The Chosen - Season 2 - Episode 1 - A Pastor's Commentary - Part 1

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[Music] hello friends welcome to embrace the question i am steve and it is good to see you again we are going to start season two now of the chosen seems like season one just flew by and honestly it seems like season two flew by also but i haven't re-reviewed any of these i have seen them all but i don't have great memory all i remember are feelings that i get when i watch episodes so this is going to be nice to re re-see these and to uh to take an honest look at things that i probably missed the first time around episode one of season two is it is is entitled thunder so that gives us a clue of where we're going uh happy labor day to everyone that's what it is here at the time of this recording it doesn't matter when you what what day it is if it's a year year down the road uh when you see these if you're just getting to the chosen man these these are gonna be relevant to you these these uh these reviews are gonna be great so check out all my other reviews we've completed season one there's a lot of good comments there's a lot of really intelligent conversation going on with the uh the followers of my channel and that's not surprising once you read a few of the comments but if you haven't actually supported the chosen or paid it forward and you're able to keep that in mind because these guys are completely crowdfunded and they are the record breakers as far as crowd-funded projects go in the history of crowd-funded projects they have broken all the records and they will probably continue to just climb but can you imagine how much they will have raised by the time they've finished season seven there probably will never be anybody that comes close to this model so if you haven't supported them in some way get out there buy some shirts just just send them a couple hundred dollars if you can afford that type of thing many can't but many can and just help them get season three going alright hey thanks for joining me tonight and let's take a look at episode one thunder the first time not the first time you were there humor me i was out on andrew's old sloop and had a bad night at first i didn't even know it was him remember i thought he was a roman about to ruin my life huh and what happened next it was at the moment when i thought my career and my reputation were about to be destroyed philip just said come and see and i did and look i i don't know how to describe it other than he knew me before he knew me i was standing next to john the baptizer what creepy john and he walked by like out of nowhere and john freaked out he said behold i'm eating a new bug yes he was just sitting there team lunch with all the construction workers cracking jokes i was uh on my way to jerusalem i'm sorry all of this is just um it's difficult to talk about you know it uh reminds me of how much i miss him but we have to i know i just i talk about him to others every day but it's difficult with all of you it's it's different with all of you just tell me about the first time you actually saw him it was in a tavern he said his hand on mine which isn't what it sounds like maybe leave that part out people don't get confused i don't know yet what i'll be including i'm just writing it all down it was the fourth morning of the third week of the month of adar sometime during the second hour it doesn't have to be precise why wouldn't it need to be precise mine will be precise my answer might not make sense try me mother i can hardly remember the time when i didn't know him there's one little kick go on my son why are you doing all this why now because we're getting older and our memories are i mean why now during shiva because everyone is here i need to get their memories we need to mourn big james he won't be the last of us this happens to who knows when i will see the others again or if not in a hurry to write a whole book but i do want to get the eyewitness stories now while we're together isn't math you're going to write something he's only writing about what he saw and about what jesus told him directly but i was there for things that matthew doesn't know about i was in his inmost circle he loved me he loved all of you you just feel the need to talk about it more often i prefer to treasure these things in my heart you know that if you try to write every single thing he did the world itself could not contain the books that would be written hmm a disclaimer that's good i'm going to say that you see mother if i do not write these things down they will be lost to history james would agree where will you start in the beginning naturally i'm just um not sure which beginning his birth earlier his ancestry i'm pretty sure matthew has that covered maybe the prophecies the promise to abraham i thought about starting with abraham but still so much came before him what was before abraham noah and before him you could start there but i wanted to be known that he was much more than what could be seen or or touched what was before the garden in the beginning the earth was formless and void i cannot hear it without thinking of you two i cannot believe how much he put up with others they will not even remember the sound of his voice don't just be words he said they weren't just words remember heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away you think of something take your time i'm off to bed [Music] okay all comes flooding back to me and yes i've i've already learned some things that i completely missed in well the first time i watched it and that again has been a while have you noticed that most of the chosen is shot in a low light type of situation or at least half of it i mean huge chunk of this movie is shot in low light and it's done so well so so beautifully the the scenes are are pretty they're neat to look at but um this one is really heavy it's a heavy opening it's not a flashback like most of them were in season one they are doing what is called sitting shiva now if you're not familiar with that term mary uses it here shiva is is a jewish term that it's a custom it's a custom for the jewish people where they come in after a death of a family member and they sit and sitting shiva is just that you sit if for i think the the idea is words are really cheap right words are