The CHAOTIC Life of Lindsay Lohan: CRIMINAL Charges, DRUG Addiction, Attempted KIDNAPPING and MORE

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now to the latest trouble four star Lindsay Lohan she was arrested early Thursday morning here in New York and she may now be facing new charges in California 30 days in jail on a reckless driving case can you explain how L Taylor conspired to get Lindsay under conservatorship without Lindsay even knowing what was happening so what I'm telling you is you need to follow the laws just like everybody else you're no different than anyone else so please don't push your luck Lindsay Lohan has survived the darkest days in Hollywood from a young age she was shoved into the spotlight her father was in prison and her family needed money so she worked all throughout her childhood until she couldn't handle it anymore her 20s were filled of mug shots and Court hearings she would party in the clubs at night with alcohol and drugs get behind the wheel and cause chaos later in life she decided to change her identity and moved to Dubai this opened up a bizarre chapter in Lindsay's life where she started dating Saudi royalty and even attempted to kidnap a refugee Lindsay Lohan has been through it all so let's get into [Music] it we are quickly approaching the new year and I'm going into 2024 as my best self which includes feeling great and smelling even better thanks to S bird I have the best perfumes and cologn at my disposal they are a fragrance subscription service that lets you choose a new designer fragrance each month for only $17 this makes for a great gift for yourself or anybody in your life everybody likes to smell good but you get started by taking their quiz and they will match you with fragrances that you will love then you'll receive a 30-day supply of that fragrance straight to your door this is my favorite subscription because I love trying a new cologne and I don't have to go and break the the bank buying a full-size bottle this month I received an amazing scent titled red wine Brown Sugar by boho boo first twist the top nozzle of the fragrance and then push 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relationship her father Michael Lohan was a former stock Trader who frequently had issues with the law he actually ended up going to jail when Lindsay was only 4 years old Lindsay's parents had a turbulent relationship and she often witnessed them arguing and spending time apart Michael in particular had a troubled past he had legal problems for insider trading and had been sentenced to 3 years in prison in 1990 Lindsay's parents separated and reunited several times only to finalize their divorce in 2007 the ordeal has affected the whole family including Lindsay the star has spoken out about feeling like a second parent and being put between her father and her mother and obviously adding public attention and scrutiny did not help their relationship now Lindsay never got the opportunity to grow up like a normal kid because she was thrown into the industry at a young age she became a child model at the tender age of three and worked for Brands like abomi and Calvin Klein she also appeared in ads for Wendy's and Pizza Hut she even starred in a commercial for jello with Bill Cosby jles and the Jiggles are all over the placeid go jello don't even get me started on Bill Cosby but when she was 10 years old she made her first TV debut as Alexandra Fowler on the soap opera another world so Lindsay was working from the age of three I mean she was pretty much working before she could even really formulate a sentence and I think we can all agree that has to have some effect on how your brain develops and clearly your childhood so like I mentioned when she was 10 years old she was on a show another world but in 1998 her world changed because Disney was remaking the 1961 one movie The Parent Trap this was by far Lindsay's breakout moment everyone was awarding her she got so much popularity from being in that movie so much success that it led to a three-film contract with Disney Annie James and hie Parker are about to discover this is so freaky they're both unique in the same way so essentially that was the beginning of Lindsay becoming a Disney Channel star now Lindsay didn't stop stop working after The Parent Trap she starred in another Disney film titled Freaky Friday which was also another big hit for her once that came out she was a household name and once 2004 came around she was 18 years old and decided to move to LA she starred in the Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen and then starred in another movie which was non- Disney titled Mean Girls because she was doing so well as an actress she was getting so much attention and if you guys remember the early 20 000s Paparazzi weren't too kind so even though she was doing great and winning these Awards and getting all this recognition she was also being followed and stalked by these people who want to exploit her even though Lindsay was at the peak of her career she wasn't doing well personally and all of the pressure started getting to her she was working on the movie Herby fully loaded and she felt very ill she actually ended up going to the hospital for this and some people feel that Lindsay got ill at this point because of all of the stress all of the work and she's just a young girl at this point she was also working on her music career her album and she really just couldn't handle it she was putting her work before herself and her body started to fail in October 2005 she joined another Disney production Herby fully loaded however on October 21st she was hospitalized for 5 days with exhaustion fever and