THE CHOSEN INTERVIEW: Actor Kirk B. R. Woller (Gaius) | Hosted by Darren Scott Jacobs

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[Music] on behalf of against the type media and the fans the amazing fans of the chosen which by the way the chosen has reached 49 million views so the next is going to be 50 million views and i'll tell you something i can't wait for that day maybe we should have a big party i don't know what will happen but we're all going to have a great time the fact that we have second season now they're going to start filming in the fall is another amazing moment for the fans of the chosen and the fans of all christian entertainment faith-based entertainment today i am so pleased to bring kirk b r waller who is a actor's actor uh kirk thank you so much for being here today honored and blessed and grateful to be here thank you so much [Music] ah and before we start i want to give you a few accolades um kirk has over 150 plus appearances in film and television now let me just go over some of it um it's it's i think this is fascinating because it's full range stuff so in tv we're talking nypd blue er ncis criminal minds 24 bones prison break and so many more along with two of my favorites lie to me with tim roth and the classic iconic x-files come on x-files and then in film he's actually been in what in my opinion two masterpiece directors he's been in flags of our fathers eastwood and he's also been in minority report steven spielberg so he's been doing this for over three decades and he like i said he is a professional actor so that's something that i want us to continually bring to the forefront and my first question for you kirk is the obvious when did you realize you wanted to be a professional actor well um hey boy i think the first time i was in third grade i'll cut to the chase i was in third grade i don't know why i still remember her name mrs chase this was up in the northwest in seattle she decided to make me the lead of a little class play and this class play was only in the classroom and i played captain john smith uh who was part of the formed the city of seattle anyway long story short i memorized all these lines and i did it and i i don't know i just i loved it suddenly um the other part of it was i was just kind of a shy kid and just stayed to myself and she just thrust me and then suddenly people were talking to me and so i guess suddenly i i found myself i guess relatively good at something enough that little kids my classmates would say something to me and i guess i was shocked and i think that's when uh it first hit me so i would say third grade i guess i was eight eight years old um but then to my folks are from germany they immigrated to this country in 1952 and so they wanted me to go to school and i did and so i have an undergrad degree in business and marketing and i was actually the class president of my business school and had all these opportunities in sort of corporate america and right after graduation i i upset everybody in the family by saying you know what i don't want to do this and i guess what how old was i 25 i said i really want to pursue what i've always wanted to pursue and i moved back to seattle and i just started over as an actor so i guess i really didn't get going on it i didn't do any other plays or anything uh since uh i was eight years old so anyway 25 is when i started okay so kind of a tricky question but of your many roles in tv do you have a faith filmo it's a great question i'm like um i don't i hope this doesn't sound pretentious but i i just i'm not a person that i don't have favorites i'm not trying to be difficult i just don't and and the reason i think for everything i don't have a favorite color i don't have a favorite film or i just think there's value in everything and so every role that i've played and every relationship that i've had as a human being i just think there's value in all of that so i i don't like to make a hierarchical list i would just say that i love it i love what i do so i don't know that i have a favorite i'm going to say all of them are my favorite there you go fair enough interestingly enough we actually have a connection and uh it is a film it was made in 2009 called like dandelion dust yeah and yes and the producer of that kerry david was the very first person that i connected with when i started my whole screenwriting aspirations which at that time i was late in life and people thought i was insane but gary david was the first person that came into my world and said look here's what you do here's what you don't do kind of a thing the reason i bring that up is to mentor someone is so important and that leads me to my next question as a working actor you have created an amazing platform called actor class thank you i would like to and i know the fans would like to hear more about that because i think it's i've done a bunch of research but i want to hear more because i think it's magnificent what you've done with that thank you uh forgive me i really want to do a good job of explaining this so forgive me in advance if i'm i'm a bit long-winded but i think it deserves a context and and the reasons for it um first of all in all my travels as an actor throughout the years so many people have always said to me where did you train how did you get started what did you do um so i'm always asked that question so that's something that really struck me the other thing that's that always struck me as actors themselves as an actor you don't work all the time you just you don't even if you're a series regular uh and i guess depending on what role you have you could be incredibly busy but most actors have a lot of down time even when you're working on a job you have days off within a job and over the years i just always thought to myself there are these amazing working actors that i've respected for a long time that i've worked with that are so good at what they do and i thought to myself they have all this knowledge they have all this experience and it's it just sits there in their trailer every day you know what i mean it's like it doesn't go anywhere typically because most actors myself included you just want to focus on the work you don't want to have a lot of distractions or you just want to keep your focus on being an actor and so but the more i thought about it i thought these people are have all this experience and knowledge they're over here and then you have these people all over the world that how did you do it where do i go to school where do i start and i thought to myself i'm gonna find a way to connect those those those two people because this is valuable incredible information that i think is going to help a lot of people it's here it's available but there's no means to get there so i use the analogy of uber you know how uber took people who wanted to get a ride and they hooked him up with people who needed a ride right like people who wanted a ride and people