cheap and a lot of people talk way too much in an uncomfortable situation because they don't know what else to do the idea of sitting shiva is to simply sit and be and be for that person be with that person your company matters your presence matters it shows that you care there's any number of things you could be doing but you are there with them sitting somebody knocks on the door you get it if somebody needs something to eat you make it but you are there for the the grieving party member um the grieving family member so that's what they're doing and when i saw this the first time i thought well jesus this is this is a flash forward to after the death of jesus and the reason i hung on that is because john is calling mary mother and that did not happen until the cross mary john john and mary were not given to each other mother your son son your mother until jesus was literally on the cross about to give up the ghost so i assumed and probably allowed it to distract me that this is immediately after the death of jesus you'll notice that everybody's got a little bit of gray hair going uh simon's got the the gray in his beard which they had to add artificially unlike me but what mary said was why are you doing this john and it's why are you doing this during shiva you should be mourning big james so they what has happened is big james has been martyred at this point and it is a flash forward big james has been martyred and john is putting together his gospel and he's doing it in such a way as you may know john is the non-synoptic gospel meaning matthew mark and luke are the synoptic gospels they are all very similar they are all somewhat ordered in the same way but john being the non-synoptic gospel is completely out of order completely out of order john does things differently he's writing intentionally and he is writing to tell a story probably years and years after the fact i believe and and most recent most scholars believe that this was the last book john wrote his gospel meaning that the even even the book of revelation came before this now in this particular episode we see that he's on it man they've they've murdered big james and he is on to his gospel early and i don't really have a problem with that one of the things that i'm very dogmatic about is being very non-dogmatic about things that i can't prove one way or the other you have to kind of keep an open mind about what you don't know and consider that what you don't know is every bit as important as what you do know so this is a really good intro for provoking thought he i i remember john saying oh he's talking with mother mary about how he should begin his gospel in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and what we learn john being different from all the others is john decides to write rewrite the creation story and so he begins in the beginning just like moses began genesis chapter 1. and whenever mary suggested well you could start with a genealogy or you know the start with abraham those are all on purpose by the way there were i believe uh it was matthew that started and went he started it jesus and went backwards to abraham and luke starts at jesus and goes backwards to adam and i may have those flipped but there's a reason that they do that but it was interesting that john said no i think matthew has that covered and matthew's got the big full beard and he's saying why would i not need to be exact so it's so awesome these guys are really good the writing is really good but it uh there is a lot there there is probably quite a bit there that i've missed so if if you pulled anything out of that that i'm not mentioning here i'm going to regret it but go ahead and put it in the comments because uh i just i didn't want to stop it midway let's keep going [Music] [Music] i'd rather clean up the holes after a long weekend you drink for a month i'd rather mend every hole in abba sales and probably saw your hands together in the process i would rather wrestle a swordfish just get in the water with it i meant on the hook but i'd snatch it out of the water with my bare hands if it meant not spending a night with these people you know it has a sword on its face right we lucked out brother planting this field while the others tried to keep up with rabbi and shikar it wasn't luck he chose us you're going two thumbs deep yeah yeah rolls three hundredths apart so why do you think he did that we're good workers and maybe he knows we don't like samaritans maybe jesus just likes us best yes that must be it so why do you think he likes me best for the same reasons i like you best you pose no threat to anyone intellectually or physically thank you brother wait a second what i want to know is what are we planting this for he said it would feed generations i assume travellers people passing through like us hospitality isn't just for those with homes john don't quit your day job it's too late for that yeah me too come on let's pick it up i don't want to lose this job i would rather talk with matthew for a whole rather listen to andrew's jokes so we see that james and john are busy plowing a field they don't know who the field belongs to they don't know exactly why they are plowing it they suspect from jesus's words this field will feed generations of people they think that they're doing a monstrous deed in the present maybe i don't i don't know this is very rabbinic by the way this is how rabbis teach their students they they do make them do things that they they don't always see the end of uh it's the whole mr miyagi thing uh go paint the fence or what's the wax on wax off thing if you're as old as i am and you have as many gray hairs as i do you'll remember the karate kid and if you haven't rent it you need to watch it but that's the classic rabbi disciple relationship you don't have to know why you just need to do the why will come this particular instance was not in scripture can you think of other instances in scripture where the disciples were doing things they didn't know why they were doing them can you think of any if so list one in the comments [Music] cigar is on the other side of mantiba and the map says to head southward along the east side it could be this fork taking us towards either this left could be too early that's a theory it's a fact that we must veer south because if we keep going westward