The Brutal Fall of the Umayyads

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this video is made possible by War Thunder click the link in the description to claim your a massive bonus pack and to get started a while ago I was researching the longest war ever in history which spent more than 700 years and is called the Reconquista a massive war between invading Muslims and Christians and who got to own the Iberian Peninsula but while researching that mess of War I came across a smaller specific story that honestly felt like it came straight from a movie almost like an alternative Lord of the Ring story a story about a prince with a dream and a mission to revive his slain Dynasty but before I introduce you to that main character in this wild story allow me to explain the state of the European and Islamic world around the year 700 so that we are all on the same page and I'll start with zero or actually I'll start with the intro give me 5 Seconds historically facts part 7 around the year Z Jesus Christ was born within the Roman Empire in Bethlehem Romans did a bad thing and welcomed Christianity into the world another thing that Romans were bad at is keeping barbarians from their soil and the Glorious Roman Empire turned in a span of 80 years into half of its original size with only the Eastern Roman Empire continuing its memories around that time in the year 570 Prophet Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca and spent his life preaching the word of Allah and uniting the Arabian Peninsula till his passing in 632 ad with Prophet Muhammad passed on the four cffs also known as the closest Companions of his started the rashidun caliphate and quickly expanded the caliphate's borders into the Eastern Roman Empire the Persian Empire and African territories how did they manage to defeat two great Empires at the same time well the Persians and self-proclaimed Romans had been fighting for centuries because of disputed territory weakening both sides massively which was beneficial for the rapidly approaching fresh Arab Empire then internal struggles Prophet Muhammad never clearly told his followers who would follow his footsteps as the leader in the Islamic World which left them with four candidates also known as the cffs who are introduced before it was quickly decided that those three were to be caleff first and finally Ali as the fourth this from the start because they split within the Islamic world and created the Shia and Sunni movement where the Shia argued that Ali should have been the first caleff and not the fourth one like the Sunni Muslims argue during the reign of the third caleff named utman unrest was growing and growing till the point where Rebels broke into UT man's home and killed him while he was reading the Quran this sparked outrage all across the Empire and ignited the first Islamic Civil War and the fourth caleff Ali in the role to fix it long story short Ali got assassinated and the head of the umat family which were devout sunnis and a powerful family became the fifth kaith and started the umat calipat all right cool we are now getting close to the start of a story so just bear with me just a little bit longer the umat cipit got bigger and more powerful as the years went on to the point where they spread from India all the way to the bottom of France it was a marvelous Empire at least if you were a prestigious Arab that is any other minority got treatments in Texas that were blatantly unfair huh but aren't all these guys Arabs as the clueless American and European well not exactly this part is Arab that part is Persian the people whose Empire was defeated by the Arabs they were mainly Shia Muslims and felt a strong Affinity with the assassinated kalef Ali and you might have guessed it the combination of unfair treatment plus religious differences caused these suppressed groups to come together as the opposite movement and they were ready for a revolution a bloody Revolution that is the umat kff Maran II could feel the rain coming and ried up his troops and headed to battle to face of the opposite Army however the umad sold were no match for the absit armies who were fueled with a strong passion for justice for every civilian in the great Empire almost all the umad soldiers including the caleff Marvin II ended up being killed but the Opposites weren't done there they wanted to bring justice to all the remaining family members of the umat family and back in the 750s Justice came in the form of death remember that scene from Star Wars where they issued Order 66 this was exactly the same Rogue abset agents all across the calipat started systematically killing every single member servant and Loyalist of the umat family and with the opposite Army marching closer and closer to the city of Damascus the capital of the umat calipat unrest and the slaughter of the umat family was in full force and here we find the protagonist of our story Prince Abdullah Rahman or as his fil name and title goes imir abdah Rahman IB muavia ibam imir means Prince abdar Rahman is his name which means servant of God ibun means son of and muya is his father and hasham his grandfather but for Simplicity sake we are just going to call him Prince Abdullah Rahman despite being a 20-year-old Prince he wasn't in line for the throne but that didn't make any difference for the abet every person umat had to be game ended and if abet assassins getting ever so closer Abdullah Rahman knew fighting wasn't an option it was time to run [Music] with swords clashing in the hallway time was of the essence first things first the group had to decide where to flee to looking at the map Yahya the brother of abdalah Rahman suggested it made sense to try to outdistance the episodes as far as possible meaning to head westwards towards Palestine however better a freed slaven and close loyalist of the prince argued against it and suggested they should avoid major roads and cities and to follow the Euphrates River up instead potentially finding support and shelter along their way abdah Rahman agreed but that wasn't the only problem they had to tackle how were they going to escape the city without getting detected sure they could just try their luck and run but that would mean that he had to leave his four-year-old son and his sisters behind something that the prince wouldn't dare to think about better once again being experienced in a simpler lifestyle came to the rescue disguises ditch the luxies and bulking weapons cover your faces and only grab what is necessary leave the city as Merchants the group agreed and exited through the back door onto the streets of chaos with bodies everywhere and unnecessary Bloodshed tainting the streets of the Fallen Capital the group set off and managed to slip the