who could give them a ride and so they created an app and it's called uber and so i'd like to think of actor class as the uber for actors meaning it is a bridge between those that want to learn how to be an actor connecting them with those who are an actor and can help them achieve their dreams and give them i guess a ride there's a new support to to their success so that's really the the foundation of after class is talented actors helping young aspiring actors and they don't have to be young i mean robert mondavi started his bigger winery in his 50s so it's never too late and so you don't have to be young it's just i just think there's a lot of power in learning from somebody who's actually doing it if that if that makes sense and and the other thing i wanted to say about actor class is i started this uh the beginning of 2018. so i thought i had a kind of a cool revolutionary idea and that was to teach online acting classes because there are people all over the world that that can't come to hollywood there are good teachers here in hollywood most of the actors are here in hollywood they can't come here to learn so my idea was in that uber like after class is kind of the app to connect them i people in germany in france in in africa wherever japan could connect with hollywood actors and so i i saw a great value in that and i thought i had a revolutionary idea in 2018 so i started building the website i started putting things together i started talking to my actor friends and anyway it took me a year to kind of get it all together and then 29 2020 started it was beginning of 2019 sorry not 2018. so the beginning of 2019 was where it started then at the end of 2019 is when i actually sort of opened the website and then we all know what happened two months into 2020 coded and so suddenly now every acting teacher it wasn't being done who would teach a class live was now using zoom to teach acting classes online and that was not being done when i started this idea so my innovative idea just went out the window but it is what it is what are you gonna do so but i what i think is unique about after class and what's different than i think most programs is that you're learning from working actors and these these are guys who are working and if you go to you'll see some of my mentors there these people work all the time they're they're talented they're and above all to me good people that's really really important to me because um learning the craft of acting is a very delicate thing it's very personal uh it requires a great deal of vulnerability so you need to be in good hands and trust me there are a lot of bad apples out there that think they know everything and can really destroy a person's self-esteem and self-confidence and just not take them down the right road and i saw a lot of that too and it really it broke my heart so that's the other part of actor class is these are good people these are people you'd want to hang out with there's there's no bad apples um so i think being a good person is really really really important so anyway as i said i'm being long-winded i'll wrap it up here after class is is just that it's a place to connect and mentoring you talked about uh kerry david being a mentor for you i had two main mentors in my life as an actor and they influenced me in a very large way not only as an actor but as a human being and if you go back to japan you know the samurai or the samurai sword building or the art of making tea this is how we used to learn we used to learn from the person that was an expert at doing it which is we i think we got caught up in the system of colleges and universities where you have one teacher and 50 students and so one-on-one mentorship and getting answers to your questions specific questions that are only only you could know like what do i do when i enter do i enter the audition as the character like do i do that or do i mean do i say anything when i walk there's such specific things that a working actor is going to know how to answer and i think there's great value in that so anyway thank you for that long-winded explanation but it's mentorship well you think it's long-winded i mean the fans are gonna love this because hey we're here to hear from you and again we appreciate that you're here today so look let's uh let's step into the chosen land shall we and discuss your role as the roman centurion gaius so um and we're going to start now we're going to go into fan based questions because there's a gazillion fans start with catherine manning catherine says how did you and dallas meet and what was your favorite part of working with him over the years a friend of mine was reading a book called left behind and i live in southern california she was in texas and she said they're turning this book into a movie i think he would be great for i think it was nicolai uh nikolai i think it was basically the the bad guy right she said you'd be perfect for this so i said okay so i literally took my actor's reel and wrote a letter and i i mailed it to the production offices for the film production of left behind cold my agents didn't do it i just did it i said okay let's go for it two days later i think three days later i got a call from dallas jenkins dallas jenkins and one of his producing partners that's where the relationship began so what was that two 000 that's where we started and it he they didn't end up making uh left behind series somebody else made the film but um dallas started with the film it was originally titled american leather but it was called hometown budget and so that was my first working experience with dallas jenkins and um so i guess that was back like like in 2000 and the second part of the question is that so that's where we met and that's where we started um what i love about dallas most is again he's just an amazing human being he's the most loyal and honorable one of the most loyal and honorable men i've ever met he's just kind he's a great husband he's a great dad and he's i mean i don't know if i have a right to say this kind of stuff but i i've seen him like mature or change and and he has grown into such an amazing to me leader i even texted him the other day he had that video where he was on the farm and it started to rain and i i just had to text him because he he's such a good orator i mean the way he talks and he can just say that i'm not i'm just not good that way and it's so impressive what he does he's grown into such an amazing leader and he's just he understands film so he's just a good man so what do i love working about what i love about dallas most is just who he is as a human being and i love working with people like that and then on top of that i think he's incredibly talented he unders he's studied as an actor for a while he knows what good acting is he has a great keen eye for the truth he knows how to pass clearly if you look at the chosen i don't think there's a a bad beat in anyone's performance