THE BOOK OF REVELATION // SESSION 1: An Introduction to the Book of Revelation

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[Music] hey friends welcome to the first session in the maranatha global bible study on the book of revelation greetings here from the golan heights in the north of israel on the syrian border i'm in my little backyard studio right now because all of our other normal sound states sound stage in studio space is being used for our next film now if you haven't seen ballads of the revelation i want to encourage you to go watch it and you can watch it now on the fai app if you have seen it but you haven't watched past the credits i encourage you to go watch the surprise teaser at the end for the next film we at the at the moment are neck deep in production on that film and so all of our studio space and resources are going towards that so i'm going to be doing the majority of these sessions here in my little studio in my backyard so it's not as spacious as our other studio space but i i think it will suffice so a few things some groundwork before we begin before we get into it and begin in this first session first of all thank you thank you thank you for watching the film all of you who've downloaded the app those of you who've watched the film who've shared the film who are getting the album and sharing the album and thank you it means a lot to us we put our heart and soul into the creation of this film and to to bring all these different art forms together from music to cinematography to art and poetry and metaphor and story and now we're turning our attention more into a exegetical consideration a serious study of the book of revelation i'm so excited joel and i are going to be going back and forth we're going to be alternating sessions some sessions i'm going to take some joel's going to take and we're going to work our way through the book now some of the passages we're going to go through the entire book but we're not because of time and space we're not going to be able to dive into every single verse in the book in this particular study i say that to say this our goal in this session over the next number of months is not necessarily to get into the fine details of every single statement in the entire book our goal is to make the book more accessible for the body of christ globally that our hearts would burn with love for the lord jesus a little more hotly and that we would have a little more confidence to study the book ourselves so we're going to be presenting what we think in fact actually i'm going to begin our first session here by just laying some of my assumptions that i bring to the table out before you so that you can make up your own mind as we go through this because as you may know the book of revelation has been very controversial throughout church history with people coming at it from many different angles i've studied this book now intently diligently for about 15 years consistently and i love this book it's a treasure trove and i hope that the my goal and the outcome of this for anyone who goes through this study is that your world would get turned upside down not necessarily because you understand the fine details of some of the more obscure passages in the book but that the blazing center of the book would warm your heart and the blazing center of this book is the majesty and the wonder of king jesus he's the centerpiece of this book which we're going to get into here in a minute and distinguishing some of the let's say the bumpers on the side of the the bowling alley so that the bulb the ball doesn't go into the gutter i think the book of revelation is easy to get into the gutter because you can get off into wild speculation on things that are detracting from the central focus of the book so my goal in this first session is really to lay some groundwork so that we stay steady in our journey through this book week to week over the next few months so we're going to be looking at it what i would say would be a hybrid of thematic and exegetical preaching now for any of you who've tracked with any of the maranatha global bible studies before or you followed me or joel in any of our teaching style you know that our preferable approach is to just take passages and go word by word phrase by phrase line by line so that we're not because often times with topical preaching you can just make the bible say whatever you want it to say now we want to avoid that we want to go verse by verse but we also want this to be an accessible medium to understand the book of revelation so we're not going to go as deep in some of the passages as we did in the past for those of you who attracted with us during the book of daniel you know that was only six chapters that we went through and that took us a number of months so we're dealing with 22 chapters here and some of the chapters are very long very detailed have a lot of information in them so what we're going to be doing is basically running two parallel tracks track one is going to be the main sessions the main sessions are going to be really working our way thematically through the book in some sense based on the songs from the film and the album what do i mean by that when we sat down to write the music and write the story of ballads of the revelation we intentionally looked at the story from a big picture perspective and said how do we consolidate the story in such a way where we can sing through it in an hour and a half but it makes sense in a story line because there's a lot of passages that we weren't we weren't able to hit if we want to go through the entire book so we really distilled it so that's going to be more or less the outline that we're going to approach this global bible study through is going to be working through the main storyline of the book now we are going to get into the details in the second track which is going to be bonus sections so in the app you're going to see main sessions and you're going to see bonus sessions we want to keep the main sessions clear and simple and to the point and in some sense very very succinct the bonus sessions may run longer they may be more verbose they may be a bit more complicated because we're going to get into the details and the nitty-gritty of some text that otherwise probably wouldn't make it into the main session not because they're not important but because it can detract from the main storyline if there's not an emphasis on the main story line you know the details