The Bus Is Coming (1971)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who was your [ __ ] what did he do what happened to me you learn who murdered dobut who are you who are you [Music] [Music] do you want to live I got the bird all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wish I could buy with each man is my brother sitting side by side with nothing to hide [Music] [Music] [Music] living together and tall and three as one family tree fighting [Music] ready to go side-by-side [Music] will you let us rise [Applause] [Music] hello since they robbed the boss it ain't coming no more yeah I heard don't worry it'll come I've got faith hey Lou what's a funeral like a lot of crime wait we've been mostly waiting for the bus no I shall read with your consideration 37 number of songs fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb trust in the Lord and do good social doubt Braille in the land and barely thou shall be fed delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart commit thy way unto the Lord Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass cease from anger and force eat grass fret not thyself in any wise to do evil for evildoers shall soon be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord they shall inherit the earth that's what Joe Mitchell's life [Music] was all about talk like you hardly knew it that's not what Joe was all about now Joe knew who blew in the way and so do you that man is the man and he's here to pay his respects to older Judas coats who's helped him out and while we're content to sit here crying over at Joe's casket we're asking a man to do it again and he'll do it again that's not my way and that's not Joe's way I stay off the pig and of all the [ __ ] who support the pig that's what do Mitchell is crying to us from his casket right now [Music] [Music] who the hell are you to say what my brother's life was all about [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] what in hell you doing here honky [Music] [Music] Billy you're not alone [Music] you and me from here okay I want you to come down with me to the police station and sign some papers for the rally where is not my way we just can't let this go for nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take a long time but it went away what are we waiting for let's go [Music] a beautiful mouth look man it's hot in here waiting [Music] him is no problem problems going into the ground right now I'm gonna watch him try so we'd know what to do now it's up to us don't watch everything was just cops men but the chief worry about the soldier you think he's gotta handle this job Jackson's a [ __ ] ler will have to do his job for him till he gets canned and ricer comes back you mean you want old chief oh the best cheapest town of her head he's not a deal with those bastards [Music] [Music] did you dig that expression when should we just if you woke up tomorrow and find out that they were making no more ripple in the world [Music] Edwin's today [Music] uncle Andy tomorrow that's not what you want is that both I got my degree today at Joe soon for now now we learn our blessings in the street [Music] I let's look at what's happened to us in the last month now on the 10th of this month not last year's school refuses to integrate last week just last week police kill to Mitchell that's not quite true Pig Falls Jill Joe Mitchell now why was he killed first he got the first blacks on the police force second he said the first black man to Congress third he got white judge fired when he started talking about sending little black kids across the tracks to integrate Hongki school his ass had to go that's why he was killed his brother Billy just came home from Vietnam last week with his great friend I would buy to see him and he's too chicken [ __ ] to join us I what's the matter with us black soldier blowed his town up and Billy all the light the damn to now wait you wait just a damn minute is that why you're calling this valley right all it's just stuff all right everybody clear out I want to talk to my sister you hear that I don't give a damn [ __ ] then Tanya she's crazy let's go look we can't all be alike now that he knows what happened how can he stomach that white yeah but he doesn't know what happened I told him look it all hit him so quickly he hasn't had time to do Josh he doesn't have too much time for you either maybe he's changed his mind about me Tanya I don't want to blow it this time but Billy has got to join us this rally has got to come off what makes you think Billy won't join us well I saw him with his Donald of friend believe me baby he ate together he's not pigs got his head if he stayed yep I gotta do something I can't help I don't even know where I stand with Billy look I gotta go [Music] Tania wait [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah I know what they're but I still got a good feeling about it you want another drink huh no that uh old friend wants to burn this town down now look don't start that crap it was raised with those guys they are tired of Lies bits and pieces they see wrong and they want to write it now what's wrong with that okay see he is going to use you and your brother's death to tear this town apart it's easy for you to judge them because you don't know I don't know about that look what the hell do you know about blacks all that I am saying is why don't you find out the truth for yourself listen - uh sir we're gonna