headaches doctors attributed her health problems to the fact that she had been working long hours in a cramped vehicle in the meantime the Press reported that her Hospital ation was due to drug problems whether it was work exhaustion or it was drugs Lindsay wasn't doing well and it may have been drugs back then but I don't know drugs became a problem at some point in Lindsay's life and that became apparent after moving to Hollywood Lindsay Lohan was exposed to a lot of dangerous Temptations she started going to parties and hanging out with the show business crowd maybe she started messing around with them and she fell ill that way but then once she started with them she really fell into the drug scene completely and La has a lot of Temptation so it's easy to do so at this point in Lindsay's life it seems like she started to lose herself I mean after moving to La it started to change her so Lindsay is getting hip to the party scene we're seeing her out more and more and while her family is in New York they're not doing well either because her father Michael has some violent tendencies he was actually arrested on an assault charge he was accused of harming a family member at a party at their home because Lindsay is such a big name automatically if her father is arrested it's all over the Press Lohan's family life was also starting to fall apart in June 2004 her father was arrested for beating his brother-in-law Mark Coleman Mark claimed self-defense but he was still sentenced to prison he would later be charged again for other offenses including domestic violence against his new partner so while her father is out here fighting people Lindsay is fighting for her career because a production company CEO sends a letter to Lindsay which is made public I don't know how this letter went public but she was working on a film titled Georgia Rule and I guess they had to Halt production because of Lindsay's exhaustion well the CEO feels otherwise he wrote this letter to her saying that you have frequently failed to arrive on time on set and today you did not show up for work we are all well aware of your ongoing all night heavy parting and that's the real reason for your exhaustion your actions on Georgia rule have been discourteous irresponsible and unprofessional you have acted like a spoiled child and in doing so have alienated many of your co-workers if you do not honor your production commitments including your scheduled call time for tomorrow and any call times thereafter we will hold you personally accountable now James Robinson is the CEO and after this letter was made public a lot of people had questions for him he was quoted saying she missed a day of work without telling anybody and you can't have a whole crew and cast standing around plus the cost of a half a million dollars a day is lost the letter served its purpose and she's a great actress I rewrote this letter six timesan you were the one who sent this letter to Lindsay Lohan saying that you were kind of disappointed in her behavior no I wrote a letter to her that I rewrote six times and I basically said let's knock it off get to work I'm not going to put up with it and she she was fine she came to work every day after that and what what was it that she was doing that that was problematic she missed a day of work without telling anybody and uh and that that you have you can have a whole crew and can't standing around and it looks like his letter worked because after he sent that to her she showed up for work every single day this was her first major slip up in her career and there will be more but when she was asked about this she said there were no problems it's a great movie and everybody should see it now in 2005 while she worked on that movie through 2006 she found herself in a lot of legal trouble this article writes that Lindsay spent much of 2006 and following years entangled in legal problems stemming from probation violations drug and alcohol abuse and theft she claims she got arrested for her first DUI when she was 20 years old and they found drugs she says quote and from then on the Press were on me at all time it was the first time I had taken drugs I was out in a club with people I shouldn't have been with took cocaine and got in the car I was so stupid Lindsay's struggle with substance abuse wasn't a secret to anyone she started attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the age of 21 and later described alcohol as a gateway drug for her in 2007 Lindsay admitted herself into a rehab center but little did she know this was just the beginning of a long harrowing battle with addiction over the next 6 years the actress was in and out of court mandated rehab let's talk about these moments because Lindsay actually drove into a tree while in talking icated and left the cocaine in her car she lost control of her Mercedes-Benz convertible and struck a curb in Beverly Hills oh my gosh a convertible too like that freaks me out because they aren't as like strong on top she then checks into promises Treatment Center in Malibu at this point Lindsay was voluntarily fitted with an alcohol monitoring bracelet after her release from rehab thank God nobody was hurt in that incident where she hit a tree because there were two other passengers with her when she lost control so why did these people even allow Lindsay to drive drunk so it's great that Lindsay went into rehab and she put this ankle bracelet on and she's trying to take care of herself but it didn't last for long in July 2007 just 2 weeks after checking out of rehab she is arrested again a woman called the Santa Monica Police saying that Lindsay was trying to run her down with a car Lindsay is