i believe are very important in this book but what happens more often than not is a lot of people just focus on the details and they forget the main point and we're gonna there's lots of examples of this but for the sake of time in our first session and for the sake of maybe giving you what i think would be a helpful introduction to know what our value system is going into this because some of you may be pastors leaders bible study home group leaders and wondering is this the kind of thing that we want to open up to to our community well if that if this is you or if you're jumping into this and you're trying to test the waters i want to lay out some of my basic assumptions and put them on the table for you so that you can make up your own mind if you want to go on this journey with us because it's going to be a it's going to it's going to be a long journey and it's going to take time it's going to be something that's going to require intentionality you don't get depth in the word and depth in god casually accidentally or on the run it takes intentionality and deliberation and so let's let's lay out some of those here in this first session i want to read the first three verses of chapter one and i want to make just some not so much teaching per se but just some commentary from my perspective so that you can understand maybe a bit more of me and joel's value system as we're approaching this incredible book chapter 1 verse 1 the revelation of jesus christ which god gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place he made it known by sending his angel to his servant john who bore witness to the word of god and to the testimony of jesus christ even to all that he saw blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it for the time is near this is the preamble the preface the opening introduction to this incredible book i want to make some comments about uh again assumptions or presuppositions that i bring to the table that i want to submit to you but also make you aware about as as we jump into this thing and in some sense joel and i lead a a charge into the book as if this were a forest a lot of people get lost in the forest of the book of revelation we want to bring clarity so that no one gets lost in it so here are some of those the assumptions assumption number one the book of revelation is first and foremost about the man christ jesus before it's about events this is very important this book is about a man in the first verse we read here that the revelation of jesus christ which god gave him to show now this is the revealing of the man jesus i would argue that the book of revelation is the most robust the most nuanced the most complex and the most vast representation and display of the person and work of jesus in the entire bible now we have passages in the old testament isaiah 53 psalm 22 we have many passages to prophesy that jesus who jesus was before he came what he would do we have daniel 9 that described in vivid detail the cutting off of the messiah and when the list goes on of prophetic promises about who he would be the gospels tell us a lot about jesus through the eyes of those who followed him while he was on his earthly ministry the epistles tell us what the life of the early church was like and what the teaching of the early church was like now the book of revelation is unique and stands alone in that it is the revealing of jesus it's the revelation the disclosure the display of jesus this is not about the antichrist this is not about harlot babylon this is not about the great tribulation this is about the making known of jesus to his servants to the body now we're going to get to the events in a minute because it doesn't mean that the events aren't in the book it means that we need to understand the context of the events because the name of the book is not the revealing of the end times it's not the revealing of the events of the last days it's the revealing of yeshua it's the revealing of the son of god the lion the lamb the root of jesse the morning star the promised one all of the names of jesus in the book of revelation it's staggering i would encourage you as you're beginning this study with us is to take a highlighter and go through the book if if you're comfortable writing in your bible go through the book and highlight every time jesus is mentioned or described his name the description of him all the various prophetic names that he's given the different ways that he's referred to in the book and then take those highlights and compile them into a list and i would encourage you to incorporate them into your prayer life and into your life of worship with the lord begin to speak to him about these phrases because what's interesting is those phrases are very rarely used in the normal vocabulary of the pop culture western body of christ today and i think a big part of the value of this book and the urgent value of this book is to calibrate the global body of christ to the reality of who he is the reality is this the greatest crisis on the earth today is the body of christ that's disconnected from the person of jesus the greatest solution the greatest need that the nations have right now that we the body of christ have is revelation about who jesus is his person his work his nature his character his ways this is the main need of the hour now yes we do need to understand the events yes it's important to understand the structure of the book the symbolism of the book but the most important thing about this book is understanding the centerpiece of it all which is the lion and the lamb the son of david the root of jesse the bright and morning star the one who will restore all things will heal the nations who will vindicate all the promises and who will set in motion the consummation of this present evil age the one that will defeat and vanquish our enemy the one that will reward the saints the one that will judge the saints the one that will judge our enemies we need a clearer vision of jesus so the assumption that i bring into this is yes we are going to look at the events we are going to look at the structure we are going to look at interpretive issues over different symbolism and this and that but at the end of the day this book is to cause worship to arise not for us to have pristine accurate understanding of end time events with that said here's my second assumption this book is about specific events that we need to take seriously so the central theme and message number