The chosen one, Baldimir The Bandit | League of Legends

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when the earth was formed one thing was created with it bald me dear with a bald head so shiny that corneas were instantly vaporized he was born with one purpose to dermaroll his opponents faced with the evil Terrors of soloq baladir had but one thing he could do keep on rolling single-handedly carrying his team on his back they would try and der a rooll to Victory seeing the mispositioned support he killed the bald scum he then released his wrath on the little yodel known as Kenan being completely bald at a mere 14 is a strength not many could fathom but for balader this was all he knew throughout the heavens and the Earth he alone was the bald one with the power of chat and Tyler one's receding hairline bald Mader unlocked his new ability domain expansion derad doome taking on Five Guys at once he Unleashed his full wrath Allwood would bear witness to the one who left all his hair follicles behind bald madir had fully awoken and none could stop him witnessing the genocide of her team Senna tried to run but it was too late baladir had found his next victim
Channel: Vladmidir
Views: 8,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FKQSQ7y30Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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