The Carrot Saga | Part 2 - The Carrots Conquer the World

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the melium Reapers were known as the Harvesters of souls they arose from the mycelium itself in order to reap the spirits of the deceased soldiers on the beat red Battlefield they were only visible to those that gained the melium vision granted upon the end of a terrestrial life the Reapers offered passage to portals that opened in relation to the desire and heart of the perished Soldier these portals took some of them to the Heavenly plantan Realms if their heart was tuned to Pure Valor and righteousness some carotenoids even attain this end the rarest among them were taken far across dimensions and entered into lossan Waters but the carotenoid soldiers that shared the heart of their King radic were sent to another realm radx himself while still conscious happened to stand where a melium tendril touched him amidst the throws of the Harvest suddenly radx was given a vision of a dark galaxy ruled by a dark flower the worlds within it slowly came into Focus until their dark form was revealed the planets that he saw were ruled by the Apex of technological maturity which used all of Nature and plant life to serve the purpose of whoever reigned the Reapers tempted radic with this Vision that made him feel like his Destiny was Far Beyond this planet and even beyond the stars of this galaxy meanwhile the last great tree guard soared among those Stars contemplating if he should observe and touch the primordial flower of the brarian with the intention to redeem his species the Romanesco sages held an Intergalactic council at the quantum melium Capital at the heart of the leosan Galaxy they were grieved to hear about the fall of bralia and they brought many melium dwellers together to decide what to do the disembodied priestess's Souls were able to explain what happened through melium channels the council was alarmed to hear that the carrot Empire had risen so fast as the rabbit Clan was supposed to have hidden their primordial flower ages ago they were concerned that the carotenoids would use the leftover technological knowledge from the brarian to attain Intergalactic dominance this was never supposed to have happened the carotenoids had already attempted to conquer the Galaxy in ages past and this time the council thought their exile to the outer rim of the Galaxy was final but now they knew that Exile was not an option they would have to Rally the alliance of the many worlds in order to annihilate the carotenoid genetic line forever every species in the plant Galaxy was in danger and so they had to be alerted to prepare themselves as Interstellar battles would be waged over thousands of years of travel the council was concerned to find that the last tree guard took off with the brarian flower alone as he might be tempted by great power the melium council put their hopes into the Hardy veranth that might be able to stop the carrot Empire before it was too late they also hoped that the last two wise ones on the planet might be enough to keep the Galaxy in balance and as long as the grand melium portal was protected the broccoli Empire's great Heroes during the Potato battles were the elder tree guards they had extended their lifespan with melium biotech and became Mighty Warriors over the ages their leader was arim he trained a young tree guard named Viro to be the best in brarian martial arts however despite viro's prowess on the battlefield he fell to a patum captain arim saw his star pupil losing blood and began a transfusion of his own everlasting life force which was of a melium iron mixture arim gave his life to save this young guard Viro awoke to find his mentor breathing his last breaths in a fury he single-handedly defeated an entire platoon of potates that day Viro became known as iron stem once the potates were defeated the Elder guards permanently entered the melium realm their Duty being finished now that their leader was gone iron stem remembered this as he flew across the stars in the broccoli Mother Ship facing the primordial flower of the broccol Arians iron stem decided he should touch it as his mentor's last words were to protect the great cauliflower tree at all costs now that the tree was burned by the carrot Empire he felt that he needed the full power of brool areia he opened the Pod and upon touching the flower was surrounded by a light and energy beyond anything he could have imagined suddenly he felt the power of a thousand Gods surge through him and with it a determination to see the carrots fall the mushroom Villages of the melium Jungle were a part of the worlds of sentient plant life since the beginning of time they were interdimensional Travelers of the melium mind that also lived in the terrestrial Plains they were known as micans and while the ancient ones explored the quantum melium Realms of the many worlds and communicated to sentient plant Elders in a harmonious fashion there were many young micans that preferred to stay rooted on one planet while receiving such Intergalactic information from the Ancients these young micans would then share this crucial information with the brarian and other sentient