charged with drunk driving cocaine possession and driving with a suspended license so she wasn't charged with trying to run this woman over she was charged because she had cocaine in her pocket and she wasn't supposed to be driving after her last incident at this point if Lindsay is convicted of these charges she's going to jail the arrest came after a Chase in argument between Lindsay and a woman police described as the mother of the actress's former personal assistant so there was some depth to this it wasn't like oh you know she was just cut off by a random person she tried to go and Chase down and run over the woman who is the mother of her former personal assistant so I'm guessing they are on bad terms oh my Go sir they're following us we need help where are you we right now we're on Arizona I need to know exactly where you are so I can send you help oh my God are they following us okay sir right now we're on Santa Monica where are you I'm we're in I'm so sorry what what I need to know where you're at otherwise I can't help you oh my god what is he what's going on ma'am ma'am listen listen to me ma'am listen to me okay answer my question answer my answer my questions okay I need to ma'am they're in front of HQ now roll somebody code ma'am what's going on there hello oh my God that guy on the phone he is terrible at his job I mean I understand you want to find out where the address is but clearly this woman is like distraught maybe like listening for some Clues instead of like constantly asking for an address when she's screaming for her life and she was afraid the police officer said she wasn't quite sure what was going on so she she called the police saying that she wanted to make sure everything was going to be okay the personal assistant that is the daughter of this mother quit her job working for Lindsay only hours before so we don't know why she was chasing her down but probably has something to do with that she was arrested shortly after on July 24th for allegedly participating in a high-speed car chase with the mother of her former PA these arrests have something in common besides cars in both cases Lohan was in possession of illegal substances and though her possession amount was below the felony limit she still spent time in jail so Lindsay got out of jail just a couple hours after being arrested and she ended up going to rehab a few weeks later in August 2007 Lindsay enters rehab for the third time this time she's going all the way to Utah she's escaping California and trying to find some peace that same month she pled guilty to misdem meter cocaine use and driving Under the Influence she was ordered to serve one day of jail time which I'm like okay one day I mean does that even do anything and 10 days of community service Lindsay was sentenced that day and she did go to jail but she was only there for about 84 minutes so she wasn't there long and it's due to the I guess the jail being overcrowded but she got off pretty easily now in 2010 we really see Lindsay struggling because she had to serve 90 days in jail after missing her Alcohol counseling sessions which violated her probation she was also sentenced to another 90 days of rehab after she gets out of jail Lindsay was quoted saying I did do everything that I was told to do and did the best I could photos later reveal that there was a profane message painted on her fingernails during the hearing I guess people really weren't fans of her nail polish because it said like f you kind of like on her middle finger it's not very classy for court but yeah made a lot of headlines now this court hearing was one of the biggest in Lindsay's career because we saw so much footage of it we saw her crying we saw her being punished and she was such a party La girl you know celebrity that the world never really seen someone like her in that position and is ordered to spend 30 days in jail on the reckless driving case 30 days in jail on the first DUI case consecutive and 30 days in jail on the second um DUI case consecutive that's 90 days in jail the court is also going to order Dr Sharma or appoint Dr Sharma and malan Kel Sharma and hi malan to interview the defendant because within two days of her release from jail she's ordered to report to probation and she's ordered to do a 90-day inpatient substance abuse program now there's no way that Lindsay Lohan is going away for 90 days I mean not at her celebrity status but all of this media attention probably provoked the judge to give her a harsh sentencing because they wanted to make a point that her behavior wasn't going to be tolerated now she only served about 2 weeks of her actual sentence but it didn't take long for her to go into jail go into rehab get out and get in more trouble poor Lindsay she just cannot hold it together and I think it speaks volumes about the pressure of her life and her family where she came from while shopping in Venice Lindsay visits a jewelry store and she conveniently walks out with a one-of-a-kind necklace valued at $2,500 the store clerk called the police Le to report it missing which started an investigation into Lindsay the LAPD obtained a search warrant to look at Lindsay's Venice apartment for the missing necklace it is handed over to police by someone associated with Lindsay before the search could begin 8 Days Later Lindsay was charged with a felony for grand theft by the LA County district attorney and her arraignment is set for that afternoon so they weren't wasting any time they were going to get her that night and unfortunately her problems didn't and there so they didn't waste any time tracking down Lindsay and charging her but unfortunately because she has been in some illegal