The CAGED System Actually Sucks...

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the cage system actually sucks the cage system really isn't that great and it has some problems but don't we all here's a fun fact I went to music school for 4 years and the cage system was never mentioned once I wouldn't even hear about it for another 2 years after I graduated until that point I didn't even know the damn thing existed so what's my point here why am I telling you this well I'm telling you this because I just want you to understand that the cage system is flawed but ironically this will be the best lesson on the cage system you've ever seen because I'm going to get straight to the point this simple concept does not require 30 minutes of unne Neary complication to get the point across here's how it works this is a c chord but imagine this is fret zero so if we take our c chord and we move it up one fret we get a d flat chord if we move it up one more fret we get a d chord and this is a d chord but I'm using a c shape you can repeat this process with an a shape so once again imagine this is fret zero so let's take this shape and slide it up until we reach a D [Music] chord let's repeat this process once again but this time with a G chord shape the problem is this shape is not very practical to move up the fretboard so instead let's reduce it to this and move this shape up the Fret [Music] board now for our e shape it's the same man just imagine this is fret zero and slide up until we reach D and the last letter enaged is D and we have our open D shape right here but if we take this shape and slide it all the way up to here we now have a d-shaped d chord and that's it do you understand you could end this video now because that's all that's required so if you take anything away from this video let it be this same chord different shape got it but Brandon I'm a beginner and my knowledge of the fretboard is piss poor if I wanted to play an a-shaped D chord How will I know which Frets to go to well let's apply the cage system to an a chord pay attention to the Frets I'm on first we have our a-shaped a chord next we have our g-shaped a chord next we have our e-shaped a chord finally we have our d-shaped a chord and for kicks now let's play our c-shaped a chord did you notice the pattern the highest fret of the previous chord becomes the lowest fret of the next [Music] chord at least this is how some people teach the cage system but what about Minor chords ah yes of course let's talk about minor cords now I can show you where the cage system breaks let's apply the cage system to an E minor chord so first we have our e-shaped E minor chord and we know that the highest fret of one chord becomes the lowest fret of the next chord which means the d-shaped E minor chord is here let's continue with our c-shaped E minor chord ah but we can't this right here is the c-shaped E minor cord it's a to play and it also breaks the rule that the highest fret of one chord becomes the lowest fret of the next chord so imagine that using the cage system to figure out minor chords has failed us this really pisses me off but I'm not even mad subscribe to my channel now so if you're an intermediate level guitar player relying on the cage system to show you different chord voicings and by chord voicings I mean different shape same chord you're out of Lux son because the cage system is not reliable for helping you with this but just for kicks I'll show you the rest of the minor cage tapes so we've covered the c-shaped E minor chord but here's the a-shaped E minor chord and the g-shaped E minor chord but the g-shaped E minor chord is Not Practical at all so it's better to play it like this and at that point we're really just playing the e-shaped E minor chord are you starting to see how the cage system sucks okay Brandon well if I shouldn't learn the cage system what should I do look if the cage system has helped you that's great just don't let it become a crutch what I recommend is learning What notes make up the chord you're trying to play for example an F chord is made up of the notes f A and C which means this is an F this is an F this is an F this is an F this is an F this is an f and this is an F if you know what notes make up a chord then you can play that chord anywhere on the neck without having to on a faulty system to help you get there the cage system is clearly on cigarettes if you found this lesson to be too complex that's okay it just means you're a but if you want me to make a video on how the cage system can be applied to soloing and improvisation let me know in the comments I will explain to you how it works but also point out how it's stupid and what you should do instead because I'm smart as hell also good-looking age reveal at 1 million Subs 52-week guitar player is currently closed for enrollment until mid June we just closed on March 31st so now is a super early time to get on the waiting list click the link in the description to sign up now just leave
Channel: Brandon D'Eon Music
Views: 18,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QT44Vye-uSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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