The Brilliance of Better Call Saul: Gene Takovic

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I need a new dust filter for my Hoover Max Extract pressure pro model 60. can you help me with that I'm not your lawyer anymore I'm nobody's lawyer if the Fun's over from here on out I'm Mr low profile just another douchebag with a job and three pairs of Dockers if I'm lucky a month from now best case scenario I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha [Music] that's a cool soul is my favorite TV show and something that kept me hooked from episode 1 was wondering where this man Gene takovic would end up so today I should be analyzing the season openings as well as the four episodes containing Gene and highlight the Brilliance of Better Call Saul [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the very first scene of Better Call Saul opens with a black and white Montage of Cinnabons being made and straight away I need to talk about the importance of these sequences being in black and white of course there was a point in time where all media was in black and white and when it's present in modern media it's a deliberate decision on the Creator's part this Choice can be applied to the content for several different reasons such as intensifying the atmosphere capturing the period it was set in or to emphasize the tone of the story there are also several different reasons for why it works in better course soon the most obvious being that it distinguishes the timelines throughout the show we see Jim and McGill trying to build his practice as a lawyer and facing a lot of trouble we have all the events with Saul Goodman in Breaking badge to keep in mind as well as the parts in this show where the timelines cross over and lastly we have everything post-breaking bad with Gene takovic sequences being in black and white also supports the tone and how empty Everything feels for Jean after he was forced to leave behind the lifestyle he loved to become a nobody The Emptiness here is even more apparent when accompanied with the 1930s song address Unknown by The Ink Spots it further adds to the distance making us feel like this took place such a long time ago but after several shots of the employers and customers inside Cinnabon the camera pans up and shows us Gene takovic for the first time [Music] despite being far from Albuquerque we already get an understanding that he is very paranoid of his past coming back to haunt him as one of the customers looks in his Direction with quite a serious expression on his face he then gets up and starts walking towards Jean but it turns out that he was just heading outside as he spotted people that he knows but this is clearly something that Gene fixates on and worries about frequently in the next scene Gene is at home making himself a drink and getting comfortable in front of the TV he then gets back up and digs for a secret box and pulls out a VHS tape he puts it in sits back down and straight away we all know that he is watching The Glorious Better Call Saul commercials when legal forces have you cornered Better Call Saul and a little subtle detail is that we see a reflection of color in his glasses this is the first of only a few times in these black and white scenes where we see a glimpse of color this is used to reflect his past as Saul Goodman or even further back to Jimmy McGill after a whole season of witnessing Jimmy McGill slowly building his practice as a good honest lawyer although with plenty of dodgy methods along the way season 2 once again opens with shots of Cinnabons followed by Gene and his colleagues closing down for the night accompanied with the song Funny How Time Slips Away by Billy Walker to some viewers these scenes may feel fairly mundane but I can't stress the importance of scenes like this and the way they just let the story breathe this should be especially important in a TV series if we can trust this with a show like Obi-Wan Kenobi it's clear which one has the better structure both shows contain a main character who is forced into hiding after a rather catastrophic event has taken place they are now working normal jobs and simply going about their lives trying not to get caught however Kenobi is a measly six episodes and rather than taking its time showing what his life will be like on Tatooine for years to come the series only spends a portion of the first episode on this before he goes on a mission and is getting back into lightsaber fights it feels as if he barely left that behind we never got a true sense of how he coped with being forced into hiding because we simply didn't see enough of it better call saw is often described as a slow burn series but if you ask me the slower Pace absolutely Works in its favor this character was on top of the world at one point in his life from his perspective he has lost everything and just by including one Flash Forward at the start of the first Five Seasons we get a huge understanding of this one of these is an excellent show the other is Obi-Wan Kenobi anyway let's get back on track after closing down for the night Gene takes the rubbish out to the bins but the door slams shut behind him there is an emergency