look into this if we find one shred of evidence against Jax we'll take it to the county grand jury man do me a big favor and don't talk to me about some Mickey Mouse county grand jury it doesn't mean a damn thing to blacks in this town and if it did it wouldn't be a black fist in the first place Vietnam was rough [Music] [Music] I come in [Music] how are you John thinks it's Old Town is gonna blow you don't really think he's your friend do you um I I know what you're thinking but but he's different oh I don't know he's just different I'm sorry Billy I know I just wish Michael knew how tired I was of all this fighting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what did you see [Music] I don't know I was with you and replaces that we've never been before [Music] and we were just running you know but like the green forest just laughing and dancing and then the trees turned into a million people and we just kept laughing dancing and telling them how much we loved each other would you say same as you same as you [Music] Refik it's like a bad dream I can't beat [Music] Joe yeah it's like when I dream everything fits but when I wake up nothing makes sense it seems that I just can't beat it no matter where I go [Music] [Music] [Music] down [Music] the hell you think you are telling Billy what he should I shouldn't do Billy and I are friends and that if you consider yourself his friend and you better split on out of here why are you so so excited about getting me away from Billy you keep knocking him down and a man has got to be on his feet to fight now can you pick up on that [Music] [Music] what happened nothing nothing man what are you taking me for look at you look at this place now what happened just knock it off nothing doing screw off damn it I have had it around here let's check it easy guys rent a visit now they say once over here earlier they want me to move on things I keep knocking you down that else hacking into our friendship sounds like you are becoming my enemy is these friends of yours they have judged me already they think that everything white is evil and I'm not sure you aren't thinking exactly the same thing [Music] it's a shock you I will be damned if I am going to let them or you put me in the bag sake is that all you can do just stand there and blame me [Music] Oh mister I don't feel white enough or guilty enough to to die by a black man's bullet shouting absolved at last can you dig that the way I see it your enemies and my enemies are one and the same people [Music] and if I have to shoot a black racist one of these days well then baby that's just part of the struggle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man that you are a soldier thank you escape this a lot to have a thing out [Music] [Music] hey Luke where's our diamond you always be willing there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's anything wrong I just got a few minutes before I have to get this milk down to the kids no not really I just found this glass did everything happen in front of the house me Joe yeah nobody ever parks in the alley what are you talking about I mean were there any witnesses just one okay why are you Nikki San Lucas the schoolteacher what was she doing here she's driving by I guess she'll be a witness you can't talk to her without a lawyer she may know something I've heard the police are following you be careful yeah look you just get your mouth where it's going we had breakfast later [Music] who has anybody told you that the bus isn't coming out here anymore it'll be here cheap jest and hard okay [Music] tell me miss schoolteacher now that my brother is dead am I the only one that knows how sick you are that's a lie that's a lie hear me lies that's all you black people know how to do is go around lying on people you're trying to intimidate me I want the truth told about my brother I told the truth I never lie I can't you understand that I can't know I just want the truth for instance who shot first you really don't know do you why were you there I was going to meet someone hmm none of your business sick you are really sick and Joe knew how sick you really were that's why he asked you to resign from the school board and you hated him for it that's why you finally had him knocked off but I know how sick you really are nice it's all you know look what makes you so sure that the man you saw was Joe I don't have to answer your questions I'm going to report this to the police [Music] [Music] today I want to talk to you for a minute miss Nicholson called said you were over at her place interrogating her what's the big idea is Miss Lucas and also tell you that she didn't know who fired first yeah that's right another thing a car was parked at the house the night of the the killing a car that somebody drove off in one hell of a hurry now I want to know why was it hidden there and who drove it I have a feeling you don't give one good god damn you just put the whole thing on my brother and Mark the case closed now look you there was plenty of evidence against your brother and I'm getting sick and tired of everybody sticking their nose into my business if you don't stop going around annoying people I'll lock you up so fast it'll make your head swim understand [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's what we need man you know what how are you do simple we just walk in say through the hole just like that [Music] [Music] [Music] hurry up let's