THE CHOSEN Season 4 Teal Carpet Premiere with The Cast

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[Music] our next interview is going to be with the actor who plays Jesus Jonathan roomy so we're waiting I'm guaranteed to get the next interview I cannot wait Judy Shields with the Hollywood times I'm going to have you introduce yourself and the character you play my name is Jonathan roomy and I play Jesus in The Chosen I have to tell you that I've met God through Morgan Freeman and now I've met Jesus Through you I had to get that out my life I can walk I can walk away now and just be the rest of my life your show has changed my life the prayers have come several times since watching this show awesome praise God I mean that's that's what can you say about that that's awesome you I wanted to ask you uh can you share an an experience where you felt God's immense love for you while filming The [Music] Chosen yeah I mean I I think there were several scenes throughout that had that that I had felt that um I think I I don't I would struggle to tell you what specific scenes they they were and I think I might also want to keep that private even if I could remember specifically but you know some scenes are harder than others and some scenes I need to rely on much more uh for God's help to kind of get me through them so when that happens um I know he does get me through them and and uh and they feel they it feels great I feel I feel the love have you seen any of season 4 cuz it's amazing I've seen a few episodes really I've seen bits and pieces of stuff um yeah but I haven't seen much I've tried to I've had the opportunity to see more but I don't want to I want to experience it on the big screen because that's that's where it's meant to be seen and that's what uh that's that's what we're intending to do here for season 4 so I hope people come out to the theaters and support it I know your life has changed and you have a lot of friends that God had given you from the cast right how do you feel about that oh it's amazing I mean you know you're you're you're on a journey for seven years and you got to make some friends along the way that you're going to be going through some tough times with I mean we all we all really had um a hard time at points with season 4 because it was just physically grueling it was the most physically grueling season we'd ever film so to have you know a band of brothers and sisters in the trenches with you it just made it that much easier to get through it thank you for giving us this show you're amazing what an actor you are God bless you thank you for changing my life thank [Applause] you um Judy Shields I'm going to have you guys introduce yourself who you play on the show and let's have a conversation good to meet you hi I'm Ana and I play schula hi aloa I play Barnaby so how has these characters that you play changed your life this role um it just encouraged me so much um it showed me boldness and strength and I found myself in schula more than I may have wanted to admit I think for me I I think this role came along at a time where I was personally maybe at a Crossroads of where you know where do I fit in within the industry and I was uh super excited to get a role that has comedy but also has so much depth to it as well so it's nice to be able to explore humorous moments but with heart and with uh you know being a part of something that is much greater than just entertainment too so it's been incredible like the fans behind us is amazing right yes we love our fans absolutely we love the fans we love the fans the fans uh are just yeah no you can scream right uh yeah they're they're amazing they're amazing it's a it's been it's been really special it's a it's a role of a lifetime I love watching the show it's amazing thank you for stopping and talking to us have a blessed night thank you you too thank you thank you how you doing pretty good good tell us your name and what role you play on The Chosen oh I I'm David Amo and I play the role of John the Baptist and I'm Amy Bailey and I play Jesus no I don't I play Joanna you're making a wonderful Jesus how did you two uh you know your roles how did you do the research and prepare for it um actually the fans did a lot of preparing for me because I didn't know who I was playing I had to quickly look her up and um the fans were amazing because they actually provided me a lot of like long written commentary on social media which was wonderful so shout out chosen fans thank you very much W great now that's very good and you're you're very special character I love you thank you so much tell us about your resar oh for well it's so I started basically with the beginning of the show so for me I didn't have like a previous episode to like watch or anything like that so A lot of it was like just historical research to see what was in the Bible to see what was written about like in the writings of Josephus and then to see how other people like kind of approached it in in in other faith-based stuff but definitely the script was its own thing and I kind of had to get rid of all that and just understand the the John the Baptist that that Dallas and Ryan and Tyler had created and I was and and then just like let it ride and