Home Network Upgrade and Cleanup | 1000Mb Fiber, Google WiFi, TP-Link Switches (Vlog)

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what are you guys laying over here for we got a lot to do today let me get you guys all set up all right today we're going to have a lot of fun because today we are going to be upgrading my home network so i'm going to be adding in a mesh wi-fi and i'm also going to be adding two new switches so that way i can get everything connected into the network now while wi-fi is an easy solution to get wi-fi throughout the house with the mesh network i also want to be plugging a lot of things in especially the office desk that i have set up here by the way i just finished painting the office while you see there is the plate not on my switch yet but hey i'm still finishing it up nice gray with white i really like it and now that i'm getting things finalized here in the office i need to deal with the network solution so there are a lot of things that need to be plugged in having a lot of smart home devices like the amazon smartthings hub we've got philips hue hubs arlo hubs yuffie hubs there are just so many of them i've got them split between the network closet in my master bedroom closet and we've got a bunch of stuff here in this closet that's just a little sneak preview i'll show you guys later what is actually in that closet but we're gonna have a lot of fun in today's video not only upgrading the network but cleaning up a lot of the things because i'm ocd and i'm sick of looking at the rat's nest of cables inside of the network closet so let's get started [Music] so i am really fortunate to have a network box here in my closet here this thing was installed with the house when we purchased it five years ago and you can see all these cables sticking out and the reason for it is because this is my router so this is the linksys router that i bought back when we were in our condo and while it was great for the condo i mean it was way overkill for the condo it can get pretty hot so i didn't want to stick it just down here on the carpet and it's kind of too big to fit into here which is why you see all the cables running up into the back of here and the problem with the back of it too as you can see is that there are only eight ports back here and i need a lot more than those eight ports we've got the nas that i've got set up so this thing i've actually had for i think it's about nine years now and it's still going strong it's got to two two terabytes of drives in here that are mirrored and i'll tell you two terabytes is definitely not enough this thing i'm actually looking to upgrade soon because i want to do some videos on not only saving pictures to something like this but also connecting uf cameras to it so i can just store my footage locally to this thing right here but if we want to take a look at what this nasty thing looks like this is what it is so the nice thing is that when we purchased the house they ran all the cables for us we've got one to two cables per bedroom then we have all of our coax cables here so we've got all of our coax cables they labeled everything for us which was awesome we've got all of these cables running through i've got my 18t router right here and then we've got our telephone patch panel right here which obviously we know we don't have telephone we do a power it down in there too and then we also have power out here what i want to do since i have all of these cables right here is i picked up a 16 port switch so we'll be plugging in a switch here make it look nice and pretty and then what i want to do since 16 ports is not going to be enough and i don't want to be trying to stick all of the hubs in here is that i'm going to have a bunch of the hubs in the closet in my office in addition to that i've also been having some problems with the range on this wi-fi router right here while it's nice and fast it's not getting every point to my house when i'm downstairs in certain corners or in the backyard i am not getting a good wi-fi signal so i want to put in a google mesh wi-fi in the house we're going to be putting those around the house to boost the signal and the speed with wi-fi in addition to also activating all of the ports that i have throughout the house okay so i wanted to talk about the hardware in today's build out we're going to start with our wi-fi mesh router here this is the google version looks like a giant marshmallow if we take a look at the back here we have got only two ports so it's not like my other one that had eight ports on the back this one's got one for the internet and then one that's going to extend out and you can either put that directly into a computer or for my sake what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna actually plug it into this 16 port switch down here so that is going to go into the network closet there's another one that's going to go downstairs which is going to create my mesh network we've got our 16 port gigabit switch so what we're going to do is we're going to take our network cable out of the back of the wireless router here it's going to plug in to the number one slot here and then i just have to plug everything in this is super simple plug and play don't have to really do anything with it it's not managed at all this is just really easy to do there's the number if you guys want to check it out also i'll leave links in the description below if you guys want to see what i picked up but that's pretty much it we're going to plug this into the network cable plug all of my network ports in but since i want to set up some of the hubs in my office here i am going to branch one of these to the office and it's going to plug into this 8 port here so it's going to be the same thing i'm going to plug it out of the wall in the office here it's going to plug