one is the person and work of jesus it's the revealing of christ jesus but what the text also says is the revelation of jesus christ which god gave to him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place so the main emphasis of the book is the revealing of christ jesus and the things that must soon take place now it is not cool right now to think through apocalyptic eschatological end time things you know i think after the 1980s with a lot of the kind of excesses and extremes and blind spots of the prophetic movement of the day it was encouraging people to read the the scriptures and end times living in the generation of the rebirth of the state of israel the repatriation of jerusalem and all these prophetic signposts from 1948 until then the 1980s prophecy exploded and the i would call it the pop culture left behind culture really begin to take root and there's been a reaction to that over the last few decades because a lot of people and many of you watching this have probably said this to yourself if you're you know maybe you're my parent's age for example my parents age generation say ah we've been there done that we remember kind of the late great planet earth stuff we remember the beginning of kind of the you know jesus movement we do i wish we'd all been ready left behind stuff beginning and it didn't work out it he's still not here yet so you know we're kind of done with it now my generation just thinks it's kooky and stupid because majority of my generation of believers are embarrassed about the bible and because they're embarrassed about the bible in general they're definitely embarrassed about the end of the age but the reality is this the book of revelation which the lord did not intend us to be embarrassed by he intended us to be overwhelmed and undone by it in awe over the contents of the message of this incredible book that we would be drunk in the wonder of the man and also serious and sober about the events beloved if there is a hint of embarrassment in your heart that's something that needs to be acknowledged repented of and crucified if you're embarrassed about the book of revelation this says more about you than it does the book or the lord now many people i think are maybe not embarrassed by it because they've never read it that's the other side they're ignorant of the events because they've never read it because they're potentially they're intimidated by it they're confused by it they've seen people arguing about it or they just think it's weird and irrelevant they just want to love jesus which we're going to get into this more in future sessions but the reality is this you can't love jesus and be embarrassed by what he's doing or to say it another way you can't love jesus and be against the things that he does now these events in this book are not describing what the enemy is doing what satan is doing exclusively it's not as though the book is about satanic things and that's it weird satanic things there are satanic things in it we see the devil raging but we also see that jesus is the one conducting and orchestrating these events this is very very significant these events are not happening in a vacuum of the aberrations and accidentalisms of history jesus the lamb of god is tearing scrolls tearing seals from a scroll when he does specific judgments are released on the earth he is doing it which is why this is book is about him more than it is the events but he is releasing the events now that is a very key point he is the one releasing these events he is the one that's initiating the final tribulation he is the one that's setting the parameters of the final days the consummation of the ages the demise and vanquishing of the evil one the calling into judgment of all the nations he is the one doing it which means all of these events testify to the man it's not enough to just know the charts and graphs and that you have the right order of the rapture in the millennium that's cool but that's really not relevant if you don't know jesus and his ways third assumption i bring number one is this book is mostly about jesus he is our magnificent obsession secondly is that this book is about specific events that we need to take seriously because they're actually going to pass in the same way that the events in the book of exodus passed there is a very clear correlation between the literalism of the plagues and the judgments in exodus and the literalism of the plagues and the judgments in revelation in fact they mirror one another in their successive unfolding and their literalism meaning when moses said the nile is going to turn to blood it turned to blood in the book of revelation it says the waters will turn to blood the waters will turn to blood these are actual events that are actually going to happen to actual real people after jesus actually tears seals and releases the judgments on the earth which leads us to our third my third assumption that i want you to be aware of i believe that we are living at the beginning of the generation or generations that will lead to these events unfolding i believe that my children will see the beginning of these i don't know if i will but my conviction on a personal level i'm not saying the bible says this with certainty i'm not saying that i had a you know an angelic visitation where the lord gave me the date we don't believe in that kind of stuff but matthew 16 instructs us to read the weather to lick your thumb and put it in the air and see which way the winds are blowing discern the signs of the times the way you discern the skies and in matthew 24 matthew 25 and we've gone into this in great detail in previous maranatha global bible studies the lord taught very clearly and emphasized this reality that not only can you know the generation of the lord's return you're actually biblically mandated to understand the generation of the lord's return now you're not going to know the day of his return or the hour of his return but you're commanded to know the generation of his return because the generation that sees those things those events and dynamics breaking out on the earth will see will not pass away until they see all then he says when you see these things lift up your head for the season is near jesus con commanded us and instructed us to discern the seasons and the generation leading to his return i believe that what we're witnessing right now in the nations is the beginning stage of the generation of the lord's return it might be my children