CALLIE DAY sings Yolanda Adams & Challenges YOU to Do This CRAZY VOCAL EXERCISE!

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[Music] prayer hey [Music] what's up everybody it's your boy tyrell welcome back to my channel thank you so much for being here today [Music] you can just see the anointing just dripping off her dripping look at her oh there's an anointing in her giggle your giggle is sanctified oh jesus she's got pens on folks there's hands she's a musician in these streets you if you were walking down the street i would not have to guess what you do i say look at her pants give it up for the cali day many blessings thank you for having me thank you for being here you know i love you so much and i love you more we all found cali day from that video at that piano if you're not familiar with them and post it up right now for you to see it at home okay that's where we all found out who cali day was then i immediately said i have to make a video about this i have to share this moment with the world and how it made me feel okay and i did that i'll show you that video as well and then i said it still wasn't enough okay i said i want to speak to this powerful woman roxy hey what'd i tell you i said get on the phone it was during the pandemic the earlier part of the pandemic i said get her on the phone and we're going to have a virtual conversation okay is that what happened oh yes then still what's the no i said roxy hey get her on the plane and have her come where are you coming from today i'm coming from peoria illinois shout out to peoria illinois i said get her on the next flight so that she can sit in my face and do what she does oh jesus do you see the journey that i've been on with you oh it's you know wonderful very busy how are you doing i'll start with calming my nerves what nerd you don't have to have any nerves it's just me on the terrell show what you talking about you are one of the most talented singers i have had the pleasure of of speaking to in my entire life there is nothing to be nervous about i'm nervous that i'm not able to sit in this chair for this episode that's where my nerves are coming from roxy how are you on your spaceship please hear my prayer keep me say within your arms eat your servant my [Applause] [Music] he my my prayer where you want me to go next wherever the spirit leads in my work on earth is done and you come to take me go and to hear you say well [Music] [Music] my ah a man [Music] yes what did i just experience what did you just experience what did we just experience yeah only a few only if you get get tapped with that that's a gift we know it right we do know that it's a gift yes holiday it belongs to my daddy no jesus oh your real dad no my dad okay hallelujah but one daddy him not your new calorie we already talked on tourette home okay so there's lots of questions that i had already asked you so i'm gonna ask some different questions but i implore you to go and watch the tyrell at home featuring cali day video okay and then come watch this or vice versa just watch them both basically you know because you're gonna get all the information that you need um but today we're gonna have some fun okay because i already know you you landed last night yes okay you got to the hotel yeah was it late uh about ten o'clock what's up what time you usually go to bed three three what in the morning because i'm busy watching the hallmark channel or cartoons don't get it twisted wait what the the the separation between the two hallmark channel or cartoon network okay let's start with hallmark channel okay what have you been watching on the hallmark channel oh they've been showing a lot of love videos you know yes just some good ones like some love movies and relationship movies well how much that's not i get it mixed up with lifetime i think hallmark channel does the lovey movie and then lifetime awesome the crazy love movies yeah they have like my cousin is a secret killer but i'm in love with him that's lifetime they do a lifetime lifetime has the craziest titles like i'm in love with my college professor but he's married to my brother it's just like that's lifetime sure it's lifetime were you into cartoons as a kid as well sweet jesus yes sweet jesus yes it never left you i'd rather watch cartoons than to watch the news wow now tell me why i want to deal with all that mess i already know what's going on it's crazy stop lying just plain and simple stop lying tom been chasing jerry for years multiple years they're not there's no lies to be told the truth of the matter is you're never gonna catch them okay once i give you this word yes you have to sing a song okay with that word in the lyrics or the title of the song okay if you don't do it in 11 seconds she's gonna buzz you and if that buzzer is not fun the word is water oh water uh um um oh you missed it i'm sorry i had three four or five songs coming at me pick one jesus do you know how hard it is to pick the right one because then you mix all three or four all in one song which one do you want to do now [Music] wait in the water within yes your word is we w.e we shall overcome [Music] we shall overcome we shall overcome someday all deep in my heart i do believe we shall overcome some day we shall overcome someday you know that don't make no sense now you know it this bottom it's one of my favorite things in the world look the sirens are out can y'all hear the sirens they heard you from afar and they said they know that i'm going to be rescued they are standing by folks from the folks who didn't see that first video let's giggle i'm out hallelujah won't he do it all right we're going to sing uh open my heart by yolanda adams yes who is it it's just me and you i feel so lost cause i don't know what to do confusion now what if i choose the wrong thing to do i'm so afraid afraid of disappointing you so i need to talk to you and ask you for your guidance especially today when my life is a little bit cloudy guide me until i'm sure i open up i open up my i mean she was just reading it that that you just took that i said i want you to sing this song she said well give me the lyrics baby i said here they go mama i got you and she just started going the battle is not young it's the laws he's the love it's the lord come on back where are my background singers yes give me a battle that you had to give up to the lord recently yeah what was your last battle you had to give up and say nope i need to get this off me um mm-hmm my last battle mm-hmm try not to cut folks who are you trying to cut this day folks who