exits that he can use but doing so will alert the Police a risk he does not wish to take so whilst he's sat down waiting he picks up a screw when the maintenance guy opens the door Gene walks straight out and it's revealed that he carved SG was here into the wall despite the radical changes in his life it would seem that deep down he still sees himself as Saul Goodman season freeze opening begins with a sigh from Gene followed by the song Sugar Town by Nancy Sinatra we see various time lapses before he goes on his lunch break while sitting down and eating his lunch a young individual is heading in his Direction and a stolen item falls out of his coat and slides towards Jean the young man picks it up and proceeds to hide inside the photo booth very shortly after a policeman asked Gene if he's seen the suspect he points towards the photo booth and both the more security guard and the police officer catch him and place him under arrest but this does not sit well with Gene nice job say nothing you understand get a lawyer get a lawyer Gene is unable to leave Saul behind and when he sees someone that perhaps reminds him of a past client or at least a past client's actions he feels the need to stand up and say something this is what he believed in and at one point in time his whole world was surrounded by people like this even though he can't directly get involved anymore he wants to ensure the young man gets himself a lawyer right away even though said lawyer will never be as good as Sue Goodman when he gets back to Cinnabon it is obvious that his Outburst has got to him and he proceeds to faint foreign [Music] season Four's opening begins with various shots inside the Cinnabon accompanied with the song We free another one by The Ink Spots Gene is pushed out on the stretcher spends a bit of time in hospital and is later discharged unfortunately his National Security number isn't showing up on the hospital system he begins to get very nervous but it turns out to be a simple mistake on the receptionist part I typed the letter O instead of a zero Jing feels like there was a big chance that he would get caught out but thus far has been a series of perfectly normal situations that can happen to anyone in their everyday life it's too easy to convince yourself of something that isn't really there but will that be the case in every situation Gene gets in a taxi outside the hospital and he notices an Albuquerque Isotopes air freshener in the front and the driver now giving him some strange looks out of all the situations this is the one that hits closest to home could this all be in his head again or is this individual's connection to Albuquerque concerning news for Gene the season 5 opening begins with Gene back at the mall to pick up his car and go home when at home he takes his diamonds as well as a card to order a new dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract pressure pro model 60. he drives away for a while whilst listening to Communications over the police radio and after spending some time at a diner he calls the Cinnabon for both work-related reasons and to see if anyone has been around for looking for him has anybody been asking about me you know I mean like any customers come to the store looking for me somebody hanging around nobody at all [Music] a few days later Gene is back at work and we're seeing the usual baking of Cinnabons accompanied with the song Welcome to My World by Jim Reeves this scene feels like how all the previous sequences begin a sad distant World from Saul Goodman but a much safer one to be living in but just as Everything feels like business as usual he goes on his lunch break and the cab driver approaches it's you I just want to say hi I'm a big fan you know back in the day when I lived in Albuquerque with my ex I used to see you everywhere you're on the Billboards on the TV I used to have one of your matchbooks got me mixed up was was takovic Gene takovic that is not cool don't worry about him he's cool he's just wanted to come along what do you want I just want you to admit it but I I don't know what you're gonna do just saying I really don't know what come on say it Better Call Saul once again and do the point better call song there we go a little rusty but you'll do better next time you didn't ask but the name's Jeff anytime you need me you just call up Omaha United cabs you ask for me they'll find me no matter where I'm at never more than five minutes away Gene then heads to the phone and calls best quality vacuum Ed picks up and tells him that he'll be charging double the price for the service this time Jean spends a moment thinking about it before stating that he's changed his mind and he'll fix it himself oh [Music] nippy opens up with an elderly woman on her Mobility Scooter doing her food shop on her way back home her scooter struggles to get over a patch of ice that's when a gentleman with a very familiar voice offers to give her a hand need some help I'm fine what happened to poor nippy ah it was my fault I was driving with the windows open and I don't know something got into him maybe he saw a cat or something but he jumped screaming my head off nippy but he was gone oh that's