plant Clans the micans had eyes all over the planet but they only took a bodily form deep in The melium Jungle which kept their physical manifestation hidden from the Unworthy this is where they tended to have friendships with wandering radish who sought only to gather and tell stories one day a radish and a Mican were exchanging stories of the inner Realms of bolaria when they felt the presence of verdea the last daughter of the brarian approach it was this mic Coran's duty to guide her into the inner terrestrial Realms and show her who she truly was the broccoli Empire's priestesses lived in a subtle form within inner brool Aria as was revealed to the brarian princess verdea who was led by a mic Corian villager to the melium Nexus from this point the vast expanse of inner bralia could be entered verdea had to rout into the melium which induced a trans state that dissolved her outer Consciousness until she was transported to a new world for most sentient plant beings this took decades but verdea was a natural the enchanting vistas of inner bralia were revealed to her for the first time once she had settled into this inner Consciousness she was brought face to face with a brarian priestess voices soon revealed themselves do not worry about us child for the priestesses of every age live within you always accessible through the melium mind only our external bodies were burned as long as you still live so shall we your quest however is Paramount you must reach iron stem and show him that we survive he doesn't understand the inner Realms and his misguided dependence on the outer Realms may leave our kind forever in shame and ruin you must reach the grand melium portal from which point you can access the entire galaxy you will be guided on this perilous journey by a radish who will lead you to the last ginger root Wizard and a dragon fruit Dragon the two most powerful beings on the planet who guard the portal the ancient melium Gates became mysterious ruins of the planet of sentient plants only a couple were remembered as dormant portals the Obin watched over one of them in the West in the East the mountain Golems of the potato Kingdom guarded theirs with caution due to their Feud with the broccoli Empire in the melium jungle one of these portals needed to be entered by the princess verdea of the broccoli Empire along with her radish and guide they took the risk and went through the Mico gate that transported one to the other side of the sandswept mountains the patan mountain Golems were Vigilant and would not let even the smallest of sentient plants slip by unnoticed verdea was apprehended at the portal and led by these gold s into the cavernous Kingdom of the potato Clan they were taken deeper and deeper into the Subterranean realm with no explanation verdea could only pray to the priestesses that she would be protected eventually verdea and the radish were presented before the potato Kingdom's nobility who would decide her fate the Subterranean potato Clan and its nobility had a meeting deep underground where they surrounded the last princess of the broccoli Empire they interrogated her letting her know that she better have a good reason for being there considering the bitter age old feud between their dynasties it was her radish and guide who answered them in song he sung them the tale of the empire of carrots from the West who had seared all before them with flame and travesty the great cauliflower tree itself having been burned the carrots had conquered the world the pans were in shock and horror upon hearing this some battle hardened Warriors even shed tears they explained that never in a thousand years could they have imagined this despite their differences the potato Kingdom lived by a code of honor and they respected the broccoli Empire for upholding chivalrous combat during their battles the potato Clan never would have burned the tree they also had respect for the Arcane wisdom of the broccoli priestesses now they wanted nothing more than to see this monstrous carotenoid Empire fall even if it meant reforging a relationship with the last Enclave of be Warriors at the other side of the sandswept mountains it would take a historic alliance between enemies to be able to defeat this Menace of the planet the potato Clan even decided that they would escort verdea closer to the Grand melium portal as they understood their fate was somehow wrapped up with [Music] hers the artichoke kingdom was originally a cabbage whale hunting tribe in the first age sataus the greatest whale Hunter set out on a voyage to find his long lost sinaran ancestors after his village was raided by the carrat Empire Guided by the Stars he sailed on a perilous Voyage far beyond the scaran domain the Seas were harsh and unforgiving before he knew it he awoke on a new Shore Shipwrecked to find himself surrounded by strange news scaran around him they interrogated him and didn't believe that he was a Slayer of leviathans and they laughed when he said he sought the old Whale hunters they brought him on board their crew anyway figuring his boldness might make a helpful deck hand he was now with a band of pirates and he felt felt that he would soon prove himself to