then trust that they'd let me know when I'm wrong uh which they did and and uh yeah so it it worked out it worked out you both did a wonderful job thank you for stalking and talking to us can't wait to see the rest of season 4 thank you a Judy Shield's here uh introduce yourself and what character you play on The Chosen hey everybody I'm Brandon Potter and I play the Roman preder quintis on the chosen yeah hi I'm Elijah Alexander I play attakus amelus Pure it's got three names it's got three names attacus emelius pure you do that so well and you both look so handsome tonight okay I want to ask you about your costumes you wear them so well let's talk about that uh the costumes are an incredible work of art by the costume Department um they they do a thing which is very special in the acting World which is they allow you to not use your imagination and you might think that we always want to use our imag ination but sometimes it's better to let reality take over and you can use your imagination for all the fun emotional acting bits uh so every little detail in these costumes is just perfect so I never have to think about what I'm wearing it's amazing I love yours um you've had different ones I have had diff many different costumes some may say I have the best costumes in the show you do you look so well in them uh they gave me a cape it's called a Palladium it's not a cape is that really what it's called yeah it's called a Palladium you learn something new every day not oh excuse you the real yeah the real stars the real stars no I'm talking to the B oh and I actually I'm hoping attakus will wear Abes suit in season five that is so that is so very awesome so what are you looking forward tonight with all your fans and seeing it the season premiere here at the ace theater I'm hoping to uh make a soulmate connection meet the love of my life get married and have kids I'm available uh I'm I'm looking to have a good time and share the the things that we've made with people who who love it too these guys are making me blush and thank goodness I'm not on camera because I made them blush and they're making me blush look at you thank you I'm I'm only partly kidding uh so call them ladies call them you know all right I'm giving him on my business card yeah yeah just drop off your business card please do how do you do research for the roles that you play well it's easy I just curate my imagination because this char did not exist he's one of the few in this show that did not is not historically um accurate you know did not live in The Life and Times uh of although you know his role was very much a job this character of attakus did not exist so so the research that I have to do is all a part of my imagination which is an actor dream I mean wonder he did his so well yeah he does uh I mean of course the writer the writers I mean Ryan is mostly responsible for creating this particular character Ryan Swanson uh one of the three writers um but it it you know it comes from his imagination and then it involves mine and of course Dallas is involved and shaping and but I mean it's an actor's dream because there are no confines there are no limitations and no expectations so it's the best it's the best of all roles and the best of all Dreams they're having me wrap it up so you and I are going to have to have a oneon-one to to finish up I'm going to give you my business card yes Judy Shields from the Hollywood times and you are my name is Ivan h i play Yousef on the chosen yeah hi I'm Sean Sharm I play Wasim Nani I am Yi so let's talk about your characters uh season four tell us about that season four well in this season uh Yousef is making some big steps d uh taking a little ambition and then uh making sure that he's a bigger part of things yeah yeah Sho is just up to no good in the neighborhood as usual do you guys like playing your characters oh gosh it's so much fun it's really fun to play such a distinct character that everybody knows just cuz he's so annoying yes I'm just instigating shu's Pursuit being hot on the heels of Jesus yeah he's the one that has the catchphrase right don't be a shuel what is it like wearing those putting on those costumes oh man well uh it's fun it's sometimes it's it's a little struggle when it's hot but you know it's it's part of the part of it you know they they would wear this back then so it's just it helps us get a little more depth into the character I feel like yeah yeah it makes us feel like pretty pretty princesses you look very pretty know we have our little headresses we have our long robes with layers and all that it's great because you can you you can eat lunch on set and nobody can tell you use them for napkins exactly yeah going to the bathroom is challenging especially for me cuz I have to go often and I am I got like four layers on yeah you wouldn't know anything about it's really hard for us guys to go to the bathroom let me see how many layers I have on don't tell anybody let's see I have one last question here better read it cuz I'm so nervous can you share an experience where you felt God's immense love for you while filming The Chosen uh experience there I mean just the do the entire show in in itself I think it's it's been a a moment an experience um