terrible he then gives another offer to push the mobility scooter and this time she accepts but as he goes to push it he cuts the wire without her knowing and this now means she'll need to be pushed the whole way home later on Jeff is driving his taxi home and suddenly everything makes sense oh tells me you're a cab driver so we never learned how Gene knew mirian was Jeff's mother or how he roughly knew her route back from the store whenever Saul was after valuable information Mike was often the one to obtain it for him it's not a stretch to believe that Gene would be able to independently obtain this information with that being said I don't think it would be a problem if the episode Incorporated a subtle throwaway line to clear up any confusion or questions that a viewer may have let's look at some good examples of throwaway lines from my personal favorite episode Bag Man Mike saves Saul from the Colombian gang attack but all the gunfire has caused the vehicles to leak and or have burst tires there is no vehicle here that will get them all the way home so Sue was forced to walk back with 7 million dollars worth of cash in two bags and it's obviously quite a strain for him therefore an obvious question that a viewer may have is why not dig a hole in the desert and utilize Mike's tracking device to track down these bags of money at a later Point well if they were to bury these bags they would need to have a good idea of the rough whereabouts as Mike's tracker isn't super Advanced and loses signal outside of a certain proximity but even if that wasn't an issue they are unable to dig a hole in the first place so we get two throwaway lines for why this plan simply isn't possible idea stick a hole a hole Yeah walk out of here catch a civilization drive back pick it up work smarter not harder you'll never find him no I will because I'll memorize the landmarks like this tree can't miss it that Hill has distinctive it's gonna he'll shape yeah very different from a couple dozen trees we've seen on hillsides that we've walked past I will remember I will find this tree that's hard back if you manage to dig a hole big enough for those two bags you might as well dig one for yourself that's not gonna work you're wasting energy I'm almost there and this does follow because the task will only be manageable with the appropriate tool for the job and as Mike said you need to take into consideration the type of desert they are in it's not like digging a hole at the beach a simple back and forth followed by an action has answered valid questions that viewers would otherwise have these things may not seem like big deals in isolation but when they're dependent on how the rest of the plot plays out I believe it's best to acknowledge in the subtlest way possible based on the way Jeff behaves in these scenes it wouldn't be a stretch for him to ask Gene how he managed to get this information and track down his mother despite it being something that Gene would likely be able to do a natural and brief conversation about this could have made the plot of this episode even stronger but anyway let's get back on track the purpose of all of this turns out to be Gene giving Jeff the opportunity as something big I know it's awkward right but you don't have to call me dad yet I don't know what this is about but all I have to do is pick up the phone and it's bye bye Saul Goodman yeah but you haven't picked up the phone yet have you or tried to strong arm me for cash and guess what I know why because reward money blackmail that's not going to tickle your pickle I know what you really want oh yeah what's that you want in the game the game what what game the one you've been watching your entire life to get your nose pressed up against the glass peering in while the big boys play man speak English what the hell are you talking about the game right there you can see it but you can't touch it cars clothes the cash the ladies it's about knowing all the angles you know putting it all on the line and winning big but here you are Jeffy standing outside with the suckers trying to pay off that cab sweating the bills getting older it's so close but damn it you just can't get in until now so here's the deal I will show you the game and then we're done Gene has had so much experience in this game and understands how all the moving pieces work with that being said after the people he had to deal with towards the end of his career as a criminal lawyer he feels that he can never be too careful dipping his toes back into the game is a huge risk and him being able to trust Jeff will be extremely important if he's going to proceed with this so when he gets back home he turns on the police radio and just like last time there is no mention of him in the next scene he bake some Cinnabons locks up for the night and goes to the security office he grabs a cup of coffee sits down with Frank the security guard and as Frank tucks into his Cinnabon Jean starts a timer as the two have a very one-sided conversation about American football once Frank has finished his Cinnabon he turns around and looks at the camera's surveillance footage and Gene stops the timer on his watch The Grand Heist ahead is