The Chosen: Jesus Calls Peter

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simon it's been a month since you have visited email you know how it's been work and i know i haven't been a good please please listen to me i haven't been honest with you what do you mean i've been fishing on shabbat because i've had no choice andrew has texted i've got texas we haven't been able to keep up i did some things i'm not proud of to fix it and now it's gone bad and we're in trouble we what do you mean i i'm in trouble but we because i need a miracle or i can be in big trouble we could lose the house what if i don't catch a ton of fish or get some help somehow they'll arrest me yeah so i need to go go where the fish i got to spend the rest of the week doing nothing but catch every fish i can and hope i can fix this somehow but no more talking maybe god can get your attention now stomach andrew james and john i presume and who brought the old man i heard you need a real fisherman well ah there are only so many hours in the night huh let's fish zeb come around sometimes the best the sea us simon it's him excuse me son that's him no time for this andrew it's him simon it's the man john said he's here i know may i ask a favor i'm teaching these people and apparently they're having trouble hearing me i could stand on your boat that would be helpful they're having trouble hearing you huh yes yes of course please please stand on my ball thank you i need to go i'm sorry no time for this today stay a few moments longer i have something for you for me uh i'm in a hurry yes i know just allow me a few moments i'm jesus thanks for this simon my last moments with you i want to share another story because i'm on this boat my final parable should be about fishing yes simon please send me that net this net gathers fish all kinds of fish yes yes all kinds of fish and the kingdom of heaven is like what happens next after the net is full simon and the others draw it to the shore sit down and sort out the fish the good fish go into the barrels the batfish thrown away so it will be at the end of the age angels will come and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into a fiery furnace do you understand these parables i tell make sense to some not to others be patient that is all for today i have some business to attend to with my new friend put that down for a catch a little farther out no i don't have a clue with you teacher but we've been doing this all night nothing all right that's your word rub it [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring it in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i love you get out my brother and the baptizer you are the lamb of god yes i am depart from me i am a sinful man you don't know who i am the things i've done don't be afraid simon i'm sorry we we've waited for you for so long we believe but my faith how sorry lift up your head fishermen anything you ask i will do follow me fish are nothing you have much bigger things ahead of you simon son of jonah did you understand that parable i told earlier from now on i will make you fishers of men you are together as many as possible all kinds i will sort them out later
Channel: Nathanviet
Views: 224,886
Rating: 4.9238677 out of 5
Id: z49zw1jMPo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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