The Bravest German Airman

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We’d like to thank War Planet Online for sponsoring today’s video. War Planet Online is an exciting MMO real-time strategy game. You can build your own custom base to form the backbone of your defense and survive your enemy’s assaults. Then stockpile troops, tanks, helicopters and other weapons of modern warfare. And march your army across a real world map unlike that of any other multiplayer military game you’ve seen. The artwork in this game is exceptional with animated tanks, rolling across the map and planes and helicopters too. We love the gorgeous cut scenes. So much so our cat decided to join in. You can download War Planet Online for free today using the link below. The teamplay within functions makes it again truly immersive with chat and a teleport function so you can move your entire base to help your friends and the other Yarnhub viewers. Much like Werner Voss in our video today – the stronger you become the more of a target you become. So prepare for action in this non-stop game of war. Let us know when Yarnhub viewers team up and dominate War Planet Online. If you see our cat there, please tell it to come home. Please support the channel and download War Planet Online today for free using the link in the description. It’s September 23, 1917, 18:30 hours. In the skies over West Flanders, Belgium, the evening silence is suddenly shattered by the arrival of 3 German planes. Flanked by two wingmen in Pfalz D.III biplanes, 20-year-old German ace Werner Voss' triplane barrels towards his enemies. Clad in a gaudy silk shirt, civilian boots and a non-regulation leather coat he cuts a dashing figure. A knight of the air. His senses on alert, he nudges the throttle forward sensing the impending dogfight. Meanwhile, just minutes away a formation of British fighters from the 56th and 60th squadrons break through the clouds at 6,000 feet. To the east, another two dozen German aircraft do the same. It’s going to be an Epic battle in the skies. Now converging at more than 200 miles per hour the enemy pilots spot one another and all hell breaks loose in an erratic snarl of dashing aircraft and droning engines. Through the chaos Australian ace Lieutenant Harold A. Hamersley in a Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5a sees what appears to be a comrade in dire straits. There’s a German Albatross on the heels of a British plane... or is there? With so many mismatched planes in the sky telling friend from foe is no easy matter. Either way, Hamersley’s eyes have just done him a potentially fatal disservice – both planes are German, and one is Voss' three-winged Fokker. Recognizing the blunder of his enemy, Voss tugs the stick hard, exploiting the Triplane’s superior maneuverability to get beside and behind Hamersley. Seconds later his twin Spandau machine guns crack to life sending high-velocity rounds rifling through the S.E.5a’s thin skin. Hamersley instinctively throws his machine into an inverted dive, but Voss won’t be shaken, and more rounds rip through his wings while others spark off the engine cowling. Witnessing the life and death struggle just a few hundred yards away, a fellow pilot rushes to his friend’s aid, but Voss peels off Hamersley, slips behind him and peppers his rudder with .30 caliber bullets putting him out of the fight. Now two fighters line up for attack against the brash German airman. Less than 1,000 feet above Voss and slightly to his right, they attacked from left and right and soon the German was in the midst of 4 British machine guns. It’s a dangerous pincer move that if timed incorrectly could result in a catastrophic collision, but though their aim is true Voss flies through the hail unscathed, while buzzing both above and below 4 more British. Now boxed in on every side, Voss’ situation is becoming more untenable by the second. Disengaging, he attempts to outclimb his adversaries, but he’s trapped in another vortex of fire, which again he barely evades by the skin of his teeth. But it seems Voss knows no fear. Despite being outnumbered he throws his plane into a tight turn to meet his enemies head on. Voss fires at a British fighter, but with a top speed of nearly 130 miles an hour and an engine optimized for high-altitude performance, the S.E.5a is faster than Voss’ triplane and he speeds out of range. Now swooping in daringly, Canadian pilot Flight Lt Peter Cronyn carelessly overshoots his mark and winds up ahead of and under Voss – the worst possible position. He makes an erratic maneuver but Voss’ blazing Spandaus riddle his bird from close range, sending another enemy plane packing. Now in an all out blitz to down Voss, the four British pilots throw themselves into the mix. The tension is reaching a fevered pitch, Voss flings his beleaguered plane into a disjointed series of climbs, dives and turns, never level flying for more than a few seconds lest his enemies get him in their crosshairs. But though he has multiple chances to escape and despite worsening odds Voss stays in the game. With bullets streaking past his open canopy and his engine screaming at full power, a friendly Albatross fighter dives to Voss’ rescue, but is shot down before he can help, with a few well placed rounds through the engine. Now spiralling down to just 2,000 feet Voss continues to bob, weave and squeeze off bursts whenever he can, and in an unprecedented maneuver that wows his assailants, he intentionally throws the Fokker into a flat spin to get a bead on an English plane, miraculously never losing control. Two of the British fighters swarm Voss, dispatching their remaining ammunition with abandon. Voss’ plane takes a burst down the fuselage and into the cockpit, and for the first time in the engagement the German warbird drifts into level flight, taking no evasive action as his pursuers close in. Now dipping below 1,000 feet, soon to be ace Pilot Arthur Rhys Davids slips behind Voss firing at will. With the resulting loss of airspeed, Rhys-Davids comes to within a few feet of crashing into the stricken German’s tail. Now descending rapidly, he follows Voss down to the ground. Lower and lower until with a crash Voss’ plane hit the ground. Witnesses later recalled that the plane disintegrated into a thousand pieces. In all, the dogfight lasted less than 10 minutes, during which time Voss put bullets into nearly every plane that he’d engaged. Back at base the shaken pilots are given a brandy to settle their nerves. Most are speechless, others hyperventilate, while some just weep. Although the true identity of their adversary is unknown, names like Richthofen, Wolff and Voss are whispered by the men… That evening the pilots toast their gallant foe, but it’s not until the following day when patrols locate the crash site that they confirm that it had been the German air ace with 48 victories to his name, Werner Voss behind the stick. One of the British pilots later said: “His flying was wonderful, his courage magnificent, my opinion he was the bravest German airman who it had been my privilege to see fight.” If you haven’t yet please subscribe to the channel and please watch more videos of ours. Thank you.
Channel: Yarnhub
Views: 447,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voss, red baron, fokker, dr1, dridecker, triplane
Id: IXx3xi0eVdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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