very clear we then get a montage accompanied with the song gym on the Move by an artist called Lalo the Montage includes Gene making Cinnabons doing research on American football and of course heading back to the security office and this Montage much like all the others in this show Breaking Bad and El Camino is brilliant What I Love About these sequences is how they often contain such mundane situations like Kim trying to bring a new client to hhm it's something that in most other shows would be fairly static and dull to watch but here it's executed with creative camera work fast-paced editing and a unique upbeat song making it a joy to watch most of these montages will include either a time lapse or multiple split screens all matching the rhythm of the beat and showing similar Clips route to present the repetition and or progress of events these sequences tend to have limited dialogue and manage to do a superb job of telling a narrative through visuals alone the creativity is off the charts and this one showing Gene's current routine is certainly no exception once he has established the average time that Frank's eyes are off the cameras he looks for a bunch of expensive clothes and figures out how big the store is so that he can do a trial run with Jeff says this whole thing it seems crazy is this too hard for you do you just say so you know what screw it it's crazy I'll tell you what's crazy 50 year old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office the guy is so broke he can't pay his own mortgage one year later he's got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen that's crazy he is fed up with Jeff already and you can understand why from his perspective Walter White couldn't have built his drug Empire without Saul that was a huge operation for him and this is small potatoes compared to what he's used to but the plan does go ahead and in the following scene body turns up with a delivery for the clothes store with Jeff hidden inside the Box the manager says it's not for her and therefore can't stay on the loading dock so she wishes to speak to his supervisor after some convincing acting from Gene over the phone she allows the delivery to stay there until morning so Jean gets on with his usual routine and then sends a message to Jeff Jeff gets out the box and starts grabbing all the clothes all is going very well until Jeff slips you're slipping Jimmy foreign has now finished his Cinnabon and just as he turns around Gene pretends to have an emotional breakdown to distract him yeah look at me I don't know why I don't know oh God I have a wife right Frank she's waiting for you I got no one if I die tonight my landlord would pack up my stuff it'd take him three hours cinnamon would just hire a new manager Gene who poof just being nothing Jeff then puts the clothes in the box and hides in the restroom it appears to be a successful Mission but not without a lot of panic from both Gene and the audience the following morning Jeff gets out the restroom and pretends to look at some clothes in the store before leaving the box is opened in the next scene and Jeff and Buddy are over the moon that is until Jean brings down the mood you guys enjoying yourselves well hold on to that feeling because this is it yeah we know well in case you forget you transported stolen goods with a value exceeding five thousand dollars and the truck you used to do it was rented in Council Bluffs across state line theft from an interstate shipment up to 10 years transportation of stolen goods another 10 years sale is stolen goods 10 years conspiracy to commit a federal crime oh conspiracy it was your idea it's called mutually assured destruction so if I go down you go down man you don't have to threaten us we're all friends here I am not your friend and I decide to come back for more don't Gene takovic you've never heard of him the Cottonwood Mall you don't go there where we're done say it we're done we're done this to me feels like Gene has learned a valuable lesson from Walter White and has applied the opposite mentality in this situation instead of there being a threat the business is done when Gene says it's done he instead states that it is done still inserting the same level of dominance as Walt but understanding that whilst this one was a successful Mission keeping their heads down is still very important and pretending they don't know Gene even more so it's an excellent way of showing how this character has changed it's very clear that Gene is not happy and optimistic like Saul and presenting it through interactions like these is a great way of showing said change ultimately one success doesn't mean that each one will be and Gene cutting his losses now is a sensible decision Assuming he's consistent with it the episode ends with Gene browsing clothes on his lunch break he looks at a classic Saul Goodman style suit and much like the pinky ring that he started wearing again this represents him returning to his old ways [Music] foreign [Music] flashbacks in this episode we also get to see how things are going back in Albuquerque with sewell's old Secretary Francesca even though time has clearly passed it would appear that Francesca