people are real and they're filled with integrity and that's because of dallas's eye absolutely so yeah absolutely yeah for sure so i hope i answered that question he's an amazing man and i just uh that's the biggest part and then the other part is he's just he's just talented it's just great it's really really exciting to be a part of basically everything he's ever done it's like i'm blown away by his his uh loyalty just blown away i hope to meet him someday i want to give him a high five you've never met dallas no so oh wow yeah he's a good man he's good i i like his style i like the way he does things uh his heart comes through on his sleeve and for for a film producer director writer it's pretty he's very transparent and that's that's that vulnerability is risky it's risky but he doesn't care because you know look at the look at the quality he's getting from the chosen he doesn't care he wants that quality got to be transparent to get that so another fan jan moeller asks curious how kirk how you got the role of gaius and what's your favorite part about playing the role i got the role of guys dallas called or texted i can't remember which and said um he was asking if i was available and like for him i'm i'm always available so i said absolutely so he he asked me to to come in and audition which is pretty standard because he doesn't make the decisions on him so so i went in and i auditioned and uh i ended up getting the role thankfully there's never any guarantee because he's not the only decision maker he works with producers and so forth but yeah i the old-fashioned way i was asked to audition and i auditioned and i i'm lucky enough to have gotten the role so we realized some of these questions were kind of uh playing out of bounds a little bit you might not be able to answer them or maybe you don't know dan virginia imo asks any idea if your character will show up in future seasons of the chosen gaius and she mentions uh scripture guys has mentioned in acts 19 29 traveling with one of the apostles traveling with paul i think it's a good question but we understand if you can't divulge too much at this point but do you know anything i um i can honestly answer this question with the following i have no idea i really don't know i'm not trying to be a tease or anything i else i think the actors are the last to know um so i i really don't know if gal and guys is coming back or if he's continuing but i will say this on a deep emotional level i hope he does because that that would be such a profound honor because i think it's sorry man it's such an amazing story and uh uh yeah i i hope he comes back sorry i'm getting all choked up here forgive me um yeah but i i know it's out of my hands which is actually a beautiful metaphor for the whole thing um much like dallas says you know it's god doing his work right and so he's just sort of a vessel for that i think all of us would say that it doesn't really matter what happens with this project because that's in god's hands because the experience of making it has been such a refining experience i see myself in the same way if if i'm blessed and honor honored enough to be there i'll be there if not it was an amazing experience for which i'll always be grateful so i accept what is but i don't know the answer to that question but i hope i hope he's back well i hate to piggyback on the emotional content with fan john carrillon not me john he asks on a personal level how was this role and overall experience with the chosen how did it influence your life i'm sorry i'm i'm just trying to keep my composure here um i i've known dallas and amanda his beautiful and lovely wife amanda and their kids of course you know for over 20 years now and i've been a part of all their projects i'm sorry i'm really sorry man i wasn't expecting any of this uh hey look just look take your time okay take your time um yeah i didn't realize there was so much emotion caught up in all this um i i just think dallas and amanda are uh or beacons as human beings in the world the world is filled with a lot of just not good people you know and so dallas and amanda has always represented decency and kindness and hard work and and i've known them for 20 years and we've had debates uh and i'll be completely transparent i'm not a christian uh but amanda said something to me years ago which was one of the best compliments i i ever thought because we would talk about christianity and how like how does it work and why and we've had amazing debates and conversations on mental illness it was like they always accepted me they never has had and still haven't ever forced anything on me any beliefs or anything they're just amazing human beings period so we would always talk about spirituality and i had my perspective and they had theirs so on and so forth and the fact that they continue to accept me um is is just unbelievable um i'm sorry what was the question you get in line oh um basically uh the overall experience uh with the chosen how has it changed your life yeah so but amanda said something beautiful to me i don't know i don't know how many years ago it was i just flat out askers like how do you feel that i'm working on dallas projects or something that but i'm not a christian and she said to me she goes kirk you're a better christian than most christians we know which blew my mind um and of course i was very grateful for those beautiful words so my point i guess is it how has it changed me it's i don't know that it's necessarily changed me but it is i am blown away by the fan base i'm not one to i don't i'm i'm comfortable sort of talking about myself and i've never done a lot of interviews or anything and i've never done social media i just started kirk that's why we appreciate this so much i did a bunch of research on you and i know you just don't really do this and i actually i get that i understand that self-promotion is really i mean no matter what you do you got to come in here and you have to be just let me talk about myself and i that's an uncomfortable area so we appreciate it we do well i'm grateful as well and i think it's it's high time that i i just share some some things that's what actor class is about it's time to also give back and and to help so if any of this if you can help one person in some way then wow i'm honored and blessed i've known dallas for 20 years he was doing films where he tried to be you know for the faith-based but not for everybody right um trying to make it wasn't all faith-based uh audience he was trying to make and here he's doing some something that he knows so well so well i mean it's like this was what he was meant to do in many ways i believe he knows the scripture he knows the bible he studied it he knows the craft of directing and acting and filmmaking and it's like it's all come together for him so how it's changed my life i think is that i get to see that that i get to witness such amazing beauty for lack of a better word