The build that beat MAX HEAT in Hades... | Haelian

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Hello friends and lovers and welcome back to Hades for personal computer video gaming we're going to take out the aspect of Zeus and kind of talk about it under a very specific light here about the 64 heat winds that's right winds now by the way if you have not seen Angelic wind they were the first person who beat 64 heat totally unmodded no mods nothing like nothing nothing external Ed whatsoever but we also have another win by someone by the name of Juan B1 and I'll include their new win in the description if I can as well so this is going to be a replication for that obviously I cannot just beat 64 heat I'm sorry I'm not capable nor do I have any the capabilities to actually do so but we can discuss it and we can talk about why is it good why is it strong cuz it's been a little bit since we've had this discussion here and maybe we can showcase why it is so good by playing it at a heat like 32 instead so we have aspect of Zeus we have Zeus's keep sake On and Here is our 32 heat selection here and I've rigged it up so that we know that we start with explosive return but I don't know anything else that's going to happen after uh chamber one here let's take a look at the hammer so explosive return is the hammer has been used by the way the second 64 Heat win it was with the same exact build using Zeus's Shield explosive return uh Zeus's Boon on the special and then you know you get the jolted Boon basically from Zeus after that and that's basically what you need I mean you hope for some other stuff but that is basically what you need so explosive return your special deals 50 damage to foes around you when you catch it so after you throw it with a special and you catch it on Zeus Shield you're going to get a massive AOE and you can kind of spam it on Zeus Shield like you can see how quickly everything is exploding and that AOE is really really big and that is sort of the key behind how this is even remotely doable to be honest that really large AOE is just able to get rid of enemies and damage control very very quickly and 50 base damage is pretty good and also once we do get Zeus onto the special here then that means that the lightning is going to trigger from that explosive return as well as if enemies actually get hit by the special disc on its own so yes explosive return will trigger uh other effects such as whatever you put on this so you might think like oh 50 base damage is kind of high let's put another effect let's put something like Aphrodite emis on the special that'll work fine at a lower amount of heat but it's this really that helps you get through that the really high heat quickly especially like we could just have the damage control uh pack a punishment on and it would deal with deal with it very very easily basically ooo 64 heat and obviously I never guessed it was going to get beaten I certainly wouldn't have guessed it would get beaten by someone else after the fact but I think uh um just seeing them kind of uh discover the meta like this is exactly what's required to win definitely helped with by the uh the community coming together and just kind of solving the riddle you know like what what is it take what's it going to do and once you have that out of the way and the Mystery is a bit gone you know it probably puts a lot more confidence back into the players hey Bal what's your favorite color baly you think but yeah explosive return actually way back in the day was actually a meta really far back in Early Access uh because the base damage was even higher the AOE was always massive and it was just like super easy now you might be thinking about the other aspects but what about like chaos Shield or zag Shield uh cuz those can get explosive return as well and I can but you can't spam it the way you can with Zeus Shield here Zeo Shield you can throw and catch your Shield right afterwards like that you cannot do that with those other aspects it just when you throw out your special with chaos Shield which this does work pretty well with in general it's it's still good don't get me wrong but it's just not 64 heat good um when you throw your special with the chaos Shield it just feels like it takes forever to come back basically supped to Bey come on Doom Stone where's my cast there we go all right I mean you can look at that we have just one Boon and it feels like we're kind of cruising already we didn't get jolted here but double strike is actually an even better Boon in the long run potentially I know high voltage fun but what can you do and you're probably wondering well what else do we get here now we kind of lucky that we got a second zo spoon already on its own right well the thing is and this is kind of true for speedruns too which is is that you know these very high heat runs are usually very straightforward you cannot ask for too many things you know I I see a lot of people asking me like what dual bounds do you want with the speedrun that you're trying right now and often times the answer is like oh I don't really care you know like or I don't know you know I mean I guess if something shows up but a lot of these things are sort of you know borderline one Boon builds it's usually one two three pieces of a combo and that's about it you know bolf is a good example of something that really wants to try very hard to set up something like a du boom but outside of that there's just not a whole lot Doo booms are the gravy you know uh often times otherwise all right so we do have underworld Customs on so I need to buy something to sell at the least but getting Athena in the pool you would probably H actually good question would you buy Athena or