still gets followed she once started working for Jimmy and Kim and brought a lot of positivity into the job but putting up with Saul Goodman over the years not only made her cynical and jaded but after all the events that's unfolded in Breaking Bad it has now led to her current day-to-day life always being disrupted but despite that she is still heading to an old gas station to spend some time speaking with Gene and where are you going to be November 12th at 3 P.M I'll be there but if it doesn't ring at three on the dot I'm gone don't worry it's gonna ring yeah go good you're there great first things first you know I I believe we agreed after I'm hanging up okay okay then jeez I still get followed not as often as when the ship first hit the fan but I still see them my mail gets opened my phone at home clicks whenever I use it so the Maestro buying the farm it didn't change anything the white got her deal so the only ones left to go after are you and Pinkman and I heard they found his car down by the border so adios dopehead so they're still into me hey what do you know about the nail salons nail salons are gone what gone all of them yep what about the vending machines gone Jesus don't tell me laser tag feds found it also but how it was shells within shells damn it I really love this scene and I find them having this conversation to be a brilliant excuse to have a natural Exposition dump this information is interesting for the audience to hear knowing the effects of everything in Breaking Bad and understanding what things look like in the present but this information is also useful for Gene to hear the incredibly underappreciated El Camino did a nice job of showing us the effect of everything that went down with two simple establishing shots of what used to be Los poyosomanos and souls office when I saw these for the first time I felt emptiness these iconic well-established and important places from Breaking Bad were now just random buildings in Albuquerque occupied by other businesses these two shots really say a lot but what I like about the conversation between Gene and Francesca is that we're seeing the aftermath from a personal character perspective Breaking Bad certainly functions as its own story but this information fleshes out the World building even more whilst providing a different point of view on things but after all that information is unloaded they talk about their previous colleagues and move on to talk about a certain someone who is very close to Jimmy I did get one call after everything went down checking in on me on me we're alive she asked about me later in the episode Gene is back to Cinnabon making and we get this slow zoom in on his face implying that he has an idea of some kind this simple technique is also used later in the flashback when he thinks about going to visit Walter White in both cases he has no one to talk to about his next move Mike has already given his opinion on saw approaching water and Gene obviously has no one to talk to so conveying this message visually is incredibly important and both these cases are clearly communicating a deep thought but these deep thoughts are usually what puts him on a bad choice Road this time round the idea is to bring the boys back together and Jean will be leading elaborate scams under the name Victor the same Alias he used back in the day but this goes a little further than a simple bar trick these scams involve talking to wealthy gentlemen who live alone Gene will get them very drunk whilst pretending to drink himself Jeff will then pick them up in his taxi hand them a bottle of water that's been dropped and later on buddy will enter their property and take pictures of their Bank details as well as other sensitive information this all gets handed over to a third party and the crew watched the money roll in most of these scams are once again presented through a montage but unlike any other Montage in this show this one feels extremely sad as we watch Gene pour away his life once again we've got to know this character so well for this show and with the hindsight of Breaking Bad We Know That him getting involved with Walter White was the worst decision he made watching the season openings made it appear that even though he wasn't happy he learned from his mistakes and was trying to move on with his new life unfortunately him getting involved with Jeff and buddy has put him right back on that path anyway the scam gets complicated when Gene is speaking to the next Target who has cancer and it turns out that unlike Gene buddy is sympathetic towards the man when he finds out about this and refuses to go ahead with the scam and the show doesn't hide the fact that Gene's lack of sympathy comes from his bitterness towards walked so a guy with cancer can't be an [ __ ] believe me I speak from experience I can't rip off a guy with cancer I'm sorry do you know how many of the suckers we've ripped off have SOB stories every every one of them we could just let this one go not your call you know forget it you're fired just go just give me the camera and go end with that Gene decides that he will be the one to break into the man's house [Music] thank you [Music] Waterworks