The Case of The Anagram Serial Killer | Predator Peter Tobin | Real Prime Suspect

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[Music] my name is Jackie Molton I was a detective with the Metropolitan Police for over 25 years my real life experiences on the front line as a woman investigating crime became the inspiration for the TV drama Prime Suspect oh good morning Pete my name's Jackie mson once a detective always a det detective it never leaves and now I'm going back on the road on the job and I'm looking at some of the worst crimes ever committed in the UK and the USA in a series of exclusive interviews I'll be talking onetoone to detectives and experts to find out how they brought the killer to Justice this is the story of what it takes to find the real Prime Suspect [Music] this week I'm investigating a and serial killer who traveled up and down the country praying on young vulnerable women there are a handful of victims we know about but police suspect many more that man is Peter Tobin we know that toin committed the last murder at quite a late age in life he was 61 years of age we also know that he committed two other murders in 1991 and buried the Bodies In The Garden of a house in margay in Ken and we also know that he was jailed for 14 years and did a 10e sentence for the Double R of two girls that he drugged and thereafter rap so we know that this man is an absolute serial killer and what's unique about the tobing case is that it was the first time a fender and Geographic profiling had been used together in a nationwide operation to track a suspected serial killer the senior investigating officer for Strath Clyde police was David Swindle hello David Swindle hi David Swindle my name is Jackie Molton X Scotland Yard detective I'm really looking forward to come and see you if you will speak to me Dave David about your role in operation anagram and the detection of Peter Tobin for a number of murders absolutely any exposure about toin would help find out who else is killed to your interest in it because you believe do you that Tobin has killed other people I believe Tobin has done other crimes definitely killed other people because it was quite a a late time in his life to start yes get to 60 years of age and kill someone the way he did I look forward to seeing you David thank you so much good Jackie okay bye this is the case of Peter Tobin a Scottish serial killer I'm heading up to Glasgow to meet retired detective superintendent David Swindle who ran operation anagram [Music] on the 24th of September 2006 Angelica cluk a 23-year-old poish student working as a cleaner at St Patrick's Church in Glasgow was reported missing by her boyfriend Martin mascal it was a discovery of her body 5 days later that would lead the police to discover two other the murders over a decade earlier and confirmed Tobin as one of Britain's most notorious serial [Music] killers you were the detective superintendent in charge of CID Strath cly police what was the police response to the missing inquiry this is a day that I'll never forget in my life um the police officers the uniform officers were dealing with that as a missing person inquiry at the time uh the church had been searched as as a routine search it was a missing person within 3 or 4 days were very concerned for her safety because the last person that she'd been with was identified as Peter Tobin a missing offender now no one knew he was that he was using the name Patrick mlin in the church and he actually had an identification tag which was Patrick mlin Tobin had been working at that church for some months it was probably about 6 months he was called the handyman at the church how did Peter Tobin get identified the uniform officers that were dealing with the missing person quiry had published this photograph in the newspaper and it was through that that he was identified so Tobin's no longer around you've got a missing person what happened then as far as the police were concerned so I arranged for the place to be searched thoroughly searched by search experts and I get the phone call about 8:00 qu 8 that night that Angelica had been found concealed under the floor of the [Music] church there was a small trapo but only he would know her that is someone that has knowledge of that church and she had been put in there as the judge described it totally disrespectful like a bag of rubbish put under on the floor David Swindle and his team faced an extremely difficult crime scene a narrow hatch was the only access through which they could retrieve crucial forensic evidence from Angelica's body the advice I had was that she been stabbed so many times in upper chest and if they moved the body that could have Disturbed it or lost vital evidence so I leave make a decision calculated but it was in the advice of experts to leave this young woman's body underneath the church when you say leave her there just leave her do you mean leave her there in order to get a scientist scientist forensic that was advice we got from the scientist so examine the body that was the advice we got from the scientists was that if you moved her you know we could lose evidence he was a missing sex offender and there was a warant we got want for him breaching his conditions so he was arrested on that that allowed us to get some time do you think he knew that you knew he was the Prime Suspect at that point I think he did but as far as I'm concerned I think you know Tobin was was always a prime suspect from day one and Tobin himself knew he was a prime suspect and I'm sure at that point he even knew that he was for other crames as [Music] well one of the things I found interesting from what David Swindle told me is the fact that because the body was in such an inaccessible Place stuffed in a hole under the floor Strath Clyde police were forced to leave the body there so that forensic evidence could be gathered in situ that job fell to a young forensic scientist car Rogers David has given me her number so I'm going to see if she's willing to meet hi Carol this is ex detective Jackie Molton I'm looking into the