think they're entitled because they don't want to wear their mask oh so i have the right to slap the taste out your mouth yeah i said that i'm so sorry that wasn't nice that was not christ's life i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not ready to go i got too much work to do for the lord hallelujah what's one of your favorite old school hymns mm-hmm take me back to beulah baptist [Music] hey all our sins and grief to bear would to carry everything to god in prayer everything to god [Music] everything to god in prayer has there ever been a time when you have prayed where you feel like he wasn't there yeah what moment was that seeing my mother laying in that bed yeah how in the world did you come up out of that situation so the next time you prayed you could connect that god makes no mistakes so the time that i spent with her on that phone call from that 11 to 659 wow yeah and being an only child it ain't easy right but god is good yes ma'am he's really good for over 27 years you have been a teaching people how to use this here yep and how to protect it and how to protect it but they don't they don't listen uh-oh what are some of the tips to protect your voice one don't scream and don't holler when you're going to the football games and you want to scream in holiday or the concert take the little the little megaphone things where you can speak through that to help you know project yes to help project okay if you're going to do so you need to do it from the diaphragm to where you hear everybody like ah that way that's on the chords that way okay teach me teach me instead of going ah like that you're like you're just splatting but there you go oh see you do it naturally already try not to take holes the the cough drops the cough drop holes it has menthol in it it dries you out then you're trying to go sing every excuse me every black church will have a basket of mints yep and ha ha wow that is so true and we coming up as we're coming up into the quiet stance oh give me a couple of hauls wow then you put it in your mouth menthol dries you out okay then you're trying to sing yes babe what about ricola it has menthol in it you have to look the back of the back oh no no menthol oh no i'm serious i think i made a mistake okay what yes okay so okay so no menthol but what can you take anything that had there's some that has just like lecithin i think it's tin that's usually the um the halls like the breezers oh okay i love those anything you can have any of them the ludens now luden's been sneaky they got one that has the halls in it so you have to check your bag i just look all the bag in my cabinet but just but double check and make sure it doesn't say menthol on the bag if it doesn't say menthol you're good yeah the watermelon oh i love the watermelon oh cherry yes okay thank you what can you drink what's safe to drink if you can't do the holes hot water now be careful with the lemon only reason why i say that because lemon is acidic yes it all depends on how irritated you are uh-huh in the throat so just be careful that's all but you know i drink lemon tea in a minute oh yeah it's tasty okay put some honey and i'll be good to go yes okay what are some other tips so we've got don't scream use your diaphragm yes stay away from menthols cigarettes and menthol holes same thing cigarettes alone what is a vocal exercise that you like to challenge your students to do take an uh a deep breath but not the one that you do when you go to the doctor's office when they say take a deep breath what's the first thing we do that's not a true breath true breath drink the air where you can't take any more air in and then that's because then they can hear the full expansion of the lungs okay and the same thing so i'm gonna go ahead and do the exercise with this one that's the whole one let me try okay a genius guys i want you guys to send me your videos of you doing what she did the cali day x yeah holiday i have a feeling that you be in your kitchen cooking do you be cooking in there oh lord not this giggle i got a cooking show out right now by the time this come out i have well okay so on my cooking show uh i do it with coco jones you know coco jones lovely woman shout out to coco jones we made some octopus oh wait we did it technical foul we did it wrong somewhat it was wrong it was it was just killed before it was brought to us the devil is alive yeah it was good it was real good is it fry no oh hell no jesus not all the sauce in the world would make me eat that monkey dog on raw you better give me some dog on grease and some flour and some salt and some pepper i just might fry them up the word is look lord wait where he brought me from oh look where he brought me from yes brought me out of darkness into the marvelous light look where he's brought me from see back there that happened to you this person did this to you that happened to you you got hit you lost everything but look where you are right now you got a roof over your head you got food look where you brought you from um you got wi-fi i know cause you're looking at me wi-fi ain't cheap who is all my heart i love you baby stay with me and you will see my arms will hold you baby never leave cause i believe i'm in love sweet love hear me calling out your name i feel no shame i'm in love sweet love don't you ever go away it will always be this way that's that my girl that's my girl that's my name that's my neat need golly i'm gonna give you one final word my love the word is world 11 seconds hmm what the world needs now and it's true it's lost we love it's the only thing that there's just too little of what the world needs now is love sweet love no not just for one but for everyone give it up for cali day we don't need another mountain hallelujah hello son hello oh he's so excitable he's so excited say hello didn't she sound good son she sounded really good say hello look look look there you [Applause] you sexy go you i'm gonna let you sit here right with miss cali while i walk off the camera because i am exhausted from all of the loveliness that you are look at this wonderful family [Music] hey everybody this is your girl callie day oh thank you for watching the terrell show now do me one thing don't forget to like comment and subscribe okay thought you knew uh-huh look where the lord has brought me from hallelujah a mighty long way
Channel: TERRELL
Views: 369,044
Rating: 4.9850121 out of 5
Keywords: TERRELL, Terrell Grice
Id: xwe2qsrwpkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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