split [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] comes a man [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter you too damn good to shake hands or some ain't nothing good boys seem to have been engaged in some dangerous activities that why you killed omentum look I'm trying to help you and you want me to cool it right what you mean is you're not gonna give us the perimeter what I mean is get your black asses out of my office and they'll come back in here again you boys are here for the permit right you need security sergeant neighbors in charge of that you'll have to know your schedule and the crowd size four days before human permit [Music] sign this you better be damn careful hell does he think he is did you see the way you came in here wouldn't shake my hand what's wrong with shaking my hand not a problem to solve my hand shake it off yourself like that where the hell Deacon in here for security in a first point I can break just like that [Music] [Music] [Music] well Monday we join the rally and we march on the City Hall we're gonna tell them the truth we're going to tell them who is necessary to totally integrate our school system and why it is imperative that we bust our black children into white schools just a minute nothing has been agreed understand and I think you're trying to create trouble what do you mean create trouble I think what miss Nicholson means I'll just kind of tell me what it is she does mean there are other considerations there might be loss of pay it could be great hardship couldn't it miss Nickerson hey hey just a minute are we forgetting the seriousness of this situation I mean can't we just once stand on principle this double standard school system for black and white children Hey it's gotta go what in the hell do you think you're doing if we go through with these ridiculous plans we're going to create trouble we'll lose the games we've already made what games they have got to know about this dilapidated building and the worn outdated textbooks don't you know that we don't even have a nurse in the school for our children and you not have hi Joe Mitchell work for this program and when I let him down amen would someone please tell me what the gains are I am NOT suggesting that we stand idly by but we must not go overboard you're being too overly sympathetic towards these children and it's not going to help them not one bit after noon the black community is not being totally ignored we are getting a new recreation center I for one think that's a good start I was brought up here in Center City my mother and father went to this school I am now teaching at this very school then would you please sit down yeah [Music] wait hear me what's the matter with you don't you know what this means baby yeah trouble tell this means the next time the pigs break down that door they don't get fired over me you mean like the way you broke mine down and attacked my friend he's an outsider man I don't have time to explain our situation at times too late for that can't win this way you just cannot win yeah i'll gand it outnumbered man so what what do you mean so what are you nuts because I want to take a gun in my hand and die like a man now what do you think your brother was all about me I didn't dig his non-violence I don't his manhood now if he was my brother and he kept a lot of things from me no I knew a lot of things didn't seem right just like you but you never did nothing I was too young he'd always say he got to finish school first he'd say he wanted me to see nothing but the best in things and he worked hard at it he even managed to make me forget how my parents died I guess the whole time I was over there fighting I was still singing my country tis of thee and now why do I do you change your dam to [Music] hey hold it hey babe where you going alright nasty thanks see you [Music] it's pigs it's the beat that gun hey what's going on around here you want to kill tonight thanks kids he wants to kill you you got that right [Music] [Music] nice kid I'm scared it's cute [Music] Pinsky [Music] [Music] [Music] alright let's get my well I hope you convinced now you form you wear didn't mean a damn thing Michael please now but he's right it's my foot it's alright are you alright yeah you say the next time they broke in we were gone blast what happened you look pretty good there's something I think you should have a gun Tim what a gun you keep it baby you're gonna get a whole lot worse before they get better but I've done I don't even use it just pull the trigger that's all you have no look baby did you know you and I aren't the most popular couple in town and when the shooting starts I want you to chop up a few for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] so I can cheers you all right [Music] go in I said let me go understand it's not fine but what about the windows I'll handle it let them go call in a report the window [Music] [Music] [Music] really really come on [Music] I was Michael Marcus's would be alright [Music] have y'all cut just for a few days where'd you go [Music] or walk [Music] you heard about a shootout that's right we're investigating it I don't have anything to say no I'm not trying to hide anything I simply don't have any statement to make at this time well look I told you I shouted halt three or four times before a figure disappeared into that Shack you have a Tim that's not good enough this article says it you literally shot