we'll encounter the hostile city of sebaster to go between mount gerizim and monty ball but more dangerous not if we avoid the cities there's no avoiding cities on a road that's what roads do they connect cities you're not taking my daughter off road gaffney i have given you my word that i will protect dream of a man can you even protect yourself with due respect you are walking towards samaria to find a group of men you do not know and a woman a woman who would be with a group of men do not talk back to me young lady this is foolishness maybe they know the way shalom hey what are you doing talking to our mother jew okay we're gonna have to go back and talk about that little clip that was rayma thomas who are kind of romantically involved as you may remember and and her father gaffney i think he is not happy about the direction they're going which is samaria and you see again the utter disdain for samaritans again i'm a little confused about the ability to tell these guys are jews i i missed the lead i missed the telltale signs maybe they're on maybe they are there but um yeah people are nice so i guess there really was a huge amount of hostility between the two hi thaddeus counted 50 in the square with more arriving every minute is jesus ready yeah he's in his room he needed the moment alone well there are many begging to hear more he's been talking to people since dawn he needs a break i'll bring him some water i thought most people had left after the first sermon they left to go get their family and friends and now they're back threefold the population of cicar is approximately two thousand not including women and children there are 12 hours of light per day at this time of year and he said that we would stay here for two days which means over 24 hours the number of men we need to reach per hour is 83.33333333 what's 0.33 of a man matthew simon there's a crowd going out there and we need to decide what to do why don't we just tell him the situation and let him decide that's what he's going to do anyway i'll tell him how many stadia wide is the city i brought you some water and [Music] that way it will give us a rubric of how many square qubits we need to reach per hour rubrics cubits per hour his ministry deserves careful thought no one's thinking about it more carefully than me he's gone what are you talking about he's not in his room or anywhere in the house i checked out he lost him he's probably not lost okay james you search the southern side andrew and i will search the north he'll thought he used to keep an eye on the crowd what the bug all right i've gotta hear that one more time i'm sitting here dwelling on it and i've gotta hear it will give us a rubric of how many square qubits we need to reach per hour rubrics cubits per hour his ministry deserves careful thought no one's thinking about it more carefully than me rube rubix cubits per hour i think they threw in an easter egg there i i missed that the first the first time for sure let's yeah gosh let's keep going he's gone what are you talking about he's not in his room or anywhere in the house i checked out he lost him he's probably not lost okay james you search the southern side andrew and i will search the north the thought is to keep an eye on the crowd what about me [Music] stay here in case he comes back [Music] i will be back soon and i won't be far staying here gives me the greatest likelihood of locating jesus first well there you go [Music] [Music] for my master buddy the one called jesus of nazareth has he passed this way have you seen the teacher jesus you wouldn't have to have seen the teacher of this way he passed by earlier the teacher yes but is he going to be back in the town square he's on an event where did he go down towards that alley but i was just about to go see him again and bring my friend he's not teaching again he'll be there teach more you won't be disappointed there all tightened up so it was the axle i told my brother it was the axle sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes now hand me some pitch and it'll be as good as new you're good at this you should stay in town and open up a shock should i [Music] shop bye-bye that woman is going to introduce you to every samaritan in the country i hope so it's hot shalom shalom i don't know you may be in the wrong place but we are looking for jesus everyone is oh you're here thomas and raymond yes yes mary good memory so good to have you it's good to see you again mary this is reyma's father goffny [Applause] where is everyone they're out looking for jesus is he lost he's never lost he probably just needed a moment the townspeople have been clamoring to see him he's been changing many hearts i know how that works so your friend wasn't just being rude oh uh thomas this is matthew matthew thomas you approached a strange home and when the occupant answered you said i don't know you is that being rude we had a brutal journey it wasn't easy finding this place and the samaritans thought we'd be torn apart samaritans and jews are historical enemies i'm aware we knew the journey would be fraught but it's like he's actively trying to make it difficult to follow him i'd have come just to thank him for saving the reputation of my vineyard and your careers not that you care about that i'm glad we found you at least but why aren't you i stayed it's likely he'll return to the last place he was seeing a little further from the city is what i was going to say but what do you base that on isn't it most likely that he's gone on to his next appointment it does not keep a schedule perhaps i can be useful as an organizer then i'm good with figures times precision is my specialty ah you made it to see you again glad you are here oh sorry it's been a long day we were working because we know that god pursues the sick more than the healthy think of it this way are there any sheep herders in the crowd ah welcome we are honored you are here i have a very warm place in my heart for shepherds who is standing your flock now my brother would have taken turns how many sh 100 say one of them goes astray what'd you do right go look for it of course of course but what about the other 99 i'd have to leave them behind i can't lose the one sheep and if you find it i laid over my shoulders and bring it home and i would probably do a little dance and