and to be a part of that movement is amazing and and the fan base the people because i'm not on social media and i want to say right now i don't i have somebody with actor class that does all the facebook stuff so forgive me in advance that i don't say hi or i'm sorry i'm just not i'm not good at that kind of stuff so if somebody reaches out i mean some things that they tell me about but most of it i'm not personally on there so forgive me in advance but what i have seen is i just can't believe how nice people are because i heard that um you know the will they call it trolling or some people could be so negative online as part of i just didn't want to be involved the fans are unbelievable people are kind and humble and truthful and and beautiful and they just have good things to say it's so like they're just positive energy on on planet earth and i'm just blown away by that so that that is changing my life and honestly i would never be do standing here uh doing this if it wasn't for the chosen so i think it's changed my life in those ways i hope i'm answering the question oh you did very well and i agree i mean this is probably for me personally just a little side note it's one of the most amazing communities i've ever been involved with it created wise not just creative wise life-wise that i've ever been uh very very honest people um and now i'm going to get all emotional so i'm not going to go there um so let's let's here we go we got a got it fun question well it's okay to be emotional man can you finish your thought it's just you're saying it's just that i wasn't expecting i wasn't expecting this right i did this noah bennett is and you just met noah and talked with him he started this and i had no idea what this was about and i when i started this ride not too long ago first interview is with uh giovanni cairo who you know he plays thaddeus and giovanni and i are our buddies now and i love the guy he's a great guy all these people just have hearts of gold i've said it before and i'll say again dallas knows how to bring people in to the creative aspect of this to where it works it's so authentic and a lot of the authenticity is not just the talent of the actors within their roles but the connection of the actors outside their roles so there's a lot going on here and you can feel that connection through the the muscular narrative of the chosen all the way through it's probably the first faith-based show i've ever watched that i just i could barely get through scenes i still there's certain there's certain scenes in it that i cannot watch without tearing up i've tried so i can almost try like an experiment it's like i can do it i can do it i can do it and i can't and because there's so much emotion that comes out because it's so authentic it's just so authentic and so yeah so thinking about all this you know i didn't see this coming i didn't plan for this and a lot of stuff that happens in life comes out of left field but you have to be on the field right you got to be walking across the field and so this has been for me a good ride but again come on man let's go back to you no no no no i i think it's really important uh that i think i i guess the chosen fans are going to know this but how much it's affecting everyone um um and i would be so bold as to say christians and non-christians everybody all over the world and and part of the reason is just uh the timelessness of it but also be any set of beautiful authenticity and i want to say this too i've i've had the great fortune of being on a number of sets in my life and what's great about a dallas jenkins set because as i said earlier dallas is a leader he is an excellent orator and an excellent leader and he sets the tone he sets the tone the number one two and three on the call sheet also sets the tone of the set in my experience dallas sets a tone of humility i mean he's a hard worker he'll go after it's not like he's some kind of puppy dog or something he works hard he knows what he wants but there's just a kindness and that is it's an amazing experience to be honest not like it's all you know like you know there are hard days and there are easier days my point is it's just good people and it's so rare to find that on sets you have typically you have a number of divas you've got a lot of issues you've got a lot of weird backstabbing going on between everyone it can happen on crews and between actors it's just not the case here people they're just good people but again dallas is choosing these people so it all goes back to who he is as a person and what he's attracting so i think what we're both saying is is is wildly important and that is good energy and good people and something filled with integrity is going to attract a lot of people yeah against the type media i mean that's kind of our big push is i mean unabashedly unequivocally we want this to go seven or eight seasons because we want to hang out with you dudes and do that because you're good people and it's fun and if you know i could look at this and go we're we're a little fan based company but i think there's a lot bigger things going on here and the stuff that's happening right now in certain areas i i've just seen a lot of uh absolute amazing connections with people in the short time that i've been involved in this fan base for the chosen and in part meeting you this is uh glorious to me that i mean to hang out with you and talk and and have a conversation that has meaning to it and it's thoughtful it's going to stay with me every interview i do stays with me i'm i'm all the you know everyone i've met has added some beauty some meaning and some purpose to my life when i leave the interview so let me stop right there before i you know go into crying mode let's here's here's here's a good one for you okay okay her fan michelle gregory she says i'm sorry michelle is funny she's a very funny person all the other romans wore helmets in various scenes but you only carried yours around i know could you feel it so what's up with that i'm going to start with the real reality and then work into the justification i look like an idiot in a helmet it's really nice i can't pull up at home i can barely pull off a hat so i get it i i have a small head you put that that one of those helmets on me i look like a three-year-old trying to look like a 20 year old or something i look ridiculous i you know in the costume fitting i put it on and i was like dallas looked at me it's like no we both sat at the same time so i said it's not going to work they're just big the helmets are big and i got a small head so that's where it started but honestly as an actor i i have to think that one through like why am i not wearing a helmet so my justification just to give it a little bit of backstory cause i'm actually i was trained on the stage and i'm an actor i'm basically a stunt man for the stage rip your dagger broadsword and unarmed combat so part of my justification for not