that place to pieces what if you'd killed somebody all I'm trying to say is that I was doing my duty how are we to know that there was a you're paid to know damn it what would you have done there's another way look I saw a figure go into that Shack with all the shooting why wasn't there an arrest made I was gonna talk to you about that look chief what the hell's come over you you know that if it calls us up a black fist used at that place is a base of operations what about that rallying they're getting together they're drilling up support for the busing project so what so what so what it's them or us that's what since the John Mitchell business I've got the whole town stirred up maybe last night we scared them off and for that you should give me a medal Holly are you listening to me and you listen good sometimes beginning to smell in this town you can bet your last dime I'm gonna get to the bottom of it that's all sergeant quite a long jump get off those stairs late Hori pick up Billy Mitchell [Music] Dirty Bastard I teach you to go around blowing up patrol cards wait a minute Timmy's was afraid and that's the way it was baby we thought the pigs with his pants down where you say we go see councilman Hines you should be able to get out yeah let Billy take the blame you're no better than the pigs that killed his brother have you forgotten how I got this did you see yeah 10,000 miles away I think they call it Vietnam well the food doesn't have one legitimate enemy there Oh Tiger he must have a wife he right here in his own backyard where the enemy is everywhere and his little black brothers and sisters can't live 10 blocks to go to a better school he's a damn pussycat husky let his ass rot in jail but I say no what's the matter with you I'm your brother remember remember me remember me sister yes and I love you enough to die for you and I love Billy - what do you want me to say forget him is that what you want yeah yeah yeah that's exactly what I want forget volt matter with you Michael cuz I have a heart gone out of you damn right I don't believe you well who needs heart and what do you ever do for Billy's but then why do you feed those little black kids the way you do and this guy's Mama and Papa were alive what do you think they would say I swear he was with me my witness said one of the bond throwers look like billy-o that's somebody white what difference does that make what difference does it make black people all look alike most white that's the difference look I was on those steps I know it wasn't Billy I really really want the fact have got to listen doesn't matter Billy's been asking for trouble ever since he got back asking for trouble asking for trouble how all I know is that he's been seen with that black this group on several occasions their sole purpose is to shut this town down and soldier I know soldier you get this straight before I let that happen I'll lock up every black face in Center City we came here to give you information that could help you and this whole town forgotten say chief you have got to listen [Music] can you tell them truth number one there are two witnesses who will swear that Billy couldn't possibly have found that car so if you want to save yourself some embarrassment better let them out number two I have a message and the parties involved in that farming they're ready to discuss peace if you are willing to listen to evidence proving that you have a lunatic working for you on this birth Tim Miller sergeant Tim Miller [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha turn ourselves in turn ourselves in you must be out your damn man now look if you for doing it some other way like walking into that jive ass place and saying spring it up mother stick it up taking the keys and swinging them come on for it but now I'll be damned if I give up myself for Billy he's our man well he doesn't wake no Stuart from us I wouldn't give a damn if he was ba ba ba return AA sales if you run in the other you can walk chicken with your get cut another black will this long we should follow him yep look man look we can get councilman hind and I think he can get some of the best lawyers in town on our side and we are figured and view of everything that's been coming down we could probably beat the rap altogether you're bigger now you want to know what you think man I want to know what you know [Music] at the most everything went wrong we can probably settle for one or two years that whether to get [ __ ] hey man [ __ ] that's Neela [Music] maybe we better call in person [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I say a man died of black pepper are you sure they're in there sure I'm sure I saw them go in [Music] there's no one here [Music] you all right of course I'm all right [Music] we'll kill that bub I'm gonna kill it he's crazy in our hands with that I'm ready crazy no I know I mean he's he's sick he's really sick [Music] [Music] you boys got something you want to discuss with me that we've got some information on the bombing of that police car first I want to talk about Tim Naylor why should I talk to you about Tim Naylor cause we got the real story on him not only is he a bigot but he is crazy and he's sick I don't need you to tell me that you've got so much information and why he's still wearing a badge and carrying a gun look you let me worry about Nader he's my responsibility not yours now what you gotta tell me about the bombing [Music] how