what would you say to your friends who are worried for you rejoice with me i have found my lost sheep do you see what they just said there he rejoices more for one sheep than over the 99 who never went astray so it is not the will of my father that one of these should perish in the same way i tell you there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance look at them i couldn't tell jew from samaritan the way they're listening the set designers they get an a-plus do they not the sets are gorgeous man the the huge stones uh they spent some time and effort and money on these sets but yeah i enjoyed the monologue the dialogue between matthew and thomas there thomas is moving in and he is he's he's the detail-oriented guy he's already made the boast and matthew's just like you're an amateur but i really i like the [Music] the tension i like the tension because uh that's what i never think of whenever i think of the bible stories is the tension that was inevitably in the group and and trust me it was there there were so many different backgrounds they're still giving matthew matthew is still the outcast at least you see simon kind of joking with him now that's an improvement see what else goes on did you see the woman in the little girl though i know simon did yeah i always get emotional you think he won't shalom hey you came through you made it of course he did thomas it's good to see you too you remember rhema how could i forget so you'll be joining us also rabbi this is my father kathy oh yes the owner of the vineyard that produced such fine wine for my friends shalom very kind of you to say i imagine you want to speak with me as if you have some time i would like to ask you some questions you wouldn't be a good father if you didn't here's what i'd like to propose if you approve we've both had very long days yes this establishment has rooms available for you so why don't we get some rest and tomorrow morning we talk about everything sound good i i i suppose we could it's a plan thank you we are delighted that you're with us now if you'll all excuse me for a moment i must go speak with a couple of men who performed a truly remarkable act of service today this escort you rabbi if you like we were right what happened i was just telling everybody the work that you boys did today how remarkable it was must be famished yes um we were hungry [Music] eat restore your strength when you're done please describe the work to the others i hope everyone takes note of what john and big james did here good night friends [Music] do you know what this is this is a term that is modern and ancient in modern terms it's more of a sling boy that guy has some hot spot you would hear it a lot in jewish sections of new york you know new jersey chutzpah but again it is also an ancient term and it is internal fortitude it is audacity it is what you see going on with with koffny and jesus it is a very nice looking woman's father protective father being very concerned over her and and being very to the point with the rabbi this is hutzpah it's the very same thing we see in genesis with abraham daring to say lord be it not good if you destroy the righteous with the wicked what if we find 30 people in the city destruction of sodom and gomorrah right what if we'd find 20 people in the city what if we find 15 people in the city he continually gets in the face of god really in a priest a priestly role god likes hutzbah and he honored the hutzpah of abraham but that's what we see going on here is a very protective father's husband and i know he doesn't know who jesus is really he's the guy that saved their reputation but still it's a way of being it's it's a it's a mindset meaning i am going to pursue what's right and for him what was right was protecting his daughter hutzpah so let's see what's next where are we going i don't know any more than you jesus gave them an errand and i said come with i don't get it either they describe moving stones and digging are they leaders now i don't know it didn't sound like much harder than fishing but i have never performed hard blades guess you'll just have to see tag along like the rest of us the list of things he might do as long first there's a leper colony to the west and they're begging him to come they're not allowed into the city so they have no way to hear him both jewish and samaritan purity laws forbid coming within four qubits of aleppo what distance do we have to keep from these samaritans we've been within four cubits of a leopard beforehand i'm just saying if he breaks the law it might cause a stir and for dinner we've been invited to the home of the town treasure and we have to juggle that invitation with another one to have dinner at the home of the high priest of sikar which could get messy huh why miss samaritan's beliefs are so at odds with jewish beliefs he might want to trap jesus in his word don't think he's afraid of being trapped by his words i'm just saying we could be somewhere else with people who actually want to listen to him and not argue if he convinces the rabbi of the town his message would be preached long after we leave this village let's leave it to the boss huh what do you think the treasure or the high priest neither dinner with whom then you know there are a lot of people who want to talk to him yes but he wants to make him that's the errand that's there you guys are really enjoying this being in the gnome huh coming from you simon he told us his plans so matthew distribute the money accordingly thaddeus buy bread enough for 12 there's 13 people 11 11 rice proud and spilled assortments your choice 13. who are the others little james buy a leg of lamb including the knuckle and the fillet no no two two legs of lamb we only have andrew grapes cuddles cheddies if you can find them at this rate we will not have enough for the start of this trip we didn't expect to find a bag of gold did we putting it to good juice simon yes three skins of wine matthew black pepper chives salt olive oil this coffee will not make it to judea have faith matthew in him mary look for leeks garlic and onions okay [Music] what are you guys gonna do we are going to get out of the streets why scenarios biggest problem is too many samaritans all right we know that this is just a continuation of the final episode of season one about the samaritan