to be to be present on on set and to be to see it on the screen green I think that in itself has emitted such an good energy for for me so yeah I didn't hear the question so whatever Ivon said yes had any God's experience since do doing the chosen experience oh everything I do is in service to my faith so this is step on the way yeah just being a part of this was like God's kiss to my life thank you all for joining us appreciate it have a wonderful night you too hi Judy Shield of Hollywood Times and uh introduce yourself and what role you play on The Chosen yes hi everyone my name is Reza Dio and I play Phillip on the chosen the disciple so how did you prepare yourself for this amazing role that you have oh U it was a complicated process cuz this year I was uh the new Phillip um so that involved um kind of I was also a fan of the show from season 1 so it was very interesting cuz I felt kind of a a little bit of a homage to the the previous Philip I had to kind of look at some of the mannerisms and things that he was up to but at the same time I was you know given the freedom from from the lovely director Dallas to to bring my own stamp into it um and I guess you you draw from your own life you draw from all sorts of stuff um you do a lot of crazy research on text and and and the era um my feeling is always about surrendering and and to the unconscious and kind of making a handshake with the character between yourself and the character and almost like trusting things to take off really so um I can't go into the nrti cuz some of that is a bit of a secret but you know we figured uh welcome to the chosen uh what's it like with putting on the costume oh that was also very interesting again considering that I was a huge fan and also a huge fan of the previous Philip as well um wearing the costume was um very beautiful and also the co the the costume team is incredible on the show and um they work collaboratively and I had certain ideas and I wanted to put that into uh the character through the costume and they were so uh helpful with that um wearing it um feels like a process of transformation and Transcendence it it plays a big part in in the process of obviously getting into character and uh I love Philip's costume it's pretty sexy so thank you thank you for joining us have a great night tonight hi I'm Judy Shields with the Hollywood Times hi tell us your name and what character you play on The Chosen yes uh my name is alas Safi and I play Simon the Zealot so how did did this role come about to you it was a self tape um I auditioned from Italy uh I live in Paris and uh I was on a holiday and I just auditioned just before covid and uh and it was it was just totally unexpected um no actually it was the third character I was auditioning for uh through self tape and um they eventually let me in um but yeah it was um it was just you know it was just it was very very uh very very good timing and I was very grateful to get on board I could see all the you know um the videos from season 1 already that was that were online so it was a thing already and uh but it it wasn't this big so this just incredible how has the chosen changed your life because of this it's um I think it's humility is what comes to mind you know I get I get yeah we we keep being more and more humble I think we have to because this is the portions of this show are just it's it's it's it's blowing it's blowing up and um and it's it's exponential and we we do the same job every season you know we just portray the characters along with the story but it just takes off in in ways that we never expected so um it's very humbling it's very humbling and um and you know yeah it's uh I'm just grateful it's hard to say anything else we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us and congratulations on the upcoming season little the Hollywood Times Judy Shields introduce yourself and what character you play on The Chosen yes my name is Nick Shakur and I play zebedy on The Chosen how did this role come your way came my way through representative I initially did not want to play a fisherman in his 60s and then eventually I ended up playing him and I love this character you look very nice tonight how do you like your costumes on the show it's perfect the costume designers did a perfect job everything from the way his shirt sits to his belt to the little Ascot that he wears it's um it really informs the character when you put it on and it completes the whole look so do you have to rub fish on yourself at all during the shoots it's so annoying all the time on my beard on my face on my neck and then the cast can't stand it but I I got to be in character you know you're such a comedian thank you for joining us tonight and we love season 4 is amazing so far what I've seen thank you thank you it's the show means a lot to me thank you that means it it never gets old hearing that I can't imagine so thank you again thank you hi Judy Shields with the holiday time introduce yourself and the characters that you play although I know them tell our audience yeah I'm Shireen Khan I play herodias pop and Victor and I play King Herod okay I knew that so how did the two of you prepare for this role oh gosh so much research um and uh you know the