The Chinese Plan for the A.I. Revolution | Futuristic China | ENDEVR Documentary

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[Music] now it's a slice of chinese tradition the daily flag raising here in tiananmen square and yet chinese tradition is rapidly giving way to futuristic china at an astounding and astronomical rate from full rays into space to rescues by drone [Music] from driverless buses to driver training by vr [Music] artificial intelligence facial recognition high-tech innovation china is now leading the world in so many high-tech ways future energy future transport some of the themes to be explored in this series so what are their secrets how they mastered so much in this new high-tech age in the series ahead we'll talk to china's top business leaders will learn more about their can do go go attitude welcome to china a very futuristic when it comes to artificial intelligence china has a plan and it's huge china plans to outspend the world in a.i and aims to be the world leader in the field by 2030. president xi has laid out goals that would see a billion dollars spent on ai in the next few years an ai plan promotions office has been set up in the ministry of science and technology with a three-part agenda solve key problems in research and development pursue a range of applications and products and cultivate an ai industry already in everyday life the chinese are ahead getting into the office no worries facial recognition technology will let you through paying for purchases will flash your phone and wechat completes the transaction in seconds as robots are being employed in a range of businesses the chinese economy goes from strength to strength i see the chinese economy in the short term pretty much doing what it's doing now robust growth uh rebalancing the economy uh services and consumption driving it harder in the medium term i think you'll see a mature chinese economy lower rates of growth but the economy will be more balanced uh again with services taking up a much bigger uh part of the economy and in the long term well who knows as john maynard okay and said we're all dead um but you are looking at an economy in about 20 years which will be probably almost twice the size of the u.s economy jeff raby believes high-tech china is already leading the world when you think of alibaba in social media wechat this area has gone ahead in leaps and bounds in china and clearly is leading the world and you'll see more of that i think in future as far as artificial intelligence goes jeff raby sees china's growth as phenomenal how successful china has been in the area of ai is quite remarkable it's come from a very low base uh invested heavily in it and now it sees like a number of uh countries uh ai being the future for manufacturing and advanced systems processing china attracts leading uh ai experts and professionals from around the world in fact i visited a years ago a robotics fac robotics university in northeast china and they had a thousand professors working there 500 of whom came from either the united states or japan one of the companies at the forefront of the ai revolution is baidu well just as google's a household name in the west think they do when you're in china step into their beijing headquarters and you're transported into the world of the future a friend asked me do you know what does the hammer shock look like so i just need to ask her this robot and it will give me the picture jin quinn is one of baidu's expert executives charged with implementing their new vision baidu uh as you know that uh is the biggest search engine in china so uh we basically serve uh 700 million users and uh uh we we are the uh uh the dominant search player uh in china so baidu is really the google of china uh yeah we we we actually operate our business even more broad than google oh bio is already a international company so uh we are uh firstly we are not like a public company and secondly uh we definitely we operate our business outside china for a long time so uh for for example that we're in in japan for a long time so for japan market the most popular the biggest popular input method is actually created by baidu i want to look for some music for gym so i can ask raven edge to search for me ready by those programs of powering modern devices i want to watch a movie i will just say [Music] voice command is all the go with baidu's deep voice 2 capable of hundreds of different languages [Music] os research and implementation so let me get this straight you're saying because chinese characters and the chinese language is so complex much more so than english it's forced you to force chinese to learn to use computers in a different way yeah uh definitely so that's a big barrier for chinese users to learn how to uh communicate with pc because the keyboard is so unfamiliar to us this is a technology that's evolving all the time right right where are you at now in development so a great question so uh baidu is a very uh technical driven company it probably has the best technology talents in china marketing we have been investing in the ai and technology for many many years even start with by the search engine that founded in the year of 2000 that uh you can believe that behind the search engine is all ai technology powered part we use our speech recognition technology for search we use our natural language processing technology for search we also use our like big data and also the different user modeling technology ai technology for search so we have been investing in those kind of deep technology for many many years and other high-tech companies are developing technology at a breakneck speed with devices like mobile phones so uh i think uh we give a lot of credit to apple iphone that it basically optimizes how people interact with phone with finger right so but we believe that in the iaa in next 10 years people can also talk to phone you squeeze the uh uh the phone saying okay what's my next calendar uh who is uh what's the night meeting what's