murder of Angelica cluk I understand you had the challenging task of retrieving forit at the scene and I'd like to find out what you remember of that day hi Jackie yes it's a case that I'll never forget not only because the examination was carried out under the floorboards in the dark also because Angelica was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her and I would be happy to meet with you yes how difficult was it for you Carol to gain access through the void to Angelica's body to give you an idea of how narrow it was when I tried to go down into the hatch I had my crime suit on and had a pager on my belt and the Gap was that narrow that the pager actually jammed me and I had to get the pager and wiggle it down into the leg of my crime scene suit so I could then fit through the Gap that's how how tight it was and how had she been deposited within the void she was lying directly beneath the hatch she was lying on her back and her legs were bent so her knees were kind of bent backwards so the lower half of her legs were underneath her body I also understand Carol that Angelica had been gagged with tape yeah she had a a j cloth in her mouth and she had inula and tape wrapped several times around her head um around her mouth to to gager [Music] did you find any weapons down in the void at all we did when we opened the the black bag that was on top of Angelica there was a Blood Stained knife now it had been cleaned but we found within the laboratory later on there was very heavy blood staining and that matched Dan profile of Angelica clo and we also found a small wooden block which at the time we couldn't work out the part it played but further down the line the police search and the premises of the church found four wooden table legs and one of those table legs was eventually examined and had blood matching Angelica on it and there was wood in her headwind that matched his Table leg and can you tell me about a pair of jeans that was found in a bin near the murder site yeah we had a a pair of jeans submitted a few days after Angelica's body was found and examined them in the laboratory we found what we call impact batter blood spots on the genes which is typical of someone who's been involved in an assault and those blood spots matched the da profile of Angelica and on the Fly area of the genes we found Sean matching Peter Tobin and that was mixed in with cellular material matching Angelica that huge amount of forensic evidence isn't it yeah we had body fluids we had weapon we had fingerprints we had a 2-way transfer which as a forensic scientist you know is is the best you can hope for DNA from the accused on the victim and from the victim on the accused we had the weapons we had clothing w at the time of the murder that there's nothing else you could really want forensically it was a really strong forensic case yeah [Music] I found Carol Rogers what she had to say about the fic evidence fascinating the fact that she had to go down this small void underneath the church in order to get the best forensic evidence and of course the forensic evidence in the case of Tobin and the murder of Angelica cluk was vital [Music] with the forensic evidence now gathered stth Clyde police were able to build a detailed picture of what happened to Angelica in her final moments I want to see for myself where this horrific murder took place so I'm going to St Patrick's Church with David swindle he's taking me to the garage next to the church where Tobin attacks angel in there this is where it started this is where the blood was this is where H you know he started that horrible attack the Mur the priest had left that Sunday afternoon it was around 3:00 Tobin was in here with a Angel CL she believed he was Patrick mlin a friend the handyman she was as he described his little Apprentice they were painting they were painting a shed which was inside this garage he had been watching her he knew she was a vulnerable person so Tobin took his opportunity he h her over the head with a like a a table leg which was recovered there was a a piece of that in her head I don't think the stabbing took place in there we don't really know [Applause] he then bound her with tape and cable tied her [Applause] hands and then he dragged her on the last piece of policy he dragged her out here in that door and into the church [Music] this is near to Angelica was deposited the attack continued as here and then he put it below the below the floor what astounds me though is that this is a church open to the public anybody could have walked in or the priest could have walked in or member of the public could have walked in the church is open there's an element a real element of risk here just this is the mark of him you know he's no respect for anyone or respect for [Music] Humanity he put her under the floor of his church but not just you know Angelica CL he put a bag with the blood stain clothing the knife that he used to stab all that was in there and then he had cleaned up where it had happened ear on tried to clean everything up in my mind you know he was going to take her away you don't think that this was going to be a permanent place to for Angelica that he was going to take her elsewhere I think he was going I think this was a temporary deposition site I think he was going to take her somewhere [Music] else for me every time I come here you know and having dealt with this as an experienced senior investigating officer this is one of the worst cases I have ever dealt with in my career and it's something I'll never forget and every time I come into this church I think this was horrendous absolutely horrendous what he did jangel here what I also think is this person has never done he's never this isn't the first time he's done this and that's what made me think you know we need to look at his whole life convinced that Tobin had killed before David Swindle and his team set up a separate investigation called operation anagram to uncover other possible victims what was Operation anagram what it was was I called the investigative analysis of a cal killer so we took