The Cadillac Lyriq Amazes In 70 MPH Highway Range Test

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The real feat here is that this guy turned about a paragraph worth of content into a 30 minute video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikejuly24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hopefully this translates to good test results for the Blazer and Equinox too

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bradeena πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

330 miles at 70 mph is pretty good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kaisenls1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

YouTube thumbnails: some goober making Dreamworks Face next to day-glo eye bleed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bobsil1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Glad I cancelled mine. My Debut Edition order was SOOOOOO delayed, I would have been able to take it beginning of March 23 -- one year after Cadillac triumphantly announced that production started!) I ended up taking possession of my R1S July 5 (3 to 6 months ahead of my last delivery estimate). And the icing on the cake is that Cadillac's charging partner (EVGo) closed the only two stations within a 15 min drive from me so I would have been SOL on the "free" charging.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tim-in-CA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 06 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

DCFC rate (kW) is way too slow for such a big pack. 40 minutes 20-80…..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZetaPower πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
foreign hey guys just finished charging up this beautiful 2023 Cadillac lyric rear wheel drive I'm going to hop out onto the highway now drive at a constant 70 miles an hour we're going to see how far the Cadillac lyric goes in the 70 mile an hour Highway range test all right so I'm out on the New Jersey Turnpike cruising along at 70 miles an hour in a 2023 Cadillac lyric this is the rear wheel drive lyric they also make an all-wheel drive version the rear-wheel drive that I'm in has 340 horsepower 325 pound-feet of torque that's good enough to propel the vehicle from 0 to 60 in about 5.7 seconds certainly not made for the drag strip but more than enough power to get out of its own way if you opt for the all-wheel drive version of the lyric that has 500 horsepower and 450 pound-feet of torque that'll knock more than a second off of its 0-60 time somewhere around 4.5 4.6 seconds is what I'm seeing from some of the other news outlets that's officially tested it now this version here has an EPA range rating of 312 miles the all-wheel drive version is a little less 307 miles so to me that's definitely only a five mile range penalty to get that extra motor the extra power and everything that'd probably be the one that I would have select if I were to buy a lyric but we're rated at 312 miles here that's the combined EPA range rating typically when we do these 70 mile an hour Highway range tests we don't meet the combined range rating because that combines City and Highway the city is always a higher range rating than the highway would be the unfortunate thing is the EPA hasn't been breaking out the highway and City figures like they used to so I don't have the highway range rating for this just the combined number of 312. I would suspect that the highway range rating would probably be somewhere around 280-ish so I think that's kind of what I'm expecting to get here today 280 285 but we'll see it's got a big battery pack we have a 102 kilowatt hour of usable energy in this battery pack so more than 100 km what hour and I'm going to try to use every last bit of it the only other thing I want to mention about the vehicle is this has the 20 inch split six spoke alloy wheels there are optional 22 inch wheels but the person that I got this vehicle for today I actually rented it from a friend who just got it about three weeks ago has about 2 000 miles on it so I rented it for the day to do this range test and he didn't get the 22 inch wheel option just the 20 inch regular stock wheel and tire combo it does have the AKG 19 speaker sound system which so far has been Sublime all right let's talk a little bit about what I do when I do these range tests to set the vehicles up so it's fair first of all I always set the tire pressure to the manufacturers suggested tire pressure uh in the door jamb you'll find that and I in the case of the lyric here it was 42lbs miles per square inch so I set it to 42 pounds per square inch all four tires perfectly you will notice that I'm waving my hands around that's because I have GM super cruise on so far it's been very good so I can have hands-free just a hands-free system so don't freak out if you sometimes I think when I did the Ford blue Cruise video the hands-free system I had a lot of comments people saying keep your hands on the wheel this is designed to be hands-free so relax it's safe I'm watching the road so we did the tire pressure we always put the vehicles in the most efficient driving mode that there is and with the lyric that's tour mode there's four driving modes tour sport snow ice and then my mode my mode lets you kind of configure your driving mode to the way you would uh prefer it and if I own the vehicle I might do that but not on a one day rental so tour Mode's the most efficient we have it in tour mode I set the climate control to uh somewhere between 68 and 70 degrees depending on what makes it comfortable I have it set to 70 degrees here today and on fan setting one which is