wearing the helmet is i don't think i need to and i'm not in harm's way i think i'm good at what i do and when i'm guarding with matthew i'm constantly i know what's around me so and i'm not ever in battle if i have to be in the battle scene or something clearly i'm gonna have to put the helmet on but there's never really been a need yet to put that thing on so yeah so that's the justification is i don't think i i haven't really needed it yet and then also i think it's a it's it's a choice because i feel like i'm good at what i do and i'm not gonna get hurt well that's it's absolute fair answer and i think that she'll be very happy with that so look you mentioned matthew why don't we just uh this is uh probably the heart we had a bunch of questions from fans uh on against the tide but we kind of scheduled this particular interview really quick you know and it was nice that you just said sure um but we didn't give a lot of time for the fans but i know across the board one of the most endearing powerful connections for the characters on the chosen is matthew and gaius so and of course paris patel plays him amazing actor so your connection with him is that just like great writing or great acting or a little of both i mean because it's just really authentic and believable and complicated um i mean it all starts with the writing right i i i don't get to say what i want as an actor you get a script right so it's really there's great depth in the writing so that that to me is the biggest part the other thing and this is more of a point of view that i have as an actor and that is that no one ever thinks they're a bad guy in fact everyone as a human being has a justified reason for why they are doing what they are doing so they're in my mind as an actor there are no good guys and bad guys what there are are human beings under these circumstances under these imaginary circumstances if you will even though a lot of this is biblical and so forth but still as an actor under these circumstances so i never judge a character that i play and i play crazy psychopaths to loving dads there are certain things i will not play for sure pedophile being one of them never ever um i just can't even put my mind in that arena um but you as an actor you can't judge your character so i never judged uh guys guys is kirk i mean my approach to acting is i have to earn the right to be myself under these imaginary circumstances and i and i think what's important it's the writing but it's also i think what paris and i bring to it and that is it is what it is he has a job and i have a job and that's sort of where it started i've never met paris before and as an actor you show up on set and you just kind of go for it right but the writing has i i always saw i don't know it's complicated i could talk for hours about this stuff this is after talk but i'm not even sure if i'm answering your question anymore but um oh no you are you are i'm making it so do you want me to talk about the the relationship or i'm sorry which well yeah let's actually um the next question um actually it's my question it seems to me one of the the beauties of the relationship is the struggle me figure out the best way to put this the struggle for the audience to understand the construct of the relationship i mean is this is this a father son is this a conqueror servant is this you know because there's all these moments where all of a sudden we realize that gaius probably likes matthew more than he wants to i know some people that were mildly fond of your son and with under the constrains of at that particular time the social classes and so forth so i think that's one of the reasons that it works so well so um it's a very complicated relationship obviously like you said that's built into the writing but i think actually it plays so well and you guys are so proficient as as actors when you see you as guys is you're struggling for connection with matthew i i think it resonates with the fans so i think that you're right on track i mean all the stuff that you're answering that was kind of my question it was piggybacking the last one but this is one of the probably the most endearing relationships in the whole construct of the chosen because we're looking at rome and israel right and breaking down barriers where all of a sudden you realize hey guys actually cares about this kid you know he can't admit it but you know he does so i think that that's i mean the fans would probably like to have you just talk in those terms i mean is that some how did you see that when you were playing gaius with uh paris i i want to say that there are some that believe otherwise but we don't get to choose who we are i was born a white dude um some people are born uh obviously all of the colors of the rainbow right everyone some people are born with ailments some people we didn't ask for this stuff so we're just i didn't ask under the concept under the construct of the story i didn't ask to be a roman i didn't get to choose to be a roman i didn't get to choose that i was born into that just the way paris was born i mean matthew was born into what he was born into he has an ailment he has ocd right or some variation of that you're a little off aren't you he didn't ask for that so i think it's inappropriate and wrong to go and getting back to judging a character is you you cannot judge anyone because everyone is just trying to do the best they can and so this is the way i approach all of my work but my relationship with matthew you asked what is it i think it's everything i think it's growing and i think it's changing but it's based on what's happening in the story i mean he's he's helped me he's been there for me i've given him a hard time but there's there's so much humanity certainly with what paris is doing how can you not be intrigued by that or love that and so i see in i'll just talk about not the actors but i just see in matthew this kid who's who's struggling this this young man man who is trying to come of age and he's trying to figure out we've all been there so i'm still trying to figure it out so i just try to infuse as much of that into my work as possible and and just listen as much as i possibly can and allow it to happen so i think we're all of it conqueror and father-son friends it's everything life is complex people are complex that's just the way it is and yes i've always seen what the two sides represent and i always felt as an actor and as a choice that is a far stronger choice to see that dilemma play out between those two opposites if you really want to think about it we're both kind of outsiders i came from the germanic background and so i what my people were sort of conquered saying with him that there's a lot of similarities going on gaius i've reviewed your service records you're germanic my people were powerful warriors even if they did surrender i believe they sensibly joined the winning team dominus sensing my only allegiance is to