problems she has probations and if she commits more crimes she gets in even more trouble than she normally would so in April she spends 5 hours in custody before posting bail because she violated her drunk driving probation by stealing she was also ordered to perform 480 hours of community service however her felony theft charge was reduced to a MISD meter so what I'm telling you is you need to follow the laws just like everybody else look around this room everyone in this room has to follow the law the court the da your attorney the sheriff's deputies everybody you're no different than anyone else so please don't push your luck cuz I'm telling you things will be different do you understand what I'm telling you yes sir before we move on to some other scandals let's just quickly talk about all of Lind 's legal problems she has appeared in court 20 times before four judges who have found her in violation of her probation four times and sentenced her to 6 months in jail still she spent less than 2 weeks behind bars in her six trips to the LA County jail so now that we talked about all of the legal problems let's get into something a little bit more messy because there have been claims that Lindsay actually ordered an attack on someone named Baron Hilton Lindsay has been accused of ordering an attack on Baron Hilton Hon's brother while they were both parting it up in Miami Paris actually posted pictures of her brother's battered face to Instagram on Saturday Lindsay was at this party and there are some signs that she could be responsible according to the police report Baron got into an argument with another man in the early hours at this party the man asked him to leave the party and when Baron refused he was struck in the face with an unknown object Baron visited the hospital a few hours later for treatment obviously Lindsay didn't throw any punches but according to some reports the actress told this man to beat him up after she caught Baron talking trash about her according to the website Lindsay was also taunting him during the fight saying you talk crap about me to my boyfriend this is what you get whether it's true or not it's clear that the Hilton family does not like Lindsay after Baron posted photos of his face Paris wrote on Instagram they both will pay for what they did no one FS with my family and gets away with it now because Lindsay was out partying getting in trouble her family devised a plan to lock her up but it's a different kind of locking up because supposedly L and Taylor who allegedly put Britney in her conservatorship also allegedly tried to work with Lindsay's mother to put Lindsay into a conservatorship I've gotten so many cease and desist letters from this lady so I say allegedly because she's probably going to see this an anonymous source told page six that Lou a deeply religious and principled woman had developed a strong influence over Lindsay's life Lou reportedly wired Lindsay $10,000 to bail her out of jail so she's trying to get on her good side and work into the family and build trust can you explain how L Taylor conspired to get Lindsay under conservatorship without Lindsay even knowing what was happening I mean she went behind Lindsay's back and tried to you know tried to befriend Lindsay's mom Dena my ex-wife the same way she did it with Britney's father she does Target the weakest link so to speak and of what better time to do it then when someone's in rehab to say that they have issues and they can't take care ofs when in fact even when Lindsay was in rehab she was in a place where she could take care of herself it's honestly crucial that Michael was here in Lindsay's life because if not her life could have been completely different she could be in a conservatorship and in the same situation as Britney Spears he acknowledged that Lindsay had her issues with drug abuse but she could still take care of herself and when she was in rehab and sober she was more than capable but Lou had gotone to Lindsay's mother and was able to brainwash her into believing that Luke could be the only one to save Lindsay from this situation but like Michael acknowledges Lindsay was vulnerable then and she needed someone like him to stand up and say no this isn't happening how were you able to prevent them from getting her under conservatorship Star Sports and Entertainment Group how may a direct your call you know I wanted information and she couldn't provide that information and the information she did provide was kind of deflected and she went on to another subject so she didn't address those the questions I asked so Michael didn't really know what to do to stop this from happening so he decided to take the same approach they are taking so essentially he wanted to become a conservatorship as well like if they're going to manage her life then he should have a say as well he was quoted saying since Dena Lindsay's mother and Lou are going to try to be co-c conservators I had the choice of fighting it or petitioning for the purpose of appointing two conservators who don't have an interest in Lindsay's money but rather her as a person and a human being his plan calls for one conservator to oversee Lindsay's finances and another to handle more personal aspects of her life from what she eats to what she wears to where she lives and who she can associate with he said I just want Lindsay's life and career to be guided by people who are in it with their hearts not their hands now I have to admit I don't really like Michael's approach because I don't think putting her in a conservatorship under your rule really solves the problem but he used his lawyers and he tried to build a case that you know Lindsay can't stay