the lowest fan setting I'm trying to use as little amount of energy for climate control but I also want to keep myself comfortable in the cabin and we do this with all the vehicles we drive on these range tests so we can compare them uh reset the trip gauge right before we took off I checked my wind apps when I started off there was a five mile an hour wind coming from the north which aided us because we're driving south on the turnpike so it's going to help us a little bit in the beginning of the range test but five miles an hour is not much I like to do these range tests with it under 10 miles an hour because I've noticed once we get up over 10 miles an hour it really makes a noticeable difference in the the range and the consumption rate but what we do to try to offset that is I drive in Long Loops up and down the New Jersey Turnpike and I always try to finish up where I started off and that sort of negates or helps to negate elevation changes although the New Jersey Turnpike is very flat very little elevation change on the course that I drive here I do all the vehicles on the same course but I can't control the wind that could be different from day to day and that's why I do these Loops so that if I'm getting a headwind in One Direction I'm getting a Tailwind in the other hopefully it helps to balance it out make it as you know as as as even as possible and is fair when we compare these to other vehicles as possible as for temperature we started off today it was in the high 60s I started nice and early this morning temperatures are supposed to get up into the mid to Upper 70s so it's perfect range weather it's not too windy the temperature is great we DC fast charge the rough so the back got the battery nice and toasty warm so we're good to go and I'll check in when we're at 75 percent state of charge and we'll see where we're at checking in at 75 state of charge at least I think it's 75 state of charge one of the things that bothers me so much about GM vehicles is they don't have a numeric state of charge display in the vehicle I think you can get that in the app but since I don't own this vehicle I don't have that app uh so it's really frustrating they just give you this bar graph where uh the bar slowly erodes as your range goes down but I think I figured out a way to work around that and get a relatively precise measurement one of the things that the lyric does and I really like this and the GM vehicles do this very well is they display the energy usage on your trip so I'm able to see how many kilowatt hour we've used during this trip and I know we have a 102 kilowatt hour battery pack so I'm just going to knock off uh 25.5 kilowatt hour for each quarter of the range test and I figure that should land this right at the 102 at the end now there could be slight degradation even though the vehicle is pretty new it's probably been DC fast charged a bunch because he does put this vehicle on on turo but it's only got 2 000 miles he can't have that much battery degradation so I'm hoping to get close to the full 102 kilowatt hour of usable that GM says uh so I I stopped that uh 25.5 kilowatt hour used and we're at 78 miles driven and that's fantastic that tracks for more than 300 miles of range I'll be uh very surprised and very happy with the lyric if this goes more than 300 miles at a constant 70 miles an hour now the wind has died off a little bit I'm noticing from the first uh time we checked in it's only three mile an hour wind now and it's still a Tailwind for us we haven't turned around yet but that could be helping us a little bit and our consumption rate so far is 3.0 miles per kilowatt hour which is pretty good for vehicle of this size traveling at 70 miles an hour all right so our next check-in is going to be at the halfway point when we're at 50 state of charge hopefully we're going to be at around 150 miles traveled at that point but time will tell we'll see you then so we're halfway home at 50 state of charge at least I think it's 50 state of charge I had to rethink my plan on using the energy usage to tell me how far we've gone because I forgot for a second that that's going to add back regen uh so we should finish up with well more than 102 kilowatt hour used because during this trip we don't use a lot of regen because it's pretty much a constant uh 70 miles an hour but the braking does happen here and there and it does recuperate some energy so we're going to finish up we should at least finish up with more than 102 kilowatt hour so I can't really go by the energy usage I have to use this bar here and um when the bar ticked down to where it looked like it was at the 50 percent stated charge point we had used 53 kilowatt hour I was going to check in at 51 which is 50 of 102 total kilowatt hour but looks like we uh regenerated two extra kilowatt hour of usable energy so with that the first 25 check-in when we did that at 75 might have been slightly off I probably should have driven a little bit further but the fact that the matter is the quarterly check-ins really don't matter that much what matters is the final result and how far we've gone I just like to note where we're at at 75 50 and then 25 so at 50 from what I believe is 50 we drove 168 miles that would be 90 more miles than when I checked in at uh the first check-in after driving 78 miles from a hundred percent down to what I believe was 75 percent now from 75 to 50 we went 90 miles so we're tracking at well more than 300 miles total for this 100 down to zero uh 70 mile an hour range test and uh we've used 53 kilowatt hours so we're definitely going to to drain more than 100 kilowatt hour out of this battery today