How to Paint ANY Gold Trim easily Using Citadel Shades/Washes

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hello today we are covering gold trim which I think is an area that a lot of people find scarier than is necessary we're going to tell you how to let your model paint itself especially if it's chaos which is the hardest one to do but the easiest one to do if you follow our steps we're going to jump straight into the tutorial but stick around at the end if you want a little bit of theory with that theory you will be able to achieve Good Guys gold bad guys gold high contrast gold low contrast gold and we're going to do it and show you how to do it using literally exactly the same paints just in different proportions all right let's jump in okay so quick but pretty gold trim I'm going to do it on this which is going to be done in kind of a chaos undivided style at the end I will cover some very quick nuances you can use to either affiliate it to one of the Gods sles nle corn singe or just do generic looking gold and it's pretty high impact and it's quite fast and it's very convenient so basically we're going to be working backwards and what I mean by that is we're going to be base coating with reter which we're going to give some help with doom ball and then we're just going to get darker with washes very very very quickly until the end and I know this will look like a few steps but you're putting down less and less each time so it's pretty convenient and pretty fast let's give these a shake and we can begin base coat or undercoat wise if convenient um your entire piece could be brown now the reason for being Brown is that gold goes best over Brown if you pick a dull Brown your gold will come out more dull let me get this as a comparison imagine those were gold you get a warm you know bright gold and you get slightly more dull one going down over that really easy don't need any color theory or anything anything just look at it and if it's bright then you're going to get a kind of more Vivid one and if it's dull you get a more dull one if it's convenient your entire piece could be brown which is nice and easy don't have to worry about mess otherwise you can mix this with this and you'll get a pretty good base coat pretty fast with trim you always want to go over the edges of it if you have the ability to so if you're at a stage when you're early on in the painting and this is the first thing you're doing which I try and make it because um we're going to be filling in the gaps afterwards then you don't have to worry about mess and you can make sure that you go up to including and over the edges that's very important you can miss this stuff really easily so I'm going to make sure that I get all of the sections obviously if your entire thing was brown then you kind of um you mitigate this and mine could be here but it doesn't matter too much it's got pretty good coverage for a layer paint rather than a base paint doomo as long as you've got two th coats down you are good you can see I'm not worrying about it being neat or perfect doesn't matter but as far as an under coat that's fine now the retributor not worrying about cleaning my brush just doesn't matter that much they're very similar colors anyway one's like a Gold version of the other and this should pretty much get one coat coverage again I'm making sure that this goes up to including and over my edges we've already got a pretty good quality gold there not sure if that's noticeable as we don't have a comparison but that is a nice warm chosy gold perfect for trim and it's going to really stand out against black in particular quick note the point of the bit the more it sticks out kind of on its own solo the easy is to miss it harder is to catch it whichever where you want to put it so any area that sticks out out a lot I mean this is chaos spikes I'm just going to make sure that I've got covered worth a second pass it's such good gold already right I do love retributor okay so first step I'm going to mix these two together you can go with sarapin first and then reclin depends how long you want to spend and you don't have to worry too much about mixing your brush I haven't uh sorry cleaning your brush from having gold in the mix uh because I mean you're going over gold it's not too fussy you can see from adding in our secret weapon which is the it's kind of made it more browny and less soft now this goes all over don't slap it on what I want you to do is kind of dab it on you need to catch every single bit but if you dab it what it's going to do is it's going to do some of the highlighting for you we've got a very good video on this on our necron Lord and essentially this is going to give you edge highlights without having to Edge highlight so you're you're diing it in the recesses getting it all over then diing it in the recesses by diing it in the recesses it's not on the raised areas so you're getting shading for free and it's going to be perfect shading as well just CU it's not heavy it doesn't mean that you have to go super careful or anything getting it all over and then a little dab in any recesses and that'll deposit a heavy blob of paint there let it drive fully we good to go it's already looking good now there's an optional step here which is just to repeat it any areas that you want to be darker so you could dab at the bottom of the spikes like that hopefully you can see it's really effective it doesn't take skill or or brush control you just got to not have too much on the brush and if you like the color of this wash you could just repeat this you don't have to go to Agra which is going to be our The Next Step AG is quite strong so I'm just going to dump it in my dish and it'll kind of overwhelm what's in there while it's mixing with it a little so I'm going to be careful here I might actually um even though it's a wash I might go down to a smaller brush we'll we'll do one dib in a big area see how it looks okay I think we're good so what I'm going to do now is those areas we dipped in any areas that are darker you push it into that area and what I mean by push is this I'm going to push and then I'm going to lift off and the area I lift off in I