hermies here if we were doing 64 heat what else we got um I feel like I I I feel like You' do Athena I feel like you do Athena here getting Thanos would be good uh we might have to sell the Athena Boon I hope not we don't want to sell double strike what would we do at 64 though would we sell double strike ooh maybe we have chaos here and this is the last chamber um at 64 heat chaos Gates chaos Gates chaos Gates chaos Gates um kind of depends I feel like you wouldn't you you'd never do it I feel like you'd essentially never do it cuz you're not getting that Health back at 64 heat there's no healing there's no death Defan um it's just and and Chaos almost certainly will give you something that is going to be more painful than helpful unfortunately uh so if that's pretty much never going to happen we'll keep we'll keep double strike either way whether what the 64 heat decision is or not it's no use take a peek in here what do you got uh not worth the money I bought an extra Meg we need if we really want a boon to sell you can do this but you wouldn't do this I mean we have plenty of time obviously what's this get Himes now uh here but you wouldn't normally at 64 he I guess I I don't need to oh God we're fine all right there we go hey zag man all right so we kind of don't want premium vintage unless I'm really okay with selling uh the dash here is premium vintage that worth taking it's a lot of Health that's for sure and it's a free pal of something 2/3 chance of hitting something useful we don't need the dash [Music] right that's great we'll play it oh you know what maybe I could have taken premium vintage and just prayed that we'd get a free Boon here as well right now extra dashes would be absolutely massive here let's see what else assuming you only have one even if it's only plus one it's just like I mean it is what it is you know what I mean maybe it's weird that I'm talking about 64 heat as if we're it I have no plans of attempting it in case you somehow think that I I I do or that it's ever a goal of mine this game I'll leave that I'll leave that to the Mad Lads you know what I mean I'll leave it to them oh w woo all right all right there used to be this wacky bug I know it's just me reminiscing now there was this wacky bug it's hard to explain but it was specifically around explosive return uh way back in Early Access I think it might have even been before aspects were out really want more Zeus but we can't force more Zeus what are we selling after party beautiful um what's in here chaos gate you have an extra Meg already I don't want to buy the other H mom pom is usually wrong but yeah I'm going to stop treating it like it is 64 he cuz it's just not even comparable honestly instead I'll move the shift the conversation to me reminiscing about things that don't exist anymore so way back in the day early access before aspects existed uh for each weapon uh I don't know if explosive return was new or what but there was this really strange bug where if you started a run on the shield and you got explosive return and then you proceeded to hit start and hit give up and return to the house after doing oh wait sorry you also need a dianis on the special meaning hangover damage on your special which is not a combo that you normally want I I think this was discovered cuz someone posted it on the subreddit but I can't totally remember now um so you'd have to get diis on the special You' have to get explosive return on the shield and then if you hit start and you hit give up after that point and start another run with the shield your special would sometimes apply hangover to enemies still weird right and not really certain how that worked and I'm not certain why it might have been that you needed explosive return and the subsequent run two I can't remember now honestly so maybe it was something that stuck to explosive return in particular I'm not sure but here's the thing the the damage from The Hangover was exponentially increased by God knows what number so you would hit enemies for thousands with the hang over damage maybe I can insert a clip here of it of it ticking because I there are some old glitch speedruns on my channel from way back in the day where this gets used of course the quality is going to be terrible here though just so you know yeah we're taking Aries I guess here G nothing good this isn't pombles that's a pretty good one we can always sell it you know yeah we don't if Zeus was in that trial we'd probably go that way but Zeus is not in that trial so that is all four Gods Zeus Athena Aries and dionis so we won't be getting any any new Gods offered besides those four at this point and it's kind of a good thing this is a rather Advanced strategy that you don't really have to think that hard about I mean I don't think about it most of the time honestly but if you want more Boons from one particular God that you already have it is best to fill the god pool as we call it meaning get four Gods so you cannot see more much better and that way you're less likely to be offered a new God cuz the game kind of tries to push you towards a new Gods essentially instead of gods you already have if you don't already have four Ah that's kind of a tough choice um give me the shop I'm sure Zeus will appear again I'm sure of it guaranteed you are not Zeus we already have one Boon to sell yeah I can sell another oh crud well I'm not going to buy diis now I would have considered if Zeus was on the door we got scammed so I mean this gets better if we get jolted but um besides that I mean you can get the legendary too obviously more Zeus equals more good but it's not a big deal I mean we're kind of like cruising through it now you know what I [Music] mean it's not a one button build