long you been on the force about 14 years I guess you've been here longer than I have you said whether the chief that was here before me Dragic eight good years you like him no reflections on you it was the best chief I served under yeah it was fired for being on the tape they just frame up I've ever seen what do you think about black people him but some good ways some bad ones I do like to work where there weren't any black now that's a prop they're everywhere I'm doing all right here I'm letting Mitchell go yeah what I'm turning either loose for lack of evidence well I told you yeah I know what you told me I just talked to two witnesses who can prove that he didn't do it another thing for your information those state police you've called in to help you chase those two black boys they're under investigation too that's fine that's just fine but I'm not going to be real with it like dreicer you want it you're gonna have to fire me and you're gonna be prepared to back up or it'll be your job not mine I guarantee you let me worry about that [Music] [Music] hey man how are you Wow a long time no hey I see mom moved you up to assistant manager how about that huh yeah what an easy though she's a ruffle boss that old gal what can I do for you uh fill er up with Ethel great man hey where's mom she's in the station paid off the bills as usual [Music] [Music] yes I'll be with you in just a minute [Music] hey listen uh I'm sorry about Joe he used to work for mom and me every once in a while you know hey Mitchell thanks Billy Mitchell right in jail one minute out the next what a crock [Music] that's four dollars even lucky money man okay here we go four out of five [Music] five you know that Creek gets any drunker he's gonna crack up that car just like he did his own you mean that's not his car no his is over at hordes body shop getting thick he really did it up his fender I'll kill you that's some kind of a borrowed car or something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] believe this is a car that was parked in the back of the house I know it is what the hell are you doing here you know I could get you for breaking and entering [Music] [Music] [Music] really [Music] killing a baby [Music] that team told me to go to Mitchell's house myself and I'm Mitchell there hideo's against him like you know letters and things that's all I was gonna do just look then this wild man jumped me and he got shot in the fight I wanted to turn myself in right then but Naylor he said no he'd kill me if I did I got a minute I was scared you know I think he's crazy I really do don't you I mean if you think about it just tell me what happened well you can see it wasn't my fault I mean the door was open it wasn't that blade Breaking and Entering you know like we do these are the guys anyway I had a right to shoot it was self-defense right right then what happened then you understand then I called mailer and he said to come on down like normal he's something else oh he said we go over to the house and make it look like attempted arrest yeah then he calls this chick he lives with and he told her to come down and meet him as a witness when she drove by yeah yeah lock him up lock me up I'll be out soon all right chief I mean I'll get bail hey oh it was self-defense [Music] I picked up not yet be his word against Cory's it's gotta be some way to pin him down [Music] [Music] it told me I had an emergency at home that was me I want to talk to you Tim you promised you wouldn't come here somebody could see us I may have to leave town they picked up Cory this morning for Joel Mitchell's death Cory but I saw it all I know they'll dream up some kind of a frame I guarantee it they did before but you inna sometime no you listen how could they lies will be all over town tomorrow Mitchell's brother I'll see to that I'll be spear just like dreicer what are you going to do stop that rally how I don't know yet I'll find a way I'll see you later [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters friends of our cause we occurred this rally today to declare that our right to protest cannot be denied we want to make it clear here and now that the outrageous act of shooting down our leaders can in no way silence us to search among all people for new leadership recognizing the nature of the opposition or compelled to take a former position there have been times when our anger has not been contained and filled into the streets there have been some who are glad that this happened because it gave them the excuse to discredit us to discredit our objective to shoot down our voices will not be still dunno as Brad first our children to pretend that their bellies were full too long and we taught our children to laugh when the pain of living was unbearable [Applause] but the black man today refuses to be treated as a tire we proclaim and declare this to be the age of maturity and we will be heard people people are the people [Applause] kidding [Music] most of you may know that my brother's murderer has been caught but I'm still not satisfied because there's still another man who needs to be ready fire fight fire you start the pitch aspire holy I mean it nailers you so much as sneeze I'll blow you in half [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 264,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j2ziQiEsBO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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