off of drugs and he needs to be the person who steps in he says that every time that Lindsay has been to rehab that she went in dirty and didn't come out clean and he blames it on the people in her life who have helped fuel her addiction now Lam Taylor was able to work as Lindsay's business manager but she never became her conservator actually in 2011 Lindsay actually fired luim Taylor as her business manager claiming that there was some Financial mismanagement sounds pretty familiar if you ask me some financial mismanagement and she shouldn't be messing with Lindsay's estate nonetheless I mean she's not her conservator she's a business manager who likes to pry even though she escaped this conservatorship this wasn't the end of her roller coaster because at some point the cops actually go to the press and express that they're worried for her as well this report claims that the people closest to Lindsay aren't the only ones worried about her condition some police officers who routinely come in contact with Lindy say they have serious worries about her cops who see Lindsay at her worse late nights and early mornings when she needs assistance tell TMZ that they have been concerned about her erratic behavior and attitude which have grown worse over the last few months we're told during one of Lindsay's crazier nights out cops became so concerned that they discussed taking her in for a 5150 team Z also included a note from a source a professional who is extremely close to Lindsay fears that she's going to die if she doesn't get help for substance abuse so Lindsay is not doing well and she kind of disappears for a bit we don't hear much of about her until 2014 where we see a completely new Lindsay Lohan and she moves to Dubai she went from being in the press for drugs and DUIs to being in the press for more controversial reasons while in Dubai she was criticized for cultural appropriation being photographed with the Quran wearing a headscarf her change of accent acting like a philanthropist and then allegedly trying to steal a child from their mother then she also went on to date a prince now her initial reason for explaining her Dubai move is because of the paparazzi she claims that Dubai has made it illegal for paparazzi to follow people so that's why she moved there but quickly things started to change and her reasoning didn't make sense anymore because she had such a drastic shift a lot of people felt like she was being influenced by this new culture and maybe being paid off to present this accent and change her identity this article writes that Lindsay's strange new paneuropean accent and visits to turkey has put her in the middle of a GE geopolitical Firestorm for weeks Lindsay has been talking as if she's lived in Europe her whole life and make it good and whereas in the past I've been associated with clubbing and night clubs I said why not do my own Americans are very close-minded in that sense I know that cuz I'm American I'm Italian Irish that video clip of Lindsay went viral because that is not the lindsy low hand that we're used to hearing this article writes that Lindsay's new English accent and her interest in Islam are not alone for stirring controversy a according to a fresh conspiracy theory Lindsay's support for turkey is being backed by the Turkish government now I don't know how you get to this Theory I don't know much about the Turkish government or their culture but during her interviews she said certain things that caught attention like quote the world is bigger than five which is a popular phrase I guess in the Turkish government it's also a hashtag that she has used before when she visited Syrian refugees in Turkey another tie to the Turkish government now these government conspiracies get even worse when we see that Lindsay is dating a prince he is the Saudi Prince and supposedly their relationship started over text message but then he started to fly out to go and see her he's been flying with her all around the world in a private jet he gave her a gift wrapped credit card daating that Lindsay had allegedly begun dating the prince and he loaned her a private plane and nice little credit card linked to him now Lindsey Lohan's representative would actually dispel these rumors saying that they met only once at a formula the one grand pre-ra the rep also denied that Ben Salon who has been accused of ordering the 2018 of journalist Jamal kagi gave Lindsay Lohan a credit card either way Pals of Lohan who even say they've seen tax exchanges between the pair are boasting about what they claim is a new friendship now this Prince is a controversial guy so I don't know how he dated Lindsay because they really don't have a lot of respect for women in his country at least at this point they weren't allowed to drive a lot of restrictions have been put on women and there was also a moment where the government had like murdered and dismembered a journalist out there so this place and this government and this Prince are controversial alone now because Lindsay is in her International era and people are telling rumors about her relationships and how she's living her life people are questioning her religious affiliation and some people believe that Lindsay had now converted to Islam Lindsay was seen carrying a copy of the Muslim holy book the Quran and has been public about her Arabic lessons she posted a drawing on social media of some Arabic words translating it to You're Beautiful when in fact the actual translation read you're a donkey and Lindsay had mistranslated this post which was kind of embarrassing here's a video clip of an interview with this new Lindsay that we're still trying to get to know I was going