it might be my grandchildren but i believe that we're at the beginning of this now i believe that context setting is happening and these context setting pieces could take a matter of a few years or it could take decades i don't know but what i do know is this time evaporates like that and what we have before the storm is what we bring with us into the storm there's no time to buy oil once the darkness sets in we're gonna buy oil now and this is why i'm making this known on the front end that i believe that this book is serious because i believe many of our children or their children are going to live through it now you say okay well don't maybe you're wrong on that okay maybe you're wrong on that is it still relevant to study yes why because the primary emphasis of the book is the man not the events it's going deep getting a root system like a a plant a strong root system that goes deep deep deep into the dirt so that when storms come the roots hold the tree up you might even be able to hear it now it outside here in the golan it's raging winds and all my i've got all these eucalyptus trees in my backyard that i've been planting and the wind i've got bamboo stakes that are you know i thought would hold them in but the roots are so weak that it's pulling the trees down they're all bent over right now so this morning i was out in the wind trying to pull the trees back up and stake them into the ground so that the roots don't get ripped up in the storm and this is an i think an appropriate analogy we don't know whether the storm is going to come in 5 years 10 years or 50 years but the reality is this if you have a weak root system when the storm does come your roots will get ripped up and you will be blown away we want to take these events seriously and we want to get oil we want to get roots deep into the soil so that we can withstand the strong winds of the coming storm assumption number four this one's important because a lot i think a lot of the reason why people don't study the book of revelation is because they've been they've been told or taught or it's been demonstrated to them or they just picked up on the idea of it somewhere along the way that it's not possible to understand it number four assumption that i bring is that i believe the book can be understood more than that i believe it was written for the poor and the uneducated of the earth in fact the simpler you are the more likely you are to be able to understand the book the more intelligent you are and the more prideful you are the the less likely it is that you're gonna be able to understand anything in the book now jesus taught this over and over again in his ministry he said if you're you want to understand you need to be like a child you need to be simple you need to be humble of heart you need to be childlike in your mind and your understanding and your disposition i want to encourage this at the beginning don't read this book like a seminary student seminary students and seminary professors don't know what to do with this book you ask your random you know your average seminarian who is right now studying the bible they get to the book of revelation and it's shocking what's being taught in seminaries why because if you approach this book with pride and intellectualism there's a steel wall that's impenetrable that you can't get through or around this book forces humility i'll give you an example you know when my kids i've got different age kids and the younger that my kids are the more likely it is that their books have more pictures and less words the older my kids are the more the less pictures and the more words they are when we look at the book of revelation the book is filled with imagery filled with symbols now these symbols here's the beautiful thing about the symbols and we'll get into this more in future sessions in terms of the hermeneutics or the interpretation of symbols but here's the good thing the beautiful thing the encouraging thing about the book of revelation and its symbolism all of the symbols are interpreted by the text itself in the vision there's no symbols that we're left wondering what does it mean now the issue is because a lot of people ask the question is it symbolic or is it literal that's the wrong question to ask the right question to ask is what does it mean or how does the text interpret itself so for example you see seven golden lamp stands you see seven stars and the lord says i saw john says i saw seven stars these are the seven angels i saw seven lampstands the lord told me those are the seven churches of asia minor it's interpreted in the text we we don't need to sit there going yeah i wonder what that means i wonder what you know i saw ten nations or i saw the ten horns and heads and it's described as being nations you don't have to bang your head against the wall god i wonder what horns and heads mean that it says in the text itself that it means nations so the point is this even the most complicated and complex symbols in the book have very childlike symbol interpretations of the symbols you know no one comes to the book of revelation or reads chapter 13 that describes chapter 12 and 13 it describes the dragon and you go hmm i wonder who the dragon is well it says the dragon quote the great serpent of old satan our enemy our accuser it describes him in many many different ways because the issue is this the lord gave it in a visual way so that we can understand it not so that we couldn't understand it now if the lord wanted to make it complicated he wouldn't have used symbolism but if you want to help children or illiterate people or uneducated people or simple people if you want them to understand something what's the best way to do it draw a picture if you've lived anywhere where the people around you didn't speak your language or you didn't speak theirs what's the best way that you can communicate you draw pictures where is this what is this you draw pictures and this is the language of the book of revelation it's childlike imagery like a comic book and once we get into our next sessions when we talk about the structure of the book here's what i think is a very helpful way to think about the book of revelation it's as if john this is an analogy by the way it's as if john was on the island of patmos and the lord says okay i really want john to understand the events that must soon take place so it's as if jesus shows up on the beach pulls up a lawn chair they wait till sun to go down it's dark