today's spider and you can even talk to the phone without touching the phone so we believe that's the direction that the phone will move into so what's our technology inside the phone is to enable the phone have this kind of far field voice capability that you can even touch uh talk to a phone without touching the phone so that's our strengths that's our platform to empower the phone to have this kind of capability and the same voice command technology is being applied in motor vehicles as well yeah right definitely so dual voice right now is already basically everywhere it's on phones it's on earphones it's on speaker it's also in car so uh in car when we're driving the car i think uh maybe in car it's the most convenient way that for people to communicate with this car is using voice because the eye needs to be on the road and hunt me to unwell that people in people driving they can just how to a car find me the nearest gas station and find me the nearest restaurant so all using voice that's a very safe and convenient way for people to communicate finding information find services we believe it's a lot safer and a lot more convenient for users what are your tips your secrets so i i believe that for myself firstly i'm definitely looking at a very certain and bright future so that's even uh that's a dream for our i need to fight for so where do you see things going with technology in the future we definitely want to leverage baidu's biggest platform to empower more business partners not only big partners but also small and media partners to help them to be successful to help them to build the device with these voice capabilities so there's an exciting future ahead in ai yeah definitely definitely [Music] yet another top chinese company specializing in artificial intelligence is i flytech world leaders in intelligent speech technology the smart home isn't coming it's already here ifly tech has developed technology that allows you to clap your hands give a voice command and it all happens what you're about to show me today is this translation machine speak in seven different languages including mandarin including english so why should i flytek has already mastered many artificial intelligence voice and visual communication systems hello my name is gucciang nice to meet you they're a software enterprise dedicated to the research of intelligent speech and language technology i say this tv swatch co-founder and vice president of the ifly tech group is jian tha as i understand it you're the market dominator you have 70 per cent of the market in this sort of technology in china very impressive ifly tech has focused on one big thing these past 18 years to produce machines and equipment that can not only listen and talk but are also capable of understanding and thinking like human beings from an ai point of view this is perception of intelligence to cognitive intelligence perception of intelligence is like humans who can listen and talk while cognitive intelligence is like humans who recognize and understand logical inference analyze and express knowledge machines we are working on can now read study and interact in highly advanced activities just like human beings they even operate at the level of experts so voice control as we can see changes the channel goes into replay goes to a particular point a time code in a program yeah what's the secret of ifly tech success our experience in the last 18 years can be summarized by two things one is innovation the other perseverance we describe our innovation as ding tian li hit the sky and stand on the ground that means we must always operate at a high standard with core technology we've achieved top results in the international marketplace with voice recognition voice synthesis as well as reading and understanding meanwhile we must also make sure this technology can be commercialized produced as saleable products serve more people and families and let more and the this all those things we see demonstrations here in the showroom of a smart home in 10 years time how prevalent will this sort of technology be in homes around the world people regard this era as the era of the internet where everything is connected with the launching of 5g the internet will step up another level all types of equipment could be sources of information with different types and sizes of screens the new technology will interact with people we're looking forward to that time and we'll cooperate with all partners in the industry in further developing this new technology we believe in the future ai will be part of everyone's life like water and electricity with no one able to live without it when you started what did you dream then our dream is to let all equipment every mobile phone every television every car and all other intelligent equipment be able to listen talk think and understand just like human beings one sense where do you see i fly tech in ten years time in ten years time ifly tech will have become the leading ai company in china another world leader in new technology is tiandi their speciality is surveillance with their video surveillance cameras now operating in more than 60 countries based in tianjin in northern china they employ more than 2 000 workers 800 of them in research and development their range of surveillance cameras allows users to identify criminals and track car number plates so tandy has already been well established 60 countries around the world and this is your latest technology yes we call panoramic ptv panoramic and you've got eight cameras on top of this building yes enables you to zoom in quite close number plates people's faces yes so i just show you how this one works so just like for example we find the area here and just click okay so you've zoomed in you've nominated that number plate there up it comes over here so over we go there's your close-up you're able to read his number plate je821v5 and of course this can help police it can help all sorts of uh security like for example if anything happens lacking the