through a lot um with past things that had happened to me over a 10e span and my very close friends who have been there for me a lot in London are s and they gave me cron and I brought it to New York because I was learning and I was and it was it opened doors for me to experience and spiritually to find another you know true meaning and this is who I am now for a couple years this is how Lindsay was this was how she behaved and she lived a very peculiar life but in 2018 things got weirder because there was a bizarre video shared on Instagram from Lindsay where she approached this family these refugees and she essentially tried to take one of the children back to her hotel room like trying to rescue this kid from their own family a lot of people accuse Lindsay of trying to abduct this child which is clearly not a good look tell me your story so I can help you do you want to stay in a hotel tonight do you want to watch movies yeah it'd be so cool right to watch a movie on TV or a computer yeah let's go you should not have them on the floor should be a hardworking woman I'm freezing right now and you should be doing what you do for your children so they have a better life and if someone's offering them a home and a bed which is me at this moment give it to them look what's happening they're trafficking children I won't leave until I take you now I know who you are don't with me you're ruining a culture by doing this give me your hand [Music] me I'm like in shock right now I will truly never ever get over that live stream like there's something so bizarre about that moment that I need like a full like 2hour like interview like explanation like were their Witnesses like what was going on what was she on like what how does she think that that is okay but I think it's bigger than that I think she's trying to cope with trauma that she doesn't know how to cope with actually she shares that she was in an abusive relationship with her fiance at some point she dated a guy named Igor from 2016 through 2017 and they actually got engaged in the summer of 2016 in August of that year video surfaced of Lindsay and Igor in an altercation in mikos Greece Lindsay later said in an interview with Russia's Channel 1 that Igor broke into her home and started strangling in her she said I feared that igore may Splash acid in my face so I jumped out to the balcony and shouted with all my Force he's trying to kill me call the police and you can hear her saying please please he strangled me he almost killed me everybody will know get out of my house do it again I dare you you're effing crazy you're sick here's a clip of her yelling from the balcony you can't strle a constantly everything it's okay everybody saw you touch me it's fil get dare unfortunately this wasn't the first time that Igor got physical with Lindsay she said quote the truth is I wanted to make things work but I'm not sure that I can Lindsay recounted an incident on the Greek island of mikinos where the pair was celebrating her 30th birthday during a fierce argument between the couple igore allegedly took her phone from her and then Lindsay then grabbed his phone and threw it into the sand and they were fighting and everybody saw it this morning the headline making photos raising big concerns about Lindsay loen and her Russian fiance Igor tabasa the photos capturing the couple in a fight on a beach in Greece the Mean Girl star who turned 30 the beginning of July was vacationing in mikinos when the dramatic scene was caught on camera she accused eor of taking her mobile phone cuz she couldn't find her mobile phone in her handbag then she tried to make her grab a his and ended up throwing his out of the Jeep it landed in either the sand or the sea um and uh and he went for her this incident just happened days after we saw them fighting on the balcony where he supposedly strangled her and almost killed her so they were still together at this point and they probably shouldn't have been she actually claims that this fight that she had with her ex fiance inspired her to purchase her mikos Beach Club because it was at the club that this fight happened so she decided to buy the club to get him back which I don't know that really like gets him back but maybe it does in like rich people sense luckily Lindsay is doing very well nowadays she has given birth to her son she's been working she's been on the scene we saw her do a Netflix movie uh she's been involved with promoting the Mean Girls reboot so there's been a lot that she's been up to she had that holiday movie in 2022 like there's just been a lot of great things coming from Lindsay so I'm actually really proud of where she's at now after all of this mess that she has been in we've seen her at fashion shows we've seen her posted on Instagram it seems like she's in a really good place she's got a great relationship she's got her baby and maybe that's what she needed to save herself and maybe that's how she's coping with her childhood trauma by protecting her own child thanks again to simper for sponsoring this video remember to check the links in the description box below and use code Sloan hooks 55 for 55% off your first month but I want to hear what you guys think in the comments below here's my email if you have any other video ideas for me and I'll see you in a new one soon bye [Music] guys
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 194,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lindsay lohan, lindsay lohan rumors, lindsay lohan interview, lindsay lohan david letterman, lindsay lohan deep dive
Id: 2BUIKcCda30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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