and and the lord says all right john i brought a projector and a screen and we're going to watch this together because it's easier if you see it than if i describe it with my words i want you to see it john so he presses play and presses uh you know he turns the projector on presses play and the events begin to unfold he sees a throne room he sees people in the throne room around the throne room and one on the throne and he describes what he sees in chapter four then he sees the lamb of god approach and take the scroll from the hand of the one on the throne we see in chapter six he begins to tear the seals he's watching a video and during the the story line unfolding it's as if the lord presses pause and goes hold on john let's talk about what's going on here because you're probably undone and overwhelmed by what you just saw with the tearing of the seven seals let's talk about what's taking place on the earth during that time when we talk about chapter seven we see we have a description of what's taking place on the earth that's almost like a pause in the story and then the lord goes are you good you're good you got it and john goes yeah i think i got it he goes okay let's go on with the story he presses play and then we have the sounding of the seven trumpets and john goes whoa that's crazy what about what about what about what about what about what about israel what about the church what about the nations what about the enemy and the lord goes okay let's put pause on the timeline let's talk about what's happening behind the scenes as chapter 8 and chapter 9 are unfolding let's look at what's taking place on the earth in chapter 10 with the release of the prophetic ministry let's look at chapter 11 with the release of authority the two witnesses to prophesy and to confront the antichrist let's look at chapter 12 with what satan is doing on the earth attacking the people of the covenant let's look at chapter 13 to see what the enemy is doing with the beast and the false prophet let's see chapter 14 what's taking place in jerusalem at that time and then chapter 15 let's see what's taking place in heaven because you got it and john goes yeah i got it he goes okay let's move on with the rest of the book the sound the pouring out of the seven bowls of wrath one two three four five six he goes hold on hold on what happens next after the bulls are poured out and the lord goes i will show you a succession of events from the return of jesus the establishment of the millennial reign to the release of satan at the end to the restoration of all things to the healing of the nations so it's it's very symbolic yes but the symbolism is not intended for you to be confused it's intended to prevent confusion so the assumption is this the book can be and must be understood number five the last assumption that i want to bring to the table and we're going to bring this session to a close with what it means to keep the book number five my assumption is this i believe that what we would call a maranatha lifestyle is the way forward in going deep in the book of revelation what does that mean the maranatha lifestyle if any of you have been tracking with these bible studies for a while you know the how precious and valuable this word is to us maranatha means the lord came for sin to die on the cross in our place and to rise from the dead to be seated at the right hand of the father and maranatha means he's coming again and maranatha also means lord come it's intercessory so we approach this book by understanding that jesus we declare and we treasure the jesus who came and we declare and we treasure the jesus who will come again we need to go deep in the maranatha framework of the book of revelation because he came and he's also coming again which takes us back to the first point this book is first and foremost about jesus and a maranatha lifestyle because maranatha is a message there is a ministry mandate associated with it but it's also a lifestyle the way we choose to live our lives in light of the one who came and in light of the one who's coming again we decide to give of our time of our resources of our affections in ways that correlate to what we see in the scriptures about this man the maranatha lifestyle is the way forward look at verse three we'll close with this blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy number one blessed is the one are those who hear and blessed are those who keep what is written in it for the time is near this is the only book in the entire bible that prominent promises and guarantees a blessing if you read it out loud that's a that's a pretty staggering reality and i can bear testimony on a personal level that studying this book in a concerted way in a deliberate way individually and in my family and as a community has brought such rich deep blessing and i believe that we forfeit this rich great blessing when we don't obey this verse in chapter three this is this tells us something about the value of this book that it's intended to be pursued with diligence it's intended to be pursued with diligence the three dynamics you're blessed if you read it out loud you're blessed if you hear it and you're blessed if you keep it now reading it out loud there's not a lot of question as to what that means it just means we're blessed if we read it out loud so you should read this book out loud by yourself and with others just read it have reading parties i remember when i first started getting into this this is what we would do with my buddies we'd get together in the evening and we would just read the book out loud to one another our bible studies quickly shifted from us talking theology to just reading the book out loud and washing ourselves in it now i can close my eyes and the book is in me i don't need the book anymore because i know the book it's in my memory bank and i never tried to memorize it it's just i'm so familiar with it now it's like the movies you watch as a kid that you just you know 20 years later you watch it and you remember all the lines of the movie because it's just it's just in you hearing the book obviously that's pretty straightforward as well you're blessed if you hear the book which means the people around us are going to be blessed when we read it when we declare it the people in the hearing of it that hear this book and begin to interact with it why are you blessed to hear this book because it reveals jesus and he is the most glorious thing to contemplate this is the