for sure looks like we might get up to 104 maybe even close to 105 by the time it's pretty much dead and won't go any further I need to leave a little bit of energy in the battery to make it to the charging station but I'm usually pretty good with timing when I get off the highway so that we pretty much plug in when the battery is just about fully exhausted so there's one other thing I wanted to mention I think I forgot to mention before when I talked about what we do to set the vehicles up one of the things I also always do is make sure that the speedometer is correct so I have a couple GPS apps and I test the speedometer when I set it to 70 miles an hour with the GPS apps and with the lyric it was dead on that's usually not the case it's usually a one or two mile an hour off but the lyrics that on 70 miles an hour is a true 70 miles an hour so we have the super Cruise clocked in at 70 miles an hour and we're cruising along we're super cruising along it's been working great the only thing I will say is doesn't like merges when Lanes merge it disengages uh when there's there's a construction zone that we went through there really wasn't anybody working but there was cones and stuff set up it knew that there was a construction zone and it didn't want to drive through it because there was a lane shift and some uh concrete barrier set up so it disconnected and I'm also getting this frequent message that keeps popping up that says one of the cameras isn't functioning so but uh it's working it's not uh shutting down uh when I had my Tesla Model 3 I would get that a lot if a camera was blocked sometimes if it was a really sunny day and it was shining on it it would happen or if uh raining and the camera was blocked but the cameras are cleaned I cleaned them before I started this test it's not particularly sunny it's the sun's actually just coming out now it's it's an overcast day today but a perfect day for this range test we couldn't have scripted it any better the wind is like non-existent it's like two miles an hour now and it's 75 degrees it's perfect range weather the turnpike's nice and clear I haven't really had a slow up or anything so we're just chugging along at 70 miles an hour uh we went 168 miles on the first half of the battery let's see how well we do on the second half this video is powered by Q Merit North America's leading provider of installation services for electric vehicle charging home energy storage and other electrification Technologies see how Humera is making the energy transition easy for home and business owners by following the link in the description of this video all right well we just passed the 25 state of charge Point we've gone 248 miles so that's 80 more miles now as I said earlier I'm not really being precise with 75 50 25 like I usually am because we don't have a numeric state of charge display so they could be off a little bit I think we're averaging right around 82 miles per 25 of battery and uh if we continue on on this last quarter with the same consumption that we've been doing we should hit between 200 200 325 and 330 miles we're going to blow past the EPA range rating that's pretty much a fade of complete at this point the 312 miles we're going to crush that but one thing I have noticed is my uh the GPS now in the lyric is telling me we won't make it we're about 70 miles away way and it's saying we're going to arrive with negative one percent battery so should be an interesting uh final hour of driving hopefully it won't be a repeat of the only other time that I ever ran out on a range test with another GM vehicle the Chevy bolt EV and partially because I didn't have a good numeric state of charge display to really judge how far I was the the range rating the estimated range rating you can't really rely on that not as much as you can a numeric state of charge as far as I'm concerned and I just don't understand why General Monas won't put it in their cars they don't have to put it front and center if if somebody doesn't want it they can turn it off or should be in a setting that they can enable and if they want to have uh you know remaining range that's fine even that bar graph if you want that shows like it kind of mimics a fuel gauge on a gas car maybe General Motors thinks their customers are more comfortable with what they've always been used to that could be the case but give us a numeric state of charge also that's another useful tool in your toolbox when you're trying to judge how far you can go so okay we were we passed the 25 stated charge Point 248 miles we are at 3.0 miles per kilowatt hour again it's been bouncing between 3.0 and 3.1 for a while now it just so happened at the 25 point it was at 3.0 if I would have taken a picture five minutes earlier it was at 3.1 so we're going to finish up somewhere at either 3.0 or 3.1 miles per kilowatt hour and um at that point when I believed we were at 25 state of charge we had used 79.5 kilowatt hour on this trip now we should have been at somewhere around 76 if we didn't have regenerative braking adding back some energy into the the battery pack so it looks like we've we've had or added around three kilowatt hours of uh extra energy and that helps you on a long drive as I said when I do these range tests I don't use braking too often it's pretty much constant 70 miles an hour but I do have to slow down when I when I uh do my turnarounds so at those points we definitely use regenerative braking and here this is interesting I'm on super Cruise someone's trying to merge with me and super Chris is not letting them so he's probably not happy but uh in any event uh yeah that one thing I will note