by any means but I forgot to use Meg kind of forgot or did way uh um you know it's no Rama level of cheating and I'll admit you probably see a lot of Zeus on the channel but it just so happens that Zeus is sort of the way uh for a lot of different builds I I I mean I would make the argument that Zeus is the strongest god in the game pretty easily too yeah we'll take the call it'll do something for now so yeah you might be wondering oh what what kind of doons you want again and I again I don't really think too hard about Duo Boons unless there's usually the Run either revolves around a particular Duo Boon or I kind of don't think too hard about them they're fun to get I mean I like getting Duo booms don't get me wrong but I think uh it's kind of a trap to think that you always want to be going for one in particular and having a focus on them at all times they're typically just very situational you know the majority of Duo are just super situational and you only want them under specific circumstances or even more so you can only get them under very specific circumstances you know like I could have taken trippy shot back there right from dianis that would have opened up the scintillating fist Feast Doo boom between Zeus and dionis but trippy shot is going to do a lot less for me than the call and the doooon isn't really going to help the situation so I'd be going for two different two more Boons to do even less than the one Boon does that make sense I'll take it I'm buying this but I'm probably going to sell it or it's just another possible sell cuz I'd rather keep the call at this point I've been betrayed for not taking that uh uhoo so I'm kind of just mashing my thumb on the special and the attack in moments like that at least sometimes I'll think a little bit harder and you can leave your Shield out there for a little bit longer might not be able to do this as much hello there we go and I'm kind of just dashing when need be learn is a bit easier for something like this yeah you could even skip the attack in some ways you got to have big thumbs for this bad boy though you know what I'm saying woo there we go jaam this is definitely like a super easy way to go about if you want your 32 Heat win cuz you can also cheese it up kind of thing by throwing out the special charging up your bull rush and then just kind of like going back and forth between it and trying to lar enemies into it it's definitely a this is a decent way to beat 32 I've always had kind of a struggle with Shield to manage the special while also you know like doing everything else that you need to in the game let's see we're going to sell the attack I think we sell the attack out of those pretty sure not that good you don't have to have an attack I know I use the attack but it's not a big deal I had a friend maybe I'm I think okay I have a confession I have a friend who recently got into Hades for the first time I've known this guy for 20 years and he just got into Hades for the first time even though I've been telling him to play it for like four years you know what I mean well that's neither here nor there anyway he just got into it and he asked he's been asking me like a lot of questions and stuff and he he shared a couple wind screens and everything like that he shared a wind screen where he had you know like a a bunch of Booms that kind of probably didn't do anything like he said he won because he got hunting blades if you don't know what hunting blades is ooh 3% is that still worth it I don't know it's the duo Boon that turns siing shot into homing and stuff really good very strong great and stuff and but he had like an attack Moon and a special Boon and he had some Palms on it too and stuff like that and he's like well I thought I needed to like spread out the love or whatever I was like nah you don't got to you definitely don't got to yeah it's sort of uh there is like an Essence like you might maybe want to throw in certain Boons guess pulverizing can blow you want to fill certain slots oh come on you do this again to me game all right I'm not going to fall for it this time though you want to fill in slots to get a higher chance of getting offered other Boons but that's that's like kind of a unnecessary Strat most of the time um but generally like just get the boons that actually do something now obviously when you're new you're just not going to know what that is so experiment have fun with it and everything like that but yeah don't feel like you're doing anything wrong if you don't have uh an attack moon for certain runs especially when you know you're not actually going to use it very much you know what I mean all in on those on those one note builds you know that's me so the dianis call is actually probably makes a lot of sense if we are emulating 64 heat in some way that would definitely be one of the Booms that you really hope to get well I guess we're taking splitting [Laughter] bolt against a common jolted oo more Zeus thank you very much took a little bit to come together yeah di isis's call is definitely just one of the the better uh calls and just Boons single Boons in general that you can get again it's about getting like a single usable Boon that is going to be very impactful and diis call is the basically that jolted hello high voltage while fun doesn't actually do a whole lot all right we did eventually get jolted though ah screw chaos we don't need them we don't need them all right so now we're really going to be packing a punch here you know what I mean so yeah forgive me if I talk about like I hear new players say this or that but really I'm just talking about my friend Ryan you know what from that one perspective that I have but you know some it's very revealing to to hear