The Catherine Tate Show S03E01 Mum,Im Gay

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Oh three double cheeseburgers three large fries one special salad and free diet cokes and would you like a dessert with that um you get a free dessert cause she spent over ten pound is it actually I think that's fine thank you have you got everything from your server that you asked for sorry everything that I art school is it that you've got everything from your server that you asked for vice is the best that you've ever been served in a burger bar sorry you think that I'm the best server you have ever seen in a burger bar well you're certainly very efficient employee of the month though well that's a great achievement I'm gonna go now are you employee of the month I'd uh no I'm not so you've never been employing them up then I'm afraid my firm of lawyers don't have employee of the month sharp are not done Oh Bart also working on weight you're standing behind the counter yeah well I got food bank from iota so why in that uniform practice tiny uniform why you wearing it this hi I'm Erin it why she's with name on it hi my name is Lauren now if I welcome to Billy's burger bar my name is Lauren I laughed at me Yemen right you can you funny is well funny do you wash cars for a living what do you watch parts for 350 an hour sure oh your best mates at work or from homeland I know but that is your phone me and I know that is well but you're gonna sell burgers for the rest of your life I'm saying I'm fat no should be American no I'm not in fact yeah I know you're not putting on a lot of mom I need a crane to get my bed dinner like the arms it's one o'clock Lauren it's pretty burger hour come on Haley burger mosque is sick even bother are you - above it I hear a zombie burger Oh Bertha but you are B burger I think I got you burger I think I know you believe burger you do look like a nerd - father polish power car the double cheeseburger please you want fries with no remember what daddy told you about sports day the taking part is everything to win with dignity haloo news web pride in the knowledge that you did your absolute best remember whatever happens here today mommy and daddy are immensely proud of you Thank You mummy ok darlings now it's nearly time in perpetual of Lajoie in perpetual village area in Lane one Chloe Taylor Thomas the name - Thomas Taylor Thomas Imogen Fitzroy Ferguson in Lane 4 Fergus Fitzroy Ferguson in Lee 5 Amelia Harvey Henry and inmate 6 Henry Harvey Henry little marks get set oh it's the X then not organic and I said sure dude think I know who bought your Tony's extended safety diver we're kind of a strange radii as the break says problem so it doesn't don't think we don't know who this she says me don't you dare talk about my tummy like that I said try and talk about your Tommy Harper I lag so help me God that lazy perf enough a new life skyvan drunk there's not the truth she had the audacity to call me and there did you get only work today's song i picked up about a hard county and down to the quarry good mine me i'll air I said I hate to think you're hurling insults around like that oh my I've done you've bacon a potato for UT I start her there's only one lie around here and that's here and that's no lie you told her indeed I did mommy I need to speak to you have you been fighting with the mitten for your brother Shakira and Johnny okay no it's not bad but you've enjoy riding around there's a staircase if you have your feel not touch the grind Oh mommy have you got Mary McArthur his daughter in trouble mommy please if you just listen where would you spit it out son what's the matter with you I'm gay damn huh your oh boy I'm a game on nine mommy are you sure I grieved I have a new pencil skirt upstairs come on is here I've got the hips for cold just you darlin yeah did they get off all right all packed up and ready to go oh I will miss him that's a loss of merit Paulina died last year don't see old Kate since you went to live with her daughter and now they've caught it poor Tommy and dolly off to the nuthouse now it's not a nuthouse it's shelled accommodation call it what your night love they'll still be splashing about in their own piddle cam teacher well at least if not split them up well you can't split up twins darling Tommy and Dolly maps now live together for six years are the inseparable don't I ain't Siamese I mean that is dreadful that don't I I mean when they're joined at the hip they got half a chance but when it's one great wallop Lynette and two bodies I know you don't know where to look right then no now she program about it on the channel American pair they are one of them rolls about on a trolley the other ones a country-western singer I mean fair's fair I'm all for the Special Olympics but I got to make [ __ ] records no I didn't mean that I meant are they closed I mean dolly and Tommy Oh Jack oh they're devoted to each other darling they never looked more than ten minutes apart even my name and marriage oh we've had some laughs over the years I won't know that much during the war we was all evacuated together down to Wilshire we ended up in a lovely old farmhouse with a big dummy pet bag oh she was a beast oh the woman who looked after this she made us leave our shoes at the door I'll never forget the first left dalian Tommy row oh he said mama get us on the first train out of here she won't let us wear shoes in the ass and there's a big pile of [ __ ] in the garden that was what I didn't want oh well channel tongue cut out Dora that's the end of Anila that is I'm all on my own now no oh no they nearly forgot they asked me to give you this there is it little present oh they did left it so much oh and that kind of them oh I won't expect your notes always choke me up that little well look at that a nice cross a few credits short the squirrel it's a wooden [ __ ] school 70 years I've known and they got a lump a wooden made a squirrel out of it what a [ __ ] look there's an inscription some people come into our lives and go quickly others stay a while leave their footprints on our heart and we are never ever the same oh they want shooting my dolly and Tommy don't have much but they still wanted to buy you this it might not be a lot but it's a token of their gratitude for all the years of friendship and good times you had together it's a [ __ ] squirrel mass toes yeah yeah take a friendship take your good times take your [ __ ] squirrel Oh shove it up your Twitter sing all these shoes are tight it's okay it's fine yeah I speak to you Monday okay I damn nice so annoying what's that well I'm supposed to be playing tennis tomorrow my usual partners just let me down I've got a big tournament next week and I need someone really good to practice with I can do that really you play yeah you're free tomorrow yeah great let's just have a quick knock up yeah just a minute play play on what's mattingly today I shouldn't have eaten like mashed potato so what balls you playing with tennis out if you have played tennis before yeah all the time come on do one of those and lobs and are two under the leg thing oh good you know that you're really good thanks can I get firing one now I can't mess up on our way John John I he's nice isn't he John come on oh okay off are you blind our work oh hey is nice delay him John that's enough more you hear about our John Chen he's a game mom nine hi I know fifteen million he's worth I'm right John would you look at the buns on how I would tip over just because I'm gay doesn't mean a thing about sex all the time nobody can die none let us watch so much abot joy I bet he's got a really nice [ __ ] Oh beautiful morning Omar a beautiful day I've got a beautiful feeling everything's going my way good morning Martin morning Georgie how was your weekend I was lovely Micaela at her school play how did she do cuz I was worried about her what would have been remedial and borderline dyslexic she was great and she looked so cute in a little fairy costume I couldn't be happier for you Calabar your nice read by rule yeah sure I'll tell you what it is me of some of the other girls down at the Union of Catholic mothers are doing a little fundraiser Oh another one I'm doing a full moon dressed as a bottle of chins on for all the little battered husbands of Gateshead that's as postman's is that a serious problem in Gateshead did you know that every 38 minutes some poor little fella who and his wife calls his name cow was in a corner and shits his pants I didn't know that if you don't believe me log on to the website last bottle of gin zone rule 42 miles for all those poor wee lads who can t stand up to their missus cuz they're new in their heart their is softer shout right yeah see what you mean I'm 20 pence then each pound for hey that's just that um no a pound 48 is it yes it's all I can afford say no more about it cuz I wouldn't want it to come between us now you know Rafi is like don't think we don't know what you've been saying bars behind our backs either right well Rosemarie whale Kathleen will you be marching with us on Sunday rosemary I will show the bastards how's your Martin fine he'll be out soon no doubt 15 years ah well he's a hard man but he's a principled Mond I he has that did you hear about our joint he's a gay man I is that so pop round later John we've just had new talent grieving are about her you will die I mind if I join you no course not you finally got your meeting then here I don't believe this was wrong one of our curling teams just dropped over tonight's match no it's a really important game as well I can do that color yeah my friends are quite good oh great okay I'm on they're gonna play enough weak just real food to eat enough weight to think yeah well well well there's a true your John's a game on no I what great at least turn ups work with these boots so early visiting today Teddy Morrison it I've told her about him a thousand times what a character oh we have had some laughs over the years he'd ever since stitches one mimic he could take any one of it was like a cylinder of mixture is Chairman Mao was uncanny he could have turned professional you know but of courses that need to he was one of the finest pedophiles in London what Oh what is it know about faith was now on I check your I doubt it I'm saying it on right oh you know you say oh yeah oh yeah I'll call right now I'm already garbage oh cool another hour covered say come in love go down for sure Hale with Karla yeah Kate my great son Jamie called show your chairman mail won't you see me oh well I've never mother to come back sure multiple shots exhausted air good in the presence and I won't wait let's say I'll leave the present nests where doubt I'll see you soon god bless waiter excuse me darling mr. modest has fallen asleep but we left a lovely present there for him would you make sure he gets it cool Sasha blasters wait up ladies may the nurse a nurse Oh do you know where my visitors went well you fell asleep mr. Morris so they've gone home oh but they've left you a present oh really oppressed Oh some people come into our lives and go quickly others stay a while leave their footprints on our heart and we are never ever the same what a [ __ ] Liberty all right no I have you bit of a nightmare actually what's matter well had all the international CEOs and around the world in this room in 10 minutes the annual summits supposed to take place they've flown thousands of miles to get here and my translator hasn't turned up I need to find someone you can translate into seven different languages well I can do that yeah I did it's heavily my gap you welcome back to London ladies and gentlemen this is Helen marsh will be our interpreter today so without further ado let's address section 1.1 multinational profiteering for the financial year 2005 2006 Helen is not my sandwich three double cheeseburgers three large fries one special salad and free diet cokes would you like a dessert with that um you get a free dessert cause you've spent over ten pound with it actually I think that's fine thank you have you got everything from your serving at you art school saw you everything that I art school is it that you've got everything from your serving at you ask for pies is the best that you've ever been served in a burger bar sorry you see that that I'm the best serve you up ever seen in a burger bar well you're certainly very efficient Employee of the Month though well that's a great achievement I'm gonna go now are you employee open up fat uh no I'm not so you've never been employed from I'm saying I'm afraid my firm of lawyers don't have employee of the month sharp you want your burger ball nah
Channel: The Catherine Tate Show
Views: 149,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TidIwW3xeeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2016
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