Tobin's life and looked at every single thing in his life we Ed LED them way back we relied on the public for this putting out there this is Peter Tobin this is where he was in these dayses and we obtained from all his his friends previous friends his wife's or whatever pictures of them then what was his job Tobin had various jobs every job you could imagine that would allow him opportunities to kill people he was doing all of illegal stuff like bootlegging stuff he was a driver he worked for car auction he was taking cars from Glasgow to England I mean we quickly identify that you know that this guy right through his life H he is involved in all sorts of different types of crime [Music] I've been looking into the evidence uncovered by struth Glide police working on operation anagram into the serial killer Peter Tobin Peter Tobin was one of quite a number of children seven children and he was the one that was kind of you know Disturbed he was the one that kind of from a very early age was indicating kind of quite bad Behavior at the age of seven toid was sent to reform school and would later spend time in a young offenders Institute little is known about Tobin's early crimes but his first attack on a woman happened when he was in his early 20s her name is Margaret and she was just 17 when she became his [Music] girlfriend hi Margaret this is Jackie Molton EX Detective from the me I'd really like to talk to you about your time with Peter Tobin detective superintendent David swindler has told me that toin was extremely violent towards you and I realized that it might be a very painful process to revisit this time but I'd really appreciate it if you would be willing to meet with me hi Jackie I'd be only too happy to meet with you I was only 17 years old at the time I met P toin I'll never forget it it was the worst year of my life Marco how did you first meet petza Tobin my girlfriend and I were at uh a dance hall in the center of Glasgow uh the Highland a Highlanders dance hall and um he just him and his partner asked us to dance he was Charming he was he dressed well very polite he seemed to sort of just be very soft and and sort of caring I was just s of over the moon that had scored you know and he was such a nice [Music] guy one weekend day he took me back to his place uh his flat he wanted to ask me if I wanted a cup of tea of coffee I took some tea but we just ched about anything and everything we had cars in common the afternoon just just went and um I said I better get back for my dinner um I'll maybe see you later tonight so I went to the front door and I went to open it and it was just slam shot in front of my [Music] face he became quite violent then and S of shook me and said you're going to do as you're told now then the started and it was quite rough it was like torture as well and if I didn't conform he always had this pen knife in his pocket and if I said no I would just get stabbed inside it was never a deep enough blade that it would actually do any fetal harm it was just a warning so how did you get out of the place that night well I didn't I that that was me with toin then for the next year really yeah and did he control who you saw when when you went out oh didn't get out kept you hostage he kept me in the flat all the time I got walked in the [Music] flat there's no way that you could shout or scream or get out of a window or three floor three floors up no not really dear just quite it's so upsetting there was one night I had had enough with them and I just blatantly said no I'm not having having any more sex with you I'm I'm too sore and he just threw me onto the bed got a serrated bread knife and put it inside me and turned it like a court screw which is why I can't actually have children God uh and left me for dead Margaret was left un conscious and bleeding profusely from her wounds she might have died but for the fact her neighbor saw blood dripping through the ceiling below and called for an [Music] ambulance what were you left with after this duration of time with Tobin and you took away your confidence you lose you lost yourself mhm how long does it take for you for those mental and emotional and physical scars to kind of heal they never heal I mean he he left me childless and no matter what anybody says and for whatever reason that happens you never get over the fact not being a proper mother mhm you know I've got on and I've I've succeeded in life obviously you've succeeded yeah so I'm sort of proud of myself that way and I've got over the the shock of it but yeah it's it's always that there's something [Music] missing and you often hear you know in the media you know why people don't go to the police and why they don't complain and what was it that stopped them going you've heard from Margaret today why she couldn't go to the police she was absolutely scared stiff and I've spoken over the years to many other victims who are just frightened of going to the blues because they were on their own they had nowhere to go and also because the culture was sadly that domestic violence victims were never believe I can't help thinking that if it hadn't been for the neighbor downstairs calling for help Margaret would have probably been Tobin's first murder victim way back in 1969 this story makes clear to me that Tobin used coercion and control to get what he wanted this pattern of manipulative Behavior would continue right up to his trial for the murder of Angelica cluk in March 2007 when he tried to overturn the overwhelming forensic evidence against [Music] him Dorothy Bane was the prosecutor in the Peter toin trial so I want to find out her impression of him Dorth Bane in 2007 you were the prosecuting Council in the case of Peter toin the importance of the scientific evidence this was Major forensic evidence wasn't it that was presented to the courts yes the forensic scientist did the most amazing professional job and the evidence they secured ultimately played an important part in the conviction of Peter toin were there any complications in the toin case because part of Tobin's defense as I understand