The CAGED System Summarized

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here's the cage system summarized the name caged is derived from the open chord shapes c a g e and d and even though these chord shapes are open they're still movable shapes if we pretend this is fret zero we can move everything up one fret and go from playing a C to playing a d flat move everything up one more fret and we get a d but it's still shaped like a c we can do the same thing with the a shape we can keep moving it up the fretboard [Music] and eventually we land on another D chord except this time it's the a shape you're following me we can do that with the G shape as well but it's kind of hard to slide this shape up the fretboard so what instead would work would be this [Music] and finally we'd have the E shape and this is how the cage system works hey trivia one million YouTube subscribers
Channel: Brandon D'Eon Music
Views: 902,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wGTOqgcxhl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 57sec (57 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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