definition of being blessed is knowing him when we read it when we cherish when we see him in the text we're blessed so the third component here is those who keep what is written in it it's not enough to just read it it's not enough to hear it we need to keep the book so here's five ways in landing that i think we keep the book number one we keep this book by taking it seriously this isn't a joke it's not a weird uh fantasy book this isn't this is to be taken seriously i believe that this is one of the great revolutions that's going to take place in the body of christ globally over the next decade with all of the uncertainty and shaking that's taking place because of all of the what 2020 was and what all of 2021 will be the lord is shaking the foundations of all that can be shaken so that we would take seriously this incredible book and i do believe that the lord is bringing judgments on the earth so that we would take seriously the spirit of prophecy and the testimony of jesus this book is not about events it's about jesus and the jesus is going to initiate these events so it's a package deal you get him you get the events but we don't want to focus on the events at the expense of not having a burning heart because we never encountered or interacted with jesus i know a lot of people out there all over the world on youtube channels and blogs and wherever who have you know are are very detailed in their study of of eschatology or the end times but they don't even have a relationship with jesus meaning they have a form of godliness but not they deny the power it's a counterfeit we don't want to have accurate end times theology and be devoid of a tender burning heart and growing up into maturity we need to take this book seriously that's what it means to keep it secondly the way we can keep the book is by treasuring the faces of jesus that we read in it there's a lot of things that we see in jesus about jesus in the book that are very confronting and very very troubling things that are very unnerving and it's important that as we go through this we cherish we take seriously we cherish every face and nuance and implication of who jesus is the next way that we keep the book is by declaring the message of it even unto death this is how we keep it throughout the book and we'll look at this as we go further into it and deep into it that martyrdom is a very very prominent theme and subject in the book of revelation now part of this a lot of the martyrdom comes down to the fact that we are declaring the martyrs are declaring the message of the book so they're killed for it this is a way this is one of the ways that we keep the book is by faithfully declaring it even unto death another way that we keep the book is not succumbing to the cultural temptation to explain away the realities in this book meaning culturally today there's lots of reasons that you can explain this away you can say this and that and it's popular today like doubt in cynicism and skepticism is heralded today as a virtue and noble like it's a holy thing to lose your way and to to deconstruct your faith beloved there's there's no blessing in deconstructing the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints that's actually the way to the lake of fire the way of blessing is not to explain the bible away or to deconstruct it or to destroy it or project what you want it to say but actually letting it say what it says and letting it instruct us on how we should respond to it the way we keep this book is by resisting the cultural ground swells that come and lap on the beaches of civilization throughout the ages that encourage the saints to minimize or to undermine or to deconstruct the realities mentioned in the book of revelation there are some heavy things in here that the nations of the earth will kill people over if we take them seriously because these messages are very very threatening to the power structures of the nations of the earth and when the body of christ begins to live free from the powers of the air we become a threat to the powers of the air this is a very key component that we're going to look at very much in the days ahead and lastly we keep the book by creating or forging a corporate culture where the book is cherished where the book is cherished we create we forge we fight for a culture a corporate culture wherever we live i live here in the golan you live where you live beloved here's how you keep the book where you live you cherish the book and you create a culture in an environment a shade tree as it were that people can come sit under the shade of it they can drink from the well dig a well in the book of revelation so that people can come drink from it to be refreshed by it to be made ready by it you're setting up an oil stand and selling and giving away oil to people by going deep in this book but it's not just an individual thing we need to forge a corporate culture where this book is cherished where it's honored where it's taken seriously with that beloved thank you for watching this thank you for joining with us in this journey and i want to encourage you go the distance don't you know let this be one of those things where you start hot and heavy and you fizzle out halfway through it i want to tell you if you go the distance and you test this test this give a year to the study of the book of revelation in a focused way with and what i mean by focused is you know you go hard for a couple days you have a couple days where you you know you wane but then you come back and you give it another couple days maybe two weeks goes by and ah i forgot about it you come back but you keep coming back the consistency the intentionality is what makes all the difference in the end and this is what i believe the lord is calling you and i to in 2020 and 2021 to go deep in the book of the revealing the apocalypse the word apocalypse simply means the revealing the disclosing the putting on display of jesus our magnificent savior and king so with that guys thank you for watching tune in next week for session two when we begin to dive into the book joel will have a session as well on some introductory thoughts and then we're gonna dive headlong into the book and get into it and i can't wait bless you and maranatha
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Id: RdoC1o4MVL4
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Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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