presents us with Kim Wexler and her life in Florida with her new boyfriend and friend group and whilst at her job at Palm Coast sprinkler she receives a call from Gene Kim Wexler hey Kim you know who this is Kim you there what do you want you know just catch up it suddenly occurred to me it's been six years I I couldn't believe it I thought you might want to know I'm still alive I'm still out here still getting away with it you can call me an [ __ ] yell at me just let me know you still got a pulse you should turn yourself in the ground Mike's in the ground Lalo's in the ground apparently so go ahead spill your guts put on your hair shirt see what it gets you Tim why are we even talking about this what we're both too smart to throw our lives away for no reason Kim I'm glad you're alive despite all the bad things he's done Gene does raise a fair point here is it really fair for Kim to say this when the Crusade against Howard was her idea to begin with the tropes they played on Howard not only led to his life and reputation being ruined But ultimately led to his death as him and Lalo never would have crossed paths if the couple simply left him alone and Kim really takes Gene's comment to heart and decides to travel back to Albuquerque this is her attempts to set things right so she visits Cheryl Howard Hamlin's wife and Hans her an affidavit detailing her and Jimmy's schemes against Howard as well as all the other players involved was murdered he was in the wrong place at the wrong time it all happened in an instant and he didn't he didn't suffer the lies you two made up the picture you painted that's all he is now that's all anybody remembers I want to change that there's a reason why the audience often sympathizes with characters like Kim Jessie and nacho and this is because even though they get involved in so many terrible things they always try to put things right in the end Jesse was mortified at the deaths of people who didn't deserve to die and was extremely shook up when he was the one who had to pull the trigger nacho treats regular people with a lot of respect in ways that his colleagues certainly wouldn't and with Kim she is incredibly upset over what happened she feels talking to Howard's wife and confessing to everything is the least she can do the spectrum of Morality In These shows is Thoroughly explored and makes an effort to say that one can still make a morally good decision despite all the Terrible Things they've done in the past and to show this guilt from Kim even further whilst on the airport shuttle bus she has an emotional breakdown showing tremendous guilt and how everything is caught up with her once again I don't often touch upon acting in my analysis videos but raise seahorn's performance here is a standout this shot lasts for over a minute and a half and the emotion she pours into it is simply incredible but after that heartbreaking scene we are once again with Gene picking up from where we left off in the previous episode the gentleman is in a very deep sleep and Gene takes full advantage of this by carrying out the usual but this time he gets greedier and heads up says to help himself to some valuable watches and if you get greedy and you decide to come back for more don't but shortly after he looks downstairs and notices the man no longer lying on the floor and he instead goes and sits down at the bottom of the stairs Jean is about to go and hit him over the head but he falls back asleep so Jean is in the clear as this is happening though a police car pulls up behind Jeff whilst parked outside but these officers are completely unaware of any suspicious activities and are instead eating and talking about food but Jeff's insane paranoia causes him to drive away at full speed and crash now I've spotted a couple of criticisms from people who believe this is a silly and out of character way for Jeff to get caught now it's important to understand that Jeff feels like he is in a high tense stressful situation and this context is important to understand when analyzing any piece of media let's look at an example from Mission Impossible Fallout why did Ethan and Benji leave the plutonium cause that can be used to make nuclear weapons on the side of the road where they're subsequently taken well after the exchange went South Luther is held at gunpoint we'll make you a deal hunt give us the plutonium and we won't kill your friend Ethan is then left with a difficult decision of leaving with a plutonium or saving his friend by handing it over both result in bad outcomes for different reasons so he instead starts shooting at them Luffy gets caught in the crossfire and out of panic for their friend's life Ethan and Benji run up to him whilst firing at the enemy Luther is thankfully okay but their Panic for his life means they have left behind the plutonium and therefore it's been taken back this is a huge consequence that happens because of an emotional response to a highly intense situation if they had known the outcome there very well could have been a different and successful plan to both save luffa and keep the plutonium whilst it's easy for us the audience to point that out the characters will only know