nature of these characters is is kind of complicated and uh um and it's really easy to have a judgment on them real easy but um you know so a lot of the preparation was just tapping into what could be their humanity and uh you know what makes humans tick isn't always the brightest light you know and so so yeah lots of research lots of um getting into the dark side how about you well King let's see I don't think I've played a king before so I had to definitely do some watch some biographies but you know stepping into the world first of all it's on the page if it ain't on the page we don't have a show and it was wonderfully written beautifully written and then you step into the world that Dallas has created obviously and you step into the Wardrobe this authentic beautiful costume of the of the era and it it's hard to not be serve it and and be be be be good in it so um we've enjoyed you know you step into these settings and these production values and you kind of just let it take you so um it was a lot a lot to work with yeah there's always many questions but we got to let you guys keep going so thank you so much for being here we love the show I love the show God bless you both thank you for having us thank you Judy Shields from the Hollywood times can you guys introduce yourself and the roles you play in the chosen although I know I'm Austin Reed alaman I play Nathaniel I'm Joey viiti I play Thomas Thomas made me cry today a but you guys always make me cry so what is it like playing the characters that you play talk about that your costumes and everything honestly it's such a great experience to be a part of this show this is a story that I think many people can identify with regardless of what your background is what you believe in because it's a story about family you know what I mean these are people that love one another they sometimes hate one another you see them at their highs you see them at their lows this is something that's really fun to be a part of as well because the fans are fantastic they're the ones that have been keeping us afloat really since we've started you know and it's been such a beautiful thing to be a part of yeah I mean this is like the the little show that could you know it started out as a web series in season 1 before I was even a part of it came on in season 2 had no idea what to expect and now here we are premiering in movie theaters everywhere and it's just blowing up and and here we are in La at a Premiere and it's it's very surreal but uh it's a dream come true to get to do this I've always wanted to do this my whole life and it's it's happening and I get to do it with my brother Joey so you guys are doing a great job can you share an experience where you felt God's immense love for you while filming The Chosen well I I will say um I think we see the love within each other you know what I mean a lot of us have been so lucky to be a part of this because you feel a genuine Brotherhood you know what I mean like I feel like it's it's just love between everybody all the time offset onset and it's been so remarkable yeah I mean I'm a secular person I'm pretty open about that so for me it's all about the connections with my castmates and with the story you know and uh like he was saying it's all about the relationship ship you can't help but root for these people and I can't help but root for my castmates as well so it's kind of like when the character Grieves we grieve when the character feels joy we feel Joy so it's it's kind of uh it's all coming together and it's a it's a joy to be a part of God has brought all of you together for friendship that's going to last the rest of your life you know that right that's the best thing that's happened from this show is the friends that I've made along the way yeah I can safely say these are people that I'm going to keep in touch with for the rest of my life thank you so much for joining us congratulations Judy Shields with the Hollywood time introduce yourself in the role that you play on The Chosen of course hello my name is Luke dimian and I play Judi es scariot so what's season 4 been like for you this year oh Season Four Season 4 has been a fantastic ride genuinely getting this is I think my second full season in with this incredible cast and crew and I've never felt more at home working so regularly with this kind of with this group group of people I feel at home and it's just been nice it was nice to return and fall right back into place so yeah so how has your life changed because of the show uh I got a steady job I was able to afford healthc care that was nice and I was able to open a savings account to help support my family sometimes not that they need support they're honestly pretty well off so that's mostly just for me to find myself in the back like if I could if I wanted to maybe uh car repairs are pretty uh are less stressful now that's nice and now I have this second family that I can always reach out to for uh for support or love Do you hear that love I would be screaming right now too if the mic wasn't there I love them so much that's Jordan Walker Ross and GI back here for me thank you so much for joining Judy Shields from the Hollywood Times uh did you girls just get lost and come from