The Broken Arrow Family Murders | Robert and Michael Bever

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we are going we're going to oklahoma so look forward to that broken arrow to be specific uh nothing to do by the way with that movie you know the um you remember you know as a christian slater john travolta movie anybody else anybody else remember that just me 250 million dollars by oh 900 utah time if you have not in broken arrow there lived the bever family made up of david april robert michael daniel christopher victoria crystal and autumn big family oldest and roberts he wanted to be famous check it as youtube go and make my first skit soon i can't show you a sneak previewer it would ruin it it'll be like a minute long it's it's it's going to be some good stuff i think this won't be hilarious so props for props non-profit organization i don't know i just came up with that and he would do just about anything to get there but he had just one thing in mind and he would get some help from his younger brother let's give it a go [Music] so let's start with where this all went down a place that's like right smack dab in the middle of america what was once an agricultural economy is now home to big business broken arrow is a suburb of tulsa family friendly and in 2021 was named the 11th safest city in america one house certainly wasn't in july 2015. broken arrow houses about 110 000 people and nine of those were members of the bever family living at the nice big 709 magnolia court right at the southern end of broken arrow by that big old river arkansas you would want a big house because they were a big family once again until 2015. [Music] the bever family was headed by patriarch david bever 52 years old and matriarch april bever 44 years young they were married in 1987 when april was 15 15 years old that's um young david he worked in the tech industry for hp enterprise services he was a technical consultant in april a homemaker she also homeschooled their many children in 2015 robert was 18 michael 16 crystal 13 daniel 12 christopher 7 victoria 5 and autumn 2. david and april were busy maybe there really just is nothing to do in broken arrow the beverages were described by friends and family as generally pretty quiet you know they kept to themselves they didn't really you know hang out with the you know try and interact with the community too much you might even call them reclusive but april mama she was a big fan of reddit she would post under the username aokimom judging from her comments she was into getting her seven kids interested in web design wanting them to be very computer literate and here she would describe herself in three words tired happy blessed i'm sure the kids would say the same as david daddy david was reportedly abusive physically and verbally to the children so so the beverages were you know tight family they were religious they did everything together and when you have a family that's quite big like that at all of them home schooled the house kind of becomes well a bit of a prison when they were also described as being very reclusive you can imagine you would need um you know breath of fresh air every now and then and robert sway the oldest child his way to get that was true youtube salute hey everyone it's me colt empire cause you ain't no you found me by accident or you're expecting someone else do that why would you do that anyway this is the second first ever update which i think is major improvement i tried a news report theme last time that's not very vlog is it so i'm being a little more chilling ated rang stuff scripting he would post videos on his channel cult empire official so don't get confused with any you know not official cult empire websites out there don't get caught this one has the robert stamp of approval he's pretty funny i mean if you like cringe comedy props for that props for props for that and prosper yeah i think i'm on something there new wrap new hairstyle check it it's called a faux hawk where i don't have to shave the rest of my head but i still guessed uh mohawk i hope it still looks like a faux hawk uh i did it before i still have my long hair i just shaped it to look like a faux hawk in the next couple days i'm going to try to get an actual faux i did this before i started filming my playthrough of happy wheels thirdly youtube can you not i uploaded my first video of the dark forces play through for a cult empire classic and there was like no audio which completely ruined it i had commentary it was hilarious it was 20 minutes of my life confusing outro he would sometimes film videos with sibling michael and it appears they were as the two oldest kids the two closest they would stay up late together telling ghost stories sharing their thoughts and their time so while at home you know the bever parents david and april it seems like they kept quite a tight leash on their kids homeschooling them being kind of reclusive they would probably argue trying to protect them from the outside the real the real world and that doesn't really tend to work out very well because the real world has a habit of slowly kind of creeping in the kids they had full access to this thing called the internet gonna be big and there robert and michael they started to you know having a goo about the various web pages but they were quite interested in one thing it grab them spree shooters school shooters that sort of stuff you can't explain that man guess what you know columbine james holmes the aurora shooting all that stuff they were mad about it they would blow their load to all this [ __ ] big thumbs up on the boyos from that one they were popping chubs to it and it wasn't enough for them after a while they began to fantasize about it bit by bit both were fascinated by school shooters but what if your school is your home and your mama is your teacher they wanted to be like up there with those guys they became their heroes they wanted you know all that about them a lot of it was robert with michael being the sidekick his robin the one he looked up to is big bro and robert was looking at columbine like they were rocky numbers he wanted to go higher like on a spree randomly attacking locations murdering people a road trip of um being real shits 50 plus was the goal watching robert's youtube videos it's not surprising even if he didn't end up doing what he does do i'd still be concerned he's got a he's got a real pair of manson lamps on him over the summer of 2014 robert tia he worked in a call center was a religious call center you call in for a bit of an el pray with the chi-ching he earned from that he you know started uh beefing up the arsenal and buying the usual things like machetes black masks kevlar vests gloves knives you know regular stuff in fact when thirteen-year-old crystal told this to her mother april she was like they're