The Borderlands Movie Seems Like It's In BIG TROUBLE

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what's up everybody Welcome to podcast now plus I'm Alex and in this video I want to talk about the Borderlands movie something that honestly I forget about quite often I remember the cast I remember you know kind of that screenshot I mean I'm excited for it for kind of a very specific reason I'll get to as this video goes on but I don't necessarily think it was ever going to be anything kind of special or anything all that amazing and certainly not from what we kind of see behind the scenes right now so well a couple things to kind of keep in mind number one I believe this movie filmed two years ago so by the time this movie even comes out and we don't even know when that is the movie will have filmed two two and a half three years before that that's not the greatest sign just all on its own so 2021 it filmed the directing kind of responsibilities have been shifted right Eli Roth did I believe the first initial I guess recording you know filming of the movie and then he moved it over to Deadpool director Tim Miller and he's doing the reshoots for it at least in maybe right now so they're doing reshoots you know two years later but the big news that's come out right now that's gotten people even more I guess concerned about it if that is the right you know way of thinking of it is uh Craig mazzin right a Last of Us and Chernobyl and all that stuff he removed his name from the credits from writing it so it's now a pseudo name Joe Crombie I hope that's how you say the fake last name but uh normally when this happens for those that know kind of filmmaking it's not good at all now I would say and because a lot of people I think are blaming Eli Rother will eventually blame Eli Roth we'll have to see because you know him replacing his name with a pseudo name so he's like embarrassed of the work right that's generally what people think this is whenever you do that just in general in Hollywood you take your name off and you replace it with a fake name obviously that kind of means you're embarrassed by the work now is he embarrassed with his own work like is the writing terrible in this movie or is it only the directing so is it only how the movie I guess was filmed and maybe there were some battles behind the scenes of what should or shouldn't be in it or what will or won't be in it but I am like I said in the beginning of this video extremely extremely excited to see this once I remember this movie was a thing like two days ago I thought all right you know what I'm still gonna see this movie whenever this movie comes out whether it comes out on streaming or whether it really does come out in theaters you know whatever happens to it I do genuinely want to see it because I want to see how you make a Borderlands film there's a lot of jokes uh already kind of thrown at the movie that well look generally for Borderlands the game play and that just the kind of mechanics that come with the gameplay that is what makes Borderlands stand out I guess even the visuals of it makes Borderland stand out not necessarily the characters although there have been some especially in the early days of Borderlands right not necessarily for the story or the writing now I believe Borderlands has gotten progressively worse with the story with the writing quality of it so I have seen those jokes that's like well how do you make a game that's pretty much just the game play that's what makes it kind of special how do you make that come out in a movie the answer is you probably don't the answer is you probably lean into the goofiness the joke you lean into Jack Black you leave into Kevin Hart you know Cate Blanchett you'll really just lean into the entire cast the cast is honestly incredible of Cate Blanchette Kevin Hart Jamie Lee Curtis Jack Black that's a great lineup and maybe they can kind of carry it yeah I just wanted to throw this out there just to kind of remind myself the movies still exists and I will see it when it comes out just to see what in God's name they did with this film and what is going to be the issue is the writing enemy issue is the filming gonna be the issue what's even going on and when does this movie come out I think this movie was supposed to come out last year in 2022 so it's been what delayed indefinitely I suppose because I highly doubt it's releasing this year unless maybe they sneaking on a streaming thing but I thought it was always intended to come out in theaters I don't know let me know what you guys think in the comments make sure you're subscribed Bell icon turned on I hope to see you all on the next one
Channel: Podcast Now PLUS
Views: 164
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Keywords: borderlands news, borderlands movie, borderlands movie news
Id: Ab_rHIuImyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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