a fashion Show You Look Marvelous than you so much so uh introduce yourself and the character you play on The Chosen um my name is Vanessa bente and I play Marry mother L of Silva and I play Eden in the chosen such an amazing show this show has changed my life uh I'm going to cry and I'm trying not to it's been really hard not to cry you you both look beautiful what's it like researching the character that you've portrayed and talk about your costumes as well well uh what's it like there's not a lot there's not a lot to research there's not a lot of research um to pull from for mother Mary unfortunately but um I try to concentrate on the relationship between you know a mother and a son I feel like that's so Universal I feel like that is um something that everyone can relate to and our writers do such an amazing job giving us H these beautiful scenes that we can that we can explore and we can enjoy that you know it's it's been a dream um not much that we have anything on on Eden we just know in Scripture that Jesus heals Simon's mother-in-law she doesn't even have a name or you know his wife doesn't even have a name so that has been so impactful because the show has given her a voice as well and to so many women um so just the fans all of the women just beinging being able to represent us um has been really really I can't believe God has entrusted me honestly to to do it so I just all I do is uh I try to bring Who I Am My Truth and um who I am as as a wife as a friend as a sister um and that's what I bring to Eden you two have done an amazing job I'm I'm telling you it's just the research I me is like how do you get that character not knowing that you had that and you explained that so well and season 4 has some surprises for us all oh yes abely you couldn't have said it better yeah bring Kleenex always every I always say every season I'm like to everybody just bring your tissues to the theaters cuz I I didn't have mine and I was just dripping everywhere so you girl have made lifetime friends that God has given you right from the cast I really think so I feel like I'm not only supported and and um in a safety Environ in a safe environment to create and to try new things when I'm at work but also it trans it transcends the work and it transcends the set it really I feel like we we have each other's back and I I you know it's very special truly family I mean even for my baby shower um the castmates sent me a video to congratulate us on our baby shower I mean who does that on Onna I feel like not many shows do that for their castmates because we're just family I love them so much so thank you for joining us congratulations for season 4 it's amazing take Care thank you so much hi Judy Shields from the Hollywood Times introduce yourself and the character you play oh hello I am Noah James I play Andrew in the Chosen and you're a comedian on that show something like that I like to bring the energy I feel like at 5:30 in the morning you need someone to kind of like scream and jolt you awake so I try to bring that you know what type of research did you have to do for your character well a lot of it it's funny because obviously we know who these people are we know their names we know them sort of as though two-dimensional characters in some ways we know the paintings we know the sculptures but to us a lot of it was like okay let's strip all that away for now what would it be like to live 2,000 years ago what would it be like to maybe have your boat taken away as a fisherman not be able to pay your taxes to Rome what would it be like to follow Jesus to pitch your own tent to starve you know bleed in the deserts of like that that to me was something that I really wanted to fill out and make sure that we made that three-dimensional so that's where a lot of my imagination work went in the beginning yeah because all the actors and actresses have done an amazing job at bringing it to life I'm on Google like what did he do what did this happen and and it I'm getting out my Bible more this is an amazing show for that oh thank you so much that I mean like we it's so important to us that we tell this story the best way we possibly can and stick scripture and then bring artistic uh imagination where we need it to fill out some of the interpersonal relationships you know what are Andrew and Simon like together as brothers that's something that we pay attention to on the show and I think fans respond to it it's an amazing show season 4 it's just great to see the whole all of it be on the movie theaters how do you feel about that the whole season I feel like watching this season in a communal setting and knowing that that everyone in the theater has sort of grown and witnessed you know these characters together there's some it can't be replaced and then of course if you want to watch it at home alone tucked in which it does get a little bit of like a bumpy ride so I understand but it's really really nice to be able to see everyone's hard work on the big screen I watch Like binge watch three of the episodes for this and I'm of course I'm not talking about season 4 cuz I don't want to give it away but I've been crying folks Kleenex braing Kleenex lots of Kleenex lots of crying but while it is yeah it is a