with super cruise and with blue cruise that I have on my Ford F-150 Lightning it doesn't do vehicle merges well at all and I think the it kind of ignores the car that's trying to merge in with you and just goes on its own way and if the person's a little of ahead of you they kind of expect you to slow down for them but that the the blue Crews and super Crews won't do that it just keeps going to the point where It'll like push the personal throat if if you let it you have to take over I had to do that once or twice but other than that the super Cruise has been working great super uh you know rock solid it's not ping-ponging in the lane I haven't had any Phantom breaking issues I do have that warning that keeps coming up that's saying the camera is not available but it doesn't seem to be affecting the system at all everything's working great with it so um going to continue on to the Electrify America charging station in East Brunswick New Jersey hopefully we'll make it and we're going to be at uh we're going to be at more than 320 miles for sure we might even get Just a Touch over 330 let's say I'm super impressed with the lyric if anybody is concerned about getting a lyric for range reasons don't be this is a range Beast more than 300 miles at highway speeds granted 70 miles an hour some people drive faster than that we really can't New Jersey drive that much faster than 70 miles an hour does a lot of traffic and the speed limit is 65 by the way but the flow of traffic as you can see in the fast lane keeps passing me the flow of traffic is probably around 75 miles an hour the the fast lane flow the slow lane that I'm in is right around 70 miles an hour sometimes 72 73 the cars pull away from me but let's say you're on a road trip and you wanted to drive faster you wanted to drive 75 miles an hour so you know let's say we finish up with 325 here today I'd feel comfortable saying at 75 miles an hour you could probably get 380 385 but once you get up to 80 85 you're really going to see a big reduction in range because the wind resistance you know has an exponential effect on on the the Aero drag and you really start to slow down I would think that um if I drove this at 80 miles an hour compared to 70 miles an hour it would definitely Lop off 50 miles of driving range that's how much of a difference it can make a huge difference so if you do in any electric vehicle go on a long road trip you're really trying to maximize the range you're trying to squeeze out as much as you can just knock that cruise control down a few miles an hour you'll get to where you're going it might take you an extra 20 minutes or a half an hour to get there but you'll get there it's even safer to drive a little bit slower and you'll save a lot of energy and you'll make your destination but on the 70 mile an hour Highway tests we like to just lock it in so that way we can compare EV to EV on the same course in relatively same conditions temperature can fluctuate but there's not much we can do about that but note it but the temperature today is perfect it's 76 degrees now almost no wind not a lot of traffic couldn't be better for the lyric and the lyric is taking advantage of it because we are going to blow by its EPA range rating and finish up well over 320 miles let's check in when I'm at the electric fire marker charging station and we'll talk about the final results okay so I'm pulling into the parking lot where I Electrify America charging station is I've been driving in reduced power for the last four miles so I pulled off the highway at 228 miles driven but we weren't completely dead so I drove down this one road that I could drive about 50 miles an hour on not quite 70 but I was able to drive like 50 miles an hour and now I am in the parking lot and unfortunately the one 350 is being used so I'm going to be waiting to charge but let's see what our final numbers are when I pull into the station I tell you I'm super impressed with the lyric this thing has a range monster so that's the station I want over there there's a Mustang Mach e plugged into it there's only two 350 kilowatt stations here there's 10 stations there's only two cars charging right now and a Maki and an id4 are charging on the two 350s neither one should be on a 350 because neither one could accept more than 150 kilowatts but that's the state of charging today all right so let's get back to where we're at now okay in park the vehicle reads Low once you get down under like 10 miles of remaining range as I've harped about before with General Motors products they removed the remaining range and it just says low it's ridiculous whoever designed this at GM has never driven an electric car they're clueless it's it's mind-boggling to me you get your estimated remaining range for your whole trip but then once it gets low when maybe it's important for you to keep an eye on that it goes away and it just says low but that's another reason why I'm not 100 sure we're at zero I'm pretty sure I'm at zero but let's see where we are at let me record this Okay so we've driven 330.3 miles and I've used a 104.7 kilowatt hour which is more than what I'm supposed to be able to access the car is supposed to only have 102 kilowatt hour of usable energy but that extra almost three kilowatt hour was from the regenerative braking I added some energy back into the system plus there's a little bit more left in here maybe there's another kilowatt hour in here I'm not going to run out like I did with the bolt EV I feel comfortable with non-gm vehicles running them down to zero but not GM vehicles because they don't give you any information that you need to know how low you