THE CHOSEN Season 4 Teal Carpet Premiere with the Cast and Crew! Pt. 2

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[Music] so this season's a little bit darker we're getting a little more serious but there's a glimmer of hope in there why is that important for society today I think it's very important from for society in es especially in art and media because usually when we present stuff people come to see a show or a movie to get a a semblance of emotion that they either haven't felt in a while or trying to escape from and so I think it's really important that a show this widely renowned and being watched constantly fights for Hope and to present that even in the face of heartbreak loss and just fear that we fight that with with a presence of kind of peace and an appreciation for Hope because sometimes you need you just need to see that and so I'm really happy that not only has this show been so brave to tackle such hard subjects but even braver to do so while following it with a very strong message that it's going to be okay in the end and this show specifically is kind of giving us a different perspective on Judas and his Arc what has that been like it's been extremely refreshing to play a very human and uh relatable Judas not in relatable that I mean anybody can betray Jesus but but in a way that you you feel for him his motives aren't so disassociated with something that you might be able to feel it's he's very not down to Earth but close to home and I think that can be scary for some people and it surprised some people and I'm really lucky and honored to be able to play such a part that makes people think or rethink a character that they had Pro previously written off yeah and and along with being Judas what is your reception with fans and everything everything else been like so far man I was expecting pitchforks and like torches the full Frankenstein treatment but I'm over here like getting very kind messages about my performance thank you notes all kinds of things the fans have been extremely receptive and kind it's been great except for that one guy who tried to you know like push me up a kff but he's we're fine we we went to lunch it's cool it's great yeah because we're we're here for a reason um and I think that's the only thing we can hold on to you know hope is if you don't have hope then you're not going anywhere and you can't uh have the strength to support those who are in need or struggling and you know uh we're we're we're lucky uh to to to not be in in in in in in hard in hardship and and but uh but yeah I think that yeah it's beautifully put you know hope is what we need to protect and defend because that's what we can retransmit and redistribute yeah and this season the disciples have to learn learn quite a few new lessons what kind of lessons do they need to learn um that that that I mean I would start with hope and um and just to uh deepen their sense of uh trust and and their capacity to listen um Jesus is trying to tell them things that they're really not getting and um and so for us as actors and playing the disciples um it was about not playing the character as like they didn't understand but like they're really trying but what is it that is not that is not getting in and um and it's I think it's levels of of listening that's in the heart and like you know um and it's yeah it's a really interesting season for that specifically I think for me so yeah sure and with everything going on in the world I mean having the show like The Chosen being in Los Angeles now why is that important for the fan base why is that important for the asked um it's important because to me it's um we'll make movies right so um this is our job you know this is we we're we're telling this story with the means of our craft and so um Hollywood is such a u symbolic place to be and and obviously obviously so this whole thing of like this show being funded you know outside of the system and all of that was kind of like creating a thing where people think it's about like different territories and and and I I don't believe in that you know I'm I don't I believe that we're making movies uh with our hearts and with passion and so being here today is just kind of like breaking that sense of like uh compartmentalizing and uh how we're making it doesn't matter the point is we all sit down and watch it watch the results and we feel feelings and we follow the journey and we learn from it and so again back to the hope that hopefully this show is you know communicating that and and that's how we can contribute to the world in this specific time at least is to is to do what we do to the best of our ability and and with all the love that we can because Society is filled with a lot of darkness and a lot of complexity so of course uh we need a little bit of a reminder that um the darkest time of the night is Just Before Dawn that's like a quote I think but it's so true and I think in my personal life uh and also in the people's lives I see there's always you know dark and light are oddly paradoxical they they come in the same place you know something that feels like it's is deeply impactful in a negative way is actually something that later on becomes the best thing that happened to you that's something I've learned from the very weird uh kind of untraditional life that I've lived and I think that reminder to light the candles and look up as the show says is so important and what are some of the lessons that our characters are going to have to learn this season specifically from Jesus but just in