into number one and i'm going to plug the rest of my ports into here we're just going to do a few of the hubs in the office the rest are going to be scattered throughout the house so everything's not centralized into one location but just want to give you guys an idea on the hardware that i am using now that we have seen what we're going to be using let's go ahead and get it set up all right so another thing worth mentioning and the reason i'm kind of doing this upgrade right now is that i just upgraded my home internet i went from 100 meg up and down to now having fiber to the house so i've got a gig going up and down for my wi-fi network so with all of that speed i kind of wanted to upgrade the network itself too so let's see here this one's the feed and i believe this is the one that we have set up for the internet and then we'll plug in the blue one and this one this blue one here will go up to our new switch that we're going to [Applause] install and uh great flip it this way okay good see everything's powering on okay i'm gonna go ahead and get this configured and then we'll go ahead and start unplugging all the rest of these cables and getting that switch installed all right for the sake of dust i want to keep this thing up high and out of the way so we are going to keep the synology nas up here but we only have the two cables running down and then i've got my recorder for my vivint home security system down here but let's take a look at the final outcome so we've got the cables all tied up we've got the velcro straps around them designating the two different colors up there i was able to tuck all the wires up into the wall which was nice so i just pushed them all up through there we've got the cable modem here and then we've got the mesh wi-fi right here so this mesh wi-fi also has two more points that are around the house all right let's go ahead and test my wi-fi speed here wow all right so we have 455 down 494 up that is just incredible for getting on my phone through wi-fi now one cool thing that i wanted to show you about this gigabit switch right here is that you notice that there are lights flashing on the top and that is going to mean that there's an active connection on the other side so right here nothing is turned on on the other side of these ports where these have something turned on on the other side we see we've got these are all green which means it has a gigabit connection this one right here is orange meaning it's only a hundred megabit connection but that's okay because that device that is plugged in right there is just a printer so it doesn't matter that 100 megabits is fine where these are all gigabit connections so you can tell from the flashing colors on this switch all right so here is the network port that is coming into my office i only have one for this room and obviously i want my computer to have the fastest connection possible especially since i'm uploading youtube videos at 4k so what i did is that we picked up this tp-link 8-port switch so it's just like the 16-port it's just the 8-port version of it i'm going to be putting this in the office because like i mentioned we've got things like the philips hue hub and the smart things hub so all these things need to get plugged in now i'm gonna have everything going into the closet and because i did take over this bedroom that was a bedroom this is gonna look a little weird but i do have the two nightstands that were on either side of the bed in here we got it stacked up in here just temporarily but this has kind of been like the charging station and where i get kind of everything plugged in and charged and you see i've got a battery charging up right now i got an extra lamp so we stuck it up in there but then we've got all of these boxes got a lot of camera boxes up there but this is kind of where i want to put the hub stick it up here maybe stack up all of the hubs that i have you know smart things and everything else let's go ahead and get everything set up here and finish up this project all right now you can see that we have this switch installed we've got this hub and this hub installed i've also got another hub that's going to be installed for these flick buttons right here so i'm actually need to open this up and take a look at that but that is everything that's installed also the blue cable right here that is running over to the pc so i have it running down here just have a giant cable that's running across the entire office right here and then plugging right into the back of the pc right there but that is pretty much it we have got everything installed that i need to but let's see how fast i can get it on the computer okay so about 870 up that is really good i'm paying for a thousand up and a thousand down but 870 is not bad at all and as far as the upload all right we've got nine over 900 for upload that is just incredible way more than i actually need but it's nice to have i guess well i hope you guys had fun in today's video if so give it a thumbs up let me know that you liked it as always don't forget to subscribe for more content like this one and i'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Steve DOES
Views: 206,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TP-Link 16 Port Switch, TP-Link 8 Port Network Switch, Adding a Network Switch to your Router, Wiring a Ethernet Switch, Wiring Ethernet Devices, TP-Link Network Switch Review, Adding Ethernet Ports to Mesh Router, home network, network panel install, network rack, wireless router wall mount, patch panel, patch panel installation, patch panel vs switch, home network tour, home network setup, home networking, networking, patch panel wiring, diy home network, home network panel
Id: Ib3A0TLm8xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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