The Cardiac Examination - Clinical Skills - Dr James Gill

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[Music] hello and I've told a girl I've been asked to cardiovascular examination on you today so that's coming evolve looking over your hands examine your face getting you to take your shirt off and then checking over your chest would that be okay perfect so before we start off could have confirm your name and date of birth please tell Harding 24 thank you and you have any problems with your heart that you're aware okay okay so to start off if I could get you to put your hands out in front of you please I'm just gonna have a good look here if you turn your hands over and if it were both fingernails together like so that's brilliant okay we're gonna take your pulse now I'll do this on both hands that's nice Noor and just relax down and we're going to take your pulse up okay that feels good now we need to assess your the pulse and another way do you have any problems with your shoulder okay so I'm just going to take your wrist like so and then lift it up one two three that's fine just here's it's Sam again goodnight problems there now what I'd like to do a blood pressure if I might have you had your blood pressure done before yep okay and were there any problems of that today okay so we're going to do this twice once with the stethoscope and once without okay if you have any problems with either on that relax our Tom time please excellent so just get you the same again that's good okay that's all normal so that's good now gonna have to look over your face if I might so if you could take you take it laughs off please okay and lean back for me if you look up and that's great and if you could show me a Tom please and put your tongue to the roof of your mouth perfect now I'd like to have a look over your neck so I'm just gonna put my hands II to the side say relax back for me okay I'll do the same again on the opposite side now I'll have a listen if you don't mind him so we'll both breathe together so take a deep breath in hold it and breathe normally do the same again deep breath in and hold it excellent now if I could get you to take your shirt off please thank you and again if you did lie back up a bit I'm just going to start off by having around the base of your neck I can't see any problems there I forget you to turn your head all the way over so I'm going to push on your tummy do you have any pain here okay one two three that looks fine now we're going to go on to actually look over your heart now so I'm just going to put my hand on your chest and if you roll over please that's fine my back for me now we're going to go on to actually look over your heart now so I'm just going to put my hand on your chest I feel some pressure it's fine tell me at any time if there's any problems now we're just gonna have a quick listen to your heart said you please continue to breathe normally and if you once again roll to the left please that's fine now if you could sit up please and I would have put my stethoscope on your chest and we're going to breathe again together so deep breath in breathe out and hold it fantastic right whilst you set up we're going to have a look out of your back so if okay your arms over your chest please and I'm going to tap down and we'll do the same again but listening this time so if you could breathe in and out through your mouth please and doubt and and and and and and and out and and an out-and-out super so there no problems that I'm just to finish off on the back I'm gonna push in at the base of your spine good no problem so if you could remain there for a second we need to lie the bed flat and I'm gonna have a look at you tell me again okay so if he was lie back please once again any discomfort something to at me at the boat perfect so I need to push him with both hands that feels normal now we have to listen over there as well so I can't hear nothing abnormal that's good now I'm going to finish off by looking over your feet and check your pulses okay although that's normal I'm just checking there on the end okay so that's all appears to be normal there's your t-shirt do you have any questions for myself yeah okay thank you for your time today we're completely examination by having look over an ECG checking any chest x-rays that might be and any blood work that's already been done okay thank you view time [Music] you
Channel: Dr James Gill
Views: 1,087,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The cardiac examination, osce, clinical examination, cardiovascular examination, examination, cardiovascular, cardiac, heart, medicine, cardiology, asmr, palpation, medical school, aortic stenosis, auscultation of heart, physical exam, clinical skills, medic, cardiovascular system, guide to physical examination and history taking, apex heart beat, percussion, pulse palpation, carotid auscultation, Dr James Gill, Heart Examination, Clinical Skills revision, Medical school revision
Id: ECs9O5zl6XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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