here one for a security camera one for an outdoor tv a connection up here for a tv up on the wall a connection down here for a desk coming in through these closets here we have another connection for a desk in the second bedroom we have a connection up here for another wall mounted tv along with power and then this is our line for the access point for downstairs it's terminated with a male connector and then coming through here this is going to be the man cave so in here there's going to be a wall-mounted tv in place of this fish so we have a dedicated network jack for this tv another tv that's going to be on this wall as well as a direct line between the two for hdmi over ethernet there's also a network jack down here for if they want to use a laptop or the computer or anything else down here and finally we make our way over here to the network rack where all of our cables come in the networking all gets handled we are gonna replace this with a rack mounted pdu but that's gonna be once we have the security cameras at a later date we ran a bunch of lines upstairs two for his office and then additional lines to run throughout the house but i'm not gonna really show those because you know those have been people's offices bedrooms and stuff like that so aside from that i think we're done and now we just have to get mr evans reaction to seeing his whole network rack area completed all right what am i looking at beside a whole bunch of cables on the ceiling and a cool looking black box which looks pretty cool by the way take a look what do you think oh look at that high and tight very nice very nice pretty cool so this is what i need to get still so i can do video yeah this isn't mine yeah so this is this is just mine for for reference is my dream machine so yeah when you you pick up the dream machine for when we do all the the video stuff then that'll be in here but this is what the rack should look like in its final state all right pretty good awesome i like it i gotta order one of those up now we need to run a few more actually i need to buy some cameras yeah so probably still five five six hundred dollars away but that would be cool that'll be the ultimate so i can keep the patio lit up and uh under surveillance with the girls downstairs that'd be very nice yep we already got the the cables ran for that so it'll just be a matter of mounting up some cameras and plugging in some more cables okay well good stuff i like it this little box turned out awesome looks pretty nice and clean i'm sure the girls won't know what it is but they don't need to come back here and look at it yeah no they just need to know that they're that their instagram and their wi-fi worked great yeah good job on the cables i like that it looks very very sharp and uh we're gonna call an inspection in for the basement for monday so uh we'll find out if uh we're all up to code here um but yeah it looks good it looks good and you gave us plenty of options yeah multiple multiple cables yep and then there's the one that is the one that runs across between the tvs yeah for this room yeah yeah in case we want to uh mirror tv because yeah because i got the room set up a little different from the last time you know a smoking lounge here we can't get one wall where all four chairs will fit and look at that so we're gonna have two tvs in this room sounds good you guys will go there these guys look over there we're gonna all sit and talk and shoot the breeze and watch some tv well whatever you do with the tvs they'll have a wired connection so they're not taking up any of your wi-fi bandwidth yeah we have a there's a big house so we've had some issues with wi-fi and uh and uh you know streaming movies yeah stalling especially this tv up here upstairs so uh i think you took care of that we ran a wire up there so and we're gonna do the same thing with these these outdoor tvs yeah i didn't want to take a chance of not having enough uh wi-fi coverage outside so yeah everything should have a wire to it that's gonna be permanently mounted in place good so it's just the wi-fi should just be for the mobile devices exactly yeah let's lighten up the load on that yeah and visitors you know we want to be able to sit outside around the fire pit and do our fantasy football communication and chatting and drafting and all that kind of stuff so good stuff all right well thank you for all your hard work and you know we'll look forward to seeing you again when it's uh time for the video sounds good thank you very much this is really fun all right yeah you did good you did good appreciate you coming by what do you think lacy he did a good job he's our mascot all right so now this job is complete i really wanted to come on here and talk about some of the things that i didn't get to go really in depth with in the video so in terms of wi-fi we're gonna be doing two of the u6 light access points from ubiquity we're gonna be doing one down in the basement one up on the main floor and the apac light that he has right now we're gonna be moving into the garage for things like his smart garage door opener different you know car accessories and things like that we're also gonna be installing a g4 doorbell a g4 bullet above the garage and three g3 flex cameras in the back now i'm not going to make a dedicated video about those types of things just because security camera installations become a lot more of a risk because i'm showing the outside of this house it's okay if i talk about kind of what cameras and stuff we're going to be using where we're going to be putting them but showing you guys that stuff from the outside wouldn't exactly be appropriate so we're going to be installing all of that stuff and i'm going to take some pictures and record a probably a few video clips and put them up on my website that's i'm going to have a dedicated page on there for some finished projects and some other just you know clean images showcasing some of the work that i've done so make sure to keep an eye out for that but anyway guys i'm really happy with this job so is mr evans he's really excited to be able to take advantage of all of this stuff he has the att one gigabit symmetric fiber connection so kind of jealous of that internet connection but we want to make sure that we're actually utilizing it appropriately and for me that means making sure that any device that's stationary has a wire ran to it versus using wi-fi so that can be left for devices like phones tablets and laptops and guests that come over so anyway guys again i'm happy with this job so is mr evans but thank you all for watching i will have links to everything i talked about in this video down in the description below while you're down there go ahead and leave a comment let me know are you using any of this stuff what could i have done differently what do you think about this job overall but anyway guys thanks for watching like this video if you liked it if you didn't there's another button down there as well but thank you all for watching and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Miller Technical Services
Views: 38,888
Rating: 4.7340722 out of 5
Keywords: tech, unifi, ubiquiti, computer, it, av, production, server, installation, review, camera, miller, technical, services, jack, jack miller, miller technical services
Id: bOWdkQVcbXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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