German Kamikaze

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It's April 7, 1945 and in the skies over Europe more than 1,000 B-17 Flying Fortresses and B-24 Liberator bombers hurtle towards airfields deep in Germany. They are preparing for a desperate battle in the air. And you too can pit yourself in desperate WW2 battles against other players by playing Call of War who sponsor today’s video. Call of War is a Free Online PVP Strategy Game where you can choose a real country to lead during World War II. Fight up to 100 other players in games that can take weeks to complete. Use many units and secret weapons to build your army. Declare War to your neighbors or forge Alliances with other players. If you like detailed immersive gameplay then Call of War is for you. You can play with the same account on both PC and Mobile. And for Yarnhub viewers you can get an Exclusive Gift. Click on the link in the description to get 13,000 gold and 1 month of Premium Subscription for free! This offer is only available for 30 days, don’t lose time! We’ve also created a special game just for Yarnhub viewers. Keep watching and we’ll share the details at the end of this video. The Luftwaffe is on its last legs. Desperately short on fuel, aircraft and experienced pilots, Germany’s once mighty Air Force lays in ruins. Even diehard senior officers know the end is near, but they’re still planning to put up a valiant defense against Allied aircraft. Desperate times call for desperate measures and the time has come for an unconventional defense. As nerve shattering sirens sound at air bases across the Fatherland, dozens of airmen rush frantically from hangars and climb into ME 262s, Nazi Germany’s advanced jet-powered wonder weapon. Their Jumo turbojet engines whistling reassuringly, the pilots taxi to their assigned runways, then releasing the brakes and shoving the throttles forward they race down the tarmac and lift into the air towards the foreign invaders. High above in the Fortresses and Liberators, bombardiers line up sites, open bomb bay doors and release their lethal payloads. Thousands of feet below, bunkers, runways and hundreds of grounded German aircraft are torn apart by violent explosions, while more than 100 pilots of the top-secret Sonderkommando Elbe unit scramble into their Messerschmitt Bf 109 Gs. It’s an all volunteer force because most of them know they will never return. Their role is to ram their planes into the bombers, ejecting just before, or after, if they survive the impact. The men understand the risks, but they embody the motto of the Sonderkommando: "loyal, valiant, obedient". Minutes later, airborne and en route with their 1,500+ horsepower Daimler-Benz V-12s roaring, they spot the colossal air armada dead ahead. Approaching the targets, the pilots acknowledge each other, knowing that the chances are they won’t see one another again. Entering the fray, it’s a chaotic mishmash of contrails, tracer rounds, screaming Mustangs and hissing 262s maneuvering for kill shots. The gunners are distracted by the 262s and the Sonderkommando try and find a window of opportunity. Fueled by adrenaline, intense patriotism for Germany, and love of family and friends back home, young pilot Heinrich Rosner selects a target and joins in the fight. Without armor and cannons his stripped down 109 has just one machine gun and 50 rounds of ammunition, but it’s lighter, faster, and more maneuverable than the vaunted Mustangs. Now just a few hundred yards away he holds the screaming Messerschmitt steady. The B-24 ahead looms larger and larger but Heinrich’s resolve is unshaken. With a colossal force of will he keeps the plane on target, until at nearly 400 mph it slams into the “Palace of Dallas”, the 389th Bomb Group’s lead B-24. The 109 slices its way through the cockpit taking out the forward crew, then careens violently into a second B-24. Heinrich Rosner, his mission complete, bails out… and unbelievably he survives. Nearby in another 109 Reinhold Hedwig spots a B-17 straight ahead. Streaking along at full-throttle and struggling to maintain his course, he’s just about to ram it into oblivion when tracer rounds rocket past his canopy. Instinctively jerking his head to see what’s behind him, it’s already too late. A mustang is on his tail and he’s riddled with .50 caliber bullets from a P-51’s eight heavy machine guns. He and his Messerschmitt plummet to the ground. Nearly identical scenes are playing out everywhere. Hans Nagel manages to shoot down a B-17 from the 490th Bomb Group, only to be killed while moments later ramming another. Heinrich Henkel takes out a B-24 called “Sacktime” from the 467th. Eberhard Prock plows into a Flying Fortress fatally damaging both it and his own aircraft. He manages to pop the canopy, bail out and deploy his parachute. But these fanatical attacks are shaking the allies and he’s strafed by an indignant Mustang pilot and is dead by the time he hits the ground. All told, most of the Sonderkommando Elbe pilots who took to the skies on April 7 were shot down by Mustangs and the bombers’ door, turret and tail gunners. Only 15 managed to ram their targets, and of those who did only a few managed to inflict significant engine, cockpit and control surface damage. As a result just 8 American bombers were downed. German pilots had spontaneously rammed enemy aircraft earlier in the war, but the Sonderkommando Elbe raid was the first time the tactic was officially used. American bombers destroyed more than 300 aircraft that day, and another 700 a week later, effectively wiping out the Luftwaffe. Due to ineffectiveness and high losses, the Sonderkommando Elbe never flew again. If you like WW2 history gaming then please support the channel and play the Free Online PVP Strategy game, Call of War. You can get access to a Special Game just for Yarnhub viewers using the Game Name Yarnhub and Password Yarnhub. See you there! Also by clicking the link in the description you get an exclusive gift of 13.000 gold and 1 month of Premium Subscription for free! The offer is only available for 30 days, so don’t lose time! Support the channel and click the link in the description. Thank you!
Channel: Yarnhub
Views: 841,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonderkommando, elbe, me109, bf109, b17, me262
Id: MDkh3tdAITU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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