tumultuous season and we know where the story is going but there's a reason we go there and there is hope at the end of it there's a reason you go through these challenging times so that's what I'm hoping people get from the season is that well it gets pretty rough um you know I think you'll it it will be worthwhile at the end of it for sure we appreciate you stopping and talking to us God bless you oh thank you so much thank you for having me enjoy the night thank you you too Judy Shields here for the Hollywood Times tell us your name and the role you play on The Chosen hi I'm Paris Patel and I play Matthew on the chosen you have to tell me about your research on playing this amazing role of yours uh you know it takes a village as they say and so for this one of my main uh researching uh tools was just the director having conversations with him and and kind of creating Matthew from the ground up and working together being a team which is so important uh is what kind of gave Matthew the life uh as far as auditioning goes I was auditioning for another show where the character was on the Spectrum and so I kind of did my research and and watching documentaries and kind of observing people and things like that so to get more into Matthew's body I I I was using that as my research so kind of takes a lot uh of work and effort so you're like a comedian to me a comedian or a chameleon a chameleon okay yeah the way you can you know the from your costuming how is it with the costuming with you yeah it it means a lot that you said that uh you know I I just uh I think being able to be have a part where you can find uh your own voice and find your own calling is so important in life and mo many people go on in life not loving what they do and I think I'm just so blessed and grateful to be able to be on this and and and get the challenges in portraying Matthew and and uh just doing what I love so God has given you a lot of friends cuz God gives us our friends you have many friends now for the rest of your life don't you from the crew cast of The Chosen yeah I would say like you know look look at this all of us are are are are big family um you know I know uh there were only 12 disciples but we have like a cast of 25 others that uh we're a huge family we have each other's uh backs we love and support one another and uh these are people I'm going to talk to years after the show's over and uh laugh about our memories and and and the good and bad do you get writers cramps do I get writers cramped well that's where I bring in John to finish the [Music] story so yeah told you're a comedian it's so you know and because I'm a lefty on the show like I get the ink stain that happens and writing from right to left you think you'd avoid that but it's like yeah so I have it so that I'm like John bunny take over so you're a southpaw I'm a what Southpaw I don't know what that is that's what they call left-handed people I think they call them southpaws you're going to have to look that up yeah I we have to look that up S fa it is but I also read that creative people are left-handed so artistic people as well darn it I should have been left-handed what's it like to work with Jesus it's been amazing like I said like our entire cast and crew we so close and connected everybody helps everybody in their own scene so when when one person has an emotional scene coming up all of us kind of rally around them and give them that moment to uh support them for that for the emotional uh scenes that they have to do so we all love each other like that and we all respect each other I think respect can go a long way especially in a business like ours I just want to say congratulations for season 4 I watched the first three episodes and there's a big part that you do in there congratulations thank you so much Judy that means a lot I'm really excited to see it for the first time with everyone tonight so get your Kleenex yeah get get your Kleenex at the chosen rise thank you for joining us have a blessed night you too take care have fun tonight Judy Shields of the Hollywood Times introduce yourself and what character you play on The Chosen well let's play to meet you uh my name is Demetrius Troy I play Lazarus the best friend of Jesus what a role how did this come your way uh well I've uh G well Jonathan has actually been my Jesus uh since 2014 I've been working with Dallas on uh his films for his church and um we had lost touch for a little bit all of us and then I had messaged him one day and just he he had posted something on uh Facebook and I agreed with them and I said hey if you got something going on let me know I'd love to get back together and I had no idea about the Chosen and he's like well funny you should ask and so you know here I am what about the costume talk about the costume uh which costume all of them um I mean what can I say it's just it's an amazing it's an amazing crew um working with you know when we were doing the um grave clothes uh they allowed me to have my input uh on uh what I wore so but I can't give too much away since oh yet well youve you've opened up our hearts to this show and to God and uh what do it meant to you it's it's one of the greatest blessings you know um to be able to connect with