Dennis Richmond surprises Julie Haener during final KTVU broadcast | KTVU

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>> Good to see you as always. Thanks so much for joining us everyone. Good night. >> And right now we welcome back in studio the great Dennis Richmond. >> Oh my gosh. First of all welcome home. >> So thanks for coming in I feel like I'm home. >> You are home. You are home. So good to have you here. And that was a beautiful, beautiful story. >> And this is more beautiful than the story. What what it was just highlighting Julie's career in broadcast news. Yeah. What are your thoughts, Dennis? About Julie retiring? >> Well, rod, I'll tell you. >> I'll tell you the truth. I didn't like it that I retired. You're going to regret it after a while. I'm serious. You're going to regret it. Oh it's such it's such a wonderful job. And you're working with such wonderful people. Yeah. And you're going to, you know, ten years from now, you're going to look back and say, jeez, he's still working. Why? Why did I retire? >> Well, we miss you. We miss you and you. >> I didn't know he was going to be here. >> We were airing the story, which is a beautiful story. And all those memories come flooding back that you did so beautifully. >> Mike, thank you so much. And they walked in and you came in with your wife and they completely surprised me. So this is such a big night and such a great surprise to have Mike here. And you hear and you hear all of us, and we have marcaba is going to be with us a little bit later, but I didn't think you were going to make it. But you're here. You're back here with us. >> You think I wouldn't make it? Well, I don't know. >> It's a long way for you to come. And I'm just so honored and humbled and enough to come to see you. So good to see you here. >> It's not. It's not too far to come to Dennis. >> Who is your who is your favorite anchor that you worked with? >> I just was that towards Bill. Is that well what's he supposed to say? >> I have never worked with anyone so good, so wonderful, so marvelous, and so prepared as you never, never. And Jill, I agree. >> Julie, how was it working with Dennis? Well, Dennis, when I first got here, Dennis is you're one of a kind. >> You're a treasure. So many people love you. You're so beloved in the Bay area. And to get here and to be able to sit next to you, you're like an icon. And to have learn from you and to, like, have such a great working relationship with you. So professional, like you said, so prepared. Yeah. It was just an honor and we had a really good time working together. Did we did, I never had to worry about you not being prepared. >> Every time. Every time I sat down here, just like tonight, you're prepared for anything? Well, this is hard, but they're. They could have an earthquake right now. >> No, don't say that. >> Yeah. Just don't wish that on them. But you'd handle it. You would handle it. I'd get out of your way. >> Well, well, you know, the great thing about channel two is we did it. It's a team, and we've always done it as a team. And that's why we get in this business is to tell stories and to do things that make that matter to people and make a difference to people and to touch people's hearts. And you certainly have done that over the years. I know so many people miss you, and it's so good to have you back here with us tonight, especially on my last night. >> Don't say that. I hate you know, it's I hate the thought of you leaving. >> It's. You know what? This is a good time for me because I have my family. They're here tonight, too. Everybody's here, and it's a good time. >> Okay? >> They're. They're their friends. >> Family, coworkers are all behind the cameras at 1130 when we do my final, final sign off, and it's. >> It's time to go do things with them. >> Football in your hand? Yeah he usually does. >> Oh, there he is right there. They're here tonight. And it's so good to have everybody here. People like look in the studio around show. Show the camera around so we can see who else is here. Because it's so good to have all of you guys here. Just everybody, Deborah and Heather and Alex and everybody and Jason and Darren and Rachel and Mark, Banias and Steve, all these people that we've worked with together behind the scenes and on the scenes, it's just, well, you know, I watched you guys so, so often. >> Now I can get channel two. >> Yay! That's good. >> You can keep watching Grass Valley. I can I can get shadow to. >> Well, if Julie does retire tonight, there's an empty chair, which means if you really want to come back and sit in my chair. >> Yes, I'd be. You know, I'm in . I'm in. >> Oh, well, this was a truly a surprise chair. >> You know, you still Julie. We'll do it together. You guys do it together. So thank you so much for wonderful. >> You look wonderful. >> I have to say that. >> Thank you for being here. This looks so wonderful. >> You know, we missed you. >> Ever go to age? >> Oh, no. No no. Never. >> No. You guys never. >> You just looked so wonderful. >> Thank you. >> It's just such a great thing to have us all together. I'm fading. But you know what? >> Everybody looks wonderful. >> I want to I want to thank everybody at home, too, because you guys at home have been so kind and so heartfelt and sending so many messages. We all here have been feeling your love. And I especially, and it's just meant so much to me. So thank you, thank you, thank you. It means so much to hear from all of you. I really appreciate it. >> Well, you know, thank you for all of you, for inviting me back. Oh my gosh. >> Oh my gosh. >> It was such a great surprise. It maybe it's your house. >> Your house your the door is always open, you know. And we love seeing you. >> You look great. >> Thank you. You said thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting me back. >> Well, it made it made us complete tonight to have you here with us, so thank you. >> I know it is. I feel like, with all these folks here, I feel like I haven't left such a special treat. Is standing over there grinning. Mark? >> Come here. Yeah. Just run over here for a second. >> Come over. We're gonna. We're gonna we're gonna go to break in a second. And you got time because we're not done with you. You're going to be up here. Everybody's going to be up here with at the end and just to have you here with us, like, I mean, how many years here do we talking about together? >> What's your one piece of advice for Julie? Yeah, Dennis gave his advice. What's your advice going into retirement? >> I think you're going to love it. >> I think I am too. I think I am too. I'm ready to retire now. >> Two years, but two years, two years, two years and a month. But who's counting? >> So yeah, but you know what? >> You know what? You're saying that now you think she's going to love it. She's going to be she's going to love the fact that she's retired. But you're going to miss it. Yeah I will always miss it because this has been more it this has been like more than half of my life that I've spent here. >> This is like a second home to me. And I got into it. I've been here almost 30 years. We've all been through so much together. And when you go through something like that with people and you spend that much time and you're that vested with the people, you work with more than 40 and you 43. So we've got some serious time going on up here. And I will. How many years? >> 30 2017. >> Yeah, I'm 19 here. But I will say growing up here, legend legend legend legend, it's an honor to be at this desk at this moment. >> You're right here with us. And we couldn't have asked for someone better to be here. >> Mikey. You'll miss the people, but not the deadlines. >> That's right. I know you know what? >> No, I won't, I will miss the people. Yeah, and you know, and you guys know, when I was here, I was hiccuping. Yes You didn't see it that much on the air because I was able to hide it. Yeah. You know the drink I drink? Warm water. I had somebody, whoever, whoever was sports guy. Sports. Yeah. Yeah, they they knew to get me a cup of warm water and every break I'd sip some warm water. >> Yeah. >> And that's how I got through it. >> Well, I'm sure everybody's loving seeing you on the air. Yes Oh, my gosh, what a treat. >> I'm just loving having him sitting up here with all of us. And you guys here. So thank you so much for being here. >> We can see we can keep talking. But I get more. We got more to come. >> Yeah I'm being told in the old ear. Right, Dennis, remember when you get the wrap. Yeah, we're getting the wrap. Will you keep talking during commercial? >> But you know what? I can ignore it. >> You can. >> Julie Haener. I get a wrap? It's awesome. I can ignore it. Who's going to tell m
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 7,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Julie Haener, Dennis Richmond, Mark Ibanez, KTVU, Bill Martin, Bay Area News, final broadcast, retirement, julie haener retirement, ktvu fox 2 san francisco, ktvu channel 2 news live, dennis richmond ktvu, mark ibanez ktvu, bill martin ktvu
Id: W7yDF0V__RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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