The Call (A Film of Vocations) | Aaron Mason

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[Music] a vocation is a call from God and that call can comes from our baptism and got him plants that seed within our heart and he wants us to be happy and so whatever God wants us he's gonna draw us to so whether that is a vocation to married life single life priesthood religious life it's a calling from God to help us draws closer to him well it actually happened back in 1993 when Pope John Paul the second Saint Pope John Paul the second now came to Denver Colorado for a World Youth Day the first and only one that has been in America and I was a young in my early 20s and I wanted to go out and see the mountains and I wanted to see the Pope and the Holy Spirit took over I made up with sister Kathleen another member of my religion religious community and like I said the spirit took over and I heard God's call in the midst of about 80,000 young people praying the Stations of the Cross and I heard God speak to me wanting me to become a religious sister and so I went from there I took the steps that I needed to and I'm here today [Music] our hearts are restless because unfortunately the evil one puts those temptations in there and he wants us to be agitated he wants us to be stirred up because then we're not totally with God but if we are totally with God we're gonna find that peace and I think that's when um when somebody finds their true location that's a great notion that they have there's a great sense of peace it's not like oh I wonder what it would be to Rio well wife and a mother well I wonder what it would be to be in the single life those questions don't arise because you know you're fulfilling God's plan and he gives you that peace when you finally answer his call no matter what that call might be well I just moved to Nebraska City and went to the drive-in theater there's where the soccer field is now and Sally was with my sister and they got a flat tire in Sally's car and they walked over and grabbed me during the movie to have me change their tire in their car during the movie and then they promised me a large pizza which sally has yet to deliver never happy remember the movie was it was World War 2 Pearl Harbor no wait away Midway it was the movie it was yes we've been married thirty almost thirty four years and and if anyone who's been married that long is going to say that it's been perfect what I've list there they're not telling the truth they need to go to the confessional there's ups and downs there's good parts and bad parts and that's where you rely on your faith you know if you don't have a strong foundation of faith your marriage stops it's not gonna last the one stable thing is Jesus so you can always come back there and if you if you don't have the ability to come back there that it's gonna fall apart [Music] and I think it's really important to our youth is to show them that you know marriage is work it's not easy you know you don't wake up every day and hop up and say I'm sure he doesn't wake up everyone and say oh my gosh you're the most beautiful creature on earth you know it's not there after 35 years but at the same token if you show them you know that the work is worth it to have your best friend by you in your entire life and into an eternity it's great you know I always felt sorry when my kids would come home when they're young when some of their friends are beginning divorced their first question was are you and Dad gonna get divorced and I was like you know it's not an option you know and I think if you put that into your relationship right away it's not an option you know it's not there on the table that you have to work through it you know that you need to be there for a role model just like in any other situation your marriage needs to be a role model I'd like to consider myself as in a transitory estate but if I if this were to be my permanent vocation I really wouldn't mind what I like about the single life is you're more able to focus on yourself and develop yourself as more of a person that you would want to be seen in the eyes of God and that's important to me and the way that I do that is being out in nature some people get the closest connection with God in a pew but for me when I'm out in nature I'm hiking trails that's the most connected I feel with God that's where I'm able to develop Who I am more get in touch with myself and find the connections that I may not have ever found being in a relationship or necessarily being in front of an altar praying I don't think it's looked at in a very positive manner like everyone these days younger older looking for love even though they may not know what love is and they look at it as oh I'm gonna be lonely forever I'm gonna be a crazy cat woman like I don't really look at it as something like that I'm actually thankful for the opportunity to be able to be kind of focused on myself I think that's very important I think it's different for everyone but for me when I see the beauty that he's created when I look outside I know that I know and understand the greater purpose of life and which makes me want to strive to be interior li and exterior li as beautiful as nature is which is something that he's created and by being that kind of example and having kind of that glow about you when people approach you is one of the most important things that I can really think of or strive towards so in my opinion that's that's it I think that I could never really envisioned and and I have nothing against sanitation workers or anything like that but they the one thing that that that I just could never envision myself being was a garbage collector right above that the next thing that I could not envision myself being was a priest and and so it just really wasn't it wasn't even on the radar screen for me growing up and and I'd have my pastor for my my home encouraged you know sometimes you'd come and talk to me and you asked me about it and try to get me to think about it he had a cousin who was a retired priests them and there come visit and he would you know try to you know plant those seeds and ask me about it and but I never it's not ever really anything that I wanted I remember one time my grandma my grandma says that she was she used to pray around tree on the on the porch I remember asking you one time it's like what are you pray for her she's like oh I'm praying that all my grandson's become priests and I was like to me for that guy I don't want to become a priest I started to go into Mass every day and just in getting kind of short version one thing led to another started to really was encouraged by the priest there it's you to begin to pray about a vocation because I had never done that before I'd never really asked God was like okay you made me what do you want me to do and through that process of prayer over the next several years I really became convinced that this is what God wanted me to do [Music] you know especially one who's going through high school I went through a really rough it's a really dark time just understanding that what that emptiness is like and understanding what it's like to have a you know a you know hole in your heart nothing in this world can really come up and really then going through the process of coming to know and to understand God he loved me so much that he said her son Jesus Christ and through that relationship with Jesus then really finding finding joy finding peace [Music] [Music] spirit lead me where my trust is Without Borders the me [Music] come take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior spirit lead me where my trust is Without Borders the me [Music] and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Saviour [Music] let me [Music] my food [Applause] [Music] a strong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Hipster Films
Views: 70,589
Rating: 4.915709 out of 5
Keywords: vocation, catholic, the call to God, catholic film, catholic vocations, catholic teens, catholicisim, conscecrated life, the priesthood, single life, married life, journey to jesus, jesus, christ, God, the trinity, Catholic teaching, inspirational, film, indie filmmaker, Hipster Films, christian film, short film, christian short film, catholic short film
Id: xM1pg6flA80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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