life in general um the other disciples get into all sorts of weird um um egotistical battles you know some of them have these you know plans that aren't necessarily coinciding with you know Jesus's plan um and there's a lot of ego showing up or maybe particularly maybe like alternative ideas of what the future is when which is relevant we all get intellectual we all have our own personal plans um my character has to deal with a death which I don't think is necessarily too much of a spoiler so I think my character goes into a much more internal space when he's normally quite a open kind of uh groups guy kind of a comic one I think this year he struggles a little bit because you know he's trying to deal with inner demons yeah and we're here in Los Angeles with the chosen did you think you would ever end up in LA with the chosen um no I mean this is my first season so I just feel so blessed to be here um and be a part of the chosen family the fans are surreal I you know this is a Premiere they haven't seen a a scene of my work but I've had DMS and loving messages from all these fans from you know 6 months ago and that's not ordinary so I'm really grateful to to all of them no it's not it's so fun this season maybe cuz I'm Insidious I don't know um um very yeah it's interesting it's it's paralleling maybe what's going on in the world right now and and the reason why it's so important not so much not so much the reason why it's so important but what it hopefully does for people is cause it to self-reflect and every individual to realize you know what I don't have to tolerate the darkness in the world I can turn on my light and if every single person decided to do that then the world would be a much different place and the characters I feel like have a much closer one-on-one relationship with Jesus from learning lessons what kind of lessons do they need to learn this season bro they need to learn a lot they're they're in over their heads and for you how has been doing the show changed your approach to the Bible to Faith and everything that that's implied with it it definitely made me more Curious to uh start looking into what this was about um reading the Bible wise uh Amanda Jenkins Dallas's wife give me the advice of reading it out loud that also piqu my curiosity and uh eventually my curiosity leaks outside of the production into locals that I befriend friended and started to get invited to Church conferences and and amazing things happened there with the Holy Spirit and uh it's it it was like many steps were happening so it didn't it wasn't just something that happened in the show it was many baby steps leading up to where I eventually ended up and how has that affected like how you approach the show how you approach your character has it changed anything on that front it's it changed everything in the sense I was even saying this is really nice but it doesn't this kind of situation doesn't affect me as far as excitement goes like it used to years ago um everything comes second it seems so that's been the biggest effect even when I get an audition the whole feeling of there's something big at stake has been wiped out so th those are the biggest changes I'd say working on the Chosen and kind of like have you experienced this fan base kind of coming around you just yet or not quite yet oh yeah I had one start a fan club for me uh yes uh Carol uh if you're listening uh so yeah I have the Demetrius Troy official fan page on Facebook and so I've just I've been embraced by the fans they've been so loving uh caring respectful you know sharing their story sharing their faith um yeah there's nothing there's nothing like a chosen fan you know amazing and this season's a little bit darker a little more intense but there's that glimmer of hope why is that important for society today lose hope lose everything you know and what is what is Jesus Christ but hope right and doing this and doing the show has that changed your approach to scripture or your own faith no no I I you know I was raised in the faith I'm an Orthodox Christian it's very been intrical you know I I don't associate myself as you know Greek or Colombian or nationality um even though I am those many different nationalities you know um I'm a mud is that yeah but you know I connect as an Orthodox Christian that's how I connect to the world this is an amazing night here in Downtown LA how do you guys feel to be out here for the chosen it is wonderful it's great I'm coming in from New York where it was uh a little colder not just uh the weather but uh you know this is a lovely warm reception and Vibe and and a celebration so this is awesome and this season's a little bit darker than the typical seasons but there's a through line of Hope why is that important for society today that's exactly what what what we are living every day especially you know just recently and there's always hope always hope yeah I think um I think uh you'll see in season 4 you'll see a lot of uh people's uh Faith tested and similar to what we see analogous in in our society today people are kind of buying for what is their you know role within the pecking order of an organization or you know people vying for affection and and trying to figure that out and and you see a lot of Kingdoms clashing and all that and I think within that though there is uh you know this this guy who is uh really having to take on you know the the role of of of of carrying that carrying that torch of of of faith and um I think it's important that to see that even no matter how chaotic things are