are but anyway end of rant you could tell I'm not happy with that but I am happy with the other things that GM gives you this energy usage is really good uh information that other companies don't give you and you can take a look at here 99 of the energy I used today was from the propulsion driving and accessories and only one percent 1.5 kilowatt hour was for the climate which was my um uh air conditioning that on today so pretty much everything went into using the propulsion system I didn't turn on the massaging seats which I am going to turn on on my way home because five hours of driving in Long loops and my back's starting to get a little cranky let's come over here we finished up with the efficiency of 3.1 mile per kilowatt hour so super job by the Cadillac lyric I'm going to put this down now I'm going to cut into the video now before I wrap things up to discuss the usable capacity of the battery pack on the lyric now during the range test I had mentioned on numerous occasions that the reason why I think we're going to be able to get more than 102 kilowatt hour usable on this range test out of the pack was because we were adding energy back to the pack with regenerative braking which is the case however after driving the lyric a little bit longer I noticed that under very strong regenerative braking events which wasn't happening during the range test but if I did a strong regenerative braking event I could actually see the usable energy on that trip drop by a tenth of a kilowatt hour so now that made me rethink what the usable capacity was because if it was deducting it as I was driving then it shouldn't be more than 102 kilowatt hour it should have ended with 102 kilowatt hour if 102 kilowatt hour was the finite usable capacity as General Motors tells us it is but I don't think that's the case now there's different ways that you could really measure the usable energy on a battery it's not an exact number and what I believe General Motors does is they drain the battery aggressively under a lot of stress and then how much of the usable energy is they put that out that's the usable energy but if you don't really tax the battery and and driving at a constant 70 miles an hour is easy on the battery it's not a lot of stress you can actually end up pulling more usable energy out of the pack and I think that's what happened here so in reality the usable capacity for the lyrics battery pack is more than 102 kilowatt hours it would probably be 102 kilowatt hours maybe in the winter when the pack was really cold or in the warmer weather if you took the thing out on a track and were just thrashing it around you might only get 102 kilowatt hour out of it but uh in perfect condition 75 degree temperatures just cruising along not doing a lot of stress you can pull more energy out of the pack which is what I did I finished up with 104.7 kilowatt hour used but I'm sure I could have gotten that over 105 maybe even close to 106 kilowatt hour because there's definitely energy left in the pack when I stopped as I mentioned I didn't want to run out and have to get towed so you know under the conditions that I had a brand new lyric probably has 106 kilowatt hour of usable energy good on GM for under promising and over delivering okay back to the wrap up now fantastic job in my opinion uh 330 miles at 70 miles an hour and there's probably still two or three miles left in here I probably could have maybe rounded off to 333 but I'm not pushing this guy today I'm not waiting for a tow truck I had to do with the bolt EV uh but um hey you can't complain lyric owners we crushed its EPA range rating of uh 312 miles we blew beyond that I mean this um you know at 3 30 we went uh 18 miles further but I'm sure I could have squeaked out two more miles so it probably could have beat its EPA combined EPA range rating by 20 miles that's fantastic at 70 miles an hour so if you're going to get a Cadillac lyric if you're thinking about getting a lyric don't be afraid of going on road trips as long as you keep your speed down this thing is a range monster it beat my Tesla Model 3 my Tesla Model 3 when I did the highway range test on the same exact course in very similar conditions it went 310 miles so uh this puppy here can go and Cadillac did a good job when it's comfortable the sound system is fantastic there's 19 speakers in here the massaging seats I'm going to try out really soon I'm sure they're going to be enjoyable I like the lyric I think it's a good option at the price that it's at and next stuff we're going to see how well it charges so I'm going to plug this guy in now and do a complete zero to one hundred percent uh DC fast charge test we'll do some analysis and all that but that video will be coming up a little bit later listen if this is your first time here at state of charge please don't forget smash that subscribe button so you don't miss any upcoming electric vehicle news and reviews and as always thanks for watching [Music] oh
Channel: State Of Charge
Views: 77,492
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Keywords: cadillac lyriq, cadillac lyriq review, 2023 cadillac lyriq review, 2023 cadillac lyriq, lyriq cadillac review, cadillac lyriq price, lyriq cadillac, cadillac lyriq reviews, cadillac lyriq cost, cadillac lyriq interior, cadillac, 2023 cadillac lyriq interior, 2023 cadillac lyriq specs, cadillac lyriq 2023, 2024 cadillac lyriq, lyriq, 2023 cadillac lyriq test drive, cadillac lyriq specifications, lyriq cadillac price, 2023 cadillac lyriq price, 2023 cadillac lyriq ev, lyriq ev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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