rome i've trained to fight for her since i was a boy i just always try to deal with matthew with respect but i'm also who i am right i'm a roman i got the power here so shut up right i could play that and at times i might have to but that's really not what it's about it's it's about the humanity that's underneath these things i hope i'm doing this justice but i just think it's a it's a great metaphor with all that's happening politically right now even you know between black lives matter and the metoo movement every there's everyone has a voice and we can't just it's so easy to judge and you just can't do that because no one asked to be born the way they were and so we have to find the humanity in each other and take that journey but and at the end of the day everybody has a job so again i guess we'll we'll see where it goes i hope i'm answering that sufficiently it's complicated i i can't quite put my finger on it honestly absolutely this has been delightful delightful okay here's the deal we always do this against tide media has this long uh bylaws that really aren't even written that we always adhere to him that uh we always give the guests the last word for the fans what might yours be today i'm gonna make this the first middle and last words i would just like to thank all the chosen fans for in embracing the character of of guys accepting him and seeing his journey and trying to figure out what's going on with life and and the world and so i really appreciate people's ability to see that and i'm blown away and i'm honored and i'm grateful for all the kind things that you said to me on on social media and and for your love and support i'm just blown away so i guess really what i'm trying to say is thank you well there you go that's a good way love it love it and uh heartfelt listen kirk this has been such fun um thank you we so appreciate you taking the time we know you're busy we know you're doing all sorts of things but kind of step in and say hello we really really appreciate it here's the season two and we hope to see gaius uh in whatever capacity and i think we'll be seeing you again so anyway thank you thank you very much i'm so honored and grateful to be here this has been an amazing opportunity for me so i'm i'm deeply grateful to both you and noah an incredible young man so thank you so much darren well we appreciate it we appreciate it so on behalf of against the tide media another interview with an amazing person an amazing show the chosen which is going to hit 50 million views in the blink of an eye so everybody have a good night a good day thank you [Music] and out all right kurt [Music] trouble awesome gonna find you here trouble [Applause] [Music] trouble hey it's dallas and the creator of the chosen and yes season one of the chosen is complete all eight episodes they're available right now you can look up the chosen in the app store or google play and we're easy to find you can download it and be watching within minutes and in fact it's unprecedented technology you can connect to almost any device you have directly and you don't even need a subscription so i hope to check out season one of the chosen right now [Music] noah likes doing um gag reels jag you know if you sneeze and you blow booger all over yourself he'll include it just because it's good i don't know that i was ever funny well no he would it would be the stuff that's kind of outside the interview and you know we didn't really get too ridiculous anyway again you never know what might happen noah we're recording oh kirk is coming in here he is let's see um should i admit him i don't know if i want to you know yeah probably [Music] hello kirk hello how are you he's connecting to audio audio hey hey kirk how are you good guys how are you good thank you so much thank you so much of course i'm sorry i just want to make sure i'm doing this right you can hear me and see me right yep absolutely yeah i was i've been working on the lighting i'm not so convinced because my glasses just take glare but i just don't know what you're supposed to that to do with that i think that that is almost a magical equation so i'm not going to worry about it so i'll just kind of keep my head turned down a little bit sometimes uh i think certain glasses they have uh like a i don't know what you would call it but it's something that keeps the reflection down so when i i've had one and i should have bought them and these do not have it and the ones i had before the glare they have a coating for glare yeah it's like a green thing so next time gonna do it so anyway uh noah what did you you said that you wanted to be on here do you have any specifics well uh first thing uh we might want you might want to give the guests um record permission just in case something happens during the recording okay how do i do that by the way pleasure to meet you sir you're you've been so kind and um just uh how old are you by the way uh i'm 13. 13 my son is 12 and uh i'm really impressed with what you put together this is your basically your idea to create this against the tied media correct uh yeah it it was i basically started out as a bored youtuber who only posted uh videos of these dogs but uh and i saw the jokes and then they kind of changed all that and then i just um as soon as i saw us it's like this is what i want to be supporting yeah after that more fully kirk what basically what happened is he connected with me through his older sister jenna who was running a fan site for the encounter series with pure flicks and it was giovanni cairo that was the first interview we did and from then it's just kind of went ballistic as far as you know the interest is incredible we're so glad that second season is here that's kind of what our ultimate goal was but we're going to continue on and i'll tell you the community the actors and stuff are just amazing people all of them everybody i run into like nick nick got a hold of me last night nick shakur and he's like what's up darren you know and these they're just good guys good guys you probably know this you were there so yeah yeah um well thank you so no i just want to congratulate you young man that's amazing what you're doing and how you're spending your time and and what you're choosing to do it's very impressive congratulations sir thank you yeah it hasn't you know exactly been the easiest of things to do even though i love it but um that's been a lot to keep up with with the fan base and yeah the constant um amount of interviews we have coming in now um i actually have i actually have uh our next interview uploading right now but uh well that's that's great i mean it's a really worthy cause but again at 13 years old for you to be putting something like this together and to be on top of it the way you are and as they say anything you know hard work is is what it's all about so i'm not surprised that it's hard work but anything of value usually is so again congratulations thank you you're