some of these questions like I don't really think about it from that I it's I can't put myself in those shoes anymore at some uh that ended a long time ago you know what I mean so it is actually help to get that perspective at moments you know and there there are games like Risk of Rain 2 is a game right if you all have played it where you kind of want to increase your stats on a more leveled playing field in a lot of ways and just you know like you get some attack speed and some damage and then you get like the boss damage and then you get AOE and stuff like that 80s is not necessarily like that you know there are like certain functions you look for depending on certain situations but it's not really the same it's more about increasing one to two aspects of zags kit to a very powerful place you know what I mean I think that's that's sort of a better way to describe it I mean it's possible to have more than one but typically you kind of just want to focus on one I think you know like if you have Arthur sword you're just going to be swinging that sword really hard and so that's where you want to put all your stock right I guess we'll take some evasion here H we don't really need moreo although I kind of need Boons to sell don't ioo thank you so everyone wish Ryan luck on his Hades Adventures I mean he got his first win he said after like I don't know like 10 tries or something it's like could you cheat and he's like no but I watched a video of yours it's like okay that's cheating no I'm just kidding really yeah just keep doing double strike for the flashy numbers maybe here I guess we'll do Max Health that's fine woo yeah so now like me hitting the attack button is just kind of doesn't matter I mean I can sit here in bu Rush uh after throwing out the special but I kind of care more about just mashing the special button to try to get it back as often as possible getting more instances of damage like with all this Zoo stuff that's going to charge up our call even faster yeah we'll take the free Athena cuz there's really nothing left that we want that's going to make our build substantially better we get like proud bearing here I mean that doesn't really do anything we're definitely not swapping that's for for sure I mean this this works fine just to be clear like this is a good build but it's not 64 heat you know what I mean that's not a 64 heat build Expos isn't going to do anything here explosive return cannot backstab cuz it's an explosion generally speaking in Hades if you're exploding with something like rocket bomb cluster bomb uh exploding launcher uh it cannot backstab there might be some acceptors that I'm not positive try to group up here for Di isis's call come on buddy spinning okay Theus down good timing Paul was kind of building up too much so why is di isis's call so good it is probably the highest DPS call for a single use and that's important because you need those single uses on the call to be good that's why aphrodites call is not very useful for say speed running or high heat because you need to get it to full to make it particularly useful or to at least make it deal damage you know what I mean so using your call in a single use you know you're maximizing your DPS you're able to use it in small Chambers to great effect too cuz in smaller Chambers you probably aren't going to get a Max call every small chamber right also when you use your call whenever you use your whether it be a single a single charge or a Max call you get what they call eye frames during that moment and it's almost like you get a tiny bit of invincibility so it's similar to almost getting an extra Dash in that sense use the extra uh so you can save that for an O crap moment right uh when your things are getting dicey or if you know a moves coming out and you're not going to have the dash up for it or whatever you know what I mean if you can think that far ahead I'll leave Mom on you defin wouldn't normally want to do that but that's okay what uhoh I got that song stuck in my head so bad I don't even think it was playing I think I I think I think the wife and I were in the car and I had to hit the brakes a little hard and she goes what oh and I just started segueing into that song all of a sudden you know what I mean iconic iconic Crush of the 1990s right yeah I think getting jolted up now is a good idea we already have the Zeus Lego Lego Lego Lego totally crazy go to go up more okay beautiful what else can I say you about the 64 heat runs at this point hm what haven't I discussed I mean I can keep talking about it in a general sense like we get a lot of questions like are we sure this is the only viable build all this all that actually there have been some more modded wins uh by a runner who is dead set on trying to beat it with like every uh God on Zeus's special so explosive return is still there aspect of Zeus is still used but using a different God in the special besides Zeus and I don't know I don't I think they still have some to go but they've done it with several more which is pretty crazy you got to be exceptionally good at this aspect to say the least to have that capability so that's definitely an interesting aspect of it so they are able to prove to us that there is a bit more still perhaps there's a bit more possibility but we're still kind of locked into at least the idea that aspect of Zeus with explosive return is the way to do it and so the easiest way to answer why is it this why this you got to remember a few things and the the biggest thing as to why it has to be this aspect or at least a shield aspect is the fact that you only have one dash with only one dash you kind of need something else to get you out of Harm's Way or to block harm also so that's where the