can acting weird as [ __ ] you know just might want to keep on top of that april was like boys will be boys you know and this all came to a head on july the 22nd 2015 at about 11 30 p.m a 911 call came into the broken arrow police department broken air 911 hello oh my god is attacking my family when dispatchers you know they couldn't call them back and they couldn't get true to them at all they sent out officers you know to uh well have a goo didn't take them a huge amount of time when they immediately saw blood on the porch and in the driveway outside the house they knocked on the door and heard screaming inside they busted it in and saw a young teenage girl lying in the hall drenched in blood they pulled her outside to the paramedics that was crystal 13 years old she had been stabbed multiple times in the arms and chest and her throat had been slit she was you know barely alive but she was able to tell the police that it was her two older brothers robert and michael who were responsible for all this police then started our search of 709 magnolia court's room by bloody room it was bad april and daniel were found first stabbed to death next was david on the ground saying the bathroom to the hall the door was closed and locked so they kicked kicked it in inside was seven-year-old christopher and five-year-old victoria stabbed again back to death a nightmare fuel the only surviving and uninjured victim was two-year-old autumn and she was still in her crib thirteen-year-old crystal wood would survive five members of the same family brutally murdered but where were robert and michael the police couldn't find them anywhere the back door to the house was open so they assumed they'd done a leger the gruesome twosome were quickly found canines tracked their scent into the woods behind the house and along the way they found the discarded items from the attack the two were found basically [ __ ] themselves in a bush and they were arrested the arrest photos really tell you everything you need to know about how they're acting with robert saying he was proud of what he had done robert's police interview has never been released michael says well man i'm you know i'm just kind of got thrown into this so i was hoping maybe you could kind of just go back at the beginning when all this started and kind of tell me what happened because i need i need kind of the details so we know and understand what you went through and stuff okay um okay about like uh two months ago okay that's when you first i thought you'd really start talking so when you say we who are you talking about me and my father robert okay and how old is he uh 18. okay all right go ahead sorry a couple months ago i think that back to the start this year we started talking about uh voodoo and rampage and stuff like that okay i had to take it seriously first but then you start buying like a body armor and stuff so he was buying weapons because you guys had talked about murdering yeah and he started playing again okay and then i went along with it because i just feel the way i thought i wouldn't want to do it and very quickly tonight i didn't okay that you didn't want to do it was christopher still alive when you stabbed him yes what was he saying and doing he was just swearing um what happened was that robert and michael's you know uh big day out their big road trip was planned and it was good to go robert had in fact ordered guns and a shitload of ammo to arrive at their home but that just meant they had one problem uh you know their dad and their parents might be you know that's a bit weird that's why they chose the knight to do what they did when they did they had a load of guns and ammo basically arriving the next day so their family needed to be gone that meant getting their knives and while you know the plan was their whole family would be asleep murdering them all they then were to cut up the bodies of each member store them in bins in the attic then hang out the next day getting the guns and ammo take the family car and off they would go in the direction of washington state randomly killing and murdering people along the way that was the plan at least yeah why did he want to do it well mainly two reasons i think it's um because he just like he says he hates everyone who thinks society is pointless kill people and also he wanted to like beat um beat the kill like the amount of other famous people like colin bonnie and uh james okay i mean who else were you gonna kill just whoever you ran into yeah pretty much he said five at a time like gas stations okay and then you just keep going like do you have a problem with society too do you think no i just or you're just more like the the number of people getting killed was kind of interesting and yeah exciting yeah okay do you guys not like your mom and dad i mean is there are they i mean most teenagers don't like their parents so i can understand that yeah i mean mom's okay but that was a little bit you know just a little bit too much that night shortly after 11 p.m crystal went into robert and michael's room basically to tell tell them you know wash the dishes get rid of it get the cats out of the house you know when she walked in she found them putting on body armor with big ol knives in her hands michael apparently then asked robert should we do it now with robert saying yes michael then asked crystal to look at something on the computer and she walked over robert behind her they expected her to die quickly and she didn't so they kept stabbing her but she managed to run out of the house and as she ran she heard her mother screaming as she was attacked next crystal collapsed outside but was dragged back inside by one of them at one point christopher and victoria locked themselves in a bathroom and michael was able to lure them out by pretending to be attacked by robert he whispered through the door let me in he's gonna kill me then when the two young children open the door to save their brother they did the same to daniel when he locked himself inside their dad's office and called 9-1-1 i was like let me in and he let me in he was sitting there on the phone with the police i grabbed the phone which is my phone got my phone and then i went into the kitchen and i smashed the underground which was your phone yeah it's my phone and you don't have a cell phone anymore um david was asleep but he woke up to the noise and he was killed instantly they also intended to behead the baby but the police arrived during the interview michael denied you know taking part or said you know it was reluctant and he he didn't kill anybody you know he he was just going along with it you know you guys had all these detail plans you had all the cool stuff to make it happen yeah and it kind of started falling apart and he said like it didn't go as planned i think i mean did you kind of just freak