them the pirate raids began and satus realized why fate brought him to these Waters the ships these Pirates assailed were those of the carrot Empire sataus felt this was his chance to taste revenge and Glory he quickly Rose from being a mere deckhand to being the greatest pirate anyone had ever seen cactus's Fierce combat abilities and strategic mind LED them to incredible victories against the carotenoid naval forces their Captain's jealousy led to a mutiny which made sataus their new captain after gaining this role sataus found them facing their biggest threat they attacked a ship that was led by one of the carotenoid Gods paleno who would not go down easily the artichoke Kingdom's Last Hope was in the legendary cabbage whale Hunter sataus his status as a captain among sarian Pirates led him to a duel against one of the last carrot Gods paleno paleno had the mutation of re generation and was eager to instill awe in the band of pirates and so regenerated his body in order to grow in size until he was a Titan of the Seas he sent a few Pirates flying into the water with a flick of his wrist but found a challenge in satus satus was able to relentlessly attack paleno from all sides the band of pirates were in awe not of paleno but of their captain that now felt as if he was a hero from a legend of old it was only midf fight that paleno saw that sataus bore a necklace which carried a pearl that could only be won from the belly of a Cabbage whale paleno grew afraid of sataus upon learning his true power to slay leviathans finally satus was able to run up to the head of palino and drive a spear deep into his brain halting all of his powers and his very Consciousness itself satara stood in the wake of this Victory surrounded by his band of pirates who now hailed his prowess they ended the day with a celebratory Indulgence in the ingestion of sinaran seaweed satus chose to take some for the first time and he quickly attained a vision of a deep secret about cabbage whale hunting that would shake the foundation of everything he thought he knew seaweed had a sence that communicated itself through mind-altering Visions this was experienced by artichoke Pirates Who Would traditionally ingest it after successful raids against the carrot Empire their Captain the Cabbage whale Hunter sataus finally took some seaweed only after slaying a carotenoid Titan of the Seas the Visions quickly took hold of him and he felt the seaweed speaking to him voices whispered his name until they began speaking to him clearly as one they said you know usaus deep in the farthest reaches of faded ancestral memories a part of you has never forgotten us nor the secret we defend remember we grow near the flower you must remember while you hunt the Cabbage whales we guided them to us so that they would eat the spores of the primordial flow of the archo Kingdom that cabbage Pearl you wear that came from the belly of a leviathan it is a Spore of the flower itself encrusted by a coat of cabbage it will lead you to the tomb of canthus for you are his Heir he was the original whale Hunter and his spear contains six pearls reclaim scaria your Pearl will guide you in his tomb to the location of the Spear of canthus We Believe The Cosmic stories of ancient sinaran point to you the resurrection of the destiny of scaria find the spear and its spores will guide you to the flower then the whales will follow you the pine cone tribe was hidden amidst other sentient plants living deep in the woods upon Treetops some knew them as the silvans their Center was directly north of the turnip Clan which was known for their great painters the silvans watched over them at night as they were a nocturnal spe species once they found that the carrot Empire came to conquer the turnip the carrots were in for a grave surprise the silvin were of two kinds during the Fortnight of the waxing moon the benevolent emerged to share Provisions for sentient plants that needed them but at the apex of the full moon the other half of the pine cone tribe was waiting to emerge those of the waning moon governed by a different set of energies and principles they emerged to strike down wrongdoers in the dark of night they wore skulls of previous victims and became the stuff of nightmares for unwitting carrot soldiers those of the waning moon seemed to carry with them powers from another world and they were never defeated in any of their nighttime skirmishes as such the catenoids soon began to fear the Fortnight of the waning moon and eventually the Pines themselves over time the turnip Clan was left in peace to continue painting unbothered the silven however remained ever watchful the yellow carrot God Prince of Incredible strength ruttin was an exile of the carrot Empire banished by his own choice he renounced the ways of the carrot King and set out in search of a purpose that could guide him in his quest for Redemption he now recognized the culture and value of each clan of sentient plants that he came across yet wherever he went he was perceived as a monster in his journey Westward he found that sarian villagers IGN Ed him completely not trusting anything he said continuing West he stumbled onto turnpin that he desired to