woman whom jesus met at the well at jacob's well jacob's well was near a city named sikar or if you're from the south sly car but zakar they're pronouncing it correctly i believe this would have been quite the field trip for a bunch of jewish boys and girls honestly and yes tradition has it that a rabbi would have called younger disciples these are a little older of the bunch probably simon is close to being the proper age we know he was married we know he paid the temple tax that put him at least 21 years old but the others probably not as old as they are being portrayed here again not a deal breaker we don't know for sure we do think john was the youngest and john is one of the main characters in this particular one as he is one of the sons of thunder and the one in the inner circle as he proclaimed in the in the monologue there but in the previous scene we see matthew passing out gold i would have thought that if that were truly a bag of gold that a bit of gold would go a lot further than what we're seeing it go here that's just a personal observation maybe a a lesser denomination would have been more appropriate like like a few shekels or something but i don't know i've never studied ancient ancient uh monetary denominations like golds and and all of that as far as how much they actually would have purchased but that's just something that caught my eye sorry it was a busy morning i'll make you some porridge what do you think he's doing i just need a few moments with him he said it was a short walk i'm sure he'll be here soon i have things to say you're lucky i even came out this way with you i could have just decided no i can't decide what thomas does he can make his own bad decisions but you i have things to say i know i'm very grateful porridge soon you will know every way to make it because that is what you eat when you don't have a job or live with your family gaffney good morning thank you for your patience i had a few people to meet before our important talk were you comfortable last night yes although i must say i didn't sleep very well i know what it's like to be concerned about someone you feel responsible for but i am not a father i imagine all of this makes you nervous could we sure allow me to first say why i am here i want to thank you for whatever you did at the wedding you get the reputation of my business and of my daughter and thomas from suffering thomas have insisted that you performed a miracle now i am an old man i need to leave for my journey and i do not have time to be unclear i believe this to be the age of blasphemy and i am not in the habit of believing a man from a man performed a miracle and i am not in the habit of giving my blessing for my daughter to leave our home but i am in your debt and that is why we are in this room with you now thank you for your honesty i cannot give you my belief or my devotion so i'm afraid my honesty is all i have left to give after giving up my daughter i understand i ask a lot of those who follow me but i ask little of those who do not i don't want to be rude but i have said all i want to say [Music] [Music] [Music] thomas one more moment [Music] i have long admired you for your hard work and you have done well in spite of the loss of your father but this is foolishness and i won't pretend it isn't [Music] i will see you next when you ask for my daughter's hand koffny i know i am not stupid you may be but i am not but when that day comes i don't know what i will say [Music] keep her safe [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] i do not know how they could have made that scene any more powerful than it was so much to say about the interaction between kofany and jesus how jesus submitted to the will of of the father of rhema and he did that because it was by design that kofny was the father of rhema and he should have the last say you know people always talk about did jesus play the god card here jesus never played the god card on earth he as a pastor i believe jesus never played the god card i could have called ten thousand angels but he didn't and i'm not sure that would have been playing the god card even it doesn't say that was a that's a different subject well let that one sink in but that that scene man he he just yielded to this man whoever plays koffny fantastic actor not to mention rhema and thomas with the tears and jonathan with the tears i don't know just a heavy heavy scene and i i admire that being added because again there was a price to following jesus and jesus made mention of the fact that i require a lot i know i require a lot or i ask a lot of those who follow me but i ask very little for those who don't that's an interesting statement isn't it jesus always yielded to those who didn't know he never pushed himself on anybody i i say he he always yielded he he yielded to those he gave people the benefit of the doubt and i believe he still does i believe he still gives people the benefit of the doubt he does father forgive them they don't know what they're doing this is just well done i'm a fan i'm such a fan all right we're halfway through this one a little bit ah just a tad bit over halfway in this one i need to cut it in half so i will release part two next but this will be part one and uh thank you for joining me thank you for commenting for all of your astute observations they are wonderful and the people that come along later and watch these videos read the comments and and they see wow these people know know their stuff and you do but i thank you if you if you want to see more like this don't forget to subscribe and apparently that little bell is important so hit that as well but i will see you soon for part two okay peace [Music] you
Channel: Embrace the Question
Views: 56,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: embrace the question, the chosen, the chosen tv series, the chosen season 1, bible study, jesus tv, jesus,, chosen commentary, jesus movie, spirituality, best jesus movies, the chosen season 2, son of god, احتضان السؤال, प्रश्न को गले लगाओ, принять вопрос, abrace a questão, o escolhido, The Chosen - Season 2 - Episode 1 - A Pastor's Commentary - Part 1
Id: v1nSz9NZSuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 14sec (3194 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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