want to be the darkest just let the model tell you where to highlight it or shade it rather so that could be a rounder rivet and rather than just poking like that it's really important to put it down and lift off in the area doing that is instantly going to improve the results that you can get with washes astronomically in one go this works with contrast as well really well so I'm just going to do that catch my rivets catch my recessed areas bottom of the spikes and you're not having to pick where this is really you can obviously if you want to but I'm just following what the model has already from the first washes paint by numbers beginning to look pretty cool this bit here especially is really showing the promise but let that drive fully and we're going to go on to the next step okay so big jump down now I was using a size two which for scale on the back of my thumb is like this this is a very old one that I've used for base coating for a long long time we're going to drop down all the way to still a quite old quite battered but a double zero so this is just going to blob down stuff in a smaller and more specific place going to give pure agrax which we can do because we've done an intermediate it's not going to be that different from the previous color make sure I don't have too much on the brush test on my thumb again lift off lift off and we're just going to exaggerate anything that we like to look of so that could be River end it where you want in the darkest could be a section like this and as you can see probably this entire pass is going to take less than a minute each step you do it gets quicker and quicker that doesn't mean you should rush them in fact you should probably fight that urge but there's nothing complex here and the end result should speak for itself fantastically that area wasn't actually dry naughty okay almost there I think looking very cool it's missing one thing though so we've taken care of the recesses and it's time to give a little bit of some treatment to the raised areas if you're unable to do messy techniques you can just Skip To The Next Step that I'm going to do I'm going to quickly give these a little bit of a dry brush because I don't have to worry about getting it anywhere else because we still need to paint that area black taking a tiny bit of paint here make sure everywhere is 100% dry before doing this this is going to look fantastic wow maybe I don't even need to do the next step I will show you how to do the next step for the uh for the people who can't do us with dry rushing looking great now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just add a little bit of an extremely strong silver to my gold I'm going to use my default which is below gamer silver and then if you want to do an edge you can do is you can just pick out the easiest ones using the side of my brush and that's going to make such a difference to things look look at that Spike that Spike looks amazing and it was just not really hard work we let the washes do the torqueing it still looks shiny it's very chosy we are absolutely fine all right I'm going to finish this and we'll come back you'll see it with the are is blacked out which make a really big difference and we'll quickly cover some alternate options to push your gold in whatever Direction you want okay so we're done a very nice chaos one how would we use exactly the same colors and pretty much the same sequence to achieve a much softer good guys one so cover chaos works out really well how can you apply this to any gold using pretty much the same colors so these are the colors that we used we've gone from a light base all the way through to dark and then we've dotted on our final highlights so this is all of our gold this is the gold base coat we put down our first step is going to be to wash all of it with seraphim super now we're washing all of it as we've mentioned a couple of times it's not going to pull at the edges we've got a video that's really good for that I thoroughly recommend you watch after this so we've covered 100% but the wash is covered let's say 90% now we can mix at any stage between these and mixing The Dark One in will make it stronger and leaving more of the previous softer one will make it lighter and mixing will always improve coherency now what we've done is we've mixed in reand and we've covered a smaller section we've just followed it and it's gone in the recessed areas so we're painting by numbers literally and this one will be slightly darker all right and then we can shrink things a lot and we can use agx or mix agrax in with our previous mix and we'll do this making it darker and then we could use Pure arra or repeat again either is absolutely fine and repeating will keep it more like the previous color and then there'd be a little dot here of silver let's pop it on why not right there's our rivet Okay cool so what if we want to get a completely different result like a good guys gold using exactly the same colors and pretty much the same order as well what we do is we do the very first step pretty much exactly the same you could do the wash slightly thinner you can mix in reender and keep it really thin and then the next thing you do is you go way further so we're leaving more of it soft so we've not got high contrast on as much of it we mix in a little bit of reand and then we jump all the way in very carefully around the rivets we do our AGS like that now what we've got here is literally exactly the same colors we've missed this one out okay we've got the same colors in the same order and we've achieved a completely different result hope the illustrations on the screen of the steps have made that clear we're going to tackle the shoulder pad now this might seem more complicated but it's a really really easy way of using the colors you've got to achieve completely different results just think about how much of it you want to be dark how much of it you want to be light and what's brilliant about this is very often this type of thing cuz what's important is the overall impression and then high contrast it often lets you skip middle steps if you're going to alter any colors it's very often going to like if you wanted to