of the benefit of hindsight of course there are plenty of examples where fictional characters make rational decisions in high pressure situations but in this specific situation it is completely in character for both Ethan and Benji to put their friend first even if it does cost them the mission this is also a theme heavily echoed throughout the film and this same idea can be applied to Jeff he doesn't have the context that the police officers are completely oblivious to what's going going on Jeff has been known to get very nervous before and that exact paranoia is what led to the crash the logical thing to do in this situation would be to drive around the area for a little bit until Gene is ready and could be quickly picked up but that's only something we the viewers can point out or that Jeff can think about in hindsight his actions are completely believable within the Heat of the Moment but anyway Gene leaves the scene and later when he is back at home he makes himself a drink and is rather relaxed about the whole situation whilst awaiting his phone call hey Dad it's me it's it's Jeff Jeff what time is it are you okay Dad I got arrested oh no what for Jeffy it's like this crazy mistake you know I mean I had an accident okay a little fender bender type deal no big thing the place where I had the accent this guy this drunk guy he comes wandering out of his house and flags down the cops that the police and says hey you know I got robbed and sure enough the police they find evidence of like breaking and entering and and stuff is missing which I did not do when the police took you into custody did they find any of this so-called stolen merchandise was it in your possession no of course it wasn't because you didn't steal anything therefore since there's no evidence whatsoever that you committed any crime I'd say you got nothing to worry about breathe deep and sit tight I'll have you out by lunchtime you're coming down here yourself I think it'll be your mom you'll talk to her for me sure will problem and Jeff you're going to get the best legal defense in the whole wide world trust your old man on that helping people who are being held in police custody is his bread and butter and he's very much getting a kick out of this when he receives the call from Jeff to some extent this is one way in which the freyr connected Jimmy was desperate to get clients and was so excited when he actually got them Saul loved receiving all the new business opportunities and Jean is just simply happy to be back I love how this show represents all the ways in which these three connect to each other despite the drastically different Lifestyles some things never change anyway Jean phones Myriad about the situation but makes a few errors on top of very clearly being up to something in the garage in the previous episode he told her two episodes ago that he had never been to Albuquerque before he fell in with the bad crowd back in Albuquerque Albuquerque never been but if that were the case why would he know this piece of information right you just walk into the station you pay a Straight Cash bail it's not like Albuquerque at all Marion is also puzzled to why Jeff didn't call her first Suddenly It's Beginning to seem like Gene isn't the man he said he was and her conclusion for that is not out of left field when he put these several pieces of information together and therefore she decides to search for Albuquerque con man when Gene arrives at her house he can hear noise coming from her headphones child what's that you tell me Mary do you think that's me there never was a nippy was there what did Jeff tell you well he didn't tell me anything Ask Jeeves told me I typed in con man and Albuquerque and if you popped biggest day what are you doing Marion what do you think I'm doing I'm calling the police here let me help you with that what'd you get my son into nothing that he didn't ask for I'm still the good friend you thought I was okay Jeff understands me but he understands me and you will too just to uh you know keep things on an even Keel what have you got there do not do it Marion I trusted you Gene cannot bring himself to cause any harm to her for all his flaws he is still human enough to not go to that level Miriam presses the alarm button and proceeds to speak to someone are you okay no Valerie I'm not okay there's a criminal standing in my kitchen threatening me he's a wanted man and his name is Saul Goodman all right Miriam I'm calling the police I'm calling right now [Music] foreign this new life of jeans has come to an end any chance of maintaining this fresh new start and finding true happiness has now Slipped Away Jean takovic is over Saul Goodman is about to make his final appearance [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: That0therGeorge
Views: 15,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video essay, that0thergeorge, thatothergeorge, that other george, review, Better Call Saul, Saul Goodman, analysis, breakdown, recap, Season 6, Season Openings, Nippy, Breaking Bad, Waterworks, Gene Takovic, Cinnabon
Id: cp2-Qv3IXZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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