it was that he had consensual sex with Angel cluk the defense Council in the case was Donald Finley QC as part of the defense to the case that he would have been instructed to present the jury it did involve ID identifying that Angelica cluk was perhaps promiscuous and had been in more than one sexual relationship at the time but the young woman's Diaries revealed a deep and loving relationship with Martin mascal she described for instance times that they were together and they felt as if though the richest people in the world and uh reading our diaries about the relationship was very moving and it was a significant part of the case in court that her Di were read and the jury were informed of the extent of her relationship with Martin mcal but when you're kind of looking at toin on a daily basis or you're you're conscious of his presence in the dock what was your impression about this man that was sitting in the dock before you that had been accused yes of this horendous murder it struck me that he was very slight small and seemed insignificant M he was some that you wouldn't give a second s to you certainly wouldn't have looked at him and thought that he was capable of what he did after a 6 week trial in May 2007 Peter Tobin was found guilty of the r and murder of Angelica cluk and sentenced to a minimum of 21 years in prison with toin now convicted David swindle and his team from operation anagram were able to continue questioning him about his past in their hunt to uncover other potential victims operation anagram discovered that 16 years earlier in 1991 Tobin had remarried had a young son and was living in the town of bargate in Scotland they also discovered that in the same year a teenager 15-year-old Vicky Hamilton turn was reported missing she was last seen in [Music] Bathgate detective Bert Swanson who worked on the original missing person case was alerted to this new piece of evidence hiber this is Jackie Molton former detective at the Met David Swindle has given me your name number and I'd like to talk to you about the Vicky Hamilton case if that would be okay with you yes I was in charge of the review I'd be happy to talk to you about it but in 1991 Vicki Hamilton was 15 years of age she'd gone to see her sister who was living in a town called living Stone on the near Edinburgh and Vicki was last seen in Bathgate in in the Town Center eating some chips and uh and from then was never seen again that's correct that's it in a nutshell in effect I mean she was a she was perhaps immature for years she had never gone on her own and so this was an adventure to her and sadly it involved two buses it involved a change she was constantly asking about the where do I change what time do I get off what time is this bus so it was an adventure and it sadly it was her first and has understanded her last at the time that she had gone missing did the police find any of Vicki's property a bag or a handbag yes it was about a week after that Vicki went missing that a pers which was subsequently found to be the property of Vicki he was recovered in St Andrews Square in Edinburgh which is right next to the bus station the the police investigating The Disappearance of Vicki had kept that purse kept the purse my concern with the par was that I was aware that the program the missing Pon Vicky Hamilton had featured in crime watch at some stage and I viewed that program and uh I was kind of horrified to see that they had the par sitting on the desk and it was with no paper no wrapping nothing on it it was unprotected from everything we speak about DNA it was 1991 and although DNA was there there were still forces that it was relatively new and you didn't really explore and exploited to the maximum the purse became a problematic piece of evidence so I'm meeting with Cold Case reviewing officer for Strath police Derek patters to find out what they did next the per was complicated in the sense that we weren't overly optimistic about finding DNA from it but the most likely DNA profile you would get in those circumstances would be from Vicki bearing in mind she was the owner of the PSE however it didn't transpire that way a profile was developed from the pur which eventually we found was a very very close match to this suspect in the case the DNA profile from the purse was not from Peter Tobin but it was from a very close relative which then led to swabs being taken from his son an a the final [Music] match Peter Tobin had brought up his son from where he lived with his mom down south and for a little holiday so we know that Peter Tobin had his son at the at the time with him just a small child yeah and Vicky Hamilton went missing yeah it was always assumed that Tobin's son had put the P to his mouth simply because saliva is such a good source for for DNA and to think that I had survived having been Outdoors uh having me through all the various hands it was an excellent recovery it was excellent work the place now had solid forensic evidence they had Vicki's purse with a strong DNA link to Tobin then after a search of Tobin's house in bargate they discovered a knife with traces of Vic's DNA but the big problem was they didn't have a [Music] body operation anagram began sharing information with other police forces one of them was Essex police who informed them that another teenager had also gone missing in 1991 her name was Dina McNichol the team began looking at other addresses that Tobin had occupied and made a significant and chilling Discovery soon after Vicky Hamilton had disappeared and just before Diner had disappeared Tobin had moved from bargate to a house in Margate in Kent it was enough evidence to instigate a police search of Tobin's Margate [Music] address Lucy cyborn was the forensic archaeologist brought in to lead the search for Diner's body Lucy C I understand you were called to a house in Margate to do an archaeological dig that's right what were you told about this incident they thought uh the body of dynamic nickel may be on the premises Somewhere In the Garden or the house and could we assist with the investigation to see if