around you you know you can still be the Arbiter of you know of your own life of your own faith you know so I think uh I think there's a lot of cool themes within this season that are super relatable and they do such a great job the writers of making it something that's relatable and a lot of humanity infused into all of it and then we come in and still sprinkle some humor uh you know within this this landscape and so that's a lot of fun for us as well the chosen downtown LA absolutely how do it feel we're taking the town by storm let me just tell you no it's wonderful I love this city I'm a part of this city and to have the chosen community and all of these fans here is absolutely incredible I mean just seeing the cast and crew alone was already very exciting but then to also have like people that are waving and stuff it's so cool it's so cool it's great and this season's a little more intense a little bit darker but there's a glimmer of hope in there why is that important for society today well I think in Veronica's story especially you can see that same glimmer of hope you know she had 12 years of bleeding she was struggling and then she met Jesus and got healed and because of her faith because of her belief in that glimmer of hope I think it's the same for the season I just got God bumps Jilly bumps um you know it's the same thing you have to have faith in that glimmer and you have to just go for it and just reach out to that H the Hem of the Garment same thing with this season there's a lot of uncertainty and I think there's going to be a lot of questions and we go through that as a society as individuals every single day so it's it's powerful stuff what are some of the big lessons that like the disciples and most of the casts need to learn this season specifically I think to have faith just I mean I know I'm Veronica and I can say that but no I think it's really important to it's hard when you when you love somebody when you believe in something and it doesn't go to the same plan that you want it to we know what what happens in the Bible we know the uncertainty so I think just have faith it's such a strong message so the stakes are getting a little higher this season the political apparatus is coming after our characters what does that mean for our cast well said the political apparatus is coming after our characters well it's true there's there's the forces of evil and the and the people are beginning to follow Jesus and they're yeah they're flashing I mean you know when it comes right down to it the uh sort of Darker characters uh like I play herodias and this is my husband G uh you know they're the people in power they're you they're the political force they're the authority and um uh What uh jesus' Ministry and uh and even uh John the Baptist and and the sort of um on the ground uh uh messaging is is sort of this radical movement that threatens them and their uh sense of power and security and uh and this uh Herod and uh herodias particularly are trying to achieve even more power and uh and this get stands directly in their way and that really uh dictates the way that they behave and uh and it's a real um uh strong message and reminder of like what those sort of uh ill-managed passions can lead to and make us do you know and uh and yeah uh so always try to find the light through that Darkness you know that's yeah the light in the dark and that's kind of seems like to be the theme a little bit in this season since it does get a little darker why is that important to have that hope and the light at the end of the tunnel yeah I mean uh talk about uh survival um you know in in the sense of um spiritually you know um it's interesting because that's a that's a a good comparison point you know what herodias and Herod do is act on Survival from a a very like base um you know sort of almost almost animalistic way then it it causes real pain suffering and death and uh you know to see the light through the darkness and the survival of of your um of your goodness and your spirituality um that's the importance of of of looking Beyond um and catastrophizing and uh yeah and just um Keeping the Faith that um this is all going to work out in the end you know someone's got you and what are some of the unique aspects of working on a show like The Chosen versus some of the other projects you've worked on well uh the production value of this is is unbelievable it's literally like being dropped off in a Time Tunnel we we were just you know you get all you get all suited up and should we know for this they shaved my I've never been bald but I've never been shaved totally bald so Dallas was like let's go for it I was like okay what do I got to lose right so I had that happen and big dangly earrings and a headdress of of a king and War robes upon robes upon robes and then uh the riding is wonderful and then you get you know dropped off by a chariot of a team of horses and we're in this world and the world is created by the by the most wonderfully talented group of artists and production designers and uh everything it's top-notch so uh we were very lucky to be a part of this it's it's one of the most prolific exciting you know really just Explosive Performance of stages I've ever been a part of it's incredible Mark so you were kind of brought in to kind of help facilitate the growth of the show what are some of the unque challenges you've hit on this show compared to the other things you've worked on you know actually there haven't been that many I mean at the end of the day whether your subjects Jesus