out a little bit like yeah it's really happening i didn't know in school like yeah you don't but here's what's here's what's getting me it's like it's crazy because you guys worked together and made all these plans and you know had it all figured out and then when it happens you're just kind of standing there not doing anything i think i think that with my friend i was i didn't think hillary might welcome anyone i couldn't do it so i was going to let him like kill everyone you know you stab somebody in the neck i mean i just kind of well what i'm saying is it's not robert's the one that should get all the credit here i mean for i mean um yeah because it's a big deal i mean you're going to be on the news um you know what i mean people are going to want to interview you i mean i don't want to be in a good mind with this what i mean i don't know i i think robert he may have there's going to be a lot of differences that's what i'm concerned about and we don't want you to come off as a liar i mean because you've been real cooperative you seem like a really good kid he's going to do it no matter what he says if i don't do it i think they'll just kill me too they'll leave me there so um yeah the little bollocks he was lying he tried to make it seem like he was forced you know strong-armed by robert into doing what he did unlike robert who in his interviews was happy to be yapping away yeah sure i did michael had trouble you know taking responsibility for what they had done well uh i was right the guys that are interviewing robert um kind of gave me a quick version of what he's saying that you did yeah and you haven't told me everything okay so i know you're not being completely honest and i i gave you one shot already i know it's it's you're still kind of dealing with it um and i wasn't there i wasn't the one doing it but you don't have to think about it you know what you did so you cut her neck you stab christopher in the neck how many times did you have christopher and who else did you stab besides mom you i mean she you watched her get stabbed you you cut her throat yourself and you watched her bleed all over the place and scream how does that make you feel no i think about that you know one thing about it and christopher your little brother i mean you stabbed him in the neck what has he ever done to you so he's just a number yes and how does it i mean how do you feel about that now it's is and funnily enough they weren't lying about any of this on the 23rd of july 3 000 rounds of ammunition arrived to magnolia court which was now a crime scene a teenager accused of killing his parents and several siblings in broken arrow police tell us his younger brother helped murder five people broken arrow pd and osbi investigating we know a family of nine lived here the parents and three children are dead another child a 13 year old is fighting to live and the youngest family member a two-year-old girl is in the custody of the state and not hurt police say the two other children teenage boys were the ones responsible for these killings and the details of what took place last night are slowly starting to be painted today a gruesome picture robert and michael were both charged with five counts of first-degree murder and assault and battery with intent to kill robert was 18 when charged so tried as an adult that meant death penalty was on the cards michael was 16 but he also was tried as an adult they both pleaded not guilty how in the summer of 2016 robert attempted suicide in prison with a bed sheet and failed he subsequently changed his plea to guilty to avoid the death penalty which i guess he had a change of heart and was sentenced to five life without paroles michael he didn't do the same he aimed his attorneys aimed for an insanity defense and crystal one of the only two survivors would take the stand the fact that he lured his siblings out you know the children out of their their hiding place their safe place so they could be stabbed to death well the court had absolutely zero sympathy for him the trial would last six weeks and wouldn't go well for michael which is good for everybody else so he too would get five life without pros so and in prison they remain they're in separate prisons they're not allowed to be in any sort of proximity to each other the two surviving bever children were adopted by the same family so they are together which is good [Music] you know psychologists psychiatrists they try to examine both michael and robert to see you know what what flicked their switch what you know was there some kind of trauma uh you know mental illness that kind of that kind of thing which would have you know they were looking for an explanation for why they did this and why it happened guess what didn't find one no kink in their history their noodle or whatever which might point to them doing what they did their dad david he was reportedly by crystal crystal would say during the trial that he could be you know abusive but it wasn't to the extent where this would be explainable they just did it because they wanted to so sadly something happened in jail leading to trial michael kept a diary a journal of sorts it doesn't lead me to think he'd be a fine upstanding citizen if he can believe that it's all well messed up shite i kind of got the feeling that he drew this in crayola and showed it to the other prisoners thinking it would you know make him look like a tough guy don't mess with me or you'll get the crayon pictures i wonder how that worked out most recently in 2019 robert attacked two staff at the prison he's housed in joseph harp correctional center he approached them from behind with a sharp instrument some probably kind of a fashioned shiv but he was taken down almost instantly it was hilarious the bever house it remained after what happened the house of horrors i mean like urban legend type stuff it became a tourist attraction you know for teenagers and the community wanted it ripped down that should not exist anymore they wanted to put a park in its place and that would eventually happen in 2019 a reflection park was officially opened where the bever family home once stood the house actually burned down one night you know the police said they was probably arson but they couldn't actually determine how it happened you know wink wink confusing outro thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and here come on you know i appreciate you too listen uh go on here i'll see you as always real soon in the next one until then please take care of yourselves look out for each other and i love you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,672,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, broken arrow, michael bever, robert bever
Id: xi8A2sjY5so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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