GODSPEED | Cartoon Pilot

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(people shouting) (eerie music) - [Ryan] Iris, listen to me carefully. It's all going to hell. Every network went down 10 minutes ago. That ticket is the only thing that will get you on board. Iris, protect that ticket. - [Conductor] Do not stop moving, if you stop you'll be left behind. Tickets only. Ticketed passengers only. (siren blaring) (tense music) - [Soldier] Move it, move it! - [Ryan] I know what you're thinking, but there aren't enough ships for everyone. I'm sorry, Iris, but we can only save ourselves and you have to get to that ship now. (siren sounding) (crowd chattering) - [Announcer] All Sigma blue to Arc 14B. All Sigma blue members report to Arc 14B immediately. - [Ryan] That's you, Iris. You need to get to 14B now. I'll be here waiting for you, now hurry! - [Soldier] They're breaking through! (explosion booming) (gun blasts) (siren blaring) - [Announcer] Emergency launch protocol has begun. (sorrowful music) (siren blaring) Arcs, begin launch sequence. T minus one minute. - [Ryan] Iris, the ships are leaving. Go now! We're out of time! (siren blaring) (sorrowful music continues) Iris, where are you? Iris! We're leaving! (sorrowful music continues) Iris! (air whooshing) - [Announcer] Four, three, two, one. (engine building) (engine blasts) (forlorn music) - [Bystander] They can't leave us here. - [Bystander 2] Someone needs to help us. - [Bystander 3] They left us. How could they do this? (siren blaring) (forlorn music continues) - [Ryan] Iris, listen to me, I promise you I'll find a way back to you. I promise I will find a way back no matter what. (Ryan saying "Iris" echoing) Iris. Iris, it's me. I need you to go back. Go back to where I left you. Go back to where I left- - [Computer] Message has been repeated for two years, any further transmission puts us at grave risk. - It's time for plan B. Calibrate for alternate transmission. (computer beeping) - [Computer] Calibrated. Backup message uploaded. - Send it. (computer trilling) Godspeed Iris. (dramatic music) - [Bowie] I miss people. I miss parties. I have no juice, no signal! I'm broken. - How about giving it a rest Bowie? - I used to have music. I could get parties going, but there's nobody here to party with. Just sad. I'm useless. - Yeah, yeah, no juice. I got you. And I'm working on it, okay? This is probably our best bet to find something to fix you or someone. - When was the last time you seen a someone? It's been years. - Bowie, just hold it together, all right? - You remember when a couple someones would just get together and put on some music and dance and party? (thunder rolls) (foreboding music) - Bowie, record this message. (Bowie beeps) - [Bowie] Recording video log 971. - Hi Uncle Ryan, it's an important day. Two years since I last saw you. People stopped trusting each other pretty quickly after the ships took off. That thing in the sky, you called it ion, whatever it is, a star, a black hole, some distant explosion. All I know is the closer it gets, the worse things get. And it won't be long until it finishes us off for good. But I'm still here. Like you taught me, no matter what hope keeps us- - [Bowie] Uh oh, Iris! (tires screeching) - Yeah, I see it. Bowie, your window! - Ugh, I'm so sick of this sand. (foreboding music) (thunder rumbling) - Well, I think we are here. (engine roars by) - Iris, this place doesn't look like it has a signal. - It doesn't. Just keep your eyes peeled Bowie. - I see nothing. I see a house. Another house. Another house. - Up there! - What? - What is that? - That's a house. Why is it all wrapped up? - Someone is protecting it. - Oo! - [Iris] Let's go see. - [Bowie] Okay, let's go see! (mysterious music) (truck rattling) (breaks squeal to a halt) Iris, I'm so excited. (truck door rattles) (thunder rumbling) (eerie music) (lightning crashes) All right. Oh nice. Oh? (electricity clicks on) - They still have power. See that? - I do. Alright, alright, give it a knock! (door squeaks) It just opened. Let's get in there. Come on. - Hello. Anyone here? Hello? - I don't think anyone's... Oh, op, op, look! Oh whoa! Look at all this partying. It's got cups and bottle caps and pennies. Oh wow! - Just power up while you can. I'm gonna go look- - I'm way ahead of you. Linking up now. (Bowie trills then thuds) (Bowie groans) - Around. (inquisitive music) - Iris, there's a signal. I have juice! There's all