make it greeny or something it's very often going to be step number one or step number two that you're going to add a green in or a purple in for sles or something like that we've got some paint recipes at the end of tutorial for this okay with that you can paint any gold trim any type of gold and you can also paint any color in any way you like hopefully that's useful all right so here we go nothing has changed same colors but I'm going to take you through my processes quickly so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix retri armor and doall to try and get the first stage faster but we are still going to be using Doom because we want a bright uh I don't know how you describe Ultraman gold Good Guys gold we still want it to be coming from a nice warm base it's not drab at all it's not old it's going to look pretty shiny we're just going to be pulling it back down less so base coat wise We've Just mixxed retribute Around doom and I'll probably take two coats for this I guess yeah so two coats for that we'll be good to go for the next step first one went down pretty well actually so I'm just going to go for Pure retributor for the second one base coat is down uh now I've tried to do this um not messily which is the easy way um as if I was trying to preserve the inside of the shoulder pad if you struggle to get your base coat to do a really good job of covering on edges don't worry about it too much cuz you're probably going to give them a quick highlight anyway I've got a decent Face coat on the fat areas at least so now we can continue like I said be using a soft one and we're going to be using it pretty sparingly a little bit of water in there now the aim for this is to dab it in the center of our areas we already mentioned a video on edge highlighting without having to Edge highlight we're going to be using that technique I'll link that at the end of this video cuz it's quite a good strategy literally we're just dabbing in the middle don't miss any areas and don't go too thick I'm using a smaller brush and I'm using the brush down its length to dab down the length of the pads so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put a bit freend in it's made it quite a lot stronger so I'm going to be careful and we're going to dip it in the areas we want to be darker which is probably going to be lower [Music] Corners okay and then just quickly repeat the same again we're leaving and lifting off there you go that that's the one that's made the difference we're leaving it where we want the most to be deposited look at that starting to get there if we were doing our chaos right hopefully you can see the difference between the two now at this point softer more subtle we're still going to put edges on this but I'm not going to push this much more with being subtle in mind I'm going to repeat that once more I'm not going to use a darker one apart from around the rivet so let's push these Corners lovely agrax just to finish mixed it with what we've got there again we don't want it quite as strong I'm going to carefully dot this on the rivets you could put a tiny bit in the corners but I'm happy with them how they are and what you need to bear in mind is think of our diagram about the light bits and the dark bits we're going to be adding in all right done we're going to be adding in highlights so I'm just going to clean up these edges and I'll use a wash for that and then we're good to go in fact I'll do that after I've done the edges in case I make any mistakes so same again these two world's stronger silver and fedge highlighting can use the side of the brush and hold our breath turning the mini round to get the angle that we want to make it easiest there go looks great so good so if you make any mistakes like I just did Edge highlighting can use exactly the same principles that we've used already I want to make this Edge highlight less fat I'm just going to wash it [Music] end my Strokes on it and that will disguise it a little at least probably no surprise what I'm using for my last step to any regular viewers of the channel I'm going to be putting a wash in the gaps I can't find my um GW so I'm just going to use prols black wash last time I used this was in the winter cuz I just opened it and it's exploded due to it being warmer than it was when I last used it I guess wonderful okay so what we're going to be doing exactly the same principles and I'm just going to dab this into my recesses and I'll create a gap but it will also hide the over [Music] spill absolutely [Music] magic this is one of those things where knowledge can definitely outweigh brush control especially for you know getting a a pretty decent result quite fast just dab this in and no one needs to know [Music] easy okay so as promised if you're a devotee of one of the other chaos Gods we're going to pop up some recipes on the screen now for how you can alter things now if you're doing like one of the cleaner especially Good Guys ones so you're not doing corn you're not doing nurgle which can obviously be as dirty as you like you want to be careful using uh CPU you might be okay with but using anything like AG you really going to dirty off your color so it might work out better for you to use in steps one or two of your sequence if you to use something like violet but just dilute it with medium and then use it pure around the rivets or something like that so hold it in mind anything that's got a brown in it or a black is going to dirty your color that can look quite nice on red so maybe can get away with it there but probably just save it for the rivets hopefully you find the recipes useful definitely check out the video linked here on the screen for how to control your washes and check out the tutorial here for something on improving your brush control with smaller stuff we used it on animal markings and that look brilliant next to our gold enjoy
Channel: Artis Opus
Views: 56,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, artis opus, tabletop, board game, wargaming, mini, miniature, hobby, games workshop, painting
Id: i7FeFkvcb38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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