we could locate the body if it was there so first thing we need to do is try and establish what the ground would be like if it hadn't been Disturbed so we know what we're looking for so then we recognize any changes and disturbance a cut had been made down through the soils into the chalk we recognized that we had disturbance so we start Excavating that cut and we came across black bin liner then clearing it we could see there are in fact two black bin liners there the size and shape suggested that they could been a person when you say that you've got two bin liners does that mean the body had been cut in half off yes yeah Cry [Music] came so you hand the body over to the police subsequent postmortem what were you told about the person the body what had happened we were told that uh we'd assumed we we'd found Dynamic nickel uh and then when we returned the next day postmortem had established that it wasn't Dina it was in fact Vicki Hamilton [Applause] [Music] police suspect that having picked up Vicki Hamilton from the bus stop Peter Tobin had lured her back to his flat where he murdered her sometime later he transported her body South to Margate where he buried her in the garden of 50 Irving Drive [Music] Tobin reportedly told his neighbor that he was digging a sandpit for his son and was Dynamite Nickel in that Garden yes yeah and where was she in comparison to where Vicky Hamilton was situated on the same side of the garden and dynamic nickel was underneath the patio so much closer to the house it was Dynam Nickel in plastic bags and was she a complete body or had been severed complete body Y in plastic bags and then encased in concrete the discovery of the two bodies confirmed detective David swindle's worst fears that Peter Tobin was indeed a serial killer I'm returning to see David Swindle to find out how Tobin reacted to the charges what did he say in interview about two bodies are in a garden at Margate for which he lived in that house what did he say to that someone must have put them there he was fitted up okay he fingerprint everything it's about control it's about power and that's what he wants all the time because every time the the officer was interviewing him he wanted to try something else can you get me cigarettes can you bring me a book can you do this and he just wants to control everything he thinks he's going to get away with it he's so arogant on it in 2008 toin was charged and faced two separate trials for the murders of Vicki Hamilton and din McNichol he was found guilty and received two further life sentences since his conviction Tobin has refused to cooperate with detectives investigating other possible victims we would never have known if it hadn't been sadly for the mother of Angelica CL and if it hadn't been for me forming operation anagram we we've never had Vicky Hamilton and Dynam nickel and results for what happened for their family the thing is these are the ones we know about my feeling is that we don't have everything we don't know all the victims that Tobin has K he's done more he's done others uh I'm sure of that um but because of the way he targets people because of the way he conceals the the victim's bodies we'll never know but for me Tobin's multiple convictions still beg the question of what drove him to commit such brutal and degrading crimes so someone who has been examining Tobin's case and may have some answers is forensic psychologist Dr Julian Boon in interviews he shows No Remorse and uh you know just has no kind of conscience at all about anything that is done yes well the No Remorse bit does not come as a surprise to me in the slightest it's probably one of the few times he's ever been honest about anything would you describe Tobin as a psychopath yes I would I don't think there's any room for doubt about that to be able to perform these atrocious acts and as we say probably many more of them and to openly declare that he had absolutely no remorse or regrets at all if he said that then um that ipof facto puts him down as a psychopath and is that how you would categorize him as a killer Yes I would and uh a relatively organized sexual murderer who is Psychopathic yes I would when he killed uh Angelica cluk Toby was 61 years of age is that quite unusual for a man to carry on being a syrial killer since he started as we know in 1991 nothing is going to stop him having these urges nothing at all and uh they are very very deeply seated they must be if if he has that same sort of modus operand I for one wouldn't want to put any money down at all that he would stop and uh Behind Bars is where he should stay I want to return to the church where Angelica was murdered a place where you would never expect such a brutal crime to take place I think it's poignant that we're standing in this beautiful Church which for people that come to church is a place of sanctuary a place of worship a place of peace and this church was the scene of a terrible murder Tobin knew that Angelica was working here in order to better her life as a young student so it's just sits with you really really uncomfortable in this beautiful church people come to churches to confess their sins Tobin is committing the greatest sin in this church so there's that poignancy it's just despicable as a detective I've investigated numerous murder cases and what always hits me is the sheer waste of life here we have three young women whose lives were brutally cut short in such a horrific manner the perpetrator has been jailed for the rest of his life but that's no comfort for the families and friends of these women I know they would never be forgotten [Music]
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 7,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian Crime, Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killers, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps, Peter Tobin, Peter Tobin Documentary, Full Documentary, Serial Killer, Real crime, Murder docs, Cold Case, Dark Story
Id: G9-SAOzL8t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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