help in some way appreciating their artistic talent although he soon saw the skulls of carotenoids fall around him tossed from Treetops ominous laughter from mysterious Silhouettes sent him away to the north he thought he might have found some kind of kindred spirit in the ZM Clan but they too looked at him as an Abomination he did not know what to do with such an outcast but he found something that surprised him slightly farther west in the land of the radiko Kingdom he found a Hardy group that exuded a sense of Honor that he could not identify he watched them from a distance when all of a sudden a ship of scaran pirates arrived beginning a raid of the carotenoids that ruled over that area rutin saw the captain of the Pirates and was impressed he felt as if this leader glowed with a golden hue charging into the coronoid ranks with a confidence and Valor that had rarely been seen before the Pirates knew him as sataus but the radicans seemed to cry out that the heir of canthus had finally come to seek the hidden tomb sarus galvanized the forces to wipe out all the carotenoid soldiers around them reclaiming the lands of the redico realm once Victory had been assured satus locked eyes with rutin and silence fell upon the battlefield it appeared that sataus felt as if rutin was a general of this Fallen Army and he called him forth challenging him to a duel rutin slowly walked into the center of these Fierce antagonists of his kind and pronounced that he meant no harm but rather sought Redemption for his misguided species the radicans and sinaran laughed some calling him a coward but gave him a customary sword for the jewel the air was tense before sataka suddenly ran towards rutin his sword raised with the aim to behead the yellow carotenoid rutin threw his own sword down and lifted his arm up to protect his neck just in time the blade of sataus broke in half upon making contact with roten's flesh the air became silent and even more tense as everyone murmured to each other sataka stared at rutin with disbelief but discovered a newfound respect for him he said to all this is one of the last carrot Gods himself before us you have all heard of the Invincible carotenoid this is him he could have destroyed me in one blow if he chose but he didn't I say he speaks the truth if he seeks such Redemption let us give him the compass of the Exiles begrudgingly but with respect to sataus the scaran obliged after all no one had ever returned from the island of Exiles alive rutin was not afraid of such a prospect but instead believed that Destiny was guiding him to such a destination rutin and sataus parted ways leaving each other with respect as sataus continued his quest for the tomb of canthus and rutin now headed for the island of Exile [Music] the carrat Empire had taken over the world thanks to their god king radics while the broccoli empire fell The Great Library of brool areia was preserved by accessing its toes the carotenoids were able to acquire higher Knowledge from the melium mind which was presented in holographic form the Mind bubbles information helped the carrots create an order of wisdom Keepers as their empire now became the center of knowledge radics created a class of scientists that started to use their newly gained technological prowess they genetically engineered a new breed of carotenoid a breed of super soldiers and cyborgs that would be the greatest Force the planet had seen as their cities and Technology rapidly grew radx continued to make other discoveries in the holographic mind toes of bralia he discovered the well-kept secret of the primordial flowers he found that bro alaria not only kept their own flower hidden but maintained records of the location of all the rest of the flowers of most sentient plant species on the planet radx felt as though the brarian had mused their way to dominance on the planet in this way and it was his turn to do the same although radic figured he could go beyond what anyone had achieved before he ordered a series of missions to thoroughly Harvest every primordial flower on the planet intending to collect each one for himself and so he pushed for the constant development of technological and Military progress with the ambition to to gain enough power that he could Ascend to the stars as a super god threatening the cosmos itself meanwhile in the Kingdom of the oberin ancient rituals were being invoked they saw that they would have to fight for a future where their culture could be maintained they had in their midst Sorcerers that knew of melium nightshade magic which they hoped would activate their dormant mycelium gate they practiced a summoning ritual for many moons until eventually a portal opened out of it emerged the silhouette of a purple Nightshade they had never seen a few words greeted them out of the Shadows I am intellectus if you would like to help this sentient plant Galaxy grow to Epic Proportions there are some options to consider in the link in the description thanks for watching
Channel: The Fractalnaut
Views: 12,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2SoAkY7ks18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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