welcome thank you all right so how do i get him rights to record so we don't yeah how do we do that you guys hang on before you give me any rights i mean you guys are just going to record it right yeah we just want to make sure that if something happens on our end you would have a recording on your end and you know yeah for you got for you guys to use too you mean yes oh okay yeah tell me it has nothing to do with rights i trust you so but tell me if i can make a recording how to do it and then we'll have two copies yeah good idea is it the three dots yeah the three dots if you hit the three dots okay i got that in the video corner um mute top pin spotlight rename hide cell i see a thing that says recording but i don't know do i hit record too there's a record uh no there's a record button on the bottom of my screen it says share screen and then record do i just hit record myself well you can try it but if something pops up says please ask the host to give you record permission to record then um if it says please request uh please request recording permission from that meeting host i click ok and okay darren yeah um you are hovering over kirk's square got it yeah and allow record right so he's good allows you to record this meeting so do i hit record again yeah if you do it again it should work and then it says recording yeah it should be in the upper left corner you should see recording with a little red bleep we just decided to do that because because of some of the stuff i've done right noah forgot to hit report so oh you have it this outrageous interview and at the end i looked up and i didn't record it and i said hey nick what are you doing for the rest of the day he was a great he was a good guy about that we don't want to do that with you kirk okay no it's all it's all good it says recording but then it goes away is my screen is it okay i guess am i doing it right now uh yeah okay cool our goal is to see me at the very least that we can do and see you as much as we can because the fans are like they want to see what you have to say about the series because i mean you're like hugely popular in the series i was so what do you think now of the response it was amazing people were kind of went a little crazy i liked it and i mean this has been one of the most requested interviews that we've had for against the time i mean because your relationship with the character of matthew it's yeah you and paris there's there's something extremely uh magnetic about that relationship within the narrative the chosen that people just resonate with so yeah we'll be talking about that you are driving this you are at the wheel um and we want to do right by you um thank you i'm really honored gentlemen thank you so so anyway so no i guess we'll uh we'll hit this i'll dropbox it when we're done and we'll go forward okay thanks noah thank you for helping me i probably wouldn't have figured that out i'm glad you jumped on so i appreciate it so are you leaving now noah uh one more thing uh before i jump off you guys talk i'm gonna get to drink water real quick now uh kirk what view are you in um are you in speaker view or gallery view um let's see i don't know it's not saying what i see is all three of us on the top and then i see you big below yeah then that would mean that you're in gallery which is probably best in this case that way if something happened with darren's recording you'd still have it recorded in gallery and that way we'd still be able to see both of you so um okay so leave it at gallery view right in gallery but again you don't have to do all you have to do is answer questions i am going to direct from my end and we don't want you to be worried about mechanics we just want to talk and give us give us the spiel because people are waiting for it how do i save the recording noah so when he leaves it's going to ask him it'll automatically create a video a creative video and all you'll have to do is wait and then you can just i'd put it in your desktop for now save it well absolutely i just want to make sure i don't sign off and lose the recording so it's going to ask me do you want to save the recording when you sign off it'll automatically ask you if you want i mean you have to tell it not to save the file got you okay great skype isn't skype works completely different you have you have to tell it to we had so many issues with skype but when we ended up going to zoom it just worked so much better and it's so much more intuitive and then of course i got to call that's weird because that's weird because my phone is in airplane mode and my i got a facetime call but you didn't see any of that didn't see it and i i'm actually watching the record at the top and making sure every second is clicking off okay so my eyes are moving too much and that's basically all i'm gonna direct um noah knows some more whistles and bells that we'll use down the road but we're not it's not right now not not now it's not working copy that thank you so uh darren will you be juggling in this interview you're a juggler he's a juggler i actually say i was a professional juggler a long time ago so the last interview i did i opened the juggling just for fun i don't know what noah's gonna do with it who knows noah does all the editing and he's really good at it but i just thought something a little different just start with i thought justin uh i thought justin might like that so that's one of the reasons i did it to be like oh way to go darren you didn't see that just edit that there was this comment i wanted to uh read to you guys um it was a question and it was really funny it made me laugh gaius are you just a centurion with more faith than anyone else in israel you are aren't you don't lie that's great man who was that from [Music] uh joe's mary marva hill oh i don't i mean is she like a new fan because huh yeah she's pretty new okay all right yeah wow right there yeah wow that's beautiful amazing the fans are amazing yeah they are they are unbelievable all right now thanks again um like i said standard fare when i get done i'll make sure i save under kirk's name kirk by the way is your last name pronounced waller is that correct yeah like an a like a wall and an er waller um do you want me to use br your middle initials yeah whatever you feel like i mean yeah kirkwaller kirk b.r waller um i don't know on imdb is kirkbr waller but okay i'm easy i i did a bunch of research on you and i'm impressed but we'll do that in the questions you've already seen them 150 production credits come on that's amazing i think you're actually a working actor and i know sag and stuff there there are not very many people like you that actually do what you do so congratulations on i mean thank you thank you i mean actors there are plenty of good actors um out there but what people are actually there are only a few actors who know how to the basic stack and that they can teach acting you know those people are you you know