shield comes in where you can just start blocking you can also use the bull rush to get a little bit of movement at the same time and that's essentially a necessity at this point unless something else gets discovered in The Meta shifts but it seems like that's just sort of what you need theoretically uh zag aspect on The Shield is probably not that far off from being able to do 64 heat I think 63 heat was beaten with Zag aspect on the shield if I remember correctly um explosive return I mean there's another really really strong uh uh damn it oh that stung H hammer on the shield and that is charge shot and I I think that's what won the zag Shield Heat record if I remember correctly so that's a really powerful one but that uses the attack and you have to charge up the bull rush and it is definitely I guess we'll try to get high voltage or Bing strength or something here um I can definitely see why I actually probably would have guessed that that would be uh closer to correct but probably the pro the reason why that's not even even that's kind of considered uh second to something like explosive return probably comes down to the AOE aspect and being able to clear rooms quickly enough you know so we've kind of soled why does it have to be a shield aspect and that's because of the single Dash that you have at 64 heat um so why does it have to be aspect of Zeus and that comes down to I think like we discussed being able to spam that special while also being able to uh charge a bull rush so well you kind of get two Avenues here two Avenues you know what I mean because you can have a bull rush while also throwing up the special that's why chaos Shield is not really good enough for this because you cannot charge a bull rush uh while your special is out in the air unfortunately come on I accept this message man they're just going and going high voltage danger when is this over oh my God uh so let's see so why Zeus on the special that's mostly because of damage control I think uh that's a big reason as to why Zeus on the special is the right way to go because you need to knockoff damn control at 64 for he you know what I mean uh also the fact that getting uh jolted it's a big increase in power and it just seem it's not really that this is the most powerful setup in the game to be clear cuz it's it's not it's not the most powerful setup in the game but it is probably the most powerful setup with so few Boons and or Palms necessary if that makes sense because 64 heat it was all about trying to figure out how powerful can we get with the smallest setup possible and this was basically the answer uh we can buy both of these jolted or special kind of go either way here actually the call was probably correct honestly we do still have a Meg that took a bit of work though huh says Extreme Measures 4 we had a ton of Pals I mean we had mom on from uh Asphodel so that'll do it let's do our best let's do our best so I think that's the best way to summon up so um we would get a lot of questions after the 64 heat one came about what about this aspect what about this thing what if you got this Duo boom what if you got this legendary like I mean sure hun I mean those things would be great to get you know what I mean but double approval process on and no rerolls because of routine inspection it's just like those things just don't just happen you know unfortunately but let's go I might play a little bit safer now finally come on Daddy where are you oh kind of forgot I had a third Dash there for a [Music] sec I shall you butterfly ball okay come on get rid of at least one of them thank you this is when we throw out our Meg okay we got boiling blood it's okay though sneak thank you all right so we'll try to line up our spinny disc here so that it just sits on top of dad a lot of times he will uh just sit in place and start healing at the start of oh wait sorry not this phase I'm thinking of the second part of phase two see if we can Dash behind here it is hitting okay but then I got hit a lot now is when he usually heals very very often at the start of this I can I'm just going to sit here and spam oo Here Comes serby let's just wait for him to throw whoa that almost got me all right buddy same thing try to line it up you got to be the perfect distance here this is it it's really hard to see him over at all so many effects [Music] right [Music] and he's gone Baby Woo it's powerful right it's powerful if we kept that Aries attack Moon it probably would have been pretty pretty nice to have been able to have keep that kept that I got to say what can you do though what can you I don't know what the other sell options were at that time but chazam no title we got totally scammed out there you got to you got to be kidding me okay so again to I mean I guess I don't need a recap I've been repeating myself all day here uh where's jolted that's the big thing I mean double strike is great in everything 64 heat you would not be expecting that um I would say that oh I didn't I still didn't highight tilted like if if you had this on a wind screen for 64 heat you're sitting pretty obviously the legendary is probably way too much to ask for you know what I mean but it's fun it's fun to kind of theory craft about these things and discuss them so if you got thoughts you got ideas let me know in the comments thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it like comment subscribe and I'll see you in the next [Music] video a
Channel: Haelian
Views: 51,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, broken, hard, highest, most, damage, points, score, max, heat, difficulty, pact, 64, 63, zeus, shield
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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