panoramic pdj can just zoom in yes even like they have like 800 meters distance so 44 times zooming so you can see really clearly like you can just showing the screen even a small plate they will see really clearly is this linked to facial recognition could we pick up a face on this technology on these cameras uh yes at the moment but we um currently will only use this in china so in china you could a criminal is walking along here your camera can pick up his face and identify him yes yes and the cameras employed here are picking up every single face looking for looking for a criminal yes and the criminal's face will have been put into your database yes we have a criminal usually please have a criminal photo in the database so we can capture you know the criminal face industry like yeah for example he's a criminal and we find we capture the pictures so there's his original image up there yes and we compare his photo in the database so we will finally okay a three-step process here with these facial recognition cameras this camera does captures effects yes capture phase and the second steps they will like identify your face use different algorithm so they will find your filter in your face yes so it's picking up all all the details that's all the details of my face there yes including eyes eyes everything every single piece facial shape yes and the third monitor will be compare your face i'll compare your picture to the database yes so if you like so you can make you can see from this one you will find me in the database the accuracy of the face recognition is 90 more than 99 correct this technology is so smart that you can try to disguise yourself like with sunglasses yes they still can identify you still can recognize you let's try it let's give it a go ongoing glasses now how on earth can that identify you like that so what it's done it hasn't been fooled at all it's picked up your face can't see the eyes but it's picked up your facial shape and matched it to an earlier photograph yes you're correct tiandi's commitment to research and development is such that they've hired more than 800 experts to work on new solutions and applications the diandi's success is such that the company now ranks number 11 in video surveillance around the world [Music] finally there's the universe of humanoid robots with ub tech a global leader based in the ultra high level technology city of shenzhen ub tech has developed products for both business and educational users the educational market includes the intelligent robot alpha jessica pan puts these intelligent robots through their paces jessica they're toys but they're educational tours actually we we call it educational robots instead of the toys because yeah because it's the the type of the stem curriculum products for our product life so you're very much intending these to be used by school children yes it is it's very good educational product robot for the for the kids and can you can bridge now the bridge between the parents also and the kids and education at home too not just in the school the educational market is a very big market and which is very good for the future alpha one pro is the new generation product of ub tech ub tech is spending big money promoting robots in the western market in the chest and alpha 1 pro your new fun entertaining family member another educational robot is jimmu we developed the jimmy rubber which you can build and play and share and code the robot by yourself the first thing we we need to do is to build a small robot build it up to make it and we have a 3d graphic to students step by step and every step we can large drag to observe everything in every angle step by step it's really easy to follow and we have a test at five years old child can follow this to build up a robot by itself but it's business applications that have allowed ub tech to make significant advances so introducing cruiser and cruiser has many ai functions yeah for example like a voice recognition and the face recognition and also the slam function which is called navigation obstacles so it can guide you to somewhere and then also you can um customize the the ui and the software so we provide sdk for the customization to to meet the different business requirements for the commercial robot now actually we released just this year and we had a manufacturer in the yunnan coming and our we already sold like 5 000 pieces around the world the main market is in china now so what sort of work are those robots doing i choose those the robot is called cruiser so it can the main functions is like it can voice interaction and also it has a face recognition you can recognize your face and recognize and people come in and also it has the slam function which is called we call navigation so you can you can dance and for entertainment so you can you can talk like a human hello james as ub tech's lynx robot demonstrates the company has made big breakthroughs in digital servos the core part of humanoid robots [Music] there's no doubt that artificial intelligence will have a profound influence on everyone's lives in the future china's assertive advances in this area will hasten the ai revolution [Music] in the next episode looking at leading chinese companies and their executives will see a range of chinese innovations drones driverless buses electric cars driver training using virtual reality and advances in green energy all ahead in our next episode of futuristic china insights from china's business leaders [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 91,843
Rating: 4.7186546 out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, futuristic china, china documentary, ai documentary, A.I., a.i. artificial intelligence, aritificial inteligence documentary, artificial intelligence, future, china, documentary about china, chinese plan, baidu, baidu artificial intelligence, china business, chinese business
Id: vXOxvBUAUx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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