some people get off there and they're like how did you do that like i don't know but uh there are only so many people who know how how they just did that yeah i know it's a great point yeah you you've gotta you gotta get to the point that things aren't an accident you know why something happened right so yeah you gotta work hard and train hard because you're sort of asked to be a human being when they say action exactly exactly you've gotta yeah you gotta know your stuff so thanks no that's quite a compliment thank you sir thank you well anyway i guess i'm gonna let you guys get to this and i appreciate it thank you so much and be talking to you soon very good and i appreciate you sir thank you very much i appreciate it man have a great day and congratulations again on your final work thank you yeah we ought to have you in uh more things maybe you can come in a zoom room sometime what is that if it works for you a zoom room is it's a pretty wild ride uh it's nine people um yeah it's the brady bunch basically uh we just did it with um some of our hosts and some actors and it's just basically the host asking questions from fans to the actors that's completely fan driven wow we have uh the interview hosts and then we even had justin over lander we had we had lada silva eden um giovanni and nick and george george um who else anyway so basically and then we just go around and do tag team and and the fans direct it all all the questions from the fans absolutely let me know i mean you can check it out on youtube see what you think think of it you're interested in we'd love it if you uh we're along for the ride thank you gentlemen and thank you noah again i really appreciate it we really appreciate what you're doing man thank you johnson thank you i pledge you it's my pleasure too i'm very happy with this yeah i know that this is really a privilege and a blessing not to be able to do that absolutely for me as well it's a two-way street okay i'll be talking to you soon and really looking forward to watching this interview thank you very much take care no i'll sit down as soon as i'm done bye and here he goes what a wonderful young man she was i know it's amazing i mean you know like i've i've talked to noah daly for quite some time and it's the weirdest thing because i know he's 13 but he seems like he's about 40. and he has such a um very specific goal with what he's doing with the chosen he's he's a die-hard fan but he's doing things specifically for the series to move forward and be successful and all that because he believes in it can you see my eyes i'm looking right in your eyes aren't i uh yes okay now if i do this i'm not i'm looking right in your eyes on the screen so what i have to do is kind of move my eyes down in and kind of look at your reactions and stuff and pretend that green dot is your eyes and if you look at the green dots it's exactly where my eyes are so you're suggesting i like like right now it looks like i'm looking at you you're looking you're looking right at me right now my goal is to get away and get you on screen and hear what you have to say and that's that's the thing that you know that's our number one goal we do interviews is we don't this isn't about me it's not about me at all it's about you so as soon as i can transfer to you i will and you don't worry about time on this like i said well you know and and if you mess up you know this you're a professional actor don't worry about messing up you could just say hey no no no no let's pull back know it let's let's cut okay and then start over and he'll go and so we're not live so we can we can explore things and if we mess up big deal cool my goal is to hit stuff as as good as i can but i mess up all the time so and you know we all do so it's all good but anyway we'll just get into it the main thing is that again kirk thank you so much for being here i mean we're we're so jazzed to be able to interview you we know that you're not i've looked into this you're not like a person that goes out and it's constantly having interviews and talking about your life with people so we want to do things right with you that is our people and uh and we want to give you um uh we want to give your voice full measure so thank you go anyway i'm really grateful thank you so i'm going to dive in noah uh from five five four three two one on behalf of against the type media is that just like great riding or great acting a great acting or a little of both anyway we spontaneously took a biplane ride and was up flying over uh the whole coast it was it was insane beautiful i've never done that i've i've i've wanted to i i'll probably do it someday man maybe i'll pass out or something but whatever they could revive me it was awesome literally the guy was at the seaside airport we were just driving by and look at that he's a big airplane buff i said look at that biplane and then we went a little further and said biplane ryan's so i just pulled over like done and i just started talking and there was one piece i said how does this work and anyway and out all right kirk awesome well done well done sorry it was like i was just kind of talking that was awesome you did a great job are you kidding me i mean trust me the fans are gonna love it you were you were honest about stuff and you're bringing see the thing is you're letting us into stuff that we don't know you know also well but we don't know and you did it in such a way that i think the fans can access this and enjoy it and i think that this this was a really good interview really good thank you wow that's a big credit to you you asked really poignant and good questions and you kept it flowing beautifully man thank you thank you i appreciate that okay kurt keep in touch thanks again for for taking the time and i greatly appreciate it can't wait to see the interview when he does this little ad you know when it's going to add air or where it enters right now but i would say probably in the next couple weeks he'll post it yeah and it posts on on your on your page against the tide yup quick question i'm going to click the x in the upper right correct no you're gonna go to if you look down below do you see uh end in red i see mute stop video chat oh then maybe see i'm the one that's actually ending the conversation so when i see it says actually stop or stop recording uh no nope you don't want that again if you see stop recording and go to the right does it say reactions yes okay keep going to the right does it say end in red it says leave i don't want to leave as soon as i get this i'm going to send it on so he's got it and he can take care of it so thank you so much i'll talk to you soon take care brother bye have a great day bye youtube that's the end meeting for all you
Channel: Against the Tide Media
Views: 73,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cicODbmk5P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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