the fans and connect with people of faith and to be somebody like myself who's of the faith and to couple my craft and my work with that well you can't ask for anything better than that you know so well said thank you for joining us I love this show congratulations on season 4 thank you so much pleasure meeting you nice to meet you yes Judy Shields from the Hollywood Times although I know who you are introduce yourself and the role you play on The Chosen sure I'm Elizabeth tabish and I play Mary Magdalene on the chosen what type of research did you have to do for this role um you know I when I first got the script you know everyone knows about Mary magdal there's a lot of other projects a lot of speculation about who she was when I got the script I just kind of really focused on the what they wrote and then I didn't actually know she was possessed until I was like is this biblically accurate so I went to the gospels and I was Mary possessed by seven demons Jesus exercised them I was like oh so episode one is that backstory which is such an interesting way to introduce the show and to introduce these characters I thought it was like wonderful writing really clever writing so throughout the seasons you've been around a a lot of the men so are you sort of like a tomboy how has it been working with all those guys a little bit it's been wonderful they're all so wonderful and talented and I'm learning from them and um you know they're all very supportive with I mean a lot of the scenes are so emotional uh and they've just been wonderful scene partners and really kind of create this safe space to to be vulnerable together it's been wonderful yeah and how has this role changed your life in every imaginable way um I was actually trying to quit acting or was planning on quitting acting right before I booked it I just couldn't book the things that I was wanting to and I thought I need to be practical time to get a big girl job and and then this role came along and and so it's just been a wonderful experience and just changed a lot of things in my life where I get to do you know a dream character and on a dream project and I'm grateful for it you have amazing fans behind us don't you I know they're the best they're so sweet they are the best yes I'm a huge fan I got to see a few episodes of season 4 you need Kleenex I haven't seen it yet so I beat you I didn't bring any Kleenex so you better find some toilet paper in the bathroom that's what I should do I just stuff it in my pocket I should have brought some for you all but you look amazing thank you very much and you're amazing character what about your costumes that you have to put on they're wonderful they they really help me get into the character those sandals and the veils like you it really makes you feel like you're in that space um the costume designers are wonderful on this show everyone looks you know very authentic which is nice we thank you for joining us and God bless you and we love the show have a great time tonight thank you very much appreciate you get you in Judy Shields from the Hollywood time introduce yourself and tell us the character you play on The Chosen absolutely I'm josu Z Jaa for short I play Veronica I was in season 3 listen to your fans back there I know they're so sweet I love them all fans are so important especially for this show you know I didn't know my character would resonate as powerfully as it did with the fans and I still get messages from people just feeling so blessed and so moved by this story so I really appreciate everybody so I assume you haven't seen any of season 4 yet I have not but if everybody loves Veronica they might be seeing some of her in season 4 we'll find out I bet you got a great character how's the costuming for you how's the what the the costumes for you oh I love it a little different than this obviously she's a little bit less uh less period and more vibrant but no I love it we have great costume team they've been exceptional they really intricated the pieces I had special gems in as part of my character it really helped me get a backstory to her as an actor as an artist so yeah absolutely loved working with them now you have lifelong friends don't you from this show absolutely I was just telling the interviewer down there actually I said I talked to tamarrow on the weekly you know we read auditions with each other L and I everybody I mean I've seen them probably more than my family this year in Los Angeles and outside so it's wonderful thank you for talking with us congratul ulations you're amazing bye
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Views: 54,996
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Keywords: THE CHOSEN, ACE Theatre, Los Angeles, Jonathan Roumie, David Amito, Luke Dimyan, Alaa Safi, Reza Diako, Joey Vahedi, Austin Reed Alleman, Demetrios Troy, Noah James, Paras Patel, Elizabeth Tabish, Vanessa Benavente, Lara Silva, Aalok Mehta, Anne Beyer, Amy Bailey, Elijah Alexander, Ivan Jasso, Brandon Potter, Wasim No'mani, Shaan Sharma, Nick Shakoour, Paul BenVictor, Shereen Khan, Zhaleh Vossough, The Hollywood Times, Judy Shields
Id: x6Ldbf-dudU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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