this data and files and messages and... Oh, oh, oh! Iris, there's music. I'm downloading all of it. - Hello! Hello? (inquisitive music continues) - I've so much music! I'm downloading all of this. I'm getting all of- (Bowie trills) ♪ Detonate all of the plans you made ♪ ♪ To another place ♪ ♪ And whenever you're too tired ♪ ♪ And don't delay there's no reason ♪ (song fades) (woeful music begins) (thunder roaring) - Bowie! Rain! - [Bowie] We get back we're having a party! (rain pattering) (thunder rolls) (glass cracking) (foreboding music) (lightning cracking) (rain pattering) (plastic sizzling) (lightning crashing) - [Radio] Please continue to notice a- - And I got this song and I got this song, I'm just gonna download all of them. - [Announcer] Come on down to Mudtirepalooza! The planets top tires! - Bowie, record this message. - [Bowie] Recording video message 972. - Hi Uncle Ryan. (sorrowful music) I don't know if this will get to you. You taught me, no matter what hope keeps us alive, (forlorn music) that there's no life without hope. (engine roars by) But there's no hope without life. (forlorn music continues) I'm not scared of dying, I'm not. (computer trills) I just, I don't wanna be forgotten. (hopeful music) Don't forget us. Don't forget me. - I won't forget you. Well, maybe not after this. We never sold stuff this good in my store. - [Iris] You had a store? - I never told you? For years and years, I put everything into that place. One spring, I got a call in the middle of the night, told me a tornado took the entire place down. When I got there to check on it, it was just a big pile of sticks. (Iris laughing) (June laughing) (thunder crashes) God, I hate those. - Seems like it's getting worse every day. - Seems like it's following us every day. - We can't stay here much longer. - After two years, does it really matter? - Don't do that June, if you give up, I might too. (Iris coughing) - Man, I think we need some music. Bowie! - Okay. Okay, let me find a good song. How about this? ♪ A jet black train comes rolling in ♪ - You must be crazy to think you could be forgotten. Your message you just recorded, to Ryan. You'll always be remembered. What you did for me? For my, my perfect little starman. Up there, somewhere, alive because of you. (aching music) ♪ 50 miles ago ♪ - Bowie! - I'm on it. Okay. Yeah. Let me find one. I'm trying to find one. (static playing) - [Ryan] Iris. Iris, it's me. I need you to go back. Go back to where I left you. - That voice. It can't be. - [Ryan] So I can find you again. (hopeful music) I wish I could say more. - Ryan! - Iris? - [Ryan] Just remember, Salvation comes in the blink of an eye. I'll never give up, Iris. - That was a terrible song. - [Iris] It's him! - Iris? - It's him? It's me! Is it me? - Oh, Bowie must have downloaded that when he plugged in. - Iris, what's going on? Who? Who was that? - He's trying to tell me to, to go back to the launch site. Go back so he can find me. - Iris? - He is coming back for us! (thunder crashes) - Iris, we We don't know when that message was recorded. We don't even know where in the universe Ryan is. They are long gone, for two years now. - He said he'd find me. He's never failed before. - That storm destroys everything it touches, what makes you think it won't destroy you? You're gonna get yourself killed. - We gotta go June. I promise you, we will make it through the storm and when we find Ryan, we can- - Not me. I'm not coming. - June, I'm not leaving you. - My son escaped this world. He's alive, my job is done and I am sick of running. (sorrowful music) (June sniffling) We will be okay. Just do me one favor. Don't forget about me. - [Iris] I'd never forget you June. - And if you meet my son, tell him I say, "Hello Little Sprout." (sorrowful music) (thunder crashing) (brakes screech) (lightning crashes) - [Bowie] Iris, I'm so excited. Putting up the tarp, good idea. Good idea. Good, good. I like it. That's smart. (chuckles) Oh, we are so losing this tarp. Oh, oh yeah. Add a little eye hole. Nice. Alright. Okay, please tell me you're gonna say something awesome. - All right Bowie, I think it's time to play the good stuff. - [Bowie] I got just the one! (rock music) (engine roaring) (engine racing) (lightning crashing) ♪ Bring the hammer down ♪ - Iris be honest, do you like the music? - Hold on! - This is the best time I've ever had! ♪ I think you got yourself in too deep ♪ ♪ What you going to add ♪ ♪ Once you add a few into the fire ♪ ♪ Why'd you put me through it ♪ ♪ You know how to speed, push it higher and higher ♪ - Faster! Faster! - Not yet! ♪ You say it's over like I already know ♪ (engine roaring) (clasp clattering) - Oh come on, come on! (glass shatters) Oh! - [Bowie] This is a party. Oh, ho, ho, yeah! Let me fix the car. I'll do it, I'll do it! Come here. Come here. - What are you doing? Bowie! - I live for this! Come here. I got it. - Bowie! (lightning crashing) - I got it! (lightning explodes) (truck crashes) (constant trill of ears ringing) - Left. (Iris groaning) Left. (Iris gasps) (all sound crashes back) (thunder rolling) - Iris, you're the best party there is. - Thank you for being here. Bowie, you ready for this? - I live for this. - Wait, is that a nightlight? - Yeah, it's a nightlight mode. - I didn't know you had a nightlight mode. - Me neither. That could have came in handy a lot of times. (thunder crashing) (contemplative music) - We're here. We're here. This is where they left. (panting) (eerie music) Okay Ryan, anytime now, you can, you can show up at any time. (Iris hyperventilating) - Iris, you can't give up, remember what your uncle said? Salvation can come in the blink... (trills) What? Oh! Iris look! (rocket engines blasting) (ship thuds) (doors crank open) (mysterious music) (lights clang) (cookie crunches) - Oh, party food. Good sign. - Hello? Ryan. Ryan! Ryan, are you here? This is incredible. - [Computer] Well, this is exciting indeed. Hello, Iris. Would you like to get off this planet? - How do you- - He's fond of rhetorical questions. Let's go. We've been waiting for you. - Who the hell are you? Where's Ryan? - We need to leave now. - I'm not going anywhere until I know where my uncle is. - We're wasting time. - I've been waiting for this moment for two years. Tell us who you are or where Ryan is or I'm not going anywhere. - I can't tell you where he is because I don't know. - I think the real question here is, who are you Mr. Shadow guy? - People call me, King Slayer. - Ooh, very moody. (chuckles) I'm sold. Hi, Mr. King Slayer, I'm Bowie. - How do you know Ryan? - I don't know Ryan. I actually knew, I actually knew your parents. - What a twist. - Your father. Your father was my best friend. And if you can't believe that, then maybe you'll believe this. - [Dad] Hi sweetheart - Dad? - We're leaving tomorrow (heartfelt music) and you'll be too young to understand why. You gotta believe that I would've been there if I could. Life has a way of taking the things that you love the most. Your mother and I have to fight an unwinnable battle. And it won't be the first. It won't. And we have to try to destroy this thing before it arrives. My Uncle Ryan is going to look after you. He's gonna keep you safe. (heartfelt music continues) - Oh sweetheart, I love you bunches and bunches. I know what it's like to be alone and anytime you feel bad, just reach out your hand because someone will come along. (computer trills) - Spark the engines, we're leaving. - [Computer] Engines sparked. - My, my parents, are they... - I don't know, but come with me and we can find out together. (energetic music building) - Iris, I'm so in. - That's good enough for me. (energetic music crescendo) (upbeat music) ♪ Wayback, you're all I'm feeling ♪ ♪ Right now ♪ ♪ It gets heavy where we're drifting apart ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ It's all the ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ It's in you and I ♪ ♪ All the cracks you're already sealing somehow ♪ ♪ I'm not ready to feel different in my heart ♪ ♪ Looking out your window to the open door ♪ ♪ Is it every color people pictures in a drawer ♪ ♪ Or nothing's changed or nothing's changed ♪ ♪ We're still the same ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ It's all the ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ Between you and I ♪ ♪ Take all the teardrops and make a little flower ♪ ♪ Take all the raindrops and turn them into flowers ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ It's all the kind I live ♪ ♪ It's all the space, it's all the space ♪ ♪ Between you and I ♪ (digitized music)
Channel: OlanRogers
Views: 1,623,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godspeed, godspeedseries, final space, animation, cartoon, olan rogers, sci-fi
Id: Fdbd2kRSzG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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