Christ or it's you know race cars and Bank heists you know the laws of physics and filmm remain the same you know you have to figure out your budget you have to figure out the number of days you're going to shoot so a lot of the challenges I had were really the same and so what surprised me most were that the ultimately my experience really did help tremendously in terms of the challenges we faced um I think culturally what was most interesting about the show is that Dallas as a man as a as a Christian and somebody of deep Faith brings uh a culture to the show that of kindness and of Civility that you don't always see on every show um which is not to say that Hollywood is across the board awful that's not the case they're plenty of very professional shows but I will say that his motto is unexpected generosity and I think that comes from his Christian beliefs so there are a lot of things he does that he doesn't have to do um to to the benefit of the cast and crew but he does that because of his faith and um he does that consistently and that's something that kind of surprises me because I come from the standpoint a little bit more of well we don't have to do this that's not in the contract and you know that's going to cost us money and sure you want to do that so I don't know that that was a challenge so much as a realization of I was entering a slightly different culture yeah and this season is a little bit darker than some of the others but there's a through line of Hope and the faith why is that important for society today for is Society for today you know I think it's important because whatever your politics are uh whatever your beliefs are I think we all feel like we're living in a time of great unknowns and great uh turmoil and um I think you know there was a place for shows like succession and Sopranos and Mad Men where bad people get worse but I think there's also now more than ever a time for a show about a great leader who led people and led by example to do great things and to you know follow the light and I think that's what the chosen is and I think that it's not coincidental that we're living in a time of turmoil and that the chosen is a that is breaking through in the way that it is so um I I think those things are related with this season we kind of see the political apparatus of Rome and the leaders kind of coming together now how is that going to affect our characters this season uh well you know it's it's going to contribute uh to Stakes as we try to move a a 12 person ensemble cast towards an understanding of what that 13th character is doing um the political apparatus plays a big part in the in in the growing danger to our characters and to Jesus alike and this season seems a little bit darker than typical yet there's that through line of Hope why is that important for society today well the fact that it's darker wasn't our idea uh we're working from what might be called Source material and if you read the Bible uh as you read through each gospel it starts to get a little bit a little bit more serious uh with each chapter but there is always that hope and that hope uh endures today this message of Jesus of acceptance and forgiveness and love um and a kind of radical Hospitality all of that is more important than ever and so all we have been as conduits to to help bring that forward and hope is a big part of our show's ethos you know uh contrary to so many things in the in the third golden age of TV that were built on anti-heroes our characters are good good people who do the right thing and their lives get hard because of it and so hope is the Arc of those characters they're arcing towards Redemption we we hope um so you know that's that's a huge part of our ethos for for riding the show when you're working with Source material like the Bible how do you balance between entertainment versus keeping things authentic well there's there is entertainment in what's authentic in the Bible and I think that one of the one of the fun things that we get to do and that the the genius premise of this show is that we get to keep the stuff in the Bible behind the electrified fence we don't touch it and we get to imagine how the characters who were part of those stories get to from a to c and dramatizing be is that that place where we're we're concerned with plausibility with those characters um the authenticity of the stories from the Bible we don't touch those we try our best to portray them but um yeah it's it's all about those those characters around the edge and making those stories plaus if you enjoy videos that follow your values like ours and you want to help us continue uh go to movie donate because we're actually a nonprofit you may not know that but we're working in Hollywood every day to help families have more choices that follows their values and also subscribe right [Music] now
Channel: Movieguide
Views: 151,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movieguide, streaming, review, interview, red carpet, hollywood, family, guide, christian, reviews, movies, movie, tv show, theaters, amazon prime, ted baehr, christian film, christian filmmaker, filmmaking, film, films, movie review, christian movie, ministry, filmmaker, tv, inspiring, uplifting, wholesome, clean content, family friendly, entertainment, faith, parenting, media, christian media, conservative, common sense media, The Chosen, Season 4, The Chosen Season 4, The Chosen Series, Disciples
Id: zBnNx2nPs4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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