way out of the grasp of the Everet rff for now [Music] get of the horses we are going on the hunt ah Shooks line but first we need to talk about the sponsor but first we need to talk about the the sponsor that's right it's thundering for war because War Thunder sponsored us yeah War funder is literally the most comprehensive vehicle combat game available for free on PC and consoles command over 2500 different tanks planes helicopters and ships from 10 major Nations featuring everything from 1920s by planes and armored cars to Modern fighter jets and main battle tanks dive into war funder's intense combat with highly detailed Vehicles realistic graphics and authentic sound effects that make you feel like you are controlling the most powerful war machines ever built and with realistic damage to individual components blowing up enemies has never felt dissatisfying before if you want to try it out use my link in the description to get three premium Vehicles a 50% experience and income booster two vehicles to rent 100,000 silver and 7 Days of Premium this offer is only available for a limited time though and only for those who are new or haven't played for 6 months with Damascus behind them the group was far from safe the abets now in control of the capital and the calipat renamed the Empire to the abet calipat which all B Western provinces around Spain and Morocco complied with there was no more going back to the rment luxury that the two princes were a part of at the time the group didn't know it yet but they were the last remaining umat blood alive in the entire califood everyone else had been murdered the group exhausted both mentally and physically arrived late that day in a small village to rest up and prepare for the final stretch towards the river the town's folk seemingly sympathizing with the prince and its cause offered them a couple simple but warm tents for them to rest in at last after a traumatizing day the group could finally close their eyes and sleep but not for long [Music] [Music] my Lord they found us no stay back Gordon wi my brother I need to find my son oh no [Music] [Music] no my Lord if we die here the bloodline dies with us we have to go and with pain in the hearts and no other choice the trio left the village leaving the rest of the group to its fate [Music] just to clarify each one of the Left Behind family members got killed that night by the episod hunters gosh these episodes really are horrible aren't they well if you're an umat yeah but for the rest of the people they really weren't that bad as a matter of fact the Islamic golden age happened in abisa Empire so thank you ABBA very cool for killing my son and three sisters if we take a look at the magically updated map we can tell that the situation is worse than I thought it was Damascus has completely fallen and the episod armies are spreading out and taking down the remaining Rogue soldiers you might be thinking why don't they just hop over into the Eastern Roman Empire and look for shelter there well remember when the Arabs took half of their already half Empire yeah they still didn't forget about that one speaking of forgetting something it seems like the episod hunters are here to finish the job with nowhere else to go the trio made a desperate Run for the river and Drew themselves into the water the episod hunters wore heavy clothing in armor and wear on horses this in no shape for crossing a river but neither was Yahya Abdullah Rahman was always an athletic type and better being a fre slave naturally is used to do demanding physical tasks but Yahya was more air than swim the tree desperately started started to swim to the other side but the deeper into the crossing they went the stronger the current if only I could just not cross or something if you come back we promise we won't kill you all right that's it I'm going back what are you doing brother hurry we can't go back just last night they killed our sisters and my son you can't trust them bro relax they promised surely they wouldn't break that oh what a dumbass you reckon it would work again doesn't hurt to try hey uh I know we just killed your brother and all that but if you come back we won't kill you H and so Abdullah Rahman swam back became best friends with the murder of his entire bloodline and the Arab countries would never be in another War ever again is what the prince wish they could believe but better going far beyond the spay grade build them away from the river and the two of them ran like their lives dependent on it which it did the two kept running and running till there was no more land to run on I guess this is it huh is it though better I am the last one of the umat clan everyone else is dead they councel me better I can't just give up and accept my fate or hide in exile for Allah's sake what do you think my son would say if he saw me surrender why do you imagine me as a little baby um probably nothing good listen as much as I want to cry and weep in a hole which believe me I really do I still can't at least not so we have delivered Justice here give me your map 40 years ago my great-grandfather alval the LED a massive Invasion on Al andalo and conquered almost everything of the peninsula if there is one place we can go to for support it has to be there I heard the local Governor there has been trying to establish his own rule in defiance of the umat family which means it's very likely he also won't give in to the abits we cross through Africa rally up an army defeat the governor and conquer back our Empire that the abits have taken from us it's will be a long and treacherous Journey the absite horsemen and Mr Scarface won't stop till we escape their land not to mention the many Berber tribes who will come across and who will be anything but friendly better we freed you from slavery and your depth has been more than repa if you want to leave I understand I will never leave you Mr Frodo thanks Sam all right then let's rest our legs and dig in for another night as tomorrow we start our quest to defeat the governor and declare war on the epison empire [Music]
Channel: Historically
Views: 282,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abdur rehman al dakhil, abd rehman al dakhil, abdul rehman al dakhil, abd al-rahman al-dakhil, abdur rahman al dakhil, abd al-rahman al dakhil, abd al-rahman, history of abd rehman al-dakhil, prince, abdul rahman chamseddine, abd rehman al-dakhil, khalifa abdul rehman al-dakhil, prince turki al faisal, umayyad prince, abd rehman adakhil, abdul rehman ad dakhil, animated historical documentary, historical documentary, yusuf bin abdur rehman, abdulrahman al dakhil
Id: nKRTWlQO9ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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